•sr-vj BOOKS, By Mathew Carey, No. XIB, Market Street, 1. Charlotte, a tale of truth By Mrs. Row/on, of the New-Theatre Philadelphia. Second American edition—Pricc 75 cents [The rapid sale of the First Edition o: this interciting novel, in a few months is the befl proof of its merit.] Extract from the Critical Review, Apri 1791,^.468. It maybe a tale of truth, for it is not un natural, and it is a tale of real tiifUe, ,— Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re commended to a school from humanity ra- t 1 er than a conviction ot her integrity "I the regularity of her former conduf\ 13 en ticed from he* govtei'nefs, and accompanies a yowr.g officer to America—The marriage tere 111 ny. "»'• not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr to the incon ifrancv of her lover, and treachery of his l"i iend, —The fixations arc arllef's and as. f <THng—che descriptions' uatural and pa thetic ; we ftloujd feel for Chanoue if inch a per ion ever existed, who, for one error, lbarcely, perhaps de erv -d so ftverea pu mfoment. If it is a fiction, poetic justice is not, we think, properly diftr\bute-I." 2. The Inquilitor—bv Mrs. Rowfon, Se cond Philadelphia edition. 87-J cents Adventuresof Pioderic Random. 2 vols 1 dollar a"d 50 cents, coarfc papei—l dollar and 75 cents, fine. 4. Note* on the state of Virginia—by Tho mas Jeifei Ton. Price, neatly bound, one dollar and a half. 5. History of the French Revolution, from its commencement to the death o*' the Queen and the execution of BrifTot. Two dollai s. Extract from the Prefacf. " The authors have presumed to afljx to their title the epithet Impa/tial; and the reason is, bccaufe they cannot charge them selves with feeling the smallest bias to any party, but that ot truth and liberty ; and they flatter tbemfelves, that their readers will find not only cvery*circumftance fairly represented, but every censurable action, whoever were the or a&ors, mark ed in its proper colors. If it was tieceffrfry to make a declaration of thtir own princi ples, they would fav, fTiey are neither tory nor republican—They love liberty as Eng lifli whigs, and execrate every criminal a<sl by which so noble a caufeis endangered and «U {graced. u In the present ferment of the public mind, they cannot flatter themselves wl the hopes of feeing this claim universally acknowledged. On ihe contrary, they are well ajfured that these pages will not be acceptable to the zealous aj either party. But when time shall diflipate the clouds of political decep tion, they with some confidence expect that verdict from public opinion, which candor and moderation seldom fail to receive. Extract from the critical Review, January, 1794 —page 12. il We have certainly derived much HH furet, and acqumd much information from the perusal of these volumes ; and we think them, both for matter and style, worthy the attention of all who interest themfelvel in events which have so justly excited the curiosity and astonishment of mankind." 6. Plow dens history of th; Britlfli empire from May ! 792, to December 1793. H dollar and a quarter. [This is as interc eding an-J valuable a publication as had appeared for many years.] 7. Seattle's Elements of Moral Science -2 vols. Otie dollar and three quarters 8. Ladies Library. Second American edition. 87 \ cents. Containing—l Miss Moore's fcfTays; Dr. Gregory's Le gacy to his Daughters; Lady PcnHpjg. tons unfo'tanate mother's ad u ice to her Daughters : Marchioness de Lambert's Advice of a mother to her daughter, Mrs C.haporie's Letter on the government of the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young Lady newly married ; Moore's Fable > for the Female Sex 9. Journal durant un Sejouren France de puis le commencement d'aout jufqu'a la imdi Decembre; anqueleft ajonte nn recii cles evejnemens les plus reraa-quables qui ont eu Tteu a Paris, depujs cette epoqu<3| jufqu'a la mort du roi de France. Bound, 2 1-2 dollars—sewed, 2 dollars. 10. Edward's treatise on the relig-ous afj feftions. Coarse paper, a dollar—fine, a dollar and a half. it. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wolfton craft. A dollar. \2. Willifon's Sacramental Meditations.— 60 cents. -J* _ -i• 11 • • I 3. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai against D abolus. »4. Short account of Algijrs. Seconded tion, enlarged—2s cents. Containing—A description of that coun try— of the manner? and customs ol the in habitants—and of theirfeveal wars against Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice, and other powers of Europe—from the u fnrpation ofßArbaroiTa and the invasion of Charles V. to the piefenttime.—With a concifie view of the dri in of the war be twPen Algiers and th« United States. imihetliflwd with a' map of Bavbary, com prehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly. To the prrfent edition is added a very CO pious index, containing letters from fwidry American prisoners in Algiers to their friends in the United States—a lift of the viffels taken—and miny very intereft jng articles not in the firft edition. 1,5. Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Letter* Three d»fi*rs 33 cents. ' 16. Smith's Letter*to Married Women, on nurfine and the management of children. 61 i-2 cents 47- American F»rmfr'« letter!. 80 ccms. 18.' Yniini; Miflca Migaruw. ivolj. idol Jar 33 cents. Comainin E —Dialogues between a Gover nors and several Young Ladies ol Quality her scholar«. —In which each Lady is made tu [peak according to her particular genius, temper anu inclination—Their fevers!faults, jre pointed out, and the cafy way to amend them, as well as to think, and speak, and Landing at IVitti/ig's Wharf, a£l proprrly ;no Ms care bevng tiik?n to y A T-P TH •orm their h'.aru 10 goodness, than to tn. | I JLV. -i—i JL lighten their undciitai>ding» with uQ-fuT knowledge. A (hojt and clear abridgment Of the Fiift 'Quality,ityHogSuads and i> also given ot lacrrd and profane History, Cafe*, rid foine It(Ton» in Geography. The ufefttl is Mrnded ihroogitout with the agreeable, f nm " Rrinrlv ihe whole bring intervened with proper re- vUgllldc JJI a.llUjr , tiexi ...s and moral Taie», *White Wine Vinegar, 19. Duncan's Llemcma or Logic. 80 cents o 7 ?o. M'Fingal, an epic poem. 37 1-2 cents. Port Wine, 21 T,n c h Cn x e' S exa m „, au ono. Lo r d Sh e f - Alicailt WillCS,red & whitt hi-Id's obfci vations. 02 1-2 cents, 22. Ladies' Friend. 37 1-2 cents. TrvVin V^nrrJion J Ulill V cTtlg*l<Ul. taining maps of France, Holland, Nether- """ lands Germany, Spain, Italy, and the E'B Weft-Indies. 2 dollars. 25, Constitutions of the United States, with ihe Federal Constitution- 62 1-2 cents. 26 Pev'on'S Grammar for Frenchmen to learn EngHfli. 50 cents. 27. Ept&eti Enchiridion. 31 cents. 28. Gay's Fables. 31 cents. 29. Chriftuji Economy . 25 cents. 30. Charms of Melody, a choice colle&ion of Songs. 25 cents. 31. American Mufci'im, 12 vols, Bvo. Nine teen dollars and 20 .cents. " The American Mufcum is not only emi nently calculated to diflfeminate political and other valuable information, but it has been uniformly condutted with taste, attention, & propriety. If to these important obje&s be Tuoeradded the more immediate dfign, of reicuing public document* from oblivion, I will venture to pronounce, as ray sentiment, that a more ufeful literary plan has never been undertaken in America, nor one more deleiving of public encouragement." General Washington. 23. Poems of Col. Humphreys. 37 1-2 cents. 34. Catechism of Man. 18 1-2 cents. 3.5 Tom Painc's Jests. 18 1-2 cents 36. Carey's account of the Yellow Fever,4th edition. 50 cents. 37. Devout Chnftian's Vade McCum. 25 cents. 38. Garden of the Soul. 50 cents. 39. Think well on't. 50 cents. 40. Douay Bible. 6 dollars. Nov. 29 ■ -1' \ AT THE Card & Nail Faftery, No. 59, north Front street, Webster, Adgate & White, Have conjlantly for sale, Cotton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of all Kinds, Cut Nails of all lizes, Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks, Fullers Shears', Gun Flints Wool Hats, ) A quantity ef kiln dried Indian Meal in barrels A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia Harmony, containing both the firft and se cond ]v\rts, being the most aproved fyf t«m ot Rules and the bed cole&ion of Tunes now in u'e, Also for Sale, A COMfLETE SET OF Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Construction. Oft. 2 law tf Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs, and Glass Ware, Landing /rant an board the Jhip Peggy, from Antfterdam. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hogsheads and tierces, Muscovado Sugars German Steel, ASSORTED WOOLLENS, In small Bales, &c. for sale by Run die sff Murgcttroyd> No. ii, Walnut street wharf. Who want to purchase 300 or 400 Casks Good Flaxfeed. Nov. 11 3tawtf Office of the Insurance Com- pany of North America, NOTICE is hereby giten to the Stock holders, that the Fifth Inftalmeni, tteing two dollars on each share of ibe Stock of this Company is to be paid on the fe tond Monday (the i ith Day) of January next; when it will be neceflary for :ac*i person to produce the receipt sos <he fourth Inftalraent upon the {hares he (hall j propose to pay for. * By the firjt Jeß'ton of the Charter it is declared that.all Jhares on <wbicb pay ments Jhatt not be made at the time prt firibed, Jhall be forfeited to the ufk of the Company. On Tuesday the 13th day of January next (being the feeond TuCteiy in the mar.th) at u o'clock A. M. an Election will be held at flie Company's Oflscc, for the choice of I Twentv-five directors To serve for one year, and until otheTi (hall be chsfen. Th<* Electors may vote either in person or by proxy ; but n» Stockholder est*— " vote at any fcle&ion for D : reftors untefs the Stock (hall hare ftnod in his or her name in the books of the Company at least three months preceeding the time of such Election. In cafe of a Stockholder's voting by Proxy, the charter requires that " the proxy be dire&ly from such Stockholder, & thp vote oe given by a citisen of this com monwealth." Dec. 8 PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Street.—Price Sii Dollars Ptx Annum. taitl In hoglheads, December Bth 1794- jEbenezer Hazard, Secretary m&wti3j if ,ARF xAKSIfr <ORKS. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. B Y Mountford, Bioren Co. Proposals for Printing by Subscription, THE WHOLE Dramatic Works O F WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, IN EIGHT DUODECIMO VOLUMES, From Jones' j Dublin Edition. C 0 NDITIONS. I This Work will be comprized in Eight Duodecimo Volumes, printed 011 a fine American paper, in a ft.leof Typogra phical Elegance that (hall reflect the highest otPediton the American prefj, II That it fliall be embellished with a be.autiful Frontispiece of Shakfpe-ure engraved by theteft American Ariilt. 111. That the price ts Subscribers will be eight dollars, one dollar to be paid 011 fubferibing, and one-dollar on the re ceipt of every fuieeeding volume but the lalt:—to enab'e the Publishers to pursue with convenience this aiduous undertaking. IV. Each volume lhal be delivered in blue boards to the Subio iUers immediately on the publication oi every voluma with best impressions of th<- Frontifp eee—the price to be raised toNon-Sublcribers. V. That the narhej o( the Sublcribers will be printed to record the patrons of this endeavour to aiicnu age the ufeful and elegant Arts ill Amijrica. TO THE PUBLIC. THAT ShakfpeaM has followed nature with such truth and correftnefs, as to ren der his Works the delight of all nations, however differing iu cuftoras and u»:muers from his own, is a fafl which more than centuries of universal approbation have fufficiently eftablilhed—The debt unpaid by the careless and unenlightened co-teni poraries of this Illustrious Man has been left to posterity to discharge, and in pro portion to the progress of taste and litera ture, the gratitude of-rftii kind has endea voured to acknowledge ths obligation. ■ England has exhibited her favourite Au thors with splendor, and it is hoped that America that feat of true liberty, will ni>t be backvard in encouraging this fitft great attempt to do merited justice 10 the author of this Drairfatic Work. The feleftion therefore, of this incom parable Production an elegant Ameri can edition, requiting no juft'ficatioii, it only remains for the Ptlbliihei s to add a lew observations on the claim which such under takings have to patronage in Anieric,—i country, which for liberty none can equal and Ihould necessarily bt the nurse ami pa tron of thfc Arts. And tho* to rival tlie Eastern country, mayfeeiti iropclef's in us— yet it is surely a laudajle endeavour to ex cite that encouragement hrre,which fliou d be always offered to improvement and ex cellence. Indeed bhe zeal which |i»s ap. pea red in America, ftnceihe permanent ef tablifliment of tht present happy constitu tion, tor patronizing the arts, whilst It has produced and rewarded a multitude of works which immortalize the artifls, has alio exalted ihe charafler of tlie nation, and given dignity to the people whole patriot ic and munificence have promoted their discovery of perfefti n. America is not i-ufenfible to the value of character, and will affumeher rark araongft nations as an encourager of the arts. It would therefore be an impeachment ofher undeiftapidlng and patriotil'm, il a doubt w ere entertained of her poiTeffing a por tr<w of that spirit which so elevates the eastern world,a spirit which considered tn a nation al point of view, is one of the molt praise worthy in the catalogue of public virtue* : as irt»ntnbut*s 10 the befit interests offo ciety, by promoting intfuftry, cherifhwig genius, multiplying tbe rational enjoyments of life, and exciting a geneial taste lor the beatrtifnl and the excellent. In the hope»tfit# that the humWe ess <n litre propofedirtiay interest this Tpiril, anil have foine claim to gei>fcT»l *scoursge ment, iflias teen undertaken. The attention which fliall be paid to the coneftr.efs and beauty of t'.ve Rrinti kg, wiTI evmc~e the desire of the publi&ers to ptcfent their coOntry wiih Tvntiiaen worthy of the inimitable Shaiejptare. The Pabliihers allure tie Patrons of this andertaking, they -will difdnrge their en gagement -with Drift probity and honor, and therefore hope they may juftlv claim public confidence and support. Subscriptions will be teceived at Ste pbens's Book-Store, No. 57, South Second ft'«t,and at the principal BookfeM-rr. 111 the United States—alio, jt the Pul iifher-s No. 75. Dock street, and at the Philadelphia Coffie-Houfe. 1 Dec. 10, Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. NO I'iCE isTisreby given, that, agree ably to hiv/, an election for thiiteen direc ■ ; tors tofeivefor one year, wiil be held at ! tiie office of'the Company, on Monday (Be j 12th day ofJanuary ne?*. D;c. 19. ' e< dtf City of Walliington. S G if E M E OF THE LOTTERY, No. 11. FOR. THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. A maguificcm 20,000 said clwciiing houie, caih 30,000 aic 50,000 1 ditto 15,000 & 00fh 25,000 40,000 1 ditto 15,000 &. cash 15,000 30,000 1 diito 10,000 &: cash 10,000 20,000 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5 ? ooo 10 oco 1 ditto 5,000 &. cash 5,00 c 10,000 i> 1 Ca(h puze ol 10,000 2 ditto 5,000 each, arc jc.O'Q 10 ditto 1,000 10,0 c© 20 diuo 500 io.oco 1 100 anio 100 10,000 ioo diuo 50 10,000 i 4c o d it,to 25 10,000 i,coo ditto 20 2a,c.'