Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 12, 1794, Image 4

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    » ' •
India Nankeens,
•n which Ihe Drawback ; w obtained
FOR sale bt
Samuel Corp,
Ntw-York, or
Henry Philip#,
No. 118, Spruce Jtrett.
pgr. 11 d I 5t
pffice of ihe Infuran:e Com-
pany of North America,
December Bth i 7 94-
NOTICE is hereby given to th: Stocl
fcnlders, that the Ffth laftalroem, bein,
two d llars on each (hire of Stoc
this C is to be paid on the ic
tond Monday (the 12th Diy) oi Januaiy
next; when it will bj necff-iry t*° r - ac ' l
perron to produce the receipt tor the
fourth Inftalmc*nt upon the ihares he ftial
irop ife to pay for.
*,» By the firji /action of the Charter
it ts declared that ail /hares on which pay
ments J'hall not he made at the tune pre-
Jtribed, :hall be so fitted to the use of the
On Tiiefday the 13th day of
)d i-u iry mcxt ( tr,c feennd Tuefdav in
the mon' h) at 1 j o'clock A. M« an E'e&ion
will be \\eU at the Company's Office, for
the cho - c of
Twentv-five dire&ors
To fir one year, and until others i
ftu't !>e c'lo n.
Tb ■ c, may vote either in person
or by urpxy; but n» Stockholder can—
it v ,[,■ ,• , t :,v fui Dne&ors unless
the StiicK fh ill ha-e ft >-> I ill his or her
name i.i the b jok .of tic Company at least
three ninths pceccedmg the time of such
In ca e of a Stockholder's Totiug by
P oxv, the charter requires that " the
poxy be Ilireft y f om fucli Stockholder, &
the votis be ci'ven by a citizen of this com
Kbenczcr Hazard,
De c. 8
Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs,
and Glass Ware,
Landing from on board the Jhip Peggy,
fro a Am/ierdam.
Coffee of prime Quality
In hogsheads and tierces,
Muscovado Sugars
In hogfneads,
German Steel,
In small Bales, &c. for falc by ,
Handle & Murgatroyd,
No. XI, Walnut street wharf.
Who want to purchail- ,300 ot 400
Casks Good Fiaxfeed.
Nov. 11 jtlwtf
To all who it may concern.
TAKE'ioiice, tint ag-eeahte to an aft
ot the late Seflion of Cm ;re is I mean to
a >piy atihc Treasury ot* the United States
lor t ie renewal of the following Continen
tal Loa 11 Office Certificate, deftioyed and
101 lat my Lodgings in the city of PWila_
delphia, iathe year 1791.
No, 1607, dated April 13, 1779, for 4°°
infued in the Delaware State t» the Sub
fci'iber than reli.tent at New-Castle, couu
t?rfigned Samuel Paterl'on, C. L 1 D. where
on were iudorfements i'or intcreft paid up
to the l.ift 'it" Decvmbcr 1 ; ) maJc- by th'
h\d Continental Loa i OfEc.r.
George Read.
N.-w CaSte, Nav. 19, 1794
From on board tlx Birmingham Packet,
Lcckj. j r, and the Henry and Charles,
from Hamburgh,
Petajburgb's firfi qualSy
BAR IRON, Swedes, ajjerted
TIN, in plates, do. do.
GENEVA in hbds.
Black Quart Bottles,
DEMIJOHNS, Window Glajs,
Feathers of superior quality,
MATTS, iS?c. & f .
Thomas & John Ketland
Aug. 26 d
Bank of North America,
December 8, 1594.
The Stockholders of the Bank
of North A neica are hereby notifi.d that
*n ELECT lON for
For the enfntng Year, will be held »t the
Bink on Monday the i2;h of January
*ex', a' to o'clock in the forenoon.
