Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 12, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 157 of Vol. Vl.]
30,000 w«ight of
Green Coffee,
No- epi'hM *0 the D* a wbac&.
Holland Gin,
At a Reduced Price,
ANTIG'JA RUM,'third and fourth
fine flavoured St. Kitts, Grenada
i rt coimtry RUM)
CO TTO Ji jn haje r,
Porr-;m P ■ iu'-e MI)LASSES,
M*lagj \VlNE>iii quarter casks
aD»• in p;i>es and q». calks
A few cliefts of very go>d Hyfoii
TEA by the America intoN.
York, and
A few barrels of gooii fat Philadel
phia BEEF, put up by an ap
proved hand of this city, fit far
ion;; voyage,
Levlnus Clark foil,
No. 216, Touth Water S. icct.
50,i03 Weight of
C 0 F F £ E,
Entitled to the Drawback, in hhris, barrels
and bags.
» «. 4
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old Red Port Wine,
This day arrived, by the Snow Trusty,
Captain Cook, from Oporto,
For Sale by
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Bushels
St. Übes Salt.
oa. 29.
At the STORES of
jeiTe & Robert Wain,
PORT \Vl>lE in pipes, hhds. a<id guai
ter calks
LISBON pipes Quarter calks
Souchongand Congo TEAS, in quartei
cited s
A quantity of Lilbonand CadirSALT
Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Ruflia MATTS.
June 9 d
,from the Ship Adriana Kieran Fitzpatr'tik
Mujlcr, from Amjlerdam.
Tickltvhurgh. Ofnabnrgh,
White and Brown Linen,
Diaper, fine Checks,
BeUticks, Hair Ribbon,
GreatCoats, boxes Window-Glass,
Ditto Tumblers,
Ginn ir. pipes, Ginn Cases,
Steel, Mil) Saws 6 feet,
Anchor l . from ?toi4Cwt.
Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c.
Thomas Iff John Ketland.
o<Sk>ber ai. d.
Just Arrived,
Ar,d will be landed to-morrow morning ni
Wharfs the entire cargo of the brig
Good Hope * Captain Hodgdon, from Ja
maica, corjifling of
High Proof
ro* SALE »Y
Peter Blight.
K-v. 19
John D. Blanchard,
At his Stores, in Third street,
of superior quality,
Coniac Brandy in pipes
50 Cases of Claret of afuperior quality
fubj- ft 10 drawback.
TeaKet'lc?, a large aflortment
Sho»t all sizes and numbers
Carr Lead,
Lead in pigs
Women's Stuff Shoes by the quantity
Cutt Nails
Rhode-1 fluid Cheese
AnH ala-gc and elegant afFortment of
European and India
At the mod redtictd Prices.
Wov. 2aw(f
of # nitco
For Charter,
. - J r 'hn M'lCrner, tnajl-r.
BURTHtN ,700 barrel?.)!' flour. (he is
>n cmpleat orderj aK{ , ftft p<>r
s c ;. ms fJTIy to the Capta.u or. board at the
SObicriber s wrarf, or ri
yofeph Sims,
Who has for Sale, juiir .mporteil ln raid
Bt'm from Maiapa,
Old Mountain Wine,
Ftr« l - K j-° f theSu "> in ke 8 s >
r lUs tn ditto
PRUNES in 4itt6
Mufcate' si:<l Bloom RAISIN'S in boxes
and jars,
grapes in ditto
ORANGES and LEMONS in boxej
Sbill'd AI.MO <DS in calks
Caltile SOAP, &c. &rc.
Dfc. 4 j
George Gardner, Master.
'--L iail wtih all con»cnicut fpecd.
For freight or piffage, ripply to the niafter
on board, iyirg 4' Maffey's wliarf.
Who has for Jale *
Spermaceti Candles,
Northern Oil, Mackairl.Sa.moii, fee.
D"- S *üßt*
Burthen x ,o ions, and will carry about
420 nogfhcads of tobacco ; is in complete
order, and ready to rcceife a cargo on
For terms apply on board at Albifo>'»
■vharf, or to
Thomas Newman,
No. 11 Z y south Sccond ftrcct.
Dec. ii
Sallad Oil,
Oi a fnperior quality in buxss ot iwelv*
lot s A J. E Y
Grubby Mather C5 5 Hill.
Nov. 2ft d
American Ship Henry, Capt.
Crowninfhield, from
r i z.
2500 picces Tandah Satmalis,
2000 pieces Migliumber do.
pieccs Iliiabalc! do.
1000 pieces Migtmmber Eraerties,
948 pieces Illi'abad do.
750 pieces Tandah do.
3*4 peces Fizr.bad do.
490 piepes Mahrrat Gurgv do.
45j0 pieces Tandah Coll'aes,
600 pieces Fizabad do.
300 p 1 ces ?)»bad Gurgy do.
300 pieces Illianad Sdrnahs,
19J5 pieces Tandah Battaes,
725 pieccs Gurgy do.
150 pieces Baram do.
75a pieces Luccp 'rc do.
750 pieces Jugady do.
< 750 pteefs Chittabutty do.
6750 pieces Guez. rahs. -
The ftiip Henry is arrivrd at Salem, and
will be ordered to proceed to Philadelphia,
as Toon as the sale (hall be effe&ed. For
terms apply to
Philips, Cramond & Co.
Dec. 8. d
Tuition of the French Tongue
J. C. ROUSSEAU, one of the unfortu
nate inhabitants of St. Domingo, having a
"mall family of children, finds it necel&ry
for iheir support. lo apply himfelf to the iti
flrußion of youth. He th refore proposes
teaching the above biaiiche> <if fcieoce, in
rhe mod modern stile; and folic its the pal
tronageofa generous public. The libeal
education he has received, and the fevera
other branches of fcier.ce he has acquired
a perfefi knowledge of, will enable him to
give fatisfaftion to thole persons who may
emp'oy him. He will weir on Mitt anc
icnthnun, who wish to be taught at tneir
own houses; and will open an evening
school, fmm fix to nine o'clock, on the
20th instant. Enquire ai No. >»7> No tfl
SecODd-ftfaet. Dec. >1. it
One hundred and lixty tons of
and Mathematicks.
Friday, December 12, 1794.
Proposes to delirer a CQUIUE of
Lectures onChemiftry
Philofophyof Natural Htftqry
courfie is intended to be coinprilec
in ah ut fifty lectures, aud will principa ly
involve those parts of chemical Icience that
hare a mors immediate reference to medi
cine j and those parts of natural history
that are thought to be the most intcrtftin*,
arid the most entertaining. The int odu<slo
r y will be delivered, in the Urjiver.
fity, on Tuesday next: the hour will be
made known in due time.
Dec. 11
This Day is Publiftied,
Authentic History
Revolution in Geneva:
Price 11 1-2 Cents.
S M by Thoma, D.ibfon, No. 41, Second
flteet, John Ormrod, Chefnut street, and
by (Ira Editor hereof.
December 11
City of Washington.
LOTTERY.\ No. 11.
federal city.
I A magnificent > 20,000 Dolitis, a„d
dwelling houjc-, 5 calh 30,008 aie
1 ditto 15,000& ca '>is5,000 40coo
1 ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 & cadi >0,000 2t.000
1 ditto 5,000,5 c calh 5,000 ic'ooo
1 «itto 5,000 & ca(h 5,000
iC ; »n>p»«ot 10800
2 ditto 5,000 each, arc 10,0? o
,o ditto 1,000 10.000
20 ditto 500 i©,ooo
toe ditt* 100 io,oco
200 ditto 10,000
400 ditto 25 10,000
i,ooodiu« 20 20,00 c
15,000 diu» i« is©,oco
This Lottery will afTord an e.egantfpeci
:nen of inc pr ivatr buildings to be er'ctt d in
the City of Wafhin^ton—Two beautiful'de
figns are already felt fted for the entire fronts
on ly/o of the public £q'Uarc& ; from 'these
drawings, it is proofed to er c & two centre
and four corner buildings, ae soon as poftibje
After this Lottery is fold, and to convey them
whert complete, to the fortunate adventurers,
in the manner defenbed in the scheme loi
;he Hose! Lottery. A nctidedu&ion of five
per cent, will be made to defray rhe necef
iaryexpences of printing, & c . and the fur
plufc will be made a part of the fund intended
(or the National University, to be ereftcd
within the City of Washington.
Tb< drawing will commence as soon
as the Tickets are fold, or at a!l events on
Monday, the 22ad of December next: The
money will be payable in thirty days
after it is finifhed, and any prizes for which
fortunate numbers are not produced within
twelve months after the drawing is closed arc
o be conflicted as given towards the lund
for the Univtrfity, it bring determined to
fettle the whole business in a year from the
ending of the drawing and to tekc up the
bonds given asfccuiity.
The real fecuritiee given for tlje payment
of the Prizes, are held bythe President and
two Dire&ors of the Bank, of Columbia, and
are valued at more than half the amount of
the Lottery. The drawing will be under
the management of 24 gentlemen approved
by the conamiftionrrs tor the City of Wash
ington, for the time being, aad a&iftg 011
Samuel Blodget.
*** Tickets may be had a: the Bank of
Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore;
ot Gideon Denifon, Savannah ; of Peter
Oilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Rich
mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer-
Aug. 30
Dancing School.
Wm. M'DOUGALL prefentshi6 com
pliments to the Public—Thanks them for
the great encouragement he hai experi
enced these twenty odd years. He will
open his School for this Season on Monday
the 13th October, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, in »hat large and elegant, Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corner of No.
70, South Third street.
His Employers may be allured, the ftrift
order and decorum that has a4wayi been
observed in his School, lhall still be pur
fucd —and that their children will be taught
in the most approved and modern stile
Note —An Evening School Sor young
John Millciyjun.
No. 8, Chrsnut near Fk»H7 Street,
Hath Imported in the late VefTels
suitable to the season.
(by the pjic'kagi,)
HATTS uiell ajforttd, Boys' coloured, and
Mens' black
Manchejler Cotton Goods
Slippen and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Black and White Lace
Brown and White, by the Box, Uid in on
Ofl. ic
Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1794.
The Stockholders of the
Jiank o( the United States are her«by in
(o'lnftd that accoidirg to the Statute of lai
corporation, ii Gencial Eleftioii for
Twenty-five Directors
Wiit~bc hejd 3lt he Bank of tl« Unitd
States,, in the City of Philadelphia, on
Monday, the fifth day of January next, at
TEN o'clock i« the ForenoiMf.
Aid pmluant t<- the Eleventh Ssftion of
tlie Bye Laws, tfcf Stockholders of the
said Bark are hereby notified to aflembli
in generakineeting at tlie said place, o
Tue day the sixth day oi January next at
FIVE O'clock in the Evening.
By Ordtr,
John Kean,
Sterond Fundamental Article—Not more | three-fourths of t!ie Diie&ors in Of
tce, . cxcluiive of* the Frefitfenty (hall be
fisigiMe for the next year : But
el*« Direflor, who (hall l>e President at the
t ijne o{ aneleclioiJ, ina) always be re-e-
N'jV. 22
By Mathew Carey,
No. 118, Market Street,
i. Charlotte, a talc of truth,
By Mrs Roivfon, of the
Second American edition—Price 75 cento
[[The rapid sale of the First Edition of
this interefling novel, in a few months,
is the best proof of its merit.]]
ExiraS from the Critical Review, April
1791, p. 468.
It maybe a tile of t'uih, for it is noi un
natural, and it it r-. ta!« of real distress—
Charlotte bv the artifice of a teacher, re
commended to a school from humanity ra
tlier than a convk'tion of her integrity of
the regularity of her former conduct, 15 en
ticed Iron) her governsfs, and accompanies
a young officer to Americ—The marriage
cerem r»y, if not forgotten, is postponed,
and Charlotte dies a jnaf.yr to the incnn
ftancT of her lover, and treachery of his
friend.—Tlie fitnarionj aie artless and as.
fefting—the descriptions uatniaf and pa
thetic ; we flioulrl feel for Charlotte if such
a person everexifted, who, for- arror,
scarcely, perhaps de'ervtd so ftverea pu
nifhment. If it is a fiction, poetic justice
is not, wr think, property deft riluiterJ."
2. The Inqu'fitor—by Mrs. Rowfon, Se
cond Philadelphia edition. 87.J cents
3. Adventuresof Roiieric Random. 2 volt
1 dollar and jo cents, coarfc papci—l
dollar a id 7 J cents, fi:ie.
4. Notes on the state of Virginia—-"by Tho
mas Jcffeifo'n. Price, neatly bound, one
dollar and a half,
5. Hiiory of the frcnch Revolution, fioir
its commencement to the death of tlic
Oueen and the exccutiog of Brifct.
Two dollar s.
Extract f»om the Pkefacf
" The authors have prefmiiM) to affix to
tl eir title the epithet Impmtul J and tue
reafim is, because they cannot charge them
feives with feeling the smallest bias to anv
party, butrhatot truih and liberty; and
filer flitter themfelvn, that their readers
will frod nM only every drtumlt-ance fail iy
iepr»ientcd, but every cenlurable afti'or.,
whotfier were the author* or aitors, ma' Ic
ed in its proper cofori. If it was necefT»'y
to inalce a declaration of th<ir o'vr. p j,ci
ples, thev wo- 'd fa<. they are ncit 1 ei
nor repnb.'icar—They l<>ve liberty as
lifh whigs, and execrate every criminal aft
by Which so noble a cau e i» e . jarsgeted aod
" In the present ferment of the pubfcc
mind, they canroi flitter themfalves wit'
the hopes «f feeing tlrU claim universally
acknowledged. On :!>« contrary, Aey tu
[Whole No. 707.]
«'{//ajfurtd that lh-[c pagts ia'l not he eccefttHt
"0 the zti.'vus cj tu/ur pcrty. £ u r when time.
'tiaH d iffipatt tiie Clqu-k of political tlccqi
tinr, tliev wi(h lome cor.fideicr txpcfi that
vcrillfl from public opinion, M candor
ajid mndcraii ui ItfJcign. J'.iil to re«viye.
K>.t»act from the chitica: Riviiw,
J*lK>*lW,swr%4~g*K e 15.
" \V» have certainly Bcr««ti much p'ra
' '"re. and acqu'rcd much ii.fonnation from,
rise penifaj o i the i t volumes ; atid we ihink
| tliem, both for matter end style, wotfliy
jlhe-attetit'on of alHri>6intereft themfeKes
ill evotswh-cb have lo juflly excited the
iciiriofily and aftoniftiment o) mankind."
6. Plowfiens history of thJ Ilritifli empire
from May 1792, to Dei ember. 1793, A
dolhr 3rd a quarter. [This is as inter
eftinganl'vaiuabl* a publication as bai
appeaird for many years. J
7. Beanie's Eleinems of Moral Science,
2 vols. One dollar and three quarters
8. Ladies Library. Second American
edition. g 7 \ cents. Containing—
Mils Moore's tfiays; Dr. Gregory's Le
gacy to his Daughteis; Lady Penning,
tons unfoitunafe rr.othn 'vadvice to lier
Daughtei s : Maichionefs de Lambert's
Advice ofa mother to her (lauf liter, Mrs
Chapone's Letter on thegover niei t of
the temp'r; Swift's Letter to a Young
Lady newly "married ; Moore's Fables
lor the Female Sex
9- Journal durart unSejouren France de
pui- le commeneemen- d'aout julqu'a la
niidi Decembre; auqceleft ajoute un recit
des evenemens les plus renia qnablesqui
ont eu lieu a Paris, d, puis cette epeque
n r qu'a la inert dur'ioide France. '
1 03(ttf
Bound, 2 1-2 dollais—fewed, s dollars.
10. Edward's tteatife on the leliglous as.
feftiens. Coarle paper, a dollai— fine
a dollar and a half.
it. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wollioo
craft. A dollar.
ru Wiilifon's Sacramental Meditations —
to * ?nts.
' van's Holy War, made by Shaddai
f) abolus.
ij. Sh.. t account of Algiers, Second edi-
• 25 cents.
fa 1 A defcrlption of that conn.
r rlanu-. r, a „rt cu stoms ol the in
to! f- x^J,of i heii feye> ai woi s against
Spain, F.aiK,-, Finland, tto'.iand, Venice,
and ot ;v,-1 scf Furope— ft om the u
surpation of Baimrofla ami tlie ir.vafion of
Charles V. to thn prefenttime—With a
concile view of the origin of the war be
tween Algiers and the United States.
FmbellifntM witli-a map of Batbary, com
prehe, ding Morocco, Fez, Algieis, Tunis,
and Tripolv.
To the present edition is added a very
copiotfs ! tdcx, containing letters from
lar.drj American p-'ifoners in Algiers to
their si : eods in the United States—a lift of
the veflels —ar.d mmy very inteieft
?ng a'tjclcs not n thfc fiill edition.
|»5 Blait'i lnElnrrs on Rhetoric and Belles
Letters Three dollars
16. Smith's Letteis to Matricii #om(n, on
"nur(ing and the management of children. SJ
| cents.
17. American Farmer's letters. 80 cents.
18 MtfTes Magazine. 2 vols. idol
lai 33 cents.
Containing—Dialogues between a Cover
nefsand feveval Young Ladtes ot Quality
her (cholats.— In which each Lady is mjde
to (peak according to her particular genius
temper and inelinjtion—Their leveml faults'
are pointed out, and the cafy way to atrend
thrm, as well as to think, ar.d speak, and
aft prnperlv ; no less care being uken
form their hearts to goodref*, than to in.
Jtgbten their undeiftandings with ufeful
knowledge. A Oiorl and clear abridgm, nt
is alio given of lacrtd and profane H'fto;y
and feme lessons in Geography. The ufeful
is blinded throughout with the agreeable
the whole being interfperfcd with proper iel
flexions and moral Tales.
19. Duncan's Elemcnra of Lngi c _ 80 centt
20. M'Fingal, an epic poem. 3; i. 2 cents.
21. T*neh Coxe's examination ol J.oid Sltef.
field's observations. 62 1 2 cenis
22. Ladies' Fiiend. 37 t-2 crnts.
23. Smith's hitlory ol New York, from iw
discovery to 1732. i ctollat accents.
24. Complete Atlas for rite ptefe „t war, con
taining maps of France , Holland, Nether
lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the
Weft-Indies. 2 dollars.
25, Constitutions of the United States, witU
the "Federal Cotifltiution- 62 1-2 cents '
26 Pe;Ws Grammar for Frenchmen t«
learn Engliih. 50 cents.
27. Epiflen Enchiridion. 31 centi.
28. Cay's Fibles. 31 cents.
129. Chrifliau Economy . 25 cents.
30. Charms of Melody, a choice collcflioa
of Songs. 25 cents. -
jt. Ame.ican Museum, 12 vols, Bvo. Nine,
teen dollar* and 20 cears.
" Th '" American Museum is not o n lv emi
nently emulated to dtffctninate political arid
osht 1 valuable infoimaiion, but it lias beeri
liniforir.iy conducted with taste, attention A
prcvpjietv It to these important
filler added the more immedi»te d'list, of
•rtoufng public docun.enta from oblivion I
wiM.vctijre id a. mv fe m imenr,
that a more ufeful literary p | an b„ n-ver
been undettaker in Amenca, nor one more
dclerving of pub lie encouragement."
or 1 cn<fd ' Wafhirgton.
2 3 . Poems of Col Humphreys. 3, Cl .„,
34. Catcchiim ot Man. 18 i-t ceofS
3.5. Tom Paine's Jests. 18 ti 2 en ts
36. account of the Yd low Fever 4 h
rHitir>n. $0 centi.
37- Devout Christian's Vade Mccuttk s»*
jB. (.#.-»■ of the Soul. 50 cents.
J-.hii'V \*ell on'i. cents,
i'>. D-,nr V jfiole. 6 d#U.r*.