DA I [No. 158 of Vol. Vl.] 30,000 w»ight of Green Coffee,- No; cotiije.d to. the Drawback. A FEW PIPES Holland Gin, At a Reduced Price, JAMAICA SPIRITS, ANTIGUA RUM, .hvrd andfourih P r «v>f, „ Fme devoured St. Kitts, Grenada ind country RUM, CO ryON in haifs BLACK PEPPPfcR, , Port-aii Pjiuce: MOLASSES, Malaga WlNEin'quarjter cads*" Irtadei a Orti in pipes and qcafet . A few chests trf very good Hyfow TEA by th* America into N v . York, and A lev barrels of good fat Philadel phia BEEP, put «P "by an ap proved Hind of this city, fitfiw ) >nf, voyages, FOR S*LJ M Levlntts Clark [on, No. 216. ftrtWi Water S: met. ALSO, ta,ooo WeightV 0F F E Entitled to the Drawback, iitbhds, barrels and bags. D c. 4 PORT WINE.- JS. choice parcel of Full Bodied Old Red Port Wine, This day arrived, by the Snovv Tnjfty, Captain Cook, from Oporto, For Sale by PETER BLIGHT. Also by the fame Snowr, 5060 Bushels St. Übes Salt. O&. 39. FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jeffe k Robert Wain, PORT WINE i" pip"j hhds. »"<* < P ,aT ter caiks LISBON do.in pipes and quarter calks Souchong and Qongo TEAS, in quarter Aquantity oF Lisbon and Cfdiz SAL I" Soft 'hilled ALMONDSin bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Russia MATTS. 9 ______ LANDING, from the Ship Adrian a Kteran Fitzpatr'tck Master, from Amjltrdam. HOLLAND SAIL DUCK, Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White and Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Re (kicks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, boxes Window- Glass, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &e. FCa SALE BY Thomas & fohn Ketland. Oiftober it. Just Arrived, Jtnd will be landed to morrow morning at Wharf, the entire cargo of the brig Coed Hope, Captain Hodgdon, from "Ja maica, conjtft ing of High Proof R U JVI, SUGAR, PIMENTO, and COFFEE FOR SAH BY Peter Blight. Vov. S9 - FOR SALE BY John D. Blanchard, At bis Stores, in Third street, 66 PIPES Choice TENERIFFE WINE, of superior quality, Comae Brandy in pipes 50 Cases of Claret of a superior quality fubj' ft 10 drawback. Boston Tea Kettles, a large assortment Shplt*f all size's and n«mber« Barr Lead, Lead in pigs ftuflia Sheetings . Women'! Stuff Shoes by the quantity Cutt Nails Rhode-lfland Cheek j|vd a large and elegant assortment ox European and India GOODS, At the taoft reduced Fnc-es. No r . 14 ***** o£ tin & LY E V "John M'Keet'f, mmfier• -BURTHEN 1700 barrel =ot flour,_ r Jhe i« in c'oinpVeat ordet, and fai'S fact. For terms apply to the Captain on board at the Subfcriber'j wharf, or to Joseph Sims, Who has for Sale, just imported in laid Brie from Malaga, Old Mountain Wine, RAISINS of the Sun, in kegs, FIGS in o t her m ffrufficn of snth. He therefore proposes teaching, the' above branches oi Icicnce, in the «n"ft 'modern stile; and tronage of a generous public. The liberal education lie has received, and other branches of fctence he has acquired a perfect knowledge ot, will enable him to give fatisfaftion to thole persons who may 1 u\m He wiM w«Lt on ladies and ZtZr, who wist to be Lght at their f,wn hou'fes; and will open an eyennig fcliool, from fix to n>ne o clock, on tie 20th instant. Enquire at No. U7, No th Second-street- Dec. ENING ADVERTISER. Saturday, December 15, 1794- For Charter, Tfie BRia FAIR HEBE, utl twelv« THE OF THE A' N D DR. BAR T O N Propoties to deliver a COUft&E (*t Le&ures 011Cherniary AMD ON THE Philofophyof Natural History. Thisioutle is intended to be coinpriled in about fiftv leflnres, and will principally involve those parts of chemical science that have a more immediate reference to medi cinc; and those parts of namral history that are thought to be the most irt«relHng, and the moll entertaining. The int' odufto ry leisure will be delivered, In the Univer sity, 011 Tuesday next : th« hour will be made known in due time. Dec. 11 This Day is Publilhed, A N Authentic History Ol THi Revolution in Geneva: Price II I-* Qents, S>ld by Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, S 5,000 each, are ,o ditto 1,000 ,0 ditto 50° ,o® ditto icO joo ditto 50 — 1- —J—«i _ rs ~,00 ditto 15,000 dill* >® 16,739 P'.'"' 3^1 26, i BUnki 59,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford »n e.egsnt speci men of the private buildings to be ere&d in the City of Walhington—Two beautiful de fiens are already fele £led for the entire fronts on two of the public Iquarei ; from ihele drawings, it i» proposed to ere& two centre and tour corner buildings, as soon as possible alter this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner dcfcribed in the scheme tor the Hotel Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces sary expences of printing, &c. and the lui plus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National Univtrfity, to be erected within the City of Walhington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, or »t all events on Monday, the 22nd of Decembei next: 1 lie money pnr.es will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any ("lies for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing >• clofcd *rhia. A 1 ov. 22, 1794- Stockholders of the p oi m Unlt*a"St'T CS »'«: !8- .. J accoiding to the a'-?t«teuf ln coipo'-.'.'ir a General Eleftiou l° r TwentY-pive Directors Will be held at Hie Bank of the Unitd States, in the City »f Philadelph.a, on Monday, the fifth day of January next, at TEN o'clock i« ibe Forenoon. J Ai.fJ puifuant to the Eleventh Sect.or of I the live Law,, .he Stockholders of the laid i--.nk are hereby notified to "airemWe in general meeting at the said placc, on Tut'chy the sixth day of January next at Fl\ E O'clock in the Evening. By Order, E 50,000 40,000 30.000 20,000 10 coo John Kean, Cn/h'ur. Second Fundamental Article—Not more than thtee-fourths of the Directors in O - tee, cxclufivc of the Prefjdcnt, (hall be h liaihle for the next fucceedinc year : I#he Direflor, who lhal|b^P at^he 10,000 10,000 lC.or o 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 150,0CC> lefted- Nov. IJ 13 0 0 K S, PRINTED & PUBLISHED By Mathew Carey, 400,000 No. 118, Market Street, 1. Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Mrs Row/on, of the t^wTheatre Philadelphia. Second American edition —Price 7 j cents_ [The rapid sale of the First Edition of this interfiling novel, in a few months, is the best proof of its merit.] ExtraCt from the Critical' Review, Afri' 179 r » P' It nay be a tal« ot truth, 'or it is not un natural," and it >s a tale of real Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re commended to a school trom huma.ity ra ther than a con vision ot her mtegnty ot the regularity of her former conduct, is en: ticeil from he. governcfs, and accompanies a young officer to America—The marriage ceiem ry, ifnot forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a mariyr to the incon flancv of her lover, and treachery of his friend,—The situations are artless andal fe&ine— the descriptions ustural and pa thetic ; we fliould feel for Charlotte if such a person everexiftfd, who, for one error,, scarcely, perhaps delerved so levere a pu -1 n.foment. It" it is a fiction, poetic justice is not, we think, prc4pcrly diftriboted." 2 The Inquifttoi —bv Mrs. Rowron, Se cond Philadelphia edition. 87-J cents o Adventuresof Roderic Random. 2 vols , dollar and jo cents, coarse pape.—! dollar and 75 cents, fine. . i 4 Notes on the state of Virginia—by Tho mas Jefferfoci- PrUr, neatly bound, one dollar and a half. 5. History gf tne French Revolution, from its commencement 'to the death of the Queen and the execution of fcnflot TwodolUis. todtf ii T[j e authors havr prefitnitd to to their title the epithet Upa,tip.l; »nd the reason is, bteaufe they cannot chairge them selves with feeling »I* froa.rfft biv t0 thev flatter the«nfclv?», that tteir rcrt?* will find nit only cv f ry circuiall.ir.ee Ujflj wt.oe.er w».e the authors or mark ed in if. proper color.. Kit ..} to make a decimation * the- ov.np.nu p'es, they would •. they a.;e n-f e< tor; «or republican—T h f }' love liberty a •' 11 ~ lift wings and execrate- e.Vcr> crimmal ac by which so noble a caule is f' dai\|*ered a " **« r tbe Jbftflw # frVing tV»* •* '*« **■** javrtl fates ojdtf t«h&st6J, E*T*"A«T [Whole No. 708.] well njjurrd thtt tit ft pages teiUnot le accepttblf to the yh»t ps trthcr parly But when time Ilia II diflipate the clnu ' s of political decep tion, they with Tome c. nfider.ee exj eft that rrtdift from public opinion, which candor nd moderation fVMom fail to rtccivs "xthaCt f*om tus c»mc*L Kevuw, January, >794—|»6e " We have certainly derived much plea iire, and acqu'red much information from lie perusal of thelc volumes ; and we think hen., both for nutter and style, worthy he attention of all who interest thcml'elves n events which have so juflly excited the ruriofity and a&onifbjnent oi mankind." i. Plowdens history of th» Britifii empire from May 1792, to December 1793. A dollar and* a quarter. [This is asinter eftin«an J valuable a publication as had appeared for many years.] 1. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science. 2 vols. One dollar and three quarters S. Ladies Library. Second America* edition. 87 i cents. Containing— Mils Moore's tffays; Dr. Gregory's Le tons unfortunate mother's advice to her Daughters : Marchiorefs de Lambert's Advice of* mother tohcr daughter, Mrs Chapone's Letter on the government of the temps' •, S>rMfj Letter to a Yoong lor the female Sex c t uiCT=w»MJtis;u l; {eiiia6. Peyron's Grammar tor Frenchmen (• learn Englilh. 500ms. >7. Epifleti Enchiridion. 31 cents. ■8. Gay's Fable.. 31 ccbU. >n Ctuiftian Economy . = 5 cents. of Songs. 25 cents. teen dollars and 20 cents. jropt'ety- H tothefe imnortam nbjefls b« rlcuing public dor urnenis from oblivion, I hSi a more ufeful literary plan has never iern undertaken in Amenta, nor one more ,0 Poems of Col. Humphreys. 37 s-« cenii. .4. Caierhifm of Mar. (8 i-e ctnts. ■c. Tom Panic's* Jetta, 18 1-2 co t-s ',6. Ca i v'i accoun- of the Yellow Feier,4.! j. Devout Chriftran's Vade Mccum. 3. 8. Garden-o! the Sfpl. 50 cents, in. Think veil on't. 50 centj. o. D'JU'.Litalr. 6 dollar*. Nov. codvf