-t :i ia a,aW .... (wards their brethren. But , f-wrcr m it that we had jetted thine terms, and threatened the ivernment with war and diffolutioii, t. an the corit-.it among them was, who ( -, U !J \ K foremoft ia the held. It was » ten nolonpera doubt, whetherafuffi of d-'itieliic life jto cridine hardships which they hud never known tore, ■ •■•! hazard their lives in d .-fence of the !a.vs. At the call " your ct.un f y is in the rich and the • ,or nut together, forgetting all <\i(- i&iujw of it at ion and circumlance/ «od blended in one common thfo™ jxttiot*. Ev;ti the pacific ajA er > w'fofe principles veftfaii hy ;> nldirtg bloori, nd\# a(fume^" e R .v d weapons of wtr, an^" ,!C ' in aim* to maintain the pyT *'•>& go»ern - :ut ii{ his cr untrvy' [•r« it c/ti'-M-J STATES. CO>ICSRD (K. H.) Dec. 19. 1794. Lil f. Mure rf N. Hampfinrt. 4,, Ths4iJ>iT- House leingaf -ablsd i» iiie Rcp.-tTeiTiatives'cham'.iev, r is o'clock, hi* Excellency John T. Ciii.nan, C-ovetn.ir ot this Statr, atten ded b* the I'.ott, Council, came in and made tile kditnvi.ig fife: ®j| v v r u,— FeU'tv Citizens of the Senate, and of the Hon•[; of Reprefer.tati-vei- HAVING with advice- of » ueikJ a meqtiv.g of the -^ ne urt, U'.iore t!ie lime to v'tch they ' id adj Hinted, it is my 10 lte •o you the realorts v.ft*-" induced tins •uueft \ petition was prcfented, ii ted by sundry pt" io:,r, > behalf of if mlelves and jyners, late owners of t' armed velVM'C.ary, purporting t tat tne Circuit Court for the \) Irid of K v-Hamptlitte, judgment <• i rendered againll laid owners for a ' , ;e firm of mrtney —that the faidcafe i 7i -.vhich this judgment originated 1 for property captured on the high f i, in the year 1777 ; which cap ti..-e wis tried, a!id adjudged lawful ic, by the laws and courts of this '■» P, from which the laws allowed no s'eal—They likewise fetforth the : ! "%uh fttiotum in vhich rhev were - - hat they were delirous ot the aid and ?'jvtfement of the Legislature, in the miles, and requefted(for thtfe and " er reafotis set forth in their petition •viiich will be laid before you) that the i.egillatflre might be convened before tiie time to which they flood ad journed. [t appearing that the Leoiflature of ■ "is il,;te, in Nov. 1783, and in Feb. had remonstrated to Congress— p telled againll any interference in this < . fe, and confideted ftich inferferance as a viola.ion of the dignity, fovereign t Jnd independence of the Hate—and t .t the petitioned were in a Ctuation lifagreeable in the extreme— The Council united with me in rc f-fting a meeting of the Legislature at . time. have no doubt but this fubjeft meet your candid a.,d thorough dif :on, as it rfcfpectithe dignity and in cntlence of the ltate, and as it res ts the rights and interefU of the pe jnera. Gentlemen of th* Senate, and of the House of Representatives The repeated delays of the due nd lihration of justice in the Supreme ical Court of this (tate, consequent nthe non attendance of some of the ges at the times stated by law for ling 1 that court, is a fubjeft of great iplaint—Whatever may be the cau jf these failures, the efFere you. tlem-n of the H ife of Representatives, 'erliaps the propriety of afTefling ?, >; at this time, may be worthy of iaeration—and whether it will not 1 !'t nore convenient to raise a small sum 11. , than t.> be unprepared for exigen which may happen, and poflibly ffi'. e a Tar. /e tax indifpenlahle. Gentlemen us ihe Senate, anil House of Representatives, 0:all in a fubicquent communicati- before you sundry papeis, ref ine the fortification of the harbour Portsmouth, and the cannon and i '« there. c;B*at rence tothefun_ ' the Conlfitutiua » ' o.kr-gmv.u. tit I"' ciicuiii-j ilancei of our public affairs, make it j 1 uuueeefTary for rie rj mention more par ; ticulars at this time, and it will afford , me the highest fatisfaCtion to co-ope > rate with you in promoting the lasting > happiness of our common country. . J. T. OILMAN. ; State of KewHampfbire, December 17, b 1 79-5-* VIRGINIA. . To the Freeholders of the Diftrift com poftd of the Cauuties of Frederick c and 1 fellow Citizens, c INFLUENCED by the advice of m/y of my friends, and excited by my 5 ,/wn filicitude for the preservation of dearell riglits, I have determined to -' present myielf to your confederation as j a candidateto reptefent you in C'Ui jrefs, at the ensuing ele£fion. lam well a ware of the nature of the tniiil solicit —that it is as arduous as it is honorable ; and d' J I not feel the importance of the prelent yrilis, as big with events which may be in;mious to our common country, I should not have intruded my fell" upon you in this public manner.— Having pasTed (I may almost fay) my whole life in the molt perilous service to . which a citizen could be called, I would not in the evening of Iji'e, lefign retire ment with ease for the fatigue of pub lic bulinefs on flight An ear ' tieft dvfire to JieyN* reftfhirig'from an fj J ) !r ' ent 'hetrfrf ] iings of liberty- - ivil for i which we so f»«ght and Con uere.: • -"^ et ' ,er with an apprehcnfion r any ia the pofTcffion of places of p,,i.;c trufl arc exerting their endea vours to sap the foundation of our go vernment, and to deprive it of that sup port upon which alone it can stand (the confidence of the people) could only have induced me to step forward, and thus publicly requefl your fuffrage. To rvy long experienced attachment to our ■ common good, and to your knowledge of my public chara&er 1 appeal 4 and beg leave to aflure you, that, should you honour me with your approbation, you will find mean uniform and deter mined supporter of our common liber ties. My prefentduty will prevent my I personal application, but will permit me to return a fhoit time befere the electi on, when I hope for the happiness of I feeing all my friends. ; 1 am, with the highest refpeft and esteem, Your obedient servant, DANIEL MORGAN. December 15, 1794. 1 ' Philadelph-ja, Jan. 5. Says a Correfpondint. We hear, that a body has determined, that no foreign Lap Dog ihall ' ever wear the name of Dragon in this • country. 5 The abolition of the Jacobin Socie r ties in France by a decree of the Nati onal Convention dispels in a great mea -1 fore the cloud which has relied on the 1 profpeft of a favorable termination of the Revolution.—The monstrous idea ■ of a power equal to that of the Jaco bins, exiilingin a country which made the smallest prctenfions to being a re prefeiitativc Republic, could never have • been entertained by one enlightened friend to Trcedofn in France—Should - the cffe& of publishing the: names of ■ the members of the Jacobin Societies in France be similar to what it would in th(s country, the Teeth and Claws r of the Monster will be totally deftroy cd.—When that is done, they will be r as harmless if not as ufeful as Sheep. The Invention of the Telegraphe does not belong alone to the French, About ten years ago, count Poflini, at Rome, invented a mode of getting in telligence from Naples, in the course of an hour. The lottery, at Rome, de pends upon the drawing at Naples. It differs from our lottery materially, for there are but fix prizes, and these are i the firft fix numbers drawn, and the re mainder are all blanks. The count, ■ whose house is on an eminence near Rome, managed with his confederates, who were placed at a certain diflance between Naples and his estate, to have j sky rockets let off, by which they had previously fixed with each other, to ascertain by such signals any particular number or numbers drawn. The plan focceeded, as tickets continued to be fold at Rome, for fereral hours after j the drawing commerced at Naples, the j account of which was always brought t by the ordinary courier. By this scheme the party got about ioo,coo crowrts, and the plot probably never would have locen oiicovereo, nan not tfieccunt pur chased the whole of the fix pr'zes, which ca'.ifed susp cioti, and of course exerted I inquiry. A CURIOSITY. The following was copied exaQly from a , note, made in his pocket Almanack, ly the late judge At'.ee R. J), " On the 24th of May, 1789 —be- ing at Hanover, (York County (late of Pennsylvania) in company with chief justice M'Kean, judge Bryan, Mr. Burd, and others, on our way to Franklin, and taking a view of the town, in company with Mr, M'Alif f ter, and fi'veral other rcfpeiftable inha . bitants, we went to M'i Neefe's tan j yard, whsre we were (liewn a place near , the currying house, from whence, (in i l %g' n g t0 i" 1 ta " va tt) some years ( ago, were taken 2 Skeletons of human bodies—They lay close beside each other arid measured about 11 feet 3 inches in . length, the bones were entire ; but on . being taken up and exposed to the air, , they prefeutly crumbled and fell to pie , ces. Mr. M'Alifter and some others men . tiorred, that they, and many others had j fcen them And Mr M'Alifter, who , is a tall man about 6 feet 4 inches high, j mentioned that the principal bone of . the leg of one of them, bein? placed, by the fide of his leg, rrast>cd fWm* Kiq j . ancle a considerable JSA7 "P *t«gh —^-in|nt;iut^ tributors. Receipts and Expenditures, 'ft F eceived in annual con £ irtontww. 12. 8 > A-Life Contribution, 17 to o lc A Dsuiatioii tiAtti James 384 £4°9 11 o fit a- EXPENDITURES. •d House Experfces and n, Medicines, £ 111 11 House Rent, 93 '5 0 ~ r Apothecary's salary, 100 o o t>s Stationary, 8 6 ill Paid the Treafurerba le lance due to him since 7 lad year, _ 77 3 2 Balance now remaining in '!> the Treasurer's hands, 18 15 4 t- [ y £409 n ° er or Account of Patients Admitted, life. ' e The number of Patients, wh© have ■i- been under the care of the Dispensary, Id from December lft, 1793, to Decem fi- ber ft, 1794, is 881 id us Remaining under care from last year, 21 Admitted since last year, 860 '*»' l_B£l es ;r Of whom the number cu te "J 's, 743 Dead, 34 Relieved, 37 Irregular, 28 Removed, 21 Remaining, 18 881 We have little to add to our former publications of this nature—The fame benevolent disposition which has hither- 1 re to supported so ufeful a charity, will no doubt continue to support it. We mean not to adduce additional argu lr ments in favor of the utility of the infii tution, but we cannot refrain from re peating the necessity of supplying those t deficiencies in the contributions, which a annually occur from various caufet. Subscriptions are received, as ufua], at John Clifford's, the Treafurei's, No. 39, North Front-street, and at the rj Dispensary in Chefnut-ftreet, William White, Henry Hill, I Samuel Pleafants, c (l Robert Blackwell," li >. Lawrence Seckel, a George Meade, George Fox, v F. A. Muhlenberg, John Field, a Robert Hare, J Robert Smith, , Samuel Pt, Grifjitts. i Dec. 31ft, 1794. 9 Hum in — [ By this Day's Mail. NEW-YORK, Jan. 3. . At a meeting of Tammany Society or * f Columbian order held in Tammanial : Hall on Monday evening the 29th t i December, 1794. t : Information having been communi- p 1 cated to the society, relative to a Pri- ' : vateer fitting out in this port, to cruize : against France or some power with t 1 whom this country is at peace; it was r : therefore Resolved, That a committee of seven members be appointed to en quire into a report now circulating in Jj > this city, " thar a certain vefl'el is fitt'ng t out in this pott, inter ded to cnlife as a "*T~ : *-»*&« ••' •-•• •' i - "• -•-•» . pnvsteci againlt tiie Republic of France [ or feme power with whom this coun ti y, is at peac«, contrary to the laws of neutrality, and'-if the fame be true to , make report thereof to the Executive • of this State that measures may be ta ken to prevent the fame. A true copy from the minutes, Ben. Strong. $.v. ; ' PORT OF PHILADLLPHi • ARRIVED. j lirig Sally, Rofs, • Jererr.ie 24 day s On thursday last Capu Rofs saw the French drip Les Jtimeaux, Capt Ruault undetway below Bombav Hook, under a crowd of fail, and a fair gale of wind to carry her out. The boa's, which were dispatched • ' with a number of the militia to detain j the above ship, we hear arc returned, without effecting the bpfinefsi Cap. Whit well failed' from tlieTcx ell on the 17th Oft.' On-the 2Sth in lat. 47 30, lon* 9 off Scilly fell in with Howe's fleet of 33/ fail of the line 13 of which were thive deckers, they e were then fleering in for. Scilly. r He spoke 3 of them, which Ind a . number of Fienchiten" on board. On the 31ft lap 34, M lon. 11 v.a3 boar ded by an English frigate ifi company with 2 more on a cruize, They had takew a French frigate from 'Havre Marat, 3 days before. Capt. W. in forms, that 14 fail of the transports which failed from troops he believes, destined for Flushing, were toft in a heavy gale of wind on the 30th Sept. and the firft of Oft. On the 3d Oft. he picked up partof one of the wrecks. In the John came i4paf j. fengers * : ' PITTSBURGH, December 17. Head-Quarters, near Broynfville, ISovember 30, 1794. Gentlemen, I taue this public method to return my thanks to you for the very polite manner in which you have been pleased to give yoftr agency towards the fulfilment of my recommendation to the good people of the counties of Walhington, Allegheny, Weftmoreland, and Fayette,. iefpe<£ling . their taking the oath of allegiance to the United States, and fubferibing the af j fociation thereto annexed, and' to request you will close the books or. the last day of December, and return the fame in the sol ■ lowing manner, in Walhington,to Judge Addifon, in Allegheny, so Judge Wai» lace,in Weftmoreland, to Judge Jack, and in Fayette, to Judge Breading. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, With great refpeft, Your moll obedient servant, HENRY LEE. To the Jnftices of the peace In the Counties of Washington, Weftmore land, Fayette and Allegheny, hold ing b«oks for the fubfeription of the Inhabitants, as above exprefTed. , %* The Herald of Reason to tlie People is abroad. This or nothing , will bring conviction, it is thelanguage of truth and plain dealing. Awake, only o pen your eyes, and read, compare, and judge for yourfelves—dont be alarmeji for though it is all truth, there is not one word of religion or treason in it; it may be had for a cent though every sentence is acknowledged worth a pound. Enquire every day, this and the sext week, at No. 99, Second street, oppofitc the City-Tav ern. Jan.» * 3 t Nicholas Diehl juri. Informs his friends and the Public, that in confequenceot the Resignation of JohnJHal lowell Efcjuire he -ias been coinmiffione<| at a Notary Public within the City of Phi ladelphia, anc{ at pre lent keeps his Office at too. 19 South f'rdni ilreet until! ■ more con venient situation can beprocuri-d / N. B. He still means to aft &s Attorney ai Law and Conveyancer. Jan. J. ij9j 3tawtf This Day is Pubiifhed, A N Authentic History or THE . Revolution in Geneva i Price it t-i Cents. The writer of the atvve introducel the foihtii ng higkly mterejiivg remark— , *' Such a detail will be neither void of interest nor utility 10 your prudent coun. trynien, May they reflect on it with at. tention, and learn by the disastrous exam, pie ot the mod democratical Hate that ex fts oh ihe continent of Europe, the ex. tretne danger of foreign influence ; and a. bove all, how rapid and inevitable it is to transgrcfs the feeble interval which fepa, rates the abuse of liberty from its ruin !" Sold by Thoma* Dobfon, No. 41, Sscond street, John Ormrodj Chrl'nuC street, by M. Carey, Market street, and by tie £