Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 06, 1794, Image 3

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    i>t" the Hoop# engaged in their refpeftive
for the winter dcfence, eomprc
•teitdin'g arms and every other article be
longing to the public in their pofFoi.
With deep r«gret the commander in
ehief announces the death of Major
Watkins, of the Maryland line, and
lieut. Jones, of the Virginia line, both
•f whom in their several Rations, ably
gnd honorably discharged their duties
to their memory we will pay the high
est tribute of refpeftful condolence
they must be buried with the honors of
w;ir, and attended to the grave confor
mably to their rank—This last hymage
of profound refpeft, the commander
in chief presents to their manes as the
highest testimony, he can give of his
fcnfe of the merit of fellow soldiers,
who fell victims to the toils and fuffer
ing, to which the virtuous army under
his command-was unavoidably fubje&ed,
in the course of a campaign undertaken
to stop the progress of anarchy, and
to perpetuate to their fellow citizens
the ineftimahJe blessings of order and
good government.
November 21.
The commander in chief has direct
ed me, in the most public manner, to
declare his surprise and mortification,
in difcovcring that some of then ~
ft rates with whom hare been depouted
books for the pur pole of enabling the
citizens of this diitri<£t to manifelt their
attachment to their government, by
taking tlie oath of allegiance, and sub
scribing an affectation, as recommend
ed in his address of the Bth instant,
have afliimed the priviledge of anpex
ing fees to their agency. This conduct
ia so repugnant to the system he has
ftreno.ifly endeavoured to establish, as
well as so opposite to that spirit of af
fection and kindness, which he is anxi
ous to inculcate and diffii.e among the
inhabitants, that he feels himfelf obli
gated at oncc to flop the practice, and
hereby requires all magistrates who will
not officiate without fee or reward, to
return the booklin their pofleflion, that
they may be otherwise placed.
Should ahy monies be oeceflaiily ex
pended in printing the certificates to be
given by them to the people who may
comply with his recommendation, he
conliders himfelf answerable for it, and
will, on produ&ion of the accounts,
discharge the fame.
Dep. Adjt. Gen.
i" ""ify 1 i ii|| " ''i
If the ftite of things in Great Britain Is
to he judged of ftoam the reprefentailons
of fonie of the London papers, they are a
m-ut nnferably diitradted divided pec -
pie—not the fuccefil-s of their Own fleets
and armies are fubje<£ls of congratulation,
bat those of their enemies.
In the United States alfa,there are newf
|>apers which perpetually exhibit the Go
vernment ps this country in the roost de
testable colours—if foreign Countries had
only such mediums of information respec
ting us, they would Ihrink from a view of
'*< firft fair experiment to promote the
of nail by a representative go
By the (loop New-York packet,
Capt. Bdl, at rived hers yetterday, in
17 days from Guadaloupe, wc have the
following intelligence—That the French
•Jiave conquered every part of the island
except Fort Charles, near the town of
BafTeterre, which the Britifti comman
der offered to surrender on condition
that the French aristocrats in the gar
rison fhouldbe spared their lives, which
the republicans refufed, and vere about
\ storming the fort when captain Bell fai
led ; that upon the taking ofßaffeterre
the British frigates and merchantmen
flipt their cables 1 and were towed out tp
| ea > —and that a sloop of war arrived
in 30 days from France, infotming that
fix fail of the line, with several thousand
troops were coming out to reinforce
the French general whose force already
amounted to upwards of 10,000 and
kro't orders for all the French privateers
to be taken into the service of the Re
Walking Stewart, who is famous
for writing books that few read, and
none c?n understand, has been, to no
effect, some time giving his advice :o
lnhis " Tocsin of Great Britain, "he
recommends the confederate powers to
itfue a manifedo, of which the follow
ing paragraph is a fpecimcn ; but
which we apprehend, even the French
with all their extravagance and occafi
enal obfeurity, would be apt to suppose
proceeded .from the man in the moon.
