Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 28, 1794, Image 4

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"I hi Managtrt itfpcuifuilv acquaint the '
Entertainments for the Season
Monday the ift December.
Particulars will be exprtfled in Future
Advertifem.-nts. '
Wov. 44 d 6t
' . . - cote.
Vhij day a few pipes of the Jlrfl quality
French Brandy,
Eiteemed equal to any thr t >12* been in thi:
city for a 11 timber of years,
A L S O,
Forty Hog/heads of JirJl quality of
St. Croix Sugar,
And a few Tom of
Good Black Pepper
Levinus Clarkfon,
No. a 16, south Water street.
8 a
"= ,t. ir *
Madeira Wine.
A Tew pipes of very Extraoidinary
good Qualify Lood'»n
Particular Bill Wine,
Vill b- landed on Monday next* iromon
board the Ship Catharine, at Mefl'n.
Suns'* and
John Craig,
Whj hat also for Sqlfi
Sugar and Coffee, '•
In Barreli,
COT TO I in bate?,
WINDOW GLASS of differenf fizss.
Nov. i
Fine Liverpool Salt,
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The fccoiid whirs below Pine-Street, ap
piy at fa'u! wharf, to
Jehu Holiingfworth 1 , & Co.
Au?. 16. d.
Thomas M'Euen,
Stock and Land Brtkcr,
No. 7S, Chlsnut-strcet,
IHi'ORM> iii> Fri iv.!- during hi-, i
oViicMoc fftM'.n n'li'adel-jhia (on the Weflern
Kxnffiirjon) h : i will be carried on
at his O'lSrc as uiu«il, by Mr. Tbntfl&t Hale
ivhere Orders to-hit line thankfully
received, and eveiy Attention paid to'
German Passengers.
♦ A F i. V/
Healthy 1 fade/men,
ATg .jutt arrived in the fliip PBpgy, from
Amsterdam, wlioCt t rac are to lie agreed
tar. bv applying on boar<l said Ihip, or to
Rundle & JVLurgatroyd,
No. 11, IValnut Jh eet wharf.
Nov. 4 tuthiSff
Ticklenburgs, Oznaburgs,
and Glass W^re,
Larding from on board the Jhif egg)
from Amjlerdam.
Coffee of prime Quality
In hoglheads and tierces,' *"*
Muscovado Sugars
In frnall Bales, &(?. for sale by
Rundle Iff Murgatroyd,,
"No. 11, Walnut street wharf.
Who waist to purchase 300 or 400 f
Casks Good Flaxfeed.
N°v. n 3ta\vtf
The Editor of the Level ol
£urop« and Nnrtb America, ever anxious
to cominuiiicate t»f:uropr jH?, who nia,y be,
defirmisbf fettling in thij Continent,what
ever may tend !o inform them of t,he »d
---ranf tbey may find here, whether in
agriculture or in commerce, ha« the h.wior
to acquaint the public, that he has under
taken the tnnlhtion of a'uorkjuft pu'olifh
ed tinde; the title of A Vieu of the United
StaUi of America. This t<anftation will be
executed w'lth the permission of the Author
Tench Coxe, £fq. Commiflioner of the
Revenues "C the United States.
P. Egron, l. L. D.
Nov. 2b
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16. Wall-flreet, Ntw-Yon.
THE Subscriber intending to confinehim
l| entirely >o 'he PURCHASE and
lea*e to off r hisfervicrs to hislriends and
others in the lineoU Stock Brok.r. Those
who may pleafcfa»or h " n with their buG.
ne''j. may droend i»|>6n having it 'ranged
w uh the ir.moft fidelity ar.d dtfpatrh.
Orders liom PhW-driphia, Bolton, or anv
other pan of the United Slater, will bt
ftriftly attended to.
John WcMi
r 4000 Bu *dr
Coarse Salt
a rto Ar l »
aopipes and 20 „ r . 1 > ,
ansoilk; Cole, " '>?» Wloe.