Pee. 9 dtjij
Stock and hand Broiicr,
INFORMS his Friends that during his
aVcnce front Philadelphia («!► tlx- Weltern
Expedition) his Business will )ye carried on
■ t'lts Office by Mr. Thomas Ha'j
* h're Orders in Ins line will be thankfully
received, and evety Attention paid to
O-t. 10
BAGGING, German ajforiei
Iwelve DireElors
Thomas M'Eucn,
No. 78, Chmnut-street,
j i « s it
Bohea Tea,
GIN in pipes,
Now Landing from on board the ftiip
Peggy, John Elliott master,
from Amsterdam.
Also Imported by the late Arrivals,
RjifTU Hemp, li> ft quality
Dirio Sail Duclc
Di'-to Ravens Dnc<
Brown Ruflu Sheeting
Brown Flanders Sheeting*
Hcffians atd Brown Rolls J
Cotton Stripes and Checks
Flanders Bed ticks
Holland Sail Duck j
Seine Twine
Dutch Great Coats
Gin in cases
Window Glass, 8 by ®i
le r uit* Bark
German Steel
Mill and Cross-cut Saws
Hoes and Cut ing Knive?
S\ • kates
Black Ltid Crucibles
Anchors from 3 cwt. to 15 cwt.
And a General AJfortment of
5-4 & 6-4 Bouiting Cloth
Pragers (b* Co.
Nov. 11
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone
No. 41, south Sect djireeti
V O L. 11.
Medical Inquiries
O B s ervVti O NS.
Profeffor of the Institutes of Medicine, and
of Clinical Praftic? in the Univer
sity ai Ptnnfylvinia.
•'i * N T A' i N I K •
1. An inquiry into the influence of pbyfie*
causes upon th? moral fatuity.
2. An inquiry into the effects of fpiritous li
quors upon the huraarj body, and their in
fluence upon the happin-fs of focicty.
3. An inquiry into thecaiifw and cure of the
pulmonary consumption.
4. Obfe\va(ions on the fyrnptumsand curee!
5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cureof
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account of the measles, as they ap-
pcared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An account of the influenza, as it appear.
Ed in Philadelphia in tht years 1789,1790,
and 1791.
t. An inquiry int» ifte caufejot the incrtsfe
of bltioojand remitting fevers, in Penn.
An inquiry into th« caurejnnd care of tore
I«gs- ' ' '
to. An accoantof the (late of thtf bqdy and
mind in old age, with observations Upon
its difcafcs and their remedies.
Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfa£tions
College of Physician* of Philadelphia.
Price one dollar in boards.
A Treatlfe on the Diseases oi
With general iSireftions for the managemeni
of Infants from the.birth, adapted for
the use of physicians and private families,
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians in London, and
Physician of the Biitiih
Lying-in-Hofpita I.
Price one Dollar.
Thi« is acknowledged to be the best hook
which has been published on the fubjeft, and
is calculated for the use of parents, nurses,
and private families, as well as for physicians
—The two volumes handsomely printed in
one, and the price only about one third of
what the imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, twa
dollars. frßHp
System of Surgery, extracted from the
works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2
dols. 50 cents.
System of Anatomy, extracted from the
Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, 2 dols.
System of Chemistry, extracted from the
Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of tbe pro
gress of the fcicncee, and the different systems
which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dobfon has in the Press,
An edition of the Medical and Philofophi
c»l Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol
umes are printed in one at s dollars and 50
cents per volume; he has nearly finilhed the
five firil volumes, which contain the firft ten
Volumes of the European edition, v/hich fell
for two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, which
will briog the publication up to the prelem
time. x
liiewife for fa]'e a considerable number oj
\r J' . . / t> . j .
MeJital Books, viz.
Cutlen's Practice, Materia Medica, Phyß.
ology, and SynopGs. Bell's Surgery, 6 vol*,
or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Bucban's Dopieftic
Mcdicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A
nctomy, Hunter on the Venere»J, Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases;
Rifcby on Uterine Hemorrhtge, Hamilton's'
outlines of the theory and prafiice of Mid
wifery, with or without plates; do. on the
management ol Female complaints. Mcafe
in Hydrophobia, &c. &c.
PHILADELPHIA.Prjntsb »y JOHN FENNO, N«. nj, Chesiiwt Street.—Price Six boiuu Per Aukvm.
•* • ■
Mountford, Bioren S3* Co.
Proposals for Printing by
At One liar each
(. This Work will be con",'rized In Eight
Duodecimo Volumes, printed cu a ...fine
American paper, in a it;le of Tvpoira
phical Eiega:ice that iHaU rcflift the
high'jft creditor the A'«-iica<!.prefj.
II That it stall be emhelSifhed will) a
beauiifnJ Frontiiyiece of ShakVpeaje—-
engraved by the best American Ar-.ill.
III! That the price to Subscribers wtil be
UGHT dollars, one <io!!»r to be piiid
'on fubfiribing, and one djllai or. the r<
ceipt of every fineeediiig volume hot
the latt:—-to em.cle ibe Pub'ifhers te
pursue witli convenience this arduous
IV- Each volume shall be delivered in blue
boards to the immediately
on tlie publication ofev«ry volume with
bid iiiipreCioos of the F'rontifpiecr— the
price to be railed to Non-Subfci ibeji.
V. That the names of (he Subfcriiiers will
be printed t# record the patrons ol [hit
endeavour to enc 'Uiage the ofeiul and
elegant Art» in America.
THAT Shalcfpeare has followed nature
with such truth and corre&oefs, as to rea
der his Works the delight of all nations,
however dffering i:i cuftums and maujiers
from his own, is a fact which more thau
centuries of univei'fal app'flbatio.i have
fufficienth eftabii&ed—Tlie <iebt a..paid
.by tne care'efs and u.eoligliteged co-tem
poraries >.f this Iliuftiioirs .Vlio lias betfir
eft topi.ft. rity to and in pro
l portion te ihe progress of taste and litcra
i tare, the gratitude ot ma Jciuu has cixie*-
T-.ufed to acknowledge tbs obligations
i England has exhibited her lavouiite Au
thors with fplendov, and 't is hoped thai
Ametica that feat of true liberty, will ». i
| be bacWai d in eiico»r««irg chitn ft great
| attempt to do merited jufhee to the author
of this Di awi.itic
The felsclion tlier»ftfe, of this foc-nu
pargble Production for a:i fl.F.Gant AMERI
CA!: esitick, requiting i:» juftilicatioi), it
only rcipiini for iht to add a lew
obferTations .n tfcc claim which fuel) untie, - ]
takiiigt ba.Te to patranage in Amerit.—a!
country, wlife'.i tor liberty none can equal
andfiinald neccflarily be the anrfe auc pa
tronof the Arts. And tho' to rival the
Eaftrrn country, mty fe.'ui hopeless in ui—
yet it is surely a laudable endearour to ax
cite that encouragement here,which fliuu'd
be always offered lo improvement aiid ex
cel ence. Indeed the ««! which has ap
peared in Americi, fitioethe permanent eG.
tsrjlifhme»t of the present luppy conftitu-
r patronizing the »rtr., whilst ii has
prodwedand tewaidrd a multitude of
works which immortalize the artists, has
ftlfo exalted the ch«ta&>-'r of U-e nation, ai)d
given dignity to the people whole pitriot
if«j*iid munificence have promoted their
dift-o-ery <if perfection.
America ip not i«fe»(tble to the valoe of
charaAcr, «nH will atfumebei rank arcongft
nations as an eijco»ra®e~ of the arts. It
would therefore be an impeachment of her
undeifitnditig and patriotilm, il a doubt
wcre entertai»ed of her pofft fling-# port-on
of that spirit. which fo-«le»ate« the eattci n
World,a fpiritaprhich considered in a nation
al point of view, is «ne of the mo ft praife
"warihjr in the catalogue of pablic virtues:
ai if< contributes to the best iaterefts of fo
eiety, by pronwtivg . induftiy, cheri&ing
genius, multiplying thf rationalenjuynicnts
of life, and exciting a general taste f</r the
beautiful ancl the excellent.
In the hope then that the humble effort
here proposed may interest this spirit, and
have some claim to general encourage
ment, it has been undertake.
The attention Which "fliartl be paid to the i
correftnefs and beauty of the PiintinO,
Will evince the desire of the publishers to
prelent'theircountry w:ih antiititn worthy
of the inimitable e.
The Pnblilhjvs allure the Pat-onrof this
undertaking, th y will'tji/ch >rge their en
gagement 'with ftrift probity and honor,
and therefore hope the'v may juflly claim
public confidence and lupport.
Subscriptions will be received at Ste
phens's Book-Store, No, jJ v Sonth SeCnnd
ftree i t ) and in the
United States—-also, at the PiiMifhets No.
75- Dock street, and at the Philadelphia
Dtc. 10.
James M'Alpin,
No, 3, Sooth Fou*th Sr*iiT ?
Return! hi« grateful acknowledgement
to hisfriendt and the Public for their libe
ral tncouiagement, and begs leave res
pe£H®lly tofolicit a Continuance of tb*ir
At his Shop Gentlemen car be furnifhed
with the best materials, »"d have them
iTiadi- up and finifhed in the neatest and
most fafhionable manner.
Hewill thankfully receive any orders &
pavaprompt aud punctual' atientOfi to
I Oft. 25
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner Induftrv, Captain liylinder,
from Havanna,
85 hhds. iVlolafFes,
Of superior full quality.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain
from Jamaica.
_ Sept. 13 _ d
Scheme of a Lottery,
TiraiWjwL 909 Dollars, cn 266,000 Dollars
VcJvftjng 15 liff CtnU jsiM the Prizes~
This Loiter } . c'onjfls oj 08,00 c in
ivhichiftere me 14,531 larid 23,461
Blanks, keir.g about one andun halj bltnks iy
a prize.
Dire£ors of the Society f«r eflablifh
i. ui£ UfefuJ Manufactures, having reviv
ed to cre£t LOTTERIES lor laifin# Cnb
Be nDk ED Thoi r < and D.c ll a r B?agreesbiy
to an Act of Lcgifl tiirc- (J jbc St *te of
Ncw-Je.-fey, nave tpp'><S the *oj|ow>iU£
perfoa&io fuperirttend and direfi- the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufuj
King, HeinjaYi ie Roy, J«:nct Watfoa,
ftichaid 'Harrifon, Abijih Hanfcitnd, rud
Cbrticlioc Ray, cf the city of New-York—
Thorna* Willing, Joseph Sail, Matthew M'-
Coii.ic 1! Andrew Eayird, ot the city of
f^iUadelphU—H»» Esccileticy Richard How
cj:, Eiq. Eli*t Bomainot, Generai KJ?a* Day ;
too. Jam.# Parker, John Bayard, Dn&ox
Lewi* Donharo, Samuel W. Joih'ja
M. Wallace, Jofepb Bloomfield, and JLlilha
3oudtnot, of,. who oifer the
lolinwing Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
rheuifelvc* to the public, that they will take .
every aiTurance and precaution in their power
-o have the &lorfie& paid by the Managers)
ironj ti'Me to time, as received, into the
jarrtts at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for tbc purpose of paying Priz s,.
which lhail be discharged by a
cligck upon one of the Banks.
14.539 P f,zci * 262,000
43,461 Birtuks. Firfi drawn number, 2,000
I, aft drawn nurnberj 2,0q0
83060 Tickets at 7 Dc'.lara each i» 166,000-
The drawing will commence, opder *Sie 2
infpefiioo of a Committee «''the Superin-j
teudants, as soon aa !J c Tickets art fold, ohi
which timely notice w'll be given, !
The Supctimc»d«ms have appointed John
N. Cumnnr.g, ol N'wait", Jacob £~ Har
der.berg, of New-Bn ai wick, »»d Jonathan;
Shea, of Trenton, at Managers
thereof, who have given ample fectirity for
difcbt .gins; the tfuft «f>ofr<l m them.
(jsi !n order tolWcre the punctual pty'*
mem ol th> .Pr'nes, the Superintcntiints of
the Lottery have dircrte.i thai the klanagrrj
"hall eii-h enter uuol»i:int .n 4C r OQOdolUr« s
wjihfiiur fufikient lecutiti »,io perform their
iriilruSmns, the fubftancr of which is
I. That whcoCvci either ol the Managers
frail receive-the ft.m cA Three Hundird Dol
lars, he (ball immdiately place the fame in
one of the Bank* of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the ofd'a of the governor of the
Society. 3rd fucb oi the Svperifitendants as
ive in (be city y I*k Chc.moniet ar<; placed,
to rdoiin there nntij th< Lottery 19 drawn,
for the payment ol thr i'viies.
11. The Managers to :ake fufficient fe
curitv foi any Ticket they.may trufl, other
wise to be rcfj oniibi* - for them.
111. To keep regular, hocks of Tickets;
fohi, Monies received and paid into~ the
Hank, abflra#s of which (hail he tent,
nonrhly, to thiGovernbr rtfnhc Society.
Paicrfon, January 1, 17g^'.
On'application to the above ge'tr
tltmei!, information will be given where
tickcts niiy be had.
February 24-.
Madeira, S-env, atid i iibon Wines
Philadelphia Porter in bottles, for expo r
tation at the flioitvfi notice, or for pri
vate families and tavern keepers, deliver
ed in aay part of the town.
jAii affbrtmeni of 5-4 and 6-4
American manufactured Bolt
cod 2w 2aw tf
Which will he warier,:ecl eqiii] »o an
imported, for the refpeflive purposes re
quired—as has bee- t<uand on tria
A Literal Allowance ro Whclefale deaJ
Nov- 25
Two thousand dollars,
RealEftate in the f h* 1 of Philadelphia
will be pledged as Stc&izy. inquire of
the Printer,
Dec. 4
Piuffof 20,000 Dollars is 2c,000
10,000 j
J 0.000
,36,000 ,
t 0,000
1 ,GCQ
I *
1 c©
N». 128, South Watn- Street,
CLARET in cases,
ing Cloths,
. A Csmpleat Sfl ps
. Grocer's CannHler«
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & Soil
oa. n d
William W. Woodward,
HAS removed his Printing-office 6™
No. 41, Cbefnut street, 10 Frark' .
Head, No. 36, fo»r doors from the c or '
ofSecond-fireet, south fide, nearly o „ vu _
fitc ; where the Printing Bufineft i, Ca j., d
on as his whole attention be ,
confined to that occupation. Oid<tif,„,„
any part of this slate, or the continent
will be executed, and authors , t K
having any work they may fee fir to pel,.
li(h, correctly printed, either in French or
Englifti. The Ely*!. of Et'iop, , u< j
Nobth Amesica, with a COPIOUS
PRICE CURRENT,is printed lor theeii
tor, Pster Eokok, L. L. D. ai the alc 4 j
mentioned office, in French »r.dEnpi,n,,
w! ich publication bas received the pution.
ag of lbme of the mod diftinjjuilhed dta
ra er» in America, 3nd whose names, it, ,
few days, will be published, and acccm,*.
Ny he two si.-st numbers to the subscribe
N. B. Blanks, Circular Letters, CheiV.j,
Cards, Handbills, &c. ice. continue to b«
executed with tbe.vfual dispatch.
Nov. Ift end 9 w.
The Editor of the Level of
! Europe and North America, ever anxious
to communicate to European.-., who mat L*
desirous of fettling in this Continent,*' U;it
cver may tend 10 inform them of the ad
vantages they may find here, whether in
agriculture or in commerce, has the honor
to acquaint the public, that he has under
take:i the tranOation of a work just publifli
ed under the title of A Vim cf the Umtii
Statu tf Axcric». This translation will be
executed with the permission of the Author
Tench Coxe, Esq. Commiffioncr of tht
Revenues of the United States.
P. Egrotl, L. L. D.
Nov. 20 2awjvr
Distant Subscribers
Fur this Gazette, are hereby refpecftfuj.
ly reqnefted :o pay up their Supfcriptions
to the firft of January next. The Editor
will be under the neceflity of co:ifiden.!g
j tlwfe who do not then renew their Sub
scription by paying Si* Months in Ad
vance, as declining to,take the Piper any
A» there is a confiderab'e Sum due from
remote Suifcribersfor the late half Week
ly i*apci" publilhed by the Editor, he r.wft
earnestly lequcfts those whn may be delin.
quent, ro take the earliest opportunity of
remitting him. the balance ti.ey may rrf
pe&lvtly be indeb ed—the funts are indi
vidually triflii g—the want of the Aftge
gate is feyeie'y felt.
v To the Public.
Is opened for Printir;.; th»
Theological Writings
o F
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
■4t Francis Bailey' 4 Book Jlore, Ao. n6» .
Marie, Jireet, Philadelphia,
WHEN a I'ubfciiption takes
place, a meeting will be advertil'ed to enn
(ider the most eligible made for conducing
the piintingof such of the Works as (hall
be thnvght to be o! the grcateft utility in
thv. firfl
The following Treatises may be flow had at
. ~ . Mr. BaiUf* :
The Do<sfrine of X!fe, or the SpiritnaJ
. sense of the Ten Commandments.
The Univeifa) Theology of the New
Church ; which was loretold by the
L»rcl in Daniel, chap. 7, r- Si J 3» *4i
and in the Apoca'ypfe, chap. 2i» v. i#
2, &cc.
A summary View of the Heavenly Doc-
trinej of the NcvJprii#iJeiJ>ChHTPk
As various op'tiioiis have bc*n en
tertained ! eipcTi;ilg jhefe inahpilt utility,
*aHd ys«t no pcTfon by argument
able to i efote fliew, but tcftrad
»f,w vidi ou s>i t Turn nicsand l gfotwidfc'f l
jpqrts have b«u
.to die; edit tli*- )io. : j#>ura£te^wud('ioJigW rn f~
Author, at wcjj'»i,'f?. ■
not the cStftHd'and. B " rr
.T'utlvs' of ttc
irfysAy exvii'iae tbflfe >V#rJts fors&J<i"h
Mn which il » t rb« hppef^fhVtjbeJwjn•
ifiiu'f'uit aind Jove of the T(^H^i*'\rX he ft
of its nsrtive «jjfi , ® Te '
re gird " ,d "
the en 4 j"ecirvc b»th prafit M|i lrli£nt>
Oft. 14 : ) eT nH *
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from thr '»
Woodbury, Gieucefler Count.. Nev-Jer
fey, on Sunday morning i2tK imltact*
Two young Negro Fellows,
named Irtk and l orn, each about *'< « a 1
of age; jacb-isof» iaik rowu *>
as ur look'; To»r. is of an, opwri cojnJ!-
nanre, of a yeHowilh colour, a' l * muc
disposed to laugh. ,
They as« fpngbtly active 3
but little fiiort of fix iitt high ; t■■»>'
both well diclKd ; Jack fad «" ' • ,
btaad cloth coat and different k' r - *
clothe":. ..a
Whoever takes op said (trT3nt '? . .
ftcttre": ttiem in »iy goa' :he '
Stater, fothat tbiir ni .ftr" g et ,
rrovve th« a'w»e rew*'d
John Sparks,
Andrew Hunter.
oa. 14