!'|n the sacred namecf-univerfal goed
• enlightened by th« Intelligence of pro
' greflive trutfc, fpnfil.le that all modes
' of being are co-cxiftcnt and to -eflcnti
' al parts of our great i .icgtr, whipfe
' energies opeiate in their tefpeftive
• spheres, communicable in motival
4 dire&ion rendering thereby every
4 sphere the final and independent di
' rector of its own tollefti»e energies
' produce the greatefl quantity of
' good to felf and nature in time and
' eternity, measured by and related
' to the circumferences of its own orbit
• we the potentates of Europe, looting
• upon ourlelves as the central and pro
' testing energy of the fenlitive sphere
' of existence, by this manifefto make
' kown the purity of our intentions,
' and the expansions of our cpnfcience/
4 enlightened by the knowledge of it
« felf, See. See-
December 5 th, 1794.
The President of the Ugited States has
inftruifled me to transmit to your Excel
lency the enclofrrl Refotve, containing the
unanimous thanks of the Hoyfe of Repre
ftntatives to ihe Militia in aitual Service
for the fuppreffiori of the late infurreilion.
Tin Prelijent have been personally a
witnelf ur the military merits of.the embo
•c; .i.iitia, experience the highest gratifi
cati in communicating this honorable
app!o'oation,tbe moll precious recompence
that could be offered to enlightened free
men. It his devout hope fhat the militia
of the United States may ever f>e found to
be faithful and invincible protestors and
vindicators of the great principle of Law
and Liberty. t
The citizens of America fixing iniheir
mind as an indlieble truth that obedience
to the laws, and the dVfence of,their
country, arefacredand indispensable. du
ties, will render its freedom and
The President embraces cordially the
present occasion to tender your. Excellency
thanks foryour|zealous& powerful co-oper
ation in the fupprefliou of the late infur
re<stion, as Well for your exertions in cal
ling out the militia, as for your fevices in
the field.
I have the honor to be,
With great refpeift,
Your Excellency's moll
obd't i'ervant,
H. KNOX, Secretary
of War.
Hi» fixelleney Governor Mifflin.
| intent ion, no doubt, was robbery. He
HOUSE OFV;,hVSENTATIVES/ iIT/rT' T p .'' eve " tai from f f eai "K
i uisdefign, by alarming one of the per
| .H'< December 4. sons in forcing the door, who luckily
Resolved unanimously, that the ihanks happened to be awake, and who imme
of this house be given to the gallant of- j <4 '' aU ''y .house—They flew
ficers and privates of the uniUiia of the « *" the
J (latcs of New-Jersey, Pemifylvania, Ma- j out » a "d ' Aw a wan crofiiug the
ryland and Virginia, who on the late , ft rcet from the door, which he had real
call of the Preliderit, rallied round the C P C,H '<I- order to watch his mo
ftandard of the laws, and in the prompt t-ions, the perfonsiff the house remained
and severe services which they encoun- silently concealed. He, after about five
tered, bore the most illullrious teftimo- m ' r)Utes > supposing he had occasioned no
ny to the value of the conftituti'on, and a ' arm > returned, entered the door, and
the blcflings of internal peace and order j opened his dark, lantern, whfch enabled
and that the President be requested to to ee They agafn ran to
communicate the above vote of thanks t ' le window, and alarmed the neigh
in such manner as he may judge most hours with the cry of fire. The robber
acceptably to the patriotic citizens who extinguished his light, and made his ef
are its objedls. cape, without taking any thing. The
Attest, conjedture was, that he must have had
(Signed) JOHN BECKLEY, accomplices, who, had it not been for a
Clerk. providential circumstance, would, in all
True Copy probability, have ruined the industrious
Origin l,ofl hie in > 1 1 r • 1r r ■ r
the War-Office $ and defervnig If such cortfequences
inHTj sTinr • c be evade ° b y tl, e vigilance of our
Chi f CI- 'i c ' t s r watch, it is a pity some measures
J y Lr ' were not put in force, that would tend
to prevent the repetition of such villain
ous attempts.