.c 15, ,00 ditto is 150,000 ■'•vj * i till T 16,739 P flzcs 33,261 Blanks ,o,coo Tickets at 8 dollars 44^.,. This Lottery will afford an c.egant Cocci - mtn us the private buildings to becreft d in :he City of Washington—Two beautiful de signs arc already leie£ted tor the entire from* on two oi the public fquiires ; from theic drawings, it is piou< t<d 10 crest two cent f*S and'teur comer buildings, as soon as pofTiblc aUer. this Lottery is fol'd, and u> convey them when cOHVplcie, to i i»e fortunate' adventurer-., in the manner described in the Icheme ii r! the Hotel Lottery. A nctt didutuon ot per ccnt. w ill be made to defray rhe ru fary cxpenees of priming &c. and th - plus will be mad£ a pan ol the tirnd UHi nd« tor the National Uu{v-er(Ry, to be c within the Gity of Walhingtoo. The drawing, will commence as fooi is the Tickets are lold ; 01 m all evvnts cn Monday, the 22nd of December nexi: The money pi ir.es will be payable in thirty daH after it is finifhed, and any prizes sot which fortunate nufnbers are ran produced within twelve montns after the drawing-is doled are !0 be confidet d as given towards tlu fund for the Univerfiiy, it being detcrrri ned io fettle the whole bulincfs in a year fiom the ending of the drawing aud to take up the bonds given asfecup.ty. The leal fecuritirs given for the payn errt of the Prizes, are held by the Prcfidrnt and iwu Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and arc valued at more than half th~ amounr ot the Lottery. The drawing will be under the manag'.meflt o'l 24 gentlemen approved by the coromillionei f lot the City o< Wash ington, far the time being, and a£ling 01 oath. Samuel Blodget. Tickets may be lr£«l ai \l>c Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Gideon D'enilon, Savannah ; of Pc.fi Giltnan, BoHon ; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : arid of Richard Wells, Cooper's ier rv. > Aug By Thomas D obfon, For Publishing by Subscription, An English Tranilation Poole's Synopsis of the Tranf- And Of The Crilicj,lnterprefers,and Commentators Exhibiting at one view, the principal cri ticifnic, and m< ft valuable Elucidations of the Scripturc ; IHuft»sVioys ol the an cieiTt Ealici n Manners and customs ; & Defc iptiotis of the Plants and Animals therein mentioned j wi;h improvements from of Travellers, since the publication of that excellent work. IT has been marterof wonder and regret thnt tb!s m».ft learned and valuable work, io highly pnzedby the learned, both curi ous ai dferiaus, has never been tranfl.ted, and thereby the bulk of readers have been dff *ived of a work of the enter, ta nment and utility; in which by the La bo-rs of the learned of various ages and na tions, the Sacred Scriptures are cieased o the contradictions and abfurdifWs of mof dtrn tranflatims, and the ancient manner s metaphors, allegories, and 4ig*ires are >1, luftr'atfli in fucha way, as to unite the ir.oft rational entertainment with the meft fub limc inftru&ron ; & to discover ihefou«cC whence :o all ages, have derived their knowledge from the Sucied Scriptures, w-hicli contain the feeds of all the fcrences valuable to man. This work is prepofed to the Public on CON It is Supposed the who'e will be iromple tei in four volumes, lar&e quart"; and witt be set to the prtfs as loop as it ufiic - er»t mirobe r (hall be fi;bfci ibcd for, to de fraV the expenec. The price to fubfcribcrs \rill \ e four dollars for each Volume, <n boatd*. N« itiooey r/iH be demanded till thefirftvo lunv (hall be completed, when the price of thefirftand f'econd volijiriieS tv 11 be r qui f«-d. When the fecord vVhitne 'Tfi-ifted, the price-os the thiti) viij benayah*:— And when the third .votunie i«? fi.nihc d, the prire of the fourth must be paid. The price of frith copies as may aot be subscribed for will be raited 2sfer cent. Dec. *«w4w eod 2 w 2a w tf PROPOSALS o F lations of the Bible, the folhiviu* I O N S. I T COFFEE 54 hogfteads 1 . "^5 350 barrels ) '20,000 lbs. Jult ai ™ td > the Hebecca, Oa-alr. Hughec, from Jamaica. • , ftfß SALE BY Peter Blight. \\ ao has aifo now landing o.it of the r cury, from Choice Red Port Wine. lA' V I P t. S. » Dec. 22 j A frenchman about 19 >ears ofn 6e> who wri es g eo<)(! h;i . ami car count, wot,ld n ; ((, f ; , i e; ,, r p| > lad. piii yke tradp of a f OA( H-SlAKhn" —A"V command ,0 be audief ,j tl , Al _* Cadet, in Water ftieei, No. 7, , 110(: u' _ B " c ' 2 \ %t William W. Woodward, PRINT E R, ' ; OAS rvmovcd !,„ Printirp.Office from LJ. No. 41. Chel/iui-ttieer, f,a, ~ Mtrgd, Kc. 36,(0ur doors i«6iu the ciiinvi ol Second-nrefii. l'<uth tide, . earty. oppo se ; Where the Printing Huj.hel, i. , j .Jn as .u'uj! ; his who e a'.lmti„h be ns confined to tl.ur occupation. 0 dnifion any part ct fbi< >u s , „• the comment «»H be executed, a: d aUtJ i) .. 15 n „y ltlv having any woTk they'may <»r fit to * »t». lifli, cottefily printed, eith'o 1, K ~,.'1', Engtilb. The L.v.l ,f North Amebica, with a 11 i PRICE-CURRENT,is panted ~ u.Ve-.i. tor, i ETLk Igkok, I:. 1. t). a. tie above mentioned office, in Freud- »rdE:ii which public a icii.La-, e ivcritl, ;»8 '■ ojie of the utcft d'ftii' nril «| u\L 'JCr. , . Amelic. . at'() wljofs I <lle<, l n , t tew ,|J> V br <; .1 ~ s :»y lie two fir ft mumbeis to tie Mi < !„ r s f N. H- l}Vnnks?Cii«:u!ar I vtfers. Ciiefks, . Sarba, I'Bodbilis, Src. Ie continue to !*■ » executed With the ufuai dispatch i lft e,,d 9w. To the Public. ' a subscript:toil Is opined for Printii; the ! Theological Vfritir.gs o F Emanuel Swedenboui^, r» >■■ ■ ? At Frauds Buuej s Louk Jlere, Ac.'il Market JiifßU Pbilauclf b';a % • WHEN a iurttcient fubft p :on . piace, ajfueetingjM \tl lie advei tift-ri to <i Hder the molt eligible hukJc. t'of rhe printingof fwh of the W»rk» a>»Aiil be to "be ol (Jfegrcatcft uri!»ty n the ii« it ii.ftaj'.ce. The following Trcattfes may be now ha '.it Mr. Builds : the Doifhir.e of Life, or tbe Sp'ri'uAl. sense of the Ten Commit <1 nent . Tlio l7nTvej;Tjrf'{Tw New Church; whichvas < 1 y tfe Lord iu Ddniti, clva:>. 7, \ $ y i 2» »4» ar-d in the .Apoca/yplc, ciiaj). 21, v. i, 2, A iiimmary View of the Heavenly Doc trines of the New jeru:hl<?ni C l«u <b. As various opinions I ; i been' en* ertained refped'ng thele iuvaU'dt. *+■• ij ana yet no person by rationul a» i n ' ' !•»* • been able to refute theVr, i r.\ u ft' -u! t-i ee- » ut, in via.on-, calumnies ai il gr'oui <' ■ e ports have been inih-it; n ufi •,-op i ' d todifcredit the lc r.» den!well Author, as wel! as Irs Wo-, 1., we d*uiht not the canoid and li»ctre inquirers afier . Truths of the bigheft in poU; nee, v.iil se riously examine those W»>ik* ft r th rnjflxxi) in which it is to W hope<l, filet be.Hgir Hie puif'uit and love of '.lie Truth i" 1 ' " e ' j°- of its ruitive ex,cliente and they wjll ugard tl»em as ihey' ~ <fe'ei \e, and in the end receive both profit a: « tirbrbf. Cft. 14 eTut Dancing School. Wm. M'DCvAtt r ref-v'NhU com pliments to the Public —1 1■ ■ t!;:in the great Encouragement he has txpttt enced tbefe twenty odd yea."!. I'e-viul tipen his School for this Seafc'i on Mom ay the 13th O&ober, st 10 c'. lock in the morning, in that large and jlcgant ? i'oon in Harmony ttreef, lea'lmp; from Third lo Fourth ftrcet, turning the cornor of No. 1 70, SodthThifd street. His EtnployerFs may be sflurec!, il e .ii iil ' order and decorum that ,>!v.-ay< been obfer-ved in his School, : : be p'.ir ' fued-rand that their cliildrt-r. v.-f,« trtttgra . in the most approved ?:sd k: j::I« Note —An Evet.iug Sei--00l tor yevng I' Gentlemen. t i oa to *»*•» James M'Alpi^j - Taylor, eodtf No, 3, South Fourth Str»ft, Returns bis gratrfuV to :u,d rho lUibhe <»' Heir If®- ral Krcovisg'.-nicjit, and pftlfillly 10 folictt a CnMh.v+U -c ' Favours. fl t J At his Shop G?r.t!em"n c*» he . with the heft material*, * , » vr 1 ' , ,i made up and finifhed the wcate ai< nit.ft fa(hion;i!)'e ira>iiie r - , . Hcsvili thakkfullv recelrsfr.y o ;." rr '* pav aprompt Jiici fct' en on thcV" 0& 25 A qi'AKTITY Ot East India' Cotton, Entitle te the FOR. SAtE BJT Mordecai Dec. iz Lewis. <iit» j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers