4 ( » BOOKS, POINTbU 53* PUBUSfIZD, By Rlathew Carey, No. 118, Market Street, 1, Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Z.ln ko-wfj'r, of ilj- Vfau*Tbsatre ~tb\i~iitlphia. Btrond American edition —Price 75 cents. [The rzjSid £a!e of the Fit ft Edition of Ihis intercfting novel, in i few months, is the btft proof of its merit.] Extract from tic Critical Review, Afril l"9l> /• 4<>B. It maybe* tit of truth, for it is not un natural, a dit is a taleuf real iliflrefs— Charlotte bv the *rt'rfito»f a teacher,. re \<>mmeiint lis' and accompanies a v iijnp, officer to Atueric—Tlic marriage ■in n$,V not forgotten, is poilponed, Cii'.irlotte dies a martyr to the incon r~ :cy of her lover, and rreaciiery of hi; fiend, Thefituationsair arfleis and at'- , ftjjx—the descriptions natural and pa * • »t,, ; we fliould tefl fi»> Charlotte il Inch crun who so' on error, Ic, eely, perhaps delervcd so severe 3 ou n'fltmert. If i' i» a ftftion, poetic jnft'ice is not, we tltfnk, propiily diltributeri." 2. The Inqu'tfitor—-bv Mrs. Kowfon, Se corn! Philadelphia edition. cents 3. Adrentnresoi'Koderic Random. 2 vols 1 dollar a'.d 50 cents, coarfc paper—l dollar aid 75 cents, fine i. Notes ontlk ftati of Virginia—by Tho rn*"; Js-fterfoil, i'rirt, neatly bound, one ■Hollar and a half. hiltoryof the French Revolution, from rj commencement to the death ol the Qtieen and tire execution of BrifTot. Tu a d mars. ExTKAch- FRo"M THE PREFACE. * The authors have piefutncd to affix to t-ierr tit'e the epithet Jmpattierl; and the reason it,beaift thev cannot charge them selves with feeling the smallest bias to any partyj but that ol truth and liberty; and they Hatter themfelvrs, that their readers wiH find n circumilance-faii ly reprefiotcd. but every cemurahle action, ■whoerer w«»e the authors or actors, mark ed in its proper color». If it was nrceffs'y to make a declaration of their own prlnci "p e?,\hey wguld fay, they are neither tory nor republican—Tbey-love liberty as Eng lift: whtgs, and execrate every criminal aft by whuhfunoblea caufeis endangered anil difjjraced. " In the prelent ferment of the. public mind, they cannot (latter themfslves with the Inpes of feeing this claim universally acknowledged. On the contrary, the)< are zvc.'i ajjured l/ijif. the/e pages, wii/.nc/ be acceptable , It the leaftus cj tii\:T part). Bur when time !hall diflipate she c'ou ■ J of,political decep tion, they with Inme confidence expefi that vcrdift from.public opinion,. which candor and moderation feldoni fail to receive. Extract f.*om the critical Review, Januarv, 1794 —pape j2. 44 We have certainly derived mticfl pTea fare, and acquired much information from the pertt&l of these yuiumcs t and we think them, both for matter ;ind ftyjc, wortl\y the attention of all who inti-reft tiietrtfelves in events which have so justly excited the enriofity and aftoniftimcnt ol mankind." 6. Plowdens history ol thi Britilh empire from May 179 a, to Dccembrr 1793. A dollar and a quarter. [Tins is as inter esting an valuable a publication as had appea'cd for many years.] 7 Reittie's Elejnen's of Moral Science. 2 vols. One dollar and three quartets si. Ladies I .ibraty. Second American edi ion. 87 cents. Containing— Mtfs Moore's Fflays; Dr. Gregory's Le p :cy to his Daughters ; Lady Penning, tons unfoi tunate mother'* ad t- ice to her 1? lughteTs : Marchioness de Lambrt's' Advice of a mother tohcr daughter, Mrs Chapone's l etter on the government of the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young Lady newly married; Moore's Fables lor the Female lex *). Jnurnaldurant un Sejouren France de puis le comtneocemen- d'aout julqu'a la inidi Decentbre; auqueleft njoute un recit des evenemens les pins remarquables qui out eu lieu a Paris, d a dollar and a half. 11. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wolfton craft. A dollar. 