*** TheExprefs from the Office of
the of State to the Militia army
is difcontiHued.
By this Day's Mail.
NORFOLK, November 26.
At a numerous and respectable Meeting
of the Inhabitants of Norfolk, held
at Mr. Lindfay's room,the 24th,inft.
James Ramsay, Esq. Mayor, in the
RESOLVED unanimously, That it
is the opinion of this meeting, that
Land, as well as other Property, ought
to be fubjeft to the Payment oj Debts;
and that our Dfclegate be dire&ed to
vote for the famet and use his influence
to accompli fh the end ; and that the
Chairman transmit the said resolution to
him immediately.
Thomas Willock, Secretary.
BALTIMORE, December 4.
A band of patriots arrived yeftcrday
in town, from their glorious and blood
less campaign. They were welcomed
from the rugged mountains of the weft,
to the arms of peace, by their fellow
citizens, with the mofl lively emotions
of joy and gratitude. Their voluntary
and meritorious fuffcrrngs in the
caufc of tlieir sonllifutioa and country,
njuft reftder tlie nam;'of a Stcdder and
his brave company of Fell's Point Ar
tillery, ever grateful to "heir fellow-ci
tizens of Baltimore. May fu.'h an i!-
luftrious example of heroic virtue and
patriotifin, creste in the breads of Ame
ricans, a virtuous zeal to face the hard
ships of a campaigu, and, in preserving
their rights from violence, " defervc
well of their country."
KNOXVILLE, November l
We learn from Georgia, that General
Irvine, by order of Governor Mathews,
hat removed General Clark and his law
less party from off the Indian lands south
of the Oconee river, and burnt the block
houfc and other buildings which he had
ALBANY, Nov. t;
We are informed, has terminated
much to the fatisfaftton of the Commif
fionerof 'thie United States, and of the
Six nations of Indians, who have relin
quished all right and title to the Prcf
qu' I lie-Territory and a tract of land
four miles wide, from Johnftori's land
ing to fort Slahfer including the fort of
Niagara, and also granted to the United
States the right of palling and repafling
through their country.
ExtraS of a letter from a" gmtlemam at
Richmond to ahether in thit town, da
ted Nov. 23.
j '• In the cSnvafa which took place for
the chief magifttate's office, a mifundet
ftandmg arose between Lieutenant-Go
vernor Wood and Mr. Madison, of Bo
tetourt; a challenge was given by Mr.
Madison and accepted by Mr. Wood,
and on Thursday a fhnt was fired by
which no damage was done, except Mr.
Wood's hand being hurt'by. his own
pistol. They flood only 8 paces apart;
thefeconds (-Steel'and Pre Hon) inter
fered and fettled the dispute to the fa
tisfa&ion of both parties, without a fe
co'nd fare."
&EW-YORK, December 4.
Monday morning lad, about two
o'clock, the door of a dry good shop,
the corner 6f William and Ann-ltreels,
was forced open by some villain, whose
Brig Hope, Williams, Wilmington.
Eliza, Jacfcways, St. Croix.
Julia, Seymore, Sr. Bartholomew.
Sloop Apollo, Robinson, Savannah.
Capt. Greaton, of the schooner Sal
ly, arrived from St. Ann's, Guada
loupe, which place he left the 18th
November, informs us, that the day
before, failed from that place, the fliip
Sally, Portland, Seth Stone, master;
brig Rebecca, of Cape Ann, Joseph
Foftet, master; and brig Three Friends
Soloman Aylen, master, all for Boston.'
Capt. Greaton spoke, in lat. 37, lon.
74, the schooner Ursula, of Baltimore,
from Port au-Prince,out 22 days, who
the r.ight before, (Nov. 28) took from
off the wreck of the (hip Ann, of Nor
folk, Charles Makan, the master, and
all the crew, (he being struck by a
whale, who knocked off her forefoot.
