Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, January 27, 1795, Image 1

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[No. 23 of Vol. VII.]
110,000 Wfight of
Green Coffee,
In 87 hlids. 40 bar els, and 200b:igs, entit
led to the drawback, stored on Messrs.
Willing & Francis's wKarf.
i/l id Iff t,tb Pr*of
Bourdeaux Brandy,
33 nipes ol London particular Tenanff-,
and London par ticular Madeira WINES,
tn hhds. pipes, and quarter talks,
VJalagi DO. in quarter casks,
Anriguaand ot'*er RUM in birds.
Sr. Cr oix Sl?(i AR ot the firft quality,
■Sr Mark 1 : MOLASaES,
Hylon TEA, ,
j.uuaica SPIRITS,
Holland (.IN. in pipes,
LOAF SUGAR,in bhds.
t'Ei'PER* fcc.
Levinus Ctarl-fon,
Ne 2■ 4, You til Water St i«et.
D c. 4 ri '
Whereas an attach
jneM at the suit of the
aari fiugu'ar the youds asd chattels, ri -lit
»ndcred.ts, which were of William Bur
net decea.'ed, at ths time of his death,
*h;ith been issued out ol" the Inferiour Cxuat
of comwirapleai, ill avdfor the Countyof
Middtefex, against tlte Goods and Chattels
Lands and Tenements of licnius Martin,
Irte of returrabletn
the tlvrdTuefday in July last. NOTICE
is lr-1 ahf Riven to the laid Ircnius Martin,
t'rat tn'i-ft he appear and file tpeeial bai'to
the sIM action, eh or before.tbe thirdTaef*
dav in January next, judgment will be en
tered a„ni.ift hijii v dehiolt, and
and chattels, lands and ttnt-r-ie-rit j .0 it
tached, fold for 'he tatistasSiorr «f such of
hi-'-creditors as stall appear toi>e jnftly 11,-
titied toany demand thereon, anfr f:all ap
plv fei'that- porp >le, according toiheforjn
of theTlatute infuch cafe rnade&r provided
By order of the Court,
DEARE, Clerk.
Ait?. 10, I awtf.
Bijlant Subscribers
For thi - Gazette, are hereby refpeCtful
ly requefled :« pay up their Supfcriptions
to Ihe firft of January next. The Editor
vill be under the necefiity of confidcring
those tyho do not then -renew their Sub
scription try- paying Si* Months in Ad
vance, as declining to take the Paper any
longer. "
A» there is a con fiders^bte"Sum due from
jt mo'e r he half Week
1y ?a, cr by "tW.Editor, be most
earnestly rcquefts those who may be delir.-
qnenr, to take the earliest opportunity of
jemitfit g him :he balance they may ref
f- j vt 1v be indebted—tne sums a»e indi
vidually ti iflif g—the want of the Aggre
gate is fevejely fWt.
A pleasant Country
MAY be hired far one or more years
«iid p.lfeffion given immediately, consist-
A neat three story brick hoofe
with a barn, a well of water, and an excel,
lent biar ng Orchard, containing i 50 trees
—It is fituafed 4 miles fromthe city be
tweenthe WifTihickon road and the Schuyl
V), at the diftmce of an ag eeable wa&
from that river, where a pleasure boat may
l»e conveniently kept. The quantity of
Land raay be confined to B,or extended to
any uiuber of acres not exceeding 40.
Apply to Jonathan Williams jun. at
Mount Pleafanr, adjoir.iiijr the Premises.
I J a «- 13 _J 2awtf
Just Published,
By Samuel H. Smith, and fold by Mr. Ste
phe-s, No 57, fonth Second street,
General Durnourier,
■ f 7
Walker's TRIAL,
Aikin's Letters on Literatu-e and
theCotiduft of Lite,
How to Grow Rich, a comedy,
The Woodman, a comic opera.
