Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 06, 1794, Image 1

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[No. i r,2 of Vol. Vl.]
30,000 w»igh< of
Green Coffee,
No'enti<'«t to the Drawback
Holland Gin,
A't a Reduced Price,
ANTIGUA RUM, third and fourth
Fme flavau-ed St. KittJ, Grenada
4nd country, RUM,
COTTON in hales
torr-ati Priure MOLASSES,
Malag-v WINE in quarter calks
Madei' a. Do- in pipii and y. c,afkj
A tew cheftt of very good Hyfan
TCA by t>>* America into N.
York, and
A few barrels of good (at Philadel
phia BEEF, put up by »o ap
proved hand of this city, fit fir
, long,vojrag«V
Levinus Clarkfon,
No. Jl6, faiith Water Street.
aa,ooo Weight of
Entitled to theDr»wl>»ck, in lihdjjbarrclj
~u-- »odtw£%
D c. 4
White Wax Candles,
Of a quality far superior to Spermaceti,
just received from the Alexandrian
Jil.antifadory, and for sale by tbe
Garrett Cottringer,
No. '227 Market-street.
c.r.ber 2. iiw.
At the STORES of
Jeffe & Robert Wain,
POA V. WiNE ill pipe», Khds. and quar
tcr calks t
LISBON pipes And quanere»lk>
Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter
chests i
A quantity of Liftion and Cfti
Velvet CORKS,
Kuflia MATTS.
June 9
from the Ship Adriana Kieran Fit%patr\ck
Majlcr, from Amjlerdam.
Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgh,
White and Brown Linen,
Diaper, fineChetfks,
Bedticks, Hair Ribbon,
Great Coats, boxes Window-GlaJt,
Ditto Tumblers,
Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases,
Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet,
Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt.
Frying Pans, Jonk, Oakum, <cc.
Thomas Ess John Ketland.
October at. d.
Just Arrived,
And ivill be landed to-morrow morning ai
Wharf, the entire cargo efthe brig,
Good Hope, Captain Hodgdon, from Ja
maica, coiijijiing of
High Proof
ts> MLI BY
Peter Blight*
Nov. 19
Brown Ruflia sheeting
J.nportrd in the William Penn, from
for hale bt
Curtis Clay,
No. 57, Hio* Strut.
JiiJl come to Hand y
Anrt to be fold at Nb.6B, Market street,
A New Puzzle of Portraits,
Price 6 Cents.
This Card reprelents two Dfti&Fi
gures, which at firft view have not the
smallest resemblance of the faces designed
to be exhibited; but after a cl» fi?r inspec
tion, the likrnefles appear so ftrik'ng,that
theperfon who views them can hardly f®e
any *hir»g el r e, and is surprised be bad
Dot fwwi-
Wov. 2SJ
The new fact tailing
jST Little Torn,
_ ""-"""""George Webb, maftcr
Burthen about 800 barrels, now Lying
at Stamper's wharf. Fojr terras apply to
the Captain on board, or to
Ellifion Iff John Perot.
NOT. »9 d
For CANTON direst;
JHKu George Barclay,
SHE ftit in all Feoru-
ÜBji ar y (unlels prevented by ice)
for freight out *«d home, apply to
George Meade.
For sale by the Subscriber,
(Whose Compting Hotife and Store will be
removed »n a few Days to the South Side
of Walnut street wharf)
Bill of Exchange Madura, of
the firft Quality,
Six yeir» Old by the Pipe,.
Hogshead ar Quarter Cast,
Excellent Old Sherry, by tlx
Quarter CalV,
Choice Lisbon in Pipet and
Quarter Calks,
A few Cadet Red Lifboft.
About too barrels Beef
100 tierces Rice
A fewboxes Spermaceti Candies
Ijilbon Corks of the firft quality in balei
Joo hoglheads Molasses
A few bo*ei Dowlatfes, Silefias, if.d
A few Pigs Pewter and Bundln Steel
Coffee tec..
Nov. 17
Of a superior quality in boxes of twelve
FOR sale Y
Grubby Mather 1$ Hill.
Nor. 30 d
Now lying at Meflrs. Willing and
FtanCes's whai-ynivthen about 270 tons
Virginia built, well fownd, and fails re
markably fact.
Foe terms apply to Capt. Rudd, on
board, or to
Virginia Tobacco,
Of the infpeciions of Richmond, Pej)
terfturgh and Frederic fburgh.
