i D A ( I>V I ,9 of Vol. Vl.] FOS *AL£ BY To a IX Blanchard, in Third street, 66 PIPES Choice Teneriffe Wines, of fuprrior qmijjHfc. oniar Fa pu>« jjfc' Jo C.fcs nt'r.laret "f,« 'oj*rior qnality fubj'ft i» drawback. B'ftonTeaSet alar?f srijmtraent SlM't sizes and oufflbp'* Ba r r Lea'!, J.ead in pigs KafliJ Sheetings Wonwu'i (Scuff Shoe) by the quantify Co ft frail" R+idrfe- MH»d Cbeefe it ta'g-; and elegant of European and India GOODS, At tie mod reduced Prices N 1 v 25 FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hint's, and quar ter caflcj LISBON Un pipes and qusriercafks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter clietts A quantity »f Lilbonand CadizSAL'i" S.»ft (helled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Hnffia MATTS. Jttne 9 d J. M. Bart, No. 170, North Second Street, Refpeftfully informs the Citizens, that he intends to open an Evening School, From SIX to NINE o'clock, beginninc next Monday, 27th it where he will roach the French £sf Italian languages Arithmctick and Book-keeping. On the mvjl reasonable Terms. A drift alterilance may t>6 deprnHetl •pnn by those who will favour him with employment Of> 2 7 ri Loft yesterday Out of Ml pocket, by a gent h man at Mr. Fran os's Hotel, fourti/Vrert. a larjre Red Morocco Pocket Book, Cfmtai.nirt JVveral Bogd* arid Papes, and abut FORTY DOLLARS fix per cents : The owtiCTthereof -may be easily difcover ?d by the slightest view of tke papers. Whoever has founH the fame, and wil) de live* it to Mr. Francis, ftiajl tece-vea bandfome Teward, and no questions atked. Nov. 12. d.2 w Wanted, A man and woman kitchen Servant. Accuftonifd to cooking, to whom generous wages will be given. None need apply bin filch as can be well recommended. En quire o I the Printer OA. 20 d LANDING, from the Ship Adrian a Kieran Fit%patrick Master, from Amjlcrdam. HOLLAND SAIL DUCK, Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White arid Brown Linet, Diaper, fine Checks, Bedticks, Hair Ribbon, GreatCoats, boxes Window-Glass, Ditto-Tumblers, , Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Oflober 41. d. Just Arrived, And will be lat.drd to-morrow morning at Wharf, tlx entire cargo of the brig Oond Hope, Captain Hodgdoti, from Ja maica, confijt'mg of High Proof RUM, sugar, PIMtNTO, and COFFEE FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. A FEW B AIES OK Brown Russia sheeting I nportrd jn tke William Ptnn, from London, FOR SJLE BT Curtis Clay, No. J7, H|S« Sum. NOT. I TrJcttf *'v' L Y EV E N ING A DYER TB.STR. For Sale or Charter, The new fiift tiling Ui^e T° m > " George Webb, master Burthen about 800 barrels, now l ying at Si.u'njjtrr'j w liari. f 91- «iaj» apply to the Captain on board, or to FJhJion & John Perot. Nov. 19 d CHARLESTON, S. C. Oil Monday next, Freight will be taken on moderate terms, for \which apply to Joseph Anthony £2° Son. Nov. a6thi794. 4t j 2 airtf For CANTON direct, r£S" v *. The SHr? George Barclay, SHE will fail in all Febru **££££-w&&sv- ar y ( u »>lefs preventrd by ice) for freight out aad home, apply to George Meade. For sale by the Subscriber, (Whose Compting House and" Store will 'be lemOved in a few Days to the Sbutb Side of' Walnut street wharf) Bill of Exchange Madeira, of the firft Quality, Six years Old by the Pipe, Hogshead or Quarter Cask, Excellent Old Sherry, by the Quarter Cask, Choice Lifbori in Pipes and Quarter Casks, A few Ca/ks Red Lisbon. About too barrel* Beef iOd tierces Rice Afewboxc* Spermaceti Candies Lilbon Corks of the fi'ft cjnality In bales 200 hog (heads MolafT i A few boxes Dowlaifes, Silefias, and Sripes A few P'gs Pester and Bii"dl<*s Coffee Sec. GEORGE MEADE. Nov. 1.7 d2W Noiv landing at Chefnut street wharf, from the fliip Rising Sun, Captain Olney, just arrived from St. Pe terfcurgh. Russia Hemp, And Sail Duck of excellent quality, Ravens Duck »nd Raffia Sheetings Cordage and Bar Iron, FOR SALE BY Joseph Anthony C 3' Son, WHO OFr,ER above Jhtp for Nov. 19 Sallad Oil, Of « superior quality in boxes of twelve Bottles; rot. sale v Grubby Mather Hill. Nov. aft ' d " Jchn Rudd, Mafler. Now lying at Meflrfr. Willing and Frances's wharf,burthen about 270 tons Virginia built, well found, and fails rc narkably fact. For terms apply to Capt. Rudd, on >oard, or to Emanuel Walker, Who has for Sale, 100 hogsheads ? the. 4fi tcrfturgh ««$ 1 1600 bofaibeeo 20 ditto 500 200 ditto 100 2 00 ditto 50 4 00 ditto 25 1,000 ditto 20 15,000 ditto 1® 1 6,739 Pr,zes 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an c.egant fpcci men of the privtte buildings to be asd d in the City ol Washington- Two beautiful de signs are already fekflrri for the entire fronts on two of the fqum-s • from theV drawings, it is prapofrjrl ioer twocrnttc and four comer Wildings, as foen a* poflibh after this Lottery ts fold, audio convey them when complete, .0 the fortunateadventurers, in the manner defctibed in the fclieme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett drdt£lion of five per cent, will be made lo defray rhe neces sary expcnces of printing, &c. and the fut plus will be made a part of tin*find intended for the National Univcrfny, to be erc&ed within the Coy of Washington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of Decembrr next: The money prtr.es will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months aftct the drawing is clofcd arc •o be as &iven towards the fund for the Un!verfi'»y, it being determined to fettle the whole hufrnefs in a \ear from tfce ending of the dra-winjr and to take up the bonds given asfecuiity. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by ihe Prefideht and two DircCtOrs qfclhc ofCotuinb aad are valued at more than hal} thj? amottm cfl the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commiflioners for the City of Wafl:- ington, for the time being, and acting on oath. S. BLODGET. I %* Tickets may br liad ai the Bank cf | Columbia; of James Wett •& Co. Baltimore; i of Gideon Dcnifoo, Savannah ; of Peiei ! Gilman, Boston ; of labn Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer- Aue. 30 Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1794. The Stockholders of the Bank of the United States a>e hereby in corporation, a General Ele&ion for Twenty-five Directors Will be held at the Bank of the Unitd_ Monday, the fifth dgy of January next, at TEN o'clock iu the Forenoon. And purfuaut to the Eleventh Sedtion of the Bye Laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank are hereby notified to afleinble in general meeting at the said place, on Tue the sixth day ot January next at FIVE O'clock in the£vening. By Order, John Kean, Cajhitr. Second Fundamental Article— more than three-f»urtin 6f the Direflors in Of tce, exclusive of tlie President, fliall be filigible for the next fucceedmg year : (Jut ehe Direflor, who shall be President at the time of anele&ion, may alwayt be re-e. leded. tuth&:st6 J. distillery: A PERSON who underftandj the pro. cess aud management of distilling whisky by applying to No. I9> south Third ctree: may hear of immediate, good and con A German will be preferred Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, Nf.w-York THESubfcribcr intending r« confuiehim felf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,I,, g S leave to off r hisfetvices to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock. Broker. Tboft who may please to favor him with their bufi ness, may depend upon having it with the uimoft fidelity and difpmch. Orders troin Philadelphia, Botton,or any other part of the United State*, will be llrvftiy attended to. tJEONARD BLEECKFR. I n;&ihtf -50 Dollars Reward. RAN away very imexpc&etMv from tl.t Subf"cvib™r, on So cl iy t'ne uthOftobe**, A Mulatto Man, name«g Knirefi Syihes and Skates Coffee Mills Black Lead Crucibles Anchors from 3 cyrf. to 15 cwt. /Ind a General AJfortment of 5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, Fragers No». i» »»o exportation or CYDER, in do. do. ■ j immediate use. And for Sale by Benjamin W, Morris. No. js, r.oruer of Dork and Pear lirecti Captain; of veflels and others fupp'ied with any of the above Liquors, bottled by tha dozen, apd Sea Stores in pem ral put up. Philad. Noy. 6. ethf&tc^w Dancing School. Wm. M'DOUGALL presents his com pliments to tie Public—Thanksthem for the great encouragement he hat experi enced these twenty odd yeart. He will open his School for this Season on Monday the 13th October, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in fcliat targe and elegant Saioon in Harmony firetft, leading from Thjrd to Fourth street, turhing the Corner of No. 70, SotithThird lireet. His Employers touy be aflured, the flri