Inthecottrfe of this month, S. h. Sjiith
wHI puU'ilh No. > of the Monthly Rev iew
c. i
Such Gentlemen as wish to he fupp lied
*th this work, are reqoelled to leave
their names with Mr. Stephen', or with
the Piibli/her, ia Cherry, above Fourth
Jan. 6 2awsw
A Large AJfortment of
Warranted Watches
$'om 14 to 40 dollars—a very general af
fenraent of Watch-Materials, Chains,
leal*, tc. &:c.—and a few very hand
French Mantle Clocks,
For fa;e on low terms, for Caih by
John J. Parry,
Clock and Watch Maker, No. 38, fouth'Se
comi itreet,
C 3" An Apprea'ice wanted.
J*"' la tisf&sgw
For Sale or Charter,
Robert Robert/on,
She is in romftleat repair, and of about
3100 barrels burthen.
Jefle & Robert Wain.
Dec. 19 d
For Hamburgh,
7be fajl-failmg Jhip
LYING at Walnut-street
-vha f, will fail in about 15
da. not prevented by ice) havihg f
reat part of her cargo engaged For
fre : ghr or pnfege apply to JOHN BROWN
at laid wharf, or
Thomas Newman,
No. 118, Sooth Sccond-ftsect.
Dec. 2*B. . <ttf
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & Son.
OA. 31 d
Nicholas Diehl jun.
his friend; and the Pjibugi that in
c i»ltf|uenceo> the Resignation of jolinHal'
l»e ias been comraiflioned
as a
V/ithin the City of Philadelphia, and at
prefect ket?ps i,is ' Ofsce at
Ne. 19, foutb Fourth Street,
Until a rtiore cosiveuiejit (liuation can be
prccOT?' d.
N. B. *He flill means to aa as an At
torney at Law and Conveyawcer.
Jan. j. i; 95 3tawtf
_ J±~.A Z A-R- JTI
Hiilorical Collections.
At the Stone House, No. 41, South Second
Historical Colledlons,
State Papers,
And othei Authentic Documents, intended as
an H1 story of the
By Ebenezer Hazard, A. M.
the American Philofoph'cal Socicty, Fel
low® the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, and Correspondent Meri.bcr of
the MafTachnfetts Historical Society.
Two large quarto volumes, price Ten Dol
lars in boards.
A few copies of the second volume which
have been lubfcribed for, and for which «he
fubferibers have paid one dollar each, arc/till
on hand. Subscriber» will please call for
them at T. Dobfon's Store.
The importance of materials for a History
of the United Sates will begenerally'ackttow
thrtTtfign of rtit? compilation is to
pielerve the early and authentic documents
on this fubjeft which had become exceedingly
scarce, and were not obtained without diffi
.Many of these papers are very curious, and
will be highly entertaining to the lovers of
American Antiqnitips, and when
as authentic memoirs of the early transac
tions of a people destined to occupy a diftir.-
guifhed and enviable station in the annals of
human liberty, they become peculiarly inter
filing and important.
Ec - 23. saw 4W
Cani o* Nail Faflory,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjlantly for fate,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brads, Sprig"! and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the ftrffandfe.
cond parts, being the most aproved sys
tem of Rules and the best celeftion of
Tunes now in use,
Alfa for Sale,
Machinery for making Cards
On an li»pr6rcd Conftru&ios.
Oft 2 lawtf
Tuesday, January 27, 1795.
At the STORES of
JefTe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipe?, hlids. ar.c! quir
ter casks
LISBON pipes and qnartercafks
Souchongaod Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lifbonand CadizSALT
Sift (helled ALMONDSin bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Russia MATTS.
Jon* 9 d
Short Nankeens, entitled to the Drawback
No. 40, north Fifth street.
, This Day was published,
TP, ice 25 cents'] ,
T. Brad-ford s Book-Store,
No. 8.