83 barrels Tan, K • , 0,1 ° lve Oil
3=3 ba.rels p i< J tcd ai)()
rnatkarei ' ron uf»i»«Bj
100 barrels Salmoi i
' w told-. o.dfiJh f
tooo pair euarfe ai.H G„.
23 hlids. mousses me: " #e »
>30 ban eh prime and ckri-on. k
20 ditto beef P^'k
30 boxes uioruld candles
'P er,,lac eti cai.dtei
25 o>Wflax
French b'l and>, gj o
Huffia and country duck
Butter in kegs, cloves
63 bogfiiead, Maryland t obat cr. r ~
iw the Hulland
A boxes liquorice ball.
HAS removed Ins PrJiiU,,. 0 „; \
No- 4 1 . Cheluu t fti eet
Head, No. 36, four door s {
south sick, nc a ,l y oUr.^0 Ur .^
fiie, Vn-nr.n£ii H L ef>j 3 L° i^
r v <rha ' e st '<"v,h„ ? Tw!nl
1 fined to that occupation. Ottftrui.h
a;;j, partof , h i, ft„«, tllc c<w >"'
.lite executed, and authors mty ,y. v ,
bavnig ? .ny work t|«y may ie< fj, L.
T' Pr, r ed ' ei,K ' I
Eiigna, I lle Levil oj*ors „ :
. ORTH Ajiirica is printed lor tlie E
tor, I'tTF.K Eoron, L l I] , Z ,
mentioned cfiic,, in Fre'n, h 3rd'JS
whtch publication Las received t«T
o?e of lome oi c h
■ liters, in Amenta, and whose i,
*h X «Si ,ll ' mbers 10 fhcfub^2l
• L». B..\uks, (lie 1
Cards, Handbill,, &:c . &e .
execured ul'Aai difpatcfi
c,.d,w. •
Distillery. '
A PERSON mho L'r.d.iHands tke p-,
Sgfs a--d ninnagrment of di faffing vliifl
by applying to No. 19, Ibuth Thirl fti t
may Ixar ~f ! n,mediate, good c . § '
ft ant cmp.^mtrnr.
A Gciinan wi(i be preferred.
■ Nov 17 j , W,
__ ' . ..
Buriington Pork
Best Burlington Pork,
for sale by
Levi Hollingfworth & So ,<
_ oa. , S i
John Miller, jun.
Hatlmported in the late vSu
(by the pack/ge,)
HATTS well ajfortrd, Boys'coloured, u.\ .
Mens' black ,z
MancJjefler Coitoh Goods
Slipper j and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Vfock and White Lace
Fata. • j
Brown and White, hy the Box, laid 1
the BEST TERMS." --
EY THE B*l£ O* PrE«!
Oil. 15 , osd t
Is opened for Printing the
Theological Writings
o F
Emanuel Swedenbout.-
At Francis Bailej i'j Book ftort, Ae- 1
Market Jlrest, Phifodclftioi \
WHKN a iuffictent Jubfr'ipij*in -
p'nee, ameeting witl be arl\'nilVd,t'' (>■'•
lidrr flienfoft eligible in <■«!''■'
ihe printing of fu'h of tU' TVo>l:s is'
bi-Hinupht to be of uliTb
the firrt inllance.
■ The folhivtng Trealifis may br no* -v..
h Mr. Bailey's:
. Tbe Doiftiwie of Life, or (He Sj
[ f.-iife cr»" tl>e Ten Commandments
s *1110 Univer/al Theolrf>.y <rt '<• st ~
Church; which >"=» '-moid
1 Lerd in Danit;, chap. 7, v. 5,
•and )f the .ipocaiyple, chap. 2!
- Afi'/imaiy View of 'he Henvei)'
•/mes of the New JeiufaJem
■ far As various opiaipus n«« f .
e* renamed re'p««-"E tU«e>«/•"»-
»ai d vet rcpero.n by rations a. v>" , i
been able to refute the«', M'! " ,C "' ,
• of. invidious calumnies and S"
' o«rt» have "been f. |.U
- todilcieditthe '
Aotimr, as' will Ss bis V t
,1 not tlie tmiirid ai.d (incere »-q«- . .
'• Trnth, of the ,«.*
' fin which it i< t-b» b"?--.'' tl " l , ([ . r ,!:►«'
pt*. 'ait and love oi » u ' Irr ; 4li
, it* native £,» rA*
e rejr.ud thetp as d !
i'tl»--end receive borh proh (si
f oa. u
PHILADELPHIAPunteb by JOHN FENNOi No. 119, Chesnut Street.—Price Six Uou-ass Ps* Aniium- "*•
. \
Sallad Oil,
">f t rnpenor qujlity in boxes ol' lwclv«
Gnebb, Mather Iff Hill.
- Nov. 26 d
EVEII :o 1 ic• tou ;to rcud.-r Iris vIUSLI'M
t ;n ic and snore a: of rational j
_tiaiujiient f iufrlerv ent to the in
erefts of yfefui has on t:>e fu gci
ior. and with t'w advice of a number o5
lis friend-.,"provided a Book, which will
>e aiwavs open f«>r rhe infpeftion <»f tfiofe
urhovillt lii«; Mfeiewm, in which book it is
proposed to infer t all fucli discoveries, in
mentions, improvement*, fchcnic , obfer
vat ions, expviiineutS| projects hints or
queries r luting to the arts or fciemes,. as
Iny <»** his v'llitorsy or correfpondents,may
from time totime communicate.
Sneh as jn*y chute to conceal their names
may cither fend their communications ano
nymous, oiat their dclire, C- \V. Peale
wist fttfrn tlifcfr name:, w»t;» the fitmvbfrb.
|ig»iuture of t«ier respective comniuntca
jt oil»in a private book which lie Ihilikeep
lo tha r pwtfofe.
The advantages ot such a public register
are obvi6us. It wiflfefcue from oblivion
many ulei'ul hints, which might rifhrrwitp
have died with then author. It may se
c ireto inventor'* iUti» just claims,' andp;e
ve*it otU?i> from taKnig the honor or profit
of» d'.'covery to which they are not eiir
titled, and as the Mufcuiu is now vifiteH
byporfons from a'moft all parts; of the
world, fi»ce a,regifter, it is prefniVyed,' will
i foori contain and be the means of rt flcm -
vail fund of ufeftil knowledge, and
promote ihi>t (pirit of enquiry and inven
tion, for which the people of the Unit'd
States are already fojuftly distinguished.
the following
Tradts of Land,
in Virginia.
ONE trpft iri Frederick county»conu"inr
!ng 8756 acres, being part of that whereon
col. Thomas Bryan Martin now reiidesj
known by the name of Greenway tourt, a
b'JUt 12 miles from Winchester and 5 from
Newtown. For the conveitence of puri
chafers, it will be divided -into parcels of
varionsdimenfionsl'ioin 230 to 6a? acres,
which maybe viewed by application to.col
11. K. Meade, lining near tliepreinjlis-—
The greatefpart is very fertile and well
Another tiaft in the fame county 011
Paflagt creek, containing 23° acrm, and,
•adjoining Jacob Lavingpods.
Anotlnr rra&in Hampftiire county con
taining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim
Bottom, situate on both, fides of the Smith
'lji aiithand wijhin t\ro miles of tiie mouth
nf it, and is supposed to have a good mill
Another tract in Hampfnire Jroo-rty on
New C-ieek and Kcttle-Lick,containing
■ «Oi' acres.
Aji >thertraft in Prince William county,
tilled Leefylvania, ContainingirjjrlfayU of
2DoDacrßsy lyi.igiipoo Potomack river, a
bofttJJ" miles below Alexandria, and 28
below the City of Wailungton, compre
hending Fr£efto»e Pouit, whiili appears to
be a qunrry of frce-ftonc, coyri i(ig about
50 acres an'd adjoins the river, w fie re vtf
?els of i3O tons conveniently harbour. On
I«othe»part of this tract i't isfuppofed there
is'a quany of Hate* convenient to wattr
carnage. Upwards of fwo rhitds are in
woods. Mr, Enochs. Lane, living an the
premises, will O.ew this trait.
