Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 22, 1794, Image 4

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    /'/vii .7 D K . . . .v
By Mathew Carey,
No. 118, Market 'Sttftf
i> Ci.arlotte, a tale <5f truth,
ilfr-r Rmi'fou, of the lh<W'Tbtatr<!
f, riiUuuipbia.
£Thc rapid fr.'.e of the First f lit km of
this intercf n ; n >vei, in a few months,
Is the Left proof of its merh.J
Extract from the Critical Review, April
1791, p. 468.
It maybe a til l of truth, lot it is no! un, a n! It it a tale of diitrefs—
Charlotte by tiie artifice of a tescher, re
commended to a 'cliooi from humanity ra
the regßlaruy > f her former.conduct, is en
tice*! trum he*' governess, atd accompanies
* » young .officer to America—The marriage
tercm ny, if not fin-gotten, is p.>ftponed,
Itanr.y of hei lover, and treachery of his
friend, — she ii'u&tidAs arc avtlefs and as
s ft- c—the dcfcriptions u itiiral and pa-
Mir tic ; »r should feel for Charlotte if such
a per ton e-" rex fttd, who. for onr error,
ftarie'v, perhapsrielerved so severe a pu
i.ifhment. If it is a fiction, poetic justice
is no'., we tbir.k, propuly dtftributed."
». The Inquiutoi —i v Mrs. Rowfon, Se
cond Philadelphia edition. cents
3. Adventurtsof Koderic Random- 2 vols
. dollar a >d j~> cents, coaiTe paper—l
dofbr and 75 cents, -fine.
4. Notes nutht ftateof Virginia—by Tho
mas J-.ffe;fon. Piicc, nsatly bound, oik
5 Hi&ory of the French Revolution, frdnj
i' r - commencement to the tieath of the
Jjrieen and the execution of Brifl'ot.
Two d 'l"s.
41 The authors have- pieflif.icd to affix tn
t «ir title the epithet Impartial; and the
reason is,b cause t.hey cannot charge them
selves with tVehng the frualleft bias to any
party, but fhaf 01 truth and liberty ; and
they flatter tttjniwTVes, that their readrrt
will fid nt only every cireiHiiftance fairly
renefrntrd, but every cenurable action,
whoever we e the authors or adlots, rpa'k
ed in its proper colon. If it was necessary
to make a declaration of their own princi
p'es, they Mmld fa\, they are neither tory
nor republic* '—*They love liberty'as Eng
li(h whigs, ind execrate every criminal aft
by which so noble a caufeis endangered and
mind, fheV cAhnot flatter thenjfelves with
the h>pesof feeing thisvlaiin universally
acknowledged.' On the contrary, they art
well ttjlui: it that ihtft p"gts W»V(nut be aaeptai'C
to iKe zeilo'us «/ eWicr party. But when time
(hall ciifllpat e the clou is of political decep.
tion, thev with I'ome confidence cxpefl that
vefdif from public opinion, which Candor
and moderation seldom fail to receive
" We iiave rertaiinly derived much plea
fme, and acquired inuCh information fioin
Jhe perufat oT these volume* ! and we Ihink
fie attention of allwho interest themselves
in rv-nts wh'Ch have so justly excited the
curiosity and astonishment of mankkid."
(j. Plow dens history of ths Rritilh empire
from May 1792, toDerembrr 1793. A
dollar and a quarter. [This is as inter
eltingan -■ valuable a publication as had
7. Be-mie's Elemen's of Moral Science
2 v'ols. One dollar and three quarters
8- Ladies Library. Second Amertcar
edi ion. 87 cents. Containing—
Mist Moore's tffays; Dr. Gregory's Le
jracy to his Daufrhtei s ; Lady-Pemnrg
tons unfoituna'e mother's ad f ce to hei
DaugTiteis: Marchioncfs de Lamb rt'i
Advice ofa mother toher daughter, Mr:
l.'hapone'-. Letter on the government o:
t';e tcnip-r; l- viit's Letter to a
Lady newly married; Moore's Falble
• . }.nirnal durant uo Sejourtn Francede
rtiis le coinnieiicemenr (Vaout julqu'a h
nidiDecembre; auquelefl ajonte tin reci;
des eventmens lesplus rema quables qU
ont en lieu a Paris, depbis cette epoque
jn'qu'a ta mort du roi de France. '
Honnd, 2 1-2 dollars—sewed, 3 dollars.
