... ; • . " Mountford, Biorca tf Go* PRINTERS, No. 75, Dock-stuit, near Tmiko SrkiMT, Hk\~& cammeoced Bufmefi and solicit Encouragement from their Friends and the Public. Tne) have la dia a com* tiett im AfTortment of Ttpss, Imported this Fall from Europe, which puts it in their power to do the Various kinds of Printing, With Nz a traits and Elegance. Tbty have TiHewife the grealeji Variety of Card-Borders Ever imported ito thM country, of tlie mod beautii'ulmoulds.Gentlemen avinj Cardjof any kind to print,may fui the tit le I pes bylooking at the Specimens which ara to be seen it their Office. Blanks, Circular Letters, Hand Bills. Ship Advenife «ti,&C» cxccutid with a becoming at the jh'ortcft :i >ttC£. Dec. 2 5 T _ Ticklenburgs, Ozriaburgs, an:l Glass Ware, Landing from 09 board the Jhip I egg}-, from Anifterdam. ALSO, Coffee of prirri<2 Quality In hogsheads and tierces, Mul'covado Sugars In hogsheads, German Stedj ASSORTED WOOLtENS, In small Bales, &c. for fate by Rundle &f Murgatroyd^ N(S. ii, Walnut ltrect wharf. Who want to purchase 30a or 400 Casks Good Flaicfeed. Nov. 11 gtawtf , To all who it may concern. TAKE notice, that agreeable to an oi lhe late Sefllon of Conjrefs. I mean to app'y at the Treasury of the United States lor the retiowahif the fallowing Continen tal LianOlJce' Certificate, deftioyed and Joft at my Lodging'; in the city of Phila delphia, inthe yeai 179' No, 1607, dated April i 3, i779> for 4°° Dollars, , Issued in the Delaware State t» 'he Sub fcriher then refi.Jent at New-Cnftle, coun tersigned Samuel P iterfon, C. L ](). where on were iudorfements for intcreft paid up to the last of December 1/82, maile by the said Continental Loan Officer. George Read. LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyeri and the Henry and Cbarles f from Hamburgh. HEMP, P-terj ■gb's TIN, In plates, do. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, German affbrted GLASS TUMBLERS, aud Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, IFindow Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, ej fe. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d Sugars for sale. Sixteen Hogftieads, Nineteen Tierces, Nine Barrel', On which tbe Drawback may be obtained. AfPLY TO John C/axton, 0 n John Clark. ec. 1 Thomas M'Euen, Sttock and Land Broker, No. 78, CHESNtfT-STIEEt, INFORMS his Friend; that during hit ebfience from Philadelphia (on the Weftera Expedition) hi* Boftnefs will-be carried on at hi« OfSce as ofual, by tit. Thomas where Orders in hi* jjjue will be thankfully received, and every Attention paid to them. OA. io Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fubferibets in Wiod'jurv, Gloucester County, New-Jer fer, on Sunday morning the i Ith instant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and l'om, each about 20 years of age } Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look; Tom is of an op*n counte nance, of a yeltowifh coleur, and mack disposed to laugh. They are sprightly active fellows, and bwt Tittle fliori of fix leet high } th«y w<-r« both well drefled } Jack had on a blue bioadcleth coat and different kinds of clothes. Whoever takes np fa id fcrvant?, and ifecnres them' in any goal in the United States, fothat their nrafters may get them (hall receive the above reward and reafoiublavxperice^. 'John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. 2l\»t f ©ft. 14 A It D GIN in pipes. Now Landing from on board the (hip Peggy, John Elliott mailer, from Amsterdam. ■Also Imparted bj tbn tan Arrhreht JtulTiii Henij), fiMl qualilf Biflo Sail Duck Ditto Rav*ni Du6k Br«wu RalTu Sheeting Ticklrnburgs Omabnfas Brown Flanders Sheetinfcj hessians and Brown Rolls Cntton Stripes *nd Checlw Flanders BcHncks Holland Sail Duck Seine Twine Dutch Coats Gin in cases' Madder Wmdow-Glafi, 8 by Jefnitt Bark Opium. A'Jato^tida German Siecl Mill a id trots-cut SaWs Hoes and Cut'nig Knirej Sythft quality, paient, second and plain Do. yieguntly engraved & plain Gilt Watches j alio ornamented and plain chamber and eight day clocks,— 11 which they will dispose of on the mo# rea sonable terms, either wholi-'ale or As they have been iftahttfartfl'iHi under the immediate direQiert of Robet Leslie, who hai engaged some of the bed Ait its in London, the Public may be allured. thai no perfonv in ihe United State ; can 1" rv 1 them On better tenns; as the'perfiinat at> tendance of Robert Leslie, witi enable hiii to guardagainft the iinpolitions, ufiial a inongft Workmen, when maoufaftu jig fur exportation, and can engage for the exe cution of any order with W'lich tliey befavo ec), as no veXel fro.n London either Philadelphia, New York, or Balti more, will arrive, without adding to theic • ~-L Dec. 3 Stock Brokers Officc, No. t6* WaW-fi reel, New-York r TpHESubscriber ihtcfthia, or perkhpft, in a - if the Uilitec States; and contains, JxOiies, A Compicjt Cai ndar y OR ALMANACK., for "ic Via* 1795. Luis of tlie Ofji ers of t he American t*o vernment, CiviJ *1 c* Mii'tary. The tfcririi of the Federal Circuit&DiH :ri£t Courts. 7heLatitudesar.fi Longitude* frorn~he Meridian of Philai nhia, of all the Capi. *1 Cities in the Union. The dates of the periods wh«n each of was firft fettled- "Their refpcers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in »ch square mite—and a brief S'ate of heir relative progreTs in Population; to jether with various other Article* of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Frontis piece, Title ftagfy and twelve VJG so ETTES, alluding to scenes in Tbomp fon't Seafms, engraved by the mojl ing niout Artifls in the City. N«v ■ li FOR SALE BY GILL HENSHAW, jW#. 12% 9 South Water Street, CLARET in cases >9 Madeira, Sherry, and Liibon Wi >e« Philadelphia Porte rvMbbfct to;, so- expor tation at the (hoit ft notice, or for pri vate taiiiiliei and tavern keeperi, deliver, ed m aay part of the town. ALSO, affartmtnt of 5-4 and 6-4 American manufactured Bolt- ing Cloths, Which will be warranted cq«»l to an importM, for the r£fpeftive pu- poses le quired—«} bat already been fiitfnd 011 tria A Liberal Allowance to Wholesale deal ers. ' ' A Comphat Set of Grocer's Cannifters tOK SALE. I Nov. as OF THI o 7 3taw4w eodtf just Arrived, And -will be landed to-morrow moraine at Hioilton's wharf# the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain Hvlander, from Havanna, consisting or -85 hhds. jMolafTps, J Of fupf'wr full quality. > 106 Boxe/and Barrel* White & brown Sugar ,ASS>\.O A Pared of &x-Hides • rot JALE B? ■' Peter Blight. A L $0, ... ..... A PARCEL OJ , -■ COFFEE, Juit arrived in tfie Hiberni*, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. 33 d ' Jaiies '• • "-,:'P : '■"■■ ■■•-• -Ho* Jv*s«»oiii fouitilfe"^s*«r^.:j' 1 Returns his %r&tel'i}V •• o hi*: si fewts ar,t}x6e ]>ablic C#r ;a! sod'begi i«! «afufty Vfi (Vlielt a tjpi* yavpl'"-' '£*" ~ vit'fcis Shop Genrlemt'; c«r «f VarnPS^, ■ witv tliS best and hsr»- up and fiuiflisd ititlur v fafiiionatte tnan«er. . . ,; ■ HrwiTT th««kfu!ly r«ce'>TC ftMers & pay and pun&jni affJitaiv> Shftin. , ) ,■-• : •.* •■».' -_■ , Otl:. 2J : Scheme of a Lottery,; ifl ra-ife 39,900 Dollar(, on J06,000 Dollar s J)causing 15 per Lint, from the prizes-— 1 f/iu Lottery confifls 0/ 38,000 Tickets ? in ti'fiich there are 14,5.31 Prizes, akd eg,4.61 Blanks, being about one and an halj bUxks td a prize. I THE Dire&orsof the Socicty foreftablifh mg Ufcful Manufacture*, ftavtog resolv ed to ttca LO'FTER (ES for railing- On.* : HUNDRED Thousand DOLLAR R, agreeably toan Aft of the Lcgiflature of the Stnit of New-Jerfcy, have appointed th« following person* to superintend aivd dire£t,the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Jluius King, Herman he Roy, James Wat lon,' Richard Hai t ifon, Abijaii Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Thomas Willing, Jooo 10.000 2, ceo 10,00 c l c io,oop tOyOOO 30,000 26,000 81,000 r a 5 i© j,ooo 20 ICO 300 10Q« SOOO gOOO 8100 fiOQ ] 00 5° no ! 5 12 1° 1 4>559 43,461 Blanks. First a,ooo Li»Mdr4V,ajniiniber, fi;ooo 83000 Tickets at 7* Dollars each ia a66,0c0 .The drawing will xommmcC, under th£ infpc£Kle 'fecufity lot d)fch*rg\nff the tn4 ; r.fcd in them. j(£3* In order to fecurc the pnudual p«>- menf oi the Prircs, the Superintendent* oj the Lottery have dirrfled that the Manager# h emcr-jpto bonds- in 4c, 000 dollars, with fur fufficient fecnriti -a,to perform their 1 nftrunions, the fubllancc of Which is I. That whenever either ot the Managers ; fhail receive thefnnjqf Thr«Hundud Dol lars. he (hall immdiaiely plairihc fame in one of the Banks of New-York or PhiladeJ. ' phia, to the ci edit of rhe Governor of the Society, fijeh of the Superintend ants as in the city where the monies are placed, ttt remain thereuntil the Lottery is draw-n, for the payirunt~of the Priirt. 11. The to take fufficient se curity for any Ticket* they may triitt, olher wife to be refponiible lor ihrm. 111. To keep regular bocks of Tickm fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, -afc>ft.ra£h of which frail be sent, noi)fhly, io the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January x, 1794. Pn application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24 RT WINE. • A -choice parcel of Full Belied Old Red Port Wine, Thi* day arrived, by the Snow Trusty, Captain Cook, front Oporto, For Sdh b\- PETER BLIGHT. Also by"the fame Snow;* jcfoo Buflids St. Übes Salt. Oft. 29. •WUKam W. Woodwai' *R 1 T£ ft HAS removed h„ Printing.Qfi: No. 4', Cbefnut street L., 0 " H " d - *?•/• f»ur door* tv' oni of Second-street, south fide n„. * file where,th« Printing on a ufuai; hi, whole Tutni ' ta that occupation. Ord"^'" 4 any partj>f this state, or thee™,! will> executed, and authors ma? n>, V, ! r a^ WOrk they ma > fiWoU tor, Psri, .£«o», L. L. D. a, the Zu I mentioned ;oftce, i„ French undE„ Rl , fl ) winch publtca'ion bai received thejar, f * art of fom*of the mod diftinguilhed c . ' rji ers io America, and whose nan*, , pu ü blifl,ed ' a,d try St two. fir ft number] to the flibfirit*,, ' j C'*c*Mar Letters tin k' CaifU, Handbills, &c. &;e. continue tt. \1 .executed with the uiual dispatch. NoV -cod v w. John Miller, jun. y, Cums&vt near Fk9NT Street, Hath Imported in the late VelTels' A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WOOLLENS, •yITAIi.I TO THE t£ ASON. ALSO, (*Y THE PACKACt,) HATTS . H rt V, 20 2aw3w Dijiant Subfcribcrs For tiii; Gatette, are hereby refpeftful iy tequefted 10 pay up their Stipfcrlpti».u to ilie firft of January next. The Eili»ot «*ill be under tlie 11 ™* : vuuflittrnig t'ipfe whfl do not" then renew their'Sub j&rijition by paying Six Monthi in A - vance, as declining to take the Papet any longer. At there is a confiderab'e Sum due fidm remote Subscribers for tbejate TiaU We< k ly Papei* publilhed by the Editor, he most &ar;ieftly requests tbpfe win. may be deli quent, yj take th* earliell opportunity of remithim live balance they may ret be indebted —the sums aie hrfl. vidunlly trifling—the want of the Ajgra. felt. To the Public. 2avtf ; f i6i,oop A SUBSCRIPTIOH Is opened for Printing tb« Theological Writings Emanuel Swedenbourg, it Frnnc'ts brtilty'i book Jlore, A«. Ilti Market Philadtlphia, WHEN a I'liflk'icnt fubfcrip:ion <»kfi ilacei a inciting will be advertised to t«n> •der the inoft eligible mode sos c'.ndufrir* he print ing of fotji of the Work? as fl"»" k thought to be of the utility u» he fir ft inftanee. Tbc following Treatises may he now bad at Mr. Bailey's : the Doarine of Life, or the Spirit ml fenfo of the Ten Commandment'. The fejiivcrfal Theology ; vrfcich was ' retold fj L»rd in Daniei, cfcap. 7, v. 5, >?> »4« and in the Apocalypfe> chup. 2J» *» 2 » /i futnitiary View of the Heaven y Doc trines of the New Jerulaiem Uiu r c!i. As various optnioi « hare hoe" tertained relpefmg thcie ivtaluib-'f 0 -nV and yet no perfor. by rational a-yum">; has been able to refute them, I ut inihac! r c ' of, iuvidious cVlujnnifS and gioord»'»' r * port'*, have beeir prop?g- nts to diffredjt the hoßPjKablea>d eni^' 1 ' Author, a# well a. his Work'.. not the capo id and flncere Minuets < Truths of the hishefti.rpovl.rte, vy e* rioufl- examine tliofb for ' cRr V I/ J; ' lin which it is t *bu hopfr<, thct i puriiiit and hrre of the Truth 1 * of t r native exrelienc- ard vft fl . regard theroas'J tv jtittb de-«> the end receive both profit an<» ' Burlington Pork. fn&Jtf - ... 1' .1, ' •"A ■ qcA*rtTT tfr r" ' .' Belt B^rli^.og^Por^:' .'i V • .- Levi HoHingfwqrtK & v o * 1 o«. ji * _ *