Mountfbrd, Bibren y Co. PXINT £ X s, Vo - 75» 2W-*rt«*i iar T»u '• - :S«awrii * t e Public- Tfre> ha*e !a dia a €•<*- pleft * mui iiiiciil J. ± P < v. Imported ibis Pat] from Europe,, * .ich putj H in their power to .CeiitfriiH« fcatnte W prtttjmij fU»thn«- i fcU*i fcylaofciwg »t». Sfttialm WhK» in. Bwnb, Circular tetttrk, J£. fie.- "- w it» OzqaSeuqfe, Wik -: dT pfigM; Qtffltfitjr ™ an 3 tierccv : Sa^ra InhogfrQu]}, .-■■«» *Ii Ms»hmtito«* WVo >MJlto ptirckifc; 300 {r 4&0 - CdfksGood Ft&ftedj ' JWf« u; -" : " k ; Tom is of an open counte nance, of a yellowilh colour, and much difp >fed to laugh. Theyare fpnghtly active fellowj, and but little Ihort nf fix feet high ; they were both veil dressed ; Jack bad on a blue bioad clorh coat and different kiads of clothes. • Whoever takes op said servants, and feenrts them in any goal in the United Stares, fothat their mailers may get them »;ain (hill receive the .above reward and raiTonablc expence*. John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. Utttf oa. >4 f Z'- ■ 1 ' v BOOKS rggenßß &JVBiJSHEn - By Matfcew Cwcfi i. Charlotte, a tale of truth, Bj Mr j Ro*xv/on t of tbc NciM-Tbtatrc Philadelphia. Second American edition—Price 75 cents. ([The rapid falc of the First Edition of this interesting novel, in 2 few months, is the best proof of its merit.J ExtraS from the Critical Rrv'*n» y April : 4 * • i79*> #-*W- It mfyfe * t>k of troth, for it is nm «»- *at*rsl» -audit V diflref*—- Chrtottt by the irtt&ceof * teiefer, re-; to*-fciioal framfcftnnvit? t»-- rhcr tbxn • (OatiAiM'li b*fr w«|»W| of cWiiM, h «a kf - iad«cwp«W> i» jr»» 1 f oftcer t* Aoerin—Tkt marriaf efnrtiosy, ifMt i •nd 1 martjrr to ibd iaptr- Aaicp oft«r loTrr, of —The fi;«attoiK m*t and —.At Meriftnm litfril wif*- we tuvM'fK!f»r Ctaariau* ft fact)' k firtbn fwrwibd, wfce iim* erisir, fearufp, ft -fevert i » If ivinr itttQa, #«*! liejnfltftc I .«^r#4k«wii'" i - i,T fc ImjaKuw—ai M'i- Xowflto, if - "■ vft'J. (taji 5. A*rrnt*/e«if J6*4erk liriki. - a nil . i wmi, toiifc pa*'«: ;i«ll *m*7s (e^h'fac. 4. TW wo • trice, temh iMfood, otic : idParxni 'ihMV. ' ■" . > 5. Wtofrfde-friMk fccrolotiim, from wnumwwnifnt »■«>» toft ai th£ &*tn aiid {bo fscc*t»£ of Brt&t Two'doUux. . y Ext*act no.M the Prkfacf. " The authors have prelum d to affix to their title the epithet Impartial; and th reafon is,becau& t«iey cannot charge them fe.ves with feeling the smallest bias to any party, but that_of truth and liberty ; and tf*ey flatter rdemfelves, that their reader? will find nt only every circomftance fairly Teprefeated, but every ceufurable action, v/hoeter were the authors or a&ors, mark ed in its proper colors. If it was nectffi/y to make a declaration of their own princi p'es, they would fay, they are tory nor rep&b'lca*»—They love liberty as Eng !;(h whigs, and execrate every criminal act jt wh rh so uoble a cause is endangered and f disgraced. 41 In the present ferment of the public mind, they cannot flatter themselves v»th the h pes of fee ng this claim univt ui y acknowledged O * the contrary, /le* are xucU afiuTt J tkst tkrje p&gcs luiU not be accefrta&c t? the zta 'iemi of either parly. Bur when tim ftiaSl dissipate b? clou 's of political decep tion, they with f.rme that from pubi;6>npintor., wh c.i candor and r oiervior fail to c eive E*T*ACT HO* THE. CHtlttt H LTttw, J&HOAtT, :c. J J ~ " ■ ■" " H'" Wt hart ccrtbal; derived much p'e£- line, •mod aennirrd much information from tb? parirfai at thete vohiws; and *e think their, both for jntfer and lljrlr, wmthy the artent'oo of ajlwbo intercft rhenifelre* in cv< nt« have so th# corinfity and aftimiftiMnt of mankind." 6. Flow Hem biftory rfthe Britifli empire from May 1791, to Dererabcr A . dotUr i»4 a, quarter. {Tkii is as inter- cfiingan- 1 valuable a publication as bad appeared lor many years ] 7- Beattie'j E'ements of Moral Science 2 vn's. One dollar and three quarters 8- Ladies Library. Second American edition. 87 £ cents. Covtmnikg— Miss Mooie's Effayi; Dr. Gregory's Le gacy to hi? Daughien; Lad* Penning tons nnfottuna'e mother's adv ce to her Daughters: Marchioneft de Lamb-rt's Advice ofa mother to her daughter, Mrr Chapone's Letter on the gover racnt of the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young Ladv newly married ; Moore's Fables for the Female Sex 9. Joornal durant on Sejouren France de. pu's !e commencemen* d'aout jnlqu'a !» midi Decesnbre; auqueleft ajoure un rec : t des evenemens lesplu* rema-quabiesqui oot m lien a Paris, dfpnis cette epoque, jofqu'a la mort du roi de France. Bound, 2 1-2 dollars—(ewed, 2 dollars. 10. F.dward't treatise on the r e|ig*ous af fe&ions. Coarse piper, a dollar—fine, a dollar and a hal'. it. Rights ol'Wiman—by Mrs. Wolfton craft, A dollar. <1. Wilton's Sacramental Meditations.— 60 cents. 13. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai against D abo'ns. >4. Short account of Algiers. Secood edi- tion, enlarged— 2J cents. Containing—A description of that coun trv—of the manners and customs 0} the in habitants—and of theirft»era! wars against Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice, and other powers of Europe—from the u surpation ofßarbarofla and the invasion of Charles V. to the present time.—With a concise Tiew of the origin of the war be tween Alg »rs and th« United States. Embellished with a map of Barbary, com prehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoiy. To the present edition is added a very copiotM index, cart lining letters from fnrdrv American prisoners in Algiers to their friends in the United States—a lift of the vrfflels taken—and many very inteiefi i"g articles not in the firft edition. >5 Blair's Lcftures on Rhetoric and Bel|fs hater* Three dollars 33 crnti. 16. Smith's Letters to Married Womro, on nu fine and the management of chiUitrn. 62 i-7 cent*. »7- A nacflcm Farmer**letter*. £0 cents. 18. Yoong Miffci Magazine, (volt. 1 dot •ar 33 cents. Containing—Dinlogoe* between a Covrr ntfl and fcvesal Yoang Ladies ot Qualify her fcholart.—ln which each Lady ii made to speak acng'diirgto her particular geniu«, temper aod inclination—Their federal faoftt, jreponird oat, and tbeeafy way to amend PHILADELPHIA: P&inted .v JOHN FENNO, No. „ 9 , CW„ T l.^ ARi PiR a , u , Bi .-.V* »- > r~Z - dim, m'«l m t» tmk Tfrfi -ts&sgskz'szsi. -* W^ih)ti«rb &4 lrft >- j***mi t '• ' ». laiftii Encb»idi«m.- 31 aril #i Sss>fbl3.; 'i, t VJm£ . si- ißfcjiOii'WifeHl, l* Mtl, lmtijr«iailaicJ.ta p*ljualu< •Acr mlftfck bat a b»> b.-o r»Wffl-ilc, ictMiianV A |faf«nf ff Mftit ißip»H»rft«fa{efti' b< fopcnuMad the Mw'i«w4«t iff itiliiig (MbikiacineMHra* 1. will vcmnWMteoanHiiccjrM niy (nMnit, >*■>» of/CoJ. H««|iliityt. jj-t-i ccsu -34. Catrchifis ps Man.. i| i-a lent* ' ' - : 85- Tom F»iac*« JHU- it i-» crwt 36. Cirrt'j KXtatt 4 tbc TeUoW- U tAitiea-'i* crnnW 37 . Srratat CkqEo'i V*te Uccm. "is croti. - ••• "> ,- A Cjrfei o! litiori. 50 tijU. • |}.Tt&k«cOm gttxMu Bo»f Kfclr. fiiolW*. ' - cftdtf ' JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by B'.njamin Davies, Wo. 68, Markn street. A Ground Plan City and Suburbs . PHILADELPHIA. j Taken fran late and accurate fur~oey. This .VI v" is 26 inches fqoare; and | will be delivered a-, may heft suit the por- I chafers, eitier i» IV.eets plain or coloured, or canvassed and affixed to roller«; ort.vfit them for the pocket, they will be cuta nd r o!ded in cases. Witbeachplan will be given a Smal- PampMet, containing a Lft of the Sob fcribers namer, and SOME ACCOUNT or PHILADELPHIA: Its civil and religious inflictions, popu lation, trade and government ; interfper'". Ed with occaijonal remarks. Subfcrihers-are requeflcd to call or fend for tbeir plans. ■dt the Same Place mat be had, TEE American Repository. Price 4 Doll. 3i cents per Joz. and 44 cents fngle, This neat Pocket Almakack ij thefirft of the kind that bath executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of the United States; and coma n>, brf.des, A Cfmpleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for tht Year '795. LsJts of the Officers of the American »er,-ment, Civil aud Mil tarv. The terms cf tl»e Federal Circuit* Dif tricfc Courts. IteLatituresand I-ongitudes from ~ he Meridian of JfciJadcJphia, of all the Cap . fa! Cities it* the Union. The dattsof the periods when each of llie Starts »as firft fettled; Their retpeftive Territories and num bers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in each square mile—and a brief State of their relative progress in Populatiotv; to gether with various other Articles of In formation. Ornameaud with an elegant Frontif fiece, 71(4 Ajr, and tveehx VIG NETTES, alluding to fctuet ia Thomp fom'tSeafoat, engraved if the nojl iage ni*t irt tmdan tilj kinnis /# « prize. THE Diredor* of Ihe Society for eftabii th ing Ufefu! Mari'ifafiiires, having refolv. cd to frcS LOT!f£H!ES for raifiog o>i Hcmsred Thousayc Doi lan, agreeably loin AS of the Lrgifl.iure of "ihe State oj New-Jersey, have appointed the following perfoniio superintend and Sor Lewis Donham, Sainu< W. Sii'ckti.o, Jolhua M. Wallace, Jcfeph fil 'cmfieid, and Eiifha Boudioot, of w-Jerfey, who offer the following Srbeio- el a Lottery, and pledge themfelvcs to the public, I hat they will take ererv aflunnce and precaution in their powir Co bdve the Monies paid by ihe Mac'agei,, from tiree to time, as recci»ed, i.,10 the' Banks ai Xew-York and -Philadelphia, 10 remain lor the purpose o- raving Pru , which (hall be immediately d. (charged by a check opon one of the Banka. SCHEME: Prize of so,ooo DaOin » «o,ceo i .0,000 ....... tajooo » i.OOO io,ooa S 3,000 K 10,000 *° I >W* to,opo •° . I«V>00 ,c# io v aoo! 3°° i" >5,000 »o©o (O; XOOO 3°oo •* SIOO to ' 4.539 *61,000. *3i4®» Bl»aki.-Firfl di|wf ,nakir, »,000 .Woo 83000 Tickets at 7 Do'lars each is 166,000 The drawing will commence, under the infpefiion of a Co-nr»»t:rr oi the Superin tendants, as Toon as the Tickeu are fold, of which timely notice wili be given. The Superintend ant* hive appointed John X. Cummin*, of Newark, JaeoS R. Har dcnb*t». of Near-Brunfwiek, and Jonathan Rh'a. of Tienton, h immediate Managers thereof, who have given s-ripie feciuity for diltharginft the trust repnfed ih them. In order to ferure the o»n&u?l pay* men of the Piiaes, the Suprriniendaots of 1 he Lottery have directed the Managers (ha.® arh enter into bonds in 49,000doliars, i withfour fofSc'rnlf<-corttits,ru perform then j inßrii&ioiu, the fuMlarcc of mtiicb is T. That whenever ciihrr.oiihe Managers ftiall receive the fuir ol Thre- Hundred Dol lars, he shall iirrmdia;ely pjace the fame in one of the Banks 01. Nev-Yoik or Philadel. phis, to the ctedii of thr Governor of the wietv, and such of U>e Superintendaius as ive in the city wbere the monies are placed, to remain thereuntil thr Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prize?. 11. The Managns 10 talu- fufficient fe ru»rj » + PORT WINE. A choice pnrce! of Full Bodied Old Red Port Wine, This Hay arrived, by the Snow TtuAy, Captain Cbok, From Oporto, F-.r Sal.- t>. PETER BLIGHT, Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Bufnds St. Übes Salt. Oft. 39. - m N 0 T I c E. gocm, u. frombergZ, ,** ssgsr 7"o accompli/), the Hem,, ~. rtyjlkry jfit, that the fefs much Irformatiox ■ aj,-j~, M the Unite J Starrs vsllafordL - pr: t aiiiity ofSncnfi it rcui Jefitipun, tt , CS 'U*.- for various otter Emfltjm.r.t, M> n Z certain degrees of Cupaat j & lenis ; where and for Cbtsnut Strrct, William W. p RINTE R / H SoTi" clr " P r rintin « °«« <*>„ Head >J„ !(, tL . ' I *»nk c - 3°. lour doors linm f!*. olSecord-fireer. south fide, file ; where tbe Printing BofineA 3 on a, ufel; his WbO W confined to that ocenpatier. 0-d, r ,(,J an, p an 0 f tb j s or tV rO , , ;r ™ ®ill be cxecoted, a,d a„tbor s , e T« YX' n ,VX™ k the > n ' av - fi'to " Eml ft Tj ,l |'" ' either j„ F -J 101 Wth A L rf El;),ori »™l PR ICE-CUR RE \'T With 1 '-OPIOI'S TCL 'i® pn»t«J for il tec, tor, Pits* tcioK, UD. at the ab;t< mended ofct, ,„ r r< . notl Bn()&i j* nhicb pob.;can<»n bt received the p a i, 0 „' age offoracof- themoft diOin s „i, htd rbj . ( j* Anie ""' lr " 1 »H6!e ,ant, m a SrVT* f a*,^ ? V.°? r-omberj to the ftb'c-^ B. Cjfxu'ar Letter^Checks. atdi, HwdbilN, £«. &e contin , Jt , c ' executed With the a! Ua , difpatcl. Xo> - :lt e-d John iMiller, jun. ' KesMOr aear Fugkt Strict, Hath Imported in tho late VrffeL A GEXERAf. ASSORTMENT Qf WOOLLENS, U'lTilLt TO THE JIASOH. ALSO, (by the PACKsar,) HA} l S Weil ajfortrd, Boys' cc/curtd, Mir' Cotton Good* F/ewrrt feathers Hack and While Lace Fans. IRISH LINENS, Brown and White, by the Bci, laid is 01 the BEST TERMS. Ticklenburgs, ' »T THI BA i 2 OR ritCE H oad?f To the Public. 3C,0c0 . 36.00 c A SUBSCRIPTION I« opened for Printing the Theological Writings O I A tr plate, a meeting »HI hMjSmBK* j<> lider the mn( »ligill1» W>k t^lilWN the prxuinpaf 06* «#s(te3pi* *r«U .tfip-firff irßance',' i f-- ■ ' • ' {TUfilhnmg^re^^U^ffp Tte *W-* , 4*« sense of the Tr* The . lJoitllw|l, , My. |ll| f" * A fornmary View of the Dm |T Ai T»mu qßmmniwlr tertained refpeaing IheftfiiWf jft**>*"< and ye(«c ft (