Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, December 04, 1794, Image 4

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    Mountford, Bioren Co. BOOKS,
Ne - Oock-strekt, cur T„to B Mathew Carey,
TTAVE Mmmtiic" 1 1 t No. lit, Marhtt Stmt,
£?,iisr t",; i.: «. CharlotK, a ok of truth,
pUt *i iOl 2i» R<*wf*h of Net*-Tbiatre
All ....... ui i•;* ,V J PJiUuUlpbia.
Import' iF; f.-ow n -Tape. - .it , Second Americanedition —Price 75 Cent!.
[The rapid sale of the First Edition of
Various kinds Of tYlfltine' " thi » mterefting novel, in a few niocths,
0 is the best proof of its merit.J
With Neatkesi and Eleoanc. from n7
Tbty havt lilvwifc the greattjl 1791, />■ 465.
\r • C r> ■] it / It ma. be a t»|.'»f truth, for it is not un-
Yariety or Lara-Borders n , t u ai. a.dit i. & tale u r real diftref,—
Ever imported iti thi, counts, of the Charlotte by the artifice of a »<che. f re
niol beautiful m >uld i.Ge-itlemen having commended trt a fch>ol from humaortf ra-
Cards of anv kind t» priot.miy suit them- ther tha "" con r ,A, °" °' her "»«Enty ot
selves bylooking at the Specimen, which are c . he of her former conduct, .t en
to be <«„ st the ir Office. !lceJ <ronl hs B»virri«Pi, aad acompames
Blanks, Circular Letters,
Hand-Biil». Ship Adveninenicntij&c. &c 3r)J Charlotte dies a martyr to the incon
cxcc:it d with abcconimg Ncatc.efsat the (Hue vof her lover, and treachery oi' 4m
jnorteft R >ticc. Irieuc 4 ,— The fixations are artless and af
_Uec. 2 3- f. A ug—• he descriptions uaturai atid pa-
Tfcklcnburgs, tHMitip, S3
and Glass AVare, flarcely, perhaps delerved so severe a pu
, ~ „ , ,n-. s n.fh.ileut. IfiiUa fiftimi, poetic iuftice
Landing from on board tb, Jh# egg?, we fti||k> * Vrly d»nbure... "
from MrJam. T he [oqufitor-bv Mrs. Rowrou, Se
r . ml 1 cond Philadelphia edition. S? £ce its
Goftee Oi pritne 3. Rafiitfiri. 2 vols
la hogiheads and tierces, » a ' ,d 5 ° cc: '"' £oarfc
n„ " j c dulTir aid 7t cmt», one.
4. Notes on the ft ate ~f Virginia—by the-
In hogsheads, mas J. ff.-i fnn. Pilce, neatly bou
German Steel,
lii fmatl Bales, Sf.z. for sale by
Rundle Murgatroyd,
No. ii, Walnut street wharf.
V.'ho want to purchase 300 or 400
Casks Good Flaxfeed.
N*v. 11 jtawtf
This day a few pipes of the Jirfl quaTity
French Brandy,
Fou&th Proof,
ifteemed eqOal to any that his been in this
city for a number of year»,
Forty H o2[heads of firfl quality of
St. Croix Sugar,
And a few Vo hi, of
Good Black Pepper,
— rT**«-rr C^J-C —
to. »i 6, south Water street.
><51. 8
From on board the Jj;V m'urghatn Packet,
Lotkyer, and the Henry and Charles,
from Hamburgh.
Peter/iurgb'i sirs! quality
li/11l IRON, -Sivedes, ajfortea
TIN, in ''l/ttd' /ft. da.
COS EVA in hhds.
BAGGING, German afortcd
Black Quart Bottles,
DESIiyOmTS, Window Glafii
Feathers of superior quality,
MATTS, &'c. &c.
ro* *4.1-1 sr
Thomas & John Ketland.
Au£. 26 d
German Paflengers.
A F fc W
Healthy Iradcfmen,
Are jnft arrived in the fuip Pe<gy, from
Amfterdani, vhofe time* are to be agreed
for, by applying on board Paid ftiip, or to
Rundle & Murgatroyd,
No. 11, Walnut Jlrcct viharf.
Nov. 4 tutblSff
Thomas M'Euen,
Stock and Land Broker,
No. 78, Chesnut-strset,
INFORMS his Friends that during his
abfenc-e from Philadelphia (on the Weltern
Expedition) his Bufinjl's will be carried on
at his Office as usual, by Mr. Thomas Hale
where Orders in his line will be thankfully
received, and every Attention paid to
Oft. 10 d
forty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the fubferibers in
Woodoury, Gloucester County, New-Jer
fc 7. on Sunday morning the i2'h instant,
Two young Negro Fellows,
earned Jack and i'ow, each about 23 years
of age ~t "i Is of a dark black colour and
• four Tom is of an open counte
nance, of a yetlowijh colour, and much
«Tifpofed to laugh.
They are sprightly active fellows, and
fcnt little fhpri of fix leet high ; tb*y were
both well drefled ; Jack had on a blue
bioad cloth coat and different kinds of
Whoever takei tip said Pervant*, and
ietures them in any goal m the United
States, fotltet their matters may »et them
*tain Dull receive the above rewa-d and
roilbnakle exp: n ce
John Sparks,
Andrew Hunter.
aan tf
oa. >4
dollir and s half.
Hiftorj of the French Revolution,'from
i s lontms.-.cemtfnt to the death o. the
Queen a-id the Ixtcbtio'a of Krltfof.
Twa Aqllir*.' _
Tiie aptiiers have prefnttted to affix to
thSir tit e the epithit Impittitl f arid the
reason is, bircaufe they cannot chargt them
felvej wist fccl.og rtii fmall'eft bias to anv
part*,' but that' ot truth and liberty ; and
tney fia:ter tlieinfelves, that their readers
will fiiid n't only every circijmliance fairly
represented, but evtry cenfurabls action,
whoever w«'re the author* or afto - ' ?. mMt
ed in its proper color*- Jf it was Jft'ciflaLy
to make a declaration of their owrfprinci
ples, they would fay, they are neither tor)
nflr repuVi&aH—They love lfberty as Enfi
lilh whigs, anii exscrate every criminahaft
by winch so nublea i*ufeis endangered and
" In the prefsnt ferment of the public
mind, they cannot ffatter thenifelies with
the h •ps? i.f fcs:ng this claim un iv lily
On ihc contrary, t".- arc
veil ijfyr-d Ihct theft f'gts taill not be MCcpubte
-i • d eith- r Ptrty. But w.ieii tin.e
"lljTj- ■' dei;
tion, tbey With foijfje -
verdict from c*nd6r
and raptor tereive -
ExthaCt from T(Ts ctLiritsi Rlview,
Jan'-'aiy, i 7V4— i 'page rj.
M We have cei tatnly derived fffuth plea
lure, and acqoir'd much infuriii»tion ; f!'oiji
tlir perusal of these volumes j arid \ve.(tiin|:J
them, both for matter and wort'iV
the attention of ali w'm interest tlwiitfelves
in tV' tits * birti have so juftTy ejircitcd the
curinfity ai:d aftoniftiinent of mankind'."
6. Piowden; hiftoiy oi" thi British empire
from May 1792, to December 1793. A
doll-rr ami a quarter. £This is *a's inter
ettingan 1 valuable a publication as lia<f
appeared (or many years ]
7. Beaftie's Elements of Moral Science
2 volt. One dollar and three quarters
8- Ladies Library. Second American
edition. 87 \ cents. ContaininiJ--'
Miss Moore's ElTirc) Dr. Gregory's Le
gacy t > hi» Daughters; Ladv Penning
tons unfortunate mother's advice to her
Daughters: Marchioncfs de Lamb-rt'i
Advice ofa mother tohcr daofhter, Mrs
Chapone's Letter or the govet 1 >ment of
the terap.-r; Swift's Letter to e Ycung
Lady newly married f Moore's Fables
for the-Female Sex
9. Journal durant un Sejour en France de
puis ie commeneemen- d'aou? jtrlgo'* It
Biidi Decembrej auquelelt ajo<i»c iinrecit
des evenemens les piu? rema-cjtrables qui
ont eu lieu a Paris, d?puis cettc epoque,
jufqu'a la mort do roi de France
Boiitid, 2 i-s dollan-«-[ewed, 2 dollars.
10. F.dward'J treatise on the re|ig'ou<: af
fections. Coarse paper, a dollar—-line,
a dollar and a hall.
tt. Rights of Woman—"by Mrs. Wolllon
ciafr. A dollar.
12. Will'fon's Sicratnental Meditations—
60 cents.
13. Bunyin's Holy War, made by Shaddai
D abolus.
14. Short account of Algiet* Second edi-
tion, enlarged—ls cents.
Containing—A description of that conn
try—of the manners and cnftom-, nt the in
habitant!—and oTtheirfeveral win
Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice,
and other powers of Europe—from tlie u
surpation ofßarbarofla and the invasion of
Charles V. to the prefcnt time. —With a
concise view of the origin of the war be
tween Alg'ers and the United States.
Embellithed with a map of Barbafv, com
prehending Morocco, Fez, Toni»,
and Trlpoly.
To the prcfent edition is added * very
copious index, containing letters from
sundry American prisoners io Algiers to
their friends in the United States—a lift of
the vessels takeu—and many very inte'eft
ing articles not in the firft edition.
>5. Biair's Ledures on Rhetoric and Bellei
Letters Three dollars 33 cents.
16. Smith's Letter* to Married Women, on
nursing and the management of children. 62
1-9 cent*.
i - American Farvner'a letters. 80 cents.
18. Young Mi (Tea Magarioe. s vols. idol.
Jar 33 cents.
Combining—Dialogues bet ween a Gover
ness several Young "Ladfrs o' Quality
her scholars.— Irv which etch Lady i s made
:o speak according*.© her particular grnius,
teropCT and inclination—Their several faults,
are pointed out, and the easy way to amend
wS^Uay,, It*
k«»pwU4gr. A A rl^sP*, 4 ScSodner InAiftry, Ciptaur HyUw*ri
£• ?£% B'4 hfedi. fifetfatfes,
~. *«kicV*»fcA,lr *-'J c f-, "- • ; c t - :
~. Smi,k'itJt<*r<*- Xt- York, from,!"' J>„„*.,i «/• «
<iufc»«rfy w»f3*- •«* doic*'«8«""«- ; rartel of ux-aioct,
M. Co«(roit »#« * w
tiaiiijliijlV |n*fi j p_f „ r nliJyf'
*<*»«*•., £ ~ -. • i - *'. >
»5, Co»ftitvioo»-of tht U««ei Saw*, w«fc- A PA R C E.L "F , ■
C 0 F F E E ,
if- Kpifcu Elcfni idia». J» cent. tlTiTed in At Cjptan
*1. OiyVJ'W™" ' •>- Irwin, fnwh'Jiia&Ai'■ ■■''■
tg. ChriftUn ic*oo<oil, •«i «?.»«• , > $(pt, ij
30. ehjtißj *f M*l"dy t »choxe con<ai«w* " *"'— : —
.•/ '»« cent*. - , .
jjr. Aawrirtn Muf«iro, i« »ol», f,o. >J'Of
*. i«tnfc<iil«Ti arid •*< '
. 4 ".itta A«n«f&»» MyfAroinx# mjly*ini
pcjjtly daUu[ateiu^.'ff-WH» l^,P°'"'ca | .»»<!
oinffyiftitte »nforTnJK)i» t bit, il ha. b*"Ci
uniformly conduflfc4 wiih •»ft«', atfciti!oiS &
propriety- K 10 rtiefi lropotUHt otjefti if
fupcradded |kc mrfr* a'lign r -o(
rclculog jMibtfe document! (ruin oMy*rou» I
will TrhiuTt foprV>°'iii«; ?« my -JllimriK,
ihat.i rootr ; Tifcfjjl Iherajvplap una
b&i'oMctiA#*'* AaicncS, nor one^jxorc
<>f <wfi»!«tncowfa'gcivirtf.'* '
'* ' x ■,
ij. dirnrof Co'.iHumpVrj u37 1 « ccou.
ci iifi-i etotf.
m- Jcft». it i.« cci4t
IC»«<[yfMecoUW of Ac VcHow Fever,
' 50 cc*W- ■- -
gf. 'Xkjmtt Chri'ftmft Mcc«n. IJ
.ccoii, . v .. , . •
jSi Cadnlif ificSonl.' 50
4«. DdiUy 6 dollar'.
|lo». 19' ;
And to be fold by
Benjamin Davits,
No. 68, Marlc-r fl reet.
A Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
Taken front late m:d accurate fumej.
This is 26 incUe; fqirart; aiwf
will be delivered zs may heft suit the pu r
«ha(eis f either Vu ilietts piain or coloured,
or carvafTed ami affixed r j rolkrt; or to fit
tbem for the-pocket, they will be cola r,«J
With each
Pampfilet, containing a Lift "of
firibtrs Bilries, an<t
Ilsoiyitod infti;utir>nsj p«pii
fiitipn, tridt Hid f nvrrnipcM j int«rlp«r&
cd with occasional re-tiarVi.
are requ fled to call ®r lend
'for thtir p)«ni. »
At the Same Place mat be had,
American Repository.
Price 4 Dais. 33 cents pi r 44
' rents Jingle,
ThM neat Pochet ALManaCk ij the firft of
the kind that hath been executed in Phila
delphia, Or perhaps, in any of ihc United
States; and conta ns, b*rde<,
A Compleat Calendar,
ALMANACK, for the Year. 1795.
I,Uts of tlie OfH ers oj the American Go
ve'nment, Civil au* Mil ta--y.
"The terms of the Federal Circuit* Did
trift Courts.
-t and Ungitudes from .» he
Mericuajvitkf Plufadclphia, of all tfcftCapi.
m Cities la the Union.
The dates of the periods when each of
the States was firft fettled;
Tiieir re«pr<ftive Territories and n(un*
berj of Peo^JS;
The number of Inhabitants of each, in
each square mile— a brief Srate of
their leiativr prog'refs in Population ; to
gether \rith various other Articles of In
formation. i
Ornamented with an elegant FrontiJ
ptece, Title Page, and twelve VIG
NETTES, alluding to scents in Thomp
son's Scafms, engraved by the mojl inge
; niout Arti[is in tie City.
N ■>» .11
N*. 1/8, South Wtier Street,
CLARET in cases,
Madeira, Snerry, and Lisbon Wine«
Philadelphia Pbrter in bottles, so: expor
tation at the lHorteft notice, or for pri
vate families and tavern keepers, deliver.
;ed in any part of the town.
- An affartnunt of 5-4. and 6-4.
! American manufactured Bolt-
ing Cloths,
Which will be warranted equ»l 10 an
imported, for the relpe&ive j.urpofes ie
quired—as has alread} been sum.d on Mia
A Liberal Allowance to Wfcolefale deal
A Csmphat Set of
Grocer's Cannifters
FOR Sale.
Nov. 25 ~
Tdjilar ,"
No, SOUTH ?eaRTB" / .
Reborns li'u gratrfpl
"lo liiyff <hf 'Tubltc
10 folieit a Co«tijiiti»tl>f^lia6
v , . ,r.
' flfiu «}»,#•
' wjthy rhe' baft ma fe w;ra-Bt«g
inadcop'jad jn tfiS" wtaHStanqT
pmoft fi»(t!tonabl« , r " ■ r '- •;• }
. Hf'w iltl t>»nAJuJiT &i
~f*y (prompt add JHW^)
OA. if tftrtf.'
Scheme of a Lottery,
7# raif: 39»9C0, on l6c,cco Dollars
15 per Cent. Jratu the PriUi—~
This Lottery confi/fs 0/ 38,000 Ticket*, M
uhkh there aje 14,5.31 Prizes, ar.d 23,461
EUnks, being "bout o::e and an halj blanks t$
a prize.
THE Dire&orsof :hc Society foreflabllQi*
lug Ufelul Manuta£tuFc*. hav ing resolv
ed co cre& LOTTERIES tor jailing Ox
Hundred Thou6a\d 80l l a r' s, agreeab]>
loan Aft of the L<«*ifliiure oi the Siate o
New-Jer fey, have the following
pcrfoos to fuperinter.d and dircb the drav-<
ingof the Time, viz. Nicholas Low, &Huj
King, Herman Le James Watfbu
Richard Ha»rifon, Abijaft Hammond, and
Cornelius B ay, of the city of New-Yoik—
Thomai W:l»ir.g, jofer. l i Ball, Matthew V•-
Connel an»l Andrew Bayaid, of tfoe city of
J2iuidoclphia—His Excellency Richard HOW-
'Efql Elias BouHmot, General Elias Day
le••., ja.n.® Parker, John Bayard, Dodor
JLfcWts Dcuham, Samui i W. S'ockton, Joshua
JM. Sjtolia£e, Joseph Bioomfieid, and ElifVa
Boudinot, of Cirw-Jcrfcy* -*bo offer tiie
following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
ihemfdve* 10 the public, thai they will take
in their power
:o hive the Mo»ie« parts T>y ine M#n» s « T * r
frotr* ti.wt to time, as received, into the
Banks a: New-York and Philadelphia, jo
rrmain tor the putpofe of paying Priz »
which (bail be in media iel} discharged by a
check upon one of the Banks.
S C H E M E:
Pnzc of a O,OOO Dollan it «o,ceo
10,000 10,000
4, cOO 10,000
a,co© 10,000
i.coo 10,000
400 10,000
101 10, coo
t» 15,000
a* *o,ooc
1i go,ooo
»» 36,000
i* 61,000
*3,461 Biank*. Firs rfrtwa number, t ( oco
Laftdrawn nuri.bcr, a,OOO
83CC0 Tickets at 7 Dollars cach is 266,000
The draw ing will commence, un«ier the
infpe&ion of a Committee of the Supcrin
tendants, as (ocn is the Tickets arc fold, of
which time.s will be given.
The Superiore»dants hav<. e-pointed John
N. Cr.mming, of Newark, J u-oh H. Har-
Jcnbtft*, of New-Brunfwick, ;-.r»d Jonaih m
FtheaV ot Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof. wb« have ample security for,-
discharging thetruft in them.
Gv'. 1 n order tofecujr the ptin&ual pay
Prizce, the of
the Lottery have direthrd that the Managers
!bai; cnei into bonds in 4e,ooodop3ra,
! with f<<ui fuflficicnt fccoHli;f,:o perform their
: inittu&tons, !!'e fu'M-.s; c« <'f>hichift
I. That 'a hci.evci ciiHcr o the
tVafl receive Threfc Hunorec Dol
lars, ije lhaU inrji-liaiffly p'acethc fame in
ore of the Bank* ol Nev-Yoik or Philadel
phia, to the cicdu oi ihr Governor of the 1
Society, and fuph ot the Supcrm'.enda'Bi s ?s
i*e ;n the city where the monies are placed, 1
to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn,
1 for the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take Sufficient fe
cunty for any TitrtfU they may trust, othcr
[ wife to be refponfiblc fofr thtw.
•111. To keep regnlar hooks of Tickets
fold, Monies received a'ocJ paid into the
Bank, abftra£b ci which [hall be feut,
"nontnly, to iheGovtrnor of the Society.
Pattrfoo, January 1, 1794.
On appbctiion to eiriier ot rhe above gen
tlrtnerj, informal ion wilj, be given where
m a
February 4 ;
3' 3'A 4"'
A choice parcel of Full Bjßied
Old Red Port Wine,
This day arrived, by the Spow Tiufty,
Captain Cook, JVirtn Oporto,
For SaJe fa
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Buftitls
St. Übea Sailt.
Oft. 29,
William W. Woodward.
H A NnT, ov A d p : irth, toffi«'r tom .
No. 41, Cbefnur-fcrecr, l 0 Franklin*.
Head, No. 36, four doors from the corn*
ofSecond-Qreet, foutl. fide, 0 I
fit* ; where the Printing Bufinefi u ta[rild
on a; ulua!.; hij who e attention fcjl,
confined to that occupation. Ordcrifro-n
any part rf this (hue, or the CW , t i nfn ?
will beexecnted, ar.d authors m,
having any work they may fee fit to pub
!:ft, torieaiv printed, either in Frerc or
Engiiflu The LiTit of El*o?s a „j
North A.mejica, with a COflCillt
PRICE-CURRENT,i, p, mted lor t ■
tor, Petir Eo*on, t. L. D. a. the atove
mentioned office, in French andEn*!.ft'
which publication has r er *; V rd the p Mon !
ape of some of the mod diftingnilkcd cha.
Vaster*in America, arc! whose names, in a
few days, will l» publi(hed, and acecmn.
iiy he two firft i umberj to the fuh!cribers
N. B. Blanks, Circular Letters, Checks,
Cards, Handbill*, fcc. &e continue to be
executed with the ufua^'difpatch.
Not. Ift eod 9w.
John Miller, jun.
A'o. 8, Cast nut near Fxos-r Street,
Hath Imported iu the late Veffefs
HAT IS well ajjorted, Boys' ttiured, and
Mens' black
Mancbtiler Cotton Goods
Slippers and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Black and WbiU Lace
Brown and White, by the Box, laid in ea
Q<sl. if oadtf
The Editor of the Level of
Europe and North America, eve: anxi ts
to communicate t» Europeans, v. ho rasy b(
dcfirousot tettliag in this Continent,what
ever may teua <o inform them of the sd.
vantages they may find here, in
agriculture or in commerce, ha< the her,or
to acquaint the pub'r, thathe has uniiet.
taken tne tranfl tion ofa work just publilh
ej undei the title of A View of tit' Umtti
Stater of Anunca. This translation «il'be.
executed with the p-rmtffion of the Au hor
Teuch daxe, Esq. Comm.Sinner cf "tin
Revenues ->f tlie Uni.ed States.
P. Egron, l. l. d.
Jpev. to w
JDiftant Sub/bribers
Fjrthi. Gazette, are !; veby rtTpeftfuk
ly requeued to pay up tbeir SupfcrrjHmnj
to ihe firft.of January nexn The Editor
will be under the ueoeffity of co-fit' rirfj
those wfcjdo not then renew their SuU
fcription by paying S:x Month* in A •
vance, as declining to take the Paper any
Ai there is i confiderab'e Sum due from
remote Suhfcriben for the late half Wcik
ly Paper pußlilhed by the Editor, he 1 icft
earnestly requcfts those who may li delin
quent, to taJce the ewlirft opportunity of
remitting him the balance they may r -
peftivdy l>e :ndeh:ed —the Aims areind
vidually nifling—the want of the Aggr«-
ga'e ij fevenely felt.
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
Tbcological Writings
Emanuel Swedenboifrg,
At Francis Bailey's Book Jlore, Ao. ll<»
Market Jtreetj Philadelphia,
WHEN a fiifficient iiibfcripnon '"Vti
p'are, a meeting will W advertucd to
j fidcr tire most eligible m«de for cnnd» J !
j .-he printingof such of the Works as InJl
bethought to be of ihe graateft utility m
the firft iflftance.
The following Treatijes may be now tad£t
Mr. Bailey's :
The Dnflrine oif Lite, or flie Spnitt"
ft-nle of tlie Tel. Commandment'.
The Uiiiverfal Theology oi the kew
Church ; wbicb was ' reiold l y th«
L»rd io Daniel, chap. 7, v- J,
and in the Apocaiypfe, chap. 2ii *• '<
A tummanr View of the Heavenly Doc
trines of tMfc New Jerufaiem Ci.urch. ,
jj' As various opitions or.\e !x'" fn "
terrained re'peft:n£ ih--fc lim'"' " """fl
and vet no person by rational e r ( °i!inrnt 'ir
been ible to refute thrtn, but irfl' ad tt.e ?
nlj invidious calumtrW*: ar.d gtocndle.'•
porjj have been induHriolilly piopfig'' e
to diicredit the hor.ourr.ble aird ecl g'
Author, as weH •> his Works, we
not the canri<J and ficcere qui;ers ' "
Truths of the highert import" 'e. 'j M
rioufly examine tfcofr (Porks /<" / . "'rj
in which it if t» bit i»>pe< , tlxt t« ,0 IS'l
pui "«Ht and iovf of the Truf ' ' '
of its native ex. ellencr trc t«> ■»
regard them as hey justly <ielcrT '' i'° . J
the an 3 rec<ive both prifit d>lig •■ 1
Oft. I 4 4
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & =»»•
M. 1.
. ■