Decree. r!t\ tion?,l Convention declared that iy of the Sambre and the Meufe d'Vt not ease to deserve well of the Re- The news of the vi&ory gained by the Frcnch troops near the walls of Jaliers, {hallbe sent by the extraordinary Couriers to all the armies of the Republic. The difpatche» received trout the irmy of Saiab're arid Mcufe, as alfothe report of the Committee of Public Safety (hall be imened in the Bulletin. ViENNA, Sept. 16. Letters, and particularly the official ac counts from Wa.-lavf, of the 9th 111 ft.— give the irioft ample detail* o'f the cir ciimflances attending the retreat of the Prussians on the night bjtween the sth and 6th. Various causes contributed to this re tix-it. i tic infurgcnts in Great Poland not only cut off the fuppli -s of proviflons and a\n nimiiionfrom the army ofhis Prus sian Maj-fly, but also cut off the co utriunl cation betweea thoilier parts of his do ittinioas and his camp, in the environs of which the Poles demoliftied all the streets, attempted to entrap the Prufiians in a number of Grand abat s, which the rub bifli enabled them to form. _ Jn the pursuit, the Prulfians were mi fsrably flaugMered ; the ftrdets through vttjrtich th.-r piffled were covered with the careafes or men and horses. ike enraged Prussians fled like mad dogs, deltroying m their way, »11 the houses of the peasants ; so that the olaces through which they paired are as dreary as a dcfart. Iu theirwarrh to Great Po'and, they have but a rtfdan'choljr profpeA of pene- ! trating into the country, the insurgents having: carried off all the magsxinw and arfonais, and occupied all the ftrorfgplacat in force, and ire firmly determiuedto <ap pofc thern. If the Warsaw papers do not over charge their accounts, the King of Pruflia it in great danger of being cut off with hii whole army. , The iiifurgent* have also poffeUed them felyes of Pazen, a city with a fortified cast!.?, which is the centre of tke Govern ment of the Province. leYden, oa. 6. The attack on Boris le Due is continued —for some days the fire has been very warm in that quarter, particularly, as we are told from that place it felt, which was endeavouring to prevent the beiieger.. from erecting batteries on the fide of Fort D'Or then, of whicn they have made themselves mailers. In order to augment the forces intended for the defence of Gueldres, we learn that the garrisons are to be with drawn from Htflft, and all the other places of Dutch Flanders. The surrender of Fort Crevecour hav ing given room to complaints against Col. Tlboel, the Commandant, his conduct will be enquired into by a council of war, on the express requifitioi> of the States General. The total want of discipline among the | Brititr? troops has excited remonstrances as doleful an universal, the commander in chief has iflued. from his head quarters at Groefbeck, a general order, dated Sep tember, 1 , to recal the officers and soldiers to their duty. It is hoped that this publi cation and some examples of the just seve rity which it announces, will at length re press such disorder. ROTTERDAM, oaober 7. We were ytftenday much alarmed by several letters from Emmerick and Cleves, which contained the difagreea ble intelligence, that the grand Austri an army, under the orders of General Clairfayt, had again been defeated by the French,' and had been obliged to re treat to Cologne. We hare likewise received the disagreeable intelligence, that the French have crofTed the Meufe, between Venlo and Ruremonde, and o bliged the duke of York to leave his formfer poiit inn, and to fall back to wards the province of Utrecht. This much seems to be certain, that the Rri tifh army has made a retiogade move ment towards the province of Holland, and that the head-quarters of the duke of York are to be transferred to Kuy lenburg. The 88th regiment of foot, as well as the Heflian regiment of Kof poth, which are at present in garrison at Bergen-op-Zoom, have received or ders to join the army ; but the 87th regiment remains in that fortrefs, the the present governor of which is Gene ral