jjpoi'of aorp-e&at, fn-ilumut, si-ten j;i ■_■ of civ '»' rc*ju*ficom the people called ja- H vb tr their principles flljuld run . igrr.ms anl seditious ext. erne.— L on( ; K-lp ; rit of candour and ttii br ti- -j., te ion . uA againftlhe uttcuipisof one party iiijr. to propufe a precaution a lie- • o' the anliorrats, rep.de whicn > rrr upon the whole more hoitile tlie a to tbef irit of 'he American C institution f] than thole of their antagonists. He alto c( req&cftad gentleman tooblcrvethat bis pre- • sent i.toti .n vf.it not to the nwajiun »f . , ax} pa/i'it'e right. It left the individual t-xadlly where it found him, I'rilefs he afr ">g 1 pirctt tobe an American citizen. Oib'-i"- wi. r s, he mig'.t retain hi' titles un I'ftiir l ed,-as long as he pltafed. £ot i. be rj. wanted aoy promotion of aci*»l nature in ■ this conn ry, i.e .null nfe to it by conform ins; exaiiiy t" the rn;»> U>a P® was therfote bipKlv Jmjproper that fueh ro c " people si: >uld be admitted. It we are a 1 r\era I;)wed to anticipate probabilities, it fe in; will, highly probable tiiat \vt loon ibalb have a uj IU freat nu.-übe* herr. w< A rw croinjronwar to wßitn j. f'l is nothing fi.uii.ir ill liiltory. A la.gfe portion of uropc has already d-clared a- , l)u ," c-.nift titlts, and whs.re the innovations I a eto h-p/r.ii man can pi efume to guess. carr '1 here is at present, in the juilgmeht of dete Mr. Cibc, no law in the tfriiied States, p er f? b.■ which a fore gner can be hindered from |)f( j v.itimrat c'eflions, or ev«n bom coming into this hotife i and if a great number ot tliefe fugitive no ility come over, they 11 mav io'm acij.ure conliderah'/* infl.ience . the tone o. .i.iulong may mfcnfioly change- Se.j in th(iCi>tn'fe of a tew ye. rs, and no per- pul.l i can fav how far siKh a matter may t -^^r spread. /-iter theft, and many Other pre- htory rcrmrX" Mr. Giles read a refo lutioit, wb.ch was in effect as follows. " And in cafe ab. n applying tcra'.- m>lfio.i to cii.zenihip of the United States, ih t f nave borne any lilleor order of nob;- 1 in any kingdom or uate from whcnce Chi ,uhe -nirtt renounce all pretenlior.s an( j ■i title before the coma m which such j ( f "i iViiii " fcJiiMMjf 6 rar.d thl.- re-» c -ion must Wre - .red in the said . Mr. Giles obferv-d that previous me ; ; late rcv-h.'tion, the French nobility 1, bv the Jowt ft calculation, rated at U(l I ,ty thov.fand ;; and as v e may con- the ch.de on France being fucccfsful, a great ( j ie proportion of these people may be finally a , u expelled here. 5 By Authority. r.rORGF. W VSHINGTON, "" Pi efn'entjOf the U.Tted States of America To all whop! it may concern. foi no JOHN ROSS, Esquire, having pro- f e ] iSnoed to me his Corrimifbon as Oonful Ge- co neral from the free Imperial city of Ham- in b':rtr'n : to the United States of America, I R do hereby recognize him as such,' aud de cl.ire him free to exercise within the said an United States, such funflions and powers ve as may he given or permitted by the laws tr or the land to the Consuls of Nations be" ot tween whom and the United States no t ' l Treaty or Convention exists for permit- 'i' ting fp cific powers and functions to be ex erciled by their Consuls reciprocally. 'j In Testimony whereof I bave caused these letters to be made pa\ent,aud 11 the Seal of the United States to be a ' hereunto aftixed. Given under my n Hand, at'the City of Philadelphia, g {L.S.) the thiAy'-Wrft day of December, in e ol our Lord one thousand r seven hundred and ninety-four, and { of the Jndependence of the United States of America the nineteenth. r GO: WASHINGTON. f By the President, I EDM: KANDJLfH. ] ( Saturday arrived here the brig John, 1 Cipt.Dewar, from London, whence j ftr* failed the 25th October, but being j detained some time in the Channel by 1 contrary winds, put .into Torbay, and failed from thence on the 1 oth of No- 1 vember, when Lord Howe put to sea 1 with 18 fail of the line and S frigates. ! information was prenoufly of the French fleet o* !C3 fail of the in the Cbar/id, and that the Cork?V:, with the < n. ig j fliips of (two 74 3 frig crj ba l in,/ fallen Into their re,.- a; - : prrSeniiiins were enterraine? rrc al C'-fby, wlio was re? «U»| the Mediterranean with a oif.oi war, in one of wnt ■«'?. •. ' ' - ' fiderable ti cafarc, had fliared the fatr.s t man n fate. Ni> l' 'WS from the. Continent, the imils not liaving arrived for feverai days. _ have £ The French fleet being at sea, is g oo d mentioned ns a fact in a London p?per "C of thejfith November [the "General E- probai ,j j i . lawful veiling roft.J , „ n Capt. Dewar endeavoured to col left the latell London papers at Torbay. at th(; but could only obtain papets of }j u j ] el I the 6th, from which the following are /hewn evtrafts : go to He has brought letters from Mr. thank Pinckney and Mr. Jay, our Minillers i» Mr. 1 ago, in a letter from Rochelle, our u s ua l] readers will perceive is confirmed by his ho the above intelligence. roach The St. James's Chronicle of Nov. 1 6, contains an account of the trial of Thomas Hardy, for high treason. The rn trial ended in his acquital, the jury hav- in > found him not cuVlty. "e'ves theft LONDON, November si. ftteet Three Ditch mails will be due to moirow moining; and it is to be ob letved, that the lafi, not bringing any t( letters or pipers from Germany, lias St. M contributed cowlidcrably to the want of gr of vmtinental intelligence. ' '^vv The rebellicn in America, in certain of the "Wiftern Counties ,ot Phtladel phia, however mildly ipoken ot in the ne j- g _ papers, has been found serious enough 'j'j ro call forth the military talents of Ge- lift 0 neral Walhington ; and that eoumry .0,01 will, probably, experience that a Coil- the d dilution upon Republican principles i:i : d. very fine thing upon paper, but in reality is far from adequate to the tur- q j- buietit propenlities of the popuhee. The Emprels of Ruliia, fit order to j; ne carry on the war againll the Poles, is Wef determined to curtail all kinds ot fu perfluous expenses ; and lias now deeb- y ned the pureiiafe of M. de Calonn's Col- ! p lection of Pi£lures. at ; Mr. F-rflvine, after the bre-king up of the Court was drawn to his house in c( , m . Serjeant's Inn, Fleer-dreet, by the po- o j- pulace, who took the horses out fit his _ j> ( carriage ; and as soon as the coach j ' which cariieii Hardy liad arrived at the I t New Church in the Strand, die horses p re were taken out, and he was drawn home , , in the fame manner.' j n g Yefterdav, at e" objeit of this Medal is to announce, y. no that the French mean to pufli their con- quells as far as the Rhine; and make this river fervc as a boundary to their ■ hare manifcfl ir attachment to mc by me .. Yo« are all witn' iies that during *' tiic £atc of o*.iv t'ear v-puutry c; I wfe- • - .jf) friif" - 4|?. | man not having teen decided upon by LV the Jury, I spoke to r.o man. Bat gentle men, what 1 exposed from law arid jus tice has happily taken placi. A Jury of jj_ twelveJjmJj hnnell and independent men p . have given a conf r ' good verdict. '' Ie ' " Gentlemen ydn have shewn your ap- intelli probation of that verdiifl in an honest and read I lawful manner, and in such I hope every hpneft and just man will shew it. , ' om " Gentlemen to us (Mr. GtBBS being -Data at the next window) you are unknown, »< but let lis intreat you, now that you have Cobli (hewn ydur approbation of the verdict, fro to your homes and be happy, and K' 3 " 1 thank God for what has pafled." McEkskinf then retired from the win- c>mrr dow and the populace, after a few huzzas, tlieml retired with the exclamation of "Erssine dan, and Gibbi forever." comi: Mr. Kikby keeper of „wi*h.Jiis le> ,- , usual prndence, cmrrtfycß tbc pr'fotier thro' his house privately, .and on eiver'mg the coach,-Mr. Karo'y ordered the c&tch-1 and i man to drive with all poftihlt velocity. I onct. The multitude was loon apprized of the 1 enem deception and pursuing the carriage, dif-1 aftloi miffed the horses in the Strand from their I G f duty, "and tookcharge of the vehicle them i elves.