% Mountford, Biorcn £5* Co. P R. I N T E R S, No. 75, Dock-street, mar Third Street, H AVE eomnenced Bufme/s a?.d solicit Encouragement from their Fiicnds tie Public. The) have lad in a com plete Aflortment of Ttpes, Imputed this Fall from Europe, wliich puts it in their power to do the Various kinds of Printing, With Niatnesj and Eieuanc*. They have like-wise the greatejl Variety of Card-Borders Ever impor ted t> tns couit»y, of the mjft beautifulmosrld *.Gentlemen avtng Cards of any kind to print,nny fni tUcin felves by licking at the Specimens which ire to he seen r.r their Ofn:e. . Circular Letters; ttttifl-j^jilj^Ship eiit-,, &c. he c xetlit'i w 1 th; a i»e#pra'i irg N ian.efs at tH; fcidrteC-noticrr \tc. 2 "Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs, and Glais Ware, Landing from on board $he ship rggy, from Amsterdam. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hogfhe.ids an:! tiercel, Mufcoyado Sugars In hogsheads, German Steel, ASSORTED WOOLLENS» In fma'.l Biles, &c. For sale by RundU cis Murgatroyd No. ii, Walnut street wharf. Who want t6 purchase 300 or 400 Casks Good Flaxfecd. Nov. t i jtawtf To all who it may concern. T AK-<5 notice, that ag'feable to an aft ot the late Session of Con<refs- I mean to app y at the Trjafury of the United States for«h< renewal of tlie following Continen tal LoanO sice Certificate, destroyed and loft at iny in the city of Phila delphia, iiithe year 1791. No, 1607, dated April rj, i?79> for 4°° Dollars. lffued in the 'Delawaie State t« the Sub, fcriber tiwn relirler.t at Neyr-C'ftle, couu terfigned Sauiuel Paterf'in, C. L, TO. where on were uidatfcments for imereft paid up to the lift of December 1784, maJe by the faiJ Continental Loan Officer. George Read. >}'' w Cfrftl'-,'"Nov j9.. i?S,4 , 2lw6w LANDING From on board the Btrmi.igh'am Packet, Lockyer, and the Henry and ChiirleJ, from Hamburgh* HEM P, Pct?rjburgb > s fir ft quality BAli IRQN, Siuedej> aj&rted TIN, in. plates, do, Jo, GENEVA in hbds. BAGGING, German ajforted GL ASS TUMBLE US, Snd Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHN'), Window Glajs, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, Of. cfc. FOR. SALE BY Thomas & J°hn Ketland. Au£. 26 d Sugars for sale. Sixteen Hngtheads, Nineteen Tierces, Nine Barrel ;, On which the Drawback may be obtained. A P p I. v to John Clapton, o 11 John Clark. e<r.:i Tho mas M'Eueft, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-street, INFORMS his Friends that during his •bfence from Philadelphia (on tlx* Wefltern Expedition) his Bufmefs will be carried on at his Office as ufuttl, by Mr. Thomas ft ale where Orders in his line will be thairkfnlly received, and every Attention paid~to them. Oft. jo Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fublcribetj in WixxJuury, Glouccfter County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the j 2th instant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and fom, each about 20 ytars ef age ; Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look; Tom is of an open coalite nance, of a yellowilh colour, and much • ifp >fed to laugh. Thev are sprightly aft eve fellaws, and but little (hort of fix feet high; tfcty, were both ncll ; Jack had on > blue bioad cloth coat aud different kinds of clothes. Wbwver lakes up said servant*, and frcures them in any goal in the United Stares, fothar their