1600 bushels WHEAT, and
40 barrels PORK,
Dec. 2.
John M'Keever, majler.
BURTHEN 1700 barrels of" flour, jbe i»
in compleat order, and fails fact. For
terms anply to the Captain on board at the
Subfcriber'j wharf, or to
Jofcpb SiniSy
Who has for Sale, just imported in said
Brie from Malaga,
RAISINS of tlieSun, in kegs,
FIGS in ditto
PRUNES in ditto
Mu(catel and Bloom RAIJINS in boxej
and jars,
GRAPES in ditto
ORANGES and LEMONS in boxes
Shell'd ALMO
Castile SOAP, &c. &c.
Dec- 4 d
Gcorgt Gardner, Majltr.
WILL (ail with all conrcnieut fpee—
For freight or paflagt, apply to the matter
on board, iyingVt Maftey's wharf.
Who ha* for /ale,
Spermaceti Candles,
Northern oil, Mackarrl,Salmon, &c.
Dec. 5 ' ißt
Two thousand dollars,
Real Estate iiythe City of Philadelphia
will be pledged as Security. Enquire of
9*» 4
Saturday, 1)f/cemheji 6± .iy^| ; ;ir 'v
For Sale or Charter,
Sallad Oil,
Bottles ;
John Jludtfl, Majler.
Emanuel Walker,
Who hat for Sale,
100 hogsheads
Old Mountain Wine,
City of Waftiingtori:
i A / 20.c00 Doliais, and
dweiling house, J c <«fh 30,000 arc
t ditto 15,000 & cash 25,000
1 ditto 15,060 Sc. cash 15,000
i ditto vC c»jfb to,ooo
\ ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000
1 ditto 5,000 <5k cash 5,000
1 Cast» pr>*e ol
2 ditto 5.000 each, arc
]0 ditto J,OOO
2 o ditto 500
joo ditto io»
2 00 ditto 50
400 ditt* *5
t,ooo di{to 20
15, <>00 ditto 1®
'6,739 P''«»
32*261 Blanks
Wine J.
50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars
This Lottery will afford an e.eganf fyecu
men of the pi ivate buildmgs to bce*c(st d in
the City of Wafhifigton~»TWo beautiful de-
Ggns are already felc &ed for <he entireJronU
on two of the public iquare* ; f : ora .1 tie if
drawings, it is proposed 10 cred two enure
and four corner buildings, at foot* ai'pofl&lt
after this Lottery is fold, and to convey ihem
when complete, to the fortunate a*lventuiers,
in the Blazer described in the (cheme so.i
the Hotel Lottery. A nettdeduction ol five
per cent, wjjl be made to defray rhe neces
sary cxpcnces of panting, Sec. and the for
pliii will he inad ( e a part of tbtfjjid intended
for, the National lijiiverfuy, to be ere&ed
within ihe.Ci.iy of Washington.
£5* THc,drawiijg will commence as soon
as the Tickets are (old, or at all events on
Monday, the 22nd of The
money will be payable in \
after ii is and any -prizes
fortuhate numbers *re not produced
twelve months after thc-iiraWinfc 4
to be confidcird as given towards theflßnJli
for the UniveffitV, it being determined 10
fettle the whole biVfinefk in a year
ending of the drawing and to take up'the,
bonds given asfccuiity.
—me rcai "Tern-*: ■ >■» thg payment
of the Prized are held by*?** - Prcfident and
two of the o! Columbia, and
are valued rnote th;m half lllf amount' of
the Lottery. The drawing will be under
the managi rhent of 24 gentlemen
by the conainiltiorters tor the £iiy oJ VVafh
ington, lor the time betng, and acting on
d jw
* # * Tickets may b? ha'i ot the Bank nf
Columbia ; of Jamts Wist Sc Co. Baltimore;
ot Gideon Denifon, Savannah ; ot Peter
Gilman, fiofton ; of John Hopkins, Rich
mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer-
Aug- 3°
New Castle Pier Lottery
Examining and Rtgijlering Office,
At Mr. samuei. C rawford's No.
75, north From street, 2 doors from Arch
ft reel,
Tickets are examined and
Regifterr by correct numerical ami Re
gister B >oks, at the following moderate
charges) viz.
For examining a UNOLfTicxET i-t6th
of a Dollar.
s>i>r r4f>ifte'ring aSiKGtt ticket 1 —4th
of a Dollar.
And ootice arill. tye fcnt by letter (if
fortunate or unfortunate) t»any part of
the Continent.
A L, I O
/* the City of
Waihington Lottery, No. 2,
(Which will commence drawing yery Toon)
Regift*red, and tbeearfieft accoiintfent
of nSH> fuccel's.
N. B. The Earliest Intelligence of each
Day's drawing will be receivd at this Ot
fice. And the flips thereof will be Signed
by the Managers to be correct; therefore
to be depended on.
Sept. 24 d
Dancing School.
Wm. M'DOUGALL presents his com
pliments to the Public —T hanks them for
the great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty odd years. He will
open his School for this Season on Monday
the 13th October, at 10 o'clock in this
morning, in *hat large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corier of No.
70, South Third street.
His Employers may be sfliired, the ftrifl
order and decorum that has *U-ay» bee»
observed in his School, fhs.ll (till be pur
sued —and that their children will be taught
in the moll approved and modern stile
Note—An Evening School for young
Q£t. i•
I 0,000
• 10,000
jC,o' O
1 o,coo
Id, 000
to t o<«
v: 4-.
Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1794.
The Stockholders of the
Bank o! theUnirc.l St'tes *e Hereby iir
forJued.that accouiing 10 the Statute of In
corporation, n Gem-ial Elcfhon for
Twenty-five Diredkors
Will be hefd at tfi* of the Unttd
State*, in the City r>£* Philadelphia, on
M »oday, the fifth day of Jantiaiy next, at
TEN o'clock is ihe Foftuomn.
Autt puifuaht to the Eleventh Section of
the Bye Laws, the Stockholders of the
laid Bank are hereby notified to aflemlve
in genera! meeting at the said pl ice, on
Tue day theiixth cU* ol January next at
F1 \'E O'cloct. in the Evcniujfc.
By Order,
John Kean,
Second J A-tide—Nor more
tlua three fourths of the Di»e£lors in Of
fice, exclusive of the Prehdent, shall be
si igit'le for,the next fuccfrdt«ig yeai : But
ehe Dire&or, who shall be Preiidant at the
time of an, may always l»e re-e-
Nov. 22
John Burge,
No. 7, North Fourth Street.
RETURNS his fiuceff thauJi! .to bis
Fri*inl' and the public, (or the very liber.
"'.I enciy tgcment he has received in the
line of his p'ofeflitm, fusee his comitience
urem of bufinelt in this city.
rie refpe&fqlly folic a continuance of
theit favours, and allures them that no
thing (hall be wanting on his pait to ren
der fatisfa&ion.
He has now 011 hand, and for Sale a
AJfortment of Confedionary^
A<nong which'are the follovtiug
A R 7 rc L E S:
• " Pineapples pre r eryed, whole anil fl'c
•ads>Peais, Qaiucei, See. preserved, Raf-
Jjer.ry and Blackberry j»in, Rafterry
Blackljsrrjf, ard Currenr Jellies, Peach
$T*rui lade, and a great variety of other
article l ;. Also
c Spff Shell'd Almonds,
Hv the Bag orSmallei Quantity.
-"Nov. _ ___ 2aw4w
. pRINTJtD y PVB&tftisD
By Mathew Carey,
Not 118, Market Street,
i. Charlotte, a tale of truth,
By Mri Row/on, of the NeivrTbeatre
Second American edition —Price 7,5 cent« <
[The rapid sale of the First Edition of
tin* iiitcrcfting novel, in a few mouths,
is the heft proof of its merit.]
"Extras from the Critical Jitvutf, Afri
179 1 » /• 468.
It maybe a talc of' truth, (or it is not nn,
and it i« a tale of real distress—
charlotte by the artifice of a teacliei, re~
commended to a fcliool from humanity ra
ther than a couviftion ol her integrity cf
the regularity of l>cr former conduct, is en
ticed front her governefj, and accoinpstnies.
a young officer to America—'The marriage
cccm ny, if not forgotten, is postponed,
and Charlotte dies a martyr to the iacon
ftancy of her lover, and treachery of his
friend, —The situations are art!efs and as.
| f.-ftinp—the defci)pti«>ns tutuial and pa
thfctic i we ftionld feel for Charlotte if fucjv
a person ever exifttfd, who, for ont etror,
Tcarcely, perhaps delerved so severe a pu
nifhment. If it i» a fiction, poetic justice
is got, we think, properly diftributeri. '■
s The Inquisitor—by Mrs. Rowlon, Se
cond Philadelphia edition. 87-£ cents
3. AtWenturesof Roderic Random. 2/nlj
i dollar and 50 cents, coarse papei—i
dollar a>d 7i cents, foe.
