A Gold Watch l os t. On Su'idfy afternoon the 30th inlt. sup j»ofed between bt. Peter's churclt & Sprucc street, a L-adies fn»all ftold French chafed Watch'. The key hole is in the Dial Plate. Any per (on having found the lame, & bi ing it to No. 161, south Second Street, lhai) rccei/e tight Dollars Reward. If ofc-r-ed for sale, the Makers in this city are requsUcd to flop it and v info. matioß as above. Dec. 1 Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs, and Gkfs Ware, Landing from on board tht Jhip tggj, from Amsterdam. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hoglheads and tierces, Muscovado Sugars In hogsheads, German Steel, ASSORTED IVOOLLIiSrs, In fmnll Bales, Sic. for sale by Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut street wharf. Who want to purchase 300 or 400 Casks Good Flaxjeed. NOV. 11 3tawtf NEW THEATRE. The Managers refpeilfully acquaint ihe Public, ihat the Entertainments for the Season WILL BEGIN Otf Wednesday, the 3d December will be exprefied in Future Advertifcments. d6t Nov. 24 ARRIVED, This day a few pipes of the frjl quality French Brandy, Fourth I'ro&f, Erfteem'ed equal to any that has been in this city for a number of years, * 1 ALSO, Forty HogpJtads of Jirjl quality of St. Croix Sugar, And a few Toms ot Good Black Pepper for sale nr Levinns Clarkfon, No. 116, south Water flreet. ,Ofl i i landing From 0! board the Hi ruling ham Packet, Lockjrr, and the Htn-y and Charley from Hamburgh, H E M P, Petctjburgb'i f.rfl r/iiality BAH IRON, S-wrdes, aborted TIN, in t>latis, do. do. GENETA in bhh. ft AGGING, German uffbrted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glafe, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. FOR SALE Thomas & John Ketland, Aug. 26 d German Passengers. AFt W Healthy Trade/men, Are just arrived in the (hip from Amsterdam, whose are to be agreed for, by applying on board faidfhip, or to Rundle' & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut Jireet ivbarf. N6v. 4 tutbjff Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, CnE3NUT-STfcEET, INFORMS his Friends that daring his abfcnce from Philadelphia (on the Western Expedition) his Biifinefs will be carried on at his Office as uftral, by Mr. Thomas Hale where Order* hi bis line will be thankfully received, and every Attention paid to them. Oft. 10 Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away front the fubferibers in Woodbury, Gloucafter County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the j2th instant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and Tom, each about 20 years of age ; Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look; Tom is ol an open counte nance, of a yellowish coleor, and much disposed to laugh. They are sprightly active fellow-*, and but little fliort of fix feet high ; they were both Well drefled ; Jack had 011 a blue bioad cloth coat and different kinds of clothes. Whoever takes up said ffervants, and secures them in any goal in the United States, fothat their matters may get them again (hall receive the above rewa-d and reafonab>e exp nces. yohn Sparks, Andrew Hunter. oa. i 4 BOOKS, PAINTED & PUBLISHED By Mathew Garey, *r _- o »*-..» « ' JV<). 118, Marktt Strut, i. Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Mrs Ro-wfon t of the Nez&Tkeatre Philadelphia. Second American edition —Price 75 [The rapid sale of the First Edition of this interesting liovel, in a few moutlia, is the best proof of its merit.]) ExtraS from the Critical Review, April 1791, p. 458. It may be a talc of truth, lor it is not un natural, a.id it is.l t al< of real dillrefs— Charlotte, by the artifice of a teacher, re commended to a school from humanity r*a thenjhan a convision ol her integrity of the regularity of her former conduct, is en tice llio.n he- governcfs, and accompanies a you ig officer to America-—The marriage cc'cmony, il not forgotten, is postponed, and -Charlotte dies a marryr to the incon stancy of her loverj and treachery »>! his , ieud,—rhe fruatio u aie artless and af -rhe descriptions natural and pa hetic f we flioiud feel for Charlotte if such i pet fun ever exiftvii, who tor on.- error, (t-arcely, perhaps delervcd so severe a pu mfhsiient. ti it is a fiction, poetic justice isiiO',' wo think, prop-«ly diftrlbuteO. 2 . The luquifitoi— bv Mrs. Ro>vfon, Se cond Phil.-dilphia edition. $7 £ cents Advwiituiesot' iloderic Random. i aid S° cents,' eoarfc papei—i do 1 r a id 75" cents, fi;ie 4. Notes fin rile (bate of Virginia—by Tkf mus jeff-i lon. Pr&e, neatly bound, one dollar and a haT. V' 1 5 History of the French Revolution, troth if commencement to the death of the Queen and the execution of Briflot* Ttvo dollars. , , Extract from the PRftf " Tne authors have prefumedito affix to their title the epithet Intpatiialj anil the realon is, beca. fe th/y cannot charge them selves with feeling the (mallei! bias to any party, but that ol truth and liberty ; and t'iey flatter themselves, that their teadcis svill find n it only everv circumltance fairly repiefentrd, but every cenlurable action, whoeier were the authors or aftots, mark ed in its proper colors. If it was fiiceiT>'_y to make a declaration of thtir own princi ples, they wouM fay, they are neitner too nor repuYican—-They love liberty asfcng 11ili wings, and execrate every criminal aft by which so noble a caule is endangered and disgraced. "In the present ferment of the public mind, they cannot liiitter themlelves with the h pes of fee rig this claim universal y. acknowledged. On the contrary, the\ are well ajjurtd that th-fe pages will not be acceptable to the zealous oj either party. But when turn- Hialldtflipiite >he clouJs of political deccp t on, they with forne confidenee expetl that V erdift from public opinion, winch candor aid It oieration feldnrn fail to revive KxXRA'CT PROM THE CRt TIC AL KtVIEW, January, >794 —p»ii e 12. lt We have ccitainly derived much plea sure, and acquired much information from the of thefc volumes; and we ihiuk them, both fjf matter and ftyley wo-rthy the attention of all who interest ttjemffelves in evutt which have so justly excited the curiosity and aftonilhment of mankind." 6. Plow.lens history of th* British empire fiotn May 1792, December 1793 A dollar and a quarter. {This is as inter eftingan-4 valuable a publication as had appeared for many years ] 7. Seattle's Elements of Moral Science 2 vols. One dollar and three quarters 8. Ladies Library. Second American edition. 87 \ cents. CoMTMaiNG— Miss Moore's EiFays; Dr. Gregory's Le gacy to his Daughters; Lady Penning tons unfortunate mother'? advee to her Daughters : Marehionefs de Lambert's Advice ofa mother toher daughter , Mrs Chapone's Letter on the government of the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young Lady newly married $ Moore's Fables for the Female Sex 9. Journal ditrant un Sejour en France de. puis le commence men*- d'aout jufqu'a la midiDecembrej auaueleft ajoute un recit des evenemens les plus 1 ema;quables qui ont eu lieu a Paris, depuis cette epoque, jufqu'a la mort du roi de France Bound, 2 1-2 doll at s—fewed, 2 dollars. 10. Edward's treatise on the relig'ous as- Coarse paper, a dollar—"fine, feftions. a dollar and a half. it. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wolfton ciaft. A dollar. 12. Will'fon's Sacramental Meditations — 60 cents. *3. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Sbadoai agaihft D abolus. 14. Short account of Algiers. Second edi tion, enlarged— 25 cents. Containing—A description *f that coun try-—of the manners and customs ot the in habitants—and of theirfeve ral wars against Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice, and other powers of Europe—from the 11- furpation of BarbarofTa and the invasion of Charles V. to the present time.