Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 18, 1794, Image 1

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    D A 1
[No. 162 of Vol. Vl.]
Just Arrived,
And will if* landed to-morrow morning a,
' H'harf, the entire-cargo of the brig
Good Hope, Captain. IhJgdon, from Ja
ma:ca, consisting of
- - -
It Hit It
Peter Blight.
Nov. §9
30,000 w«ight of
Green Coffee,
Nr. entitled to the D awback.
Holland Gin,
.lAMXlfci SPIRiTS, -•
A RU^Ii third and fourUj.
%i,,e T tev^B | e<l ..?•• K'tts, GreMda
CO TT"«TN "in Uatei
, Bt-AGK aewPPts-. ■
Von.'" l * Pnntf
v Mabga'.WlJ<P in i
a Dj., i« B'pes and Jr. cases,
•*- TF,a by the 'Ajnerica inwvrl.
, , York, anrf-. i»? . ■*
A few Ijarreb trt" gwori f*t -Pyu>« e| -
a P-
this Clty, fit lor
" jbiig voyages,
Lcvlmis Clark foil,
No. 216, fonth Water S;ieet.
Weiiilit of
J. unled 10 the irawluck, in barrels
and bags.
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old R-ed Port Wine,
This d«ry arrived, by the Suovv Trully,
Captain Cook, from Oporto,
For Sak by
Alfoby the fame Snow, jooo Buthrls
St. Übes Salt,
oa. 29. dtf -
At the STO -Ei Oi
JefTe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pips *, bhds. and quar
ter calks
LISBON do.inpipes and quarter ca/ks
Soucliongaivf Congo TEAS, in quarter
c 111s
A qnanrftv of Lisbon and CadzSALT
Soft flnrfled ALMONDSin bales
Vel-et CORKS, in do.
I'.mfia MATTS.
June 9 _
John D. Blanchard,
At his Stores, in Third street,
50 Cases of Claret of a iuperior quality
fubjctft 10 drawback.
Boftun Tea Kettfe'V alargc affottmen
Shoit ol"all iizcs and numbcis
I.ead in pigs
V/omen's Stuff Sboei by tlie quantify
Cutt Nails
Rhode-IlUid Cheese
And alarg* and elegant assortment of
European and India
Atthemoft rcd»»ced Prices.
Nov. 25 2aw " t ", from Amjlcrdam.
Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgh,
Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet,
Thomas & John Ketland.
' V.C :
# *
S&efte of tibt 'Cnitfi)
For Freight or Charter,
\ TS&3S&V The fa ft failing ship
liurtntn 270 cons, and will carry about
420 hoglheads of tobacco ; is in complete
order, and ready to receive a cargo on
-• ?
For trims ipply on board at Albifon'j
wharf, or to
Thomas Newman,
No. 118, south Second street.
Dec. 11 <1
For Charter,
F7lß*heee ,
John Jil'Keeve-r, master.
BURTHEN 1700 barrels of* flour, flie is
in compieat order, and fails fact For
.erms apply to the Captaiu on board at th*
ribcr's wharf, or to
J°f e ph Sims,
• .n : • *
Who has for Sale, imported in fait
Brig from Malaga,
Old Mountain Wine,
RAISINS of the Sun, in kegs,
lyiufeatel and Bloom RAISINS in boxes
and jars,
GRAPES in ditto
ORANGES and LEMONS in boxes
SlteH'd AT.MO SDS in calks
Caltiie SOAP, &c &:c.
American. Ship Hen ry ( Capt,
Crowninftiield, from
p. 500 pieces Tandah Sannahs,
2opo pieces Mighuinber do.
300 pieces Illiabald do,
1000 pieces Mighumber Emerties,
948 pieces lUiabad do.
750 pieces Tandah do.
384 pieces Fizabad co.
490 pieces MafirrSt G urgy do.
4550 pieces Tandah Colfaes,
600 pieces Fizabad do.
300 pieces Nabad Gurgy do.
300 pieces lUiabad Sannahs,
1953 pieces Tandah Baftaes,
725 pieces Gurgy do.
150 pieces Earam do.
750 pieces Lucepore do.
750 pieces Jugady <^°-
750 pieces do.
675Q pieces Guzzerahs.
—and also —
One hundred and sixty tons of
The ftlip Henry is arrived at Salem, and
will be ordered to proceed to Philadelphia,
as soon as tiie sale lhall be effeflcd. For
term' apply to
Philips, Cramond & Co.
Dec. 8. d
' #
Tuition of the French Tongue
and Mathematicks.
J. C. ROUSSEAU, one of the unfortu
nate inhabitants of St. Domingo, having a
final) family of children, finds it neceilary
for their fuppo-'t. to apply himfelf to the in
/Irußion of youth. He therefore proposes
teaching tie above branches of lcience, in
the most modern stile; and solicits the pa!
tronage of a generous public. The libei al
education he has received, and the fevera
other branches of science he has acquired
a perfefi knowledge of, will enable him to
give foiisfaftion to these persons who may
en-ploy him. He will w«it on ladies and
gentlemen, who wilh to be taught at their
own houses; and will open an evening
fcl'Soi, frnm fix to nine o'clock, on the
20th instant. Enquire at No. U7, No>th
Second-street. Dec. 11.
" ' /
Sallad Oil,
Of a fupenor quality in boxes of twelve
Bottles; .V v j{| ,•
Grubb, "Mather S3 Hill.
Nov. 26 d
James River Tobacco,
A few Hhds. of
Kitefoot Tobacco,
Georgia jDitto _
c t co Barrels
Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollir.zfwsrth & Son.
| Dec, 6 eodiW
Thursday, December 18, 1794-
-A Quantity of BEST
Sugar? fpr- sale.
Sijcteen Hogsheads,
Nineteen Tierces,
Nine Barfcls,
On which (he Drawback' mit br obtained.
* f rut xo
"John Claxion,
John Clark.
ec. I
City of Washington.
LOTTERY; No. 11.
i A 20,000 Dol!a>s,*artd
dwelling hcuft, $ calh 30,000 ate
i ditto 15,000 & c-afti 25,000
1 ditto 15,000 & ca(h 15,000
1 ditto 10,000 &: c«ifh 10,000
i ditto 5,000 & cash |,000
1 ditto 5,000 & cafii 5,000
j Cafo p'izc ofr
2 ditto 5.000 cach, arc
,0 ditto 1,000
SO ditto 500
ioo ditto roo
200 ditto 50
400 ditto 2.5
i,coo ditto 20
*5> o0 ° ditto 10
16,739 P"" 1
33,261 Blanks
50,000 Tickets at 8 dalUri
This Lottery will effort! an e.egant spec:
men of the private buildings to be erect d i"
the City of Washington—Two beautiful de
signs are already felt fled for the entire froms
on two of the public Iquates ; from these
drawings, it is proposed to ere£l Ijvb centre
and lour corner btitldings, »s soon as ptifiibte
after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them
when complete, to the fortunate adventurers,
in the manner described in the fchieme for
the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five
per cent, will made to defray the neces
sary expences of printing, 4c. and the sur
plus will be made a part of the fund intended
for the National Urtiverfity, to be efe&ed
The drawing iwill commence wfw
as the Tickets are lolH, 01 at all events on
Monday, the 22iic! of December next: The
money 'prizes will be payable in thirty days
after it is finifhed, and any prices for which
fortunate numbers are not produced within
twelve months after the drawing is closed are
to be confined as given towards the fund
for the University, it being determined to
fettle.the vhoje business in a year from the
ending of the drawing and so take up the
bonds given asfecurity.
The real ftcurities given for the -. aymen*.
of the Prices, are held by the Prefiderrt and
two Directors ps jhe Bank of Columbia,and
arc valued a t more than half .the amount oi
the Lottery. The diawing will be under
the management of 44 approved
by the commissioners for the City of Wafli
ington, for the time being, and aftmg o»
Samuel Blodget.
%« Tickets may be had at the Bank of
Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. BalupVorc;
of Gideon Denifon, Savannah : of PA
Oilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Ray
mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper s »cr-
Aug. 30
Office of the Insurance Com
pany of North America,
THE Prefidfcnt and Directors of this
Company are now ready to receive appli
cations for Insurance on Houses and stores
and on houlhold Furniture aad Ooods in
Dwelling Houfej and Stores, upen tie
terms contained it> their proposals which
have been already puhliftied.
The ex]>ence of Survey, being 1 *»so Do]
lars, muftbe deposited when the applica
tion for Insurance is n-ad t - ; and the
and Policy, together with the Premium,
are to be paid for when the order is given
and accepted.
Ebenezcr Hazard,
Dcc . 8 diw2awim
Philad. Dec. 13, 1794-
Any person desirous
to contract for the supply of Rations far
the Recruits in Philadelphia, Lancaster.
Reading andCarlifle, or etther of thole
places, during the year 1795, are r.queft
ed to fend in their proposals tealed, to my
Office, 011 or before the 26thinftant.
The component parts of the Ration are
One lb-of Bread or Flour,
One lb. of Beet or 3-411). ..fPork,
1.2 gill Ruin, Brandy or Whiflcey
One quart Salt }
Two quarts Vinegar ( F(>r i{JO Rat , ons
Two lb. Soap t
One'lb. Candles J
Tench Francis, Agent.
♦Dec- 12 xa * 3' v
Parry & Miifgrave,
Goldfnuths, jewellers and
, south Sctond Street*.
. ' , 'go *»so*f W
Plated japanned ware
Jewellery & Cutlery, viz.
'Plated and japan'd Tea tiroi
riatcft'ant) japan'd Patent Lamps
f ii'tors aa A Liquor F taiiici
Qteadl and Frui. Bafcti
Jspa.i'd Tea Trays
. Ptateii co&ie and Tea Pots and cad'»s
' Ditto fcand'efticks . . • •
A virfciy of'eltgant aird moil lafliionalik
-Ka'r. rings„
I EiiapielJ' Bracelets, Brealt
i pins, ar.d linger Rings
! Thiinofes, enahiel'd and nthrr lcindi
Lritjies and gentlemen's goW, gilt, »•)".
Beel Wfich cliaiiiis
Cojd Seats and•
Storw Knee Buckles, Pen-
KnSyes andf9tffars, sriih • • .
Variety of other , Articles,
' \ tfie afcove
D*c. ,6
Pbiladtlpbia, Ko<v. 22, I 794*
The Stockholders of the
Bank ol the United States a e htv*by in*
formed that acQotding, Jot';e Statute of In
coiporation, a General Election for
10,0'po j
i 0,000 :
Twenty-five Directors
V.'ill be heldat the.'Bank , of 1 the Unitd
•States, in the Cn/ of Philadelphia, on
M«fiday, the fifth day of January next, at
TEN o'clock in the Forenoon.
And puiiuant to the Eleventh See.''.on of
the 'fcye 'Laws,' 'he Stotkhowets of the
said Bank are hereby notified to allemblc
in general'meeiting at the ("aid pluct,
Tue'day the sixth day of January next at
FlVEO'clncV in the Evening.
By Older,
John Kean,
1 • Cajhiir.
Secord Fttrda.nental Article —Not raort
th an three-fouriAs of t'■ e D rectors
tee, exclnfive of tie Pfehdent, fliail be
si rigitle sot fhe'nex't fucceering year : But
the Director, {hill be Frefident at' the
time of anele&ion, may alwayj be re-e
Nov'. 22 tuth&rst6j.
B O O K S,
By Mathew Carey,
,\ » JVe. 118, Market Street,
a tale of truifc
: By ike^evfTbeatn
; • ri'ihfttytyOf ... ,
[■Second American ,jry;
'TTheramd&le f! o
in*i few month*
jis the proof its mgrit.j],
'fixtrad frimtife CrHiial Review, Apri
1 .It maybe «fs|'-*> utb, for it.WfOt uo
'jmfitilw SM it*i< a; fcal' dijtrf fe—
ptoarloite'by' the 'anfWRcW tifm f tetfAeiy"re
iwnuKtwW tpj»ifcbc»r6«%^|i*a«l(ty:ra!
jiced front he' Wd vccb'myznp
\ 'yfeii-i* AmV rf^gi
cerAn: "j^oftprtied
Vid. qhaijfltta >ne<»
ifeoSK pfter Ml
fjl rtici , v?e flrould tWffbr Cliarloutj^huqi
WS& 6 v-e re-a ,p'u<
'foment. }f-it i», I .^|oo.
a. The't>iSUin|4^WMrpß6w^on, Se
; cW ' 1
3. AdMentuteurf' ftodept - 2vd!i
v f*nts r "c^M-fc , papei—f
iftttlAftßi&'Wice, l»?'und, one
5. fMpV
({,» coßtjfpKgßeßf, *+,$# d?atH" al#'
. 'J'The author*have pr«fi(med toaStaefc 1
«*etrv£ '$*1 %*i
,„ & < . : -_' \ - '
[Whole No. 7 1 2.]
y<// fjjurcd thaj /hrfe ffigti
ft thc:zt'qk'<!> of f'ittr t art fctu/wret. r •
•fcall milt: :»Ic ific c'liu sos i< a! btti < -
t*op, rbcy v.itH fome-c •* fiderc^pe6 ii . r
iVoni pcWic opiritu.,' v k h ch c
and 11 a'.io" to +*<* i»c
£xt*act f kom -5 viv cxir*CM. iUvrtvL',
AK\, i 7V4~7p3E* **•,
ii We have certainly derived mnefc
fine, a<quir*d much n> toin..i tson
.-the ;*Vyl v.eihil k
them, l*"th i< v r» 'tand ltylr., wr., ri v
" he attent'on of liUrl.o\ittcreft ihrwfch i's
fiii < v nts wh ett nave fco_ ju-flly excif?d the
rur\t\{\ty a» d aOuiiUhmen* o( fiianjuiid/'
6. Plowdens bjftory of tbi . Brit iili en • e s
ffont a!^y i 79: • *•« L>e emhvT LJ93; «t
doll, r nrria qi<at;er. [Thii i$ jjrs i; tcr-f
valuable a publication as lvad
appean.d for mai y years.J
7. }>tattie's K'emeirs of Moral Scarce.
2 v.ojs. . d"]!*r and three quarters
S. Ladies Libra Iy. »Seionl AmeNcau.
pdi' ion< 87 \ cents. (osT-irrv—
Mifj. IvfTays; Dr. Gic^pjv' I
«acy to lTi,s- Lady lf«ttrpg ?
tor.? lyfrittfrto c mother's ailv cc'to Jjir
D?»u«h!e"sj Mafchicpels de"Laiv.lvTt's
Advjce ofa tolirr daughter, IVjrs
Chapoije's letter on the govci ivei f of
tifo {emp'T »' Stvif i's LeflM»r to 2 Voir g
Lady newly 'niatrieii ; Moore's F*bJes
for.the Fcftiale-Sex .
9. Journal durant un Sefu'cn Fr'ai?c? <to.
piii> le commence iren". d'rowt! jiMqu'a ia
Hiidi ayqoej v'i\ ajout,e imrct ic
des evenemet.s ies plus fcrpa qui,
mit ejtt Jictfcl Paris, d phis cettei£paqt;e,
jn r qv*a ia nor' da jloitie Frarte.
Uowdi 2 j-3.ftaUa» c — 2 dt !;a':s. '
10.. Fdtvard's. treati(> on t!>e Ksjip'ou* af
fe(°T!ons. , Coarse p jier v a dollts'— fir.e,
a doUar and a ha!L.
n. Rights ofWomart—by Mr*. Wolflon
craft. A dHiar.
f l|. Sacramental Meditat'ons.—
. /$. Bun van's Holy ijiade hy SJ.addai
, againfr D aboiuj.
i - Shoft-accpun tof Algiers Second *di-
C yntiinirq-r «f that coim
jtrv—of the manners and cuftomsoi the in
hafijtatits—and of (hefrfeveral wars agajnft,
Spain, France, England, Holland, 'Venice,
arfd other powers- of Europe—From the n*
Turpation of Baibaroffa and the invasion of.
:C|iarles V. to tb« prefect a
concif'e view of the origin of be
tween Algiers and the United States.
with a map of Bafbar'y, crni
pt?hendipg Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Ttmis,
and Tripfl}y. , '
To the pi;<fent edition it vcty.
c dpi pus indcKj cuntniriip£ f -
liindry" American prisoners in Aigiei to.
tlieir f>iertds in the United State?—ialift of
jthe vt^Teis'takev!—and many very inteiefk-
Ing articles r.ot in the firft edition. > ' i
15 Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles
Letters Three d®Uars 33 cents!
16. Smith's Letters to Warned Women, bnn
nursing and the management of children. £a
1-2 cents.
17. American farmer's letters, fee cent's.
18. Young Miifes Magazine. 2 vols. 1 dol
iU ,33 Ci-nts.
Containing—Dialogues between a Cover
nefs and (everal Young Lidics ot
her fcholars.—ln which each Lady i.. marie
(o,fprakaccording to her particular genius,
temper and inclination—Thcit tevera! tauii 5>
(rp pninied'out, and thecafy way to amend
ihem, as well as to think, and fprak, and
a£i properly-; no less care being t. jtni i„
form ihiii hearts to goodr.cfs, than to c
hjlilrn their under llaiuiingi witji uf<(
knowledge. A fhojt and clear ahridgnu
is alfogiven of lacicjJVand prolar.c t!:Cp.
is blend (4 jJijougbout with the agreeable,
the whojc bring interspersed with proper rc
flexions ami jnoral Talcs.
'19. Dnncan's Elt rr.cnta of Logic. 8b rrnit
20. M'Fingal, an epic poem. 3,7 1-2 cc i.i.s,
21.. Tench Cox*l s rxapnnarioi: of l.ord Shef
fieJflU obff rvations. 62 1 2 ferns,
22. Ladifs' Friend. 37 1-2
23. c Smith's hiftoiv ol New Yqfk, from its
4»frovrr\* to 1732. 1 dollar 25 ccnrt,.
24. CompJet.* A'' a<; (° r tht |»'~frn' wa' , con
taiioing m?ps- °t France, N' ti. r
lands, Germans', Sd?i:», Ita!>,, and Hy®
Well-Indies. 2 rtttflars.'
'uiJ'ions of t l»e United Srats, tVttJi"
the 62 *»a a-u's.
26. Pc mop's Grammar tor FrcncfTmen to
learn. ETngt'fti. 50x1 i::s. ;
27. 'Epi&eri Lnc'irrd'iop, 31 cents.
28. .Cay's Tiih'cs. 31 cc-ts.
'29. Chrifliau Economy . 25 cents.
30. Charms oi Melody, a Ufyitc eclkftion
of 2-5 c^rits.
31.. American Mu'Vum, 12 vofs, Bvnv- NmfcV
teen dolly i , arid 20 cc •»i
u The American is no: only rm,.' ,
r»ently C^ct;!;:-• dill ifi'iia,.? p.,l i
othervfcluaMe " i»if\.*m« if n, 1u? .t ia • b<' n
condi £t*d kvuh „it ri W.»i, &
propriety. 1/ \b-fJu-'lf imiioua I t-c
t'»e m*re immediate 0
rrfcumg puhilcdopumf-mi from otiliymn. F
to ar^tioiirvt. as fchurtitinr/
fbat.t riorc. ufcfni ptan hVi never
been un/ieitaker, in .rpr .*ne mote
Uejcrving of pun !.c rnccmtag,' n < t .
0< of t a!
23. Poems of CoJ.-Humpi-»rr) «• 3? 1-2 cents,
nf.fclam jßi-2 eenfy.
35. Tom Panic's J e-£is. t8 1-2 cents •
36. Carey's account of ths Yellow h
edition. 50 cent*.
37. Devout Chnftsan's Vade Mccum. 25'
Gr<]en x>T ( tbc uL 50 Cents*
39. franik v eli on':. 50 cents.
40. Doiuy Bible.-
Ntv. 29