D A I [No. i .',4 of Vol. Vl.] 30,000 weight cf Green Coffee, N> entitled to the Drawback A PEW PIPES Holland Gin, At a Reduced Price, JAMAICA SPIRITS, ANTIGUA RUM, third and fourth proof, Fine flavou-ed St. Kltts, Grenada 4 d country RUM, CO rTQN in hales BI.ACK PEPPPER, Pnif-au P-.in^e MOLASSES, Malagi WIN'E in quarter calks Madei a Do. in pipes and qr. casks AfeAv cheftJ of veiy good Hyson TEA by clia America into N. York, and A few barrel* of fat Philadel phia BEEF, put up by an ap proved hand of this city, fit lor, lonßjVoyaKes, F"R SALE BY Levin us Clarkfon, No- Ji6, I'nnth Water S:ieet. ALSO, ts.ooo \Ven»ht oC 0 F F E E, Entitled to the Drawback, in hhdi, barrels Vid tugs.- D c 4 T-. r White Wax Candles, Of a quality far superior to Sp'rmaceti, jiift received' from the Alexandrian Mjnnjndot-y, and for sale by the subscriber, Garrett Ccrtringer, No. 227 Market-llreet. December 2. diw. FOR SAIJE, , . At 'tlii STORES of 1. Robert Wain, POUT »rt pit«s, hljds. tind guar caflcS ' LISBOH <4">.in pipes iod ouaricr calks SoucI)011 g.a I;tt'C TEAS, in quarto A qtoiniiiv"of fr-iifjon and Cad>zSALT Sbfrflwllfcd ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORK& in do. ; , Biiffia MATXS. " . Jpqc ■ V '"V" ' ■* ' LANDING, from the Ship Jdriana Kieran Fitxpatruk Majler, from Amflerdanu HOLLAND SAIL DUCK, Ditto —Sheeting, Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White arid Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Beilticks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, boxes Window-Glads, Ditto Tumblers, Gi'in in V>ip? s > Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to I4cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakam, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas "John Ketland. October 41. d. Just Arrived, And will be larlded io-morrtrnv morning ai Wharf, the entire cargo of the brig Good Hope, Captain from 'Ja maica, conftjhng of High Proof RUM, SUGAR, PIMKNTO, and COFFEE FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. Nov. 19 FOR SALE BY John D. Blanchard, At his Stores, in Third street, 66 PIPES Choice TENERIFFE WINE, of luperior quality, Coniac Brandy in pipes 50 Cases of Claret of afupcrior quality fubjtft to drawback. B Tea Kettles, a large aflortment Shoit of all sizes and number* Barr Lead, Lead in pigs Kuffia Sheetings Women's Stuif Shoes by the quantity Cutt Nails Rhode-IflnnH Cheese And a Jarg and elegant assortment of t European and India GOODS, At the most reduced Prices. Nov. aawtf • " •• ' LY EVENING ADVERTISER. FAIR B HEBE, jfobn X'Kerver, niajier. - _ BURTHKN 1700 barrels of flour, jbe is in compleat order, arc! fails fail- For terms apply to the Captam on board at the Subfcribcr's wharf, o f tn Joseph Sims, Who has for Sale, juit imported in laid Brig from Malaga, Old Mountain Wine, RAISINS of thehun, in kegs, FIGS i» ditto PR.UNES in ditto Mufcateland Bloom RAISINS in boxes and jars, QRAPES in ditto OIIANGBS and LEMONS in boxes Shell'd ALMO sos ip caiki Castile SOAP, &c. &c. Dec- 4 . George Gardner, M'afier. WILL fail wiib allconventcu't fpee Forfreight or paflagt, apply to the master onboard, iying a< Mafley's wharf. Who has fir sale, Spermaceti Candles, Northern Oii, Mackartl,Salmon, &c. Drc. 5 WANTED ON LOAN, Two thousand dollars, , Real Efta.te in the pity of Philadelphia wiii be pledged as Secuiity. Enquire of the Primer Dec. 4 Sallad Oil, Of a superior quality in boxes of twelve Bottles; "Grubby Mather Iff Hill. Nov. 20 Parry & Mufgrave, Goldsmiths, Jewellers mid Hair-Workers, • No. 42 r south Second Street, Plated japanned ware Jewellery & Cutlery, viz. plated andj-ipaii'd Tea Uins Plated and japan'd Patent Lamps Castors and Liqu<r Fiames Bread and Ft uit Eiiik- ts Japan'd Tea Trays ✓ plated coffee and Tea Pots and cadifls Ditto CandlelUcks A variety ofelegant and most falhionable Ear n>>g s , „ n Enativell'd and other Bracelets, Bteatt pini, and finger Rings Thimbles, enartiei d and other kinds J.adies and gentlemen's gold, gut, ai "' lleel Watch chains Gold and gilt Seals and Keys Stone and fine steel Knee Buckles, Knives and fciffars, «!itl> Variety of other Articles, In the above Branches. Dec, 6 eocllt Office of the Insurance Com pany of North America, THE Piefident and Directors ot this Company ate now ready to receive appii ! cations lor InsUrAnce on Houses and stores and 011 houlholti Furniture aud Goods m Dwelling Houies and Stores, uoon the term* contained in their prupofals which have been already puMifbed. Thcexpence of Survey, being lars, muftbe dep. sits d » hen the applica tion for Insurance is n.ade ; WiiUhe Bad;e and Policy, together with the Premium, a,c to t,e paid for when the order is given and accepted. Ebenezcr Hazard, Secretary. di \v2awnn Dec. 8 Wh and credits, which were of William Bur- Cou!i Middlesex, against the Goods and Chattels I and* and Tenements of lienius Mart in, Wteof the county a fy rn ►hSweft he filTSai sri! t« and the K ood s ind chattels, lands and tenements *o ut ached, fold for the fatisfaftion of fuel, oi "s 'if*," d a em»nd J t&,° a;'- >«g. mi s A N D Tuesday, December 9, 1794. City of Wafliiiigton. S C HE ME of Tt.i'. LOTTERY No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A rnagmficem J 20,c00 Dollais, and dwelling houfc, ) cash 30,000 aie 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 & cafli 15,000 1 ditto 10,00b & cash 10,000 1 ditto s,cco&caQ» 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cafn 5,000 t CaHi pr.ze oi 2 ditto ,o ditto 20 ditto joo dittd 2 00 ditto diii* i,ooO ditto ,5,000 ditU *6,739 P"z« 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will atTord an e.rgacfe/jpccii men ot the private [mildiftK&to benefit <1 |ii the Cuy of W'tfottigtoiJ—Two beeutitul i' figni *»e al'read y .tclo&ert f<»» the cnciro i7«\iU* on two ot ih< pu-HVe Item the'e .drawing, it \i •pi«n?ufpd L«-» e.u&rf-v* <i csotfrc. aftd torn epi net builfi trigs, as fyon.ii yoflililc alter lh J» Lot ; gi yis fold, and to convey thwn wht ri fortune advt-Aiurcfs^ in the maimer tn-the-.fcheimj. hit. the Louery. A neit<jsdu&mn'o3 fiyc. d?.w per cent- will bf made 10 defray the nt Cjj 1 fir* cxpc<ljcfj ot pointing, &cc. anil the fui plus will be made a pari ol ihc- fund uitcnde< ioi 'the N*' l tonal Univri fity, to ,bc e.e£tt< within the City of Washington. The will commence as fooi as the Tickets are (old, or at all events 01 Monday, > A December next: Tin k moiicv pr>*es will be payable in flirty day ityer it is iintihed, and any prizes /or wiwc| forumatc u -iinbcrs arc not prodn ed wiiim twelve months *fier the drawing ts doled i»r< vo be cduft'lvicd as gVvcn to wards, ifie iUrni foj tne it bring d< tei mined® fettle the tvhdleMyfof&fs in a yeai liom th< pad frig of lb<- drawing and to take up th< bonds given as security. The .rcart feciuities given for the paymei. 1 Pi izCS, AfC hr'.d iwo LmotoTc r nr? «.»f Columbia, ami are valued at more thm half ifefe ahiount o the LoiU i*/. The drawing will be undo the managemmt of 24 gentlemen appro- t d by the coiMtni{li,oiK > r&tor the City oi W*fh; ingtgji, for the 'time being, *Hd i&tng on oath. Samuel Blodget. *«,* Tickets may b<* had at the Bank o! Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Bdlumoic; ol Gideon .Denifon, Savannah ; of Peie* Oilman, Button ; of John Hopkins, Ricit inona : and of Rrchaid Wells, Cooper's feu iv. ~ Aug. 3O COdtf ZTFITr Tc~e. . AT THE New Caflie Pier Lottery Examining and Rtgiflerin* Office, At Mr. SrtMUEL C&AVVtOKD's No 5, north Fror.i street, 2 doors from Arcl rert, are examined and <«*•.* ft fifto# at the following .mode'«t ,eta»^«W-»»r'■■■•'rt •«*••.' L'. ' For e xalnining a f icxEt t-1 W <rf' a pojtoi;. . i . ' " iV . fVr refctft^ing.» '-tyt w.eisiiiew'! > • *.• ••••'••? ..j , J>y:Mtfr pI (Wlanite '* tQ»ny f«Nf tlte Coniinerr\. ■ 'j ALSO TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing;very i'ooit) RegifWred, and the earliest account lent of" thiir I'uccels. N. B. Tne Earliest Intelligence of each Dav's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signed by the Managers tube correct; tlierelorc to be depended oh. Sept. 24 2— attach- Dancing School. V»"m. M'DOUGALL presents his com. pliments to the Public Thanks them for the great encouragement he ha» experi enced these twenty odd years. He will open his School for this Season on Monday the I -jth O&ober, at 10 o'clock in tjit morning, in that large and elegant Safoon in Harmonv street, leading from Third to Fourth street, turning the corner of No. 70, South Third street. His Employers may be allured, the stria order and decorum that has always been oblerved in his School, (hall ftili i.e pur sued—and that their children will be taught in the most approved and mpdfrii stile jjj ot£ —An Evening School for young Gentlemen. Oct. i» nwtf 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,c0 o IOOCO 10,030 JO,OOO jc,O <» s'ooo each, are 1,000 500 JOO * 5° «<5 SfO 19 - 1 o,cco * 10,00'* 10,000 10, COO ID,UOO 20,0f»C 150,040 400,000 K. r -Wr fifes Pbilai!elpbia f Nov. 22, 1794.- The Stockholders of the fiankoi tlte U;-»ted States *'e bcrcby i; Conned that accojdi.'j* tothe Statute ft l-.\- coi portion, a Gencml Election for TWENTY-FIVH DIRECTORS Will he held at the Bank of the L. t.. States, in the C'ty of. P'uiraoelphia, op Monday, the fifth day of January next, at TEN o'clock iu \W Foreroon. An-d puifuaot to the J£levet;t!\ Section of the Bye Laws, ihe Stockholders of the .Yd Bank are hereby notified to aflemble ru geneial nic<?tin&. at the laid place, on Tue d-y the iixth d-iy of January next at FlVEO'clflck in the Evening. By Order, John Kean, . Ct^hicr, Second Article—Not-mofrc" than three-fourths of the Diteftofs: jv Of tec, exclulive- of the Prefid*ut, lhall bt tlie next fucteednifc year : But efre Dir-&or,' Ivtic fhsri'i be Pr«fiilent a t the. time of an election, may alway* be re-*- le£Kd. Nov., 22 John Burge, CONFECTIO HER, JVc. 7, North 'Fourth Street,. ' " RSTUitNS- fiis' ilncercf thartks io bill -Friend* and the pttMir, lor the reVy liber* be b«s rec*»vetf\ ii* tlie hijs piolefljon, since bis commenie-. n\eui in Ilili city. . Hfcfefpfc'ftfolly'irSlwTts a tmuinuance &r their'faVtonrs, *fld affares them that no-' I'lliWg/hatl b» Wanting dn his [>art to ren cier fatisf»<ftiofl., , He has bow 01} hand, and for Sale a GENERAL AJfortmeni of ConfcEllonary % Among wtojch are the following ARTICLES: j JPine Apples,pre'c/v«d, whoie' and Jlic pdj'Peait, &c. preftrved, ftaf- Iser.vy and, BWkberrY jam, ituiberrj' 'ai'd 1 Ciiprlwt J&llies, Prach Mann lariej at>d a gie«f variety nf othef a 11h<es At.V . jf. •>.!(■■■ <• ■ . ,r,'! SORT SHELL'D JLMONDS By the Mag o.r Smaller Ouart'.ty. Nov. 4 2uw4w ■ BOOK S, PRINTED C J PUBLISHED By iViatiiew Carey I Xo. J18", Mar he t Street, H i. Charlotte, a tale of truth By Mrs Ko'm/oj h of the New-Tbcatre Philadelphia. ■ second American edition —Price 75 cent! tliis iirftrefting novel, in a few months is the belt proof of its merit.] Extraa from ihe Critical Review, April i> /- 468- It ma'vbe a lal< of truth, Uir it is not up- CI) iriotte by the m tifite <if a teacher, re :<>ini))endedto a school from 1' unianitv ra il-, er than a convidfjor. of her integrity of iced JMwihe governess, and ac companies i young officer to America—The marriage nul Charlotte dies a martyr to the incon 1, irnd,—The fixations are art!e:'s ar.d at r fti'if.'- —the dele: vtions natural and pa thctic ; we should feel for Charlone il ("uch , peiion ever cx-flfd, who for one ' eiror, nillmient. If it is a fiction, poetic JulV.ce j. The Inquiiitoi*—l>v Mrs. Kosvton, Se conrl Philadelphia edition. Sy-J- cent' 3. Advflnturesof Roderic Raudim. 2 vols , dollar ano cents, coirfe paper—l d'ollira>,d 7J cents, fine: I. N'otesonthe slate of Virginia—bv Tho ilo.llar and a half. 5. Hiftorv ot'tlie Front h Revolution, from itscoim.r?ircement to the death ol the Oireetr arut tie ex.cution of brilfot. ExTItACT FROM '"'t PREFACF their title the epithet Imfu.tml; and'tlu reaf'on is, b< caul'e ttiev cami.it char jjjp them. - ves wit* teeing the fmallelt bias to am pjrtv, but that ot truth and Ithrrty ; an. will find nt only evci V pff'tfuhtftiUc# fairl; wiioer er were tin author-, nr actors, ma-k ;d in its proper cok»i». Ii it was nrirlTii' p'es, rliev would fa , thev a»e neither ror; lifli wltigs, and execrate every criminal as Jifi;raced. "In the pr-efen; ferment of the pnbfc nitn 1 , they car.r.nt flatter thc-infWves wiri he 6f feemg this claim nniverfal); ck.i,o-,vledged. On iUe ivotrary, thc\ *r r 5 [Whole No. 704 ] rt'£// tjfur.-d that tirtjt pages nii'l not fit acctpfcHc c ill iraiM 1J t:t\ir party But w:irn time 'liii'i dilil; a;e the clou.'s of political dtcep tim , th<?y « it!> f( j.u* c nfidci te cx| eft that ver. ft pi.biic op:i;im:, »li c!i cai.cior n odprfliiiMi ftfxirnt #">*) to 't«:t ive hliT r. .1 <- r FROM 7BE CJITKH H BVIEW , -jAKurtsr, I7sl<—f»fe« S«. We hat ? cei j dcnVeJ tniuii t»fcs«- Airr, ini acquirnl V the pe>n!»f .it tl.ei'e vuiatrtf JwpjT the«', both for iiutW* '•ni (tyre, fwthy tie nt'tent 011 Gf al!»rho ii tereft tbunfclv'es Uj i'V tits wTi'.cfi lmve l« jaftly rxcitjtfV tjie curiosity and aftoniftinieot of mai>lH»".d." 5. Piuwdens history of British empire from May 1792, to Do eroticr 1793- \ [ dollar anH a quattei*. [Thisls as tirfar cftinjaii - yaiunlil# a publication as bad appeared for in a" y years ] 7. I>eattie'«: K\ -ren's of Moral Scicnce. 2 vols. One dolkir and three quarters S Ladies Library. Second A rite .lie an edition. 87 \ cents. Containing— 14Wi Eflitys ; Dr. Gregory's .gacy to his Daught'i*; Lady lVvn»*g tons r.nfottura e mother's advice to . bef Daughters: Maicfwnefs de Lambert'! Advice o'Fa mother tohcr daughter, Mrs Ghapone's Letter on the government of the temper ; Swift'-, Letter to a Young Lady newly married ; Moore's Fables lor the Frmale Sex 9- Journal dwant iiivSejOurcn France de pui- le commencement d'.iout jutquV midiDeceinbre; auqueleft ajoutc un rtcit desevenemens les plus 1 ema' quables qui nnt;eu lieu a Paris, dipuis eette epoque, jufqu'a la mort du roi de France. BOiird, 2 l-a tlollais—fewed, 2 dollars. 10. Kdivard's treatise on the relig-i/ns af rcflions. Coarie paper, a dollai—fine, a dollar and a half. 11. Rights of'VVoman—by Mrs. Wolfton Ciaft. A dollar. 12. Willifon's Sacramental Meditations.— 6o cents. 13 Banyan's Holy War, mads by Sl adilai tutb& r t6j, a pan ft D abojus. 14. Short account of Algiers. Second edi tion, enlarged— 25 cevXt. Corta'iiing—A cle:cr*ption rf th&t criun* rr«— of ihe manneis and cufioms<>f Hie jn -1 habitants,—-aud of iheirfeve• al w; u againll ;Spain, Frame, England, Hollard. Vemce, [and other powers of feiiropc—frefh tic 1:- [furpation ofßa.'baioiTa and the invaf.on of [Charles V. to rhe piefent time —With a j < onC'Tc view of the origin of the war be . tweeo Algers and the TJrWd States. FmbelHftud with a map of harbary. com prehending Morocco, Fez, Tupir., a d Tripoly. To the prrfent edit'en is added a ve*Y copious index, containing lc.trcrr tVoin 'fTTicT/y Turner lean prifttners in A'gicsto t'le-r iV'emic l« tl-.r United Statqj.— a lift of the vcflcls takei—and reTy lllicm i>ig articles not n the fiifl edition. 15 Blair't Lffiurri on Rhetoric and B^llc» Le'ters Three d®!Uis 33 ccms. 16. Smith's Letter* to Mai rn d Wonieq, on i.using and the of children. 62 i-7 cents. 17. American Farmer's letters. 3o cems. 18. Young Miftes Mag-zinc. rfvols, 1 dol lar 33 cents. Coniaining—Eclogues between a Gover ned and (evtral Young Ladies ol Quality • her fcholars.—ln which each Lady is mad# * e- * • • i o (peak according to her particular genius, temper and inclination —Their feveraT faults, are pointed out , and the rafy way to amend tht-rtij as well as to think, and fptak, and aft p-c p"' ly ; no less caie being token i<> (orm their hearts to goodoefs, than to tn iigfiteh their under {landings witli uftful knowledge. A filort and clear abridgment is -atfo'given of iaered and prolsknc Hllory, pnd fo|me lefTons in Geography. 7he ufrfu.l is |)l<-nded throughout with the the whole being interspersed with proper ic» flexions and moral Tales. iq. Duncan's Eh-menta of l ogic. 8-3 cent* 20. M'Fingal, an epic poem. 3 1-2 c? nts. i\. Tench Coxe'l examinai lon o! Lord She** field's observations. 62 1 2 cents, it: ladus' Fiicnd. 37 1-2 ctrrs. 23. Small's hillory ol i\ T cv, Yotk, from its difcoveryio 1732. 1 dollar 25 cents. I Complete Atlas for thepirfom con taining maps of France, Holland, Nether* Spam, Italy, and the Well-Indies. 2 dollars. 85, Conrt nut tons of the United Stares, with the Federal Confotution- 62 1-2 cents. 16. Pc\ • ou's Grammar f©» Fienchmen to leant fcnghfo. 50 cents. 17. Epiftcti Enchnidion. 31 ccnts. >8. Gay's 1-ables. 31 ccn's. >9. Chrifttan Economy . ?s»cents. 30. Chaitns of Melody, a cuoice collision of &Mlg?. 25 cents. |l f American Mufcum, 12 vols, Bvo. Nine# tccndoliar.i and 20 cents. " Th" American MuUum is not only emi. i«nt!v c i< dated to diffeinmate p':l v ;ireal and >ther valuable informant n, hi:t it I a.> bte»>. inilormly condu£ted with :;»U« . at If ni &i MOpiiety. If to these important ofc>jt£U be uperadded the more iiVtmediate d< ligu, of public dacumC ms 11 out oblivion, I tftlk vCruu>e to pronounce, my icntimfn', hat a mote uicltH litefaiy pl*n has nev<fr »een undertaken in America, nor One mote lelerving of pub l.c si:; out,PHKr.r." Gciu i,.i \V *fn .ngton. >3. Poems of Col. e) f( . 37ft crents. 14. Cnterhifm ot Man. 18 1-2 cuiis. \'c. Tm jells. 18 1-2 cei.ts 16. Ct 1 v's acroiiiu. of the Yellow edifon. 50 cent;. 17 . Devout Chrirttan s Vide Mccum. c, cr m s. 8. Ga.den of thf Soul. 50 cents. 19. Think well on't. 50 cents. Dou..y liiblc. Nov. 29 «oJi $ V 1 v - '"*r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers