Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 20, 1794, Image 4

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    i.y Mathew Carey,
i. Charlotte, a tale of truth,
By Mrs Ro-jfon, of tbt HcaD-T&atre
Second American edition—Price 75 cents
TThe ra 1 d.falc of the First Edition c.
this ititi refling novel, inaftw ihonths
is the proof of its merit.]
It rr ayb° * t*l ot" fd> : t is not ti'nJ
lia tu ... I.ctitis:- > ale of re:' «Jittre:'-—
v. rlntte by tile ai ti'ii.e of 3 teacher, re-
C innicndtfd to a fehcat Horn humanity ra.
tlici ihan a *0..v:.i.0n ol iiitee i'y ol
trie ' .'-rn'ity "I I'f i'.innei C".'(!n", is en
tile.' he <rovci"nefs, iiirficcompaitie!
a vnti I'i'i' c t1) America—The lUainage
le'CUi -IV iuiot fur(i«tten, is p .(t|inneri,
C'brt" 'lilies a martyr to.the incoi
l.ieurf, —The si nations aie artle.'s and as
s ft, v _ Vie delcript'oris'uatnral v pa
thetii ; we (houldt'eel for Charlotte if fuel
9 r .;rf- e> rtxifted, who for on- error,
(carrely, P"' haps de'ervi-d so feverea pu
m (hment. If it is a fiijion, poetic j'.ft ce
i, nor, t»e think, prop. r!y dilinbutett."
Tlie iiiquifitor—ov Mrs. Rowfon, Se
cord Philadelphia edition. 87-£ cents
3. Ad. Sr turesof Roderic Random. 2 vols
Bins kflwrfon. Piicc, neatly bouufl, on<
dfcflar f"' l 3 hs'f
iti emmn: j "cenient to tie death of tn
C„ t anc! tV. ex eutlOß of BriiTot
Extract mow the Preface.
u The airthdrs iiave to aisx t<
i\t r tire the? epithet Impartial; and tbi
resToi* n, d- caTife tTiay cannat charge
ft ver, wit i fee! • g the fmallefl bias to any
party, Uit that of truth and Itcerty ; and
a ter rhemfel toaf-rheir readers'
will %y\ n f onjy every circumstance fail ly
but evrry cen!urable a&ion,
whoever were the authors or a<slors, mark
ed in its pro]*e r color*. If it was necefiary
to make a declaration of their own pt inci
p:es, thev would fa', they neither torv
nor. repub'iea:-—-They love liberty as Eng
lifli Avhigs, and execrate every criminal a&
by whicli so noble a caufeis endangered and
" In the present ferment of the public
mind, they c not flatter thtmfclves *»th
the h.-»pes of ferine; this claim universally
acijin'.vd. Oil the car.ii Hi v, thfy a r e
well ajfurci tkrft pagM u'iil not be u-ceftaHe
to the zetlutis of either party. But when time
fhatl lifiipate the clowls of political decep
t in, thsy with lome .confidence < xpeflthat
Verd'ft from public opinion, which candor
and moderation f«Wom fail to. receive
* Extract fiom the critical Riview,
January, 1794 —pijt >2.
iL We have certainly derived jnych plea
sure, and '.cquir'd much inrormatlon j'lom
the peruf*; of thel'e volumes ; and we think
the m, both far m&tter and ftyle y worthy 1
the attention of aJi#ho interest themfehies
in events wlrch have so justly excited the
curWity and aftonilhmeqt of mankind."
6. Plowdens hlftory of ths Britilh empire
from May 179 a, to Dei-ember iftM. A
dollar and a quarter. [This is»s inter
esting an-I valuable a publication as had
appealed for many years,]
7. Seattle's Elements of Moral Science
2 vols. One-dollar and three quarters
8. Ladies Library. Second American
eili ion. 87 \ cents. CONT<<ININ<S—
Mist Moored Kffays; Dr. Gregory's Le
gacy to his Daughters ; Lady P<»nnißg
tons unfuitunaie mother's ad to her
Danfchtois: Marchioness de Lambert's
Adiice ofamother.toherdaughter, Mrs
CUapone's I.etter on the government of
the temp*r; Swift's Letter to a Young
Lady newly married ; Moore's Fables
tor the Female Sex
9. Journal durantun Sejouren France de
pute lr coinmer.comeat d'jout jufqu'a la
mid: Decembre; auqueleft ajouteun recit
des evenemens les plus remi l quables qui
ont eu li<*u.a, Paris, depiiis cette epoque,
jqfqu'a la mort du roi de France.