Van dei Duin, brother to the gal lant defender of Slays. The Ditfch army has not yet changed its former po sition ; arid it is to be reinforced by the greatest part of the troops which have hitherto remained in Dutch Flanders. In the environs »f Breda and Bergen op-Zoom, small parties are still fuffered to desolate the country, but are tar too infignificant to undertake any thing a gainst those towns. Bois le Due con tinues to deflroy the enemies batteries near Orte and Deuteren, as soon as they' are ere<sted ; and the Republicans have fiot yet made the least imprefiion upon that place. A lettir from Cologne, of the third instant, contains the important intelligence, that two members of the French Convention, Bentabolc and La valfeur, have lately arrived in the head quatteis of General Clairfayt, and from thence set out for Vienna. People, who incline to flatter themfclvei with the h.>pc> of a speedy condufion of peace, give implicit credit to thin unexposed piece of information J but, from a vari ety of oircumflancegj which concur to render it highly improbable, 1 doubt the intelligenc . The French army <>f the North, t« said, by means of the te- lcgraphe, to have received intelligence that, on the 25th ult. the important fortrefs of Bellegarde, near I'crpignan, had surrendered to the Republicans. LONDON, O&ober 9. The Tutor of a refpeftable Latin School in the neighbourhood of the Metropolis, has been difmifled his fitua tfon, fur applying thr Birch to one of our infant Lieutenant- Colonels in the army, who ne 4 lctted lfis e*ercife to play at marbles ! Cf&ober 11 Yefterdav, a ncflcngcr was sent off to Edinburgh frcm the Duke of Port- land's office, Wiih his majefly's moll gracious pardon <f part of the sentence pronounced upoi Watt St Downie. In {lead of being lunged by the neck, but not till they are dad, See. &c. they are to be hanged til-they are dead, their heads fevered frdrf their bodies and ex posed to public vew. It has been fad that in co'nfequence of the Prince ofWales's intended m'ar i riage with the frincels of DrUnfwicfe, the Duke of Bruifwick, her father; i 3 once more to talc the comrttand of the Allied armies, ind that the Duke of York has figntfid his readiness to serve under him. The duke of Brunfwick had the commad 111 chief the firft cam paign, and the tlan may, perhaps, now be to light all tie commanders over a gain, and then-Dfl Capo. We do not hear that the Fench have yet proposed recalling Dumotrier, their commander in chief for the irft campaign. It is very cafidently said, that the lalt rcfource of tie Dutch for defence, viz. the grand irundation, has been de bated, and that ftany of the towns have pohtivcly objcdM to it, as more ruin ous than an imndation of Sans-Cu- lottet. Tbe accountsfrom Poland become daily more alarmhg to the plundereis of that fair country.—The inlurredtion not only gains ground in the provinces lately disembarked, bill has found its way in to Galhcia, Lvonia, and Lithuania. The principe of taxing place! and aeniion) for the fuppott oi the wai has ilready fpreadfiom Spain to Germany )ur Ministers ind their adherents are J n a state of the utmuft alarm. Odtober 13. Yesterday a m:flenger brought dif patchei to government, from his royal highneft the duie of York, dated head quarters at Grofbeck, 7th inft. ihe The Dutch mal, due on Friday last also arrived. The one due this inorr ing haa-not yet come in. The principd intelligence, brought >y the raeffengcr and the mail, is, that lie unfortunate gen. Clairfayt, who af ter his defeat n the neighbourhood of Liege, about four weeks ago, had taken up so gooil a position on the banks of the Roer, as to make him even wish the enemy might assail ltfm, has been again attacked by the enemy, and sus tained a frefh defeat. The eccounts, so far as the particulars are yet known, crossed the Meufe and the Roer, and attacked all the polls of the Aullrian army, from Ruremond down to Juliers and Dueren. These polls were defend ed with great bravery and {kill; but were at length carried by the masses every wheic