South Front Street,
CRATS; or Observations of. a Pamphlet
entitled, "The Political Piogrefs ef Bi i
At the fime place may be had,
TAIN ; #r, An impartial History Ol'sbufe 1 !
in the government rS the rmpi-e,"
in Europe, Alia, and Atnerica; t'ro.n tl.e
revolution in 1668 to thepreftm time, &c
Tfce celebrated COMEDiES of
ra, by Henry Sid.lons.
And, as ufnal,
An Assortment of BOOJCS
In Law, Phvfic, Surgery, Clisrriftry, His
tory, Agricu tu e. Arch:tenure,
and Mathen atics—
With a general AiTjrtme; of
Stationary of all kjads.
Tamiarv, 1:95 '! il
To be Sold,
Tract of Lan 4,
BETNG that part of t! ' -w
Brunfwit k t!ia' ) • 1
eriet a:-d state of New Jcrfey. It contains
wpwcirds of 600 aci es of very valuable
and is bounded on the south by the public
road that Jeads from New York to la
d,elphia for near two miles, on the eafl by
the river Raritan for near a mile, and lays
in a triangular form. Buildirfg Lots On se
veral streets in this part of the town fe 1
irom five to ten dollars and two th rds a
foot fioht, and the extension of Albany
street, which the fituutioh admits of fora
least half a mile, will open a new source
for ve: y plea'ant Sc commodious situations
for dwelling hou r es. Aco fide'a ; ~ le fparce
along »he river Is well.calculated for build
ing ftor. -hnufes anri wharves, and
a feat for a Grift Mill on the bank of the
river, which may be fiapp ied with water
from the Mile-Run by a fulverraneous paf
,rage already dug, where v eft els of 300 bar
rels burthen may conveniently load .nd un
load. There are now on the premises a
good FannHoufe and two la'ge barns, a
commodious new Dwelling House two sto
ries high, 42 by 32 feet (quart, intended
an<J w.l! calculated for a, with very
good cellars under the who]e 9 and a kitchen
30 by 20 feet fiquare, a new wharf of 80
f&et front, and a well built store hoofe o 1
40by 26feetfquare and th-ee Tories high,
and a quarry o! build ng stone on the premi
New Brunfwick,-ore of the most: flouri fil
ing places in New Jersey, lying at the head
of the navigation of the river Raritan, i
the magazine for the reception ofihe pro
duce of a very extensive and fertile coun
try, and is wellfiruated for vend ing every
kind of imported merchandize for supply
ing the country. The easy transportation
of every kind of produce and manufacture
frnru thence to New York bv water, ft
tuation on the post road through the states,
and its vicipitv to Perth Amhoy, one of
fche seaports in the ft a ter, render it an
object wo?thy the attention of persons who
have the means and know how to improve
a situation so well calculated for commerce
or manufa<stu:e.«,
Th premises will be fcewn by John Par
ker or James Cole, at New Brunfwick, and .
the terms and conditions of sale, made
known by
James Parker,
Of Perth Amhoy.
J"i- »9 nwf
George Green,
Informs his Friends and Cus
tomers in particular,and the
Public in general,that he has
a New four horse Stage,
For journeys,and a number of genteel
and close Carriages with good horses and
careful drivers to let on as moderate terms
as any other person in the city. Enquire at
his Livery Stables in Pine street, No. 123.
Said Green solicits a continuance of
that share of the Public Patronage, which
he has hitherto so amply experienced, and
which (hall be his fttuly rt> merit by his
close attention to bulinefs.
Fine Fresh Lemons,
At Four Dollars the Box,
N T o. 88, Spruce ft'eet, m dway letweer
Second and Third ftreett.
.iJtlino. 30 d
_ Wanted,
A Shiar.lhy of
White Beans,
For which CASH vist oc gtveij by
Edward Stow jun.
iJe. 4, south Water Sheet
Jan. 16 d
CotfOii Bedticks,
, fAmerican Manufjfitire,)
Sj'H to co,,tain the Down aud Feathers,
much better than the tell 1 new Bsdtick
for faie ky
Joseph Turner,
• No. 4, north Third street.
