DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 151 of Vol. Vl.] FOR SALE BY . John D. Blanchard, At his Storci, ir. Third ftree.t, (96 V I P R S Choice Teneriffe Wines, of fup«.ior quajity, ■ Co**iae B r ai'dy i» p''p«» 50 ('.afc; ot'Claret <»!' a uiperior qtiality fubj ft te drawback. B-ifton TeaKet'.les, alarp- aflortment Sh 'it oi rill Uzes and s Ba r r Lea !, I.tad in pigs RuifiaShe •tings WonroN Staff Shoes by the q«antity Cutt fJajli filand Cbeefc 'i l ar g' : an rlcgant of European and India GOODS, At the raoft reduced Prices. Nov 25 2awtf FOR SALE, At thtf STORES of Jeffe & Robert Wain, POUT WINE tnpip", hhds. and qiw» ter cades' LISBON do.io oipes aad qnanrtt r cato loitchoog and Congo TKAS y in <;hefrs A quantity <>f Lifbonand Cadiz SALT Soft (hrlled ALMONDS in bales VeJvet CORKS, in do. Ku/lip M'ATTS. |»Ie 9 ±_ LANDING, from the Ship Adriana Kieran Filzpatrici Majier, from Amjlcrdam. HOLLAND SAIL DUCK, Ditto—S! eet;rig, Ficklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White and Brown Linen, Diaper, ,fine Checks, Bedticks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, bcies Window-Glass, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to I4cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, Sec. FOR SALE BY Thomas Sff "John Ketland. OcSlober u. d. Just Arrived, And will be landed to-morrow morning ai Wharf, the,entire cargo qf the brig Good Hope, Captain Hodgdon, from Ja maica, con/ijling of High Proof R U M, SUGAR, PIMENTO, and COFKEE rOR SALE BY Peter Blight. Koy. 19 A FEW BALES OF Brown Ruflia flieeting Imported in the William Penn, from London, FOR SALE BY Curtis Clay, No. J7, High Street. Nor. I w&stf AT THE Card & Nail Factory, No. 59, north Front street, Webster, Adgate & White, Have conjiantly for sale, Cotton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of all Kinds, Cut Nnils pt all lize*, Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks, Fullers Shears, Gun Flints arcd Wfol Hats, A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in barrels % A new Edition of Philadelphia Harmony, containing both the firft and fe cor»d parrs, being the roost aproved fyf teni or Rules and the best coledlion of Tune? aow id Alfn for Sale, a complete set of Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Coiwtfucjion. Oft. 2 iaw tf Ib jfe'w .!£tizzLe 6f Poftrait?, ••' r'l*^■:•'■ i Erice & Ccnli. . ; _- . jflUf-Cwt reprg'fe wis .i»o Bte&Fi ~< i&Hi- 1 .« *■*$ Ttew have not," reJejablWe of the faces defi»ne<J ■ ' tKSi, liktnefiej appear fil VbMff rfb»*rW> tjeit tNim iliT! fcarrflyfe,* '* / jgTOlpjt'.'tNfc, ar|3 J* Had v fcoirt«i "V tiffadtHt of tbt # For Sale or Charter, The n<;w-fail {ailing • Little Tom, •.fxSZ-Jbi G G orge Webb, mailer Bffrthtn about 800 barrels,, now at Stamper's wharf. For terms apply to the Captain on board,, or to Elliflon & John Perot. Nov. 29 d For CANTON dired, George Barclay, SHE will foil in all Fenru (unlefs prevented by ice) fw fieifrht out antl hom«, apply to George Meade. For iale by the Subscriber, (Wbofc Comptlnq House and Store will be ic*inovftl in a tew Days to the South Side of Walnut street wharf) Bill of Exchange Madeira, of the firft Quality, Six years Old by *he Pipe, Hoglhead or Quarter Calk, Excellent Old Sherry, by the Quart' r Cafe, Choice Liibon in Pipes and Quarter Calks, A few Calks Red Liibon. J About lpo barrels Beef 100 tierces Rice Afewboxes Spermaceti Cand'es Li(bon Covksof the firft quality in bales 200 hoglheads Molalfrs A few boxes Dowlaffes, Silefias, and Sripe s A few Pigs Pewter and Bundles Steel Coffee &c. GEORGE MEADE. Nov. 17 Now landing at Chefnut street wharf, from the lhi£ Rising Sun, Captain Olney, jwfl arrived from St. Pe teriburgh. Russia Hemp, .And Sail Duck of excellent quality, Raven» Duck and Russia "Sheetings Cordage and Bar Iron, , . ran SALE BV Jofcpb Anthony -Sff Son, WHO OFFER above Jhip fit* 19 Sallad Oil, .Of 4'fuperior quality in boxes of twelve Botflcs; for sale y Grubby Mather Es 5 Hill. Nov'. 2*> To be Sold, INDUSTRY, jfohti Rudd, Majhr. Nov? lying at Meflrs. Willing and Frances's about 270 tons Virginia built, well found, and fails re markably fact. For terms apply to' Capt. Rudd, od board, or to Emanuel Walker, Who has for Sale, 100 hogftieads Virginia Tobacco, Of the infpeftions of Richmond, terfturgh and Fredericfburgh. l6co bufliel:. WHEAT, and 40 barrels PORK. Dec. 2. ' **'" FAIR *HEBE, 'John M'Keever, mejler. BURTHEN 1700 barrels of flour, flie is in compleat order, and fails iaft. For terms apply to the Captaiu on board at the Subscriber's wharf, or to ,WW»feifor SSM, taW Bfi? ffQBT lV»»laj;a, , t,- OW Mountain Wine, J, - RAlStNSortfieStW) in kegs» ' FJG& m^ittp > PRIEST ips!ttV /. * Mtrftaifl arißlobiu RAIil NS in boxes r - *nii jars, GKAI'ES in ditto ORANGES and LEMONS in boxes ShellM ALMO «DS in caflcs CafliJe SOAP, &c. &c. Dec. 4 e.dt Friday, December 5, City of Wafliington. Wines. daw diot d6t jofeph Sims, A N 1> SCHEME OF X«S < -LOTTERY,. No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magaificirru £ 20,000 Dollars, aad dwelling bouse, cash 30,000 aic i ditto 15.000 & cash 125,000 1 ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 1 ditto io,ooo Hi cad) 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & c»(h 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 Cath P"« o( 2 ditto 5,000 each, are ,o ditto 1,000 20 d'tto 509 ioo ditto «°® ' 200 ditto 50 400 ditto 25 1,000 ditto 20 15,000 ditto 1® '6,739 f rilel 33»251 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery wUI affortl an e.egoni fpe«»- men of the private building* to be ere«st d in the City of Washington— Two beautiful de signs are already felc cird for rhe tfltire fronts on two of the public square* ;/rom tfiefr drawings, it is proposed to erc& two centre and tour corner buildings, a* soon as poflible after this Lottery u fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurer*, in the manner described in the scheme for th« Hotel Lottery. A ncttdtdu&ion of five per cent, will be madctodefiay rhe neces sary cxpences of printing, See. and the sur plus will be made a part of thi fund intended for the Natural Univcrlity, to be erected within the Cuy of Wafhrngton. The drawing, willcommence as soon as the Tickets are fo!d, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The j money prizes wijl be payable in thirty days after it is fintfhed, and sny 1 ;zcs for which fortunate numbers at£ not pr:>. ; uced within twelve month* after the drawing iaclofed are to be confidi jed r.vcn towards the fund for the Univetfnyj t inirg dek-rmmed 10 fettle the whole bus-in a year from'the ending of the dra . ' to take up the bonds given a» (county. The 1 cal fecu:itie«sj fcj the payment of the Prizes, are hfcidi y the Prcfident and two Directors of the L '• >'■ CoJu mbi*, ii:d are valued at more •. halt jhi* amount of the Lottery. Thf drawing will be under the management ps 24 gentlemen approved by the coram iflioneis for the City of Wafli ington, for the time being, and acting on oath. S. BLODGET. *** Tickets may be had at the Bai.k of Columbia ; of James Weft &c Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Denifon, Savannah ; of Peter Gilmaij,.gofton; ot John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer- IV. Aug, NOTICE. AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Rcgijlering Office, At Mr. SAMUEL CRAWfORD's No. 7j, north Fconi street, 2 door; from Arch ftrecc, Tickets are examined and Registered i>y correct numerical and Re gister Books, at the following moderate charges, viz. For examining a iinoli ticket i-ifcth of a Dollar, For registering j single ticket I—4ih ■ of a Dollar. And notice will be sent by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. ALSO TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commerce drawing very Toon} Regillered, and the earliest account sent of their success. N. B. TheEarlieft Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be receivrd at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signed by the Managers to be correct; theielore to be depended on. , Sept. 24 Dancing School. ffm, M'DOUGALLprefents his com pliments to the Public —Thanks them for the great encouragement he has experi enced these twenty odd years. He will open his School for this Season on Monday the 13th Ottober, at io o'clock in the morning, in xhat large and elegant SaJoon in Harmcny ftrect, leading from Third to Fourth flreet, turning thf corner of No. 70, South Third street. His Employers maybe afiured, the ftrid order and decorum that has always been observed in his School, shall flill be pur- that their children will be taught in the most approved and modern ftils Note —An Evening School for young Gentlemen. I Ot£l. x* »*rtf '■79 4- FRESH Bohea Tea, GIN in pipes, Now La ruling from on board.the (hip Peggy, John Elliott niaAer, from Amsterdam. Also Imported by the late Arrivals, Rufiia Hemp, firft quality Ditto Sail Duck Ditto Ravens Duck % Brown RulTia Sheeting Ticklcnburgs penaburgs Brown FiaMdcrs Sheetings Hcffians and Brown Rolls Cotton Stripes and Checks Flanders Bedticks Ho'land Sail Duck Seine Twine Dutch Great Coats Gin in cases Madder Window Glass, 8 b? ©1 JeiUits Baik Opium, Affafcetida German Steel Mill and Cross-cut Saws Hoes and Cut ing Knives Sythes and Skates Coffee Mills . Black Lead Crucibles Anchors, fiom g cwt. to 15 cwt. And a General AJfortment of 5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, 50,000 40,000 30.000 20.000 topoo 10,000 10.Q00 lO,o> o 10,000 10,000 io,»oo 10,000 10,000 50,000 oco 400.000 FOR SALE BY Pragers & Co. Nov. 11 Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1794.- ~ The Stockholders of" the Bank of the United States aie hereby in formed that according to the Statute of In corporation, a General EleAiou for Twenty-five Directors Will be held at the Bank of the Unitd States, in the City of Philadelphia, on Monday, the fifth day of January next, at T£N o'cl'-ck iu the Forenoon. And pursuant to the Eleventh Section of t. !, e Bye Laws-, the Stockholders of the laid Bank are hereby notified to a (Terrible in general meeting at the said place, on Tne day the sixth day of January next at FIVE O'clock in the Evening. By Order, Second Fundi,ncntal At iiple—Not more than three-fourths of the Directors in Of tce, exclusive of the President, fliall be 6*igi'«»le for the next fucceedm# year : But eho Dii edlpr, whs fliall be President at the time of aneieftion, may always be re-e ---le&t-d. Nov. 22 Whereas an attach ment at the suit of the adminiflratoisnf all and fmjjul'ir the goods and chattels, ri htj andrr'dits, which were of William Bar net deceased, at the time of his death, hathbeen iffied out of the lnferiour Coiut of common ptens, iaai;dfor the Countyol Middlesex, against the Goods and Lands and Tenements ot lienius Mart">,j late of the county aforefaid, returnable r o < the thirdTuefday In July last. NOTICE' 1 is hereby given to the laid Irenius Mart n, that unless he appear and file I'pecial bai'te the said aftioo, on or hefore thejhirdTuef day in January next, judgment will be en tered against him by deiaulr, and the goods and chattel«, lands and tenements 'o at tached, fold foi the fatisfaftion f fu< hof his creditors as fhatf appear to be justly en titled to any demand thereon, and (hall ap ply for that purpose, according toiheform of the (iatute in such cafe made& provided •odtf Aug. i®, John Rurge, ,CON.FECTIO ATER, No. 7, North Fourth Street. RETURNS his fincert thanks to hi Fri«nds and the puMic, for tbe very |ibe **. al encouragement he has received in thi line of his prot'effion, since liis comjnence ment of bufnwfs in this city. He refpe&fully folicit3a continuance of their favours, ari&aflares ther.j that no thing fliall be wanting on his part to ren ter fatisfaftion. He has now on hand, and for Sale a GENERAL Ajfortment of ConfeElionary, Pine Applet preserved, whole ami dic ed, Pears, QuMce*, &c. preserved. Raf berry and Blackberry jam, Rafberry Blackberry, and Current Jellies, PeaCh Marni lade, md a sre-at variety of othci articles. A 1 "n Soft Shell'd Almonds, By the Bag orSniallei Quantity. Kov. 4 2a\v4w i:a John Kean, Cajhier, tuth&it6J. By order of Hie Court, DEARE, Clerk. I aw-tf. [Whole No. 701.] White Wax Candles, Of a quality far superior to Spermaceti, jvft received from the jilexandridti Munnfaclory, and for lale by the fubfetiber, Gatrett Cottrin^er, No. 227 Market-street. December 2. 4 diw. Medical Books. JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone House No. 41, south Seeo d Jlreety V O 1.. It. Medical Inquiries OBSER VA T I O N S. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Protcfforof the InftiluteJ o! Medicine, and of Clinical Pra&ice in the Univer . fily of, Pecmfyivania. CONTAINING^.* f. An inquiry into the influence of phyftea cautes upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry into the c(fc£U ot fpiiitous li quors opon the human body, and their in fluence upo# the happinefc ofjfociety. ,3. An inquiry into-ihe causes aqd cure of the pulmonaiy consumption, 4. Obfe«v;ifion*on the fymptumsand cure of dropfics. * • ♦ 5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cure of I internal dropsy of the brain. 6. An account of the measles, as they ap ' pcared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. 7. An account of thtfinfiuenza, as it appear. «d in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790 a')d 1791. 8. An inquiry into the caufrs of the incrcafe of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn sylvania.. 9. An inquiry into the caufcsandxureol fore legs. 10. An account of the state of the body and mind »n old age, with observations upon 1 its diseases and their remedies. Pi one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a halt, neatly bound. Medical Tranfa£tions O? THE College of Physicians of Philadelphia. VOL. 1— p A R T I. Price one dellar in hoards. A Treatise: on the Diseases of Children. With genrral directions for ihe managerrcr t fit Infants from the birth, adapted fo f theuieol physicians and private families By Michael Underwpod, M. D. Licentiate of Midwitery in the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Physician of the British Lyvng-in-Hofp'tal, Price one Dollar' This i» acknowledged to be the best book which has been pubhfhed on the fubjt rf, and is calculated for the use of parents, nurses, and private families, as well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed in one, and the price only about one third of what the imported copies Cell for. | The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two I dollars. Syftrm of Surgery, extracted from the I works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 , dols. 50 cents.. Syflem of Anatomy, extracted from the • Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, 2 dols. f* Syftrm ps Chemistry, extraftcd from the Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro gress of the fciencee, and the different systems which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. T4 Dob/on has in the Prefsi An edition of.the Medical and Phtlofophi j cal Commentaries of tdiuburgh. Two v«h umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 I cents per volume ; he has nearly finifhed the . five firfl Volumes, which contain the fiift ten volumes of the European edition, which fell for two dollarscach. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen Europ.-an volumes, which will briog t*?e publication up to the present time. Like wife for sale a conftderable number oj Medical Books, viz. Cullen's Pra&ice, Materia Medica, Phyfi ! ology, and Synopsis. Bell'sSuigery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefeldep's A netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea-. ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Difeafn ; Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's outlines of the theory and pra&ice of Mid wifery, with or without plates; do. on the management of Female complaints. Meafc n Hydrophobic. &<-. & Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, \Vall-Qreet, New-York. THE Snbfcriber to confi nehiip feU entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,begs I leave to oft r to fiis Iricnds and others, in the line ol a Stock Broker. Those \vho may please to favor h»m wiflrthcir bufi. may (iroenfi upon having it tranfa£ted wiih the u-nioft fuMijy and dispatch. Ot rfcr.v Irom Philadelphia, Boston, or any iVr par; of the United State*, will be tri&ly an ended to. ' LLON'ARD BLEECKER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers