Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, January 05, 1795, Image 4

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    PROPOSALS I Bool: Secor
For Prir.'.mz by Sutyripiion, £hap. 2
A lyitem of the Laws of the .3
Kate of Connecticut. Chap. 4
k y P ert >'
Zephaniah Swift, chip. <
.1 iispiyfentalivc in Congress from said ;
State. Czf.'o
THIS Wo'k will bs publiflted in two vo '
lurtK' -octavo, ol'fiie hum)red pages each,
will be pri.ited on good puper with a new 1 ?•
type ; will be neariy bound and lettered & -JJR' '
dsltvircdto the SuMcriber> at the pvicc Oi' '
lou dollars. Tur names oi the Suoic-* »b- -P*
as wiii is Patrons o* the Uutki- *
tAin*. m-t-lioff
i'niswork is intended t« p r esent to the v.hap.
pub!ict!ltf elein-ntary principles oi the laws Chap,
oi' C mneftictit, in a fyftemitie arrange- Chap,
limit. It will contain an abridgement of Chap,
the common law of England, as far as it Chap.
Ins been adopted in thai ftuis : tbe coin- Sutfer^nc
Dion law I>l' that state which has been in Chap,
troduccd by <he practice and adjudications Chip,
ol their cpu tf.; aid a Ren oral view of the mainder
regulations elUbblhed by ftaiute. Thele chap,
will bo interwoven andiirranged in tiie or- fcnaii' y
djr neeeflary tounfuid at one view a com Chat)
j-lcat fyfteni of law. neral
Gentlemen in every ftatJ in the Union, ChaD
who have been eonvsr'ant in courts, lauft ' "•
have obi'erved the extreme difficulty ot ae.
i|uiring an accurate knowledge ol law tor
want of such a work. Though the coin- tavap.
Won law ot" Etgland is the balis of theju- Chap.
ril'prudence of every state, yet difference
oi' circu nftances has rendered that law Chap,
in Co many instances inapplicable, and so Ciiap.
many alterations have been made by fiat- Chap,
tie and cuftam, that it is impraftifsble to Chap,
obtain a compleat underUar.ding ot our fpnal by
laws by the fta'dy ol'the writings of the Chap.
Eip,li(h Jurists. To connaft with, the En- by Gi
giilh law tlie variations eftablifli-'d by ft a Chap
tut? and cuftota, requires a q OU( c<
e;i atteiitfon to practice in courts, winch chap
tin bnTybe expe&eu from men c< . n , a[
-—while the ftn lent, and thole who wifli t0
acquainted with the elementary Hook i
principles of jurifprudenpe, can find no
treaties to facilitate then- pursuits similar Chap
to the Institutes Digests and Commentar- by opcr
iespjblifhed in England. This confidera- ties
tio.l evidence* the propriety, utility and Chap
neoffityoi Treatifesof our own. by Suit
Though so great is Che difference between Chaj
the c.mftituiion and the laws of the diffe- affoft t
rtnt ftat?s irvthe Union, that a work cal- cha]
culited for one state cannot be o general affwa t
uic, yet it is presumed that «jitlemen of cha .
tbe profiiTjon as well as gentlemen ol fci- affe(ft t
ciice in every itate, will be disposed to pa
ironife the fir ft attempt, in this country, to .
ccrtip le a fyttem of upon a
plan, wlireii if adopted throughout the U- V •
nited S+atesj mnft ptoducc the molt bene- V
ficial aid extensive affiiSls. Tkefituatwn vna
of the American Republic requires thai Ml?
the knowledge of the laws oi each llate
fhiuld!)- - generally diffuled> to enable eve- t-r i
ry state to borro"" and iatroduce the jm- Cha
prorements of other state-—to laeilitate Chs
their commercial intercourse with each o Chi
ther——and tQ aflimijate tlip laws of the Cli;
whole as near as polfible, for the ptfrpofe ot th:
removing local prejudices and inconveni- ch:
euces, and ftrengtheuing the bands of the Ch;
Union. Though the juriiprudence of Con- Reple
nefticut cannot claim in general, any ad- ch
vantages superior to the other states, yet , p r j a [
in certain paints of view, the pecu .at ch
laws and in-ftitutions of that flute, will be
i'ount! worthy the attentive confiaeration
of the Jurist, the Legislator, and the Wf
in the Union, will there be Book
found a conftitntion mo r e popular, wub a
oovernnl9-ot move quiet and regular—or a T1
CJd< of laws morelimple, with an adnu- r y cr
niftration of Justice ™ >re easy and expedi- an j
tious. But tile inott important peculiari. J
ties »re the institutions o< Towns, t-cc e
iiaftical Societies, and Schook-r'l ow»s
are fubordinale corporations, vetted with o ng
certain powers and privileges of a loca t
nature, andwitUiu limited extent. Ail q{ j
the . ts have the right to meet—to ,
eleff certain towp officers, to lay tax- i g
c, to defray their cxpences The: confiift pow
inte within certain linutsthe inoft P= I ln g
•lemocracv known in any country. Eccle- I n
iiaftical Societies are religious corporations |
formed upon a bafts that g.ves to the Go.
vtrnmwt all the advantages of an ecckfi
.ftical arid feenres to
oeeple tlie meft pe.fca kbeuy of conference f u ]
—SchooU are inftitßted in every quarter
~f the state, and are 'j
the inv>rta:\t purpose ol elUblilhingthe _
ni'atis of general education, and of com- 1
muii'ieating the rudiments of ufeful science
to the mass of the people. The nature of
thofc subordinate corporations will be ex- L
nl .ned, with repurks refpeftigetheir m
fl .eiico oil Manners, Seciety ?nd Govern
"'This will unfold a new fubjeift of con- <
Itcmplation to the Philofo, hic Enquirer, &
V i,hoped, will tndtioe Statesmen, Jurists,
and Literary Char?fter«, in every part of
the Union, to encourage and patronile lie
Of Law and Government
Seilion firll Preliminary observations-
Sea. second Of law in general.
Sea. third Of Civil Society.
Sea. fourth. Of Civil Government.
Sea. fifth. Of Civil Lay-.
Sea. sixth. Of the Laws of Conneaicut j
fiookTirft. Of the Powers of
Chapter I. Of the Constitution of Con
neaicut . _
Chan. 2. Of the Legislative Power
Chap- 3• Of the Executive Power ,
Chap. *. Of. the Judicative Power ,
Chin t. Of Counties '
Chap." 6. Of Towns andToxvn Officers 1
Chap. 7. Of Societies and -their Ofh- 1
Chap. 8. Of Schools
Chap. 9. Of the People conidtr.d as
Foreigners and Natives
Boo'; Second. Of the Rights of T*trfons. SII A t
C li.'.pter I. Of Rights 111 genera!
(.hap. 2. Of the Uight ot perlonal Se- FIRS
Ciiap. j. Of persona! liberty
Chap. 4. Of the Right of private pro- MOU
Chap. 5. Of Ilufoani and Wife. p
Chap. 6 Of Parent and Child. '°j
r Chap. 7. Of Guard'ati and Ward
Chap. o. Of Mailer and.servaut
Cap. 9. Of Corporations.
Book Third. Of Things.
' Chap. 1. Of the natural title to Things )]-<
Chap. i. Of the several kinds of Things IS I l
I Chap. 3. Of Things real
Chsp. 4. Of the Tenure of Things real
Chap. 5. Of the several kinds of Estates JYILI
til 'filings real..
e Chap. 6. Of Estates in Fee Sitnpie IN
i Chap. 7. Of Estates in Fee tail
Chap. 8. Of Estates for Life
f Chap. 9. Of Estates for Years r
t Chap. 10. Of liftltes at Will and by u
- Sufferance . , Thi'
1 Chap. 11. Of Estates upon Condition Dll(^
15 Chap. ii.Of Estates iu Poftelhon, Re- Amc
, e mainder and Reversion phici
; e Chap. 13. Of Estates in Severalty Joint hi; i )!
' Tenancy, Coparcenary, and Common - J T])
1 Cnap 14 Of Title to things real in ge- beai
neral engr
a Chap. 15 Of Title by Delcent
e . Chap. 16 Of Title by Deed J
nr Cnap. 17 Of Title by Devise UG J
Chap. 18 Of Title by Etc heat »" J
u - Chap. 19 Of Title by Execution , J
ce Chap, to Of Title by Poffeilion ,
iw Chap. 21 Of Title by Forfeiture
so Chap. 22 Of Title by Acceffiog^ — ,\r E
it- Chip. 23 Of Things Personal boa.
to Chap. 24 Of Title to Things Person- on t
'ur fpnal by Occupancy ' best
he Chap. 25 Of Title to Things Person- pric
M - *al by (JontFaa V. T
'- 1 Chap. 26, Of Title by Gift, Succef- bl (
L1 ~ fton, Copy-Right and Forfeiture en( l
icil . Chap. 27 Of Title by Lcgacy, Def
'"t" cent, and Insolvency gut
a,y Book Fourth—Of Private Wrongs, and Dc**
no fx Modes of Redref:. liell,
ilar Chap. 1 Of Redress of private wrongs and b
ar- by operation of Law and Aa of the Par- ted M
ra- ties Adve
and Chap. 2 Of Redress of private wrongs Umt<
by Suit or Aaion i Mom
een Chap, 3 Of Injuries that j
if 6" affea the Right of Personal Security. ! —_
cal ' Chap. 4 Of Aaions for Injuries that | v ( .
:ra ' affea the Right of Personal Liberty. I
' ; Chap. sOf Aaions for Injuries that j Tora
affefl tlte relative Rights of Individuals I
1>a o ' Chap. 6. Of Aaions for Injuries that I ™
' t0 „ affea things real j
IT _ C.hap. 7 Of Replevin. I a ,
cne . Chap. 8 Of Trespass
tion Chap. 9 OIF Trover X
that Chap. 10 Of Trefp4fs on the Cafe I A
frate Chap. 11 Of Debt l ed 1
eve- Crap. 12 Of Account j
: im- Chap. 13 Of Covenant j
itate Chap. 14 Of Affumpfit I f
:h o Chap. 15 Of Aaions on Statutes ingl
F the Chap. 16 Of the Writ and Process I
ife ot Chap. 17 Of Pleas and Pleadings I Rid
veni- Chap. 18 Of Trial Cor
the Chap. 19 Of Motions in Arrest and j The
CoD ," Repleaders I ,n
1 jd " Chap. 10 Of Judgment and New J p « l
.? e ' Trials
M 'hi Chap. 21 Of Writs of Audita Que- u .j
rela and Writs ot Error I M.
Phi" Chap. 22 Of Execution and its Con- | 80l
sequences. I 101 l
re be Booh ffth—Of Publ'r Crimes and Pun- I
riih a ifhments. I
-or a This will contain A description of eve- j frQ
admi- r-T crime, with the mode of prosecution I Ba|
<p«di. j u ', K l trial, and the punidiment. I ren
fccoc- \ sixth—Os tbe principles of Equity. J»h
[ owns This will contain a History of the I
! with origin and progress of Courts of Equi- J
local ty. Tiie di!tion between CoutU 1
of Law and Courts of Equity. The I
"y tax 1 general principles of Equity. The 1
:onfiift | powers of Courts of Equity, refpeft- I
rerteft i J n g Mortgages and Contrasts ; with a 1
Eccie " f general view of Equity Jurifdi&ion in I
ie 1 'g') S I ever j refpeft, and the mode of pro- I
accleli t ceeding in Petitions in Equity.
to the To which Will be added the most ufe-1
fe'rence f u j F orm 30 f legal Proceedings, with a I
juarter O _; ous Index. I _
antwer t I
ingthe _ -» aI L-_3 !L_ •
,t com- Ticklenburgs, Ozaaburgs,
iture of and Glass Ware, I j
be ex-1 Landing from on board the ship Peggy, I
in- from Amfierdam. I :
3overn- ALSO, j ,
of con- Coffje of prime Quality
airer, & In hogflieads and tierces,
' -'"rtlf Muscovado Sugars 11
'lie In h°?flieads,
German Steel,
In small Bales, &c. for-fale by
t Rundle Iff Murgatroyd,
rvations- No. 11, Walnut street wharf.
"• Who want to purchase 300 or 400 I
■riment. Casks Good Flaxfced.
Nov. 11 3tawtf I
nneaicut L otter y 2) for the 1«n I
' s °f provement ps the
'ower GENTLEMEN, desirous of receiving
'ower rcgula'ly corrtft flips of the drawing of
Power * the Lottery, are hereby informed that, up
on their fending forward to the Printers
►n Officers he rent, five dollars each, together with
heir Offi- their address, they shall he punctually fur
nilhed with fnch flips,whiledrawing per poll
It Supplements to the Columbian Chronicle,
"ldir-d as This arrsngement will save them the ex
pense of extra poftajje.
Hanfnn a n d Preiftlev
Jltiuu'n «"ti nt.iuitT —
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chskut Strcet.-Pr.ce Six Doll am Per Annum.
jj Y 3bl > t0 !
Mountford, Bioren Sft Co.
—: 12th da)
Proposals for Printing by Al £ c " : r
Subscription, C\t\>
Dramatic Works S
t OF
From Jones's Dublin Edition. .
y I •
jl This Work will be comprized in Eight
| Duodecimo Volumes, printed on a fii-e
" I American paper, in a stile of 1
I phical Elegance that (hall rifleft the *
I hijheft crcdit on the American press. 1
j II That it ihall be embellished with a '
I beautiful FrontifViece of Shakl'pewre— g
I engraved by the belt American Artist i 0
1 XII. That the price to Subfcrlbers will t.t »o
I i Jght dollars, one dollat to be paid ioo
I on fubferibmg, and one dollar op the te 7 200
ceipt of evsry fuceteding. s alume hut 4^
the laU: —to enable the Pubiilhers to ', coc
J [jurfue with convenience this arduoui ist. oo<
I undertaking'. -.■
liv ri-l, ,»,iimnr (ball he deliveredin I lue i 6,739
J boards t.> lilt Sfcsicii».ers immediately 33' 2 ® 1
1- 1 on the publication of with J
I best imprefiions of the Frotitifpiec^^*^,
n- I price to be raifedto Non-Subfcriben. . fln
JV. That the -lamti of the Subscribers will mtn o
-t- j be printed to record the patrons ot this the Ci
j endeavoi.i to eocoutage the ufeful and 1
c *" I elessnt Arts in America. on tv
| Subscriptions are received by Mefi s.
nd j Dobfon, Carey, Young, Stevens, Camp-
I Itell, Rice, M'K,enfey. Ornirod, J .lmfldn, -•
igs I and by the booksellers throughout the Urn-
ar- | ted States. Also by the Editor of the Gen. u
I Advertiser, the Editor of th« Gaz- of the c
ijts { United States, and bv the puhHfliers, 1a ,,. t
I Mountford, Bio*en Si Co. No. 7J Dock- j,ig S ,
bat I ftr«et. - lor t
I D c 10. roil 2« 2a-" tf WJthj
hat Scheme of a Lottery, a!^
hat To rat ft 39,9c 0 D,ilan,on 266,000 Ditto's Mom
s Dtd*Hin% 1 j per Cent. {'on thf Ftif" mom
hat This Lottery cocfifts oj 38.000 Tickets, in »"- r
which there "re 14.531 Vmcs, and 23,461 lortu
Mtnis, being about one and an ha'J blanks to 'well
"f""- fort
THE Direftersof the Society for eflablilb- fettle
ing Ufrtul Manufac* urcj, having refolv- endii
ed to erect LOTTERIES for taifing One j bone
Hundrid Thousand Dollar s, agreeably j T1
to an Aft of the Lcgillature ot the State ot I of tt
New-Jersey, have appointed the following I two
persons 10 fuperinteni and direst the draw- 1 arc *
' ing of the fame, via. Nicholas Low, Ruh;s | the 1
B K'nfJ Herman Lc Roy, James Wat Con, j the 1
i Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and I by t
Cornelius Ray, of «h»city ot New-York— [ ingt
and Thomas Willing, Jol'eph Ball, Matthew M'- I oath
Conncl and Andrew Bayard, gf the city of I
\r ew Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How- |
ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day I *
„ tan, James Parker, John Bayard, Doctor I C<J ],
Lewii Donh»m, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhui I t ,
I M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elilha I
Con- I Boudinot, of Rew-Jerfey, who offer the | 0]
1 following Scheme ?l 4 Lottery, an<J pledge j Jv
Pun~ I themselves to the public, that they will take | ' p
I every assurance and precaution in their poster I
I to have the Monies paid by the Managers, I
e 7 e " I from time to time, as received, into the!
ution j bjhlj, at New-Yoik and Philadelphia, to |
I remain for the purpose ot paying Prij-.s, I
7«i/y. I wh ' ch fti ß " be immediately difchargcd by a I
f the I u P on onc Banks.
I Priaeot 20,000 Dollars i» 20,000 I
I t 10,000 10,000 j
In c 1 a 5, 000 10,000 J
fpeft- I j 2,009 10,000 I T).
,'ith a I 10 1,900 10,000 jE,
I ioo ioo 10, coo j
P ro " I 300 Ss° 16,000 I
I 1000 #0 20,000 I
,ft ufe-1 2000 V I
-'hal 3- - Sj
tt I 14,539 Ptiiea. 262,000!
" I 43,461 Blanks. Tirfl deawn number, I't
CgSj I t,aftdrawn number, 2,000 llt
I— I o
I 83000 Tickets at - Dollars eac* is 266,000 I a
><*&> The dia "f i«g will commcnce, ondtr the j °
I infpeft'wn of a of the Supcrio- I t
4 tepdants, as soon as the Tickets ate fq'.d, ol I b
HtV I which timely notice will be givee. |t
' I The Superintesdants have appointed John j t
I N. Cumming, of ?;-wark, Jacob R. Har-I d
> I denberg, of New-Biurifwick, Jonathan I r
I Rhea, of Trenton, II immediate Managers I 1
I thereof, who have giveo ample feturity lor r
| discharging the trufl reposed in them. I J
In order tofecure the puri&ual pay I ,
' I ment of the Prizes, tie Suferintendanis of ,
' J I the Lotterv have ditefted that the Managers j ;
oydy ! (hall each enter intobonds in 4C,ooodollars, | (
e j withfourfu(ficientftcuritics,toperfoimtheir I
r I inftruftions, the fubttance of which m
40° I I. That wheyever either of the Managers I
'd. | shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dot- I
' , r I lars, he (hall immdiitely place the fame in I
3tawtt I nc ofjhe Ban(is of New .York or Philadcl- I
ie ICI 1 P* I ''' to ci adit ot the Governor of the I
I Society, andfucbot Ste. S>iß<'riQ ,endants as I
S I live in the city where the monies are placed, 1
r remain there tintil the Lottery is drawn, |
' I for the payment bf the Prizes. I
I It. The Managers to take fufficiem fe- I
receiving I eurity for any Tickets they may trull, other- I
■awing ofl wifeto berefponfibleforthem.
I that, up-1 111. To keep regular books of Tickets I
Printers I fold, Monies received and paid intw the 1
ther with I Bank. abllra£ls of which (hall be sent, I
tnally fur-1 monthly, to thePoveraor of the Society. I
ie nernnft I Paterfon, January 1,1794.
r ,' f,. 1 On apsl teat ion to either of the above gen- I
n, . 'Itlemen, information will .be given whese
m I rickets may be had.
'reiftlev * Ffbruaf y '
Infurancc Company of the
Statevof Pennsylvania.
NOTICE is hereby civco, that, agree- a
ably to Jaw, an election for thirtfeo direc- Vti y
tors to serve for one year, will be held at £
the offico of the Cuuipany, on Monday the CON'l
12th day of J muary next, at t\ee o'clock j .
in the afternoon. j' '•*.
. iy» SaS
City of VVadiington. f 3 's^
OF THE , ,
LOTTERY) No. 11. j together
' FOR THE K" U ' t >'
or TH. E M>,)l»l 12
1 A magnificent t 20,000 Llollais, arid ' jjp : i
dwelling house, $ calh. 3C.000 are v-,, 0^- ! !
t S°) co ° . 01| 7
c , ditto 15,q00 &cash 25.000 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 ilc "i
£ 1 ditto 10,000 & calb 10,000 £e,OOO
1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 iooco H , uc
j ditto 5,000 &. ca!h 5,000 10,000
a . , Cash pi ue ot 10,000
- 2 ditto 5.00® each, are io,oro
,o ditto ",000 i.0.00e
„ 00 ditto 500 ie,oo« iw
d IQO ditto 100 10,000 wante.l
200 ditto 50 10.000 Boiton
,t 400 ditto *5 io,o«>o tegular
, coo ditto 20 20,0ne to j f j
, . Ir' 000 ditto iO 150,000 I ting H'.
5 fa d Fa
P"zes ejuonr
i y 33,26. Blank. Ph; ' a
df 1700 Tickets afV<}oHars 400,000 Wi
This Lottery will affn.j ln c _ t g ant fpeci- t
ill men of the pi ivatc building- b'enetfl'd in t-i A'
the City of Walhingtoi.—Tvi'ti t , )ul d e .
»d fi s n» arc already feltfted for th?4^ re )roDU
on two of the public fquSies ; t he!e s '
~ drawings, «'» proposed 10 crtft.twi^K_ [lc *■' _c'
n ' and tour corner buildings, as soon as pclili-, I ' LC '» v
f atui ihu Lottery is fold, and to conv. y ihctmL <jn
wlicn complete, lo the fortunate adventurers,
in the manner described in the Icheme lor |Si' ;
e , D ' Lhe Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five *
the per cent, will be made to dc (ray rhe necef
?' laiv expences of punting, &o. and the lui- L ' .
ck- w iH be made a part ol tbi fund inlendeo t. I L,' •
lor the National Univeifity, to be elected N«h'l
f_ within the City of Wafhingsnn. |" u '
The drawing will Commence as soon tor, I
y 7 ) as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on merit
; arJ Monday, the 22nd of December r.ext: .The wbicl
j money p'i»es will be payable in thirty da>- ago
after i( is finilhed, and any prizes for which ra ers
' 6 fortunate numbers are not produced within few t
j („ twelve monitis after the drawing is closed are ~y h
to be copG-detcd as given towards the tund N.
for the Univerfuy, it bnr.g determined to Card:
iHi- fettle the whole bulinefs in a ) ear lroni the execi
olv- ending of the drawing and to take up the
)ne j bonds Riven aslesurity.
ably I The ical ficuiities given for the payment
eot lof the Prizes, are held by the Prelident and
King I two Direfiors of lhe Bank of Columbia, and
aw-j are valued at more than halt lhe. amount, o! '
ul..s I the Lnitery • The drawing will be under
• fan, | rhe mMidgtiricnt ot 24.ientl. men approved J ll '
and I by the corarniflioners lot the Cit> ot VVaIV.-
rk— j ington, for lhe time being, and —
W'- toath.
l°J. Samuel Blodget. wh<
Day I « < Tickets may be had at the Bank of
>ftor I Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore;
ilhui IQj Gideon Denifon, Savannah ; ot I'etci
I,(111 I oilman, Boston; of John Hopkins, Rich
,he mond : »nd of Richaid Wells, Cooper's ter- D
led r -e I -i
ta k "Vug 30
whe proposals
nz', 0 ! Thomas Dohfon, p ii n
"by a I For PuMifhing by Subscription, the
An English Tranllation
° F
I Poole's Synopsis of theTranf- mo .,
°lZ lations of the Bible,
0,000 I And Ol
o,ocd I The Critics,lnterpreters,and Commentators | j >
0,000 J Exhibiting a t ore view, the principal cri- I I
°' 000 I ticifins, and most valuable Elucidations ord
10,000 I of ttie Scriptures; Ilkilbatiflns ol the an- 1o il
15,000 I t i ent Eafttm Mannt-rsand customs ; 1 fusi
!n,ooo 1 Defcripl i on!; of the Plants a.nd Animai', in 4
30,00° I tUtrein „ ie „ti«ned; with improvements I ]
p '!!! I fiojn observations of Travellers, fmce !Ge
"' ° l the publication of that excellent work. I 1
6a 000 1 IT bas been matter of wonder and regiet 1
t'ooo I 'hat this m->ft learned a-d valuable work,
' 2'ooc Iso highly prized by the learned, both cm 1-
I 011s and serious, has never been trantlatecl, I
66,000 I and thereby the bulk ps readers have been I
der the 1 deprived of a work of the greatelf ente:. I
iioerin-1 tainment and utility; in which by the La. |
old ol I bora of tlie learned ot vavious ages and na- I |of
' I tVnns, the Sacred Scriptures are cleaned o- 1
■d lohn j thecontradiaions and ablhrdities ot " io j
t. Har- dern tranllations, and the ancient niHnners- N,
onathan I metaphors, allegories, and ,ign»es are v , |
anagers 1 Inftrated in I'ucha w?y, as to Jinite the inpfl j ill
rity loi: I entertainment wi:.h lhe inuit iuv I ci
ISHic inftruftion ; &>o discover .he source te
lal pay- I *heqce truephilofopheis, io ad ages, hive lon
lants of j derived their knowledge from the Sarjed I to
[anagers j Scriptures, which contain the f««ds ot an j fa
dollars, I the f t j #llcei valuable to man.
Ira their I ___
Lagers This <Wori it proposed to the Public on __
red Dol- I the following
fame in I c O N D I T '
•hiladel. j j t supposed the whole will be comp'.e I
irof the j te ,| 'in f,,ur volumes, large quartn ; and I
idants as j wi j] fae ftt to t ), e p r »fc jis soon as a «»16cj
e placed, J e|)t nuro bei- shall be fuhferibed for, to de- j
sdtiwn 'I frav theexperce. 1
I Th? price to fubrcribers will be four j t
n Cnt . I dollars Icr each volume, in boavds. N« t
11, ot er- I moyev w jJ] be demanded till the firft vn- I f
Ti ,1,,., I lume that) be completed, when the price of 1 1
int« thel the firft and second volumes will be l 1
be sent 1 red. When the second volume isfinilii d, 1 '
ociety. ' 1 the price of the third will be ab eJi
j And when the third volume k finiiViCd, the I
bote gen- I prire of the fourth must be paid.
en whese I The price of such copier, as may not be j
I fubferibed for will be raised 25 fer cent. I
tn&fif I Dec. 13. - :IW 4W '
To be Sold,
A xcxy pleasant we'll fnuated
& valuable Farm,
CONTAINING 3.? '> lierirs of f t o,>d
lying in Hanwve!, Mortis county, N. j.r
tey, ab>lH l mil? from Mr. Wliite';
ing Hou r e, on the roJui leadi"?, iu Botffe-
Hill, a!* it 16 1 ulec iidiii Elizr.beth Town,
13Jroni Newark, andß K'.mris-town
There are on the Pien.res a large and
convenient dwelling houle, la re bam, cy
der Iw-iie and mil , a good granary a< d o~
theront hout'es. Likewise a good b . ing
apple 01 chard, containing about 3 SO tiees,
! together with a collection of belt grafted
{ fruit, Cuch as peachc, p<ars, therries, fifle
| Said Farm is well proportiontd uKli plow
( land, meadow and timber ; there he ieSvv
fabou! iv acres of pl< wla d and oi'niea.
\iw already cleared, the reiua'J.uet bcii.g.
„j t; Hier and paftuie jahti.
A\ person inclining to purebafe, may
30 k" ov v]ie tei ms by applying to tie SibfciU
30 er ''Mjremifes, or 'o Col- Ellis Conk
DO near the !%- e
y\m<3s T. Eckley.
11J U over, DcKc 7 *1a w3 W
00 X
" Viax lXefTerS.
o© ' \
Ql , TW "> ex 'brce fix * i;>eficrs aie
oo wanted at .the i->il Clot* Mapufaclory in
00 Boston i therefore ap) * ha-, bceo
00 te ( -t.larlyb ed to that buftr.ei", -v «> ■'>' "6
DC to j f-p'.i Anthony in t:-i>.ciiy,'at
00 j ting H'niTfc, No. 5, Ckef-.ot fttye?, or a. V e
asa d Factory in II 11.* : with gieat
Philad. Dec. 31 " d2w
00 William \V. Woodward,
c~ P R I N r E R,
111 T1" AS removed his I'nniirg Off.r, !ii.m
Je - tl No. 41, Chelii&t-ftreet, ;<> I' at k'i''s
01s Head, No. 36, tout doors l orn the to;, cr
e,c ot Second-jv'eet. Mu* I. fl* l -*'.. i ■ -> ■QJii'-
y* (jie; where the P> intri," iiv.iif.el> u . d
ie s, on as usual; his whoie amr 'ion be
ers, Sipfined r " that occupation. O d«! s ftinn
lor t "f this liaie, r.r the continent,
five w^* 'Nexecuted, and authors> ' e!y on
cef- I,3v ' n 6Njv work thev may !ei fit t fob
-1 til - hih, eorrewu^ printed, in F ench or
ide'd Ehgifb.. TS. LEVEt of Euitopr. a"d
cted North AmepiX vv i rh a t.(M lOVS
PKICE-CVRRENT,ii printed l»r tl e e-rii
soon tor, I'KTER tCRON. x., l. jj. a , t'ie above
son mentioned office, irt\tfj*fch and Englifli;
•The which publica:;: n las \ te ived the pstt/in
ag oi Come ni' the molt cha
hich raers in America, ami names, its.i;
iihio few days, will be |.nbii()ied, a T ,1
lire ny he two si- ft numbers to l tibers
lund N. B. Blinks, Ciictdar Cbeei s
i 10 Cards, Handbills, fee. (;c. continue to be
1 the executed with the tu'nai dil'patch,
' Nov. Ift e d 9 w.
■=: G O l' F K E
5 sfas? .j
, vec l Just srnved in the Rebecca, Captain
Httghes, from Jamaiea.
g on- rOT" !iALt W1
Peter Blight.
.T • Who has a!fo now landing out of the Me
>k of cury, from Oporto, Choice
p°' c ' : llecl Port Wine,
Rich- IN P I P I S.
's ler- Dec. 4J d
lit- Dancing School.
Wm. M'DOUGALLprefentshis co
pliments to the Public—Thanks them
the great encouragement he has e.\pe ■ -
)fl enced these twenty odd years. He v
open his School for this Season on Mono
r the 13th Oflober, at 10 o'clock in
rani- nno.tnilig, In that large and elegant Sale
in Harmony flreet, le. ling from Third s o
Fourth street, turning the corner of Ke-
Mors ?<>. SovithThird llreet.
, a | cr j. His Employers mav be assured, the fir r '
lations order and decorum that has always bee:
the an- observed in his School, fell fti'< be pe
ns ; & fusd—and that their children will be tai '
nimaii in the most approved
rments Note—An Evening School for yo
since I Gentlemen.
ivork. I OA to law'
regret j ' ™ ~
work, To a ll who it may conce:
h cl " '* I TAKE notice, that agreeable to ai
n luted, q( lhe (at€ Se) r on 0 f Connie ;s 1 rue a
ve eer j a pp]y a tthe ol the Unittd St
ente . 1 (or t | ie renewa ) 01 t'he following Coiuii ; 1
. 1 tii Loan Office Certificate, de-ftioyed iml
"a'ed o loft at my LoJ g ir, R 5 tlle Clty 01 1 ,la '
oi Piof ' lel P hi "» illtl ' e »» ar "? l *
knners- | No, 1607, dated April 13, 1779, for 40
are il, I Doll" s.
heutofl issued in the D.e! .ware State to the int.
oft tub- I fcriber then refi-'ent at Ne\V«C.. (i l e, tnnu
e source j ttfrfigned Samuel Paterinn, C. L-'O wlu u
s, iiive loa were iudorteiT*ent?. ime-ivft pa'
Sacred | to the last of December 178'.', li
ds of all I said Continental b"an OHic r.
George Read.
I New Cattle. Nov. 19, i 794 2JV 6
'übfic on I "
ns. I lames M'Alpin,
"Itnd Taylor,
■X Miltic - 3i South Fovktk STUtET.
11, tode I j^ eturn , hi, grateful acknowledge t->
he four to Uir f.iend, a„d che
~j, xi« I ral Encouragement, and i»"'
. tirft vn j pefltully toiolictt a Cor.ti.miano 01
» nrict?. j Favou? s. . « iv,. j-;)
be r<qei- At his SUop Centime,, e.n b.
finifn d, with the a■ d have
nab e:— I made up and firtlhed ti. th. i-eau
iihed, the most f.ifliionahle mAPrer
I Hewill thankfully tete le a')
iay not be j 113I 13 ! 1 "prompt »nd ptotftuai at',.
r etit. I tin m, . 73 ,
S:iw 4w 1 .