Another tract, in Fairfax county,called
Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a
bout 1 J'ml Irs from Alexandriaand 10 from
Wa(hingto>>; abounds with fine fprings'and
meadow groui.d, and maybe seen by apply.
ingtoMi. John Wood, giving or part of
" !
AnqthevtraA in Fairfax county, con
taming392acres r on Turkey-cock R un, a
bout Alexandria.
Another tiaift in Fairlaxcourrty,contain
ing about i76"acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
son's feat, about foiVr miles from Alexan
Another tra&, in Fairfax county, coti
taining£*) acresj near Occoquan, joining
Mr. Edward Wafhingion's.
Another tract, jn Fairfax pounty, conJ
taming 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile ot Pohuik Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
well timbered.
An Undivided moiety Hi another tract,
containing abouc 284 acres, in Fairfax
coantyj about 5 milesfroni Washington, &
9 from Alexandria, where J. Robfnton for
msrly lived.
Another p3rcel of land, within a mile
•of Alexandria,containing about' 24 acres,
and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
Alio, sundry unimproved<(ots ofvarious
lizes, in different parts of the town cf Al
Todefcribe the preraifes more particu
larly is deemed unnectflary, as it is expec
ted every person will examine and view
whatever part lie (hall be inclined to buy.
My only object being to raise a certain sum
ot money, by felling so many or'fuch parts
of the aforjefaid tracts of land and lots as
ffeal) be necessary for that purpose, one ha|i
o( the purthafe money must be paid at the
time of contract, and the other within a
year from the firft day of August next, and
at the time of delivering pofftflion or exe
cuting a legal conveyance The lands rd.
mainuJE unfold, except the tract in Prince
William, after raising a ftmited fnin, wHj
be dividedinto tenements, and 'eased foi
a term of years. Fromthe I2thday of Oc
tober next, till the 15th of Decrtnbr, I
(Hall be in the city of Richmond, and afte.
that time I (hall remain at home, in Alex
andrik, at which places, or el:"cwh«re, I
shall bf 1 prepared to detail particulars, and
to enter into (tontrafts.
Alexandria, ]nly 28
Aug. 8
LISBON, „ °J the
Old Jamaica Spirits,
Antigua and Weft India Kuril.
Comae, French, and Peach Brandies
Glaret and 1 ort Wine of a Superior Oua-
Htv,t in Cases.
Wine and Cyder Vinegar in Pipes and
• 'Reft Win# BHtersby tlic gallon or botrie.
Co: ks in Bales.
Havannali Segars in Boxes.
Hamburgh Demijohns.
Porter and £laret Bottles.
MALT LIQUORS 1 Ftep'ared foi
In calks and bottles > exportation or
CYDER, in do. do." J immediate ule.
And for Sale by
Benjamin W, Morris:
No. corner of Dock ami Peai Ifcreets.
Captain* of vrfTcls and others fuj)p ieci
with any of the above Liquors, hoitiedj y
the dozen,and $ra JRtoret in pen :ral pur up.
Phrlad. Nov. 6. ethfSttu-fw
1 > ~-f i.
John Burge,
Ni. 7,' North -Fourti Street,,{
RETURNS his (incer* thinks I■ I]*'
friends and tbepiiStic,*tor the very 'liber
al e-neouragemem he Itas received" i'nthe
line of his piofeflion,' since hit commence
ment of bufiiifTs in
He refptftfuUy folisttsa continuance of
their favours, and afiures - them that no
thing lhall be wanting on fciipart to ren
der fatisfaftion.
He has »ow on hand, and for Sale a
AJfortment of Confe&ionaryi
Among which are the following
Fine Apples preserved, whole and
ed, Pears, Oainces, &c. pr«fpjvcd, ..Kaf
berry and Blarkberry jam, Rafterry
Blackberry, and Current Jellies, Peach
Marm lade, and a great variety of other
article'. Al<o
Soft Shefi'd Almonds,'
By the Bag orSmallei Quantity.
