V f, O O K S, fRIj.TED -o PUBLISHED By Mathew Carey, No. 11?, Market Street, i. Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Mrs. Row/on, of the New-Theatre Philadelphia. Second American edition—Price 7 j cents, j [The rapid sale of the First Edition of this interesting novel, in a few months, is the best proof of its merit.] Ext raft from the Critical Review, April 1791, p. 468. It maybe a tali of truth, for it is not un natural, and it is a tale of real (liftrefs— Gh:«rlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re- Commended to a school from humanity ra ther rhan a conviction ot her integrity of the regularity of herformer condud, is en ticeil ironi he governess, and accompanies 'a you officer to America—The marriage ce* em ny, ifjior forgotren, is poftpoued, and Cha r lotte dies a marijr to th£ incon (lancv of her lover, and treachery of his ♦S iend,—The (itmitions are artless and as s the descriptions natural and pa thetic; w6 fliould feel f«r Cuarlotse it foch a person ever existed, who for one error, Jcarcely, perhaps de erved so frvere a pu m foment. If it is a fitflion, poetic justice « is no*, we think, properly diltributed." 2. The Inquiftfor—bv Mrs. Rowfon, Se cond Philadelphia edition. 8;-| cents 3. Ad ventures of Rode fie Random. 2 vols 1 dollar a d 50 cents, coirfc papei—j dollar and 75 cents, fine. 4. Note* onthe flute of Virginia—by Tho mas jcfteifon. Pijcc, neatly bound, one dollar and. a half. 5. History of the Frcnch "Revolution, from its commencement to the death of the Queen and the execution of Briffot. Two dollars. Extract from the Prefacf. u The authors have prefumrd to affix to title the epithet Impartial; and the rcafon is, brefcuffc they cannot charge them, selves with feeling the to any party, but that ot truth and liberty ; and they flatter themselVes, that their readers will find n only every cirtum{Van-ce fairly I represented, but every,-cinfurable action, whoever were the author* or a&ors, mark ed in its proper colors- If it was neceflfsiy a declaration of their own princi • p'e<, they are neither tory nor republican—They love TfWrty fcr»g -lifh wings, and execrate every criminal a& by which so noblea cau>e is endangered and fli (graced. 44 In the present ferment of the public mjnd, they cannot flatter themfblves with the h >pes of feeing this claim univerfaltyy acknowledged. Oh ihe contrary, they are lu:ell■ajjared that theft P<>ges will not be acceptable to the zeaious of eith r party. But when time IhalMiflioate 'he clou, s of political decep tion, they with fotne confidence cxpett that yerdi»sl from public opinion, which candor and moderation fold run il to receive. Extract from the critical Review, January, 1794—pas»e 12. li We have certainly derived much plea sure, and acquir'd much information frol the perusal of these volumes ; and we ihink them, both for matter and style, worthy the attention of all who interest themfelvß in events which lrave so jilftly excitcd ttic cu*"iofity and aftojiifhnient ol mankind.'* 6. Plowdens history of the Btitifhempir« from May 1792, to December 1793. / dollar and a quarter. is as inter eftingan-J valuable a publication as ha appea-ed for many years.] ' 7. geattie's Elemems of Moral ScieUc 2 vols. One dollar ani three quarters 8. Ladies Library. Second' American edition. 87 \ cents. Com't* 1 ntng— Mis* Moote's fciTays; Dr. Gregory's Le gacy to his Daughters; Lady Penning 1 tons unfortunate mother's ad ice to her Daughters: Marchioness de Lamb rt's Advice of a mother to her daughter , Mrs Chapone's Letter on the government of the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young. Lady newly married ; Moore's Fables tor the Female Sex 9. Journal durant un Sejouren France de puts le commencement d'aout jnfqu'a la tnldi Decetnbre; auqnelefl ajonte un recit des eveneme is les plus remarquables ont eu liu a Paris, cette epoque, ju r qu'a la mort du roi de France. Bound, 2 1-2 dollars—sewed, 1 dollars. j3. F.dward*» trcatife on the religous af fections. CoarTe paper, a dollar—fine, • dollar and a half. ti. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. WolftoiT craft. A dollar, is. Willifon'sSacramental Meditations.— 60 cepts. 3. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai •giioft D abolns. >4. Short account of Algier». Second edi' tion, enlarged—2s cents. Containing—A rtefcriptmn of that cnun tn —of the manners and cuftomsrif the in habitant!