- They paraded hitn thro' many of I .the itrests roun VPallmall and St. James's! street, Piccadilly, and left him at we hear l captt atthehoufe of his brother in law Mr. lof th VattoH an, in Lancafte'r court, Strand ; I occi] where the firft bhjtS. of his attention was 1 f x the tomb of his wife, who was tinned in I ta j ng St. Ma-t n's church yard. [His wife died Iwj of grief, wheii he was apprehended on I fufp-ciiX. ; who can restore her to him .'] I th . e ■- VV? have now been thirteen days with- 1 with out any news from the continent. This j D circumstance begins to give some uneafi- I the l ness. I dual: The prince of Wales is to have a civil j lift on his marriage of 150,000 a year,'j ' 50,000 of which are to be approbated to J the discharge of his debts. It is txpef ed 1 P eac that an ail of grace (liberating debtors) J have will follow the prince's nnptisls. j beer The French fleet, 'confiding of 30 ships j nor of the line, besides frigates is at Tea. J f ccr , Ad'.tiira 1 . Neuilly with fix (hips of tl.e .j line and five battalions has failed for the ; Weft Indies. jinfe Yesterday arrived the fchoonet Polly, Q ei ' j Capt. Smith from Barbadoes, St. Eu- p yr I flat in s, and Si. Thomas; informs that 1 be failed from Barbadoes the 9th De- the 1 cember, and as he failed to the leeward ard "of Guadaluupe on the 12th saw seven lett s ! Britilh (l)ips of war, See. failed out of ner . 1 ! the Road of Baffirterre, in consequence sice ~ ' of the surrender of Fort Charles to the j a French. No arrival of any reinforce- J lou " » ment, either TYcnch or Englifn, except- I anc ,'■ irrg the two men of tvar at Barbadees ,j ie in November. I ws BRIDGETOWN, (Barbadoes) p 0 December 5. J y..fterday arrived 'he (h'-p arr William and Mary, William Gordon, T1 ■, commander, out 38 days, with part of J hei ' the "I.7th regiment 011 board. This I t |,< j . (hip parted with the outward-bound J res i Well-India fleet two days after they Ri ■* left thi- Land's-End, confiding of up- o tl \ ' wards of 100 fail, tianfports, victual- I i leis and a few merchantmen, with five I [ rc l " I Regiments on board. They were con- | a ( , voyed by two (hips of 74 guns each, | re( j one of 64, one of 50, a Frigate, and br i Sloop of War. The troops were all pa in fine health and spirits. I U , t e ~ H he By this Day's Mail. U of lv ne BOSTON, January 3 ' th '• Latest from France. Hi,' — J in " e > Ycfterday arrived the Schooner S E A-Fi.ow- Ij; )n " fr, Capt. Rich from Bourdcaux, m j ke < A days. Rrher ive have received Pa eir ris Papers to the 30 th Oaober, and ,m Beurdeaux to November sth—H e haft- I en to give the following tranftatiom. 1,1 " r BK.U SS E LS> ift Bruma',e, (Oil. h) I a °* -It rn- The Englifli and Dutch armies had uni- | ni. ied the principal part of their forces about » nl Nimegucn and Gorcum,l with an intenti- I r • " on to pafe the Metifc, make a general at- I n °, r tack on the army of the Republic, to en- I r 1 ,c " deavour to force it to fall back behind Pois j r cen j e and by this means to hinder its e ave penetrating into Guelderland. I his mi- I Gjh- iitary operation was executed the day jc | han fore vefterday between the city of Grave k e : r and the fort of Crevecceur, but w'th the < worst success pofiih'.e foi the coalefceJ j < m °" iites. The enemy was not only .repulfec, " r 'R after a very obftinare engagement, hut lolt ( 3to 7t>o piafcnersi among whom are to French »eu- Emigrants, whom a Court Martial will immediataiyjudge. Besides this, the ene rted my loft tour pieces of cannon and a ltand leafi ard. • ap- Thev write from Cologne that a very and a I General of tl>e army of the Eailem 0 f j,-,. " Pyrennes, dated from La Bidoane. He ' j speaks of the enthusiasm with " I the army received the tri-coloured llartd- A '' j ard presented by the Convention. The jjone " letter announced, that the Spanilh Ge 'M neral had endeavoured, by eveiy afti- E I ficej to conceal from their armies the j an _ ie j capture of Bellegrade ; but the tri-co- " j loured flag which waved on the walls, *' j and the discharge of 25 cannon, left es j them no room to doubt, that the place r TI was any longer sullied by (laves. 1111 PARIS, 6 Brumaire, (Oft. 27.) A ' W? hear from Landau, that the _. e f ™ p I array of thr Rloto foiwn.i nis , n, The Prufiians letire towards Oppen- ante of I heim ; and the Aullrians have crossed lis t | )( . Rhine below Worms. Two ef their r [MS I regiments are yet on this fide of the ey Rhine, but they will soon be on the P" I other fide. »1-1 We wait with impatience for news *> vi I from the inteiior of Holland. Ihe yy n * I last received announced that an infnr h, I region was orgauized and ready to nd I break out the firll favorable monient, j£ all I particularly at Amsterdam, I.eyden, I Utrecht, Doit, Ha»eilem, and all North Holland. Ca Ira! ? I The above contiiiu* the out lines of [the information the aimies and ' I the frontiers—The vent ion 13 hour- C lo ly employed in (Wred«j? the abuses of their ha.ve ordered t the arrest ar#tri»lsi Carrier, by _J 5 • I whose orders tffe and drown ings at Nantz, — and <)f ,w " j Bon, the Monk A, ras ' — Hie " Moniter of the sth Pa - Brumaire, is proceedings 17 I on tbofe trials ; tjidences bring forward facts at w%ch fiAiaiuty fhud- Iders. Tranquillity fcfip# to have fuc -11) I ceeded to the terror Vl'fiicp pervaded all IV • j France, duri ig the tyranny of Maximil- d, lian. The decrees whiiflTended to pa- Ai nti-1 ralize Lyons, Bourdeax, sind otl.-er ma- Ba at- I riufafturing and commercial towns, are en " I repealed ; and measures taking to Bois restore to France the ufefol arts and fci- g a it! ences. Since the fall of Robespierre, sl V 1 1; the People appeal in the highest spirits, T rave j and from the appearances in the interior L the of France, a ft ranger would hardly O iitel- conjetflure that the nation was at war. L 'fed, The axe of the guillotine Hi wholly un :'°® employed. p ench r 4 _____ , FROM POLAND > and- We learn by the above papers, that success had attended the Patriot arm* in very g oat h p ru fR a , as it is'callcd } and that " etn a national civic feaft had been instituted ' X to commemorate these (ucccfTes j ol). There is a letter in town from Halifax ( We which mentions the capture of rhe New- - neb) fnundland fleet, by the French. We j haVe ften several other letters from the : fame place, which do not mention the day ; .f. 1 ;p eqf ot[,t : r T-' FROM B I L B 0 A, Ut< ' E A P, an'Hi port in the Bay of Bis- cay, which has repeatedly been fa Id to be captured by I lie French, we hare p information to the 4th November, at which date the Spaniards held it. The French army, 90,000 flrong, were be iieging Pampeluna, with great vigour. This is the Uranged place in all Spain, and lies direfljy on the road to Madrid, diliart about 187 miles, be! ween which' ' and that capital, there is no-uLliacle of | any corifeqnence to impede the maiVh of the French immediately thither. I Thus the capture of Pampeluna wilt determine the fate of Spain. FROM CADIZ. By an arrival on Wednesday, we learn that a Portuguese squadron, had an engagement with four Algerine Frigates, that attempted to come out, of the Srreights, captured nvo y this arrival, for this 4"i 1 . Kavff II- agreed to dcflure a Divide d of F'i'y cd C'ftnts on each fliare for the last half ytav. " ir 'Bbenezer Hazard," , » Secretary. he Jan., 2 diw n ' s A Lar«t AJfortmrnt of f r !' Warranted Watches to ! 14to 40 .s<>.Ja. x—i very general n!'- nt> tonvMt «t Watch-Materials, Chains, feal<, Sire. itc.—acid a few very hanel " , fo^ie ~ Trench Mantle Clocks, () J> Fof (ill U,w teims, tor CcSi by nd Jonn J. Parry, ur- Clotk and Wairl-'v aker, N>. 3b f uth ?e , of tond Ibet', red S3" APP re "' " v ante( '- jai>. 1 2" * tuffi 3" NEW IHE AT RE. le •— " THIS EVENINtJ," „ > January xi. . IVill be Prefenttd A COMEDY, written by Shakefptan-., f " d c '_ « . called, The ) aii Merchant of Venice. mil- Duke. Mr. Morr pa- Anthonio, -Mr. Whitloi ma- Baftnio, ', '' Mr. Moretor arf Gratiano, Mr. Wignei' , .„ Lorenzo, with bu;. Mr. MaHhaU Sohnno, / Mr. Cleveland lfcl ' Salanio, V Mr.Gre - ;r . re > Shylock, - - Mr. Chilm-1 irit», Tubal> Mr; Milbourrvt trior Launcelot, » Mr. Bate» irdly Old Gffibbo, Mr. Fra». : = war . Leonardo, Mr. Bl^rt , un . Ealthazer, _ Mi. J. Dir.ey Portia, Mrs. Whitlt Jeflica, Miss Broadhv NeriHa, Mrs. Frar 1 that MrQr New- zMr. Fra^.. We j„i*, Mr. Bli:7 a the '] homas, Mr.Uarley,.. " Uif m M-s |T!o" MarU, . Mrs ,V' tV p n. r „ » W5. D Mifißov