Bound, 2 1-2 doll.ns—*fewed, 2 dollars.
jo. Edward's treatise on the rehg'ous af
fections. pajier, a dollar—fine,
a dollar and a half.
11. Rights nfWontan—by Mri. Wolllon
craft- A dollar,
i". willifon'sSdcramental Meditations—
60 "cents.
13. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai
agaihft D abolui.
14. Short account of-Algiers. Second edi
tion, enlarged—2J cents.
Containing—A description of that coun
trv— of the manners and customs of the in
habitants—and of theirfeve' al wars against
"Spain, France, England, Holland,
and other powers of Kurope—from the 1"-
fnrpation ot BarbarofTa and the invasion of.
("hailes V. to thij present t me —With a
conci'e view of the origin of the war be
tween Algiers and the United States.
EnibeHilhtd with a map of Barbary, com
prehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis,
and Tripoly.
To the present edition is added a very
copious index, containing letters fwm
fundrv American prisoners in Algiers to
their friends in the United States—a lift of
the veflels taken—and msny very inteteft
ing articles not'in tlie firft edition.
15 Rlair't Leftnies on Rhetoric and Bellea
Letters Three d altars 33 rents,
lsi Smith's Letter! to Married Women, on
nurfin» and the management of children. 62
1-2 cents.
17. American Farmer's letters. 8e cents.
jB. Miflea Magazine, a vols. 1 do!»
I*' 33 CCBM -
Containing—Diiligues berween a Cover
nets and frveral Voting Ladies ot Quality
her fchnUrv—ln which each Lady is made
c fprak according to her canicular genius,
tr-nper and inclination—Their several faults,
are pointed out, and the e»fy way to amend
h m, a'-jiclt ls ' rl^>
, ~'op.- ■ . o kit can !'• ■• t' >^ c " •»
—mi iiicir tr- iiiu in ti an to to
; , Ihur unflo,i,!Ui'C.ingi with ufcful
' i .wlfdjic. A fh.-rt and il abr fj.ti.nt
0 »lfo jjivcn oi fatted and proline Hiflo.>, 1< Gc-g'tphv. The ufcful
i, bl'ftded throughout Willi He agrctable,
ihe v,-in It beipg iotetfcei'ta with proper re
an<i iTiorol Talee.
Iq. Duncan's Klrtnrmn of Logic. 8a cents
■o. WFingsfl, »n fp'ic pcem. 37 1 a cents.
»t. T»«ch Cnxr*- < xirnmatior. ol Lord Shef
field's observations. 62 1 2 cents,
~3. SmnbVhißoryof Nc» York, from Us
di icovrry to 1 dojlar 25 cent*.
,4. Compjeie AUas for theprtfcn.i war,con.
taining maps of France , Holland, Nether*
lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the
Weft-Indies. 2 dollars.
or. ConiHtn'i""' n f the United States, with
'the Federal Constitution- 62 1-2, cents.
26 Peyton's Grammar for Frenchmen to
learn EnglilK 5 o c, ms.
27. Rpiaeti Enchiridion. 31 cents.
Gay's fables. 31 cents.
.q Christian Economy . 25 cents.
30. Charms of Melody, a choice colleaion
of Songs. 25 cents.
1 31. Ameiican Museum, 12 vols, Bvo. Nine
teeodoUars and 20 certs.
'• The American Museum is not only emi
nently calculated to diffctnmate politic*! and
other valuable informaion, but it has beer
uniformly conduced w(th taste, attention, A
propriety- I! to theCe important objects be
fuprradded the more immediate design, of
refcuins public documents from oblivion, I
will ventuie to pronounce, as my sentiment,
(hat a more ufcful literary plan has never
been undertaken in America, nor one more
delerving of pub lie encouragement/'
General Washington.
