Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, January 21, 1795, Image 1

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    . C "■ _ •- .. ■ > i j > '■% it,*, •
i ' ,' * . - ' & ir V, gj ; A- - v .•
• : -- r V■ .v \ a; J'' V
oasefte of Jlfafcg
DAILY EVENING advertiser.
-— — r**n 1 Te
[No. 1 8 of Vol. VII.]
.rt Nenkec", MtUe Drawback jfl
»■.•* on AT
10. 40» north Fifth street. j
], ,o daw I
w«eto of I
Green Coffee,
' ,87 hluk. 4»l"»'--i-t »«* *®P bj Ss» entit I
ieil t»ihe <1 ■ awluck. Qorer! «r> MalEfV I
V.'Lr iifc V vba-t*.
I/7 aJ t» I'l 'i/ I
Bourdeaux Brandy, IJj! I Pra
'. L • :•<< >••. p.*. titular Madeira WINES, I
yj*.rip?*. a id quarter eMks, I
Malaga DO.annual 10 c*(ki, I
Alt''C l H'ld ot et ilUMin.hhds. I rea
M.C'ii"*SUOAli.«>f the fnfl tjualiiy. I ( : re -,g
y- M»ik» MOLASSES, I at Xa
Hjrfoa *l'l A j
J iinaifa SpmrTS, I
11 >11 IN, m pipes,
I/ ;\F Si; (/VKjin hints. | D
ttfPEi;, %. fit-, I
. > SAM *V I
Lcnntuis Clarhfori, ]r
I „ 2:6. i >MIU water S ic'. I
r £ "
At the STORE.!} of J
effe & Robert Wain, ,
• POilT WINK in pipes, hhdi. and quar I
fir i At I
LISBON d *"4 qorfrter casks j —
So!!C l u"<£ar<i Cungn TEAS, in quarter j ,
rhell'i rf# - I
4 <.• -ssvjjtity »f Liiliun and Cadiz SALT I j„(j
So''- !• ..!<•' \LV.CNOSJnbaIc* I Coll
VoI.'t'COKKS, U'do- J low
Hi ,'ja MAI IS. 1„
|us *f H I
Defiant Subfcribcrs■ |
T" 1 i.» (j.feru. iirc fi'e»eby reljpe<sfcful- j
. ifjuefteH o pat up their Snpfcriptions 1
j» ;!ie Cwft ol" v ?>etsi. The Editor I iVd
wi)i'. t Older t«c ot ciwifidfTinp { Drj
tiolr who do not Then renew thtrir Sul> I
fti'>|iynr. paying Six Months in Ad- I r
■%4Sf\, a s dsclinii £ to tike the Paper airv 1 lo r;
' I J
As there is a cO',fr!er*l>ie S»m due f'om I __
r-rrnite SaWcii'ws for thelate hall' Week- I
K Pu ; J'Jbcd bjr the Ed'ror, he most I
t'ar-icgy ■ r —.■ ■ n V (»■ ■ ~1 . -
lid,, r» take the ea heft opportunity
ic;.i'uti"g kim te«h«y irray ref-I
be i'.idtl) ed—li.e fumj are indi-1
»r!u i.iljf y'®" 6 — tlic «ant ol' the Agg r '- j
rsjv wi'cly fe\t. I
plcafant Country Lj
Seat r
be hiied fur one or more years j
•» p»;fcffi(>ii given imiixdiately, consist- I
'1 U 1
A neat three story brick howfe I At
v I
\ lk ,ba;u,a Kcllei Wj.:er, and an excel- I
lent I).»i-n; Orchard, c«ntair.iulg 15° trees I
—li Hfiru.'ed 4 jniles ftoinjhe city he- J B)
t vce.itU W'fljiiick >n roadaniij* Sclmyl j
k ~ at rhr dill nice of an ap ctabk wa?k 1
thatrfvei , whe ea p egfuie boat may |
k.' crv.ive lientiy kepi. The rjuantiiy of!