matters may get them »*ai« (hall receive the above reward and r«afonab'>e expi-nce*. John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. oa. 14 ?RE S * Bohea Tea, GIN in pipes, Now Landing from on board the ship Peggy, John Elliott milter, from Amsterdam. Also Imported by the late Arrivals', RtifliaHcmp, full quality Ditto S^iI Duck Di to Ravens DutSt Brown Rullh Sheeting Tickle nburgi Oznaburgs Brown Flanders Sheetings Heflianiaad Brown Rolls Cotton Stripe* and Checks .Flanders Hedircks Holland Sail Duck Seine Twine Uuich Geat Cotu Gin in caf«» Madder Wmdow Glass, 9 by 01 teiu ts Bark o(jiuni, Affifcetida German Siecl Mill and Crots-cut Saw» Hoci and Curing Knivw Sythes ai-d Skates Cuflbe Mills Black Lead Crucibles Anchors from 3 cwr - t0 '5 cwt - " " Ahd a General AJfortment of , , 5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, FOR SALE BY Pragers (b 3 Co. Nov. 11 Medical Books. JUST PUBLIBHKD, . By Thomas Dob/on, at th? Stone Hoiffi No. 41, south Seco d Jlreet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries O B S E R Ya T I O N S. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Proftffoi of the InftUutes of Medicine, and of Clinical Praclicc in. the Umvcr fiiyol Pcnnf)'lvania. CONTA INING I. An inquiry into the influence »! phyltea' caufc& upoo the moral faculty. s. An inquiiy iutO the effects of fpiritous li quors npon tht human body, and their in— fluence upoa the happinefa of lociety. 3. As the caufei and cuie of the pulmonary coofumption. 4. Obferva/ionsJPHthe fyinptutn*»nd curs ot ilrepius. . 5. An Inquiry io-i£> thecaufiiaand thecujeol internal drOpsy of the tyain. 16. An account of the mealies, as they ap peared ii». Philadelphia, in the year 17%. ' 7. A[i account of tfre injKiciili, at it'appc,ai tij iiivfniladeFjrhia in the yean 1789,1790, and 1791. 8. An inquiry into the causes ol the increase of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn. lylvauia. 9, An inquiry into the caufesand cureoffoi^ l'gs- ' to. Anaccoomof the slate of the body and 11 jfi>al in old ag«, with obfeivationi upan its riif-aft* ana their remedies. Pricc onedolter and a quarter unbound,' or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfaftions OF THE College of Phyficiani of Philadelphia. VOL. I.—P ART I. Piice one dollar in boards, A Treatise on the Diseases oi Children. With general directions for the management of Infants from the birth, adapted for theufeoi physicians and piivate families Bv Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Co 3 lege of Physicians in London, and Physician of the Biitifh Lying-in-Hofpiial. Price one Dollar. This is acknowledged to be the heft book which has been published on the fubjtft, and is calculated soT the use of parents, nurses, and private families, as well as for physicians —The iwo volumes handsomely printed in one, and the price only about one third of whatihe imported copies fell for. 2aw2 w The Edinburgh New Difpenfctory, two dollars. Syftern of Surgery, extratted fi#in the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, e dols. 50 cents. Syltera of Anatomy, extradled from the Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, 2 dols. System of Chemistry, extrafied from the Encyclopedia, exhibiting! view of tbepio grefs of thcfciencee, and the different systems which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicitie, 2 dol». 67 centt. * T. Dob/on has in the Pre/s, An ediiion of the Medical and Philofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol. umej are printed in one at » dollars and go cents pet volume ; he has nearly (iwilhed the five firft volumes, which contain iJie firft ten volume« of the European edition, which feli for two dollatseach. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, which Will briogthe publication up to the piclent time. Liknuife for falea conjiderabk number o> ■••I' 1 1 Cullcn's Pra&icc, Materia Aledica, Physi ology, and Synopsis. Bell'sSutgery, 6 vols, or 4 vol*, do. on Ulotrs, Buchan'i Domeflic Medicine, I.cdran's Surpery, Cfiefcldtii's A nctomy. Hunter on the' Venereal, Swedeea ver on do. Rollo on Weft Inilia DiUafes; Ri»by on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's outlines of Ihetheory and pr&ftice of Mid wifery, with jor without plates; do. on the management ot Female complaints. Mease nHydiophobia. Ac. 4c. 2a.\ tf PHILADELPHIA: Printed bt JOHN FENNO, No. 119, CussmvT Strsi»t•—Puds. Six Dollars Pi* Annum. A M Medical Books, viz. WATCHES. Robert Le/lie Isaac Price, Clock and Watch Makers, Market street, No. 79. In addition to their former aflbrtment per the William Penr and Caroline, have imported in the George Barclay and Pi eou from London, a hanufcune.and well fele&ed Ajfortment of warranted W A T C H E S, EQUAL to any tiey iuipoited confuting of capt ansi Jewelled Go id and Silver Watches of liie tiift quality. p.tierr. lecond and plain Da. elegantly eng'itved & plain Grit Watches; alio ornamented and plain chamber and eight day clock ,—74!! which they will dispose of on the njoli rea fonaWe teims, either whole ale « r retil- As tliey have been tna mfs iu ed under the immediate predion of Robert Lefln, who has engaged funic < 1 the belt Ai tilis i." London; ihe Public, may be allured, t!ia f . naperfons in he United States cm 1 Iv them on better tei in?; ai the peWona ate tendance of gonerC.Lefl:e, will enable fcitr 1 o guard the impoiitions, ufaul a niongft waik nen,' when mannfuvl:u> ing 1 ?) exportation, and can engage !or the exe cution of any oder w vth which they. m i> !>efavoie'*, as no vglfel '»>''"{•in Londpri % 'm cither Philadelphia, New Yo: k, or Balti iiio-e, wi 1 arrive,' with ut adding to' their affortrnent.' Dec. 3 . ' at Stock Brokers Office, . No. 16, Wali-ftreti, Xf.w-Yo^k THE Subfcr 1 bei intruding (o,cpnßnph'im feft entirely to *{;e PUKCTIASE and S ALL Of STOCKS on COM MISSI0 9 b<p leave to oft r hislcrviccr tO.Hts friends and others, in ti»e line ol a Slock Broket. Thof c who may pleafeto favor hmi u iih their hufi. ness, may depend upon having it UanCatifd' wiih the ntmoft fidelity and difpaich. Oiders bom Philadelphia, Bolton,'or any other part of the United States, will be j drift I y attended to. LEONARD m&t h t i JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold,by , Benjamin Davies, No. 6s, M'lrkr' {\ r-cf. A Ground Plan OF TH"I City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate fur-vey. Thu siAf is 26 ii'cliers fijiMie; and will be ilciiWitcd a- nrjy c eft ii.it (he )U Y ffhafeis, citjier is frees piai'i or nriimred, or canv.iir<.