Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 16, 1794, Image 1

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    of tlje Wmm
[jSIo. \6o of Vol. Vl.]
|uft Arrived,
a,,j 'he la«<kd to-morrow morttihr m
H'barf, entire ca<-go of the bri%
Coeri H' ftCaJ>/ain Hawaii, f cm Jif
■ tnairai <**£$"•£-?( ■ __ - ,
f Hi <r h Proof tl UM,
f FIIHJSN rO,-> «na .
;er Blight.
N .v. 19
30,000 vaight of
Green Coffee,
N ■■ 'totaled to the Drawback
Holland Gin,
At a Rc-duced Pricc,
A vjYIGU A RUM, i+iird »hd fourth
Fine fl.ivou"cd Si. Grenada
i-id country RUM,
CO T "Tl\' j« Wei
Jin-au r<in<e MOLASSES,
Miter,' WINE in qmrto r^tkn
ftTiilt-i a D'i- hi p'fCt a" d q ■• ca " is
A 11-'f ci'eOs of vf y g.iod Uy r - , i
rt A by ts>* America intoN.
T-"fc, and
A few h i rth of grtod fat Philadel
phia BEEF, fat up by an 6?-
proved hand of this city, fit tor
joii** vo'yafce%
Levinus Clcirkfon,
No. 216, fiuith WaterS ittu
, aI.OT) Wei-l>t of
till.tied to the Drawback, in hbos, baneis
a'-dtwgs. "•
D e.| 4
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old Red Tort Wine,
This day arrived, by the Snow Truity,
Captain Cook, from Oporto,
For Hale by
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Buftiels
St. Übes Salt.
Oct. 29.
At the STORES of
' JefTe &z Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, quar
ter casks
LISBON pipes nnr' quariercalks
Souchong3r*d Congo TEAS, in quarter
A qnanl-lty of Lilbonantl CadizSALT
Soft ftielled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Kuliia MATTS.
I. ne 9 d
John D. Blanchard,
At hit Stores, in Third street,
of fttpetior quality,
Comae Brandy in pipes
50 Cases ofClatct t'afuperior quality
fubjtft to drrw >ack.
B >fton Tea Ktt'le , alarpe aftbrtment
sht of ill sizes and numbers
Barr Lead,
Lr?d in pigs
Kuffia Sheetings
Women's Stuff Shoes by the quantity
Cutt Nnils #
Rhbde-liland Cheese
A"d a largo- and elegant of
European and India
At the most reduced Prices.
K-v 25 lawtf
from ihc Ship Adrian a Kieran Fitzpatrick
MnJler, from A>nflerdam.
Tirklenhurgh, Ofnaburgh,
r hite ants Brown Linen,
Diaper, fine Checks,
Bedticlcs, Hair Ribbon,
GreatCoats, boxes Window-Glass,
Ditto Tumblers,
Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases,
Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet,
Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt.
Prying Pans, Junk, Oakum, fcc.
Thomas iff John Ketland.
For Freight or Charter,
1 The failing: 'hip
BurUien 270 ions, an ! will carry about
jits, hogsheads of tobacco ; is in
order, and ready to receive a cargo On
For terms apply on board at Albifon's
wharf, or to
Thomas Newman,
No. 118, south Sccon.l street.
Dec. ii d
"John M'KteiiL'-r, mafler.
BURTHEN 1700 barrels of flour, flie is
in compleat order, jVkI fails fall" For
terms apply to the Captaiu on board at the
Subscriber 3 wbarf, or .'to
Jvfeph Sims,
Who has for SaJe, julk imported in (aid
Brig from, Malaga,.
Old Mountain Wine,
RAISINS of the&Jjn, in kegs,
FIGS in ditlo
PRUNES in ditto , „
Mufc'atel and Bloom R AI3INS in boxes
and jars,
GRAPES in ditto
ORANGES and LEMONS in boxes
Shell'et ALMO in calks
Catlrle SOAP, &c &c.
Dec- 4
George Gardner, Majler.
V.'ILL fail wiili all coftrenient speed.
For freight or pallage, apply to the matter
on board, lying a' Mafley's wharf.
Who has for sale,
Spermaceti Candles,
Northern Oil, Mjckarel,Salmon, &c.
Drr. 5 * 8t
American Ship Hen Ry $ Capt
Crowninftiield, from
2500 pieces Tandah Sannahs,
2000 pieces Mighumber do.
300 pieces Illiabald do.
1000 pieces Mighumber Enlertics,
948 pieces Uliabad do.
750 pieces Tandah do.
384 pieces Fizabad do~
490 pieces Mahrrat Gurgy do.
4jjj pieces Tandah Cotfaes,
600 pieces Fizabad do.
300 pieces Nabad Gurgy do.
300 pieces Iliiabad Sannahs,
1950 pieces Tandah Battaes,
725 pieces Gurgy do.
153 pieces Baram do.
750 pieces Lucepnre do.
750 piece* lugaHy do.
?jp v 'uabotty do.
- 0. Gii?.'/..Ta! 1.
—AMD » so—
One In drc 1 an.l sixty tons of
The (hip Henry is arrived at Sa'em, and
will be ordered to proceed to Philadelphia,
as soon as the (ale ihall be effe£ltd. for
term- app'y to
Philips, Cramond & Co.
Dec. 8. d
Tuition of the French Tongue
J. C. ROUSSEAU, one of the unfortu
nate inhabitants of St. Domingo, having a
small family of children, finds it necelTary
for their support, to apply himfelf to the ni
[truflicn of youth. He therefore proposes
teachinc the above b: arches of lcience, in.
the limit modern ft'.le; and solicits the pal
tronageofa generous public. The
education he has received, and the fevera
other branches of science he has acquired
a perfrft knowledge of, w ill enable him to
„ive fatisfaftion to those persons who may
employ him. He will wait on ledies and
ccntletrrv, who wilh to be taught at their
own houses; and will open an evening
(ch»ol, frnm fix to nina o'clock, on the
20th instant. Enquire at No. 117, North
Setond street. Dec. 11.
"* TJottlss J
So * -S At * *
' Grubby Mather &
No*. i f ' '•• "
Tuesday, December i 6,
and Mathematicks.
Sallad Oil,
Sugars for sale.
S'xtten Hogflieads,
Nineteen Tierce-.,
Ninb Barrels,
On which ihe Drawback may kc obtained
apply to
'"John CkfHta\i\
C> R
'John Clark.
ec. I
City of Wafliington.
1 A magnificent ) 20.000 Dollan, and
dwelling hoofe, J cash 30,000 a»e
l 15,000 & saiT> 95,000
j ditto 15, 000 & cash 15,000
j (iitto 10,000 &calh 10, coo
1 ditto 5,000 &cafli 5,0c0
1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000
1 CaQ l p"« ol
2 ditto 5.000 each, are
10 ditto 1,000
20 ditto 500
job* ditto roo
2 00 ditto 50
400 ditto 25
1,000 ditto 40
13,000 ditto 10
»6,j39 p«««
33,261 Blanks
.50,000 Tickcts at 8 dollars 400,000
This Lottery will afford an e.egant speci
men of tlie private buildings to bi erett d in
the City of Wafhingtoti—Two beautiful de
signs are already felefled for the entire fronts
on tsiio of the public squares j from these
drawings, it is proposed to erefl two centre
and t9ur corner buildings, as loon as pofliblc
after this Lottery is fold, and to convfy them
when complete, to the fortunate adventurers,
in the tranner described in the scheme for
the Hotel Lottery. A nettdrduftion of five
per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces
sary expences of printing, &c. and the sur
plus will be made a part ol the fund intended
for the National Univcrfuy, to be erected
within the City of Washington.
The drawing will commence as soon
as tht Tickets are fold, or at all events on
Monday, the 22nd of December next: The
money will be payable in thirty days
after it is finilhed, and any prizes for which
fortunate numbers are not produced within
twelve months after the drawing isclofed are
to be confideted as given towards the fund
for the Univrrfity, it being determined to
fettle the wholp hufmefs in a year from the
ending of the drawing and to take up the
bonds given as fccurity. v
The ieal securities given for the payment
ofthe Prizes, are held Wythe President and
two Directors of the fcank of Columbia, and
are valued at more than half the amount of
the Lottery. The drawing will be under
the management ol 24 gentlemen approved
by the coramifftoners for the City of Walh
ington, for the time being, and acting on
Samuel Blodget.
*** Tickets may be had at the Bank of
Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore;
ot Gideon Denifon, Savannah; of Peter
Gilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Rich
mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer
Aug. 30
Office of the Insurance Com-
pany of North America,
THE Piefident and Dre&ors of this
Company are now ready to receive appli
cations for Infiirance on Houses and stores
and on houfhold Furniture aud Goods in
Dwelling Houses and Stores, upon the
terms contained in their proposals which
hav been already pnbliflied.
The expence of Survey, being TwoDoh
lars, miiftbe deposited when the applica
tion for Insurance is 11 ade ; and tin Bad*!
and Policy, together with the Premium,
arc to be paid for when the order is given
and accepted.
Ebenezcr Hazard,
' V.
Philad. Dec. 13, 1794.
Any person desirous
to contrast for tbe fitpply of Rations for
the Recruits in Philadelphia, Lancaster,
Reading and Carlisle, or either of those
places, during the year 179?, are rcquefl
cd to fend in their p-'opofals sealed, to my
Office, on or before the 26thinftant.
The component parts of the Ration are
One lb. of preador Flour,
One lb. of Bee« or 3 4 lb. of Pork,
I-a gill Rum, Brandy or Whilkey
One quart Salt 5.^
Two quarts Vinegar ( por joo Ratjons
Two lb. Soap C
One lb. Candles J
Tench Francis, Agent.
Die. 12
Parry & Mufgrave,
■ Gotdfmithi, jewellers and
No. 4?, south Second Street,
Have rtccivcd by Pi gnu fr»m London
Plated japanned ware
Jewellery & Cutlery, viz.
Plated an.-i japan'ti Tea Urns
Plated »nd Patent Lamps
Castors and Liquor Frames
Bread and Frtti; Baskets
Ppan'd Tea Trays
Plated coffee and Tea Pots and cad'es
Ditt" Candtefticks
A variety of elegant and mcft fafliionabU-
Esr rings
Ena.xcHM 3nd other Bracelets, Bre«n
pins, Rings
Thimb'.es, enamel'd and oihfr khids
Ladies and gentlemen's gold, gilt, *n(!
steel Watch cbktlis
Gold and gilt Seals and K<ys
St ir.e »!id fine steel Knee Buck'es, Pen-
Knives and fciffars, with
Variety o'f other Articles,
2 0,000
iC,O<" o
10, OOP
10,00 c
a 0,000
In the above Branches.
6 I
Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1794*
The Stockholders of the
Bank of the Uiutet! States' a e hereby in
formed that accotding to the-Statute of In
corporation, a Geweral Eleftiou io«'
Twenty-five Directors
1 D,OoO
Will be Held at the Bank of the Ujiitd
States, in the City of Philadelphia, on
Mmday, the fifth day of January next, at
TEN o'clock in the Forenoon.
And purfpant to the Eleventh Settion of*!
the B\e Laws, the Stockholders of the
fa'd Bank 3re hereby notified to aflemble
in general meeting at the said place, on
Tue d*y the sixth day of January next at
FlVEO'clock in the Evening.
By Order,
Second Fundamental Article—Not more
{h an three-fourths of the Directors in Of
tee, exclusive of the President, fliall be
filigihle for the next facceedmp, : But
ehe Director, who fliall he President at the
time of anele&ion, may always be re-e-
Nov. 22
sad K S,,
By Mathew Carey,
No. 11?) Market Street,
i. Charlotte, a tale of truth,
By Mrs. Row/on, of the NeVi-Theatre
Second American edition —Price 75 cents_
[The rapid sale of the First Edition of
this interesting novel, in a few months,
is the best proof of its merit.]
ExtraS from the Critical Review, Afrit
179T, p. 468.
It maybe a tale of truth, for it is not un
natural, and it is a tale of real diftreft—
Charlotte Uy,tbe artifice of i, teacher, re
commended to a fcliool from humanity ra
ther than a conviflion ol her integrity of
the regularity of her former conduct, is en
ticed (rom her govcrnefs, and accompanies'
a young officer to America—The marriage
cerem ny, if not fprgotten, is postponed,
and Charlotte dies a martyr to the (ncon
ftancy of her lover, and treachery of his
friend, —The fituafions are artless and af
f-fting-r-the descriptions natural and pa
thetic ; we lhopld feel for Charlotte if fitch
a person ever exjftfd, who, for one error,
scarcely, perhaps deserved so feyere 3 pu
jiiflinient. If it is a fiction, poetic justice
ij not, we think, proprrly difti ibitted."
2. The loquifitor—bv Mrs. Ro'.vf«>n, Se
cond Philadelphia edition. cents
3. Adventuresof Roderic Random. 2. «o!i
i dollar and 50 cents, coarse paper—l
dollar aid 7s cents, 1 fine.
4. Notes onthe state ofVirginia—by Tho
mas Jcffetfon. Price, neatly bound, one
dollar and a half.
j. History of the French Revolution, from
its commenijement to the death ot the
Queeji and the extcutioo of Briffot.
Extract vrom the Pstfacf
" The authors baye preftiirwd to affix to
their title the ep'ythet Inpajtiai-, and tin
reason is, btcaufe they cannot chsrge thtm
felves nith feeling the fmallefrt-jas to an*
party, but thar ot truth and btrrty;
they flatter themfeives, tbat ti.eir ;ea:i-"
will find nit only every cjrcumflance family
lepieftntcd, but .evrry cen r urable afliort,
whoeier were the author; or actors, mn r ]t
ed in its proper colon. If it Was Oect-ffw}
to make a declaration of their ow.n princi
ples, they would fa', they are tory
nor republican—They lovejiberiy as Eng
lifh whig', and ex'crate every criminal aft
by which so noblea caufeis endangered art
" In the present ferment of the publii
mind, they cannot fl.itter thetnfsji'e- with
tbe Impes of fecnf, this claim"universal ?
acknowledged. On ;fce contrary, thiy art
John Kean,
[Whole No. 710.]
uiH tfiired ih.jt tkcli frog's it Hi •».' le acccj/taiir '
■tlf.e zfifas tf emrt faity km \vt vi. tu„ e
iTialfthe c r.u's of political excep
tion, !>.cy Irint c ifulerce try t(i ifcat
verthA fiorc pnhltf dp:frt>o, \.h <b c» dur
and rr.o 'cra*i<<i. fi-'dorr. f,.il to
Extract , thf. cjuMCa! Kivlru,
Ja#.-j'asv, 1794— !«.
" We t-avf t e' r?i 11 'y derived muchp'.rn
fnrc, hi d acquired r-tich fhforrr.ation i'mni
the perusal of theft vedctncs: ar>d we think
rlietri, both for ivjt er ?n<l style, woitliy
•he attenr on of all wlin lptereft thenifelvts
n rr tits v h'c'i have so justly excited the
cur'"fity and afteniftmer.t o! niarik'ud.'"
6 Plowdens history of the Britilh empire
from May 1792, to Uixembtr >793.. A
dotlir ard a ffnat'e.. [This is as irter
efting an J valuable a publication as had
app«a rd for many years ]
7. Eeatriif's Elements of Moral Scicnce.
2 vols.' One Mfcf ard thiee quaitei*
(?. Ladies Libraiy. Secord American*
edition. 6j | certs. Containing—
Mlfi Moore's ; Dr. Gregory's I.* •
gacy to his Dat-gbiri ; Lady
toss nnfoifura't mother's adv ee to her
DitißHrcs- : Marchinnufs de L-inWrfj
Advice ofa mother tohrr daughter , Mr'
Chapone's l etter on tie goveri n:ei tof
the temp r; Swift's I.etter to aYcirg
Lady newly married ; Moore's 'Fables
(or the Female Sex
9. J. uroal durant uii Sejouren France dt
pnf< le commence men-; d'scut julqu'a hi
rjidiDeceuibre; auquelefl ajoute unu ci
des evencmens les plus rejna quabies qui
nut "U li'll a Paris, d puis cette epoquc,
.jn'qu'a Ja mon flu"
/>r»u.nd, 2 t-a dolfiii s—feved, 2 dollars.
16. IFdwartl's. t.tca.ufe on the relirrir af
feWons. Coar r e paper, a do)h;j— £irt,
a do'flavard a half.
it. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wotftem
• A <Wl!»r.
2. AVjlliCm's Sacramental Meditations —
6c cents.
TJ. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Sliaddai
against D aboltis.
i 4. Shot t account of Algiers. Secorc! edi
tion, enlarged—2s cents.
Coi)ta : ning— A description of that c«>ur.
trv—nf (he manners and customs ol tl.e in
habitants— ar.d of theirfeve:al wats agaii ft
Spain, France, England, Holland, Ven'ce,
•and other powers of Furope—trom the u
furpation ofßaibarofT* and the irvafion of
Charles V. to the present time.—With a
coricife view of the origin of the war be
tween Algiers and the United Slates.
Embellifhrd with a rr-pp nf Bafbary, 6em
ireherding Morocco, Fez, AJgitis, Tunis
- v — . •y- , ■%,
To the prrfent cd tion is » vc y
copious index, containing letters fiorn
sundry Anverrpan prifor.ers iii A!g',ejs to
their friends in the United Stater—a lift o; N
tive vcfiels taker—and many very inte cft
tn'B articles not in the fiift edition.
15 Blair's Le6lures on Rhrtoric and Bel!.-
Letters Three de'.lars 39 edits'.
16. -Smith's Letters Mat tied Women, on
m-ftng and tbetfcinagetwent of children. 62
-2 cents.
7. American Farmer's letters. 80 certs.
8- Young Misses Magazine. 2 vols. 1 c!ol
lat 33 cents.
Containing—Dialogues between a Gmtr
nefs end several Young Ladies ot Quality
ler fcholars—ln which each Lady is made
o speak according to her pa-iicnlar genius,
:cmper and inclination—Their fcveraJ teuhs»
are pointed out, and the easy way to amend
heirv, as well as to think, and fpe?k, and
properly ; no less care being taken 10
orm therr hearts to good nets, than to tn
tghten their understandings with ufrtnl
Knowledge. A short and clear abridgment
s alfygiycnof (acred and » rofar.e H'ftory,
irtd Tome leflons iii Geojg'aphy. Ihe ufeiul
is Winded throughout wuh the agreeable,
he whole bting' fpeiTcd with proper ie
lexions and moral Tales.
ig. Duncan's L'tmenta of Logic. Socefifs
lc._M'Fmgal, an epic poerlt-3- j g cents.
11. Tench Coxe's examination ot l ord Shef
field's observations. 62 1 2 ienjs,
12. Ladies' Friend. 37 r en s.
23. Smith's history ol Mcv* York, from it*
dKcovery to 1*732. I dollar 25 cents.
24. Complete Atf"* for'the prefvtn war, con.
taining map* of France , Holland, N< lH< r> 1
lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the
Weft-Indies. 2 dollars.
>5, 'Constitutions of the United States, with
tbe Fcder.j'Couft itnion- 62 f? cclks*
?.6 Peyton's Giarnmar for Frcnchroen to
learn Engljfh.
17 Epi&eti Knchn id ion. 31 ccnij.
iS. Gay'S Fables. 31 cents.
29. Chriftfan Economy . 2£ cents.
jo. Charms of Melody, a cbo ce cclleA^a
of Songs. 25 cents.
ji. Museum, 12 vols, Bvo. XfO«-
teen dollars 20 cents.
" The American M 0 fc«m is not onlv err'i
pent-y calculated t\ ell irrna • political
)-.h' f v»lu?bje t-ut it la, hfci* •
<nUo'r/ily cord 1 dv. ith -aft , attc m ion, &
,roprict >• I* to these important rhje£U tft
'upcradded the in.mediate c f;gn, 6*
efcuing public dnf.umciiis ). ofifyj <;?.!ivion. I
wil).-vcs4u>e4o pronounce, ?s .Aw f> ntijhctit.,
ha' a more u{<.fu! llternry has never
*een undertak'tn'in Amttica, nor one more
ielerving of publ.c encoui agement."
>3. Poem* j>? Co 1. Humphreys. 3? 1-2 cents.
i*,t feat
>,5. Tom Pa nt/4 *8 t-a cfenu
of the YeLow Fevcr,4 h
edition. 50 c'n's.
17. D'voot Vade MccutD* %f
ii k v eil or'i. §• rent*.
o. D t>y BtUi.. L cc» r .