Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 11, 1794, Image 4

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    F. C. SarmcntOy of the\
Houfc of Sarinento and Co. ol tne I ilanJ
of Teneriffe, intending to return to that
Island in the course of this month (D c.) re
quests all perfoiu having demands against
him or his House, to call on Mr. John Craig
of this city for payment.
Dot. 8 eod3t
Office of the Infuran:e Com
pany of North America,
December Bth >794-
NOTICE U hereby gi»en to the Stock
holders, that the Ffth liiflalment, being
two D lla*s on each fliare of the Stock
of this C 'inpany ij to be piid o i the fe
tond Minday (the isth DayJ of January
n«xt; when it will be 'o-
person to produce the receipt for tH:
Fourth Joltalmentupon (he ihares he ihall
propole to pay for.
* # * By the firji feSim of the Charter
it is declared, that all fhara on which pay
ments shall not be made at the time pre
fcribedt Jhall be forfeited to the use of the
On Tuesday the 13th day of
'January next (Viug ~- ! >e iecor.d Tuet'day in
t'uo month) at t. o'clock A. M. a«» Eie<stion
will i»e hefdat ch<j Company's Oiffcc } for
the cho'cs of
Tweiitv-five directors
To le.'ve t'ur oik yejr, »tid until others
fh.Vl be chosen.
Th* Ele£t>rs may vote either in person
or by proxy ; but no Stoc&h »!der can—
44 vote a f any fcle&ion for u eft on linTefs
the Stocf; (hall have stood in his or her
name in the books of the Company at least
three months proceeding the time of such
In ca r e of a Stockholder's voting by
Proxy, the charter requires that 44 the
proxy be dire&ly from such Stockholder, &
the vote 02 giveu by a citizen 64' this com
Ebenezer Hazard,
D c. 8
Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs,
and Glass Ware,
Landing from on board thr Jhip eggy,
from Amsterdam.
Coffee of prime Quality
la hogfheaifs and tiercis,
Muscovado Sugars
In hoglheads,
German Steel,
In finall Bales, &c. for file by
Rundle fef Murgatroyd,
No. 1 1, Walnut street wharf.
Who want to purchase 300 or 400
Casks Good Flaxfeed.
' Nov. II ' *
To all who it may concern.
TAKE notice, tliat ag-eeable to an aft
©t the late Sefligp of C I mean to
apply at the Treifury of the United States
for the renewal of the following Continen
tal Li>if*Olfice Certificate, destroyed and
101 lat my L "doings in the city of Pkila.
del|9nia, year 179 1.
N.>, 1607, dated April 13, 1779, for 400
Iffu'ed in the Delawaic State to the Sub
scriber tjien at New-Castle, couu
terfigrieoSimuu-1 Paterfon, C. L-10. where
on were for imereft paid up
to the last of Dec:mber 1782', made by the
said Continental Loan Officer.
George Read.
N wCalle, Nov. 19, i 794
from on board the Birmingham Packet,
Lockytr, and the Henry and Charles,
from Hamburgh,
Peterjburgb's firji quality
BAR. IRON, Swedej, ajfartcu
TIN, in plates, d». do.
GENEVA in b'bdt.
BAGGING, German affortei
Black Quart Bottles,
DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass,
Feathers of superior quality,
MATTS, &c. &ti
Thomas & John Ketland,
Aug. 26 d
Bank of Nofth America,
December 8, X 594.
The Stockholders of the Bank
•f North A ne. i«a are hertby notified that
an ELECTION' for
Iwelve Directors
*or the *nfuiri(f Year, wW be held Jt the
Bulk on Monday the i2th of Jattaary
B<xt, mt 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
Dee. 9
Thomas M'Euen,
Stock and Land Broker,
No. 78, Chesnut-street,
INFORMS his Friend* that during his
abftnce from Philadelphia (on the Westers
Expedition) hi» Bufinels \wll be carried on
at hi* OSSce as afual, by Mr. Thomas Hale
tvbere Orders in his liue will b« thankfully
received, *nd every Attention paid to
Oft. iO
F ft. E S H
Bohea Tea,
Wn# on boaxd the ikip
Beggy, John Eliiott maftciv
from, Amftefdaoh
Also Imported by . the latf lirrivali
Russia Hem, fir4lquJiity
Brno S*H Ducfc
Ditto Itavcas Dust
Brown Ruffii ShaetUlg
Qznaburgs '
BfownFinders Sheetings
Hfffiani and Br own Rolls
Cotton Stripes and Cbacka
Flaiwftffs Be'ltickj
/Holland Sail Duck
Seine Twin*
Dutch Gitat4((Mtt
Gin in casts
Madder %
Window Gllfs, 8 by Ol
Je r uiti Bark
o,'V»m, a
Affaf ietiia' A
German Steel
Mill and Crofs-c«t
Hoci ind C»t irt^>Knive*
. Sy>h#t a*t>skatej.. -
. Black {;j;, '
"JcWt. Wls cwfe
!• Am\*%<iuk<sl jffortrnevt of
-4 Bffldtiiig Cloth,
. tf* .Urftjwr:, : , ,
Nov.. ii
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at' the Stone
No. 4I) south ISeco dJlreet,
VOL. 11.
iufcwt 13J
Medical Inquiries
obser Vat ions.
Proftffor of the Institutes of Medicine, and
of Clinical Pra&ice in the Univer
fiiyol Ptnnfylvania.
I. An inquiry into the influence of phyfica
causes upon the moral faculty.
a. An inquixy iuto the effects of fpiritous li
quors upon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happiness of focicty.
3. An inquiry into the causes and cure of the
ptilmonaty consumption.
4. Obferva/ions on the fymptumsand cure of
5. An Inquiry into the caufcsand the cure of
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account of the mcaQes, as they ap
peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An account of the influenza, as it appear
ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790,
and 1791.
8. An inquiry into the causes of the incrcafe
of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn.
9. An inquiry into the caufesand cureof fore
10. All account of the state of the body and
mind «n old age, with observations upoo
its difcafvs and their remedies.
Price onedollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollarand a half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfa&ions
College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
Price one dollar in boards.
A Treatise on the Difeafcs 0:
With general dire&ions for the management
of Infaflts from the birth, adapted for
theufeof physicians and private families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col
lege of Physicians in London, and
Physician of ihe liritifh
Price one Dollar.
This is acknowledged to be the bed book
which has been putlifhed on the fubjefl, and
it calculated for the use of parents* nurses,
and private families, as well as for physicians
—The two volumes handsomely printed in
one, and the price only about one third of
what the imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
System of Surgery, extracted from the
worksof Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, r
dols. 50 cents.
Syllem of Anatomy, extracted from the
Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, t dols.
Syflem of Chemillry, extrafled from .the
Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of the pro
gress of the fciencee, and the different systems
which have been publilhed, a dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, % dols.
67 cents.
T. Dbbfon has in the Press,
Ad edition of the Medical and Philofophi
cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. T*d Vol
umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
cents pervolurae; he has nearly finiftird the
fiw firft volumes, which contain the firft ten
volumes of the European edition, which fell
for two dollatseacli. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, which
will briogthe publication up to the present
Litnuife for sale a considerable number oj
Medical Boots, "viz.
Cullen's Pra&ice, Materia Medica, Physi
ology, and Synopsis. Beli'sSurgery, 6 volt,
or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic
Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A
netomy, Hunter oil the Venereal, Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Difcafei;
Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton'*
outlines of the theory and praflice of Mid
wifery, with or without plates; do. oa the
management of Female complaints. Mease
■ n Hydrophobia, Ac. &c.
<1 ,
PHILADELPHIA:— Pkinteb by JOHN FENNO, N®. 119, Cmehivt SntfTr-fuw Sue D«iaau Pe* Amjyui.
"> ' h
*■ '
Robert, Ltjlie & .
Ooci and Watch Mskffi, Mai&i *&**■,
.■»• ■■ ■$«/,§&:«<i>
to rhek pet l
r imported-»fhe Geerg* Bafc&y "**
goufrMoLondon,! fewKifomftwdwe^
Assortment of -warranted
W- T€H ES>
EQUAL to any they have tver imported
onfilting of capt a«»d Jewelled Gold and
Silver VVarcher, of rhefirft quality, patent,
iccond and plain Do. elegantly engraved &
plain OUt Watelier. * also ornamented and
plain chamber and eight day clocks,— -all
which they will dispose of on the nioit rea
sonable tei ms, either whokfale or retil.
Ai they have been .manufactured under
the immediate direftien of Robert Leslie,
who has engaged Tome of the best Artists in
London, '.he Public may be aflured, thai
no persons in he United States can fcrv
them on better terms; as the personal ate
tendance of Robert Leslie, will enable him
to guard against the impolitions, usual a
mongil workmen, when manufaftuvi ;g foil
exportation, and can engage for tljfe exe
cution of any order with which thify ma)
:>efavoted, as no veflfel fro m London, foi
cither Philadelphia, New York, or Balti
more, wii! arrive, without adding to thei
Dec. 3
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-ftrect, New-York.
THE Subscriber intending to confinchim
fctt entirely to the PURCHASE and
leave to off r hisfervices to his friends and
others, io the lmfc of a Stock Broker. Those
who may please to favor him with their bufi.
ncfi, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed
with the utmost fidelity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
other part of the United States, will be
ftri&ly attended to.
And to be fold by
Benjamin Davies y
No. 68, Marjcet street.
A Ground Plan
City arid Suburbs
Taken from late and accurate survey.
This Map is 26 inches square ; and
will be delivered a-, may best i'uit the pur
chafers, either in Iheets plain or cdliiured,
or canvafled and affixed to rollers; or 10 lit
them for the pocket, they will be cu;a nd
oldtd in Cases.
With each plan will be given a Sinal-
Pamphltt, containing a Lift of the Sub
fcribers names, and
O •?.
Its civil and religious inftnutions, popu
lation, trade and government; interspers
ed with occasional remarks.
Subfcrifcersire r«queftcd to call or fend
for their plans.
At the Same Place may be tad,
American Repository.
Price 4 Dots. 3 j cents per doz. and 44
cents Jingle,
This neat Pocket AlmanaCk is the firft »f
the kind that hath been executed i* Phila
delphia, or perhaps, in any of (he United
States; and contains, bifides,
A Compleat Calendar,
ALMANACK, for the Yba*. i 795.
LUfs of the Officers of the American Go
vernment, Civil and Military.
The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif
trift Courts.
The Latitudes and Longitude? from «he J
Meridian of Philadelphia, of all the Capi.
tal Cities in the Union.
The dates of the periods when each of I
the States was firfi fettled;
T'neir refpeftive Territories and num
bers People;
The number of Inhabitants of each,in;
each fqu*re mile—and a brief State of
their i elative progress in Population; to
gether with-various other Articles of In
Ornamented with en elegant Frontis
piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG
NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp
ftn's Seaftns, engraved by the mojl inge
nious Artijls in the City.
N»v . 11
N». 128, South Water Street,
CLARET In cases,
Madeira, Sneny, and Lisbon Wines
Philadelphia Porter in bottles, sot expor
tation at the ihorteft notite, or for pri
vate families and tavern keepers, deliver
ed m a«y part of the town.
An assortment of 5-4 and 6-4
American manufactured Bolt
ing Cloths,
Which will be warranted equal to an
imported, for the refpeftive purposes re
quired—as has already been found on tria
A Liberal Allowance to Wholesale deal
A Comphat Set of
Grocer's Cannifters
1 Nov. aj
Just Arrived, }
And will be landed to-morro\» morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of thf
Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander
from Havanna,
85 hhds. MolafTes,
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Tuft arrived in the Hibernia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
•••*• »•'<
Sept. 23
Scheme of a Lottery,
266,000 Dollars
> Ti fiafe %a;%6t Si/ltrs, « —-™,
> pAm (**
Thit : &ttm wj&k;s jjk<Sf& '§
< u/kicAJfiirc *re 1
' • itlinii. h'*l Hhtt txe intu* :, %M'Uiais a
iijJ'UE j}ir*<tor»offit
JD mg TJfctnl Minufattani, havi»g'»i®wp
w 'to etta LOTTERIES for
fiu>i on Bpoii* * •» «wirfd*
»a m Legifl'tore of Utc SuccQf
bs+e *ppAin)c4 thi-'lMfawfcli
perfect td dir«£t tbc '4r|£3
ioji M>«<,
WW.' wwww?®? *o*,^»ro«..W«foa,
S*h»r#l Harufon, Aib ij »h t /Vud
Ccrrneliut Rsjy.Sf the city:
XbioDM WUiiag, Jofcpb' UiUi
Coonel »q<} Avdtiw, gpt^al^At'll»e
raladelpfcn—HjaSsccllency Richard Hiw,
ertj Esq. Kliai General
Lewis Donbimi#(ufcl W.
8305*004,«f IS*£»J*rfey« .frWF
#• h»m m Mpiiei p» id fefiiw
•r®n> time at rcetiv^g^*^ the
M«ta at Hevr„York and i a
thiiiii tor_the,*ptHpofc mi
tfkich ihilt bciawn
'hsck upon obc of ibe Bariii. j v >
S C \ r l
PtiMpf aojocxK Oo«tr» U:*o,aD©
mss* •' -3*
s.OOO V- M.oto
- , isrr **&%
■' v ,-r-«o,ojfa-i
3 00
300 a
23,464 Blanks. Fu ft drawn number, 2,<
Laftdrawn number, 2,000 I
83000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superia
tendants, as soon as the Tickets arc fold, of?
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har-i
deriberg, of New-Branfwick, and Jonathan-
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Mawzgersj
thereof, who have given ample security for
difchargirtg f'netruft vepofed in them. I
n order to secure the pun&tial pay 1
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of'
the Lottery have dirc&ed that Managers \
fha 11 each enter into bond* in 40,000 dollars, •
with four fufficientfecoriti* • ,to perform their
inftiu&ions, the fubitance of which is
I. That whenever cither of (he Managers
(hall receive the sum of Three Hundred DoU .
lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in f
one of the Banks of New-York or PhiladeM
phia, to the ciedit of the Governorof the 1
Society, and such of the Superintendants as
ive in the city where ihc moniesare placed,
to remain thereuntil the tottery is drawn,.
for the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient
eurity for any Tickets they may trust, other- <
wife to be refconnble for thexn.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets'
Told, Monies received an«J naid into the!
Bank, abftr'a&s of *hich (hall be fent,j
iionthly, to thrGovernor of the Society.
Paterfon» January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24. tu&ftf
John Burge,
RETURNS his sincere thanks to his
Frwnds and the public, for the very liber
al encouragement he has received in the
line of his profeflion, finpe his commence
ment of bulinef* in this city.
He refpeftfully folicitsa continuance of
their favonrs, and allures them that no
thing stall be wanting on his part to ren
der fatisfaCtion. -
He has »ow on,hard, and for Sale a
AJfortment of Confeßionary,
Among which are the following
Pine Apples preserved, whole and dic
ed, Quince,s, &c. p eferved, Raf
berry and • Blackberiy jam, Ralberry
Blackberry, and Current Jellies, Peach
Marin lade, and a great variety of other
article?* A! r o
Nov. 4
I.GM •
.' ■ '
• aft'..-
• *5 ,:•'
' 12
* *
No. 7, North Fourth Street.
By the Bag orSnia'lei Quantity
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork
Levi Hollingfworth & Son
_ oa ; ** . d
William W. Woodward
HAS removed his Printine-Office (. -
No - four doors from the
of Second-street, south fide, nearly o Ps "
sue ; wbere the Printing Bufinef, i, ca ; r j A
on as ufuaj; his whole attention be,,,,
confined to that occupation. Older,f, o ,„
any part of this state, or the continent,
will be executed, and authors may , e lv un
having any work they may fee topnfc.
)i(h, carreftly printed, either in Frcncl. or
Englilh. The Level of Eviope an"
North America, with a COPIOI't
PRICE-CURRENT,is printed lor the**
tor, Pher Esron, L. L. D. at the above
mentioned office, in French and Engl,ft
which publicaiion has received the patien
ag of some of the moll diftinguilhed cha
ra trs in America, and whole names, in a
tew days, will be published, and aceompL
ny he two firft numbers to the fubfcrili, ri .
N. B. Blanks, Circular Letters, Checks
o ards, Handbills, &c. &e. continue to be
executed with the usual dispatch.
Nov. I* end 9 w.
The Editor of the Level of
Europe and North America, ever anxious
to communicate to Europeans, who may be
defirousof fettling in this Continent,what
ever may tend to inform them of the ad
vantages they may find here, whether in
agriculture or in commerce, hai the honor
to acquaint the public, that he h»s under
taken the translation of a work julr publiia
ed under the title of A View of the United
States tf America. This translation will be
executed with tbe permission of the Author
Tench Coxe, Efq, Commissioner of It f
Revenues of the United States.
P. Egron, l. l.
Nov. 23 J.;..
Dijiant Subfcribtrs
For this Gazette, are hereby e<pectiu!.
ly reqnefted :o pay up their Suf c tio
to ihe firft of January next. 1.. di i
will be under the neceflity of ct ■ :
those who do not then renew tl , i
fcription by paying Six Months Ad
vance, as declining to take the P pet s iy
As there is a considerable Suit ■ * n;
remote Sufefcribers for the late ,if _rk
ly Paper pnblllhed by the Edit'r e noil
earnestly requdls those who uiav be delin
quent, to take the earliest oppoitonitv of
remitting him the balance they nu« itf
pe&ivdy be indebiid—the sums are ir i
vidually triflir.g—the wantof the Aj t
gate is severely felt.
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
Theological Writings
o 1
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
At Francis Bailey's Book Jlore, Ao. li 4,
Market Jlreet, Philadelphia,
WHEN a fufficient luWcription takes
place, a meeting will be advtftifed te coiv
fider the molt eligible made for cooduftinj
t lie printing of fucb of the Works as lhall
be to be of the greateli utility in
the fiift instance.
The following Treatises may be now had at
Mr. Bailey's :
The Do£hine of Lift, or the Spiritual
sense of tbe Ten Commandments.
The Univerlal Theology o! the New
Church ; which was foretold by the
Lord in Daniel, chap. 7j v. 5, i3i '*•
and in the Apocalypse, chap. 21, v.
2, ice.
Afummary View of the Heavenly
trines of the New Jerusalem Churc
As various opinions have bef tn '
tertaincd refpefling ihefeilvdlyMev
and yet no person by ra*iotu»l a'pnm ■ -
been ahle t» refute thrm, but ipflffd - i
of, invidious calumnies and groundless TC
ports have been induftiioiifly props C •
to discredit the honourable and erlig 1 tM •'
Author, as well ai his Works, we M"'
not the candid and sincere inquirers
Truths of 11 « highest importance, » F '
rioully exvn ins those Works fc*
in which it ,st) be hope , tint being 1
puriuit and love of the Truth for 'he
of its native excellence ard "Je, they
regard them as they justly delerve, art
the end receive both profit inri dc.'g •
Oft. .4 eTuI2W „.
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from tbe fubfcj 1 * "
Woodbury, Oioucefter County, - cy "
fey, on Sunday morning the i 2
Two young Negro Ft;llo -
named Jack and Toiti, each about « »
of agsJack is of » ** rk /,.■
na f nce,"o 0 f a'yTuowiih "coUiir, and
but little Ihon of fix leethiph, -
bctli well dressed ; JatJ- had
broad cloth coat and different
clothes. rt » fl
Whoever takes up said . ( e
feenres .hem in any goal '« ' " . J
States. fotHat their matters tnayj 1
, a train (hall tlie above rew •
reafonablt exp^nces.
John Sparks,
Andrew Hitn
oa. 14 —2