She went down the fame evening.
Capt. Greaton saw at St. Ann's,
Capt. T. Miunick, of the (hip Eupra
fia, of Baltimore, who arrived at St.
Bartholomews, after a paflage of 22
The state of Georgia have f hofen a
Convention to revise their Constitution.
N. B. It has been revised fine: the for
mation «f the federal goreinmf^t.
Trom tlje Eagle,
A Parody ait Pope'* udc to
HAPPY the man, who free as air.
By nuptial ties up longer bound,
With dearellwife lays every care
Low underground.'
Who herds with fops, lips tea with
to»4ls ;
Airy, at)d gay, in his attire;
Wbofe pride, in age, and wintei's
Can yield him fire.
Blest, who can r.rtcnni ern'dly find
Days, hours, and years; glide fofi
Who jelres, and laughs: with vacant
Though ha:rs grow grey
No deep by night—dancing and diink
Together mixt, sweet recreation !
And making love, which witlings think
Gives reputation.
l'hus let me live,thus dance throughlife,
Thus, unroniie£led, let me.die :
Steal trom the world, without a wife
December 8..
Will be Presented,
The T R A G £ D Y of
O R,
A Plot Discovered.
Duke of Ve»ice, Mr. Morris
Priuli, Mr, WJiitlock
Pierre, Mr. Chalmers
Jaffier, (firft time ) Mr. Moreton
Renafclt, Mr. Green
Spinofa, Mr Harwood
Bitot, Mr. Cleveland
Thendore, Mr. YVarrel
Belvidera, Mrs. Whitlock
To which will le a titled,
A PANTOMIME called tiie
Birth of Harlequin
The Friendly Witches.
Harlequin, Mt. Francis
Pantaloon, Mr. Green
Miser, Mr. Bliffctt
C lown, Mr. Mibourne
M Mr: te
™ Mr. Marlhall
_d \. itch, (JUifs Broadhui ft
BrirkLiytfiv, Ms (TV* Warr»U, X JKSjail-lu*.
The Vocal Parts by Mr. MaMhall, Mr.
Darley, Mrs. Olilmixon, Mrs. Marftall
Mrs Warrdli Miss Broadhurft, &c.
Maid, Mrs. Cleveland
Columbine, Mrs. De Marque.
To conclude with,
Temple of Liberty.
The Scenery designed and executed by Mr
(The Dance composed by Mr. Francis.)
Box one Dollar—Pitt J of a Dollar—and
Gal'ety J a doiiai.
Tl'edoois will be opened a' a J after five
antl the perfoiniance begin at i alter six
Tickets and places for the Boxes to be
taken of Mr. Wats, at the Theatre,
from Ten'tillone, and on days ofpc (oira
ant« f'om TEN'tillthree A'clock.
Ladies and Gentlemen are reqtiefted to
fend their servants to keep placcs by five
o'clock, and order them, as soon as the
company arc seated, to withdraw, as they
cannot 011 any account be permitted to re
No money or tickets to be returned, nor
any person on any account whatsoever, ad
mitted behind the scenes.
Vivat Refpublica !
For Fredericksburgh,
jofliua Williams, mafler.
FOR freight or pafiage, apply to the
mafler on board at Kola's wharf, or to
Philips, Cramond Co.
Dec. 6
from Europe,
Intending h (hort te in thi< city,
in order to try the fntteis of hi, endeavors
in the txetcile of Im p'irfcflio", informs
the public,thi Ihe poflifl'es the ArtofPaiir.
lfij, •In all its branchei,at>d warrant! liki
:l»fTe>-p-Ef>qui.e at
No. 7ii, north SecondJirett.
Dee. i
Far the Gat.rite of the United Stales-
Mr. Fenmo,
TH.E Democratic Societies have
been of one mind in supporting the'
principles and measures of the • true pa
triots in Congress who have attempted,
to overthrow the corrupt money fyflem,
and to resist the fatal progress of treasu
ry ir.ftrumentality. The resolves of the
clubs bear honorable testimony in fargr
of the wisdom of the famous commer
cial plan. The*have made fomc of the
leaders in that biitinefs honorary mem
bers of their foeiety.
T'.cy have alight therefore to look
for the fpfiired support and protection
oi the republican member* of Congress
who have thus been hoaored by the lo
civties with such peculiar ma.ks ofdii
tindtion. To have abandoned the iti
tercils of the societies 'in the day of
their adverlily and difgrac?, would hav
been equally timid and ungrateful.—
The thanks of the republican societies
will no doubt be given in form to cer
tain gentlemen on their next attendance
with their brethren.
Timothy Matlack is re chosen clerk
of the Senate of this commonwealth—'
the Serjeant at Arms, Door-keepers and
Printers to the Legislature, are the
fame as were appointed by the last Afr
The Governor of this Commonwealth
addrefled both Houses of the Legisla
ture this day.
. >' 1
■Advtrtifement £ xtraordinary.
I WANT to hire a Servant Girl, who
has once eondefcended to do honfe work
Die (hall have a black woman to do the
drudgery, and a white girl of fourteen to
her exprefles to her lover. My
coach (hall be at her call every afternoon
at 5 o'clock—twice in the week Hie may
attend the Amphitheatre, vulgarly called
the Circus. She would he more accepta
ble if file has a taste for Novels, can dance
*ell, and knows the secret characters of
ladies in high life in town. To such a one
generous wages, will be given.—N. B.
A one .need apply that will not engage for
one month, as the ladies, of thtfrefint day
i/v 6 " Ut °^ ten hreak their contrail,
and fnp off, to the great embarmllment
ol their employer. Apply at No. 67
Petticoat Lane. N. York Paper.
Mr. Francis
Charity Sermon will be preaclw
ed on Sunday the feventh'inft. at St.
Mary's, for the benefit of the Poor of
laid Church.
For Kingflon, 'Jamaica,
(To laii in a few days)
Hubbtll, maftcr.
For freight only, apply to '
Philips, Cramvnd Co.
A Quantity of BEST
James River Tobacco,
A ftnu Hhds. of
Kitefoot Tobacco,
Georgia Ditto
500 Barrels
Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfwortb & Son-
Dec. 6 eodiw
Parry & Mufgrave,
Goldftniths, Jewellers and
No. 41, south Second Street,
Have received by the Pigou front) London
an assortment of
Plated japanned ware
Jewellery & Cutlery, viz.
Plated an.l i ipan'd Tsa 1,1 ri>-;
l'l'W »odjai).>u d Pa'em Lamps
Castors anil L qnor
Bies\il anri Fniii Balk 'ts
Jpan'd 'l ea Trays
P a ed f nfiee a d Tea Pots and ca3 ; e»
Dto Cai d;ef!i_ks
A t riety ot elegant and most fashionable
Ear rings
Euan ellM ai d other Bracelets, B'eaft.
pins, and Finger Rings
Thimbles, enamcl'd airil other kirds
Ladies and geitileitien's gold. ti.t. »nJ
steel Watch chain
Gol 1 and gilt Sells and Keys
Stiine and finr (Lei Knee Bnckles, Peu-
Knivcs and fcilfars, with
Variety of other Articles,,
n the above Branches.
■^' c - eod»f
Tne Public are rcfpeflfully informed
that the Subscriptions tor this Gazette arc
daily increafmg in the City—that its cir
culation is extensive, being sent to every
state in the Union—and is probably ex
changed with more Printer: in the diffe
rent States than any ether
thefecircumftances enhance its utility as
an adverting Vehicle.
The generoos patronage which the pub
lication has already received, demands the
Editor's most grateful acknowledgment*
—He solicits a continuation of advertising
favore. From lhefe principally arise the
resources which enable the publisher of a
daily paper ro extend his plan of geseral
cnurtjtinmen; and information,"