I.aM b cnnfliied to B,or extended to j
k J Uiiiicr ot arres not exc»<ding 43. I
A f)'y to J'wJathan Willia :is jun. at j; P e ifant, adj lining tbe PriniifeJ. j ' ia
|j.n. 4 J 2awtf Ilu
just Pu jlifbed, I th
r-„; - hi" n n--UMinr, S* d rord bv Mr. Ste- 10l
p'.e 1 N T i 57, sooth Second rt-reet, lie
General Dumouricr, Cl
Walker's TRIAL, h:
A.kiu's Lt-titf. s on Literature and j
ol L«fe,
How to Grot/ R:cb, a comedy, I e
Ihe Vt, t *\ comic opera. |
I" the eourfe ot this month, S. H. S.nitli I
U'ti No. 1 oi'the Mouihly Review I
r *I« ■ ed. j
S ich as wiiYi to tic f-ipplied I
v tl. this wi.jk, .irr ie<juefted to leave 1
I eir names with M . Srej h#f>s, or with 1
il»e »n above Fourth M
6 I
TO rfb SOI.D BY |
Principles and Observations I
or I i
Pot and Pearl AJJks. ,
liil'pr ctor of Pot and Pearl-Alhes for the I I
Commonwealth of Maflachufetts. j t
Piib'ilhed iccordinj; to Art of Congress. j t
' Vhtfc.obfervations relate to an exttr.five I"
iiifinefs ; and are designed, in the plainest I
manner, to t -.vey profitable information I
to thoTc irttrefled in it, who have ne leif
«re o'-'ipp, ♦•unify to feaichfot theprinci- '
pes therein c iua:ned, ia the writijigs ofl
j»i'oiciCiinal t iuwiiis.
Wednesday, January 21, 1795-
, i a. ■ 1
For Sale or Charter, I Va>
' She is in eomfijeat repair, and of altou 1 1
I 3100 bftrreh UurtliMi. J
1 Jeflc & Robert Wain. >
I Dec. 29 j the
I " ' I 101
For Hamburgh, 1^
I The fajt-failing Jhlp I on
j LYING at Walnut-street I
I SaL^r^•",y .vha f. will fail in »bout 15 lon
I days lit .. i prevented by i«e) having ajftn
I teat iMn "f her cargo engaged F«i j 1
| freight or p uTage apply to JOHN BROWN 1 No
| at said wh i' I, or I a "'
Tiiomas Newman, j tai
No. üB, South Second-fti eet. j>l
J Dec. *8. ' d!f g
BuiJington Pork.
j m<
1 Best Burlington Pork, Ihe
Levi Hollingfworth & Son • J m<
1 oa. 31 d |'J S
Nicholas Diehl jun.
I Infomnhis frlencU pnd the Public, that in I
I coiilequeoccol the Resignation of ]ohnHal- I
j lowel, tit)uire be ia* been corarxilfioned I
{at a I
I fa
j Within tbs City of Philldrlphia, ana at I c;
1 j»refent keeps Office at j
j Ne. 19, south Fourth Strett, jta
r I Ur'4il amo e convenient fiiuation can be I
- I procur d. I T!
- I N. B. Hr Hill means to aa a« an At- I T
v I tori.ev ar J aw and Conveyancer. I in
Jan. j i-*)i 3tawtf jin
;i j J re
11 } HA Z -D'i I
( r j HnforicaTC ollecnoßs. f
lAt tile Srone House, |N* J 41, South Second-I
I ftrcr:, I
j Historical Colleftons,
I consisting or j
State Papers,
I And oihei Authentic Documciiis, intended ai j
an H of the I T
i_ [ By F.r&k* zzr H azako, A. M. Mcmh r o. r J
.» J tjbe PiiiiofophicaK Socicty, Fel- I
ik 1 low o t «»e Americau Academy of Arta I
I Sciences, Correfponderft Member ol I
of! the Maiiaci.uf«-!ti H>ftoric?.l Society.
I Two large quarto volumes, price Tt n Dol- I a
0 j lars in hoaijs. ! c
I A few copies of the fecood volume whitw I 3
I have been fubfefribed for, and for which the I j
c j (übienberf have paid one dollar each, are still I
- lon hand. Subfciihcrs will p'cafc cail fori
I them at T. Dobfon'* Store. I
- I 1 tie importance of material! for » History I
te- jot i)>c Unit S.aics will be generally acknow- I A
j ledged ; the design of this compilation is to I 4
I pielerve the early and authentic documents I
J on this fubjeft whieh had becow.e exceedingly I '
I frarrc, and were n»t obtained without diffi- I
j cutis. j
> I Many of ;hefe pafeM are very ciwioul, and I
j will b* highly entertaining to the lovers of I
I Amnitan Antiquities, and whea considered K
jatauthentkc memoirs of the early tranfac-1
, I tior? ot a people delbned 10 r>ccupy a diftir.- I
1 I guifhed and enviable flation in the annals of I
I human iherty, they bccoaie pccvSiiriy inter- I
I efting and impouant.
