F. f. Sarmcrtto, of the 1 Jloufeof Saruiento and Co. oi t£e lilin.'i, ©l' Tew>ffo, intending to return fto* - tJ» F $\ l#w, two of f - MM4 "MaMax *>* V *W)'. "f n«xt --«?*,!; *;. -j* "; -MtV p««Uliy, in? 9fk e > ' fsr s£e Aprs osier* 1 fc»iH*e tlj&fen;* ~ c ■ ■ ■■'' ■Tfif giM r W- pe ff oo : •or .£* ,f V c y i■; "at, nS . W*j|p!?Mw can-r— ---«♦ «m» iff iw'eCi- Stt*; jVW.>I i«.(»r h»' ■ name "V*?- "f ftttfh. Tjjfs& Pro'iffi^'c««rN r "Ify^Xte*: the v<»t* «»? T -{iVen by axi risen of thi? cam- ... " „ :.. '<>£>•' t)«c>S.. Ticklenburgs Oznaburgs, unci Glass Ware, Landing from in hoard the Jhip egg}, Amjlerdam. ALSO, CoSee of prime Quality In /rtfrq'heads and'tierces, MUlcovado Sugars In hog J icads, German Steel, ASSORTED WOOLLENS, In fmiU Bales, &c. .for file by Rundle & Murgatroyd.\ No. 11, Walnut street wharf. WHowafttto purchase 300 or 400 . Casks Good Flaxfetd. Nov. II -Itawtf To ill who it may concern. .■ 1 ■ .■ ■. * .»•■■■■■'.»'. ■. , ,-. T . TAKE u<«i«w> ,l:h«t ««'es»b|« to an •1 tfc* I»l» fe|fli#»'.!»C -Cjmreft I W).<» apply#* tiMfoafiW*; "C * he - Waited for C^MM^B tal Lu,i nQmv* de(tr»'i Office ■ George Read. K w Cadle, Nov. ,9, .794 2 i«-6vv LANDING from o« board the Birmingham Packet, tacky cr, and, the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, v HEMP, peterjburgb's Jirjl "reality BAR IRON, Swedes, ajerted TIN, in plates* do. do. CEX EVA in bids.. BAGGING, German ajjbrted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMjyOHSS, Window Gla/s, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. lix. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d Bank of North America, December 8, 1594. ' The Stockholders of the Bank of North A tie' ica arc hereby notified that an ELECT] ON for livelve Dirsiiozt For the en ruing Year, ylllbe heldjt th« BJIIIC oil 'f* > °f J^uary next, at »o o'cjock in the forenoon. Dee. 9 ' Jtjia Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-street, I?SFO.IMS his Friends that diving his absence front Philadelphia (on the Western Expedition) his Bulinefs will be carried on at his o£ce as tifiial, by Mr. Thoma; Hale *hs-e Orders 10 his line *ili be thankfully received, and every Attention paid to there. Oft. lO FRE 5 H Bohea lea, ARB GIN in pipes, c Now Landing from on board the /bin j Peggy, Jp'hp Elliott master, from Amftcrdam. Jlfo Imported by the Lite Arrivals, Rtitfia Hemp, 6 0 q'uai tsr Dirt.i Saii Du< * Di'to Raven* Dog* Brown Ru!ii« Tickl nWrgs heck« Flanders Bcdiick* k Holland Sail Duck Seine Twij-t« 1 Durch G eat C*>ai* | Gin in cafe J . Madiler * Wiudow Glaf c , sb# oi ]e u tb Li j: k OpiiH'.. J Afl'ifoet da * j 1 Gertnai* S tt\ M'li and (."rofs-cßt saw.s Hoc*; and Cut hig Knivoji Sjtfhe* and Skates Coffee Mil 13 Black Lead Crucibles Anchors from 3 cwt. to 15 cvrt And a General AJfortrnent of >-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, FOR SALE BY Pragers & Co. ° A Nov. 11 Medical Books. JUST PUKLIBHKD, By Tbomaj Dob/on, at the Stone Hoqft No. 41, south Seco djlreet, V O L. 11. Medical Inquiries O B s ervYt ions. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. PiotclToi ol the Irtttaulcs of Medicine, and of Clinical Piaauf in t!» Uoiver fuy ol Pcnnft'lvmu. cONTAI f. I K » 1. Am inquiry into the infljence o> phyftc* cau'es upon tht moral faculty. 2. An inqui'y iuto the cffe'&s of,fpiritous li quors upon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happiness ol focieiy. 3An inquiry into the caulcfcand cure of the pulnionaiy consumption. 4. O.ilcr vakons on the fytnptuimand cure ol droplies. 5. An Inquiry in o the caufesand the cuie ol internal droply of the brain. 6. An account of the mtafles, as they ap peared in Philadelphia* in the year 1789. "j. An account o'f the influent, as i? appeal - ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,179°' and 1791-. 8. AuinquCrv into the causes oi the fncreafe of 'bilious and remitting fevers, in Fenn. t'ylvania. 9, An inquiry into the caufesand cure of foie ' kg^( » xo. An account of the state of the body and mind 'n old age, with observations upon 1 its cis af-s anr. thejr n inedies. Price One dollar and a qu-mer unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bdund. y- -uif£>»ti3.J Medical Tratifaftions OF •«- M E College of Physicians of Philadelphia. ° V OL. I.—P A R T I. Piict one dallar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general direfclions lor ihc managerr-em ©t Infants from the birth, adapted for (.hculcof jhyficiansand puvate families By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Phvfician of 'he Britifti Lvmg-in-HofD : .tls. 50 cents. Syllem of Anatomy, exna&cd from the Encyclopaedia, with I 2 cooper pi a dnls. System of Chemistry, cxtra&ed from the Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of thepto grefs of the Cciencce, and the differcn systems which have been pub)i(hed» 2 dob. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. T. Dob/on has in the Prefi, An edition of the Medical and Phtlofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 cuts per volume ; he has nearly fir.ifhcd the five firft volumes, which contain the fit ft ten volume* «>f the Europc&n edition, which fell for two dollar»each. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, which will fyriog the publication up to the present time. Liketwife for /'ale a considerable number oj Medical Books, viz. Cullen's Pra&ice, Materia Mcdjca, Phyft ojogy, and Synopsis. Bcll'iSurgcry, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Donufbo Medicine,Ledian's Surgery, Chefeldcn's A netomv, Hunter on the Venereal* Swedeea ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Difeaf'e*; Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's outline* of tbelhcwvand pra&ice Mid wHerv, with or without plates; do. on the management of Female complaints. Mease in Hydrophobia, See. See. PHILADELPHIA:—PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, Np. 119, CHES*WT SIX DOLLARS PS*. ANJIKM. VATCHE9. A kobrt Lejlie iff Isaac Price, Clock nd Watch Makers, Market, street, No. 79, In addtion to their former assortment per thr Villiam Penr and Caroline, have iißpcfted in the Geor'ge Barclay and Pi gou torn London, a hanafome and Well fetcl-d ' ATortment of warranted, W A T C H E S, to any ti ey liav'e ever imported coptutwg of capt and Jewelled Gold and Mlfcr V ate he 3 of the tirft quality, patent, second me! plain D->. elegantly engiaved &. Gilt Watches; alio ornamented and plain chamber and eight day clock-?,— all which they will difpofc of on the rjiolt rea fo»iab'e-terms, either wholesale 01 retil. As thsy have bee \ manufactured under the immediate Vion of Robert Leflicy .vho h£s engage e of the best Artilts in London, the uic fliit'V assured, thai in; pcilons i.. he : «t*4 st» es can 1 rv |hein on b»M icr - ie: -:v> • a 5 tjio perfpnala.{r n-:idaute of Roller! 1 'e 5 iuab|e njifr »o guard ag ."■■■- -» uiuirf a- w.jrkn:'. rv '.v c luriiig for 1 r«j r. r».gage {or exe ' cution of aiy o dor I .h vhich they may neYavo e t a- 10 vc,i iif on London, for eifclier Philadelphia, IJev/ York, or JJalti . mo:e, wj 1 arm e, Without addihg to the- ir aflprtmanl. Pec- 3 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. Subscriber intending ro confinehiip -1 feit entirely to the PURCHASE and SAKE of STOCKS on .cave to off 1 hisferviccs to Ins lriends arid uhcrs, in the line oi a Stock Broker. Those a'ho may please to favor him with their bufi. iicfa, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed - wfth the urmrft fidelity and dispatch. f Oultti from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any other part bf the Uoited Statet, will be ilri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLF.ECKER. m&thtf JUST PUBLISHED, And to'he fold by Benjamin Davits, d No. 68, Mark<*'\f*' eet. A Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. 1C Taken from late and accurate fitnvey. Tins A'a.i* i< 26, inches square; and will be delivered avtnay heft suit Ti»<# pur chafeis, either \v facets plain or coloured, 0 or canvafTed and affixed to rollers ;or 10 tit them for the pocket, they will be cuta nd ! okled in cases. With each plan mlf be given a Smal- Q " Pamphltft, containing a Liil of the Sub fcrTbers names.- and fc SOME ACCOUNT n. o F PHIL A D E L P H I A : Its civil and rel giou> inflations, popu lation, tr.tde and government,; interlperf ed with occasional remarks. Subfrriber',«re requeftcd to call or fend for iheir plans. At the Same Place may be iaJ, THE American Repository. Price 4 Dols. J j cents per i/oz. and 44 cents Jingle, This neat Pocket Almanacs'is the firft of the kind that hath hern executed in Phila iWl»l>ia, or perhaps, in any of ifie United States; anil contains, brfides, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the. Y*ti 1795. Liils of the Offi til of'the American Go vernment, Civil »<>H Miita' y. The ternu of tbe Federal Circuit&Dif tiiT; Courts. The Latitudes ind Longitudes from r»he Meridian of Philadelphia, of >ll tlie Capi tal, Cities in the Union. The dates of the periods when each of' ilie States was firft fettled; Their refprftjye Territories end num bers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in each liquate mile—and a brief State of thsir relative progiefs in Population; to getherWith various other Articles of In formation. Ornamented nvtih an elegant FrontiJ piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thoznp- Jon's Seafms, engraved by the mojl iuge nious Artifis in the City. N»» . ii 3taw4w FOR SALE BY GILL & HENS) 3 AW, K».' 12$,' South Water. CLARETJn cases, _ Madeira, Snerry, ami Lift>on Wines Philadelphia Porter in bottles, for expor tation at the ihorteft notice, or lor pri va(g families and tavern keepers, deliver ed in a«v part of the town. ALSO, jt* affertmcnt of 5-4 and 6-4 American manufactured Bolt- iftg Cloths, Which will be wan an ted equal to an imported, for the rei'peftive puipofes ic quired—as ha* already been found 011 tiia A Liberal Allowance to Wholesale deal ers. A Compleat Set of Grocer's Cannifters I I Nov. 25 sale. Just Arrived, And will be landed to-morrow morning: irt Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain HyUader, froin Hivmna, CONSISTING OF 85 hhds. MolafTes, Of superior futl quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar and a Parcel of Ox-Hides ; FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. ALSO, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. 23 d Scheme of a Lottery, Tgraife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars Deducing 15 'fir Cent, from (Ice Pruts— This Lottery con/ijh of 38,000 Tickets, in which there aje 14*531 Prizes, and 23,461 blanks, being about one Mid an La] blanks to a prize. THE Dire&orsof tie Society for eftabiifh ing Ufeful Mafic factures, having refolv cd'-t<*> erc£t LOTTERIES for raising One Hur.DREj) Tiiousan d Dollars, agreeably to an Aft of the Legi{] <•. ere ofihe Sute of New-Jerley, have appointed the following persons to fuperintenc 1 . and direst the draw ing ot the lame, \iz. Nicholas Low, Rutus i King, Herman Le Roy, James Watfoo, Richard Hari'ifon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'- Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How clij Esq. Eltas Boudiaor, General EliasDay too, James Parker, John Bayard, Do&or Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jofliua M, Wallace, Joseph B' omficid, and I£lifha Boudinot, of Nw-Jerfey, who offer the following Si-heme ct a Lottery, and pledge tkcinielves to the public, that they will take every a(Tur,ince and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers, 'rorn to tune, as received, into Banks at New-Yoik and Philadelphia, to rem,.;a to>- .'the vuipoic of paving Prizes, which be mint-.'lately dilc'.argcd by a check upon one of the Banks. S C H E M E: Pi..-.eel 20,000 Doliai s is 20,00 c t 1 ',OOO 10,00 c 2 lOyOO( 3 I?,CGO I©.oo< 10 I,coo io,'oo< 20 ,5c O lO,oo< 100 100 10,00( 30© 50 15,00( ice? '•>» 20,00< 2000 15 3°> 00< 3000 1 2 36,001 Bioo 1® Bi,OOi 14,530 Pn/es. 262,0 0 23,461 Blanks. Fnfl.lrawn number, 2,0 c Laftdrawn number, a,OO 83000 Tickets at 7 Dollais each is 266,00 The drawing will commence, under th 'nlpeftion of a Committee of ihe Superi# tendants, as loon as the Tickets are fold, c which timciy notice will be given. The Superinterdants have appointed Job X. Gumming, of Newark. Jacob R. Hal denberg, of New-Bi unfwick, and Jonatha Rhea, ol Trenton, as immediate Manage thereof, who have given ample security t< difcbarging the trust renofed in them. ST In order to secure the pnn&ual mcnt ot the Prizes, the Supcriuiendants 1 the Lottery have dire&cd that the Manage (ball each tr.'.er into bonds in 40,000 dollar with four lufftcicnt lecunti «, to perform the inftru&ions, the fubftancc of which t* I. That wheievr ei'her oiibe Managci shall receive the sum o' 1 hrec Hundred Do larf, h> thall im*idi#uly place the fsmc ' one of the Banks of New-York or Phiiadt phia, to ihe credit ot th. Governor of t Society, and such ol the Super.nlcndants i: ive in tVe city where ihe monies are place to remain thereuntil the Lottery is draw . for the payment ol th.- Priac's. 11. The Managers to like iufheient I curity for any Tickets the.v ii'avLiuft, othl f- wifeto be reiponfible f*ot ( m in. 111. To keep regular books of Tick fold, Monies received -».nii paid ioto t Bank, a..(l'a£ts of which (hail be fei monthly, 10 th' Governor of the Society. Paterfen, January 1, 1 794. On a p;# lie a 1 ion to eitke: os-he above g< tit nun. information will be given w.hi tickets i February 24. John Burge, CONFECTIO MER, No. 7f North Fourth Street. RETURNS his tb^nk^^Oljlr Ft tend* atiS tfce jm'ilicn lor ah erieofcragemtfalf fle ba# rt?£Vi;tfca in tij£ line of L&nHto,ftii&mpenc*- nrent of l)vifitt*£s *1 this city-.-.; V rC-% 4 * •He refpeftfnUy fol«:i rs nnjjjtfpiij? ~aX their favours, and.affgr«s.U«ntjt]iat $/>; his pars 'W'reß der btidiAlift; '' ' ' He ha* bow on hand, and for Sale a GfNKRAL AJfortment of Coifeflionary, Among; which are the following ARTICLES: Pine Apples preserver, whole and dic ed, Pears, Jgfihces p eferved. Raf berry and Blackbe r-ry ja»n, Kafberry B'ackben-y, ate! Current JeiHes, Peach Maim lade,, and a great variety oi other article- A-To SOFT SHELL'D ALMONDS By the Quantity. Nov. 4 /2aw4w eodtf. Burlington Pork. A QUANTITY OF Best Burlington Pork FOR. SALE BY Levi Hpllingfworth & Son. oa. 31 d ' Williaia W. Woodward, PRINTER, ' HAS removed his Prirting-Offer f uni No. 41. Chefnut fti eet, to F1 ankll, Head, No. 36, four dnprj frqm the larri d ori as usual; his whole attention be.r.g confined to that occupation. Oidiuftoni any part of this ftatc, or the coiuiye : will be executed, and authors m»v r e K