12. Willifon's Sacramental Meditations.— 60 cents. 13 Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai. against D abolus. 14. Short account of Algiers.. Second edi tion, enlarged—JJ cents. Containing—A description cf that coun try—of the manners and customs of the in habitants—and of theirfeve ral wars against Spain, France, England, Holland, and othet powers of Europe—from the u surpation ofßarbarofla and the invasion of Charles y. to the present time.—With a concise view of the origin of the war he tw»en Algier*and the United States. EmbelliOird with a map of Barbary, com prehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly. To the present edition is added a very copiatis index, containing letters fcom fiindry American prisoners in Algiers to ♦ friends in th£ United States—a lift of tlie veffele takeu—and many very interest ing articles not in the firft edition. 15 Blair's Leftnres on Rhetoric and Belles Letters Three dollars 33 rents. tG. Smith's LeUersto Married Women, 00 i>n-fing and the management of qhildrco. 62 i-J cenu. 17. American Farmer's letters. 83 cents. 18. Yonog Miffcs Magazine: a vols, ido'- Ur 33 cents. Containing—Dialogues between a Cover -ness ind feycral Young Ladies Quality Iter fchalars.— In which each Lady is made o (peak acceding 10 her particular pen ius, temper ana inclination—Their frvem faulis, ■re pointed out, and theeafy way to uraend * u •h-rr., &• well as to thinV, and 'jtaV, and } aprop* tiv ;ro kl* car*- '*8 t <-Wi nlo loim ihclr heaits lo goodpefs, than to «a 'ighiiii I heir unaciftundiugs with uftfm 'mowleii..-. A (hon and clear abtidßment i # |f« K nin of tacrcd and prolaac Ji.iW-y, *t\a (omc lessons in Geog'aphy. The utef.il i, 1 I nded throughout with t.e »g«eeaWf. he who • heing with proper ic tieKion aiut moral Talcs. ,a. Duncan's hiemetua if Logic. Bo3«. 1 dollar *5 """• ; 4 . Complete Atlas for the present war, con tabling maps of France, Holland, Nether lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, »nd the Weft-Indies. » Collars. ™ s , C.»n(litutiom of the United States, with the Federal Canftitution- 62 1-2. cents. 26 Pev'on's Grammar'for frenchmen to t-gJ.ftr. —tpr-crmi. - — " a-. Epifleti Enchiridion. 31 cents. 2?. Gay's Fables. 31 cents. 20 Chtifliau Economy . 25 cents. 30. Charms of Melod)', a choice colleflion ' of Songs. 25 cents. 31. American Museum, 12 vols, Bvo. Nine teen dollars and 20 cents. **- It The American Museum it not only emi nently calculated to d'iffetnina'e political and other valuable information,- but it lias been noiiormly condlifted with :afle, attention, & propriety. If to these important obje&s be fuot'Added the more immediate drfign, of refcuing'public documents from oblivion, I will venture to pronounce, as my sentiment, that a more ufeful literary plan has never been undertaken in America, nor one more deserving of pub lie encouragement." General Washington. 23. Poems of Col. Humph>.cys. 37 1-2 cents. 34. Catechiftn of Man. 18 1.2 cents. 3/5. Tom Paine'i Jests. 18 1-2 cents 36. Carey's account of the Yellow Fever,4th edition. 50 cents. 37. Devout Chrillun'a Vade Mccum. 25 PHII, cents. 38. Garden of the Soul. 50 cents. 39. Think veil on't. cents. 40. Douay Bible. 6 dollars. No*. *g Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs, and Glass Ware, Landing from on board ihr Jhip Peggy, from Amlieruam. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hog (heads and tierces, Muscovado Sugars In hogtheads, German Steel, ASSORTED WOOLLENS, In small Bales, &c. for sale by Rutrdle y Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut street wharf. Who want to purchase 303'0r 400 Casks Good Flaxfeed. N®v. II 3tawtf Office of the Insurance Com pany of North America, December Bth 1794. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock holders, that the Fifth Instalment, being two dollars oh each fliare of the Stock, of this Cunipany is to be paid an the se cond Monday (the lith Day) of January next; when it will be neceflary for each petfon to produce the receipt for the fourth Ir.fta'ment upon the (hares he (hall propose to pay for. *m * By the firfi Jeftion of the Charter it is declared that all Jhares on luhicb pay merits shall not be made at the time pre ferred, shall be forfeited to the use of tlx . Company. On Tuesday the 13th day of January next (being the second Tuesday in the month) at 11 o'clock A. M, an Ele&ion will be held at the Company's Office, for the choice of Twentv-five directors To set ve fur ons ye»r, and until others shall be cho f en. Th* Eleftt>r« may vote either in person or by proxy; but n« Stockholder can— " vote at any hleft on for D ; reftors unless the Stock (hall have stood in his or her name in the trioks of the Company at least three months preceeding the time of such El t ft ion. In care of a Stockholder's voting by Proxy, the charter requires that " the proxy be direflly from fuchStoclcViolder, Ac the vote oe civen by a citizen of this com monwealth." Ebenezer Hazard, Secretary, Dec. 8 AT THE Card y Nail Faflsry, No. 59, north Front street, Webster, Adgate & White, Have conflantly for fait, Cotton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of all Kind/, Cut Nails of all fiae-, Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks, Fullers Shears, Gun Flints amd Wool Hats, A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in barrels Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia 'Harmony, containing both the firft and lr cood .parts, being the nv>ft aproved fyf. trm 0 1 . Rules and tbe best coleftion of Tunes now in u'rf. Also for Sale, A COMfLETt SET OF Machinery for making Cards i On an Improved CooAruftioa. Oft- » .aw tf •ADELPHIAPrtxted bv JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Street.— Price Si* Dollars Per .Annum. -r y. ; Imported from Amfierdaai, and for fd c M. H< Meflchert, Nc. Ijl, South Front Street, Fresh Bohea Tea, Black Pepper, Holland Sheeting, Deft Ofnabrigs and Ticklenburgs, Dutch great and Sailors Coats, And on long credit, fuperfine Bltck and Blue Leyden Broad-Cloths. Dee. 15 *4t SHAKSi'iCARE'S WORKS. FIRST- AM£SIGAN EDITION. fc V v Mouiiifortt t ■ Bioiren Co. x'ropofcils for Printing by Sub/cription i THE WHOLE Dramatic Works O F WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, 10 EIGHT BUODCCrMO VOLUMES, From Joncs*i Dublin Edition. CONDITIONS. I. Tliis Work will be comprized In Eight Duodecimo Volumes, printed on a fine American paper, in a stile of Typogra phical Elegance that fhali rtfleft the iiigheft credit on the American press. II That it shall be cmb'elliftied with a beautiful FVoutifpiece of Shakrpeate— engraved by the belt American Artist. 111. That the price to Subscribers will be eight COLLARS, one dollar to be paid 011 fubferibingj and one dollar on the re ceipt of every fuceceding volume but the last: —to enable ihe Pub ifhers to pursue with convenience this arduous undertaking. codtf IV. Each volume shall be delivered in blue boards to the Suhl'cribers immediately on the publication of every volume with belt impreflions of tie Frontispiece—the price to be raifsd to Non-Hubfcriben. V. That the names of the Subscribers will be printed to record the patrons ol this endeavour to encourage ihe ufelul and elegant Arts iu America. TO the public. THAT Shr.kfpea:e ha* followed nature with such truth and corre&nefs, as to ren der his Works the delight of all nations, however differing in customs and manners from his own, is a fact which more than centuries of universal approbation have fufficientlj eftablifhed—7ne debt unpaid by the carelefi and unenlightened co-tem poraries of this IHuftrious Man has been left to posterity to dilcharge, and in pro portion to the progress of taste and litera ture, the gratitnde of mankind has endea voured to acknowledge the obligation. England has exhibited her favourite Au thors with splendor, and it is hoped that America that feat of true liberty, will not be backward in encouraging this firft great attempt to do merited justice to the author of this Dramatic Wort. The fele&ion therefore, of this incom parable Produ&io 1 for an elegant Ameri can eDiTlcs, requiting no just fication, it only remains fin ihe Publishers to add a few ohrervations on the claim which such under takings have to patronage in America—a country, which for -liberty none can equal and (hauld necessarily be the nurse and pa tronof the Arts. And tlio' to rival the Eastern country, may fes?m hopeless in us— yet it is furcly a laudable endeavour to ex cite that encouragement bcie,which (hauld 6e always offered to improvement and ex- 1 celience. Indeed Vie zeal which haj ap peared in America, iince the permanent cf tablifhment of the present liappy constitu tion, tor patronizing the arts, whilst it has produced and rewarded a multitude of works which immortalize the artists, has also exalted the character of the nation, and given dignity to the people whofc patriot i(m and munificence have promoted their discovery of perfe&ion. America is not insensible to the value of character, and will assume her rank amoneft nations as an encourager of the arts. It would therefore be an impeachment of her undeiftanding and patriot i(m, it a doubt were entertained of her poffeflinr: a port on of that spirit which l'o elevates flie eaflern world,a spirit which considered in a:nation al point of view, is one of the mod praise worthy in the catalogue of public vtrtnes : as it contributes to the best mlerefts of so ciety, by promoting industry, cherifhir.g genius, multiplying the rational enjoymtots ot life, and exciting a general taste tor the beautiful and the excellent- mfcwti3j In the hope then that the humble eff>rt here proposed may interest ibis Ipirit, and have some claim to general encourage ment, it has been undertaken. The attention iWfch (hall be paid to the correftnefs and beauty of the Pit inti k6, will evince the desire of the publilhers to prelent their country wiih ar. tikion worthy of the inimitable Skakcjpcatc. The PubKflier! aflure (lie Patrons of this undertaking, they will difclurge their en gagement with ft'rift probity and honor, and therefore hope they may justly claim public confidence and support. Sobfcrlptions wiij be leceived at Ste, phens's No. $y 9 South Second ft>eet,and at the princippl Bookfel!*rs,in the United States—also; the PuMilhers No. 75 Dock-Greet, and «t the Philadelphia Coffte-Uoufei , Dkc. 10. '3^; eod 2w 2a w tf V/ANTID ON LOAN, Two thousand dollars, Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia will be pledged as Secuiity. Enquire the Primer. Dec. 4 FOR SALE BY ' GILL HENSHAW, Na. 128, South Water Street, CLARET in cases, Madeira, Sherry, and Liftjon Wines Philadelphia Porter in bottles, for expor. tation at the flnirtcll nice, or for pri. vate families and tavern keepers, deliver ed m any part of the town. ALSO, ajfortment of 5-4 and 6-4 American manufactured Bolt ing Cloths, JVhich will be warranted pqus.l to an imported, for the refpeftive purposes r«- qtf red—at has alreadj been found on ti'ia A Liberal Allowance to Wholesale dea' ers. A Compltat Set of FOR SALE. Nov. 25 just Arrived, And will be landed to-morrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO ct the Schooner Industry, Captain HyUnder, from Havanna, CONSISTING OF 85 hhds. Molafles, Of fuperisr full quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels, White & brown Sugar AND A Parcel of Ox-Hides ; FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. a l so, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Just arrived in the Hibarnii, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. »3 d PROPOSALS By Thomas Dobfon, For Publi/hing by Subscription, An English Translation OF Poole's Synopsis of the Trans lations of the Bible, And O The Critics, Interpreters y and Cemme itators Exhibiting at one v}e* , the priir.ipU cr\+ ticifms, and most valuable Elucidations o? the Scripture j JUulbations of «t,V an cient £?ftcm Mannersaod cuftonv » & Descriptions of :!ie PianSs and Ar i r-a s therein mentioned ) with improvements from observations of Travellers, .fihee the publication of tba 1 exceflen'wo k. IT has been matter of wo iflcx regret that this raoft learned and valuable- work, so highly p»ized by the learned, b.iihed, the pi i e-of the fourth r u(l be p3id. The, price of fueli copies as may rot be fubferibed for will-be ra'frd 2J f/r cat. Dec. 13. Bank of North America, December 8, 15 94. The Stockholders of the Bank i-f North A Ticiica arc hertoj' not.fr. d that an ELECTION lor 1 welve Directors For the enfoing Year, will-be held st the Bark on Motday the il:h of January next, a' jo o'clock iu the forenoon Dee. 9 rt:J:2 F. C. Sarviento, of the Houtc of Sarmertto, and Co. o t> thjt lllaed iri the courft ot'rfcij'woni'i (D-c.; .1 ?.. qutfts iH perfonj h*vmf demand* -'.ajrfl iitm orhii Hr,ufe t to rail.o* Mr* Jo«r.T.ia g ol tlju city for payment Dec. 8 Ij [ Revenues of tiieUr.ited State*. P. Egron, l. L. D. J Nov. 20 2au3|w t/' .. tv\ W rodtf 1 1 Diflant Subscribers For this Gazette, are hereby refpfftful. Iv tequelUd'o pay up their Supfcript;<>iu to (lie fitft of Javusry nex(. The Editor will be under the necelljty of confliU ring t!icfe who-do-ii/K then renew their Sub fcriptiun by paying Six Months in A - vaifce, as declining to tMke the P<-pei any ' longer. As tbereis i considerable Sum due from /eriwte SuVci ibers for thelat* hajf Week ly Paper publiftied by the Editor, he nmft earnestly fequrfts th'ofe who may be delip. quervt, to take the earliest oppivtur-ity "f remitting liijn the balance they m»y rif. peftivcly be indebted—the fnni* are ii d:- vidually ii ifl'n g—the want of the Aggre gate is severely felt- . . . r - c.i;'. T. >e " .•']■*'' for firgiwSg- ' ' ¥behkgiti$ '* if Frjufjij, ~ Ma'rktf jfftH, Fsit&!yifa ... •.. . VWilfAi take? , irtvivfiferfto' i«iiK :! i. fldtT jfltf CMAtAhjj ' fii<%«C tli# - %'y k* f a*|fc«j| to fe'W «ht»ry,*jt4g?i&iMr ijf. ~V : > a'- Tkc bejtovjti*ia v Mn J&mfai'jZi: > ; .' 1 The Doftruir SpifitaMi fcnfc of > "?' Tlie Uoiverfal-- Church- L«rd in iHpki, tljap.,7, v. j, >}» t and iri tfeM > pcA!aty'j>t*i r T-- 'i a, tec. :■: "'■ -;"'- • .. -• • • A Juf*rn?r*V-ieWjrif tfcj-.tewrj»rty Doe* ' tVines of XUcftiyf ' £3* AJ «•"; terfattied refpeS'iif and ytl ?.«.£ss*{ W been abfe t» refute a" of, invidtmis calumnies art;! -jl bean. to i Ap)ho&, *s i hi« Ti<' r it>"l>fk* {<".. .t in wbich'it is |»> b pMi*fnir aixniSve of tiw Truth i» r '?*• of its end "/'■ . ffgaid tfwm as iheV jiiftly de »"4 ® the etwf recrivfc hSt' l woftt anC - OA. <4- '?> ■ '•; «r«»o«_ Forty Dollars Reward. RAN awaf ■ lV.il) fl>e fubl-Tilets in \V >odt>ury, GnuCffler Cor-ty, v '"j er ~ fey, Sunday morning 'be J2" i art, Two young Negro K'llows, named J«c k ar.d 1 nii 4 CiicTi j of r.ge; Jack da-kblacJ: cHo-pr.J nfnur look ; To-i is *•< ; • < r.te nance, of* a co'wur,, a ti.nw* disposed to lavish. . They are l[>i ightiv afl've ('*!'." vv s» a ' but little fiicrt i»f fix tectK'.ri ii: »y rc both well dre fled ; Jack f>ad e* * ""V® broadcloth coat and «?iffrr»-nr k ndi clothes. . \V'hoever takes up f*id ferrant> *r ; retires them ir any Isa tnc I?T * lr States, so.that rh#ir ru&iers **>>' e I again fh-»! 1 rcce ve the above rewa-d an Jaw 4w re»ton»l>leexjrnce«. } Of). i 4 Burliiigtoft • >n-'i * QtrAKTI*? OF ' ' .*1? Best BurlLrtgtdn Port* FOR sale bv. Levi Holiingfwcrrh & Sorv Ofi. .11 . —. e V 3' 'm j \ .rf o t John Sparhiv AntfrJtw - " .. :t. ; : a ii I- I