—and oftlieirfeveial w»r» against Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice, and otner pow~r< of fcarope—from the u« furpation ol Barbtroffli and the invasion ot Charles V. to the present time — With a cnncife view of the ori ;in of the war be tween Algiers and rhe United States. F.mbellilhed wiit> a map of Barbary, enm piehe idi.ng Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly. To the present edition is adrferta very co pious index, containing letters from fandry American prisoners in Algiers to their friepds. in the United Spates—a lift ol the VefloU take:' —anrtm'ny very inte-eft' ing artic'TS not in the firft edition. Blair's Leetnrei on Rhiroric and Bellra I.euers Three d j'lnrs yj cents. 16 Smith's L.ti'U 10 Mjrried Women, r*n n'uTing and the manigement of children. 6l I-? cents. j 7American Fsrmrr's'etteri. 9o ccn's. 18 Y Miifcs Mag'iine. 2 tols. t do! la' 33 cents. Containing—Dialogues between a Gover m't'sand several Voting La.iies ol (£.aluy her fchoUri.— In w.iich o«ch Lady i> mide to (peak accorringto her pari qlar gehiu-, tamper and inclination—TJkt federal fauhr, pointed out, and theeify way to amend ihem, a" well to ibinV, and speak, and a6lpMip- .lv; t>o lets care bcirfg uken to ihor so «»or>dnef«, thai) to to- Itgmen rhei r ondei (landings with ufcful know-ledge. A ftiort and clear abriW.g'nrn! is also given of iacrtd and profane Mid fume MTons in Geogiaphv. Ihe ufelul is bl' ndeii throughout with the agrreaUle, the whole being inteifpetfed with pio.pef re flexinns and moral Talcs. 19. Oonwn'j tlrmcnia «f Logic.. 89 cents jo. M'Fingal, an epic poem. J7 t-» it Trnch CnxeVcxatninaiibnof Lord Shef field's ohfr-vatiom. eents, »a. Ladies'Fiiend. 87 »'» <***.*■ 23- Smith's hiilory ol New York, from its discovery 10 I*3®* 1 ar accents. 24. Complete Alias for theprefem war, con. taining maps of Franc?, Holland, Nether* lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the Weft-Indies. I dollars. a 5, ConlHtutioni of the United States, with the Federal Constitution- 62 1-4 cents. 26 Pry ton's Grammar for Frenchmen to learn EngliOi. 50 cents. 87. F.pifteii Enchiiidioo. 31 cents. 28. Gay's Fables. 31 cents. eg. Christian Economy . 15 cents. 30. Charms of Melody, a choice colleftrbn of Songk. 25 ccn*s - Ameiiatn Museum, ta vols, Bvo. Nine teen dollars .and 20 cents. BY JOH: Landing a! IV'tH'tag's Wharf, CLARET Of the Kuft Quality in Hogfhtads aRd Cafe?, SHAKSPEARE'S WORKS. Dramatic Works o F WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, IN EIGHT DUOJJtCtMO VOLUMES, Front Jones's Dublin Edition. I. This Work will be comprized in Eight Duodecimo Volumes, printed on a fine American paper, in a ftileof Typogra phical Elegance that (ball rifleft the highest credit on the American prePs. jII That it ftiall be cmbellifhed with a beautiful Frontispiece ot Shakfpaeie— engraved by the beil American Arjjft, •'III. That the price t» Subscribers will be EIGHT DOLLARS, one dollar to be paid on fubferibing, and one dollar on the re ceipt of every fuceeeding volume but the laftto enable ihe Publishers to pur Cue with coirvenience this arduous undertaking. ' IV. Each volume (hall be deHveredin blue boards 10 the Subrcrilters immediately on the publication of every volume yrith best impreflions of thr Frontifpieee—the price to be raifedto N.o-n—Subscribers. V. That the riames of the Subscribers will be printed to record the patrons of tfcis endeavour toencourage ihe ufeful and elegam Arts ill America. law tf December Bth t79+ Secretary. m&wti 3J y DC. JO. HIGH PROOF Cogniac Brandy, White Wine Vinegar, Port Wine, Alicant Wines,red & white FOR Sa LE BY John Vaughan. Dec. J3 FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. by Mountford, Bioren & Co. Propofah for Printing by Subscription, THE WHOLp CONDITIONS. TO THE PUBLIC. THAT Allowed nature with such truth and corrstt'oefs, as to ren der his Works the delight of all nations, however differing in cadorns and manners from his own, is a fa& whtth more than centuries of aniverfal approbation have fuffie'rently eftabliflied—Tbe debt unpaid by the careless and unenlightened co-teiir porartes of this llluftrious Man has been left to posterity to discharge, and in pro portion to the progress of taste and litera ture, the gratitnde of mankind has endea voured to acknowledge the obligation.— England has eachibited her favourite Au thors with'Tpiendor, and it is hoped that America that feat of true liberty, will not be backward in encouraging this fi'ft great attempt to dp meritedjuftrce 10 the author of this Dramatic .Work. The fele&ion therefore, of this incom parable Produftio/i f6r an eleo awt AMERI CAN edition, requiting no juft'fication, it only remains for ihe Publishers to add a few observations on the claim which such under takings have to patronage in America*—a country, which for liberty none can. equal andfliauld neceflarily be the nurse and pa tron of the Arts. And tlio' to rival the Eastern country, mayfeem hopelefsin us— yet it is surely a laudable endeavour to cx cite that encouragement here, which should be always offered to improvement and ex cellence. Indeed lie zeal which has ap peared in America, fincerhe permanent etl tabliftiment of the present iiappy constitu tion, for patroniz ng the arts, whilst it has produced and rewarded a multitude of works which immortalize the artHls, hasj also exalted the character oftl.e nation, and given dignity tothepeopie wliofe patriot ism and munificence have promoted ihetr discovery of perfe&ion. America is not insensible to the value of character,arid will aflume her rank nations as an encourager of the arts. Ir would therefore be an impeachment of her tmdet(landing and patriotism, il a doubt: were entertained of her pofTctfiujj; a portion of spirit which so elevates the eaflern world, a spirit which coofidered in a nation at point of view, is one of the most praise worthy in the catalogue of public virtues : as it contributes to the best intends of so ciety, by promoting industry, cherifUing genius, multiplying the ration -1 enjoyments of lif**, and exciting a general talie Kir the beautiful and the excellrut. In the hope then that the humble eff»rt here prooofed may inferefl fhis and have some claim to general encourage ment, it has been undertaken. The attention which shall be ppid to ths cor'eftnef's and beauty of the Printing* will evince the desire of the puMilhers to prrfent their country with antdition worthj of the i '»iiii'taHle Shakefpeaie. The Pablitfiers adore t J re Pntrons of this undertaking, tliey will d:fch>r»e their en gagement with ftnfl fiwbity ana honor, and therefore hope they may justly clainj pnhlc confi-leiice and iupport. Subfcriplion* will he -i«ceivcd at Ste phens's Book-Store; N'>. 57, S-»irt h Seond- J|rcet 9 ju>d at t';e printipaltSo«-!*fe!l"rsi>» the United S'a«es—*lfo, at the Pi>r4ifher* Xo. 75.. Dock street, and ?t the Philadelphia Coff e-Houfe. FENNO, Nf>. 119* Cweskut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. NOTICE is hereby given, that, agree ably to law, an election ("or thiiteen direc tors to serve for one year, will be held at the office of the Company, on Monday thl!*is, and dwelling houfc, \ ca(h 30,000 ate 50,000 1 ditto-15,000 Sc ca(Vi 25,000 40,000, t ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000 20,000 1 ditxo 5,000 Sc calh 5,000 to 000 1 ditto 5,c00 Sc calh 5,000 10,000 j Calh prue ot io,OOC 2 ditto 5,000 each, are ie,o> o jo ditto i,»oo 10,00® »o ditiK tM : ditto fqiq ditto ' 400 difio ' t,oo« jfanOO di»«0 (6,739 j3,i6i flltnka 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars 400,000 This Lottery will afford an e.egant speci men of the private buildings to be erc& : d in 1 the City of Waihington—Two beautiful de- Ggns are already fclc&c4 lor (he entire fronts on two of the public fqtmes ; f;om these drawings, it is proposed to ere& two cenfrc and toar corner buildings, as soon as poffiblr after thi* -Lottery is fold, and t« convey them wh,cn complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme tor the Hotel Lottery. A nptt dctfy&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces sary expences of printing, See. and the fui plus will be made a part ot the fund intended for the National University, to be ercftcd within the City of Wafhingtbn. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, o* all events ou Monday, 22nd of December next: The nioney prires will be payable in thirty days after itisfiniflied, and any pi ires for which fortunate numbers are «ot produced within twelve months alter the drawing is closed are o he confideicd as given towards the fund for she University, it being determined to fettle the whole business in a from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given asfe«ur*ty. The ieal .fccuriiietgiven for the payment of the Prizes, are held by ihe Prefidci|t arid two Dire&on of the Bank of Columbia, ar.d arc vahicd«at-«nore than th« amount ot. the Lottery* The drawing *jll be under ti)c management of geniiejpen approved tjiy ihe commiflioners-tor''the City of Wafh ingioti, for the time being, ana a6ltng on oath. SAM UEL DG E T * # * Ticketa ri>ay be had at ihe Bank ol Colhmbia ; of Jaiifc* WfA. &. Co. Bali imore; of 'Grdeon 'Deniforiy Savannah ; ot Pete* ftiiman, Boston; u«ce w hence true philofophcrs, jo all ages, have derived their knowledge front the Sacred Scr'pttve*, which contain t)te feeds of all; the.fcifnees valuable to man. This wot I is propofrd to the Public on CO N D It is the who e will be comple te, t in'four volumes, large -; and will be set to tl>e prrfs n* fooi. a 'itifio ent t>Kml>e r Oiall be fnbfci il>ed for, to de fray fheexpence. The pr.re to fubfciihers will be frur dollar? for each volume. in iKKitd;. >Jd liiouey Will be demanded t''l the titft vn-j -ump (hatlbe completed, \vhen the prjc? of tlie firft and-fecund vr»l«ire«; r"Uh«* rod. the second vohtp e d, the price of the thiid will be — And when the third v : umr i*. fiow te raised 25 irr ct.i. # cod 2w 2iw tf Dec 13. FOR THE 10,000 io,oco 10,000 10,000 20,00 c >50,000 999 . »po *5 >S eodtf O F the following I T I O N S. 2 J w 4\r William W. Woodward PRINTER^' HAS remove! his Printing Offer r, Wad, No. 36, lour dcois „ ' OJ Secopd-Hl«ft, (ruth fide, ncarlv O'm* * whf : e Jhe Pfintin, Butinels i/JJ on as u'lia!; hi, who.e attention be,,,! confined to that occupation. O dcis|,„," " ,e tu »t'..e< will be executed, a , d authors w , v tf , y ' having any wo, k they .nay , er fit t „ Uflr lor.efi y printed, either in French,* Englifli. fh- Level of Europe >tlrf £JorTh America, with a COPIOUS CUItBENT.is printed 10, theedi tor, m,E* EofON, 1.. L. D. at t'ye abo,.,' mentioned oflice, in Krench ardEnolilh which publication fcas 'received the panor' ai> of fonie of the nioft diftin t niihed c hr, 1a en it, America, ard whole i,» m es in I tew ooo lbs - Just arrived in the Rebecca, Captain Hughes, from Jamaica. FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. Who has also now landing out of the Mer cury, from Oporto, Choice Red Port Wine, / N P 7 P L S. 11 ■ J BSv&r,. Star f&Hfo HM f-v mfcy ;:*:. Nfi, %&.. Qbefßttt K ftrtcti bttivftn 4«W & t- v .'.' Frmt Strrtii, ' ■ ;RE7~URNS h\s|oi^«£ a ',ef>'t tlioiip wh« hare biriored nim withthj?t«ih« pjoymer.t, snd *begsM«»V# t» »ffur» tjieni-, that tVom hu eyet-fwr j« tendon, boviß at «>1 time* have, it io faff to Ju r J»ifbt%»iu wjtU every inhis ptpftfljun m., the ne weft fiftioi) i»4 of the twit quality ;. : «nd fi>r the-biitar »«• comrtK>«itinrt t>f htftoWifcww fw Mttk* Jce« «*"» (Brtae«4Hp in tkr fSvto* M* habit Lpndon N. B- He makes the famous Tatent Stay* for tlie Apparatus Spinafi* I-*t. ml. ens, in the u'e ot which heb»sbeen v«ry focc«ftful in curing diltortiotu in You g People, and has netcr fai ed to cuic «!»n applications were made in d»ie time, ni d now begs leave to pielent to tlie public a proof of tlie happy effects. In September last, Jane* D"dds, late of Britain, applied t.. me .rctpcfin ft on: r.f his children (a child tv« )'c»i s mil an l » f old) who hat) three o 'he Inv er verteln x of her Spine dift. rtcd, was very weak, her l>od_v bending, c»>nld not he mi wtihout p*l'i Jtad no life «t tier lower linn • ane who*piug-c nugh, prvviut? to which the child liad been idive if healthy. I T pon the Bth of Seprerub-r 1 tired the child with a pair pi paten' " a ys and a ' a P" Extend*"'} ir » •<» a . v ® fli'e feerred perfertly rafy, could fit upr-f.nt aird be carried about without c*nip a i 5 Thf distortion is now fcartely percepti ble ; the cnild can fta'td or fit uo r igh',a d walk with a little :iflhtancr. 1 'hi- i* ittef tedby the mother df ihe child who ha< re mained since in the city for the benefit M mv attendance, the father having feons to ilierountry. The above is a iuft Hate of my lh,w ' cale. BETTY DUDDS N. B. The Editor o/ Ail Gatettthtt • Mi wide* the care of Mi ■ M-hethnit. w *ia iai un the ft }l md apptratus jtr Jome Ivne ; I "j l wasttuiy alarming, hut the profptci oj it' I '!* '/ not a hna' fire, is very flattering. D C. ,3 Dancing School. « Wm. M'DOUGALL presents his com pliments to the-Public—Tluuks tlierfl f refi «r at *cw-l »» c > u-rli eit Sanmt P'teri ' '•"* . «■<•• e iA"isu" ts «» '* to the l»fl of D-c?inbci jaae* h/» said C» irtnen}ali