, that? the lioufe assent to the \frtl resolution, the previous queftio i was called for and put, ««that the said ( v/i; ,a be now put. Refolded in tb r'i, ; ma i n then put. The veas and nays being called for by Mr. W flfon, appeared as followß : Affirmative. Missis. Dorfey, Hopewell, Digge«> Freeland, Goldf horough, Wuotton, T. Clark, Robins, Wilson, Baer, Jsmifon, Beatty, Shri ver, Jarrett, Douglas, Schnevly, Ken ner', Hughes, Davit, Luckctt—2o. Negative Messrs. J. Worthing ton, Biogden, Ridout, Hall, Mackall, Bio'n-, M.Pneifcn, Ridgely, T. Wor thiogto, Ridg-ly nf William,) Merry man, Kerr, Harwood, Carroll, Gale, Nutter, Waggaman, Frazier, Martin, Gordon, Craig, R. Bond, HolHngf wor;h, Sprigg, Quynn, Key, Kent, Earle, Brown, Dennis, Whittington, J. Bond, M'Coma*, Montgomery, Driver, M'Kira, Winchester, Oneal, J. Johnson, C.cfap, Lynn— 41, So it \va» determined in the negative. Far the Gmrttt of the UtuUd State*. Mr. Fehno, It is {aid by the advocates of thefelf- truited foe it ties, that to censure them is to deprive them of the right of opinion.— Have they refpeded the right of opini- ' on ? Who commenced the system of denunciation for opinions ? Who held up public charadters to the execration of their fellow-citizens, merely for exerci sing that precious right ? Who passed j votes of reprobation, who burnt and j jibbeted public men for ex pre fling their opinions? The Clubs. And they now ( find advocates and vindicators in those who pretend tu cherish and revere the rights ciopinion. The c. h« are said to be now unpo- ' pular. they profefftd them selves th< if ft friends of the pec le. Bat t! • . e have found they were c-fc.at-. fact their worst enemies. They t w f«diti«n and planted a tiavchy. have oecaGoned an ex p«nfe tc the U lited States of a ndllitn of dollars. Would the Plttftjurg insurgents have gant such lengths, if they had not sup posed that serious difcootents exiftedon the fca cpait and io the great cities, and if they had not expe&ed aid and sup port from the discontented in other quarters ? It is in proof that there were Democratic Societies in the heart of the country where the rebelno* broke out, that the leaders of the societies were the leaders of the rr ' ellion, and that tkefe foctftite cot •'tfpondti tuith the society of Philadelphia and others. There were difcontcnts, 'tis true, i* that country, before the .rxilience of democratic soci eties, but they were notking more than riots, punishable by process of law.— This appears from the speech of Gover nor Mifflin to thq legislature in Septem ber last. -After the exiflenct of Democra tic Societies, th«n rebellion reared its crest. \ When the societies were organized asd united, when the rombuftibles were by their agency well prepared, then the flame burst forth. It is too well known to be denied, that the excise was a con stant theme of execration by the clubs, that the government was denounced by them as opprejfive and corrupt, and that the Prejident was represented by them as a flagrant violator of the conjhtution, who had violated the rights and interests of the frontier inhabitants ; it is equally well known that their resolves were tranfmitted to all theirJijier clubs. With these facts before our eyes it is as afto nifl- ' g that any one in his senses should Jo t the agency of the clubs in exciting ■menting the infurieftion, as that ine who pretends to be a friend of er and good government ihculd a vow hia elf their advocate. But ie clubs, fay their friends, de nounce the infurreftion : How did 'hey d ut ijeutx< arrivat from France-tH e*pems, who have marched to quell the Piuflurgh rebels are called " ajlantl'tng army. " No doubt those who call them such, would be very happy to ai nounce that army as a running one. " Brig Venus, Capt. Coffin from Bour deaux, 46 days. Spoke, 0&. 31, Ihip Providence, Capt. Martin, for N. York, from Leith, in Scotland, 32 days. In formed that there were great commo tions in Scotland, the people being dif fatisfied with the war. Nov. 2, fpokc Capt. Hafkill, of Cape-Ann, 23 days from Cadiz, who informed that an Alt gerine fleet came out of the Streights mouth ten days before he left port. Arrived at Cherbourg, beginning of September, Captain Gideon Gardner in a ship. Arrived at Portsmouth, brig George, : Captain Provfe, 41 days from Madeira.— Ofl. »o, inlat. -19, long. 61, 30, spoke [ lrhoo*er Governor Carver, of and from Plymouth, Captain Spooncr, then undef ajury-niaft, having 101 l both mails in a gale of wind, the ijtii oft aprovrd tyf tem o' Rules and the bell coleltinu of Tunes now in ul*, Also for Sale, * * f ' A COMHITt SET OF Machinery for making Cards On au liupioved Corniructioe. ARRIVED. Cents and no Ctuts.— The Cent# must in the mint remain for aye, Because the bank won't take the cents away, oo 'twixt the two, tho' ccnts in min: No Cents for circulation can be found, S & H. [From the Eagle.] BEA UT Y VANES CE N T THE rainbow, tinged with various hue Delights and fafcinates the view ;' But the bright beauties it Jifp!ay»» Darken and vanifti while we gaze. Fair ChloS dreams, in foft repose, Of dances, operas, billetdonx ; _ A -world of hhfs ! but, luckless maid, Soon as thou wak'ft, the enchantment'* fled. The rofc, that blooms, upon the bnfh And meets the morning blnfti for biufh, Before the fun's meridian blaze, Loses its luihe and decays. What's be»uty else ! transient at gilt tering bows, Or momentary dream, or withering rose • JOSEPH. Before Captain M. left St. Domin go, the French negroes had taken from, the Spaniards all of their Frontier towns, St. Raphael, St. Miqucl, and Hincha» The Spanish atmy had retreated to an. other small town, called St. Jago, where they were in the greeted fear. All the French emigrants that have received the Kin'g of Spain's pay at Ss. Domingo, have been ordered to proceed to th< Frontiers, in order to join the Spanish army ; but tbeii feais were great left the counterpart of the tragedy of Fort Dauphin be acted. Many of them have rtfufed, and were .immedi ately pu. in pril'on or sent to Porto Rico. For Freight or Charter, The fact failing ftnp Bui then a;o tons, and will carry about 410 hogiheads of tobacco; is in complete order, and ready to receive a cargo on beard. For terms apply on board at Albifon's wharf, or to Thomas Newman, No. 118, south Second itreet. Dec. 11 d This Day is Published, - ?, A N Authentic History OJ THE Revolution in Geneva: Price 12 1-2 Cent'. Sold by Thomas Dobfon, N,o. 41. S»cond ft eet, John Chifniit street, *i,d by ih.- Editor hereul'. December 11 DR. B A R T O N Propolis to deliver a COURSE of 1 Lectures onChemiftry AND ON THE Philofophyof Natural History. i» intended to be compriied in about fifty leftu>es, and will principally involve thole parts ot'chemical fcirnce thi.t have a more immed'atc reference toTOcdi c>ne ; aijd thole parts ot' naur«l history that are thought to be the most intereftii g 4 and the most entertainine. The introdufloi. ry leftuie will be delivered, in the U". iver fity, on Tuel'day next: the hour will Ira made known in due time. Dec. 11. d Tuition of the French Tongue and Mathematicks. J. C. ROUSSEAU, one of the unfortu-* nate inhabitants of St. Domingo, having; a !mail family of chidren, finds it necessary j for 'heir fupporr»to apply himfelf to the in- j Jirußion of youth. He th refore proposes i teaching the abovr branches of science, in, the most modem stile; and folfrit* the pa tronage of a .<*ei e»ous public. The liberal education he has»eceived, and the several other branches of science he ha<: acquired a perfect knowledge of, v ill enable him to ytve fatisfa&ion to thole perfdns. who may employ h;m. He will w*it on ladies and gentlemen, who wish to be taugh; at their 'wn hiiuf *; ai d will t»pei an evening school, 'rnm ftx to nine on 2Dth instant. Enquire ai No. la 7, No; tfv Second ftieet. Dec. u. 6t Frefli Teas, Of Superior (Quality, \iz. Imperial, or Gunpowder Hyion Gotnee, i ft quality Hyfo'r, 2d. do. do. Young Hyfcn, Hyson Skin, and Souchong. Aft w Boxes of each, for fait at No. IQ, Third street south. Dec. IS