Tickleuburgs, Oznaburgs, and Glass Ware, Landing from on board the ship eggy, from Amjlerdam. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hogsheads and tierces, Muscovado Sugars In hogsheads, German Steel, ASSORTED IVOOLLENS, In small Bales, &c. for sale by Rtindle ts 5 Murgatroyd, Nil. ii, Walnut street w:iarf. Who want to purchase soo or 400 Casks Good Flaxfced. Nov. ii NEW THEATRE The Managers refpeflfully acquaint the Public, Lii.it tbe Entertainments for the Season WILL BEGIN ON Wednesday, the 3d December Particulars will be exprefied in Future Advertisement Nov. 24 ARRIVED, This Hay a few pipes of the firjl quality French Brandy, i 1 1 * !"• ;■;] F'IOOF, Efltem*'; 1 . 10 -nv tint in this city for a number of years, A L S O, Forty WogjkeivisDf firfl quality of Sr. Croix Sugar, An EVER solicitous to render his MUSEUM tiill moje and more an ohjeft of ration*] filterLainuieiit, and iubterv ent to the io tercHs of ufefui I'ci 'nee, has on toe fu ge-J ---tion and with the advice of a number of his friends, provided a Boole, which will be always open for the infpe&iein of those who visit Ins Muleum, in which book it is proposed to inleri all fiich discover ies, in ; ventions, improvements, fchenie , obfer. vations, expeiiments, projects, hints or queries relating'to the arts or fci.nre:, its any of his visitors, or correspondents.may from time totiinc communicate. 3tswtf Such-as may ctiufe to conceal their names may eitlierfend their comniunieatism ano nymous, or at their delire, C- W. Peale will infer! their namet, with the minibei or fignaturc of ther refpeflive communica tions in a private book which he ihiilkeep for that pnrpri . The advantages ot such a public register are obvious. Itwillrefcue from oblivion many u!eful biins, which might "thriwife have died with their authors. Ir may le cure to inventors their juftclaims," arrdp e vent others from taking the hoiioi ot p'rolit of a difcj'.ery to which they are not en-, titled, and as the Mufeuin is now vifiterl bype-rfons from almost all parts of the world, fuce a.regilter, it isprefumed, will soon contain and hi. the means of fl.lfemi nating a vail fund of ufefui knowledge, and promote that Tpirit of enquiry and iirvrn lion, for which-the people of the United States are already fojuftlydillingtiilhed. Trails of Land, ONF traflin Frederick county,contain ing 8756 acres, being part of that whereon col. Thomfts Bryan Martin now refidesj known by the name of Greenway court, a boat 1 2 miles from Wincheftcr and 5 from Newtown. For the convenience of pur chasers, it will be divided into parcels of vai ious dimenfiqnsftotN 230 to 600 acres, which maybe viewed by application to col R. K. Meade, living near thepreinifes— The greater part is very fertile and well timbered. ajforted Another tiaft in the fame county on Paflage creek, containing 230 acres, and adjoining Jacob I.evingoods. Another tract ill Hampshire county,con taining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim Bottom, situate on both fides of the Soutk Branch and within two miles of the m.iuHi of it, and is ftippofed to have a good mill feat. Another trail in Hampshire coumv on New Creek and Kettle-Lick containing 501 acies. Another trad in Prince William county, called Leefylvania, containing upwards of 2000 acres, lyingupon Potoniack river, a bout 23 miles below Alexandria, and 28 below the City of Washington, compre hending Frecitone Point, which appears to be a quarry of free-Cone, covri iiig about 50 acres and adjoins the river, whete ves sels of ioo tons conveniently harbour. On anotherpart of this ttaft it isfuppofed there is a quarty of fl te, convenient to water carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the premises, will (hew this tra£l. Another trail, in Fairfax counry, called Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a bout 13 miles Oom Alexandriaand 10from Valhington ; abounds with fine fpiings and meadow ground, and maybe seen by apply, ing to Mr. John Wood, living 011 part of it tutbitff Anothertraft in Fairfax county, con taining 3g2acres, on Turkey-cock Run, a bout 6 miles from Alexandria. Another tiaft in Fairfax county,contain ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. \Vat fon'sfeat, about four miles from Alexan dria. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 513 acres, neat Occoquan, joining Mr. Edward Washington'*. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a mile of Pohick Lauding, and within five miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is well timbered. 2aw3w An undivided moiety in another tract, containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax county, about 5 miles from Walhington, & 9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinlon for merly lived. Another parcel of land, within a mile of Alexandria,containing about 24 acres, and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots. Alio, sundry unimpioved lots ofvarious sizes, in different parts of the town of Al exandria. ■ . Todefcribi the premises more particu larly is decmqfl unneceflary, it is expec ted every person will examine and view whatever part he shall be inclined to buy. My only object being to raise a certain (11111 et money, by felling so many or ftich parts of the aforefaid trafls of land and lots as (hall be neceflary for (hat purpose, onehal.' of the purchase money inult be paid at the time of contract, and the other within a year from the firft day of August next, and at the time of delivering pofleffion or exe cuting a legal conveyance. The lands re. maiiiing unfold, except the tra& in Prince William, after railing* limited sum, will be divided into tenements, and leafed for a term of years. From the 12th day of Oc tober next, till the 15th of Decembr, I lhall be in the city of Richmond, and afte. that time I lhall remain at home, in Alex andria, at which places, or elsewhere, I (hall be prepared to detail particulars, and to enter into conirafts. Alexandria, July 28 CHARLES LEE. Aug. 8 PHILADELPHIA, Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum. Sallad Oil, Bottles; FOR sale y C. W. PEALE. FOR SALE, the following in ' Virginia, lawro Diflant Subscribers Fortlm Gazette, are htreby refpeftful ly requeued to pay up their Supfcriptious to the firft of January next. The Editoi will be under the neceflity of those who do not then renew their Sub scription by paying Six Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As there is a considerable Snm dne from remote SuWfcribers for the late half Week ly Paper published by the Editor, he most earneftiy requests those who may be delin quent, to take the eaflieU opportunity of remitting him the balance they may ref p. lively be mdebied—the funis are indi v?du lly trifling—the want of the Aggre gate is fe ye rely felt. MADEIRA, "I SHERRY, IWINES PORT. J N °» LISBON, !