13. Poemrof Col. Humphry*. 37 1-* ceuls.
34. Gajecbifm of Man. ißs-a cents.
«. Tom Pane's Jests. t8 1-2 cents
36. Carey's account of the Yellow Fever,4th
edition. 50 cent?.
37. Devout Chnt.«o Vade Mtffela.
38- Garden o r tH* So ,50 ctfotsi
to. Thick uellon'r. s■>5 ■>
m(,. BiKif. 6?!oTiar'.
Ticklenhurgs, Oznahurgs,
and Glass Vvaie,
Landing fr»m on board the Jh'tp I'eggy,
from Amjlerdam.
Coffee of prime Quality
In hogftieatfs and tierces,
Muscovado Sugars
In hoglheajls,
German Steel,
In small Bales, &c, for sale by
Rundli Es 5 Murgatroyd,
No. 11, Walnut street wharf.
Who want to purchase 300 or +00
Casks Good Flaxfeed.
N«v. II 3tawtf
Office of the Ififurance Com
pany of North America,
December Bth 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock
holders, tliit the Fifth Instalment, being
twq-jDcllaßS on each (hare of the Stock
of this Company is to be paid on the fe
tqntl Motiuay (the 12th D*y) of January
next; when it will be neceflary for each
person to produce the receipt for the
fourth Inftuhnent upon the (hares he (hall
proppfp jo pay for.
*** fy the firjl JeHion of the Charter
■it is declared that all Jhares on which pay
ments Jhall not be made at the time pre- \
scribed, Jhall be forfeited to the use of the
On Tuesday the 13th day of
January next- (being the second Tuesday in
the month) at 11 o'clock A. M. an Ele&ion
will be held at the Company's Office, for
the choice of v
Twentv-five dire&ors
To fervefor one ycir, And until 1 others
(hall beohofen. «,
The Eteftors may vote either in person
Qr by proxy; but na Stockholder can—
" vote at any fcleftion for D reiflors unless
the StocK (hall have flood in his or her
name tn<the books of the Company at least
three months proceeding the time of such
In cafe of a Stockholder's voting by
Proxy, the charter requires that " the
proxy be direQly from fuqb Stockholder, &
the vote be i;iven by a citizen of this com
J£jMtnezer Hazard >
Dec. 8
Card Nail FaElory,
No. 59, north Front llreet,.
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjiantly for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flint* an-d Wool
Aquaatitf of kiln dried I«dian ; Meal in
A neuf Edition of Adgate'» Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the firil
cond flirt*, toeing tlie aproved fyf
tero ot Rules- Jiidiho befy coie&iott of.
Tunes now in u'», •]
Also far Sale,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved CorWlruCTton.
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesxut Street.—Price Six Dollars Psr Aknum.
imported from Amjicrda,n, and for fait
M. H. Meflchert,
No* 151, South Front Street,
Fresh Bohea Tea,
Holland Sheeting,
Beit Ofoibrig« and Ticklenburgs
Dutch gre&t and Sailors Coats,
And on long credit, fuperfine
Leyden Broad-Cloths.
Dec. 15
Mountford, Bioren & Co.
Proposals for Printing by
Dramatic Works
From Jones's Dublin Edition*
co ndTtions.
Thii Work will be comprized In Eight
Duodecimo Volumes, printed on a fine
American nape-, in sHe qf Typogra
}j r the
credit ot the an press.: p
fl That it shall be ea V i : with a f
beaui ifw! front/piece of Sh:.-fpearje—•
4ngfzvtd by tf e belt £me ra t - Art»ft.
LIJ Thit .he price tt> s will be
r udihutr. ot dollar to be paijd
do fubK rising, an<l one dollar on the re
ceipt qf every fucecedmg volume but
the last: —co enablt the Pubifhers to
pursue with convenience this arduous
IV. Each volume fhaP be delivered in blue
boards to the Subscribers immediately
on the publication of every volume with
best impreflions of the Frontispiece—the
price to be raised to N#u-Subfcriberj.
V. That the names of the Subscribers will
be printed to record the patrons of this
endeavour to encourage the ufeful and
ctagayu Arts in America.
THAT Shakfpeare has followed nature
with such truth and correftnefs, as to ren
der his Works the defight of all nations,
however differing in customs and manners
from his own, is a fact which more.than
centuries of universal approbation have
fufßciently eftablilhed —The debt Unpaid,
by the careless and unenlightened co-tem
poraries of this Illustrious Man has been
left to posterity to difcliarge, and in pro
portion to theprogrefs of taste and litera
ture, the gratitnde of mankind hasende.a
voured to acknowledge the obligation.
England has exhibited her favourite Au
thors with splendor, and it is hoped that
America that feat of true liberty, will not
be backward in encouraging this firft great
attempt to do merited justice )o the author
of this Dramatic Work.
The feleftion therefore, of this incom
parable Prodqfttonfor an elegant AMERI
CAN edition, requiting no juftification, it
only remains for the Publishers to add a few
observations on the claim which such under
takings have to patronage in America—3
country, which for liberty none can equal
and should neceffanly be the nurse and pa
tron of the Arts. And tho' to rival the
E?fteru country, may fesm hopelefsin us—
yet it is surely a hudable endeavour to ex
cite that encouragement here,which fiiou'.d
be always offbr»d to improvement and ex.
telleocf. Indeed t»he zeal which has ap.
peared in America, since the permanent ef
tabliihment of the present happy cooftitu
tion, for patronising the arts, whilst it hai
produced and rewarded a multitude of
works which immortalize the artills, has
alfp exalted thecluraQer of the nation, and
given dignity to the people iwhofe.patriot
ifm and munificence have prompted their
discovery of pcrfetftion.
America is not insensible to the value of
charafter,audwtllairumeher rank amorrgft
nations as an encourager of tl* arts. It
would therefore be an impeachment of her
understanding and patriotism, it a doubt
were entertained of her possessing a portion
of that spirit Which so elevates the eafiern
world,ijpitit which coofidered in a nation
al point of v ew, is one of the most praise
worthy in the catalogue of public virtues:
as it contributes to the best interefls offo
ciety, by promoting industry, cherishing
genius, multiplying the rational enjoyments
of life, and exciting a general taste for the
beautiful and the^xcellcnt.
In the hope then that the humble effort
here proposed may intereftthis Spirit, and
have some claim to general encourage
ment, it has been undertaken.
Tl«ao.l;tentiQi which /ha)) b* the
correffcnefs and beauty of the Printing.,
will evince the desire of the publishers to
present their countrv wiiban tinren worthy
of the vnifrtttable Shakcfprint.
Tbe Publilhers all'ute the Patrons of this
undertaking, tluy vrjll difclnrge their en
gagement with ffrift probity and honor,
and therefore hope they may julUj claim
public confidence and support.
Subscriptions -will he teceived at Ste
phens's Book-Store, Nl>. 57, South Second
(fieet,andat the principal Bookfellf rsiri the .
United States—also, at the PuMifliers No.
75 Dock street, and at the Philadelphia
, D:c. ID.
taw tf
INOV- ywy...
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton.'* wharf, the CARGO ot the
Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander>
85 hhds. Molafies,
Of superior full quality.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides ; I
~ ■• • - i i
Peter Blight. -
j.l s G,
' Just: arrived in the Hibarnia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
' Sept. 43 d
i By Thomas Dob/on,
Por Pi/blifiling by Subforiptien,
An English Translation
?oole's Synopsis-os the Tranf*
lations of the Bible,
And Of
The Critics,lnterpreters,and C*mmeitators
Exhibiting at ore view, the principal crs
ticilrnsy and most vahiable Elucidations
ot the Scriptures; Illuibations of the an
cient Eastern Mannersand cuftoni- ; %z
Defcriptio.ns of, the Plants and Auin.a's
therein mentioned ; with imp r oveiner ts
from observations of Travellers, fjnee
the publication of that excellent work.