un having any work they may lee si; to pnb iifli, correftly printed, either fn-prerci.or Engtiib. The Livil of Ei»cpi »i,d North America, with a OOi'lOL'S PRICE-CURRENT,is printed 'or theeiii. tor, I'£ter Egrok, L. L. D. at the above mentioned office, in French and Enghfh; which publication bas received the patmn ag of some of the mod diftinguilhcd cha. ra ers in America, and whole names, in a few days, «il] be publiffied, and atiomna ny he two firft numbers to the fubf'citbtrj N. B. Blanks, Circular Letters, Checks, Cards, Handbills, &c. .continue to be executed withthe ulual dispatch Nov. 14 c>d 9 -v. The Editor of the Level of Europe and North America, ever anxi is to communicate to Europeans, who nuv be defiroiis of fettling in this Continent,what ever may tend to inform them of th<- ad. vantages they may find here, whettier in agriculture or in commerce, has the honor to acquaint the public, that he has unt'er takeii the translation ofa work just pubhfli ed undei the title of A View of the United States of America. This translation sv II be executed with the perniiflion of tti« Author Teucb Ccxe, Esq. Commifiioner of the Kevetues of the United States. P, Egrott, L. L. D. Nov. 20 2aw3w Dijiant Subscribers For this Gazette, are hereby refpeflful. ly fequefted to pay up their Supfcriptu >s 50 the firft of Jamiaiiy next. The Editoi yill be under the. nerelEty of coofidrrirg those v.'ho do not then renew their Sub scription p\ payjrtg six Mont' in A< - fance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As is i considerable Sum due from remote SuWeribeis for thelate half We k ly Paper publiftied by the Editor, he n'.oft earnestly requests those who may be delin quent, to take the earliell opportunity of remitting him Ihe balance they itiay rrf. , peflively be imlebed —ibe finns ate in'd't vidually trifling;—the want of'the'Aggre gate is severely felt. To the Public. A SUBSCRIPTION Is opened for Printing the ■i Theological Writings or !. Emanuel Swedenbourg, 1 - At Francis Bailey's Book Jlore, Ao. 116, & < Market Jlreet> Philadelphia > r | WHEN a fufficient fubfcrip;ion takti ' place, a meeting wilJ be advertised to fider the most eligible m*de for conducting the printing of fiich of tlic. Works as (hall 1 be tboaght to be of the greatcft utility i* ' , tl*e firflinftance. r ' The following Treatises may be now had at Mr. Bailey's : The Do&rine of Life, or the Spiritual n . fenfttiie Ten Commandments. . Ttie Univerfa) Theology of the New* c r.liurch ; which wa» l-.iretoM hy ibt is J L*rd in Danicj, chap. 7, v 5» J 3> I, and ift the Apocalypse) chap•, 21, v. *. j A jummary View of the Heavenly Doc '■" t trincs of the New Jerusalem ChurtU. '''< Ai virions opinions have been en ; tertained re pedling thcfc iuva/ttai(e 18 « and yet vo person by rational prgurtiejU l l * 3 ,c ) been able t« reftte them, but instead tl;e-e ---' of m invidious calumnies and grourdlef* '*• port 4; have been induftiioufly prop-g^ tc ( to discredit the honourable andenlig^ o '' 1 ' ( S ' l Authot, as well a* his Works, we dooDt C not the cane id and sincere inquijers uj ' r ! Truths cf t «|,higheft v b® hopc<% thct beii , 0 ,ps puifuit and of the i' a j "• of a S e; jack is6f a dark Mark colour a four look ; Tom is of an open COJ ' nance, of a veliowifli colour, J' * 111 "TSiSS®..."*-<■ ri V but little short of fix teer hph ; tl»> 1 both well drefled ; Jack had 3 , broad cloth coat and tiiff rent uu clothes. • < ic- Whoever takes up CM . ler " ~' t .j as- secures them jr. a"' ' ie ,i irl ,t rry States, (uttat their niaftrri may B f ich a.;ain (h.U rece above it" l ' ie r reasonable expcnce^. John Sparks, Andrew Hi^er tulcfi f OR. 14