> °j the TENERIFFE & I First Quality. MALAGA J Old Jamaica Spirits, Antigua and Weft India Ruin. Copiac, French, and Peach Brandies Claret and I-ort Wine of a Superior Qua lity, in Cases. f Wine and Cyder Vinegar in Pipes and Hhds. Bed Wine Bitters by the gallon or bottle. Corks in Havannab Segars in Boxes. Hamburgh Demijohns. Porter and Claret Bottles. MALT LIQUORS'! Prepared for In calks and bottles > exportation or CYDER, in do. do. j immediate use. And for Sale by Benjamin W, Morris. No. 58, corner of Dock and Pear /Ircets. Captains of veflels and others supplied with any of the above Liquors, bottled by the dozen,and Sea Stores in general put up. Philad. Nov. 6. ethf&to4W John Burge, CONFECTIO ATER, No. 7, North Fourth Street, RETURNS his sincere thanks to his Friends and the public, lor the very liber al encouragement he has received in the line of his profeffion, since his commence ment of buftnerfs in this city. He refpeftfully folicitsa continuance of their favours, and aflures them that no thing fliall V.e wanting on his part to ren der fatisfa&fon. He has now on hand, and for Sale a GENERAL Assortment of Confectionary, Araotig which are the following ARTICLES Pine Apples pre'"erred, whole and flic-' ed, Pears, Quince*, &c. preserved, Raf berry and Blackberry jam, Riifbcrry" Blackberry and Current Jellies, Peach Marm lade, and a great variety of other articles. Also Soft Shell'd Almonds, By the Bag or Smaller Quantity. Nov. 4 2aw4w JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, No. 6s, Market flreet, A Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate fur-vey. This Map is 26 inched square; and will lie delivered as may heft suit the pur chasers, either i» flieets plain or coloured, or canvafled and affixed to rollers; or 10 fit them for the pocket, they will be cuia nd folded in cases. With each plan will be given a Smal- Pamphlet, containing a Lift of the Sub fcribers names, and SOME ACCOUNT O F PHILADELPHIA Its civil and religious institutions, popu lation, "trade and government; interspers ed with occasional remarks. Siibfcriberr are requcflcJ to call or fend for their plans. At the Same Place may be had, THE American Repository. Price 4 Dais. 3 3 cents per doz. and 44 cents Jingle, This neat Pocket Almanack is the firft of the kind that hath been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of ihe United States; and contains, befide Sj A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the Yeajl 1795. I.Uls of the Officers of the American Go vernment, Civil aud Military, The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif trift Courts. '* • The Latitudes and Longitudes from «he Meridian of Philadelphia, of ail the Capi. tal Cities in the Union. The dates of the periods when each of the States was firft fettled; Their Territories and num bers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in each (quare mile—and a brief State of their relative progress in Population; to gether with various other Articles of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Frontif p'tece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp- Jon' s Seasons, engraved by the mojl iuge nious Arlills in the City. Na» .11 Just Arrived, And will be landed to-n)orrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, tile CARGO of the Schooner Induftrv, Captain Hylander, from Havajina, 8$ 'hhds. IVlolafTes, Of superior full quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar AND A Parcel of Ox-Hides ; Peter Blight. A L S O, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Just arrived in the Hiburnia, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. 13 James M'Alpin, Taylor, No, 3, South Fourth Street, Returns his grateful acknowledgements to his friends and. the Public for their libe ral Kncouiagement, and begs leave res j,e6lfully to loHcit a Continuance of their Favours. At bis Shop Gentlemen can be furnilhed with the best materials, and have them madt 4 tip and fiuiflied in the neatcft and most fafhionable manner. Hew ill thankfully receive any orders Sc pay apronjpt *ud punctual atterltoii to them. Oft. 25 Scheme of a Lottery, T» raise 39,900 Dollar*, on a 66,000 Dollars Deducing 15 per Cent*from Ihe Prizes— This Lottery consists 0/ 38,000 Ticket J, in which there are 14,531 and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an haj blanks to d prize. THE Directors of the Society for establish ing Ufeful Manufailures, having lefolv ed to erefct LOTTERIES lor laifing One Hundr ed Thousand Dol la r s, agreeably 10 an Aft of the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey, h&ve appointed the following perfonsto fupcrintend and direst the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rtifus' King, Herfnan Le Roy, Janies Wat fan, Richard Harnfon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New-York Thomas Willing, Joseph Hall, Matthew M«- Connel and Andrew Bayard, ol the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How* ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General y.lias Day ton, Jaims Paiker, John Bayard, Doftnr Lewis 6onham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wallace, Joseph BloOmfield, and Elifha Boudinot, ot N' * on. A