Nov. 4 »a<*4y-'.
And to be fold by,
Benjamin Davies,
No. VTarkrt ftrcct.
A Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
... or
acevriitr fitnyej,
r r Wjs» ■» wches <qttarr ;. ;R n<f
rAvill be Heli <*«<»« n m»v Weft suit the p u r ;
i-ahafcr*»••»** i«* IfceeWpiam or rnlniresl,'
<(fcWl»>ofor« jj'-fcr «b fit
;.Aerti tbcrWtltfce cits.and
friWed in Cafc'S,
'Wfth;ei t Vetaij>il< b« .given a tfroaf
| ffavtfMSt, «MiHrtriing a till of the
A>Sbecnt»m«*, W >. ..'
(i v $QB#E
'•' .... .■ '•' "F.
Its civil and rejijpoti* i?i f>ir mti <>•, s, popii
lation, trade and government ; intcrfper'
ed with occasional remarks.
SnhfcriKfri»re requcftcH to cill or tend
fir iheir plans.
At the Same Place may be had %
■ ■ - - • —^
tsL Oi2» 44
Tlyk neaf Pnrv-r-r • a c a
* ins iicii vuLKn almanack is the nrifm
OR **
' le -rf la,teS W ?\Jf' tllcd 5 .
D " • oi iVopki j
Ornamtntid with an elegant Frontis
piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG
NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp
fon't Seasons, engraved by the mojl inge
nious Artijls in the City.
Ji»y . 11
Dijlatit Subjcribers
For thii Gazette, areliereby refpeftfui.
ly reqoefted to payuptWir Snpfcriptioos
to ihe firft of January next. X)>e Edrtoi
wilfbe under the necessity of confuLrtng
tliofe who do not then renew their Sub
scription by paying Six Months in Ad.
vance, as declining to take the Paper any
As there is a considerable Sum due from
: remote Sukfc 1 iberj for the late half Wei k
ly faper published by the Editor, he nirtft
earnestly requ'cftV those who may bd delin
quent, tn tike the earlieflopportunity of
(remitting him Ihe balance they may rft
pcftively be indebted—the funis aie indi
vidually t'riflit.g—the want of the Ajgre
-1 gate is severely i'elt.
Port wine.
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old Red Port Wine,
This day arrived, by the Snow Truily,
Captain Cook, from Oporto,
For Hale by
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Bushels
St. U&es Salt.
Oft. 20. dtf.
J ust Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner Induftrv, Captain Hylander,
from Havanna,
85 lihds. [Violates,
Of superior full qua lily.
106 Boxes and Barrels
1' • j
White & brown Sugar
Parccl of Ox-Hides ;
' i
Peter Blight. I
. Jt L S 0;
Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain !
Irwin, ffom Jamaica.
Sept. a.? <5
_ _
James M'Alpin,
No, 3, South Fourth STjulet,
r Returns his gratefvJ r;vk'.:tjv.'lcdgements
to (riei.di at e! ch.'PuMic for their iite
rn! i i-cou agemcnt, and begs leave iei
pe£'Hilly 10folicit a■ C*>ittfnuanre of their
IFa vchh«7 _- ~ rr ~ V vvT
At his Shop Gentlemen can bar furni'fhed
with the best materjals,and have therj
made up, and finjflied In the iieateifc an&
most falftinuabfa manner.
HrWilf tharrkfuiiy rccffive any
pay. aptonipt and punctual jfr«efrt«oft to
th/ui. « -, t
Oct. 25 2awtf
Scheme of a Lottery,
Ti f a ife 39.900 Do Hats, cn 2"66,00cf Bolla>s
Uc u u [Img 15 per Ltni. frvm the Prizes —-
This Lately ccpfi/ts of Tickets,
U/h'titthfTt ujc \4i'£!fi j"rizcs> and 23,461
flunks, bet ng about one and an ha'j bfaais to
* prize.
•«r»HE fofeHivmS.
'Yd to crciVl.CfTTt;l(ilEjS tur rjusit£'
IMu tin*io' Tboo» a«ld Daij a*4,*src«jMy
to an Aft of Jtlic tegfibWe ol thc.StMe of.
bNffw-JerJVy.-U««c »ptp<*At*4 thVMifcXiiiig
|fwrbk« to: fnj. ■ tiiK f At*kt- .
,iOg of the f«irt«, *,f|» -Nultola Low, Rfllnj
fßm<r, Hcrrtan'Lc R<vy, "f/mes 5fl?»»fov,
i C!«i»cli\is.&aj:, of ttvr city -A) -&>» Yx»gfc__.
i Jhom*« Willing, JafrpVKalt, M»-
Cnnhcl aniJ A<tarvw die sitytof
; >W.
'rU* fcfq..4ilia><B»udta*>t t Hiiflhy
}op, Jamn 'Patkkf,
Ww" Dnohamv SamdwJ W. Su&cfeloo, Itlftvtjp
M. JoTrpb" Blno'mftetiS, aiul tUifhp
! Boudiiroi, of 'llSj
(following Sch<mc «>l i?L' itery, and plrdfe:
thcmfelvti ttf the public", will lakr
CMrv affurjqcf end pre tart iatt.inthrir bower'
14f hav«(he"S4f>mfc» Manager*,j
W(0 titaie" trf «i, rtci'fttd, u4i> ;
tvmn, fpi «1
Wfiicfi iKSrll (Jij<h»rgedt>y.#
liii*"(iiiikfc. " '/*
Prizeof ?.o,oco Dollars is 20,000
\ 10,000
vH 10,000
2,0 JO- 10,000
1,000 10,000
100 10, ode
50 15.000
a© 20,c00
» > 30,000'
1 e
O 000
r Pl09
Prl'cs. 262,00 c
23.461 ftlanks. First number, 2,600
La/l <! ra wn number, 2,000
85000 Tickets st 7 Dollars each is 266.000
The drawing will cctmmenee, "bcUt the
inCpe£i<>n of a Ci>mi7>rticc of the Supierin
tcnuani>, £* fojtfi aOHf Tickets arc fold, ot
Wnirh timely notice w:ll bf
The Saprrinresdants have appointed Joh|>
N. Camming, of Ne'tf'ni k, Jacob R. H-jr
dcqbcrg, oi Ncw-Rruni wir k, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, a» immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample fecurtty for
difoSaiging the trust icy-cicd in them.
S3 In otdcr to ftcure the fluft&aat p2)* I
■ ir.cnt of the Prizes, the hc> imenc *m; s of
the Lottery have d'i retted th3i the Mangers
! (Vsall each eij'cr into fronds in 46,000 dollars.
with iuif ft cu'"i R,,tO nn foi m I Heir
| inftruiMona, iUe fuWUncr of which is
J. That whenever either oithe Manager*
shall receive the fu/h or Three Himd • • # Dol
lar*. he fhaU imintlia'cly pla£e the J/rtte in
one of the ol "Ncv. - Y<st!l or Philadel
phia, 10 the * ic du «f ii«f Governor ol the
iocietv, and such of the Superintendents as
ive ih-fhc city where tj*e ironies arc placed, %
*r> remain thereuntil \hr Lottery ts drawn,
f<>T the pfiymeni of the Ft *<*s.
11. The M»a.i£frs 10 take fufßcient lr
cority 101 an) T'ckc;- .K< v n ay trull, o'.Lcr
' wife to hi feTnorifibh- f ; >t hcfci".
111. To keep regular hooks of Tickets
iold, Mor.'cs received. :pafd ifltof the'
'Sanfc, abfb?&s o' \vh!<_& ftiall he (ent,
nnnihW, to th-Govei. or ot the Society. i
Pattrfon, Janoarv r, 1-04.
On to ei»hc: of rile ?ho*
tlenicn,, information will be given w.btre
tickets mav bt had
February 24.