4, ft»tAC>t'Vi»«pfti»—nby "Rio*
dollar «od a half.
■5,' tflftorf of the French Revolution, from
• >4»*'rt>n>ißeWSeoieHt t" the dtatlf 6f the
. Oiieen .adrftt*; of Bfiffftt
. '
exTti»sy ra<j>*.Tm ftttAO,
" "l"fce authors hjiv piefmiird toktfix to
ttWr title the tffit&l JmptoiiH tbf
feW««wit>» ■ftnsllott biaim a®v
p*sty,-.Jj« tbar rt >c»ibsM4,>t(rrty.| and
th)Sy flatter pat.#eir .reader*
witifintf a ot Dflly cvpry rircumflance fair.ijr
re#ieffiit«t, bnt rvrrv cen'uribte iftlon,
.whoever w«r* the aathor* n» : «8»rs, mark
ed iititvproper cotort* . Ifit wap nacrfiary
to make adcrlanniaw of
p!es, they wqyldfir, iteitficr tory
nor rep übl ey' fov cVi Iw rt y as Eng
lish wliigt, aad'iqrwSlji ey'oy criuiinaf aft
by which fa noble a cp u!f ht jdangered anji
IM&uMi . ■''•'* *•• >•■'■
"c4a» .tK? r * ,:r "t,.<«f T »er*t pfthe pabl
1 mind, they cannot -flatter tliem(*l»e« w (h
the h >pes dff fee'*;, this claim usiverfa'ty
ackrxnrMfML Ou the oouwary, thenar
[Whole No. 702.]
. . ; — .
tut!l ajftrei t/nt tkcjc f*grs'l not Ac eccepu.le
to t/e itahus of titter p*7ty. But when t i"lt
• ihaii diffl, ate 'he cJouJj of political decep
ti , rlxfv with lome c< rfideroe rxnefl riiat
ver ..Cl from public opinion, wh ch candor
and mcdcratfon fctdom faff to receive
EvraACT (soli THE C]UTIC*L Hkvltv,
JttWAKY, 17V4—it.
* 4 We hare ceitaiuly drm edmr.cli plea
[*tC) aod raucli iofor nation fYfcm
the pcrul'a] of'tltefe v#)Ouut>; rod We thick ,
the:iv both for matter «n3 style, woi'tli* '
(It artenl oifof allvho intJreft tlieiufclYcs
iii rwntJ wli ch have so justly excited th«
ariofity and aftonMhment of ''mankind."
6. Plowdeaj'hiftory of ths British empire
fionl. May 1792, to December 1793. A
dolljr and a quarter. [This is as inter*
cftingan valuable a publication as had
appeared for many years ]
7. Bcatti**? Elements or-Moral Siierce.
. 3 vols.. One dollar ani thrte quarter*
8. Ladies Library. Second American
edition. 8> $ cents.. .Containing—
Miss M6oie's fcffays; Dr. Gregory's, L
? T6 liis DaugJitns j Lady Wcnifeg-
tofts urifoitunaie mother'»nd vice toiler
Osughteis: Marchjoncfs de Lambert's
Advice ofa mother to her daughter, Mi s
Chapone's l etter on tie gover merit of
t!ie ; Swift's Lftter to 'a Young
Lady newly married } Moore's Fabies
lor tbc Female Sex
9. Journal durant tmSejotiren France de
pui; le commer.eemeii' ju/qu'« la
mjdi Decembre j auquelefl ajontc un refit
deseVe«efn£ns les plus rema> quables qui
ntit eu lien a Paris, depuis cette
ju r qu'a la mort du roi de J'rMice.
Bound, 2 i-«.dollais—fewed, 2 dollars.
16. Edward's treatise on the relig'ous as*-
feftions. Coarfis paper, g dollai—fiue,
a dollar and a half.
11. Rights of Woman—by Mrt. Wolfton
craft. A dollar.
tuthS:st6 J.