IT has been mscter of wonder and regret
that this mod learned and valuable work,
so high|y prized by the learned, both cum
oij- and ferjons, has never been translated,
aurf thereby the bulk of readers have rem
deprived of a work of the greatest enter,
taiument and utility; in which by''the l a
bors of the learned of various ages a: d nf
tions, the Sacred Scriptures are cleared o.
the contradictions and absurdities of mot
dein tranfiatinns, and the ancient inanrv!?-
metaphors, allegories, and ae il,
luflratcd in lucha way, as to unite the mofl
rational entertainment with the m»:ft lub
lime inftruftion ; 8c to discover the fouice
whence true.philosophers, io ail ages, have
derived their knowledge from the Sacred
Scriptures, which contain the feed: ot ad
the lcience j valuable toman.
cod 2w 2aw tf
Two thousand dollars,
Real Estate in the Citr of Philadelphia
will be pledged as Security. Enquire of
the Primer.
D?c. 4 " w
A r ». 128, South Water Street,
CLARET in cases,-
Madeira, Sherry, and Li£bon Wines
Philadelphia Porter inbotiles, for expor.
tation at. the fliorteft notice, or for pri
vate f>n)ilies and tavern keepers, deliver
ed <«, any part of the town.
An apartment of 5-4 and 6-4
American manufactured Bolt
ing Cloths,
Wbich will be warranted equal to an
imfwrtedt for the refpe&ive puipo f es re
quired—as has alrecjd} b^enfound od tiia j
A Liberal Allowance to Wholelale deal j
A Compleat Set
Grocer's Cann
Nov. 2S_
This work is propofcd to tht Public on
the folle-wmg
It r* fiippofed the whole will be comple
ted in four volumes, Jarge quirfc*; and
/ii'iil be set to the,prfrfs as lbsn as i
-,jurt" namber' fhili*befubfrribed far, to dei
The price to fubferibers wiHbefour
dollars tor each volume, in bnardsi N»
mouiry will be demanded till the firft vo
mint (hall be competed, when the price of
the firft and second volumes will be r< q.ii
red. When the fecund volume isfinife'd,
the |iri«f of the third witt be payabler—
/Vnd when the third volume ij fii.ilhed, the
prire of the fourth inuft be. paid.
The pric? of fncli copies as may not be
fubftfribectfor will be raised 2spr ctnt.
Dec. 1.3.
Bank of North America,
iicctm'jir 8,15 94.
The Stockholders of the Bank
of N >«j> A ne ica art hereby ftoettitd that
liiifJvA ■ Direilarj
;For thernfuMig Tcir, Vill be held at. the
Back' qd- Monday -the i2ih of 'jaiiuajy
-ofext,, «t «9«'cl«kia-«ht-,fej*naon?
; Dee-V >"
F. C. Sarmento, of tbe
Houtr of Sarmento aod Co. c the Iftitid
nf Tejeqfe, intending to
I Ha: id in tHp courl'e of'bu monii (l»c ; ■«-
quests ajiperfons havn.g ngairft
h'->i nrit'S Kent, to call on Mi. John Cia g.
ufftjs- eityfor paymtrt.
Dec. 8
William W. Woodward,
printer, '
HAS removed his Printn g-Office from
No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, 10 franklin'i
Head,. No. 36,' four doors from the corner
otSecord-5-ftreet, south fide, nearly oppo
se ; where the Printing ISufirefi is c a
on ss usual; his whole attsntion beli
confined tn that occupation. Ordertfrenj
any part of this ftatt, or the continent,
"ijl be executed, and anthers may rely r:,
having any work they may fee fir to pub
|i(h, correAly printed, either in Fceochnr
Englifli. The Ltvtl. of Evxopi and
North America, with a COPIES
_ PRICE-CURRENT,is printed lor
' tor, Petek Egron, L. L. D. at the above
, mentioned office, in Ftench and.EngJifli;
which publication bas received the piuan
jg of some of the molt diftinguill'sd oba
ra ers in Amei rca, ai d whose names, in a
!ew days, will be publiflied, and actompa
" ijy he two firft numbers to the fubferibers
. N. B. Blanks, Circular Letteis, Checks,
Cards, Handbills, Src. &e. continue to be
\ executed with tht ulual dispatch.
No*. Ift end 9 w.
a 7
j - : ■—
The Editor of the Level c.f
Europe and North America, ever ankious
to communicate to Europeans, who inay be
defirousof lettling in this Continent,what
ever may tend to informtliem of the ad.
'vantages they may find here, whether in
agriculture or in commerce, has the honor
to acquaint the public, that he bas under,
taken the tranflatidn of a work jult publifli
ed undei the title of A View cf the Un;:ed
\ States of America. This tranfiUtion will be
executed with the permission of the Author
Tench Coxe, Efq, Commiflioner of
Revenues of the United States.
P. Egron, l. L. D.
Nov. 20 2fcV3w
Dijiant Subferibers
For this Gazette, are hereby refpeftful.
3yrequeftedlo pay up their Supferfptionj
rh«- full v iicx'. The Editor
Ivill be under the necessity of conferring
tliofe who do not then renew their Sub
scription by paying Six Months in Ai*
lance, as declining to take the Paperany
As there is a confiderab'.e Sum due,from
remote SuWfcribers for theiate haif Week
ly Paper publilhed by the Edi tor s lie most
earnestly requcfts tliofe who mjy be<JeUn
quent, to take the earlicft opportunity of.
femitting him '.he balance they niay rrf.
p«6tivejy be indebted:—the sums aie indi
vidually trifling—the want of the Aggif-,
gate is severely felt.
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
' Theological Writings
Emanuel Swed^nbourg,
4t Franeis Bailey's Book Jicre, Ad. 116,'
• Market Jlreet, Philadelfrljiib,
WHEN a I'ulJicient fublcnpipn eajtei
place, a meeting u ill be artieitifed-tn con.
lider the in oft eligible made for condw&i ;•
tfeeprintingof such of the .Works as ih->U
be thought to be ol ihe greatest utility 10
the'firft instance.
The following Treati/es may be ntyw bad at-
Mr. Bailey's : - ,
The Dofbine of or the Spiritual
fenf*ofthe Ten Commandments.
The. Uni-verlal Theology of the New.
Church ; which was foreiold by the
Lexd in Daniel, chap. 7, v. J, i3> >4.
and in the Apocalypse, chap, ■v. 1,
2, &c.
A luminary View of the He-iverly Doc
trines of the New Jeiufatem Cliarch.
As various'opmions have off" en
tertained relpeflirtg xbsfcjliiahiablwwngi
ai;4 Jft no person by.ratioual arput:;' "t hit
been able to refute tbem, hut iflflead the r »
of, iovidious calumnies and gw|>n(H*f« re ~
ports have, been iiiduftijoully propags'ed
to discredit the hOi:ourahleardenliet> { cJ lc o
Author, as well as his Works, we'duubt
hot the candid and fircere nquiiers '*" cr
Truth* of the highest importance. v i 1 le
rioufly examine theft Wt'>k* fo r r: j
in which it is to be hoperf, thet he.ut: •» '
putfuit and love of the Truth lor leaks
of its native exrellei'cr and "ft. the' wi.l
regard tbeai as ihey justly detervt, r •<! in
the end receive both-profit ansi dchghr.
Oft. 14
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN awav from the fubfrrileis in
Woodbury, G oucefter County,
fey, cn Sunday morning, the i 2'l '"hi'i r,
Two young.Negro Fr!!ows,.
named Jack audTun, each ab&n- -•
of .:ge ; Jack -s of a dark b'?.ck '' lonr ;'o
a four look; T O'n is cf .'ir. open rov» r >f"
nance, of a ycUo.vifii co,»ur, rooeß
d ifpofed to laugh. _
They are Iprightly active fetlfl*", » na
but little fliori of fixlcetliipb ; 'l ,e . v wr,t
both well dreflid ; Jack hail 01 * '
broadcloth coat and rtiffvTpnt k'i ds B
Whoerer t?ke» up said fervanrs* ,r '®
f.cures them i« an) goal in Ui> ted
States, fdtnat their iriijf 5" tl.Mn
again (hall receive the übove iew*-<l
realoiisbleexP'iKe .
'John Sparks,
i tvr 4*
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Burlington PorL
Bell Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & wfl.
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