Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 13, 1794, Image 3

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    Provided, That no person who ill all
hereafter wilfully obftruft, or attempt
to obllruft the execution of any of the
laws of the United States, or be in any
wife aiding or abetting therein, shall be
entitled to any benefit or advantage of
the pardon hereinbefore grantad : And
provided also, That nothing herein con
tained, shall extend, or be conltrued to
extend to the remiflion or mitigation of
any forfeiture of any penalty incurred
by reason of infractions of, or obftruc
tipns'to, the laws of the United States
for eolledling a revenue upon diililled
Spirit* ami Stills.
Given unj. r my hand, at Head-
in Elizabeth Town, this
twenty-ninth day of Nov. 1794.
Bv order of the Commander in Chief.
Aid de Camp.-
From good authority we learn, that Mr
Jay has made application to the govern
ment of.France for permission to commu
nicate dire<ftly with oUr v Minister in Paris
by means cf a packet that (liould enjoy the
ui'ual privileges of vellels employed by di
plomatic characters, of not being liable to
I'earch or examination. This demand is
thought by ibme to be indicative of a de
sire in the British court of commencing a
peace negociation with theFrench,in which
Mr. Jay Ihould be a mediator. This idea
was fohie time since held out in the En
glish prints, and the circumftanct above re
lated appears to give it weight.
A Resolve, exprcfling in terms the
molt cordial, the unanimous thanks of
the House of Representatives of COll
- to the Militia in adtual service for
the fupprefiion of the late Infurredlion,
has been communicated to me by the
• Prclident, in a manner which cannot
fail to enhance the value of so honorable
a tettimonial. The House of Rrpre
feritativesof ihe General Aflembly have,
like wife, declared, in limilar language,
the high sense which they entertain of
the ardor, magnanimity and perseverance
of our fellow-citizens, upon an occalion
so inteielling to the reputation and tran
quility of the State. You will be pleas
" cd immediately to transmit the several
Resolves, relating to the fubjeft, and
the letter from the War Department
(copies of which are, for that purpose,
to—the- Majwr and ,
Brigadier Generals, of the Division of
the Pennsylvania Militia, employed oil
the Expedition ; and you will inllrudl
. the Brigade-Infpedtoi s to- pursue the
moll public, expeditious, and effedlual
measures, for making the fame known
to all the officers and privates of the
quota jaken from their respective Bri
* gades.
it is not in my power to add to the
force of praise, thus spontaneously flow
ing from the highest source of political
authority ; but as it would give me pain,
on any occalion, to fupprefsa heart felt
acknowledgment of the patriotic ser
vices, upon which that praise is bellow
ed, let the tribute of my grateful thanks,
accompany the communication of the
present letter to pur fellow-citizens.
I am, Sir,
Your moll obedient Servant,
Philadelphia, 10th Dcc. 1794.
To •
Adjutant-General of.the Militia
of Pennsylvania.
In the House of Reprefentatidet.
Wednesday, Dec. 10th, 1794.
Resolved, That the thanks cf this House
be given, to the Officers, and Privates, of
the Militia of this Commonwealth who
.have been recently employed, in suppressing
the Infurredtion, in the western Counties of
this State, for their patriotic ardor, in of
fering their services, and their magnanimi
ty and perseverance, in encountering and
sustaining the hardlhips, and privations of
a Military Life, for the purpose of support
ing the Conilitution and the Laws.
Resolved, "I hat the Governor be requeft
fd, to convey to them the purport of the
foregoing resolution, in such a manner, as
• shall appear to him to be moll likely to an
{ fwer the intentions of this Houlc.
George Latimer, Speaker of the
HQufe of Representatives.
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Our fenlations of joy are equally warm
with' those you express, at the restoration
of law, order, and tranquility in the wes
tern counties. We approve, most sincere
ly, of the measures adopted to effect this
end. And, here, we think it but grateful
to express our acknowledgements to the
army for their patriotism, their zeal, and
'h • -r
Mark Ant.ny, Stanton Newbern
Sloop Ruby, Davlfon Cliarletlon
Suj>pfy, Allan Tiinidad \
Capt. Allan ai lived here friun Trini
dad, in the Weft-Indies, ycfterday.
9 days ago spoke the letter of marque £
{hip Betsey, of London of 14 12
pounders, a prize to the French Priva
teer brig the French People, jGallaume '
Cheri, prize matter. The Betsey was £
from London, bound to Baibidoes, la- 1
den with dry goods, but Citizen Cheri p
was in hopes he should carry her faf.: in
to Baltimore, where he was bound when 0
Capt. Allan spoke him.
LONDON, ©a. 6. L
A printed paper, of which the follow
ing is a trailflation, was lately posted all S
over Paris. • e
" When the Roman Senate took f
" all the powers into their own hands, F
" the people were reduced to ftavery. — a
" Citizen*, you dre reduced to this situ- '
" at ion ; you have nothing left to save 1
" you but the 31 it article of the rights
" of Man—that is infurie<slion. 1
The tenis of the French in Holland '
consist of draw huts, which they force the '
peasants to raise for them.
' The French are said to have made the Spa
niards retreat three leagues beyond Pam- ,
peluna. 1
Policies were done on Friday last in the
i City, at twelve guineas to pay one hun- (
dred if a Peace is concluded liy the 3d of (
April 1795. (
Odlober 9. t
An account from Cologne, mentioning
the late conftidh near Maeftricht, fays, <
from the heavittefii and durations of their j
fights, every one fecmed to be a pitched I
and regular engagement. The Palatine t
government of 'he Dutchy of Berg, have -
ordered a poll tax to be paid within three I
weeks ; thefubje<flj Ji t>f it are divided into 1
6 clafles, the highest paying twenty, and 1
; lowest one rix dollar ; besides this, a sub- 1
sidy is demanded of the Catholic Clergy 1
poifefTed of livings. The Jews have made '
a gift of four thoufaiid rix dollars.
The Pol A Charge d'Aftairsat Vien
na has not yet been able to obtain any
aufwer to .the notes be has lately pre
sented. It is said that Ivofciufko of
fers terms advantageous to the Houfa
ofi Austria. The priioners taken in the
Contefl in which the Auftrians were
forced to repals Weipre, being brought
Before Ivofciulko, lie treated them kind
ly and said—That Poland was difpoled
to pay every refpedt to the Koufe of
Austria, but would at the fame time
repel any hollilitiiis committed on its
The thirteen Bengal (hips Hated in
the ,C°nventioh to have been captured
by the French, appear to have been
Botany-Bay- -rejfelsj on. tHe < r return
from that colony, they touched at Ben
gal, and were laden with fugiir, silk, &c.
Yefterdav a courier arrived at the Se
cretary of States Office with letters
from Madrid which mention, that J the
Courts of Madrid and Naples were de
termined to piofecute the war.
■Private letters from the neighbour
hood of the Rhine mention, that there
is by no means that cordiality between
the fruflian and Auitriaii Commanders
which would be so desirable in the pre
feht momentous crisis. "1 o a want of
unanimity among the different Com
manders in chief, we may ifcribe moil
of the calamities of the present war.
Private letters from Dnffeldorf fay
that from the 15th to the 23d of Sept
Gen. Clairfayt's army loft more than
11,000 men, in killed and wounded, ber
fides a great number taken pvifoners ;
above 100 pieces of cannon, and all the
ammunition and baggage of the left
wing. Oil the 24th, the French were
(till continuing to purl'ue and attack the
Auftrians wherever they overtake them,
with the evident intention of driving
across the Rhine all whom they could
not dellroy or take prifoaeis.
A gentlemen who left Paris on the ill
inft. fays, that all was then quiet ; and
so intent were the Committee of Public
Safety on affording PScVegru and Jour dan
the means of executing their orders, that
they had sent reinforcements which would
make the armies amount to 490,000 men.
Two sailors, who formerly belonged
to the (hip Elfinore, Captain Offgard, of
Copenhagen have arrived here on Wednes
day lait, in the Dai\ifli (hip Peter Holter,
Captain Dodds,ss days from Cadiz—they
inform that the Elfmorc mounted 26 guns,
and h?d on board about J6O men —and
that (he failed from Calcutta some time in
Summer last, bound forCopenhag<n with
a very valuable cargo ; conitfting cf Silks,
Chintzs, Cotton, Sugar, Rum, Pepper,
&c. —they fay that about the 6th Cdlober,
within 48 hours tailing from Liibon, a
bout 8 o'clock in the morning they difco
veredfire in the (hip's hold; which-they
could not extinguiih that the *_ai>tain of
ficers, and part of the crew including ij
in number, deierted the ship, and kept at
a distance fro n her in th" long boat untill
the evening, at which time the (Kip was
seen in a blaze of fire—n-:<t morning they
were picked up by an . iu:. 10- fn ip from
Liverpool,- which carried them fafe into
They believe that great' part of the
crew fsllen viiflirr-s to the flames.
Lundin M'Kechnie,
Taylor, Stay Corjet Iff Habit
Vo. 16. Chefqjt jireti, between Second C 3" ,
Streets, ,
RETURNS liis molt grateful thankjto.
:hofe wh® hare honored him with their em*
Jloyinent, and begs leave to aflure their,
Jiat from his exteniive correlpondenie in
London, he will at all times have it in his
lower to funiifh them with eveiy article
n hi> profeffion in the newest falhion and
>f the belt quality ; and for the better ac
:ommodatinn of his customers he has ta
ten in o partnership in the Taylor and
rlibit making Business, John Sloane from
N. B. He makes the famous Patent
Stays (or the Apparatus Spinalis Extend
:ns, in the use of which he has been v»ry
nccefsful ill curing distortions in Your.g
People, and has never failed to cure wh«m
jpplicntions were made in due time, and
now begs leave to preftnt to the public a
proof of the happy effects.
In September last, James Dods, late of
Britain, applied to me refpefting one of
his children (a child two yeais and an half
old) who had three of the lower veitebra:
as her Spine distorted, was very weak,
her body bending, couldJnot be moved
without pai*>,had no use of her lower limbs
and one of which seemed contracting, and
had no ease but in a lying posture. The
parents informed me that she had been so
for five or fix mouths, and couldj account
fur it no other way than a weakness bio't
on by the hooping-cough,previous to which
the child had been active and healthy.
Upon the Bth of September I fitted the
child with e pair of patent flays and an ap
paratus Spinalis Extendens; in a few days
lhe feerred perfectly easy, could fit upright
and be carried about without complaining
—The distortion is now fcarcelype rcepti
ble ; the ctfild can stand or fit upright,and
walk with a little affiftancc. Thi» is attes
ted by tire mother of.ihe (fhild who has re
mained since in the city for the benefit of
my attendance, the father having gone to
ihe country.
The above is a just flats of my child's
Dec. 13 ®'3'
By Thomas Dob/on,
For Publishing by Subscription,
An English Translation
Poole's Synopsis of the Trans
lations of the Bible,
And Of
The Critics,lnterpreters,and Commentators
Exhibiting at one view, the principal cri
ticifnis, arid most valuable Elucidations
of the Scriptures; Illultiations of the an- <
ciert Eaflern Mannersand cuftcnis; & (
Descriptions of the Plants and Animals
therein mentioned ; with improvements j
from observations of Travellers, lince j
the publicitiori of that excellent work.
IT has been matter of wonder and regret j
that this most learned arid valuable work,
fo*highly prized by the learned, both curi
ous andferious, has never been tranibted,
and theieby the bulk of readers have been (
deprived of a work of the greatest enter
tainment and utility; in which by the La
bors of the learned of various ages and na
tions, the Sacred Scriptures are cleared of
the contradictions and absurdities of mo
dem translations, and the ancient manners,
metaphors, allegories, and figure!, are il.
luftrated in fucli a way,'as to unite the mod
rational entertainment with the most fub
timc inftrnftion ; & to difcQver the source
whence true phi lofophers, io all ages, have
derived their knowledge from the Sacred
Scriptures, which contain the feeds of all
the sciences valuable to man.
This -work is proposed to the Public on
the follotviug
It is supposed the whole will be comple.
te<l in four volumes, large quarto; and
will be set to the press as soon ss a fuflici
ent number fliall be fubferibed for, to de
fray the expenc*.
The price to fubferibers will be four
dollars for each volume, in boards. No
mosey will be demanded till the firft vo
lume Ihall be completed, when the price of
thefitftand I'econd volumes will be requi
red. When the second volume isfinifhed,
the priee of the.'third will be payabe:—
And when the third volume is finiihed, the
prire of the fourth mull be paid.
The price of fucli copie.s as may not be
fubferibed for will be raised 2S fer cent.
Dec. 13. 4w
A Special Meeting of the Philadelphia
Society for the Information and Assistance
of Persona emigrating from Foreign Coun
tries will be held at half pift Six o'clock,
THIS Evening, the 12th instant, at
Sharplefs's School Room, inFrombcrger's
John Nicholfon,
A Quantity of BEST
James River Tobacco,
A feto Hhds. of
Kitefoot Tobacco,
Georgia Ditto
,eo Barrels
Burlington Pork,
Levi Hol/ing/worth V Son.
Dec. 6
Return of the Patristic sfnr- s •
This day the city cavalry—four com
panies of artillery—M'Pberfors
teer blues—that part of Co!. Gurnc; 9
regimeut then in the city, and the otii
cers of the fivft diviiion of the militia <.r
Pennfylvania,repaired, agreeable to ap
pointment, to the Middle Ferry, where
they met the remainder of the tnxip*
belonging to this city, on their ie'.l.;u
from the western expedition—l hfy
were welcomed with ihouts of pie; ;i:io
and approbation, by their biotheis in
arms, and an innomerable multituce or
other citizens. detachment of the
artillery fired a federal salute—the Leila
rang a joyful peal—and universal eCfi
gratulation doled the scene - i
George Hunter,
At his Larboratory, No. 114, fcutb .
Second ft re at.
INFORMS his former cudomcrs aHe
public, that he has benun the DKUG bu»
finefs again on an extcr.five plan.
He has for sale a general assortment of ,
Like wife, painters' colour?, dry and gio.; r<t
in oil, paint brushes, window and or■ cl\
gl-afs, dye fluffs linseed oil, oil of luipcnui't, •
copal oil varnish and japau, warranted go >•).
Allum,copperas,madder, ground rcdw-t»d
by the hogthcad or smaller quantity .
Ashe imports the fun pies from the
markets, and makes the compositions
preparations himfelf, he is enabled to vouch
for and warrant ever) article fold out ot h'S
Laboratory, and likewise to dispose of tlum
at the most recfonable rates.
We wiflus to fell a large LOT of
GROUND, the north-eafl "coiner of High
and E!eventh*ftreets,containing 78 feet fr <,n *
on High-ftreef, and 200 feet on Eleventh
flreet, opposite Mr, LeiperVnew buildings-*"
And another LOT on the north fide of
ftreet,near the above, 28 lect front, and 200
feet Both lots have the privilege ot a
30 feet alley in thttir rear.
Dec. 13 . stf
December 15.
Will be Presented,
Lionel St ClarilTa,
Or, A
School for Fathers.
Sir John Flowcrdale,. Mr. Whitlock
Col. Oldboy, Mr. Dates
Jefiamy, Mr..Moreton '
Lionel, Mr. MarlfctU
Harman, Mr. Cleveland '.**
Jenkins, Mr. Dai e/
Servants, Messrs. Da. ley : jus).
Bliflett and J. WArrc.l
Lady Oldboy, Mrs. Sluw
: Clarifla, Mrs. Marfl.a 1
t Diana, Mrs.Oldmixon
I Jenny, Mils Broadhurft
1 The Scenery designed and executed by Mr j
To -which will be added,
A COMSDY, called
Ways St Meaus,
A Trip to Dover.
Sir Dovid Dnnder, Mr..Harwood ,
Random, Mr. Moreton
Scruple, Mr. Cleveland
Tif>toe, Mr. Bat.»
Paul Peery, Mr. Fran j
Lady Dunder, Mrs. Shiw '
Harriet, Mrs. Francis
Kitty, Mrs. Marlhall <
Bux one Dollar—Pitt Jof a Dollar—ai d
Gallery £ a doliai.
Thedoors will be opened at a J after five
and the performance begin »t £ alter
Tickets and places for the Boxes ro be
taken of Mr. Welw, at the Theatre,
from TEN'tillone, and on days of pc sou..-
ance ftom TEN'till THKEE o'clock.
Ladies and Gentlemen are rcqueft«d to
fend their servants to keep places by five
o'clock, and order them, as soon as the
company are seated, to withdraw, as they
cannot omany account be permitted to re
No money or tickets to be returned, nor
any person on any account whatsoever, ad
mitted behind the scenes.
Vivat Refpublica!
Philad. Dec: 13, 1794.
Any person desirous
toeon;ra& for tie supply <;f Rations f<;r
the Recruits in Philadelphia, Lanraftei,
Reading and Carlisle, or cith-ir of jMe
places, (hiring the year.l are requeu
ed to fend in tl«;il_Ero4JKlf!, fealcd, to 0»y
Office, 011 or before the i6th irftarit.
The component parts of the Ration are
One lb.of Bieador Floui,
One Ib.Dt'Eeel or 3 4'lb. 01'Potk,
1-2 gill Rum, Btar.dy or Whifcev
Qri*} quart Salt
Two i|»ai ts V'licgar C,For»o3 Rations
Two iti Soap C
One J
Tench Francis, Agent. ♦
Dec v 3 ja^3 vV