Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 20, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 164 of Vol. Vl.]
from the Ship Adr'tana Kieran Filzpatrici
Majlcr, from Amfhtlbfo, .
Ditto— Stwetinj,
Ticklenburgh, Ofijaburgh,
White and Brown .Linen,
Dianiyy fine Checks,
Beitkks, Hair Ribbon,
Great Coat?, boxes WindoW-Glass,
Ditto Tumblers,
Ginw in pipes, Ginn Cases,
Steel, Mil! Saw 3 6 feet,
Anchors, from 7 to 14 ewt,
Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c.
Thomas & John Ketland.
October ai. d.
Jufl Arrived,
Jnd will so landed lorn ,rrovj morning a\
VTharf the entire cargo of the brig
Good Hope, Captain Hcdgdon, from Ja
maica, conftfting »f
High Proof R U M,
C.OFfßfi. .
Peter Biigkt.
gov., 1.9.' . ""
'• 3°» 00i>
Green Gofer,
Not entitled totthej)rawhiu.iC'.,
Holland Gin,
At a Reduced Price,
ASTIGU A RUM, third and fourth
Fine flavoured Sf. KUts, Grenada
and country RUM,
COTTON inhales
Port au Piiuce MOLASSES,
Malaga WIfJE in quarter calks
Madeira Do- in pipes and qr. calks
A few chests of very good Hyson
TEA by the America' into N.
York, and
A few barrels of Philadel
phia BEEF, put up byao ap
proved hand ot this city, fit lor
long voyages,
No. 216, south Water S iect.
Weight of .
Entitled t® the Drawback, in hh<is, barrels
and bags. (
D c. 4
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old Red Port Wine,
This day arrived, by the Snow Irutly.
Captain Cook, from Oporto,
For Sale by
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Bulhels
St. Übes Salt.
At the STORES of
Jcffe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar
ter calks
LISBON pipes and quarter calks
Souctiongand Con-go TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lilbon and Cadiz SALT
Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
June 9 d
Oft. 29.
' bit
At Tiir4 jft?«et.
' .' 46 P T tVE 8:, * .
i of fupferior quality,^
* $WW* P l P e «
S>Qa fes qfCuMit <ȣa fuperfor^italit;
ijett les, ftlargr jffiwtoKot
mrnft of all §*es.«Dd qsmfe**
MiN n $!*• '*'
•.; .4" .• • •;*- • .;'
AfrffmeoVStuff SlioW the qiflwety
' C«shs&/ ■ ' -1 «'
affpfloSent; of
At%h< iBIWI r«I"CC«il Prices*
Ibv. Hg
For Hamburgh,
l-i The fafi-faUing Jhlp
jfcsSSjiSsat wha;f, will fail in about 15
{lays (it not prevented by ice) having a
treat part of her carg»engagid For
freight or paffigeapplj to JOHN BROWN
at said wharf, 'or*
Thomas Newman,
No. nB, South Second-ftreelT
Dec. 18. dtf
'Jnhn M'Keeve-r, majler.
BURTHEN 1700 barrels of flour, flic is
in compleat order, and faih fact Fdr
terms apply to the Captaiu on board at the
Subfcribtr'j wharf, or to
Joseph Sims,
Who has for Sale, just imported iti said
Brijj from Malaga,
Old Mountain Wine,
RAISINS of the Sun, ia kegs,
FIGS in ditto
P&UN£S inditto
Mtifcatel andßloom RAISINS' ir. '-•?*?«
and ' '
GK-AJiES jn duf» ST
ORANGES and LEi- winte
Shfcll'd ALMO in cajki
Castile SOAP, &c. &c.
Dec. 4
American Ship Hen ily, Capt.
Crowninfliield, from
F I Z.
2500 pieces Tandah Sannahs,
2000 pieces Mighumber do.
306 pieces Illiabald do.
1000 pieces Mighumber Eiserties,
948 pieces Illiabad do.
7jo pieces Tandah do.
384 pieces Fizabad do.
490 pieces Mahrrat Gurgy do.
4550 pieces Tandah ColTaes,
600 pieces Fizabad do.
300 pieces Nabad Gnrgy do;
300 pieces Illiabad Sannahs,
'95° pieces T an dlh Baftaes,
725 pieces Gurgy do.
1 jo pieces Barara do.
7 JO pieces Lucepore do.
7jo pieces Jugady do.
7jo pieces Cbittabotty do.
6750 pieces Guzzerah?.
One hundred and sixty tons of
The fliip Henry is arrived at Salem, and
will be ordered to proceed to Philadelphia,
as Toon as the sale fliall be effected. For
terms apply to
Philips, Cramoad. Ess Co.
Dec. 8. d
Tuition of the French Tongue
and Mathematicks.
J. C. ROUSSEAU, one cf the unfortu
nate inhabitants of St. Domingo, having a
(mail family of children, finds it necessary
for their support, to apply himfelf to the in-
Jlrudion of youth. He therefore proposes
teaching the above branches of lcience, in
the most- modern stile; and solicits the pal
tronage of a generpus public. The liberal
education he has received, and the feve a
othtr branches of science he has acquired
a perfefi knowledge of, will enable him to
give fatisfaftion to thnfe persons who may
employ him. He will wait on ladies and
grntUmin, who wifti to be taught at their
own houses; and will open an evening
fcheol, frnm fix to nine o'clock, on the
20th inOant. Enquire at No. H7, North
Second-street. Dec. n. 6t
Sallad Oil,
Of a superior quality in boxes of twelve
FOR SALE "54 »
Gruhb, Mather & Hill'
Nov. 36 d
A Qnanthyof BEST
James River Tobacco,
A few Hbdj. of
Kitefoot Tobacco,
Georgia Citto
500 Barrels
Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfiverth & Son.
Lcc. 6
Saturday, Decembir 20, 1794*
"L Y I N G at Walriut-ftrett
Sugars for sale.
■Sixteen Hrtgfhsad;
Nineteen Tierces,
Nine Barrels,
Oil which the Drawback nay be obtained
"John Claxlon,
o R
John Clan.
ec. 1
Office of the Infurane Ccm-
pany of North America,
THE President and Dire&crs of this
Company aie now ready to reciive appli
cations fat Infarance .on Hoiifcand stores
and on houlhold Furniture au< <Joods in
Dwelling Houfts and Stores, upon the
terms contained In their prop'fals which
have been already publi fiied.
The expence of Survey, beiig Two Dol
lars, muftbe deposited when be 1 applica
tion for Insurance is niade ; aidihe Badge
aijd Po4icy, together with tie .Premium,
are to be paid for when th nrler is given
and accepted.
Ebeneze L zard,
Dec. 8
PbilaJ. L'c. 13, 1794
die Recruits m jl- i. r .'<•
Reading and Cartifte, tr cither of Hiole
pi-ees, d'trineJlht? - >;9>, arertqwft
tJ. io fend in their pro,>ofals feafefl, to my
Office, on or 4>efore the 26 th instant-
The component parts of the Ration are
One lb. of Breador Flour,
One lb. of Beet er 3-4 lb. of Pork
1-2 giH-Ruid, Brandy cr whiikey
One quart-Sa4t
Two quarts Vinegar £ por joo RationJ
Two lb. Soap (
One lb. Candles J)
Tench Francis, Agent.
Dec- 12
_____ -
Lundin M'Kechnie,
Taylor, Stay Corset & Habit
N0.16> Chtfnut fired, between Second &
Front Streets,
RETURNS his most grateful thanks to
thofe-who haee honored him with their em- 1
ployment, and begs leeve to aifiire them,
that from his extensive correl'pbndence in
London, he will at all times have it in his
power to furnifli thefn with every article
inhis prefeffion in the- newest falhion and
of the best quality ; and soT the better ac
commodation of his cuftbmers he has ta
ken into partnerlhip in the Taylor and
Habit making Business, John Sloane from
-London 1 •
N. B- He makes the famous Patent
Stays for the Apparatus Spinalis Extend
er, in the us« which he has been vary
fuccefsful in curing distortions in Young
People, and has never failed to cure when
applications were made in due time, and
now begs leave to present to the public a
proof of the happy efferts.
In September last, James Dods, late of
Britain, applied-to me refpefting one of
his children (». child two yeais and an half
old) who-had three of' the lower vertebrae
of her Spine distorted, was very weak,
her body bending, could not be moved
without pain,had 00 ule of her lower limbs
and one of which ftenied cph'fra'ftin?, and
had no ease but in a lying poftiire. Tt>e
parents informedme that (he l,ad been Tri
forfive or fix months, and could account
for it no Other way than a weakness bro't
od by the hooping-cough,previous to which
the child bad been adive and healthy.
Upon the Bth of September I fitted the
child with e pair of patent (laysand an ap
paratus Spinalis Extendens, in a few day.>
Ihe seemed perfectly easy, could fit upright
and be carried about without complaining
The distortion is now scarcely pe rcepfi
ble ; the child can ftnnd or fit'upright,atid
walk with a little afliftance. This it attes
ted by the mother of the child who has re
mained since in the city for the benefit of
ray attendance, the father having gone to
the country.
The above is a just state of my chrld s
Dec. 13 e, -3*
For Sale by the Subscribers,
Ac. 81, IValnut-Jtreet,
17 Hogshead« and 14 Barrels
Muscovado SUGARS,
19 Cbefti'Stolon T*».' '
7 Dk». Do.
• 3»pi|*»sbCTfj Wine, tfwart o]4,
jaaauaftcr cfflW IW. .
!, J pilter tots* l'<#t tr%.-
3)6 fcMIJ Bo#Oß Beef,-
Do«*fe- TnW«h|(jv
. ijß ** ">.' . .■
Nalbri £jf' Frowsier.
Dep. >5 •<*»?»
Frefli Teas,
Of Sure rior Quality, viz.'
Imperial, or Gunpowder
Hyson Gomee,
tit quality Hyson,
ad. <30. do.
Young Hyson,
Hyson Skin, and
A fe-w Boxes of (tub, for sale at
No. 19, Third street south.
Dec. ro eodtf
From on board the Birmingham Packet,
Lockyer, and the Henry and Charts,
from Hambvm\
H E M P.
Peterfivrgb't firjt quality
BAR IRON, 'Swedes, ajforted
TIN, in plates, Aa. da.
GENEVA in bbds.
BAGGING, German jtfforUi
Black Quart Bottles,
DEMIJOHNS, Window Gta/s,
hei'# of superior quality,
. ' ••-5-V
Aug. 26
Bohea Tea,
GIN in Pipes,
Now Landing from on board the (hip
Feggy, Johft Elliott mailer,
from Amfterdajn.
Also Imported by the kite Arr'rtiah,
Kuflia Hemp, firll quality
Birto Sail Duck
Ditto Ravens Duck
Brown Russia Sheeting
Tickltnburgs ' t
Brown Flanders
Hcflians and Brown Rolls „
Cotton Stripes and Checks - ;* ~
Flanders Bedticks '*
Holland Sail Duck
Seine Twin*
Dutch Great CoaM)
Gin in,cafes
Madder ' ,
Windolt Glass, 8 by 01
Jesuits Bark
. Opium.
Affafcetida , y
German Sieel k
Mill and CroPs-cut Saws
Hoes and Cutting Knives
j Sythes and Skates
" Coffee Mills
! Black Lead Crucibles
Anchors from 3 cwt. to 15 CWfc, /
'i ' ' '
5 And a General Ajfortment ef'
15-4 & 6-4 Boulting Gfcfth,
Nov. 11
George Hunter,
At his Larboratoryt ATo. 114, foutk
Second Jlretit.
INFORMS his former cuftomrrs and the
public, that he has begun the DRUG bu-
Gnefs again on an extensive plan.
He has for sale a general affortmcnt of
Likewise, pa inters' colours, dry and ground
in oil, paint brufties, window and coach
glass, dye (luffs, linseed oil, oil of turpen,"*><?,
copal oil varnish and japau, warranted good.
Allum,copperas,madder,ground rrtlweod
by the hoglhead or smaller quantity.
Ashe imports the fimpln from the belt
markets, and makes the comoofiuon* and
preparations himfelf, he is enabled to vouch
for and warrant every article fold out his
Laboratory, and likeWift.ta-'difpofe of them
at the mo# reafonablciatej.
He withes to fell a large LOT of
GROUND, the north-east corner of High
Eleventh-ltreeis,containing 78 feet front
®n High.street, and 200 feet on
street, opposite Mr. Lexer's new sU'.JdrmrC"-
And another LOT on the north fideoflfigh
ftreet,near the 28 feet front, and goo
feet deep. Both" i'ots have the privilege of a
3* feet alley in (heir rear.
Dec. 13. _ „f
India Nankeens,
On which lhe Drawback may be obtained
Samuel Corp,
Neiu-Tork, or
Henry '
A'l). 11 Spruce flreei.
■ di st.
Dec. »v
l± , . tri
[Whole No. 714.]
In its various and extrtifi-ve Branch?:,
Executed with Accuracy, Ex
pedition, and ou Moderate 1 e ma, by
Ormrod & Conrad,
A,t the Old Sijrn of Franlclir.'i IT<at3 ; Xso.
41, on the north fide of Chefnut
J. Ormrod lias for fa'r, as usual, a Gene,
ral Aflortmcnt of
Books, Prints & Stationary.
Dec. 15
$fr. Smith from the COM ?
appointed to prepare and report a f>Lrt
for the reduction of the Public D'-bt,
brongkt in the following
That si
ing this report, marked A 'ind B, Cp".
pears, that the surplus of, the exiting
lv-ynnd the provable expen
ditures for the year I fOv rf)e
fucceefHr.g years, will #i»abl* the Le
jifiat lire to commence, duri'ng the year
J79)> and .to continue thereafter the
payment of that portion of the pub,-
ic debt which the government has by
aw reserved th« right to redeem.
The crmmitter therefore the
i. That ther.e be appro
mated out of the revenue* of the year
[ 79 j, a sum not exceeding' 600,eo»
iollars, tc be applied to the: payment
>f two dollars on every hundftfd dol
ars of the amount of that part of the
Dublic debt which bears anaitjual inter-
Eft of fix percent.—the said payment
obe made on the. day of
t would, in their opipien, be expedi
:nt to appropriate, until the y«a/ 180 tv
ill the revenues arising from the duties
md taxes on manufactured sugar and
[miff, on licences for retailing wines
ind fpititous liquors, on sales at auction
ind on carriages, to the payment of
io much of the public debt, as the go
edeem, and for that purpofe< to pro
:axei, to the year 1801—They there
We recommend the following refolu
2. Rtfolvcd, That the several clati.
fe«;oni<nitation, in the a£b for laying
duties and taxes on manufa&ured sugar,
and inuff, on licences for retailing wines
and fpiritoujliquors, on falcs at auction
said several adts to be continued in force
until the year 180 1, and that the mc
to the ilifchai'gs of that portion of
;bc public debt which ia redeemable l>y
j*w, however, to a fubftituticn
>f other duties or taxes of equal value
0 all or any of the said duties and
The following resolutions„ as con
nected with this fubje<sfc, are alfp sub
mitted by the committee :
3. Rtfolnx'd, That the eighth fe&ion
awnftrate with the aft for laying such
duties, patted iothof August 1790,
"An aft making further
provision for the debt of the United
States. „
4. Resolved, That the surplus of re
venue, which,may hereafter exist after
fatUfying all legal appropriations, ought
:hafe-of the public ciebt.
The profpedt ef an approaching
peace with the Indian tribes having fug
jefted to the committee the propriety
if rcforting to the western lands, as ?.n
mxilliary resource for the discharge of
he public debt, they farther recommend
tifcTofllowing resolution :
5. R/falytd, That proviiion be made
or thelale of the public lands in tl*
v«fterrt territory.
■#' ■■ 7