-i 5 DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. t * [No. 168 of Vol. Vl.] A Quantity f Tj ST James Si i »bacco, j4 r • in ... of Kittioe: Tobacco, Georgia ;?r> Barrels Pork, TO BE,SOLD 3Y Levi Hollingfworth iff Son. r Dec. 6 eo(Uw FOR SALE, At the STORES of Telle Sc Robert Wain, J p'IRT WIN", in pipes, lilids. and quar fer Quiks LISBON .ii| n"d onaver calks S<;ucl»ong aid Congo TEAS, in quarter cherts A '"j(jint! t \of lljfla n d Cad'zSAX*T Soft QieHed ALMONDSin bales Velvet CORK S, ii) do. ltuffia MATTS. June 9 LANDING, j) em ibt SJjip sitfrhin.t Kuran Fitrpatrick Maf.er, from slmjlerdam. HOLLAND SAIL DUCK, Ditto—Sheeting, Tieklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White ana Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Cheiks, iWticks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, boxes Window-Glais, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saw's 6 feet, Anchors, from ?tol4CWt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & yobn KetlanJ. October Jl. *!• 30,000 >v«ight Of ' Green Coffee, Not entitled to the Drawback. A FEW PIPES Holland Gin, At a Reduced Fricc, JAMAICA SPIRITS, 4NTIGUA RUM, third and fourth proof, Fine flavoured St. Kitts, Grenada 4nd country RUM, COTTON inhales BLACK PEPPPER, Port-au Piiuce MOLASSES, Malaga WlNEin quartercalks Madeira Do. in pipes and qr.. calks of very good Hyson TEA by the America into N. York, and A few barrels of good fat Philadel phia BEEF, put up by an ap proved hand of this city, fitior long voyages, FOR SALE BY Levitu/s Clarkfon, fc'j. 216, south Water Snectk ALSO, 20,000 Weight oC COFF EE Entitled to the Draw biclc, in hhuj, bariels ar,d bogs. I- D c. 4 FOR SALE BY John D. Blanchard, At his Stores, in Third street, 66 PIPES Choice TENEteFE WINE, of superior quality, Ooniac Brandy in pipes 50 Cases ofplaiet mafuperior quality fuM'flio drawback. Button Tea Kettles, alarge assortment Shott of all flies anil numbers Barr Lead, in pigs RulTia Sheetings Women's Stuff Shoes by the quantity Cutt Nails Rhode-lfianci Clieefe And a large and elegant assortment of European and India GOODS, At the most rcduced Prices. Nov. 25 Lottery No. 2, for the im provement of the FEDERAL CITY. GENTLEMEN, desirous of receiving regularly corrtft flips of drawing the Lottery, are hereby informed that, up on their fending forward to the Printers licreoi, five dollars each, together with their addreis, they (hall be punftuallv fur pi (bed with filch flips, whiledrawing pe-poft in Supplement! to the Columbian Chronicle. This arrangement will save them the ex petil'e of extra portage. Hanfon and Preillley €p>sg>ctfe of tlie For Sale or Charter, Ditto She is in eompleat repair, and of about 3zoo barrels burthen. Jeflfe & Robert Wain. Dec. 2< For Hamburgh, The faji-failing Jhip |p|L Industry, L Y 1 N G 31 Walnut-street wha:l*. will lail in about 15 days ~ not prevented by ice) having a freat part of bsr cargo engaged F»i freight or passage apply to JOHN BROWN at said wharf, or Thomas Newman, No. 118, South Second-street. Dee. :8. dtf ■ mafler. BtIRTHEJJ 170 c barrels of flour, fiie isj in compleat order, and fails fad. "F<*r' itrms apply to the Captaiu on board at the Subscriber's wharf, or to Joseph Si mi, VKlio has for Sale, just imported in (aid Brig ftoni Malaga, Old Mdvntain Wine, RAISINS of tlieSun, in kegs, FIG® in ditto I PRUNES in ditto Mul'catel and Bloom RAISINS in boxes and jars, GRAPES in ditto ORANGES and LEMONS in boxet Shell'd AJ.MO in calki Caitile SOAP, &c. &c. Dec. 4 Burlington Pork. A QUANTIT Y OF Best Burlington Pork, FOR. SAI.E BY Levi Hollingfworth & Son. O®- 3 X ' — Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fubfcribeis in NVoocbury, Gloucester New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the i2th instant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and Tom, each about 20 years of age ; Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look ; Tom is ef an open counte nance, of a yellowifti col«ur, and much disposed to laugh. ] They are tprightly sfti ve fellow s, and but little (hort of fix feet high ; they were both well drefTed ; Jack had on » blue bioad cloth coat and different kinds ot clothes. „ , Whoever lakes up said servants, and fccuies them in any goal in the United States, fothat their mailers may get them again (hall receive the above reward and reasonable exp< nces. John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. O*. td H A Z A R D's tfiftoTical Colledions. fUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE BY THOMAS DOBSON, At tbe S.onc House, No. 41, S ™ lh Scco " d ' ilVeet, State Papers, And otbci Authentic Documents, intended as an Hiftoiy of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Bv E»e»«z» hazard, A. M. Member of the American Pbilofophic.l Society, Fel low the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Correspondent Member oi the Malfachufeus Htftoncal Society. Two Urge quarto volumes, price Ten Dot lars i« boards. \ A few topiesofihe fccond volume which have been subscribed for, and for which the fub'.cnbers have paid one dollar each, are Rill ou hand. Sobfcribers will please call lor th The ll imp°m. f ce a of mate.ial S for a Hiftpry pjeryc the early and auther.Uc documents .hisfubieft w tiieh had become exceedingly not obtained without dlffi- CU Ma'ny of these pape-s are very curious, and will be highly entertaining to the lovers ps ■ a .Unnitie). and when coilfidered American Auttqnit «. of " '"'ofVMoah: deft'ned to occupy a diftifr. "° »'•» | the said action, on or be/ore the thir.dTuef day in January next, judgment will be en tered azainft him by detault, and the goods and chattels, lands and tenements lo at tached fold for the fatjsfaftion of luch ol his creditors as Ihall appear to be justly en titled to any demand thereon, and (hall ap ply for that purpose, according to the lorm of the statute in such cafe nwde& provided gw order of the Court, DEARE, Clerk. I awtf. sjw 4vr Aug. jo, -r? u LANDING From on board the Birmingham rocket, I.ociyrr, and the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEMP. Peterfimrgb't firjl quality BAR IRON, Swede's, ejforted TIN, in plates,, do. do. GENEVA in bbds. BAGGING, German ejforted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, FOR. SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d FRESH Bohea Tea, GIN in Pipes, Now Landing from on board the (hip Feggy, John Elliott m-after, from Amsterdam. Al/o Imported by the late Arrivals, Hullia Hemp, firlt quality Ditto Sail Duck Ditto Ravens, Duck Brawn Sheeting Ticklcnburgs Omaburgs Brown Flanders Sheetings Heflians and Brown Rolls Cotton Strives and Checks Bedticks Holland Sail Duck Seine Twine Dutch Great Coats Gin in cases Madder Window Glass, Bby 10 Jet'uits Bark Opium, Affafcetida German Steel Mill and Cross-cut Saws Hoes and Cutting Knives Sy thes ar.d Skatis Coffee Mills Black Lead Crucibles Anchors from 3 cwt. to 15 cwt. And a General AJfortment of 5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, for sale by Pragers & Co. Nov. it George Hunter, Chemtjl, At his Larboratory, No. 114, foutb Second Jlrrat. INFORMS, his former enftomers and the public, that he h?s begun the DRUG bu siness again'on an ejitenlivc plan. * - 1 t r * He has for sale a general alToriment of FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, and PA- Likewise, painters' colours, dry and ground in oil, paint brufbes, window and coach glass, dye fluffs, Imfeed oil, oil of turpentine, copai oil varoifhand japaw, wairanted good. Allum, copperas, madder, ground red weod by the hogshead or fmaJler quantity. Ashe imports the fimpb s from the belt markets, and makes the cotnpofitions and preparations himfelf, he is enabled to vouch tor and warrant ever) article fold out of his Laboiatory, and likewise to dispose oi them at the most reasonable rates. tiiw2awim (J3* He wifties to fell a large LOT of GROUND, the north-east corn*r of and Eleventh-ftrcets,containing 78 feet front on High-street, and 200 feet on Eleventh ftreet, opposite Mr. Leiper'snew building And another LOT on the north fide of High ilreet,n«ar the above, 28 lert front, and 200 feet deep. Both lots have the privilege of a 30 feet alley in their iear. Dec. 13. s { f India Nankeens, On which lhe Drawback'msv be obtained. FOR SALE BY Samuel Corp, Of Superior Quality, viz.. Imperial, or Gunpowder Hyson Gomee, l ft quality Hyson, 2d. do. do. Young Hyson, Hyson Skin, and Souchong. A few Boxes of each, for fate at No. 19, Third ftrcet south. Dec. 10 eodtf AUTTS, &c. &c. TENt MEDICINES. Nt*v- York, or Henry Philips, No. 113, Spruce freet. 's » i-jI I, i" <;* cell tut order for fripph'p—AUo yhirty. Ho^Jbtods NevV-ISngtend Rxun» * A Few ffogjhtad' Tobacco & Rhode-Island CHE E S E, FOR SALS BY Edward Stowe jun. No. 4, foutb IVuler Street. Dec. 23 Parry & Mufgrave, Gddfmitbs, JlsweJkrs ar..i Hair-Workers, No. 41, louth Second Street, Have leccivcd l-y thi. Pigou tioni London an AS.SOKTMUKT ot' Plated japanned ware Jewellery Cutlery, viz. Plated anct.j Jpitl'tl Tci L'riu I'lstcd ami jaoiu'tl Patent l.ainpv tailors ant! Liquor JVamts Braad sud Japan'd Tea*l*tays . Plated-gqffee-aud Ten Puis acd cadie* t^ndieftiek» ?i c 6® r 5 ""-'.ft fhft'OlwWt , and otlwr' J}r«e)et», B'etS -I>i«i<, arid Ring* " . Tbiinbies, enamel'S and oth"" kirdi Ladies and gold, gilt, and steel Witch . - Gold and Rilt Sea!s>r»t' Philadelphia, ~n Monday, the fifth day ofrjana»iy nefcr, .it TEN o'clock iu the And ]>ui I'uVnt to the EJeve- th Station ftt the-'Bye i.avc», lie StiXkiii-ltlr- s <•! tie ; |"aid Bank are. hereljy notified to afrit,b e in generai nje?tiiu> at the (aid plate, " Tue day the ilxtl. Hay of Jannarj .>«» c at ill the Evening. By Older, John Kean, Cdjhiir. \ . SefoVl Fundalncrtfll. Articic—-Nv>t more', tfiao IhrtC fi'urtiif of the Di'eflocs i<> 1)1- +c&',t i*clufi*e of the J-'refcrfet t, ffiillf b# i *!;>■« w' ehc Director, *)><> flwirie fAtfderU at toe 'time of inclertio*. *r-y »l*ay» b«ie-*r i<&*&.- Nov- 22 4t eodtf law J'" tiitfc&ritfcj.