vidWioni. The Auftrians in consequence were forced to ccofs the Rhine, near Cologne* with the loss of more than ;o'o men—some accounts fay almotl twice that number, with a great part of their artillery and bag gage : so that the French are mailers of almost the whole territories on the weft fide of the Rhine, which may now be coniidered as their eastern boundary. Their next attempt will be againfl the fortrefs of Luxembourg— Maef tricht is alread/ completely inverted, and all communieation with that place may now be considered as entirely cut ©ff; for they have been transfeiing to that quarter the gi eater part of the force which they had in the neighbour hood of Venlo and Ruremond. There is some hope, however, that both Lux embourg and Maeftricht will be able to stand out against all their attempts. The former can hardly lie besieged re gularly, and can only be reduced by famine; the latter is defended by a garnfon of i \,GOO men, under the or ders of gen. Kray, a very expeiienced and brave officer. PORTSMOUTH, Oa«ber 9. The transports with troop! on board for the Well-Indie arc !lij] lying at St. Helen's: the Trudy ot 50 guns. Cap tai» Druty who is to convoy tlicm, i» not yet moved from Fipithctsd, ami lias the lignal flying to jrifrc initruftionj to any merchant ships who are to the westward, and will put themfelvci Un der his convoy. PHILADELPHIA; December 9. In theflttirtg of the 47th Augufl laft,the National Convention decreed, that in fu ture 110 person should be admitted into the Hsllj but the Depu ics and Clerks. Altho the la It arri*al from Europe contains no intelligence of the capture of either Rotterdam or Amsterdam—yet such have been the fuccelTeaot the Stench that the allied power* according to every appearance will ycry soon be compelled to offer the National Convention a Carle Blanche with refpeft to Holland, if not every other part of their domi- nions. By the Proclamation of Governor Stone of the State of Maryland it appears that George Dent, Gabriel Duvall, Jerefniah Crabb, Thorns Spring, Samisel Sftiith, Gabriel Christie, William Ilindman, arid William Vans Murray, Eiiqiiires, are du •ly ele&ed representatives of that St.tte, in the Cosgrefs of the United Statet- Iri Saturday's paper it Was lifted that the Printers'to the LegifUrure of this state were the fame a? were appointed by their predeceflor*. We since learrt that Mr. D»vi<i.Hall> and MefTrt. Steifier & Kam mererj are cholen printers to the House of . Reprefentat'ves, in the room of Francis .Bailey a!nd ■■ - Biimyer. The Legi/tature of Pennfyl-jania. The House of Representatives this day took into coiiMcratlon tfie Governor's aa drefs to both Ho'ufdsCommittees were appointed bfl the fevrral imporsant fub jeifts recommended to their deliberations 1 — viz: The iftilitia law— in the Delaware —Finances &c — at an early !»our the House adjourrfed. On the 6th O£loberthe Grand Jury at Hicks Hall, Loudon} found a bill for High Treafo-i against the following petfons (at prcfent Under confinement in the Tower) Thomas Hnrdy 4 John Baxter, fohn Home Tooke, Thomas Holcroft, J. Augufhis Bonney, Matthew MooVe, Steward Kidd, John Tliel wal, Rev. Jerem. Joicr, Richard Thomas Wardle, John Richter, PORT or PHILADELPHIA- ARRIVED. t)*ys Ship Carlisle, Porter, Liverpool 45 Brig Friendship, Tiiomn, Madeira 6e Schr. Pcgfty, Skdly, Caymett* ao Uoiton 14 Virginia / Friends Adventure, Baird, Do. Betfcy, White, Do. Faniham, Thomas, Polly, Morton, N.Carolina ii Sloop George, Carotherft, Virginia 10 Sarah Vnn, Taylor Do. 5 The Uxbridge Tailed from Liverpool 4 days before the Carlisle, and the ship A mlable, Thompfoit, wa« to lc-a?e tliaf place 15 days after. The Delight has brought up part of the cargo of the brig Sally, Capt. Hughe,, from St. Domingo, cast aihore at Chinc'o teague. The peopleand cargo are saved, but it is doubted whether the veflel will be got off. The Gentlemen of Colonel Macpher fon'» Battalion of Blues, now in this city, will parade at the Middle Ferry, To-mor row, at TEN o'clock in the Forenoon, to accompany their brethren into the city. Bank of North America, Decernß, 1594. The Stockholders of the Bank of Noijih A uerica art hereby notified that jn ELECTION for 1 ivcive Directors For tlie eniuing Year, will be held at (he B>nk on Monday tlie 12 h of Ja-niai y [next, a' 10 o'clock to the foianoon- Dee. 9 dtJiJ TO BE SOLD BY T. DOBSON, Principles and Obfervationi applied t'o the MANUFACTURE AND INSPECTION or Pot and Pearl Ashes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, fofpeclor of Pot and Fearl-Aihes for the Commonwealth of MafTachtifttts. Published according to Act of Congrcfs. Thefc observations relate to an extensive business ; and are dcfignrd, in the plainest manner, to convey profitable information to ihofe interested in it, wto hare no jleif ure or opportunity to search for the princi ples therein contained, in the witingl Of rofefiional Chcruif'.t. NEW THEATRE. On I*FDi'ESDAY tVf.KISG, Decrmhr 10. Willie brefevtrd a iOMF.UV (zvntten t) cj/!ed As you like it. ORLANDO, ADAM, DUK P . Senior, DUKE FREDERICK, Mr. I'.'arrell- AMIENS, fivithjaugs) Mr. Ma-fiall- JAQUES, Mr. Ghal,tiers- I.E HF.U, Mr. Francis- OLIVER, JAQUES ne BOIS, DENNIS, CHARLES, . TOUCHSTONE, "CO RUN, SYLVIUS, WILLIAM, ROSALIND, CRLIA, PIIQiBE,. Mi.<. Cleveland. AUDREY, ,MrS. Sbaiv. To u bic,h -will be added a PANTOMIME, The IJirth of Harlequin ; Or, the Friendly Witches. HARLEQUIN, PANTALOON, MISER* CLOWN; Mr. Mil LAWYER, Mr. J. Ddrliy ift. WITCH, Mr. hurley ith-WITCH, Mr. Mar/hull. Mr. Worrell. BRICKLAYERS, Mnjl. Worrell, T. War tell, life. MAID, Mrs. Cleveland. COLUMBINE, Mrs. Do Marque. To, ccnclude with A Grand Garland Dance tEMPLE OF LIBERTY. The Scenery dcfigned 2nd executed by Mr. Mjlbouine. (The Dance conipoi'ed by Ms.Francis.) Box one Dollar—Pitt J j>i a U >l!ar—aud GalJe *y £ a dohar. Therfoori will be orpened ai a J nfteT FIVE and the performance begin at i alter sii ./Clock. Ticket* and places for tlic Boies to be taken of Mr. Wells, at tin.* Theatr», fioui TEn'tillosE, and on day* of ik form ance from TEN'iil! tMREE o'clock. Lactic» and Gentlemen are vecjnefted to fend their servants to keep places by five o'cfoekj and order them, as soon as the company are featcd, to withdraw, as they* cannot on any account be permitted to re- main. No money or tickets to be returned, nor any person on any account whatsoever, ad mitted behind the fceties. Vivat Refpublica ! CARGO American ShipHtNßY s Capt. Crowrtinftield, from Calcutta, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS 3 Do. 7 weces TTandah Hannahs, afapo !^ ; ec s !Vl'f'*hmnber do. 303 n">eC< s llliabakf <«6. iooo p»ec<* s Ml jbtiinber £vne tiesj 948 p:» Ces Illiahad do. pieces Tan<iah do. 384 p : e<es Fiz .bad do. 490 f. : eces jVlalfn at Gtirgy do. piece;. Ta ;, dah ConVCs, 6od pieces F zabad do. 300 pieces Nabad Ourgy do. 300 pieces Illiabad Hannah, V pieces Tandah Baftacs, 725 pieces do. 150 piece* Barain do. 750 pisces Lutfpofe do. 750 pircei Jugady do. 750 pieces C''ittabutty <'o- pieces Gu/.Z' rv.v. AND AI. O— 4 One hundred and fixry tnns of BENARES SUGAR. Tlie (Hip Heiiry Is aiwfivfd 'Will to pr'tCtei Jri f6on iitfce file (hull be effcficrf/ Philips, Cravioiui & Co. Dec. 8. » A - L-;i ¥ N E*R IntendWg n ffinf-t rcfi in tbii cky, rt "bi-ief Wtrvjhe Piece's ol' hii erwlewors in thtrxetri'# bf lib i"f n *nts rh* noCclTes tlir P»inf» inj, imrUiti i>»anclr<<*Baii<l VAtiklfrs ii#fTe«-»-EBiqi»'!ie a' ' Sf&lit,s9r'% $ecmuf Jfr&t. "< : , Pec. 6 • .... , *4« For King ft on, Jamaica, (To fdH in a few days) »i Samuel Hubbcll, maflrr. For freight only, apply to Philips, Cramond & Co. ®«c. ft <!jt Mr. Moreton Mrt Whitloclt- Mr. Hnr-.DOod' Mr. Green■ Mr. DarLj, jun. Majler ii'arrell. Air. lloni/bit. Mr. Bates- Mr. Darler. Mr. Cleveland. Mr. BliJJett. (with the Guckco feng) Mrs. Marjhall. Mrs'. Francis. called Mr. Francis Mr. Green. Mr. Llptt. R SALE, T H K OF THE r 1 z. * -if By this Day's Mail. NEW-YORK, December 6 It is remarkable that the events of almost every day are encomiums on the wisdom, prudence aid temperate policy > of the Executive and his federal flip porters. The President refilled 'he ei forts of baft men to plunge us into r/.-.r —his.policy is crowned with fuc,cds. When it wih known that the Presi dent had by his advicf, put a flop to the projected settlement at Prefqu'lfle. the antifederal papers denounced him fur interference— w;!c acres, who knew nothing of his motives, railed at tile man and hi* measures.— Now it appears that the profec"ition i t that bi'.fmefs frould cettainlyf halve in volved us in war with the Six Nations*. The I'rtlident knew thid—he had'the bed means of knowledge-—he delayed— fie treated—and the ifTue is a ktthd * pface with the Indians,and the acqiiiie ment of a full right and title to>the tcr* ritory in difptiie, with the free privi lege of pafiing thro'their country. In this cafe as in the plan of negoti ating with the English Court,' the poli cv of the government has proved found ahd just—-and every even has fervecl to confotmd the rafhnefi, the paflion [and the ignorance of our Jef thaJi and felj nameapatriots. Yet at this ..moment* opposition lifts its head and dermndg that we put men into office who have fought again,ft public measures, and to put out of office the federal patriots, the real patriots, who have preserved and secured peace to thufe noisy unlederai men, in spite of their teeth. CONGRESS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Tuesday, December 9. Sundry petitions wete read and re ferred to the committee of claims. A bill making appropriations for the fnpport of government for 1795, was read and ordered to be engrofjed fc< a third reading* A bill making compensation to Ste phen Sayre, was read and referred to a committee of the whole on Monday next. A bill edablithing an aft of Bank ruptcy, was read and referred to a ccnii' niittee of the whole. A report of the committee concern-" ing compenfdtion to certain fetijfi f on the teifitory cedid to the United States, by the (late of North-Carolina &c was taken up in committee of the whole ho lift*—Mr. Cobb in the chair The com mittee rose, reported progrefs< and had leave to fit again—At two o'clock this house adjourned, till 11 o'clock To morrow morning. Where, lays a correspondent, did the Chronicle of Bcfton get the communica tion which purported an approbation of the Clubs in France—The probability is > that the Chronicle manufa&ured the rmn material oi Bo'fton on a pattern which is now unfafhionable in l'Yance---Did the Chronicle ruiftake or mi/late the late beau tiful address of the Convention to the Na tion. In chat address is a volley of max ims and of po\~axioms dire£Uy th 6 con varfe of those which ure iniltaken by the Chronicle and published as favorable to j felf created clubs. The City Ca-SiRT' -WM psr'ade tha Middle Itafy, To-Mboc'ow raoroiag at TENVtilocle, toiccoitepinjr theii Breth ren of tbe Legioifftarae. > Otc. 9 ■ > ■• "* i'"' '-m : - CitttMn Portet-i o£ the IhipCafrtiile, J6 - from Livergnol, foiled tfence on the i.lf'f OAofceh, -. „' ./ w 3sr 3pi the brig SJa%cy Qaffy'w Caok,' from FoA<«iß#Uft4t<>Ei&oß? <wt; jjdavs all well. ■. * ■ • 5 Tht loth, in lat. 5j9» long. 58, spoke the (hip Wilmington, of Wilmington, Captaip Mariner, from Philadelphia, bound to Bristol, out 7 days all well. The brig Hero, of Portsmouth, N. H. was to fail for Philadelphia, 4 days af ter hifn. In the Carlisle came 6 paflengers. A D D R E S S.~ Tne Public are lxfpedifully inform fcti tblt the Subfcription3 for thii Gazette are daily incieafing in the City—:hat its cir culation is extensive, being lent to every itate iil the Union —and is probably ei cianged with more Printer; in the diffiv rent States than any other Gazette— these qircumflancc* enhance its utility ai an advertilitig Vehicle. The generous patrol!:-ge which the pub* Ucation ha> already received, demands the Editor's most grateful acknowledgments —He solicits si continuation of advertising favors. From these principally drift: the rtfourfit £ which enable the pjiblifher of a. daily to extend his plan of general entert;ir,cirr.t and information.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers