NEW THEATRE. ' Manager* aitft&fu&j aftfljintthc "Public, that tbe * f Entertainments for the Season WILL BEGIN ON Wednesday, the 3d December Partieiiliri will be expressed in Future Advert Temects. Mw. -44 ARRIVED, This day a few pipes of the firjt quality French Brandy, Fourth Proof, Esteemed equal to any that has been in this city tor a number of years, ALSO," Forty Hog/btads of fiijl quality of Si. Croix Sugar, And a few Tons of Good Black Pepper, FOii S.4LE Br Lcvintis Clarkfon, Tvo. ii 6, south Water street. oa.j? d LANDING Prntti • bnard tfv B'rmingbnm Parget, and the Hen-y and Charles, from rtnoibu'zb, - HEMP, F't-r/burgh's jirfl quality B /tH. IRON, Swedes, ajorted TIN, in tlates, A*, do. GENEVA in hkds. B 4GGING', German ajpjrted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart liottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Ghfi, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, jc. iyc. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d I'ini Liverpool Saltj To Be Sold From the Ship Thomas, The jeeond wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at said wrhkyf, to Jehu HtfHingfworth', & Co; Aug. i 5. -d. Thomas M'Euen, Slock and Land Broker, ■ ■ • No. 78, CHBiNOT-iSTRW T, W" IHfjO-l MS hii that da.jag bis ncajpfn Rhilatfeljtbtl^aft■ Vyiftam *vC*■«his Suliiuf's csirrirH on at a», tj Mr. Tl»bn tbera. , .' C*. to . . d German Paflengers, AFt W Healthy Iradefmen, Air just arrived in thefoip Pejgy, from Amfterdjm, whofr time are to be agreed fiw, by .applying on bna-'llaid ihip, or to Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, H'alnut Jtrtct -jjharf. Not-. 4 tutb : Jf Ticklenburgs, O/naburgs, and Glafe Ware, Landing fro«i o>i board the /hip / eggj, from Amjirrdtim. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hogOieads and tierces, Mu'fcovado Sugars in hogfheada, German Steely ASSORTED WOOLLENS* In fnr.'all Bales, &c. for sale by Rundle Murgatroyd y No. 11, Watrvit itreet wharf. Who want to purchafc 300 or 400 Casks Good Flaxfeed. Nie Bud more an . o jest of rational taierta.niiie it, awl iuhierv ent to toe ip terefts of ufefui f'ci-iice, has on toe iu gef tion and with til: advice of a uiiinbct >»l -fiis friends, provided a Cook, which will -w always nuen for (hi.- iirfpefriou of those w'io visit hn Muleuin, in which book it i; proposed to inlert all such iifcovcries, in ventions, (scheme ' obfer vKtions, expeiiments, projects, hints or queries relating to the arts or fcionce-, as any of i-.Ts visitors, or c-jrrefpoiidents.inay from timetorime coinmu.iica'e. Such a; m>y chufe to conceal thpir names inay citlierfend theircominuiiicaiiofe. The advantages ot fucha public remitter obvion* Itwillrefcue from obfifrioM many u&fnl hints, which might "flirrwiie have died with then authors. It may fe curc to inventor- ihci# j jfl claims, andp e vent others from taking the bono: or profit of a d : {covery to which they art nor en- am! as ti«e iVLufctnn is now visited ; >yper!"ons from a!m<>ft all parts of the vor!d, lues a,reg : fter, it is perfumed, will soon contain and Ix; the means of n flVjii*- natinga vail fund of ufeful knowledge, and promote »hat foirit of enquiry and invn. 'ion, for which (he people of the United States ar« aleady fojuftly distinguished. FOR SALE, the following Tracts of Land, in Virginia. ONE traA in Frederick county, contain* ing 8756 acrn, toeingjwrt efthat whereon col. Tboma* Bryan Mucin nrw refidejj known by the >aat«f Grtniway court, a--, boat 12 ailei froni Wigclirltet ind j Irom Newtown. Fot tbe coo¥feiiejice of pur- Chafers; it will be divided into pared* of vuioutdtmeniioritgaa to 630 acrei, wbieh may be viewed by imitation to col R. K* Mx'tc'e, li«fiig near theprf iniTi-s— Thegreaitrpartiit very'fertile and weil timbered. Another tiaft in tht faint county on Palfage ir»eh, f entiinlbg *JP acres, and adjoining Jacob LeviAgoods. Another tract in Hampflurc cnnivry,con-« tainhig bj patent, 699 acres, called Slim Bottom, fituste on botli fitfejof tbe Snutli tiraa£tf iforf 41 thin two miles of the woutli of il, and is fnppofed to jbav* a good mill seas. AiM»tbe(,tca& is Hampkjre count} en New M «aA- l{«»l< Ll«k 4 uomjluTii# acres. Anrother tra£ in Prince Wilfiam county, called Leefy.lvania,' containing.uptv&rds of 2000 acres, lyingupon Potomftck river, a bout 23 miles below Alexandria, and 28 below the City of Wafliington, compre hending Frecftonc Point, which appears to be a quarry of free-Cone, covering about acres a»rd adjoins the river, where vef feis of too tons con venientiy harbour. On another part of thi-. tract u fofuppofed there is a quarry of fMe, convenient to water' carriage. Upwaids of two thirds are in. woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living will o»ew this tract. Another tract* in Fairfax, county, called Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a bout 13 in*les from Alexandria aqd 10from Washington ; abounds with fine springs and meadow ground, and inay be seen by apply, ing to Mr. John Wood, living on part of it AnotheriraA ill Fairfax county, £*i> tjhri»g 392 acre?, on Turkey-cock Sun, a boat €fnilesftom Alexandria. Another tiift in Fairfax ing about 176 acres, qidji>i»ing Mr. J. Wat< fon'iftat, ibont foor aitlts. from Alexan dria. AaothertraA, in Fairfax county, cen tainiogs*3 res, near Occoquau, joining Mr. Edward Waihjngjon's. _ ' \ i _ Another tract, in Fairfax comity* dU|gjt£ So acres or therut, witMjf'i; Landing, and within frW Mom Vernon, lies icrel, aa4 i» vKlibered ■ I "Tthundividecl moiety in another tsAfl containing about 184 acres, cpttnty, 9 t'ron* Alexandria, where J. ntsrfy lived. Anotlier parcel of land, of Alexandria,contaiflinsabout »nl tobe fold in acre orMif-ncre lot;. " J Alio, sundry unimproved lots ofvariotis fi.:es, indifferent parts of the towucf Al exandria. Todefcribe the premlfes more pa»ticu la>rly is deemed unnecessary, a» if is expec I terf every person will examine and view whatever part he fliall be inclined to buy. My only ofegeft being to raise acerlain sara ot"money, by felling so many or such parts of ihe aforefaid tracts of land and lots as , fftall be neeeflaiy for that purpose, one haft of the purchafif motley mult be paid at the timeol contract, and the other \vi(fcin a year from the firft day of Aiiguft next, and at the time of delivering poffeffioti or exe cuting a legal conveyance The lands re maining unfold, except the tract 111 Printe William, after raising a limited sum, will be divided into tenements, and leafed for a term of yeais. Fr'om the 1 Jthday of Oc tober next, till the 1 Jth of Decembr, I (hall be in the eity of Richmond, and .iftt. I lhall remain at home, in Alex and'ria, at which places, or ellirwhere, 1 (ball be prepared to detail particular, and to enter into contrasts. 2au'3\v Alexandria, July 28" CHARLES LEE. Aug. 8 PHILADELPHIA: Punted by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Ckeswvt Strsst.—Price Slx Dollars Pir An UtY, : FE & MALAGA J Old Jamaica Spirits^ Antigua and Weft India-Rum. Couiac, French, ar,d Pt.ic i Braidies. Claret and J'ort Wine of a Sjjjfr; n ;i- , in Csf-s. Vine and Cyder V.iKgar in P pes and Hhdi. lieft Wine Bitters by the gallon or bottle. Corfct in Bale;. Hava.nn.iH Sega/ijn Boxes. Hamburgh Dnri j >h —. Porter and f iaret Bonies. MALT LIQUORS'} Frepared foi In calks .and bottle* 5» exportation or CYDER, in do. do. J immed ate use. vlnd for S,:!e by Benjamin W, Mor s. ' d. No. JS, corner ol Dick and Ptar itreets. v* " . * v t i - and others fujp'-td of the iffoy* Liqucii, bo . He refpe&fuily continuance of their favours, and aflures ti-.ein that no ;hinpf Ilia'! be on his part to ren ler fatisfacfcion. He bartfew on hand, and for Sate a - , .' pSHf-RAL Ajjßrtment of G(>ilfeßionary % ~/£monjt which iretb* -foltotving' > 4RTIC LE Si ' Pine Apples pre r erreri, who'e and slic ed, Pears, Qu nce-, &c. p-efcrved, R<> - Ijerry and Blackberry jam, Rafl-crv Blackberry, and Current Je!!ies, Peach Marm lade, and a great variety of other articles. Al r o ' Soft Shell'd Almonds, By-t'he Bag or Smaller Qoiatity.' N<*v.'4 ?aw4 w JUST PUBKTSHED, And to he fold by Benjamin Davtes, 6*, Marl-'i Arret. A Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHI! ADELPKI A. fror*! kit? an A nrmmt. Cm . \fAp is 26 inches "qua»e; and wfll be delivered a-. mav t-eft suit the par chafers, ether iw fVeers plain or coloured, or canvtifled and affiled to rcrtlerc; or to fit them for the pocket, they will Se cura nd folded It* cases. With each plan will be given a Stria]-. Pamphlet, containing a L ft of the Sub fcribers n»me r , arid SOME ACCOUNT O F PHILADELPHIA: Its civil and re g:ou inftitution-s, popti tion, trade and government ; ijiterfperf with occasional remarks. Sr&fcribets are reqnefle \ to call or fend r tfheir-plans. sit the Same Place map be had, THE American Repository. Price 4 Dols. 33 cents per doz. and 44 cents Jingle, This neat Pock£t thefirft of kind that hathbcentxccutcii in Phila ; (felphia, or pcrhap., in any oJ the United States; and contains, lirfides, A Compleat Calendar y °* ALMANACK, for the Year 1795- Lilts of the Offif ers of' the American Go vernor ;t f Civil and Mil-lary. The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif trift Counts. 7he Latitudes and Longitudes from <-*) t Meiidian of Philadelphia, of all the Cap ' ' ' ■ Union. I The dates of thr periods when each of ' the States was firft fettled; ITheir Territories and num | bers of People - f The ntimber of Inhabitants of each, in each fquate mile—»ar.d a brief Srate of their relative progress m Population; to „ gcther with various other Articles of In. formation. Ornamented -with an elegant Frontif . piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG ■ NF.TTES, alluding to scenes in Thomfi ? font Seasons, engraved by the mo/1 inge s nious Artijls in the City. i( r « la Dijiant Subscribers For thii Gaiette, are hereby refpeftfol- Ty requeued to pay up tfietr Supfcriptions tothefuftof January next.-; "The Editor will be under the neceflity of tonfidrring those who do not then renew iheir Sftb fcrjption by paying Six Months in Ad vance* aj declining to take the Paper any longer. A» there is a confiderab!e Sum due from remote Subfer-ibtfrs set the late ha! 4 Weik ly Paper publiflied by the Editor, hr nioft earrcftly reqnefts thcfi: who may be delin quent, to take the carlieK opportunity of lemitting him the balance they may rrf. ' peSivciy be indebfed—the fiwis are it tit viilaally trifling—the want of the Aggre gate is severely felt. tawio WINE S, oj the Fust Qpality. A choice parcel of Full Bodied Old Red Port Wine, This day arrived, by the Snow Ti ufty, Captain Cook, from Oparto, For Sn/-~ by PETER BLIGHT. Also by the fame Snow. 5000 BufhcJs j Just Arrived, j And wilt be landtd to-morrow mornJn? at Hamilton's w }uu-i» the CARGO of the Captain Hylander, [ from Havanna, CONSISTItfd OF 85 hhds. MolalTes, Of superior full quality. J 106 Boxes and iterreis White fD Triot san d Doliais, agreeably toio Aft of the L( : fliiurr o* the Si id of New-Trrfc-y,'riavc auooinird f*fr following r " - _ , b BED, i.ig oi ihe U»ne, v.*. Xtchdlas Low, KuTus King* Herman Le F; -y» Joiiars each is 266 000 The driving vr;!l corr incrcc, under the infpe&inn a Coin/*iMff o> ihc Sflperm- a* fden as the Ticket are ftfM, of wh*ch iimt y aniire wll bc*gwi*»- The S»pe untenant* U.w jpfflifitfd ]oh»» N. Cuytming, oi Ni w. k,J.«eob R. H;r (krtl)fr|| ftl Nc w-L> ':v • and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as Min ; • thereof. v.W l»sv< gt*en lovplr Ircuritv ic»r discharging rhctrqft reyoi.. uukrm. In mder io fee-ore the prnfitlffl pa>- ir.ei.r of sfc Frist*, the Sirpr>iivendan sot the Lottery have dircdcd 4-fcai the Mftn j«r«s shall each eater intf the Pi «zi s. 11. The Manager to lake faflieicnr f© cnr : ty (01 any Tinker-* tht y trust, <*her wifr 'o Se jclpe-n'jble for 1 tn-tn. 114. To keep books of Ticket oM $ Monies received >asd sotn «h . Brnk, aV'lkaQag* monthly, 10 iSfGm rnor fiil'ic Socicty. Pa»ei(on. >, On application to-«i'.he •he 3*>ove grn tienien, vi'.l be g'.ven wW tickets may he had. February 24. ln&F«f |«'jw PORT WINE. St. Übes Salt. Oft. 29. Pa. Just arrived in th» Hi hernia, Csptain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sent. d James M'Alpin, Taylor •* • N i, 3, Sopth Fdcrth Sxk>.ET,_ Oft. 25 SCHEME: . 1 s 5 ic 00 »CO 3° o rcco 4C-?-0 5030 81 CO Prize of 20,000 Dollar* if ?o.oo«~ >C..doo' 5.000 2.C0 0 S~' J 1 OC- A? ■ ■ " ?« >5 j - jo 2,C00 John Wel/L g'WZrtz, | Coane Salt afloat, ' aopipes ami 2 o q-. ca(k Ma , an> calk; Co; OTr „, r Wi f" " ■ M 13 barrels and > tierce oh,rrehTannervu,l I£ barrels Saltncn A f iv biid*. codfilh 2>oo pnir coa*fe and fine mfV ft,*. 20 hlitis, r.ioiaffcs 1 00 t.arfetr prime and carr*« 20 dt to heef 5 %0 box.-s ir.ouid cantilej J SO fperniceti aindltt 25 balr* flax Fr-nc4i I>. a*d , pin K uiha and country duck Butter :b kegs, cloves 63 hogsheads Maryland tob»cco, r f«»r the Holland market, i d-* ' \ " A few buxes liquovit# ball. -- '*• > William \V. WcKHlwart . PRJntf.r, HAS removed hs Printii gOfim ft No. 41, Chefiiut street, u« f r „ , Head, No. 36, four doors froto t.'icior . ot Second-fireet, south fide, neath or. site ; where the Printing Bufit-efi fa cut on at usual; his whole attfe-i»n Ije confined to that occupation. O'dirsf, . aoy tof this fiaie, or the foi.tint "'ill be executed, and authors jiuy reh having any work thev may sis si- -or lilh, torieftly printed, either in Fr«, c - Engt.fc. The Lrvri. of Euton • SoitH America is printed in, t : e l t« r, Pt.En £grow 1 L. L. D. ai the .! mcrumed ottce, in , : w),.ch publitaiinn kas the , ft. age of foment the most difiy _uWh.-d ' racters in America, ar«J whofe-rmie. y, ' •c«rJays,»iilbe publilhed, art! ir.cVi ny Iv t»o fi-ft numbers to t!« f.Wcribt N. B. B?anks, Circular Lexers,«i.v C aids, Handbill., &ec. £je. cortiriue executed wutrthe ufua. dilpatch \on>* I ft . j,/ q w distillery. A PF,4SOK VI o "und rftundt the : cess Sod manager#- of dißilUng K V applying to No. 19, fout'.i Third lb mav ii hi of immediate* good and ( >■ li:!nt ''oiplfynrnt. A German will be preferred >•»-»»£ • e-rf Burlington Pork A QUANTITY Ot Best Burlington Pork, FOR SALS BY Levi Hollingfworth & Sj .. John Miller, juii ■ho. 8, \ChkskpH near. Fi-snt 34. ; Hath Imported mthelate Vent jl GENERAL ASSDRTVEVT WOOLLENS tfU>TS| Brown and White, bv the Box, laid . -* ».he BEST TERMS. Ticklenburg,s, ? .. .1 h To the Public. A SUBSCRIPTION Is o;~. Ned for Printing the Theological Writingi OF - 1 # Emanuel Bwedenbou '] j>.t Francij Bailej' tviok jton\ A 1 Muriel Jlieet, Ppi/ad-lphia, WHtSi a I'ifiicient Ju!>»ci ip p^aci 1 , arfTeet'ug be adveitiled ■«' "tider the mod eligible mode tor cWlt .he printnigof fu<;h 01" the Work • l>e t*>oncht to be of the gr'afeft nn the firrt irftai ce. The following Treatijri maj ben-.n Mr. Baiie/t ■ The Dociiinc *.( L«te» or tit. » lerfe of the Tt« r.ommai.dmer: Tic Unix, (at Tleolog.v o! • • '• 'Church ; which was • -re:, le $>SRin Oaniri, d ap-"7, v ard in the Apocafypfe,- r). -p ' t- ■ mm^'^ A of 'ne- ' -'-.A trine* of the New |cr«f,'eiu »p- A< v»! • tertained r«'pe£ • C •" -• and yet -o perh • l.v ra'« - ...... been ahletoicfn e tirrr. 1. , of, invcf.TO'C'h.r.irv - • « . t I ports ha*c been 11 duM 1 n> discredit the ho ofWWy'.* 5 " n , Author, a» welfas hk V-o.ks. not tTie candid and finrtre -rr' ' { T r iiths of the K t ~f , t < nat>c <*"■*•/-* 1 cgatithem as they J U, , the rectivt both ps " 1 1 ,»». Oft- M ' - - dtf. 'es ; llight. F E E, 2asvt f i: •- 10.00* r.ooc I^.CGC 10,000 iyc co *">.GCC 3'-°c- : B?.ckc 0M«