■ii, Wiliifon's Sacramental Meditations.—
,60 cehtj.
tj Bunyan's Holy War, made by Skaddal
jgainft D abolus.
14. Short account of Algiers. Second edi*
t-on, enlarged—2J cwtj.
Containing—A deiicription of that cou:v
try—of the manners and cuflorcs of the in
habitants—and of theirfeve a! wars again#
Spain, France, Snglaml, Holland, Venice,
and other powers of Europe—llie U-'
furpanon of BaibaiofTa a fid the invasion of
Charles V. to tbe preient lime..—With a
concise riew of the origin of the war be
tween Algiers and the Unfted Stater.
F.mbellifhcd wiih a map nf Bdrtary, com
prehending Morocf o, Fez, Algieri, Tums,
and Tripply,
To the ptirfent edition h added a very
.'oplous inoFs!, containing lottfts from
fnndry American prisoners in Algiers to
(their friends in the United States - -a lift of
tlie vrfleli taken—'and m»ny very inte'eft
ing it ticles not in tl# firft edition.
1-5 filajr r sXcfluTCS pn Rlictoric ;md
1 I.Krerj Thr« dollars 33 rrnti.
16- StnitVs Lctlnito Mamtd W out en, 00
nufling»nd ihe irisnageix'nt of children. Ci
«-? crnti.
i- A meriean Farmer's letters. 80 cents.
18. Young Mtflcs Magaitne. 2 vols, 1 dol
lar <$3 cents.
Containing—Dialogues between a Gover
pets and fevcral Youo* Ladies ol Quality
her scholars.— In which each Lady is * made,
to fprak accordingto her particular
temper ana inclination —Their several fault*,
arc pointed out, and the easy way to amend
th«mj as yell as to think, and speak, and
a& properly ; no less care being taken to
form their hearts to goodness, than to to.
ligh'en their utwierftandings with ufeful
knowledge. A ftiort and clear abridgment
is alfogiven of sacred and profane History,
and some lessons in Geography. The ufeful
is blrnded throughout with the agreeable,
the \\'hole being interfpftfcd with proper re
flexion* an*) moral Tales,
19. Duncan's felcmenta of Logic. 80 cents
20. M'Fingal, ati epic poem. 3 l-i crntt.
91. Tench CoXe's examination of Lord Shef
field's obffctvations. 62 i; 2 cents,
22. Ladies' Friend. 37 1-2 cents.
23. Smith's history oi Ncvr York, from its
discovery to * dollar accents.
'4. Complete A f l as f° r tbeprr feiit war, con.
taining maps of Fiance, Hoi.and, Nether*
l>nds, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the'
Weft-Indies. 2 dollars.
25* Confutations of the United States, with
the Federal Conft'tt|iion- 62 1-2-cents.
)26 Peyton's Grammar for Frenchmen to
Irani Efig'ifti. <50 c- nts.
27. Eoi&eti Enchii'idion. 31 cents.
s>B. Gay't Fables. cent*. /
29. Christian Economy . 2£ cents.
30. Charms of Melody, a choice colle&ion
of Songs'. 95 cents.
31. Ame ican Mofrum, it vols, Svo. Nine*
teen and 20 ceatSi
u The American Museum is not only emi
nently calculated to d'ttVmina'e political and
other valuable info rma 'jbfu i»ut it Las been
unilormjy conduQcd with tl'U, attention, &
propriety. If to thefc important obje&s be
fu per added the more immediate dfiffn, of
relcuing public document from oblivion, I
will veniute to prdnounCr*, as my feiui'mem,
that a more yfe'ul bterary plan has never
been undertaken in Americ«, nor one more
[ 4 eferving yf piib lie cw<b<Jt ?'
<r _. .CcoMil Wa&i&gton. ■*
j* 3- s <*f j-V fiMSVf;
rCat»chUfl» of t-t'e?it».-
3V*T^* a wcVJ«U. *8 c;i<* ;
36. *rt>e Ycllov fevftyttfe^
idltitth. 51 crnfa. " , _ . ' 7
I7y'6e»4ut Chrijki&'t Vjde'Mctum. . 2$ *
S»nrl. '** '" dt "
fa Tbiirlt >-eH on't. yTemu.
41 £*bov v Bible. 6dollfT».A'
Nov. 29