Jan. 10 6t
George Hunter,
At bis Ldrbcratorjy No. 114, foath
Second Jlreat.
II NFORMS his forme? cullomer* and the
public, that h< has the DRI'G bu
fmefs -gain on an rx'cnfive p!?n.
He i>as lor sale a gi neral assortment of
Likewise, paintrr?'colours, dry and ground
in oil, paict l>ri.fhcs, window and roach
glass, dje linfecd oil, oil As turpentine,
copaj otf varn'fh and japan, wdrranirrl good.
A Unni. copuer »s, madder, itwind red wpod
by tfie hogftiead or fmaller-qnant ty.
he imports the fimpl s fir m the best
market , ant) makes the compofrtions and
pieparanons himfclt, he i|>n»hl!-d to vntteh
tor and warrant rver\ Jrtiel fold out ol his
L»horatory, anri likewise i 0 dispose of tlielti
ai the mi<ll reafonahie rates.
£s"' He w.lhes to fII a la,g C LOT ftf
GR'OX'ND, the north-raft roTr -r n't
and EJe«nth-ftree's,eofrt!nnir>g7B feet front
on High.street, and aoo fret
ftreet.Trppofite Mr. Leipei'.new bsil/in»i—
And another LOT on 'he nnrib fiße of Hig 1
the above, 28 feet front, and 200
feet deep. Both lots h-ve Ihe privilege ol J
in theirrcar.
Dec. 13. st f
By Mathtw Carey,
No. 118, Market Street,
1. Charlotte, a tale of truth,
By Mrs Rovj/o?i, cf the "New-The atre
Second American edition—Price 75 cents.
[The rapid sale of the First Edition of
this interesting novel, in a few months,'
is the heft proof of its merit.]
ExtraM from the Critical Review 9 April
1791, p. 468.
It maybe a talc of truth, for it is not un
natural, ai d it is a ta!e of real dlflrefs—
Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re
commended to a school from humanity ra
ther than a conviction of her integrity of
the regularity of her former conduCt, is en
tice<l from her governess, and accompanies
a young officer to America—The marriage
ce'em ny, it not forgotten, is poftponec!,
and Charlotte dies incon
stancy ofher lover, and treachery of his.
friend, —The situations are artless and af
f.-Ctipg—the descriptions natural and pa
thetic ; we should feel for Charlotte if I'uch
a perfbn ever ex ftcd, who, for error,
fcarceiy, perhaps deierved so severe a pu
nifliment. If it is a fiction, poetic jnftice
is not, we think, propt r\y diftributeil. "
2. The Inqirfitor— bv Mrs. Rowfon, f»-
ennd Philadelphia edition. 87--J Cents
•3. Adventuresof Roderic Random. 2 vols
1 dollar and 52 c.cyits, coarse pnp?i—l
dollar and 75 cents, fine.
4. Notes on the state of Virginia—by Tho
mas JefTeifon. Price, neatly bound, one
'' 'dollar and n I^'f.
5. History of the French Revolution, from
its commencement to the death ot the
Queen and t'e execution of liriffot.
Two dollar s.
li The authors jjave prefnmed to affix to
t 1 eir tit'e the epithet Impaitiali and the
reason is, because they cannot charge them
felve* with feeling the totalled any 1
party, but that ot truth and liberty ; and
they flatter themselves, that their readers 1
will n-t only every circwmftance fafrly
ieprelVntrd, but every cenlurable aCtior, '
whoever were the authors or aCtors. mark
ed in its proper color*. If it was necessary -
to make a declaration of their own princi- «
pies, they won they are neither tor)
nor republican—They love liberty os Eng- •
lifh wh/gs, and execrate every crimW % al aCt
by which so noble a caufeis endangered and
44 In the present ferment of the pub»"r
mind, they cannot flatter themselves wity
the hopes of feeing thvs claim uuiverfall)
ifkiow On (),» lkt\ arc
that theft t luf It eacftubk
''tie ; • U' - ( til tin e
thai] (WffipjiteTl tic;, .al it p
tio'U they v. itn I' ltK- r ? ffdti'ee > xpefi that
• rtritft Iron J. c . . vli C h car,dor
ivprfcra>.»4eM.ip.i. |'~U-to Ive.