\l S nrl nJTjxcti to rotters; 01 tu lit them for tlic pock; t, they wijt be cuia ml .olded in cases, With each plan will he given a Smal fraih'phlet, con Win teg a'.Lift ofitV- ,si<b icriUers mine*, and '■ SOME ACCOUNT or '"*■ . \P H I LAD £ LP il I A: "■ Its civil and fr!i'git>n> i!iftMUtU>ni,jpribth lation, trade and jo.vcinmcm f imenpef ed witn<iccafiijii2l remsrjtj, ... » SuKcribersare r#qiiefl-c<f to call or lend for 1 heir plant. - * At the Sifme Pine; may be-had, . THJS American Repofitoiy. Price 4 Dols. 33 cenis fi L -r doz.nnd 44 (e«t.< finale, This neat Pocket A£m anack i« tlie (irfl of the kintl that liarh bet'n executed in Ph'ila -4«l|»!iia, or peiliajx, in any ol ihe United States; and ennta ns, bifides, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. Liils of the Officers of the American Go vernment, Civi-i r.ud Mi!'tary. The terms of (Ue Federal Circuit &Dsf trift Courts. The Latitudes frfld of- Philadelphia, of all the Capu tal Cities in the .Union. . The dates of rhc periods when each of ihe States was firft fe*tled; Their refpc&ive Territories ar,d num bers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in : each fqoare mile—'~thi .a tirief "State <>f their relative progress in Population ; to < E«ther with varioea other Articles of fii : formation. Ornamented with an elegant Frontif piec e, "Title Page., and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to femes in Thorns- Jon's Seasons, engraved by the mo/I inge nious Artifls in the City. N*v . 1 r FOR SALE EY GILL b 5 HENSHAW, Nf. 128, South Water Street, CLARET in cases, Maieirir, Sbprry, and Lisbon Winej Philadelphia Porter in bottles, for expor tation at the Ihortcft notice, or for pri vate families and tavern keeper*, deliver ed in any part of the tov/j. ALSO, An afforttacni of 5-4 and 6-4 American manufactured Bolt- ing Cloths, Which will be warranted equol so an imported, for the rHpe&ive pur-poles ic quired—a* has alrcad* been found on iiia A Liberal Allowance to Wholesale deal ers. A Campled Set of / Grocer's Cannifters FOR Sale. I S T ov. 25 Just Arrived, j And will be landed to-morrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Infiuftrv, Captain Hylander, from Havanna, ] CONSISTING OF 85 hhds. MolafTes, Of superior full quality. 10 j Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar .* N D A Parcel of Gx- Hides ; FOR. SALL EY \ Peter Blight. A L S O, A PARCEL OF x-v ?-» T? 1~? T7» 1 No, 3, South iou r i'H Strict, Returns tii» grateii at kiowtedgement to hi firipi.d.\ a. a (iicj'ii!>iic for their Hi c r»'. i-i>coinagaiuetit t <i'><l leave rei Hewill tfidiiklu'iyVc-ce : ve anv n.dcrs & ,'' ' ' ()<s. 25 2a\ytf , | Scheme of a. Lottery, Toraife 39.900 Vol fat, on 266,000 Dollars Deducing 15 pt-r Oil. from the Prizti—. This Lottery co.ijijls ■«/ Ticket*-,'in which there utc and 23,4^1 Bl*nks % being about.ae andan ha'j blanks to a prize. THE Directors of ih Society for eflabiif>j ■lAg Ufefnl Mamrtdtures, having refotv ed to qre£t LOTTIii:IJ£S for raifmg .One Hond ked Thous ani Dollar s» agieealily to an Aft of the of the Statcioi Ncw-Jerfey, h vc .Vp;ointtd the following perfoi'is to fup<*iintt n and <iirq6l the 'iSa oi the iatne, ,N(choia* i-ow, Rufui limg. Mcrjpau Le fllpy, la9n.es Y/atfqtiJ Richard HairiiO",. /kliah 'Hammond, auci Corn•• 1 ii;s ft3y,"of ".tHf city o! Nrw-York— Thohia* Willing". Jotph frail, Maubev. ,C'HUl'l an<!l A'ulc w the tj'ty 'ot Hitiadc!'; h«a — Hls Ejpelleiicy Richard hlow •- 11, £fq. Klias Bo.iidim!