,0 Ftiward's treatile On the relig r ou"- at
feftions. Coarse pjper, a dollar—fine
11. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wolftoi
craft. A dollar.
12. Viilifon's Sacramental Meditations.—
x/V VVil > 3.
3 Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai
ayairift D abolus. J
■4. Short account of Algieri. Sccond edi
tion, enlarged—2 J cults.
Containing—A defcriptron ofthatcoun
tt\— ofihe manners and of the in
habitantt—and of theirfeve aJ wars against
Spain, France, England,' Holland, Venice
and other powers of Europe—from the
fnrpation ofßarbaroiTa and the invasion of
Chiles V. to the prefeot time.—Witha
corcife view of the orieiii of the war be
tween Algiers and tht United States.
EmbeMiftxd with a map of Rarbary, com
prehending Morocco, Fez, Allien, Tunis,
ard Tripoly.
To the present edition ii added a very
copious index, containing letters from
f isidry American prisoners in Algiers to
their friends in the United States —a lift o!
the veflels rnkeu—and many very intereft
-Ir, Blair's Le&ures on Rheioric and Bellei
■ etlera Three dellars y; ccots.
|6. WtH-'s Letters to Married Women, on
nursing and the management of children. 6a
i-?. cenia.
l 7 American Farmer's letters, so cents.
,8* Youns Miff" Magazine. 2 voli. i do\
J** 33 cents.
Containing—Dialogues between a Covei
nefa >nd several Voang Ladies ol Q.jaTity
her fcnolars.—ln which each Lady is m«de
to ipoakaico.dingto her pwiiciifar gt»lu-j
temper and inclination—Tbcir several faults,
„r oi> ; nted out, and the 'afy way to anend
'.v m, a. w,]] as lo thiol;, jj.dfp.caJc, an<l )
a& prtrpily.; no -iris caie tu'i-g i.ku. to
'orm their h»ait* to goodncf/, Kta'n to tn-
Wgh'en their undri (landings with uOful
kno-A-iedg". A fhoir and clcar abridgment
•i alfogiven of faciid i*i>d profane Hilt<vy*
uid some Kffons in Geography'. '1 he ufcfift
is Llrnded ihioughou: agreeable,
<hc *vhole beirg mterlocrftd wnh pioperrc
ami fnoral T<t'.?s,
19. Duncan's Limitnia of Log ; c. Barents,
20. M'FiOgal, ah'rpic poem. 3 j 2 tails,
21. Tench C'oxe*s cxamii-atiof? of Lord Shcf
field** observations. 62 i-2 cents,
22. Lidie** Friend. 37 1-2 tents.
23- Sum!/> history of New York, from its
dif covet yto 1732. 1 dollar 25 cents.
24. Complete A'la* f®P ihcpiel\-m war, con-!
taining maps of prance, Holland, Nether*
lands, (Germany, Spain, Italy, and the
Weft-Indies. 2 dollars.
25, Conftituuoiu of the United States, with
the Federal Confutation- 62 1-2 cents.
26 Peyton's Grammar for Frenchmen to
learn Enghfii. 50 o nts.
27. F.pi&eti Lnchindion. 31 cents.
28. Gav's Fables. 31 cents.
29. Christian Economy . 25 cents.
30. Charms of Melody, a choice collettion
of Songs. 25 cents.
31. American Museum, i2vols,Bvo. Nine
dollars and 20 cents.
" The American Museum is not only emi
nently calculated to difletninate political and
other valuable but it has been
uniformly dondu&ed with taße, attention, &
propriety. If to these important objtfts be
fuperadded the more immediate drfign, of
rescuing public documents from oblivion, I
will venture to pronounce, as my sentiment,
that a more ufeful literary plan has never
been undertaken in America, nor one more
deserving of public encouragement."
General Washington.
23. Poems of Col. Humphreys. 37 1-2 cents.
34. Catechiffn of Man. ißi-2ccnts.
3,5. Tom Painc's Jests. 18 1-2 ccnts
36. Carey's account of the Yellow Fever,4th
edition. 50 cents.
37. DeVoat Christian's Vade Mccuro. 25
38. Garden of the Soul. 50 cents.
39. Think well on't. cents,.
40. Douay Bible. 6 dollars.
Nov. 29 eodtf. ,
Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs, j
and Glass Ware,
Landing from on board the Jhip Peggy,
from Amfierdam.
Coffee of prime Quality
In liog (heads and tierces,
Muscovado Sugars
In hogflicads,
German Steel,
In small Bales, &c. for file hy
Run die Murgatroyd,
Np. it, Walnut ftr?et wharf.
Who want to purchase 300 or 400
, Casks Good Flaxfeed'•
Nov. II jt*wtf
Office of the Insurance Com
pany of North America,
December Bth t794-
NOTfCE is hereby given to the Stock
holders, that the Fifth Instalment, being
two dollars on each Ihare of lUe Stock
of this .Company is to be paid 011 the le
cond Monday (the 12th DiyJ of January
next; when it will be ncceflary for each
-peffon to produce the receipt for the
fourth Instalment upon the lharej he ftiall
propose to pay for.
*yf By the firji Jtflion of the Charter
it is declared that all /hares on which pay
ments Jhall not, be made at the time pre
ferred, shall be forfeited to the use of the
On Tuesday the 13th day of
January next (being the second Tuesday in
the month) at »1 o'clock A. M. an Election
will be held at the Company's Office, for
the choice of
Twenty-five dire&ors
To serve for one year, and until others
(liall be cfioten.
Th- Electors may Vote either in person
or by proxy; but ne Stockholder can—
" wote at any fcleflion.for D rectors unlets
the Stock (hall have flood in his or her
name in the books of the Company aj Jeaft
three months prcceeding the time of such
In cafe of a Stockholder'* voting by
Proxy, the charter requires thai ".the
proxy be dire&ly from such Stockholder, &
ihe vote be given by a citizen of this com
Ebenezer Hazard,
Dec. 8
Card tff Nail FaSJsry,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Ad gate & White,
Have conjlantly for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kindt,
Cut Nails of air fixes,
Floor Beads, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flint* awd Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia
Harmonyv «ontainiog both the firfl-andfe
cond pans, being the nioft aproved fyf
trm ol Rules and the belt colefhon of
Tunes now in u'e, ,
Also for Salt,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved ConflruCticm
Oft 2
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119. Cheskut Street.—Price Six Dollys Pir Annum.
Imported from /tmjfcrda.n, and for full
M. H. Meffchert,
No. 151, South Front Street,
Fresh Bohea Tea,
Black Pepper,
Holland Sheeting,
Ifeft Ofnabrigs audTieklenburgs,
Dutch great and Sailors Coats,
And on long credit, fuperfine Blick
and Blue
Leyden Broa'd-Cloths.
Dec. 15 *4t
Mountford, Bioren Ess Co.
Proposals for Printing by
Dramatic Works
From Jcr.ri* Dublin Edition,
I This Work will be comprized In
Duodecimo Volumes, printed on a fine
American paper, in a stile of Typogra
phical Elegance that (Ball rtfleft the
higtfcft credit on the American ptefs.
II That it fliall be cmbelliDied with |
beautiful Frontispiece of
engraved by the left American Artist.
11l- That the price t» Subfcribcrs will be
EIGHT one dollar to be paid
on fubferibihg, ard one dollar on the re;
«ipt of every fureeeding volume but
the latt: —tq enable the Publifliers to
pursue with conviijience this arduous
IV. Each volume (hall be delivered in blue
boards to the Subfcribprs immediately
on the publication cf every volume with
best impressions of ilu- Fror.tii'piece the
price to be ra fed to Non-Sublcribers.
V. That the names »f the Subscribers will
be printed to record the patrons oi this
endeavour to encourage the ufeful and
elegant Arts in America.
■ -tit
■ • ■ | 1
to the public.
that Shaklpeare has followed nature
with such truth and corre&nefs, as to ren-
, lollowed nature
ond covreftnefs, as to ren
.erhis Works the delight of all nations,
however differing in customs and manners
centu.ies of unjwrfal approbation have
fufficiently eflablilied—The debt unpaid
by the careless and unenlightened co-tem
poraries of this Ilkiftrious I\lan has been
left to poftcrity to d ifcliarge, and in pro
ture, the gratitndc of mankind has endea
voured to acknowledge th 4 obi'ga.tion.
England his exhibited her favourite' Au
thors with splendor, ind it is hoped that
America that feat of *-ue liberty, will not
be backward in this firft great
altejiipt to domeriteijafticeio the author
of this Dramatic Wo k.
The fe left ion therefore,, of this incim
parablo Produ&ion foi an elegant amerx
onlv remains for ihe Riblifhers (o add a lew
obfervationion the cUim which such under
takings have to patronage, in America—3
country, which for'iberty none can equal
andfhould neceflarily be the nurse and pa
tron of the Arts. And tho' to rival tlie
Eaftem conntiyj may seem Tiopelefs in us-r
yet it laudable endeavour to ex
rite that encouragement here, which fhou!ti
x always offered to improvement and esi
jeaied in America, since the fermanent et
ablifhmerit of the prtfent happy conftitij
fipn, tor patronizing the arts, whilst it
jroduced and rewa'deil a multitude <n
vorks which iiumortalize the artists, has
'd iherliaiaft-i' of the nation, anid
Oven digoity to the people whofc patriot
On and munificence have promoted the;:
lifcovery of prrfeftion.
to the v ! r
iaw tf nojf inset... r<..iie t
ha raster, and will afifuirte het Vaillcli&Jmig)
nations ai anerw!o<Wag«-r ♦£ the aits- j
.w»*ld. tb? r «£pre be »h,ini|>eachrarntja£M,
undqtftjriding Bnd,|aUji)lv|n}, 11-ja doolki
of herjwpeflm'g ajDOrtttif
otthatfpirit wMih'fo ile vaie«.t(is eifteon
a spirit w-Kicti inri(Klerc<) in a naiio»-
ai -point ot zie«*jfone mbft prats*
wof $hj> invito c»««|ogu{of pahljc rtrtuei :
su it.contntjWJ io tjs be fit intcfegs o£fo
genius, mtrftiptying the: tAtion'tfenjoyinent s
of Offhand excitwig' a geheral taste lot tbe
beanjifoland the cicel&nt. -
In the hope then thar the humble effort
here proposed tray ioterelt rhis Ipirit, and
have some claim ro general encourage
ment, it has been unc^rtaken.
The attention which shall be paid to the
correftnek and beauty of the Printing,
wit) evince tjie desire of the pub.lifhen to
prefirnt their country with sr. edit;,-" worthy
of the inimitable Shihe/'ptart.
The PubliQiers art'ure the Patrons of'this
undertaking, tbey will discharge their en
gagement with (fricft probity, and honor,
ai d therefore hope 'hey may justly claim,
public confidence and fnjjport..
Subscriptions will he received at Ste
jhens's Book-Store, No. 57, Siiitfi Secni.d
fte*-t,andat the p-i-cipa' borklelhr's >n the
UnitedS'aie; at flie No
75 Dock-street, and at the Philadslphia
Co(T eHoufe.
t Dc. 10.
City of YVafhington.
LOTTERY,; No. 11.
i A magnificent/Jto,oooDoII«is, and'
dwciling hoafe, $ cath vc,6oq aie
: i so,ooo'
t ditto 15,000 & &as>> 25.0C0 40,000
1 ditto 15.000 &t calh j5,000 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 &: cash 20,000
1 ditto 5,000 & caih $,bOO io.oco
1 ditto .5,000 &ca(h 5,000 10,0 co
, Calh pnze o\ io,oco
2 ditto 5,000 each, arc jo,oco
10 ditto »,000 10, oca
20 ditto 500 10,000
100 ditto 100 io,oco
200 ditto 50 10,000
400 ditto 25 10,000
1,000 ditto 20 20,00 c
15,000 ditto 10 15^0, bcoj
16,739 P<;«»
33,261 Blanks
50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars 400,000
This Lottery will aflord an e.egant fpeci
' men of the pi lvate buildings to be erect d i»>
tiu City of WaftiiWton—Two beautiful de
signs are already leie died for tne entire IrOms
on two of the puolic squares ; from thefo
drawings, it is piopofed to ere6t two centic
and lour corner buildings, as soon as poflible
after this Lottery is fold, and to convey then,
when complete, to tlie fortunate adventurers,
in ti>e manner deferibed in the scheme for
S the Hotel Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of five
per ccnt. will be made to defiay the neccl
e fary exptnefs of printing, See. ittd the luu
plus will be made a part ot the fund intended
a fur the Natioual Univerfuy, to be erected
„ with n the City ot Wafliingtou.
$3" The drawing will commence as soon
as the Tickets are fold, or at a!l events on
c Monday, the 22nd of December next: Tlie
1 mone| will be payable in thirty days
• after it is finilhed, ana «*ny prizes for which
t fortunate numbers are not produced within
' twelve months after the drawing is clo!ed are
so be confide!ed as given towards the tuhd
for tb e Upivprftty, it being determined to
t fettle the whole business in a year from the
1 ending of the drawing and to take up the
li bonds given asfecuiity.
e The real fecuritie* given for the ;«aymen».
of |he Prrzes, are held by the President and
j two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and
are valued at more than half the amount of
J the Lottery. The drawing will be under
the .management of 2| gentlemen approved
by coram iflioners lor the Cjty of WaQi
ir.gton, for the time being, and 9&ing on
oath. /
SaMuel Blodget.
%" "TickersTTray" ai the—Bauif-crt
c Columbia; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore;
ot Gideon Deuifon, Savannah; of Peter
1 Oilman, Eonon; of J'«hn Hopkins, Rich
is mond : and of Richard Wells, Cboper's Jer
ri rv.
e Aug 30 eodtf
By Thomas Dob/on,
For PtiblifMng by Subfrription,
An' E'riglifh Translation
Poole's Syriopfis of the Tranf
latiohs of the Bible,
And Oi
The Critics,lnterpreters,and Commentators
Exhibiting at one view, the principal cri
ticisms, and inoft valuable Elucidations
of the Scriptures; lUulti atjons of the an
cient' Rafter f) Planners and cuftonr. ; &:
Defc'ripti6fii of the Plants and Animals
therein 'mentioned ; inrpnovt-frietits
from observations of Traveller*;, iince
the publication of thatexcellent woik.
,1T has been iftafter of wonder and regret
'bat this learned and valuable work,
so highly prized by the learned, t)< th cui r
ous and serious, ha* never tven tYaVifl ted,
and theieby the TriiTkof reirdeis tiav<2 been
depnvecjof a work of the greatest enter,
tainment and utility; in which by the L 3
bors of tjhe learned of various ages and na
tion';, the Sacred Sc iptures are clen eri o
tlie coifi radiations arid abfurditles of nips
der'rt trariflations, and lire a-iclent
meUpliors, allegories, and figures a-e ij,
luff rated in 'ucb.a way, as to unite the moll
rational entertainment wiih the rnoft Tub
ftmc inft'ru&ion ; & to d;'cover the f -u'Cf
whence true philofophcrs, io aft age< ? Have
derived their from the Sacrcd
Sc'iptmes, which contain the leeds of a'l
the iciences valuable to man.
This work is proposed to tht Public on
the JbHo'w'iug
It is fuppo r ed the who'e will be cornple
te ! in four volume, large quarto ; a/id
will be set to the press as soon ?s a fitffici
ent number shall be fubferibed for, 10 de
frav the expence.
The to fubferitjers will be four
dollar* for each volume, in b.turds. No
mo bey Will he demanded t> I thefiiftvo
lunv* shall be competed, when the pric? of
thefirftand second volumes WTfTk requi
red. >Vhcn the second volume isfimih d,
the price of the third will bepayabe: —
And when the third volume is frnjfhttL the
prireoftUe fourth muH be paid.
The price of such copies a- may not be
fubferibed for will be'raited 25 }rr etnf.
Dec 13. Imv 4w
Insurance Company o>r the
State of Pennfyivania.
NO PICE is he<e!Sy givrn, that, agree
ably so Hw, an elc&ion for thirteen direc
tors to serve for one v?ar, wi'l be field at
tlieoffic# ofihc Company, on Mot day tli :
I2th day of J uiiary next.
corf law tf
Dec. 19,
* *
HAS removed his Printing.Officr r fnm
No. 41 ,"Chefnut ftrect to Frnnt-r
Head, No. 36, four door* f,' om the
f S c co fou.h fido, ncarh "
'■ wl, " e f lle Prittting Butinef, i, ca d
on as u.ual; his whole attention he'-.„
confined to that occupation. CMrrifiom
any part of this fl l[r , „ r the
will be executed, and authors tr.av , e |v m,
having any work theyay tee si, ," k .
Uh, co»eAly printed, either in F rentl, or
, Engufh. The Levil of ECrou an( t
North America, \rith a COPIOUS
PRICE CURRENT,is printed (o, rhfeii
tor, Pit.ek Egrok, L. L. D. a, the above
-mentioned office, in French and Eneltfi,.
which publication Vai received the patio,-',
ag offofheof the 1110 ft diftin t mlh c ,<
ra ers in America, and whole names in »
iew days, will be pubiilhed, and aucmpa.
Ny he two firft numbers to the f'ubtcriht,,
' N. B. Blanks, Circular Letters, Checks
Cards, Hairdbills, &c. &e. continue tu te
executed with the u:'ua. dispatch.
Nov. , ft e id 9 w.
' "
Dijtant Subscribers
For thi Gazette, ate hereby refpeftf u ]
ly requeued to pay up their SilpFcriptioni
ro iheflrft of January next. The Edit At
will be under the neceflity of q>rfld.i U j
those who do not then renew their Sui--
fcriptiou by paying Six Month* i„ At .
vanCe, as declining to take the Paper 1, v
longer. v '
As there is a considerable Sum due fibm
remote SuWfcribers for the late half Week
ly Paper publiihed by the Editor, he mod
earrieftly requcfts those who ma\ be delir.
cjuent, to take the earlio-ft opportunity of
remitting him the balance they may rrf.
•ptftively be uidebied—the funis a>e indi
vidually trifling—the want of the Aggre.
gate is feveiely felt.
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
Theological Writings
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
At Francis Bailey's Book Jlore, At,. itj,
Market freet, Philadelphia,
WHEN a fufficient lubfci ip ion lakes
place, a meeting w ill be advertised to rtYn
lider the mod eligible made for cordtif'i.'R
ike printing of such of the Work- as lhall
be thought to be of ihe greatest utility in
the firft instance.
The following Treatises may-be now had at
Mr. Bailey's ;
The Doctrine of Life, or the Spiritual
sense of the Ten Commandments.
The Universal Theology of the New
Church ; which was f:<reiold by the
_ Lord in Dairitl, chap. 7, v. j, 13, 14,
'''\' ! • " fl>»— t niLD y. x. I .
2, &c.
Afu'mniarv View of the Heavenly Doc
trines of tht New Jerusalem Church.
Pr Ai various opinions have en
tertained reipeflng i licit
and yet no perforrby rational argument Has
been able to refute thr<r, but tuftead tie e
of, invidious calumnies and giourdU'h re- -
p6rts have been lrr&)ftuaulty
to discredit the honourable and erjligi teifed
Author, as well a* bis Works, we doubt
not the l-aurtid and fineete mquiiers a*:er
Truths of the higlisft importance, wilWei
rroufly examine those W oikv for thi*fclves t
• in which if is to be hope 1, tbet bei«g »n the
puifuit and iove of the Truth <or ihe Jake
of its native excellence and vje. tiiey will
regard them as they justly deierve. 3 -d in
f the, end receive borb profit an<i dt lipht.
14 eTui 2W
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow rr.cnrioe at
' Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
' Schooner Induftrv, Captain HyUnder,
from Havanna,
consisting or
85 hhds. Molafles,
Of superior fuli quality.
' 106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides;
Peter Blight.
J L S O,
C O F F E E,
Just arrived in th« Hibernia, Captain
If win, from Jamaica.
Sept. a.}
A Quantity of PEST
James Rrver Tobacco,
si friv llhtis. of
Kitefoot Tobacco,
Georgia I,'iit#
Burlington Pork,
Levi HoUihgfivsrih & Son.
Dec. 6 ' '
Lottery No. 2, for th& im
provement of the
; GKNitEWfcN^^B^j; ■*;■
;«t.r.a 1v ctffrrrftHKjK' <f I**' «f
(h*'tontery, rfrc hereby
onthfir ftfmttt'g for#*c4 **
bereol, hve. iatt ealrhj t«>jelli<:t Wrf»
,tli#r pdrirefs, tKey Tlljll »* purftplft JJr
i Snipernem* totn?Cdlirti<>ia>i Cfcr<®K <-
Thi* arnri»em«ri fa** rt<® ** •*"
penfe of extra portage.
Hanfan a d P ««*
c-d tf