Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 12, 1794, Image 3

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    s Rate, entertain a high sense of the ;
r t u e, patriotism and alacrity of the
.jmmancjer in chief, in complying!
with the requisition of the President of
the United States, for calling into ser
vice the militia of this state, against
the infiugents of the four
counties of Pcnnfylvania.
Refohedj That the patience and l
magnanimity with which the officers ;
and privates of the nulitia of this ltate
who have marched under that requisi
tion, have encountered the fatigues and
difficulties of a long and arduous
march, at so inclement a season of the
vear, j'lflify the LegiflattTre in decla
ring, that they buve Jtferved laell of
country ; av.d the Legislature feli
citaU tlicmfeUes and their fellow citi
zens, that so direct arid unconftitntion
al a violation and resistance of the laws
of tie United States, has been so com
pletely difcountpnanced and defeated.
The above Refblutions were unani
mously palTcdby both Houses of the
This family [Xivingflon] affecfl to
Lave flreng attachments to tiie French re
public; why? because they seek populari
tv by coinciding with the affeftioqate con
c'l-rrn of America, for the welfare of this
gallant and invincible nation. But by their
f; uits you lhall know them. On the recal
of Governeur Morris., application was
made to Chancellor Livingfton to go as
our minister to France ; the office was'ho
norablt, the nation the f;rft in rank, and
the million capable of affilting the cause of
hherty andol promoting the mutual inte
reit of the two countries. The chancel
lor refufed the office, and Mr. Monroe
was appointed.
New-York Daily Adr.
A letter from Paris fays,
" Mr. Monroe has already taken up the
f hjedlof American claims, and the veiy
important one of the present Rate of com
merce between the two countries which
lias and does cortmue to derogate from
• foine of the articles of treaty of commerce
and amity, fubfiliing between them. I
am in hopes loon of being able to inform
you of Mr. Monroe's compete success."
The voluuteers who are returned from
the late expedition to the westward, are
received by their fellow-citizens with the
i oft cordial and rcl'pectful attention
what was seen in this city on Wed»efdUy
lailj is the counterpart of those civil and
military demonfiiations of gratitude and
affection to the patriotic army, whicb have
K_'n exhibited in Baltimore, Virginia and
New-Jevfey. —
By HENRY LEE, Esq. Governor
of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Majot General therein, and Com
mander in Chief of the Militia Army
in the Service of the United States.
WHEREAS, information hath
;V i been given tome that David Loci, of
Washington county, Elcncztr Gallagher
and Peter Ljk. of Allegheny County, i
charged with the commiffioti of Trea
son against the United States, have
this morning, made their escape from
the Fort at the town of Pittsburgh, to
which place they had been committed
by the civil authority. Ido therefore
by virtue of thp authority veftcd in me
hereby offer a reward of SIX'HUN
DRED DOLLARS, to be paid to
any person or persons who will ap
prehend the said offenders and deliver
them to the Commanding Officer of
the said fort,orthe keeper of the Gaol
at the City of Philadelphia, or the sum
for any one of them who (hall be ap
prehended and delivered as aforefaid.
And I do hereby call upon and require
as \vel! all magistrates and other officers
ofjullice, as well all disposed citizens
ddirous of supporting the laws and a
voiding a return of the anarchy and
confufio-.i in which the Wcftern Coun
ties of Pennsylvania have lately been in
volved, to use their titmoft endaavours
to canfe the above mentioned Offenders
to be breui;ht to jul'tice.
GIVEN under my hand at Head Quar
ters in Pittsburgh, this 24th day of
November, 1794-
By order of the Commander in Chief,
James Heard, Aid-de-Camp.
Ptier Ljlexx about 5 feet 10 inches
high, light complexion and light hair
about 3'. years of age, very talkative
had on a blue coat, and white under
David Lock is stout, square built, 5
feet 8 or 9 inches high, light complex
ion, fliort sandy hair, flat nose, and
lart lips, had on a round white hat
ciot'a coloured great coat yellow caffi
nier vvaiftcoat and breeches.
Ebenezer Gallagher is 6 feet high
fair light hair, had on a
g. een coat, a bold,talkative man,born
in Newjrrfy. '
For the Gazette of the Untied Statt.
Mafla Printer,
\ OU print e letter i n e paper from
Gaudlupe—bery Tell—Mifiee Le Roy
fay he put e neger to dca; cause he no
work—ha Mafia ! dis he freedom he
gin um—pofe he neger free—buckara
go dig—cut cane, get e coffee—eat
yam—go naked—hey ! what dis ?—
ole times come again—Dis new free
dom Mafia ; kill e, if e no work ? Ah
Mafia, worse an e worse. Free neger
work when he no mind to—and kill um
too—worse an e ole times Mafia, great
deal. Pray Mafia dis he freedom for
buekara too in Ole France ; kill um if
e no fight ? Won't do Mafia—give e
brack e gun, and fee *f he work for
buckara—What Mafia, kill e if no
work ? Neber vill do—dis freedom wor
fer an e cat across e back MalTa. Print
um, an brige one who memfeet Mft
Ol* Times.
By this Day's Mai}.
Saturday last the workmen at Hope
Furnace, in Scituale, began to call
Cannon for the United State*. A
number of excellent 32 pounders v.e
, learn are nearly completed.
' PITTSBURGH, Dec. 2, 1794.
Mr. Printer,
The following iaa true copy of a certi
ficate given me by the Chief Juftio
of the State of Pemifylvania.
■ Pennsylvania, sT.
j.-aii 12 j JI.
The underwritten Chief Jwftice of thi
jupieme Court of the State of Penn
ylvania, certifies, that Edward Cook
>f the county of Fayette, in the faic
State ef Pennsylvania, Esquire, hath
this day before him, pcrfotially appear
ed, and voluntarily entered into a re
cognizance to the United S'atei of
America, himfelf in three thousand
dollars, and one good surety for one
thousand five hundred dollars, for his
ted States, at the nes' special fefilon of
; Dillritl of Pennsylvania, and then and
; there answering to such charges of trea
• fonable and seditious pra&ices and such
be alledged against him in behalf of the
United States; and that he will not
depart that court without licence.
The under written further certifies,
that the aforefaid recognizance wai ta
ken in the presence and with approbati
on of William Bradford, Esq. attorney
General of the said United States.—
Done at Philadelphia the sixth of Nov.
in the year one thousand seVen hundred
and ninety four.
To all whom it may concern.
The aboveis intended to shew that tlie
subscriber holds himfelf liable to answer
any thing that may be alledged agaiflft
him, notwiihftanding the infinuatiom
that may be to the contrary.
Ship pinningham Packet) Lpckyir. East
Show Alexrnder, Mqnk, N.-Orlaaa*
firig Nancy, Belchcr, Bourdeaux
• > Molly> 'ts> x St. Kitt»
P•• * ~
t f:
S<-hr. Dtilphin,X)o»ne,
- Hazard, CoweH, -
Polly and Sally* Bainl,
Lady Waftittgtwij Jtifupe,
THE City Cavalry will parade to
morrow morning at ten o'clock, at the
Middle Ferry, to accompany the re
mainder of the patriotic Troops, who
served on the Western expedition into
the city.
December 12.
THE Fifth Sixth Seventh and Ninth
companies of the Artillery regiment are
requested to meet at Ten o'clock,
on Saturday morning at the Arsenal.
Dec. 12. JOHN CONNELLY maj.
The Gentlemen of Col. M'Pherfon's
battalion of blues, are requested to pa
rade in the State-House yard, to-mor
roxv at 10 o'clock A. M. precisely—to
accompany their friends, on their return
from the Western expedition, into the
By order of the Commandant,
Robert Heyftian., Adjut.
THE gentlemen belonging to Col.
Gurney's regiment now i 1 this city,
will be pleased to meet at the Middle
Feny to-morrow at ten o'clock, in oi «
der to accompany their Brethren intu
the City.
December 12, 1794,
A Special Meeting of the Philadelphia
Society for the Information and Assistance
of Per ions emigrating from Foreign Cowi
tries will be held at half pall Six o'clock,
To-Morrow Evening;, tlie 12th inftrnt, at
Sliarplefi's School Room, in Fromberger's
Any person desirous
to c> ntraiT: tor the I'upply of Rations for
the Recruits in Philadelphia, Lancaftet,
Heading and Carliffe, or ' either of those
places, during the year aie rLCjuelt
ed to fend in theirprgpofals lea led, to in v
office, on or befoie the 16th inltant.
The component parts of the Ration are
One lb. of Bread or Fiour,
One lb, ol'Beel or 3.41b. ol'Pirk,
'-2 gill Rum, Brandy or Whi/key
One quart Salt S
Two qnarti Vinegar (
Two !b. Soap f ,e 1;i
One lb. Ca*d!es J)
Tench Francis, Agent.
Dec. 12 ia*3>v
December. 12.
Will be Presented,
A TRAGEDY, «elled
Romeo 'Juliet.
ROMEO, Mr. Mcrcton
ESCULUS, Mr. Warrell
MERCtiH 10,
JULIET, Mrs.. MarfTull
LADY C.VPULET, Mrs. Rowfdn
In Art i, a MASQUERADE, with a
DANCE by the characters.
irocal parts by MefiVs. Marshall, Barley,
jun. J. Vinrell, T. Warrell, Mrs. Old
mixon, Mrs. Warrell, Mtft Broadhurft,
Mrs. Bites, Mrs. Clcveiai.d, Mils Kow
fon, Mrs. De Marque, &r.
Ta tvhicb will le added,
A FARCE, in two a<3», called
The Sultan;
Or, A
Peep into the Seraglio.
SOIJItfIAN, Mr. Moreton
OSMYN, Mr. Harwcod
Bdx. one PpHar—Pitt |of a
Aallery a dollar.
Thedoori will Ik apenad at a J after five
and the performance begin at j alter six
o'clock. '
Ticke'rand places for the Boxes to hi
tak-11 of Mr. Wax, at the Theatic,
from TEN'tillone, and on days of pe tbrm
anc? from TEN'till three o'clock-
Ladies and Gentlemen are reqnefted to
fend their fcrvants to keep places by five
o'clock, and order them, as soon as the
company are featcd, to withdraw, as they
cannot on any account be permuted to re
No money or tickets to be returned, nor
anv person on any account whatsoever, ad
mitted behind the fcenea.
Vivat Refpublica!
Parry & Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths, Jewellers and
No. 42, south Second Street,
Have received by the Pigou ft •m London
an assortmbnt cf
Plated japanned ware
Jewellery & Cutlery, viz.
Plattd and jjpan'd Tea Urns
Plated and'janan'cl Parent. Lamps
Castors and Liqiv>r Fumes
Bread and Finn Balktts ,
Japan'd Tea Tiays
Plated coffee and Tea Pots and ead'.es
Ditto Candie'lUcks
A variety of'elegant and mist (afliionable
E.u rings
pins, and Finger Rings
Thinibles, enamel'd and other kinds
Ladietand gentlemen's £Pld, gilt, arid
Creel Watch chain*
Gold Sea's ai d JO vs
Stone and fin. steel Knee Buckes, Pen-
Variety of other Articles,
In the atwve U-anshes.
.' * ;'*•
John Nicholicm,
Philad. Dec, 13, 1794.
Mr. Marfhail
Mr. Morris
Mr. Green
Mr. Wignell
Mr. Cleveland
Mr. I larwood
Mr. Whitlock
Mr. Darley jun.
Mr. Francis
Mr. Bliflett
Mailer T. Warrell
Mn. Shaw
Mrs. Francis
Mi f» Broadhurft
Mrs. Oldmixon
Tram a Ccrrefpor.dcrJ.
The park of this town, which is a
rnoft agreeable and salubrious promenade,
has been for some time abandoned, on
account of the fetid exhalation! arising
from various masses of filth and'dirt, and
which render access to it quite imprac
The feverc discipline cftablifhcd by
the military, in obedience to the Order
of the commander In chief, and the wife
regulations ifftied for the repairing and
prefer»ing of this fp.icious walk, has re-'
llored it to its former brilliancy, and is
now as much fiequented as ever. Three
days ago, in particular, an immense
croud of people were attiadied by the
appearrnce ofa balloon.
There is in the army of the Sambre
and Meufe, a military aerostatic cortipa
ny, entrusted with the management of
this roarl.ine.
The principal persons direst its fil
ling and ascension. The talioon is
composed of yellow taffeta gummed,
and covered with a net work of ftiong
thread, to which are attached cords tu
lix it -to the earth, hen about to be fil
led, and to sustain the gondola, in
which the aerial voyagers fit, with all
the instruments necessary to determine
the height of the balloon in the atmof
pliere, and to discover the different tem
peratures they may experience, and
which is effe&ed by the aid of a barome
ter and thermometer, and mathematical
The form of the aerostatic machinc is
not fphciical as those of Mongolfier,
Blanchard, Piliitre, and Rozier. Its
figure is oval oreliptic, 29 feet in length
and 19 in diameter, and consequently
57 in circumference.
The directors of this balloon employ
also a new process to fill it. If they
followed the plan adopted by Mongol
fier, at Paris on the 27th of Anguft
>17 S • filling it with inflamahlc air,
It is wife to encourage emigration by ! j rawn f rom ; ron> t h ey would want more
a liberal a;rant of privileges and protec- ,h an 1500 pounds weight of flee] filings
t'on* embarrass the trade of ! ar ..; more than ?4? pounds of v J otrolic
new comers, or obdruct their holdmg a- ! ac ; £ j, which would render the operation
n y proj>ercy as freely as citizens. But « very expeniive.
more caution ig demanded, and exp«ri- j th ;' s am l agam of iron ar)d
eiice proves it, in refpea to inverting J T ; triol> prodtfces gas so v ; o ] erit i y hut>
them with power, as representatives, le- i t fy at it injuries the taffeta and the gum,
nators, or magillratcs. Let them be and cxpoles the whole machinc to the
free on their fir ft arrival, and that is danger of being burnt. The new mode
v.i at they come for. It is however ittrtdics this inconvenience, renders the
neither prudent nor necessary to appoint g , s Ms expeniive, and affords travellers
them to rule over the freej until they a f, c ;i ity of return j ng to the p ] ace
have become citizens in heart and by ha- whence they set out, as soon as thev
sit, as well as by the law of the l?.nd. • have made the necessary discovery by the
, ■ ■ I afftftance of a telescope.
» America has need ps a free com- j T | lc great aerolktiq balloon, and
merce with all nations. A political con- .1 r r , r .
ncclicn with „. y b unneceflSry : for will h <- lms}l 0r ?» whiel | serve t0 , flll «*»
one who has fecn the army t>f the a damage which it
constitution believe that we cannot defend may fullain in its ascension by imprecep
our independence against the attacks of tiMe holes, and the seams in the taffeta,
any nation on the other fide of the Attlan- are sent to the siege cf Maeftricht.
tic. One plea for war has been in con- j
ftant use, tiiat our liberties are flaked on J —— ram——m
The ir.furreftion of tiie western cofln
ties fprer.d in - l .oro'ie for a rime i"
small (hjre of difcoHrr.gerfient to emi
gration : Men of propeity especially
would look for refuge in some othet
country where the people were not in
arms againll the laws. But what will
they not fay of the noble patriotism
that fupprefied-it ? Will not the even!
hold out the moll rational inducements,
to thoL' who are flying with thri-'
wealth from war and plunder tw seek
repofc and protcflion in this land of
peace .and true liberty? Our militia
army has not made a mere empty flou
ri(h of pati iotifm : At this moment of
convulsion, nothing could be more sea
sonable than their condutl to attract
the admiration and the wcaltffcf foreign
The French have taken Engliflimen,
coming to fettle in this country, out of
American vefiels, and carried them off
prisoners : Waving the repugnancy of
this with the treaty, is it wife and poli
tic ? The effedt is decidedly this, to keep
the Englifhnjen at home. One would
expe£t that France wouM chufe to fee
her enemy drained of her wealth and
Those rash men who think of run
ning this country headlong, into war,
Ihouid look at that which rages in Eu
rope. Near sixty.millions of livres are
exaftcd from the conqueicd Nether
lands. Such a contribution, and the
temoral of immense property qS every
kind from thence into Fiance, will ut
terly ruin the Netherlands, it is hard
to computc how much of what we alrea
dy have, would be loft b\ a war. But
it is beyond all reckoning how much
the growing wealth of the country
would be prevented.
the politics of Europe l . DebaGng fallacy !
Is any country on the globe as prosper
ous as the United States. Has any on<; so
much in profpeil ami pofitflion depend
ing on the giuod order fteadiiic'-. in
the government,
Thtf virtue of the mili-
tia wmy in dcfending.the laws has reward
ed. itfelf.
The officers of the firft Di
vision of the Militia of Pcnnfylvania,
are requested to meet to-morrow morn-
ing at 10 o'clock at the Middle-Ferry ;
To welcome the tetnrn of, and nccom-
pany to town, their brother foldieis,
who have fetved on the Weltern expe
dition, vith so much honor to thym
felves, and falisfaftion to their fcl!ow
Walter Stewart,
• Major-Central.
Dcc. 12.
A Quantity of BEST
James River Tobacco,
A few Hhds. of
Kitefoot Tobacco,
500 Barrels
Burlington Pork,
Levi Hettingjworth Es* Sim.
Dec. 6 od2w
F. C. Sannento, of the
Houfc of Sarmento and Co. o' Islam
ot Tener'ffe, intending to letmn to that
Island in the couili of this niiwib (D(C.) re
quests all persons having den.a/.ds againfl
him or hi"! House, to cali o •> M< ■ John Craij;
ut'tiiis city tor paymrt.
Dec- 8 pod3t
Stock Brokers Office.
No. 16, Wall-ftreu N T r. vv-York
THE Subfcnbcr iij'pndLru ! <- o>»»finr him
:t 1 rn'.'ir'v tp the I*o RCHASE «ik
ltavc to oil r tuj>!civ.c< s 10 liiv}. ?„ r
in th> line of a s'or k Kr.-k.-r,
'vho may plcafe to favor hwf. v.MuHeft bufi,
ness, may dep-n»; upon barring t mniaftcO
with the uinwft f\d*Tny ar.<l «!rpatch
Orders from Philadelphia, l'-i lion, 01 any
I otb<*r part of the United \cill be
Itnftly attended »o.
1 ' i, K ; ' ;* ■" > '»• " ■"
I BROOKFIELD, (Mass.) Dec 2.
, J ■ xtrtiS ojf el letter l from a gcnftbtKdn in
Philadelphia, to his friend in I his
tcivn, dated Nov. 22, 1794.
" I enclose to you a copy of the Pre
sent's fpetch to both houses of Cor.-
grefson Wednesday lad—The interest
ing details f|nd patriotic sentiments it
contains, will be pleasing to you. I wifli
the Jacobin clubs and felf-created socie
ties, who, under various names, have
been so busy in sowing diflenffon, unea
iinefs and discord, may read and profi
by it. The rising prosperity of our
country, refultiig from exifiing circum
llances, cannot fail to infpirc the must
pleating < emotion j.
" Pi udencc, fumnefs and an honed
adherence to the principles of neutra
lity wiil place this country in a fta:e of
relpe&abilityfurpafiirig ihatot j ny other
nation on earth.—l am solicitous that
the citizens of the United States fhouid
individually learn to consider themselves
as Americans—Detached by nature from
other parts of the civilized world, our
interests are diftindl and ought not to
be involved with any other nation what
■ '•
4& T';
MRS. f^(^ingr».'i
folpticrti. . i• .•■■.>' ' '■■' - ■ ~
tivecu the United States and individual
Itates, to cieditors of such llate, as
may be tieceflary to fatisfy their rei'
ptCtive demawds, with the consent of
- >" 1
BRUSSELS, Sept. 13
-A < V