*,''Central EVias Diy toh, Jdjji's jhUn Bayard, 'D<j&<r L,' wis, Donna ih, I W;vS.ockton, JoHnia ; M. \V#i!lace, Jtdcpb lield, a.ut EJtfhaj | fjoluliuot, of NVw-jcite*, who offer tnc | I foflowitrfc SfbcnC of Zt. uerv, and pledge i ! th"cinfelvc«v to 'tie j>irbb<. ''hat they w«lf take 1 I every 1 n th.rir p*>wcr ■ jo have the y -d by the -j liioei fi'rve in titD£, z\- »' Ce'tved, into the J Hiinks i»t 'New-Ytwfft r.<.d" Philadelphia, io ' leriiam ioi lHe cj\ni>t<fe wk paying Pr < / **. w!,tch fha)l l»c innn« discharged bL a [ c!u?ck upon on c-v to fc e ISunki. I ,&X8 . ~ l W W 0 ...,,. . IC-fO-l •..•• t'K«wW *■' "' V*»Jc£! ?■'■' ' " '°4o'c lot.' .- . »o>fG< "30 '•'' "... / "SJ^' : I/: ' i. i '20 1 GO SCO l'OO# ■r 2COO 3<?0O BfCo " | 14,539 Prizes. 262.00Q! I Blanks. Fnfi number, 2,0c0 i L«vit At* wn* number, 2,ceo j 83000 Tickets at 7 1)0'&rs each u 266,000 : I The drA.vvitip will commence,. uinierthe | inlpcfijoo (jI n Cvo.r <i»ftoc oi the Superwi | ti:»»«3.iiru&, a«. fo< 11 JTicketsire foui, ot j whuh timely **.511 i < yy \i,« we givee. j. The Superinievdinr-> lvj\< appointed jptVrl ! N. ('inn min». . ]acoi>. R. Ha*"-: j dcprW-rg, of Nrv\-! 1 1 ' < , and joiiath.tr. Rl-ua, o( Trenton, s s.nnvdiatcJWanajers : ufcurof, who navi' security ior. difclrargirtg (he inilt roofed in thcni; Tn ord'e» to fawn the piincl-tral ihciitof ibc PfircM itu- V'jpcrintcndarns of the JLotitry CICC tiut the Manager# (n «.. i iMchettti 1 ii' <1,1 1 >*v dfc tt< jCoo vioi' j1 s, w".h ioui fufneirnt '< cur m- s, to prrfotin their initiiicl'ons, : h.c fuMia:. < w luch'is- j I. Thai v\ hrucvr r c.i'hci o'ire &4fnpgert j fhali receive the U«p» o* Trtsee Hundrrct Doi- | lar>. V»c lhall place the fame in I one of the Bun kj. 3i'K' cv\ - YoS k 01 P h\l*dtK phia, to the <iu Governor of the, vpoely, ami such of the Superintendentt a& I ■v( m th(* cry * be-ic the monies arc placed, to rv aiain there unrli Tire Lottery is drawn, for the ;n.yr6efti ot tire iVizcs.- 11. The t<> <<: kc fufficiem fu turity tor any Ticket*. ti>fv n;ay trull, other, wife to be reiponfihU. for HI. To keep rt-ular hooks of Tickets Ipld. Monies received <mU paid into the iiank, ajjftr.tf&.N c< which ft?all be sent, Tionthly, to th r Goyrrpor o! the Society. Paterfon, jattijary 1, >'94. • On application to <ff»fee» of the above gen tleraen, litfotiu^i wiN be given where tickets m<v hi ii.-d. Februar\ 'pjtav -*iw PORT WINE. A chbire 5 w reel of Full Bodied Old Red Port Wine, This day atnved,.l>y t tie Snow Trullv, Captain Cook, from Oporto, For Fat.' fry PETKR -BLIGHT. Also by tlie fame Snow, joeo BufliCiS St. Übed Salt. Oft. 29. eodtl' ' 06,000 Bi,ccc i. it/if dtf. William W. Woodward t PRINTER,* C H A v S , relr - oved h, » Printing-office' ftß „ ' No. 41, Chefnut-ltreet, to Fnri ? Head, Nr. 36, four door, f, om th "^' n • of Second-flreet, south fide, n ea ,K fi.e ; where the Printing Uuf.ncf, u' c s£j on as u ual; h,s „ ho | e attention confined to that occupation. Order.*! ' any part of this tole , or the contiom . ««uted, and author. ,n.y , e ,, 1 rl"" 8 Bn I, WOTk they " rJ - v le ' to p tth . hth. coneA y pruned, either >„ Engnth. Jh, Leyel of Eur, !?e ird >o ,TH Amekica, with a U)riO's PKICE-CURRENT,is printed lor 1 iiee<'i tor, PiTER £gron, L. L. D. a, ,; lt 3h0 ,/ e mentioned oilice, in French a:dEi> ' fl - which publication seas .eceivrd the ag of fame of the molt diftinpuilhed cht ra ers in America, and wholi- name, t a few days, wi!) be published, and ncrcm™ ny he two firft rubbers to the fubi. 1 i|~ r , ITB. Blank, Ci,cuj a * Cards, Handbills, &c. &e. corti nut tu b«' k executed with tfce ulual dil'patcn. Kov - lft ei d 9w. John Miller, iun. A'o. 8, CnttUbt near Fusht Street, Hath Imported in the late VeflVls J Q~EXERAL ASSORTMENT OF WOOLLENS, WITASIE TO THE SEASON. ALSO, (by the package,) 11 ATTS well ajforted, Boys' coloured, urU Mens' black Manchejlct Cotton Goodt Slippers and Sanials Floqverf and Feathers Fans. IRISH LINENS, Brown and White, by tjie Box, laid in on the BEST TERMS. Ticklenburgs, o<sh i 5 o^dtf The E'ditor of the Level of Europts and North America, ever anxious c.oniuiunicst< tt. KifropraHi,. who piay be tlelirpus of fettling in this Continent,what ever may tend to inform them of the ad vantages they may find here, whether in agjne'unin'e orin commerce, has the honor io acquaint the pubiit, that Jje lias UMu. r iaken the rvailfl ttrn-ot i work just pu'ililh e.l under the title of A VUu of the Untied Siclei of Amt'ica. This uiSiflation wili be executed with tli? pei miffioii of the Author Teliclr Coxe, Efq, Comm ifioner of the Revenue s of tin- United States. P. Egron, l. £. D. 2a\*3AV Dijlant Subscribers For tnl Oa-ccTtt, arc hereby rc'.'pc&fuU ivreqbefted o pay up their SiipforipCif ;s ro rhe tii ft of J«Liiuuty nexu The Editor will be under the nereflity ot'c oufid-: i; g who do not thru renew Qieir Sub fcyiptit»n by paving Six Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any ! anger. A» there u a confiderab'.e Sum due frfira emote bul»Cc*-ibcrs for the late half Week ly Paper published l>y the Editor, he fhoft earneftiy reqiK-tfcs those wUo may he delin quent, to take the ear lie A opportunity of iemitting bin? • lie balai>e they ma/rcC .|>*&ivrly l>e m(Jcb:ed—-tliv* sums aie indi vidually t»iflin<r—the want of the Aggre* <£ate is severely felt. To the Public. A SUBSCRIPTION Is opened for Printing the Theological Writings or Emanuel Swedenbourg, At Francis Bafteyj Book Jlore y Ao- li6> Market fu tet-, P VMKN a lufficient tublc; ip;ion <ake» ainectnig *ill be advertised to coi , lider the 1110 ft eligible iaOde for the print ingof.fu/h'of the Works as (ball bethought to be ot ihe greatest utility in inllance. Tbc follordxng Treatises may be no-w had at Mr. Bailey 9 s : The Doctrine of Life, (ir the Spiritual sense of the Tt n Commandniei c . The Umvcrbl Tt eoiogy of the New Church-; which was 1 retold by t^ e L#rd in DaniH, chap, 7, v. 5, »3» and in the Apocalyple, chap. 21, v. i ( 2, &:c. A fummai y View of the Heavenly Doc* tiines of the New Jerilfalem Church. As*various opmions have been en ' te:rained relpefting these ivvaitttHe i-n/nj/i a£d yet no per fun by rational an um»'>t « been able to itfute them, hut utit«ad tbeic of, invidious calumnies aijd g> (Kindle s re ports have been indufti ioully ptop*g ate to discredit the honourabk and enhgMt Author, at well a> Irs Wo-ks <Un»M not the can- - 1 finctrc | u Truths of 1 c highefl import . nee, rioufly exan ine those Wi ik so' *J e " '/l in which ii it t<> b? hope- , th r being putfuir and love of tlie Truth »o» lC - . of i\s nativ« cxcelieuo and *f e ' I*2 T ; - Kgard then* as «he y julily t'ejerve, V 1 the end receive bot'J profit an« <>• hf * oa. 14 eTu ' 2 Burlington Pork. A QUANTITY OK Best Burlington Pork, FOR SALfc BY Levi Hollingiworth & Son. oa. 31 „
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers