• rtjike to judge of the conduct of : y man, we do him injustice, if we ■;e not into the account his peculiar (nuation, and allow for it. A player's !i.nation in society, though he be a real gentleman, and of pure morals, is often awkward, and always in a degree rm barrafling, owing to the prejudice the world has imbibed against that class of people. An actor capable of convey ing to an audiencr, the tranfcendant . conceptions of a Shakespeare is really a genius. If this ador, be of good mo rals, why should we in bellowing ap plaufeson his genius, withhold our ex prefiions of elteem for him as a man, especially if we find his heart replete with the milk of humnn kiuducf*? t Henry admired the Botioniaus, and Has been frequently heard to far, that the uppermoit with of his foul \*as to he a M uiager of the Bolton Theatre ; that he wonld facrificc not a little pro perty to the fond idea, of fiift exhibit ing to the pure unprejudiced minds of the Bo (tomans, such a school of mora lity and patriotifrn, as the Theatres of the old world have new afforded—and Providence seldom fends a pcifon into the world with un inclination to attempt great things, without a i-tpacity equal to the pet formnricc of them. But poor Henry is gone ! and left many behind to regret his ldfa ! [Col. Centinel.] I'HILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 3. From a Correspondent. The boast of some of our public men is thic—they have not voted in lavor of any one principal mcaiure of the govern mmt finee it was adopted- That is said to be an old and fuccefsful trick to favt popu larity. If the incafure is liked, nobody cares who voted' againll it. If there is a clamor, cunning exclaims I did not do it. VV hat a ltock of merit certain patriots have iaid up in the journals ! The Following article is translated from a Hamburgh paper of Sept. 23, with which we -were favoured last evening. [Aurora. J Paris, Sept. 8. The American Ambassador with his Lady, and the Mtnifter of the Geneva Republic, afiiited yesterday atthefeall of the decade in the temple of morality in the section of William Tell ; where Citizen Barry pionotinced an elegant discourse on riie danger of idolatrizing individuals in a Republic. From a Paris papei, by the late wrinl at Ntw-York from Havre. Official Intelligence. From the general in chief of the army, of the Eastern Pyreiinees to the com mander of Bellegarde. Head-quartcis, the 2d Sansculotide. " 1 can admit none of thy conditions. The garrison mtifl surrender at discre tion, and will await its fate from French generality. • « Anhver of the Spanifli commander. " To thy reply I answer, that I a gree to thy proposals and offers, _ Marquis of VallbsF/ntori." BeHegarde, Sept. 8. Account of the prisoners and captures in consequence of the surrender of the camp of Berville, commanded by Col. Graham. Guadalupe, Oa. yth, 1794. [The Capitulation we publiihed forae days ago.] 77 Officers. 1650 Englifli and Aristocrats. 950 Barrels of flour. 400 do. beef and pork. 48 Caiks of rum. . • Buftiels of Indian corn. I Enplifh /loop and anothe Barrtls of rice. 5°S- - - . u Thoa£miCo .* " waggon*, - *fc CkfaoFpowk?^ »JOo An ~ **«. bayourt* Pif-1 J • «»«*■ K % > ** I Having had.fufpifions that the ; Pittlburgh pott would carry with him I the sentiments of some of the people • or this country, refpcCting out prcfent i alarming htuation and the letters by i the pott being now fn our pofTtflijWi ,y , which certain secrets arc discovered bus , tl!e our Litcreft. It is therefore now come to that cricks that every citizen mutt express his sentiments not by his words but by his actions—Your then called upon as a citizen of the western country to render your personal service • with as many volunteers as you can raise I to rendezvouze at your usual place of meeting oil Wednesday next. And from thence you will march to the Ge neral rendizvooze at Bradock's field on the Monenghaly River on Friday the firft day of August next to be there at 9 o'clock I'. M. with arms and accu trcments in good order. If any volun teer should want arms and accutre ments bring them forward, and tliev fh;ill be supplied as well as pofTible. Here Sir is an expedition purposed in which you will have an opportunity of dis playing your military talents and of rendering feivifes to your country, toui days provisions will be* wanted let the men be thus supplied— We are &c Upon receiving some late Intelligence from our runners we have been informed the ammunition we .were about to seize and put into the hands of the citizens is defigncd for Genl. Scott who is just going out againlt the Indians we therefore cencludc not to touch it— I give you this early notice that your brave fonn 0 f war n«ed not to turn out till further notice Yours See Died the 26th ultimo, after a linger ing indisposition, which he bore with clji litiao fortitude and was intered the 1 th, attended by a refpe&able number of citizens, Mr. John Bowen, of the parish of Vere, in the island of Jamaica —a gentleman universally refpe&ed by all who had the pleasure of his ac quaintance. Dugommier." To Colonel William M'Pherfon, com* mending the Infantry, and -aptain John Dunlap, commanding the Cavalry, of the advanced Corps of the right wing of the Militia Army. In the hurry of making the arrange nents at Pittsburgh, for the march of he advanced Corps of the right wing t bccame impracticable to communicate o y° u the General Orders of the I Bth nftant. A copy of them is now end., ed, and you will of course, acquaint four refpedive Commands, with the entiments of our worthy Commander n Chief, refpeding their and their fcl ow-foldiers patriotic condud in fuppor »ng the laws and the Conftitutiou and :he happiness of their Country. Whilst you are discharging this duty, t request you will likewise express to hem my high fatisfadion with theii oldier like deportment during thewhole ime I had the honour to command hem—while I live, 1 shall recoiled vith which they endured the severe toili tnd hardlhipsof the Campaign, and the promptitude with which they obeyed every order. To my latest breath. I shall Keep in my mind with the liveliefl sensibility, the remembrance of theii politenef3 a:;d attention to me on erei} occasion. I am, Gentlemen, with fentiinents of pure regard your mod obedient and. very humble servant. F^INCHUYS£tf. iSedford; Nov. 23d, 1794. ' NATIONAL CONVENTION. September 10. Giraud, in a long and rery. eloquent harangue, infixed on the glory of educating millions of lirres, beside* a fipe gun boat, mounting a 3- pounder, which was Ai ik, bi/t will be set afloat a;; tin. During the flight of tlu Eiijjliih fhipi and frigates from Petit-Bourg, a traitf port of 20guns run a ground, and was afterwards burned by the Republicans. The following Letters -were found in a house in one of the Wcjkrn Counties. [VERBATIM.] Canningfburgh 28 July 1794 —— Sir, JNO CANNON B. PARKISON D. BRADFORD A FULTON THOMAS SPEARE JNO LOUGHTV JAMES MARSHALI wi'h others not present Dr. Sir, DAVID BRADFORD 3-th July 1794— * whale nation, so as to render them worth) of liberty. " l-rance, he observed, at tW» pr .-f> it moment was e r evated to the very pinnjule o. Mrihljfp!er..!or ; the eyes o" lnaiitji d were fixed upon herdeftinits, and fourtten centuries of ignorance, degradation and a very were now effaced. The Oaves of d eipotifm had been ftiujlc with a mortal terror ; a protecting divinity had elevated her empire on the smoking ruins ofa throne and on tbe bloody remnants of expiring rail ions. I" Mandatories of a generous nation, let us consecrate a durable monument to the riling generaton j, the Areopagus of ought now to consolidate the ma je.lv of our immortal revolution, bythciii deflruistable basis of public infti n<3ion. " Before we abandon the helm of pub lic afia.rs, let us announce to our conllitu -1 ents with a true republican bbTdnel's- so I'ranee, and to all Europe, that v. e con template \rith cnthulialm oue inviolable maxim ; without public.edueation the etu pire of morals mult be (Proved. " And if the fury of new Vandals stall aim at the d -ftru&ion of the Republic ; if the dread of this horfible calamity diffuses con ,f! la '' on amon g tl»e paiEonate friends of liberty ; but 1 here pause, and confien my lefieaionsto virtue, to the principles of the French Senate, to the cogitations of the learned, and to the meditation of phi losophy." Ms. Gireud concluded by propoGng that after the loth Vendemaii'e, in the 3d year of the Republic, three days (hall Be dedicated in every decade to public inftrtiflion. The Afl'embly oidered ihisfpecch to be printed, and referred to the Commit tee,of Public Inftru4tion. Geniffieux remaiked r that a gross abuse had Cfepl into the Courts'of Jus. tice ; they now granted delays to deb tors, which bad a near rtfemblance to letters of respite, under the old Govern, raent. • . IKSTRUMENT of tortus e. The Reprcfentatives of the People in the North sent fiom BfivFels the in ternal machine that their tnemies had contrived, with which to Ueltroy Drouet by Hunger and Thirst. He owed his life to the humanity aloneofan old man, burthcned with ten childrci, who con stantly conveyed to him mllriment. Upon the proportion ofSergeut the Aflembly decreed, that this inilrument of the barbarity of Defpus fliotlld be placed at the feet of the ilatue of Li berty, upon the place of the Revolu tion, and that below it should be this infeription— Bthuhl the B 'uJJing as Dcfpots ! ! NEW theatre, j tm Opm THIS EVENING, With an occasional adchefs—after whioh the favorite COM ED Y of Every one has his fault: Lord Norland, Mr. Whitlock Sir Robert Ramble, Mr. Chalmers ™-^ o,us ' Mr. Morris Mr. Harmony, Mr. Green m'* ? ■ ' Mr - Wignell Mr. Irwin, firft tune, Mr. Moreton Hammoiid, Mr. Cleveland *° rter > Mr. Warrel ■Ldward, Mrs. Marshall I.ady Eleanor Irwin, Mrs. Whitlock Mrs. Placid, Mrs. Shaw MifsSp.nfter, Mrs. Bates Miss Wooburn, Mrs. Morris End of the Play, A Scots Pastoral Dance, composed by Mr Francis, caljed The Caledonian Ftolick, By Mr. Francis, Mrs. Cleveland, and Mrs. De Marque. To which -will be added, the FARCE of THE PRIZE, I 1 OR> 2 » 5> .3i 8. 1 ickets and places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Wells, at the office in front of the 1 heatre, from totill i,and on the days of performance from lotill 3 o'dlock. The doors will be opened at a quarter er 5» the performance begin atajquar ter after 6 oVlock. H Whereas an attach ment atthefuitol the adniinifliafcorsot a ;( and Angular the goods and chattels, i i hts and credits, which were of "William B„r ---net deceased, at Jhe time of Irs death, hath been lilued out of the Inferior Coujt of common pleas, in and for ihe County of Miridiel'ex, against the Goods ard Chattels j Lands and Tenements of I.rf,i U s Martin, j late of the county aforefaid, r'tftiiioafile to the tliirdTueldav in July lafV. NOTIC E IS hereby given to the fai'd Irenins Martin that unlcfs he appear and file special ba:'te the said action, on or before the rfiirdTuef day in January next, judgmcntwill be en- | tered against him by default, and the goods and chattel*, lands and tenements lo at tached, fold for the fatijfa&ion of fucti ot his creditors as /hall appear to be j'uftly cn. titled to any demand thereon, aod jhal! ap ply for that purpose, according to the form ot the statute mfuch cafe made& omvided By order of the Court, DF.ARE, Clerk. I *wtf. Aug. *», CONGRESS HOUSE OE representatives, TucfJay JDecerabe. 2. After reading several private petiti ons and a letter from the Secretary of the Tr-enfurr, notityinp the House of his intention to reliyii his office on the lafi day of January next, Tlir Hovfe went into a Committee of the whole, Mr* Cobb in tfie cha;r aud took up the bill providi'iKr Cn niicnlation for '.lie mi litia when called into the actual lei vice of the United States. -The Committee made Further proorefs in the difcufliou of this bill but role and reported, with firiilhing it. HwHoofc proprtded ii! reading coip rmmications from the executive till the time of adjournment. Wedncfday, Deccrtibtr 3. Mr. W. Smith, after funic iritFt duc or\ remarks 011 the uvij\»i':.nt lervice* J rendered to .their Country by the Le gion of the United States, and the Mi litia commanded by Genera] Scott, all under the orders or General Wayne moved three resolutions of thanks; the firft to.General Wayne, the second to the Officeis and privates of the Legion ; the third to General Scott and the Vo lunteers under his command. Mr. Smith enforced the propriety of palling these resolutions—inasmuch a • lie late important successes of the army are the firft that have been experienced in the war with the hostile Indian | Tribei—rhe was paiticulaMy induced to ! bring forward the resolutions, as the late very fijjnal advantages opened the faireli piofpedl of a lulling peace with thnfe tribes. Mr. Smith adverted in the course of his observations to the diligence a#d at tention of General Wayne to difciplin -1 ; 'g his army for the service 011 which they were employed—a circumstance which he thought merited particular notice and approbation. Mr. Gdes offered some objections to the mode proposed by the resolutions ; he considered it as a novelty in thetranf a&ionsof the house, and might lead to consequences not at present contempla ted. He was against an immediate at tention to the labjeft; wilhed the reso lutions Would lie on the table s pr if not, be referred to the committee of the I whole hortfe. j Miv Smith supported the resolutions on tbe' ; round of propriety, and as con- Want to the proceedings of the house. He adverted to the vote of opinion in the French conijtitution, and also on the death of Dr. Franklin. Mr. Sherburne and Mr. Dearborn fe derally suggested the propiiuty of defers ving a detifion. Mr. Smith withdrew the resolutions ; and gave notice that he should bring them forward again to morrow. Mr. Murray moved a vote of thanks to the m litia who have lately been called out in ftipport of the laws of the United States, this was laid on the table till to morrow—A resolution refpetfingeompen iation to the individuals who have been peifonal fuffcrers in the late in furred ion was called up—and being read, was refer red-to the committee of the whole house to morrow. A meflagc was received from the Pre sident of the United States, communica ting a ftatemcnt of the from the sum often thousand dollars ap propriartd to defray the contingent ex pences of government—also informing the house that the President had this day approved and signed the a£t, grant- j ing the privilage of franking, to James V\ lute,delegate from the South Western Territory of the United States, and providing for his compensation. On motion of Mr. Lee, a report of the Secretary of war on sixty petitions from invalids made during the lift session, *as Several of the Cases were dicuffed, and finally referred to the committee of claims. | The House then in committee of the i whole took up the militia compensation bill in the discussion which further progress was reported. Adjourned POUT OF PHILADELPHIA , ARRIVED. Djyj Ship Industry, Budd, Virginia i Canada, Brew, Breil ej Margaret, Robertfon, Lifcon 4 a . Harmony, Alcorn, Bourdeaux 74 Brig Fair Hebe, M'Keever, Malaga 60 „ , p w ° rci ' h f, rs » £ eifc > k Bermuda 10 Schr.Polly & bally, Baird, Vir< mia 4 Friendship, M'Namara, \)o. 4 Atfive, Wallace, Do 4 Sloop Ann, Gardiaer, Nantncket 11 Driver, M'Uheny, C. N. Mole i 6 Sloop Sylvia, Macy, Nantucket, 13 CLEARED. Sl>ip»James, Wilson, Charleston. Hope, Higgins, Bollon. Snow Trully, Clark, Oporto. Sloop Ifiael, Gills, Bedford. 1 he Britilh Ihip Dorset was taken on the ■:r, y v ,'fc ltd Oflobcr by the Libwty, Captain Gardoni, a French privateer, which pri vateer a!i"o captured the ship Chicpr, Capt. bcth from JamaicaT, bound to Eng on die xjth do.—they were retaken on the iSth hy the Spanilh frigate Santa i erpetua, of 36 guns, Capt. Lelizelda, and ™ the oth the privateer \rns taken by the taint —ii vateer had been taken br the Santa Pftpetui, and sent into the Havannah a few days before. The . is who were on board tlieDor li't, vvnen tnken, liave rived here in the b r i / I L.ia, C.-.ptr.in Caffin, from riavantliih. . A (h:p and {loop waj iVen at the fort this Tht- flf ,p J.-an, Capt. M'Pherlbn, n!n« weeks from Fiamburgh, fljip Margaret, Kotieiuon, and eral other square rigged velicis arc m nved bciow. ahe C!« patri Britilh frigate, a fety day» ago ft -took the /hip Amphitrite, la dcnwitii dry goods from Cuernfcy bound to tbe Well Indies. She was prize to a lrnali privateer schooner, and her cargo is valued at sterling. , By this Day's Mail. TRENTON, December z. We hear from SuflTex county, that a negro wench belonging to a Mr. War ner, lately attempted the deit.u&ion of the whole family by poison. Our infor mant fays that three are dead, and the lures of the remainder (4 in number) doubtful. ' On charging her with the fact, (he ooiiftlied, that she had put rats-bane mt° the coffee—but not with intention to kill—that it was given Jier by a neighbouring wench, who told her it would only make them sick for a while, and afford her fun. They are both lodged hi jail. Sugars for sale. S xcen Ho«fii«ads, Ninfcttftfi Tierces, Nine barrp] , 0 n whieUMie Drawback may bcobtair.td APs L Y TO John Claxton, o 11 John Clark. ■ D.c. 1 watches. Robert Lejlie & Isaac Price, Clock and Watch Makers, Market street, No. 79. In addition to their former aflortmcnt per the William Penr and Caroline, have imported in the George Barclay and jPi gou from London, a hancfome and well fele