THEATRE. THI3 EVENING, Dfcember. 10. Will be Presented, COMEDY, written by Shakespeare, railed As you ORLANDO, DUKI Senior, Mr. Har^uooc DUKE FREDERICK, Air. WarreH AMIENS, (nuitb fougs) Mr. Mar/ball. JAQIIES, Air. Chalmers. Le BLU, } yr r. Francis. OLIVER, Mr. Green. JAQUES Dfc BOIS, Mr. Darley, j' . DENNIS, Alajfir li'arreli. CHARL.ES, Mr. R*) — Not that money can be an adequate re ward ; it was therefore that he wished to fee a style of acknowledgment de rived both from the genius of the £o fernment and congenial with the paf iions which work on the lide of vir ■ue • a node as far removed from Tiere avarice as it was nearly afiociated ;o the movements of the most elevated mrfily yielded his believe hat the gentlemen who were unwilling o » do P t the practice, fully admitted the merits to which they did not think it rxpedient to give a vote of thanks— iut the precedent, founded expressly on he principle, that in no cafe of'the jreateft events are we ta give thanks :o the agents in them, will absolutely the government of the onlv power ts constitution admits, of conferring leferved diftin&ion—He thought that public gratitude was a great fund which f judiciously and delicately ceconoraifecj jood aftions—lt is an honor both to > he nation that can feel and express it; uid to those who receive it—He did lot think it ought to be lightly drawn 3n > and hoped a line which it was mor< ?afy to conceive than draw would be, a Jopted by the house to save the Legitla ■ lire from those perilous occasions which ft ould leflea its value ; and that nc member would ever move a vote o: hanks bat upon the happening of f om( ■vent so strikingly great and ufeful a! :o carry but one opinion. The twe :vents dcfigrated at present (for h< aw both votes were to have one fate' yerc great, highly interesting— and car' wd but one opinion. The army undei general Wayne had gained a brillian actory—lt was he believed the sirs ;reat viftory that had attended the arm, »t the united State* fine* the adoptioi FOR SALE, THE CARGO OF THE American Ship Henry, Capt* Crowninlhield, from Calcutta, CONSISTING OF THE following goods? V I Zi • 500 pitcts Tandali Saimths, to 00 pice, s >?ig!iumber do. piccts do. ioq3 pieces Mighumber Eme tics, 948 pieces llliabad do. pieces Tainlili do. 384 pieces Fizt'.bad do. 49 3 p-ieccs Malirrat Gurg* do. 4JJ.5 pieces Tandah Colfaes, 000 pieces Firabad do. 300 pieces Nabad Gtfrgy do. J9j:> pieces Tandah Bat'taei, 7-5 piece's Girgy do. ijo pieces Baratn do. TS° pieces Luceptre dtfc 7JO pieces Jugadv, dw. 7JO pieces Chittabntty d®. pieces Guizerahs. One hundred slid sixty tons of BENARES SUGAR. The ihip Henry is arrived at Salem, and ' be <> r ll its branches,and wae Kakts like nelle?—Lnqune at e f* 6 North S'condJ} re tt. Fir King/}on, Jamaica, •mmgr lavinia, Hubbdl, mafler. For freight only, apply to Philips, Cramonß Ssf Co. "CONGRESS. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. Thursday, December 4, 1794. Motion for a vote of thanks It General Wa nt and his a my, and to the Mditia •who quelled the InfurreQiou. t jjfjrt Morttt»• Mr. Murray said he thought the .pre fect refutation proper, unexceptionable and at the face of this quedion would have an effedl 011 the motion for thanks to the militia which he brought for ward yesterday, he hoped it would suc ceed and that its mover (Mr. Smith S. C.)- would not withdraw it—gen tlemen who are against the vote hare talked of precedent—if exampU would serve their feelings with a stimulus, he would take the liberty of calling their attention to a page he had in his hand, in which they would find that fouie of, our condiments have got the start of us—for the Houfc of Delegates of Virginia had very properly coufulercd the conduft of their Governor Mr. Lee, in a light which merited their thanks for his acceptance of the com mand of his fellow-citizens agami'l the Ihfurgentj.. —Mr. Murray read the vote from a newspaper which was a unanimous one—He said he considered this cir cumftancc as extremely auspicious. to both votes. He said he had no objeftion to con sider the pra&ice as founded in princi ples which would bear examination — He thought it more neceflary in the ad miniflration of our government, the great balls of which was public opinion, than in that of any other which he had read or heard of—Here our theories have made a bold appeal to th« reason and feelings of our fellovr-citizens-r- Neither titles, nor hereditary honors nor erodes, nor ribbons, nor liars noi garters are permited or endurable.— Neither would they be accepted hen were they offered—We hare but twe ways, as far as his knowledge then i'erv ed him, of rewarding or acknowledging gieat displayS of public Ti'rtue—on* >y 1 hanks expfcfTed by vote, or present d and perpetuated in some memorial, is in a medal. The firft is unequal, as the fortunes ctf rfien differ so won I .' such reward not be equally valuable to |of tie canflSntfio*—' Tbft* W»T meri j tedihe 'thanks of their country, and we i ma/ fay so—They bad not only gained ■ vieory and fame—but had learned them irt; foKtude where the voice' of fame cotl'd heard—in a profound wil derrefs Where neither the loothiugs oi juit ambition can reach them nor the fmil-s of social and civilized life can camWt theih after, their severe labour?. The militia, both officers and men in ?' quelling the iniurreftiori," had dif- j played the wildom and virtue, which j the conftitutiou had Anticipated, had e-' | miritnjjy deferred the lr.oit public teili i mony to their ;;ood conduct—Shall we, |-as we certainly feel this to be true, be beterred from expretfihg what wb feel, because the folly of z fiitme moment, may poffibiy ' us hito an undue ijvjltiplicatior of tlianks—or betanfe we rtiay tie hnrralTed'by a fatiguing fucceffi n their wa shes and their fervieta to animate their., did our brave soldiers think only of their nine-pence a day : If they had, we should not have had thi* w occalron i offer to them the thankt of the na- A soldier of all men looks to tlii* kind of recompence for hi* fervicea; and finely to look to the approbation and applause of his country, i* one meant of keeping alive the fentimenti ofciti zei>{h:p which ought not to be fuffieied to expiie even m a camp. Shall we make it an ex and with which 01V enemies affe£t to confound it. 1 hey will maintain it in its peifedl purity and energy, mangre the endeavours of tln-fe who wish tolu'ly the one or exaggerate the other. They will maintain it until the total deftruftion of all the entmiei of the re volution, notwithftai.ding the hypoari cal pntriotifm of those who cry out for the constitutional government with p' r * Sdious hopes. Yes, we swear we-will remain at <>ur polls until the revolution is accomplish' ed ; until the moment when the tiii'in phaut Republic, givir.g laws to itstnt rries, shall be able to enjoy, unde; the guarantee of its vi&oiiet, the fruits oi