Jaxi'/.sv, i 7S4 —f»gf se.
"We ,-avf i eV;K n' ; v der'ive'd lniicbplea
«"<• a<q«.:»• <' nrticti in formation ft bin
H'tijeie volumes; Hivtflc
tbeai, b«h t r m,t jji «nd ft) It, vim thy
the at tent •> «>f *11 w .... it tf r e ft tlicsnleh et
in <v rtswh'ch J fo juftlyexciird j! e
cvr". fit* a< «l'*ffoilWWeiif riai kii'd.*"
i>. PWdins hittbry of t'.f Hritifliempire
iSoHj May 1 *92, to Pcembcr 1793. A
dollar,a qu:'iter. ("This is asir.tei--
«ftingn» c s!i- ; Me a publication as had
r.ppea-ed tt r na'y years J
7. Beattic's •E'etSteni'" nf Moral SctrrCf.
*voN. Our c' i! 4 three quarters
8. Ladies J I!.' . y .Se-onc! American
, edi ion. 8; 4 certs. Cokt.mmko—
Mlfi Wooit's ElTavs ; Dr. Gregory's l_e* *
pacy t > hi? Uat!*h'<-t*; Lack Per nit»g.
tons iir so tunt' e ntoMiei '> ad v to t>«>
D'twp'U" s: Miirchwßsfs de Lamb rt's
Advice tohcr daughter, Mrs
Chapotie's lefer 00 t' e gov eminent «f
the temp I ; Swift's 1 e'ter to a Voting
Lady newly marri c*; Moore's Fubtes
io' the Kentvlc >CT
6' Ji-u nul clmaiit ntt Stjnuren France At.
pins le ccMptnejerc n en- d'.>otiJ jiilqu'y la
mid Decembic; anqneieft ajontemrent
ties c-venertcr's les p'-us :enia cjnabies c;ni
c -onten lieu a S>a«i<, d cf-'t cpnqi'.e,
jtifqu'a la. raon du rri tic Fiance.
Bound, 2 i_.,s dollar I—f»w»d,1 —f»w»d, 2 dollar*
to. Fdward'l ttrattfe on the rel:g ; nn? af
fefti-ns. Coat-re paper, a clollai fine,
a dollar and a half.
u. Kghts of Woman—by Mrs. Woltton
crafi-s, A dollar.
■2. Willifou's Meditations —
6c cents.
1 i - Biinynn'? If ly War, made by Sbaddai
• »g?inft D nbr.'ils.
• 14. Shott accoliMt of Algiers Second edi*
tiotr, enlarged—2s rents,
j Containing—A description of that crttip
j fr ' —ofibe manners and of tl<e iA"
baSitanti—and of tbeirfeve. al wars
s jSpair, F atve, England, Koliai d, Veir'cr,
j 'aiKli>tier powers of 1 nope—term tlren
'nrpation o( BailnrolTa anrl t'ie invafcu of
r Churlcs V, to r!,i> pi c!. t tint's?— With a
i corfcife view of tbe origin of the war be
, twee.l Algiers anrftlte United States.
Embe lilbrd with a n-irp of Rarbary; crm
. , pje' ending Morocco, Fez, Al«iti's> Turii»,
, 1 and Tripoiy.