—With a concise yiew of the origin of the war be tween Algiers and the United States. Embellished with a map of Barbary, com prehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly. To the present edition is *dde 4 « very copious index, containing letters f«om sundry American prisoners in Algiers to their friends in the United States—a lift of the veflels takeu—and many very inteieft ing articles not in the firft edition. 15. Blair's Lcftures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters Three dellars 33 cents. 16. Smith's Letters to Married Women, on nursing and the management of children. 62 1-7 ccnts. 17. American Farmer's letters. Bscents. 18. Yonng MifTes Magazine. a vols. 1 dol lar 33 cents. Containing—Dialogues between a Covcr nefs several Young Ladies o* Quality her fcholars.—ln which each Lady is made to fpe»k according to her particular genius, temper and inclination —The.- fever*! faults, are pointed out, and the easy way to amend 2au tf PHILADELPHIA:—Printer bv JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chewwt Strut.—Prics Six Dollars Per Aiixvh* tSem, «s well as to think, sr»d speak, and property ; no kli care bung taken to form their hearts to goodness, than to m lighten their uudet (landings wiih ufeiul knowledge. A (hort and clear abridgment is alfogiven of (acred and prolane Hdlory, jnd some ltflbns in Geogiaphy. The uleful is blended throughout with tnc agreeable, he whole being inteifpcifcd with ptoper rc le*ions and moral Tales. ig. D*incaa's Elementa of Logic. 8o cents 20. M'Fingal, an epic poein. 3; 1-8 cents, ei. Tench Coxe's (X|iniiis!i'>iu)l Lord Shef field's observations. 62 1 2 ccnis, 2a. Ladies'FiieiKi. 37 i-a tenia. 23. Smith's history ol Ncy* Y>rk, from its discovery to 1732* * dollar 2$ cents. 24. Complete A*l »=> for Mteprrfuit wii.con. tanning maps of France, Holland, Nether lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the Weft-Indies. 2 dollais. 25, C-onftitutions of the United Stales, with the Federal Const tucion- 62 i-2 cents. 26 Peyton's Grammar lor Frenchmen to learn English. 50 e nts. 27. Epifteti Enchu idion. 31 cems. 28. Gay's Fables. 31 cents. 29. Christian Economy . 95 cen: . 30. Charms of t Melody, a choice roll ft on of &>n£6. e5 ccnts. 31. American Mnfeiirti, 12 vol*, Bvo. Nino :een dollars and 20 cents. '• The Americati M:uijic:na (ruin oblivion, I will venture <9 t pi onouncc, as my Sentiment, that a more ufdul Ulfrafy plan has never been in America, nor one more dfefervihg of puolic encourage merit.'' 1 vol! . . G«*urji WaQiinßton. 231 Pocm'j r .f Co)- HuinphiC)S. 3? 1-2 cenls. 34'. Catecb»f'T/ ti( Wan. i.ii-n cents, 35.' Tom Painc's , T & *-2 cents 36. Carey's account of the Yellow Fever,4 h edition. 50 ci-iiO." Devout Christian's Vjdc* Mccam. 2 ccnts 38. Garden oT the Soul. 50 cents, 39. Think well on** 40. DjUJ»y Bible. 6 dollars. Nov. 29 JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Add by Benjamin Davies, .Nil. 68, M:.rk.-i (Wet. A Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHII.At)ELPHIA. Tatien frcm late and accurate furmey. Tltis Map is .26 inthc. Iquare; and will be delivered a* • iav Left suit the pur ehafeis, either iw foefts plain or coloured, or canvassed and as» xe lto rolhrs; o> to fit them for the pocket, 'hey will be/cuta nd nMed in cases. With each plan w-11 be .given a Smal- Pamphlet, containing a Lift of* the Sub (bribers n.>me% and SOME ACCOUNT O Y PHILADELPHIA Its civil and reuginu* inftifutions, p< .pu lafion, trade and government ; interfper'- ea with occasional remarks. Snbfcribers are reqneftcci to call or fend for (heir plans. jit the Same Place may be had, American Repository. Price 4 Dols. 33 cents per do*.. and 44 cents Jingle, This neat Pocket Almanack is the firfl of the kind that hath been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of ihe United States; and coiHa : ns, befdes, A Compleat Calendar, ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. L'ufts of the Offi ers of the American Go vernment, Civil aud Mil iary. The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif tri& Courts. The Latitudes and Longitudes from <-»he Meridian of I'fnladelphia, of ail the Capi tal Cities in the Union- The dates of the periods when each of the States was firft fettled; Their refpc&ive Territories and num bers of People; The nnmber of Inhabitants of each, in each square mile—and a brief Srate <>f their ielafive progress in Population ; to gctherwith various other Articles of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Front if piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp son's Seasons, engraved by the mojl inge nious Artijli in the City. N-»v . 11 FOR SALE BY GILL & HENSHAW, No. 128, South IVater Street, CLARET in cases, Madeira, Sherry, and Lilbon Win, Sainii'» W. Slotki h.tvt John N. of Newark, Ju.O" R. H*r ilr Nov-" rnnfw-ck, n nd Jonath.m llors, i.l T'cmon, as in-.rii.i'wih- Ihcirol. havrg-veu amoh ft c i: rit y foi dtfcharpmf the t»llft 1 eyu;!rd in M-cm. £taw4w eodtf CONSISTISa OF 85 hhds. Molasses, AND A Parcel of Ox-Hides ; FOR. SALE BY Peter Blight. ALSO, A PARCEL COFFEI r..A 1 • .1 . TT:i. - • f Sept. 23 a prize. SCHEME: 1 9 5 10 20 J CO 3 co ICOO Piiztrof 20,000 Dollars is 80,000 10,0 c o 2,c00 1 ,coo s°° 1 00 flO CO '5 1 a to ■2CCO 3000 8100 $3" fit order tofccurr thepunctual pay •rent of the Prizes, ihr Sipeiinw-udanis of the Lottery have duelled that the Manager* ftia'l ea« h ( nier into bouiir il. 4c ,coc dollars, with (ufßcicnt trcil* iti« »,'to pet form their inff tuitions, the fubflan< c of which is I. That whenev r i-illiM o'tl,c Managers shall iiwnvc thr* sum ol Thic< t-Jnndud I)oj. l.n>, In imtiuM,iuly pl»e< ; hc fume in nnc of the B?nkb M New- YOlk •>' Philadel phia, to tbe eirdtr *»i r>!r tlit paymeni of the Pit/'" 11. The Managns if* lakv fuff.cient (se curity lot any Tickcti r.ay fruft, other, wife to be refponublc for then». 111. To keep regular hoc l >f Ticket* fold, Monk* received ami ,£>\ into 1h« Bank, abft>a£l» ot which (hall be lent, •nonthly, to tht Governor of thr Society. Patcrfon, Januaty 1, » 7^4 On application :o either of thr above <»cu tlenien, informal ion will he £ •will be held at Sharplefs t School Room, in Frombrrgers Court, at half pa ft Six o*clock, on H'ednefday Evening, the third of December. To accomfiijh the Fiews of its Inftitvtion I it will be requisite that the Socielyfbould pof ! fej's m:sch Information j as, what parts of • the United States nil! afford thegreatrfl ' probability ofSuccefs to Mechanics of diffe rent descriptions, end to persons calculated for various otljer Employments, and itf feffing certain degrees of Capacity and Ji ll* Is J where and for what purpose* ike unemployed tire immediately wanting ; ur.li in order to contribute as much as poftfth to tlx immediate Comforts of Emigrants iH generaloll their Arrival, it will be necefjii ry to know the names of the persons wh* keep Lodging lioujes, their places of y.Udt and Terms of Accomodation. Any Conl - ttpon t'.efe articular Heads w.U be received with pleasure ly Mr. 'ihoj. I'carce, at A r 0.4 sin South Third Street, who is appointed RegiJler by the Committee and all. Information of a more general nature by O F E, William W." Woodward, PRINTER, HAS removed liis Pi inting-Offo fro/it No. 41. Cbefnut itreet, 10 bra: klin's Head, No. %() % i«>ui doors from tlie corner ofSecond-ftieet, south fide, ncatjy Qpj.c fuc ; where the Priuting BuiincfV i» t ani d on as u^na]; hi? vrho:e attention be:; g confined to that occupation. GrdmfWn any pa 11 of this flair, or the tontine; t, will he executed, a;;d authors n»; v idy ftn having any work they may «e<- fir tn pib lilh, corit!' Life, ot /he SpiiUual sense of the Tci. C'.oninaiidrue'nfr. The Dimcfal Ti-c«>lugy of the New, Church ; which w;;< ' reioM l-y tie L«rd in Daiiid, chap.?, v 5, 13, i4< and in the Apucalypk-, (j outableardefilial. Author", a* well av hi* Work*, «r doubt not the candid r.pd linccre inquWers after Truths of the higheH impD't;.i ctf, will fc rioufly examine those Wm»V'. jo' rl wjthet r iu v/fcich it is t'» h