. v 1 »S- *»*r 4W I
»ve I Can.i y Nail Factory, J
•it'.! J No. 59, north Front street, }
Webster, Adgate & White,
„ I Have conflawtly for fule,
Cotton, VVool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
[fls Of cl! Kinds,
'"I C'.ut Nails of aJlfizes, ;
j Floor B'ad>, Sprigs and Tacks, ■
ON I Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool I
I Hats,
1 A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in I
I lianeli v
I A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia!
the I Harmony, coutaining both tbe fir tt and fe: I
I eond parts, being the mod aproved fyf- 1
■ess. I teni o 1 Rules and the belt cole&ion of!
five | Tunes now in|u(e,
nefl I Alfe for Sale,
tion I a complete set or
kjj- Machinery for making Cards
„ „(•! Oil an Improved Conftruition. I
' Oet- a iawtf I
Valuable Real EJlates by IT*
On Thursday next, the 2id In Rant, at
6 o'Clock in the Evening, at the 7
Merchants Coffee-Houfc, will be fold No. !
by Au&'ion, the following Valuable
Lots of Ground : —
No. ». A tote of ground situate on
I the North fide of Market street between
I toth and u th ftreete, and immediately op- ■y
I pofite the new bu'dliings now erettinft by
( Mr. Thomas Leiper, containing in Front
I on Ma ket street E. and W. 78 feet, and
lin dspb N. and S. 20®, this lot has three Tj 1
I from s ,7Bfeetin Marketftreet, 230 fret irt
I u th street, and 78 feet at the North end
I oil aJo feet street, the privilege of which j a
I street this lot is entitled to.
I No. 2. A lot of, ground situate on the
I North fide of Market street between joth
I and 11 th streets, a t the dittance of about 7;
I tee t East ward of the above lot No. 1. con- Sa
I tain ng in Front on Market street 28 feet m uc
I in depth foufhward 200 feet hiving two f or f
J fronts, and entitled to the privilege of a
I 30 feet llreetat thefouth end.
I Tbe terms of payment are one third of
{ the purchase money in cash, one third hi j.
I three- raonth*, and the other thiTd io fix .
I momlii from the day of the file, Notes to ™~
j he given for the tw« last payments, with
I interest included, the payment of which to
I be well fccured to the fatisfaftion of the
I Proprietor——when an unexceptionable u
I Title of all incumbrances and Hn
■ j mediate polTcffioii tv »l be given. T 5
I Jan. 16, i 795» • 1
• I Edward Pale Aufltoneer. fine
I This Day was publiftied,
I VPrice cents']
i T. Bra&fords Book-Store, I
No. 8. in
South Front Street, I gla
I A BONE, TO GNAW far the DEMO- I co|
' j CRATS; or Observations on a Pamphlet I
1 entitled, "The Political Progress of Bri- J by
> | tain.'' 1
e 1 At the fame place mav be had, 1 nra
: I TAIN { or, An impartial Hiftqry of ?bufcs I Wf
I in the government of the British empire, I La
I in Europe, Asia, and America; from the J at '
1 rcvolutioh in 1668 to the present time, &c j
' I Aifo— '
I The celebrated 4-rrr
I ra, by Hsflry Siddons. I fe(
And, at ufnal, I
An Assortment of BOOKS j "
| I in Law, Phytic, Surgery, Chemiflry, His- I _
I tory, Agriculture, Architcftnre,
and Mathematics—
With a general AflV>rtinent of
Stationary of all kinds. I .
I January, <79j- d I .
George Green,
j Informs his Friends and Cuf- J i
tpmcrs in particular,and the 1B-
Public in general, that he has I g,
oil a New four horse Stage, I['
For journeys,and a number of genteel j
l - I and close Carriages with good horles and 1
j careful drivers to let on as moderate ttrms j
I as any other person in the city. Enquire at I
J his Livery Stables in Pine street. No. 113. I
r I Said Green solicits a continuance of I
or I thatfhare of the Public Patronage, which I £(
M . I he hashitherto so amply experienced, and I t j
w . I which shall- be his study to merit by his It]
to I close attention to business. I t j
nte I Jan. 15 4t 1 a
1 A Large Assortment of I c
J Warranted W^atchesu
"of I From 14 to 40 dollars—a very general as- I £
red I fonment of Watch-Materials, Chain', I'•
ac- I feals,'&c. fcc.—and a few very hand-j 1
i r „ I some I *
sot I French Mantle Clocks,
ter * I For sale on low terms, for Cash by |j,
John J. Parry,
I Clock and Watch Maker, No. 38, fouth'Se- I g
cond street,
An Apprentice wanted.
| Jan. 12 tuf&sjw I 4
te Whereas an. attach
' I 'new at the fait of the admihiftritorsof all |
I and singular the goods and chattels, ri.lits I
land credits, which were of William Bur-|
I net deceased, at the time of his death, I
I I hath been ilf ied out of the Inferiour Coujt I
I of common pleas, in and for the Countyof I
I Miildlefex, agiinft the Goods and Chattels I '
I Lands and Tenements of Irenius Martin, I '
fool I late the COunt y aforefaid, returnable to |
I the thirdTuefday io July last. NOTICE I '
t l ; n lis hereby given to the said Irenius Martin, I 1
I that unless he appear and file fpeciai bailte 1
jhia I t ' le f**' aftioo, on or before the thirdTuef- I
fc- I dgy in January next, judgment will be en- 1
fyf. I tered against him by default, and the goods I '
j o j-1 and chattels, lands and tenem? ntj so at- I
I tached, fold for the fatisfaftion of fucliof I
J his-cr«ditors as (hall appear to be justly en- |
I titled to any demand therein, and (hall ap- j
I ply for that purpose, accordi»g to the form I
CVS I of the ilatute in such cafe made&r provided I
j By order of the Court, I
tf J DEARE, Clerk. I
I Aug. la, 1 awtf. ]
.Fine f'refli Lemons,
At Ftur Dollari the Box,
thomas Randall,
No. SB, Sp.uce street, midway bet*eei ara i ,
Second and Third streets. Exti
12th mo. 30
" A , Ihe.n
White Beans, ; n he r :
For which CASH will be given by cur\<
; Edward Stow jun. 6 '£!
No. 4, Jouth Water Street
I J an - 16 *_ ap
; Cotton Bedticks, 72 8
F ( American Manufacture.)
Said to contain thr Down and Featliers,
t mnch bet ter than the best I'UCH Bedecks.
Joseph Turner, »
' No. 4, north Third street. p
II Jan. i 0 6t
* -r- 1 L
i> George Hunter, 6 .'^
° Chemijl, 9
e At his Larboratory, No. 114, fvsth
'• Second Jlreat. 0
INFORMS hia loniier culloipers and the .
public, that he has begun the DRCG bu
siness again on an cxtcrfive plan. l 0
— He has fur sale a general assortment of
twifc, painters' colours, dry and ground C
, paint bruflies, windnw and coach 13.
dye ftuffs. linseed oil, oil of lurpcniine, a
oil varnilh and japau, warranted good. 14,
uti, cOpoerat, madder, ground red w«od t
■ hogshead or fmallcr quantity. (
tie import* the fimplcs from the best tr? .
t>f and fftakea the compositions and (,at
■ations himkll, he is enabled to vooch s ot
d warrant ever) ait ele fold out of his a ' n(
aioty, and likewise to difftefe of them f ur
noli #eafonable rates. , q,
" He wishes 10 fell a large LOT cf co[
the north;tafl corner of High
containing 78 feet front .
mother LOT on t"* nonh Rde of High ar ]
,n»ar the afcnve, rftfect front, end sob
Ictp. Both lon have the privilege ot a J:°
1 alley in itheir rear. ""
y Mathe\v Carey,
No. 118, Market Street, ,7
Charlotte, a talc of truth,
llrj Re<wfon, of the New-The'atre (
id American edition —Price 75 cents. tt
e rapid sale of the First Edition of te
is interesting novel, in a few months, ar
the beft'proof of its merit.] |ih
•a 8 frtm the Critical Review, April as
1791, p. 468. fc
maybe a t»)e of trurh, for it is not un- I'l
raJ, and it is a tale of real tliftrefs— k
lotte by the artifice of a teacher, re- is
.nendtd to a school from humanity ra- :' r
than a conviction ol her imegrity of "
egularityof her former conduct, is en
I trom her governels, and accompanies
ling officer to America—Tbe marriage 1 -
m ny, if not forgotten, is postponed, c
Charlotte dies a martyr te the incon- 21
:y of her lover, and treachery of his
id, —The situations are artleft and as- 2
ng—the descriptions \iatural and pa
ic; we Siould feel for Charlotte if such ' 2
irfon ever existed, »|jho. for one error,
cely, perhaps delened so severe a pu
raent. If it is a fefcon, poetic Justice
it, we think, properly distributed." „
The Inqnifitor —bv MVs. Howfon, Zt
>nd Philadelphia edition. cents S i
idventuresof.Roderic Random- 2 vol :
dollar and JO cents, coarse paper—l 2
jllar and 75 cents, fine. 2
iotcs onthe state of Virginia—by Tho- t
asjegetfon. Price, neatly bound, on* g
Hilar and a half.
liftorv of the French Revolution, from 3
s commencement to the death of the
ueen and the executioa of Briflbt.
Vo dollars. n
Extract from thf Piufacf. 0
The authors have prefumcd to affix to "
r title the. epithet Impartial; and the P
Ton is, brcaufe they cannot charge them- fl
es with feeling the smallest bias to any r
ty, but that o» truth and liberty ; and v
f flatter themselves, that their readers
I find not drily every circumstance fairly
lefented, b<»t eveVy eenfurable at'tion, '
aever were the authors or nftors, mark (
in its proper colors. If it was neceflirv
tiake a declaration of their own princi
they would fav, they are tory '
• republican—Tbey love liberty as Eng- "
whig«,-and execrate every criminal aft
which To noblea caufeis endangered and
' 111 the present ferment of the publir
tid, they ca-nnot flatter themselves with
i hopes of feeing this claim uoiveffelly
[Whole No. 740.3
(knowltilp. d O . <1* W a*£
f n<// *£urtd that thtjt pugfl B'hV twt le autf-ntl
■t! ii« t«ulcus oj eili. r p*rh - l«U' -win n • wo
(hall tfc« t!na rof politic-ti dec p.
Mon, they with some cinfidet cf txtefi tt ut
■ erdt# (Yam public r.plnion, »b cf r» dor
*t and moderation frldot.' fall to >$afvr.
Extk/iCt hom T«E CRITICAL RlVllW,
1 Jimuarv, 094 —;mn >fc
— " We have certainiy flni>ed ranch p>9-
ure, and acquired much information fioiti
the perusal ef these volumes; and we
them, both for matter and ffyle, worthy
the attentnn of all who inte red themselves
in evtrts s.hich have so justly eetened the
curiosity and aftonifl ment ot mankind."
6. Piowdens history of tIM Brit i(h empire
from May 179 2 > toDtfiembcr 1793. A
dollar and a quarter. [This is rs iiter
j efting an • valinble a publication as hr.d
appeared for many years.]
7. Seattle's Elements as Moral Science.
2 vols. One dollar and three quartets
8. Ladies Library. Second America*
>r$ ediiion. 87 \ cents. Containing— ,
ck' Mis» Moore's Efiaysj Br. Gttgory's La
ptev to bis Daughters; Lady Pennrg
toas ujifoitunate mother'* iid 'ce to Iter
Daughters: Marchioiwfs de Lan h'rt'»
Advice ofa mother toher daughter, Mrs
' Chapone's Letter on the government of
the temper; Swift's I.etter to r Young
—~ Lady newly martini ; Moore's Fables
lor the Female Sex
6 Journal dorant nil Scjouren France de
pths le commei.cemen' d'»out jutqn*a 1«
, midi Decembre; auqt'eleft ; j utcunrecit
deseveneniens las plus rama quables qui
ont eu lieu a Paris, (jcpuis cetta epeque,
, jurqu'a la mori du ro! de France.
" Bound, J l-a dollats—ftvid, 2 dolia's.
- 10. Edward's treatise on the aC.
5 feftions, Coarf'e paper, a dollar—fine,
J * dpllai and a halt.
' Right! of Woman—by Mrs. Wolfton
PA- craft. A dollar.
ta. Willifbrt*s Sacramental Meditatians.—
surd 60 cents.
oach 13. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai V
nine, igatnft D abolus.
oodi >4, Short account of Algiers. Second edi
vaod tion, enlarged—2J cents.
Containing—A description oFthat coun.
: bed try—of the manners and customs of the m-
habitants—and of theirfeveral wars against
Spain, Fiance, England, Holland, Venice,
s j |"' s and other powers of Europe—from the u*
them furpatiop 0 f BaibarolTa and tin invafvon vX
, Charles V. to the present time.—With a
' c . concise view of the origin of the war be*
f nt tWeen Algiers and the United States.
Embellilhcd with a reap of I' ai bary, com
pwiiinnltig MiJtßCftS*, Tti, AJETcrs, Tunis,
High ard T-ripgly.
1 20b t,!e P rc fent edition is added a very
eot a co pious index, containing letters from
sundry American priforers in Algiers to
, t f their friends in the United States —a lift of
__ the veflels taken—and in toy very inteieft
ingartitles not in the firft edition.
15 Blair'l Lectures on Rhetoric and Belle#
Lettera Three dollars 33 >ents.
16. Smith's Letters to Marriod Women, on
>V nursing and the management of children. 63
J' 1-2 cents.
17. American Farmer's letters. 80 cents.
18. YounjMilTtt Magazine. 2 vols, 1 dot-
Uth, 1" 33 cents,
atre Containing—Dialogues between a Gover
ned Jnd several Yonng Ladies ol Quality
her which each Lady is mad«
cents, to speak accoiding to her part ; cnlar emius,
on or temper ana fficlination—Their several laulti,
Dnths, are pointed out, and theeafy vAky to amend
Ithem, as well as to think, Jnd fpe;k. and
April aftpropeily; no le(a care being taken i/>
form their heart* to goodness, than to tol
lighten their understandings with ufeful
refs— knowledge. A short and plcar ibridgnunt
r, re- ' s »lfo given of lacred and prolane H (lory,
ty ra- fomeicllons in Geography. Theufe'uJ
C J- is tloiided throughout the agreeable^
is en , ' ie being inteifpetfed with pioperr^,
panies " c *' ol " anc l moral Tales.
rriaee '9' Duncan's Elements of Logic. 80 centa
ed *c. M'Fingai, an epic poem. 3- 1-a cents.
. ' as. Tt nth Coxe's ejtamtnaiionof Lord Shef»
". ,CO "- field's observations. 61 1-2 centa,
3 , ' s at. Ladies' Friend, y) i-». cen:«,
"j 23. Smith's hiftoryol New York, from iw
nd pa- discovery to 1732. 1 dollar 25cents.
it such Complete Atlas for the present war, eon*
error, taining maps of France, Holland, Nether*
3 P u lands, Germany, Spaio, Italy, and the
)uftice Weft-Indiea. a dollars.
'• ' 2£, Conditutions of the United State*, witU
i, Ej* the Federal Conftitotion. 6* 12 cents.
cents 26. Peyton's Grammar for Frenchmen to
8 voh learn Enjlifh. 50 cents.
pet—l 27. Epitteti Enchmdion. 51 cents.
28, Gay's Fables. 31 cents.
f Tho- 19. Chiiftian Economy . 2j cents.
id, on* go. Cbaims of Melody, a choice colleflion
of Songs. 2 £ ccnts.
i, from 31. Muleum, 12 vole, Bvo. Nine*
of the teen dollars and eo cents#
SriiTpt. " American Mnfeum is not only emi
nently calculated to diHeminate political and
f uther valuable infoimation, but it has beeif
affix to uniformly condufied with talle, attention, 4
ind the propriety. It to ihefe important obji fts be
•them- Superadded 'he more immediaie dtfign, of
to an, relcning public documtfata tfi>in obit 1 100, I t
. an Jj will venture topir.nounce, as my fewtiment,
readers '^ ,l " ufelul iitersry plan has never
e fairly hecß ' n America, ror One more
deserving of public encoutagen" nt."
General Wathington.
| 23. Poems of Col. Humphreys, gi j-2 eeixs.
Icetl y Catech'fm ot Man. 18 1-2 cents.
P rinCl " 35- Tom Paine's Jeffs. 18 1-2 cents
,er ' or ' 36. Carey's account of the Yellow
as Eng- rdit'.on. 50 cents.
in«l act Devout Chiifnan's Vade Mccutn. z$
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38. Garden of the Soul. 50 certj,
r public Think well (Hl't. centa.
es with Doaay Bible. 6 dollaia.
»erfally| Nov. « 9