) To tbe prcTent edition is add.'d a very
1 CO ptoos index, containing lettrr from
sundry American prisoners in A!g.ieis to
tbc;r frier.ds tn tbe United States—a lift lit
• the V T flelj tajceu—and i»:ny verv inteTcft'
ing articles not in tbe fij ft edition.
*5 Blaii's fctfturcs on Rbt-roricand' Bel! 9
Letter* Three do'lnrs 33 rents.
16. Smith's Letters to Mai rti-d Worren, on
nirfinjand the management of children. £4
1-? cents.
17- American Farmer's letters. 80 cen's.
rB. Mi Res Magizme. 2 *pls. j dol
) iar 33 cents.
hetx< een 7 Cover.
n< fs And fcvcral Young Ladi.< so( Qualitv
her feHolars. —In which each .Ladv i* med'e
to speak accoicfing to her partiti'ifar gr-nim,
|tetnper ana inclination—Their Icveul !su| Si
are pointed out, and the e»fy way to amerd
I them, as well as to think, and I, rak, and
/ afl properly ;no less. caic I e ; ng t.ken m
form their hrarts to poodnefs, than to en.
- lighttn their undetflattrrinjrs with ust f ul
- knowledge, A short and clear abriflgniftnt
. it alio given of lacrcd and pro'ane Htftfjry,
. and fomc lessons in Geog.aphy. The ufrfnl
t is blended throughout with the agreeablr,
the whole being mterfpeifcd with pioper re.
; flexions and moral Tales.
19. Duncan's Elements of 80 cents
| 2®. M'F'ngal, an epic pornt. l-icmts.
. ai. Tench Cosf's rxcminaiiou'M I.oid Shef<
field's ob Jervations. 62 1 2 cpntj,
82. Ladies' 37 1-? <en s.
23. Smiflj'i biilory of New Y->ik, from its
( discovery to 1 dollar 25
24. Compieie A'Ja.s for thfpr fnr war.VmJ'
' tainirg maps of Fiauce. N'tjlrrr*, Ira'y, and the
WcO-Indif*". 2 dollar*.
25. Cortftitirtioni of the United Starm, wit*|
(l»c Federal C'onft tut ior>- 62 1 2 r. si <.
26 Peyton's Gramrr»ur for to
Icam jor nrs. x
27. £pi6tcii Enchuidioo. 31 ccms.
28. Gay's FaMes. 31 cents.
29. Chnftun Er-morny . 25 c-nip,
30. Chaims us Melody, a choice colJfflfon
of 2$ crvte.
31. Amcucari Museum, 12 vols, Qvo. X ne«
trcn dollar arni 2CJ cent, 1 -.
44 Ihe Amer'c; n Mn 1 , t-.rr. is n:>r /mly cm
neptly calcillatrd to difffmiifWf \>< !• cal Jitid
oihci valuidle infoiqx*iirr, s lut it 1.a., l-frn
itn ilorin J\ eordi.&rfl wiH, 'aftr, arte 1 t «».r,
r»r»»|.ri"v. J, to tftife'jrtif.ortait 01-jffls be."*
.iupofadcto the more nr.n>t I'iate 0 (7 •p. n*
ri .l>llc docuirieins from n 1 1 1 jop. | •
.yvfjt vCiv.ufe lo pronounce, my 1
that a inoie uffliil literary pl-tn n-vtr
bem undertaken in Ame»ica, nor «tle iroic
dclcrving/)f pno lie £nr'f.i r *t«mrnO
*3. of Col. Humphrey*. 37 .1-2 Cents.
34. Cato him n * *r. IB i-e e« ; fil.s
SfrjTem Pain: 's 18 j- terts
36. Carey's aeeocm of fh«- Yellow T
rdilton. ont».
37. Dcvoui Ciiiiftun's Vade C\v;m. 9/j
cery fy'
38. Ga»der. o r »br Sr>v\ r> trrrts.
39. Thirk vi/eM or':, j.
41 . Doji.y Hit>le. 6
Nov. 29 ecdvl