I st - 3 [No. 143 of Vol. V ~W ■ FOR SALE, . At the STORES of Jeffe ik Robert Wain, pollT \V!NE hi pip**, hints. «W qtiar aer e.ifkj ■ " ... - V V LJSROtt do.in pipes s««l quartereaflcj Siiuclinngand Congo TEAff, in quAl tcr chests A quantity of Lifbonbtotl Ca&zSftE.T' Soft ftel!ev. i 2. d.tw. ADDRESS. The Public are refpeflfully informed that the Sufcfcriptions for this Gazette are daily increafuig in the City—rthat its cir culation is extensive, being sent to every ltate in the Union—and is probably ex changed with more Printers in the diffe rent States than any other Gazette — tjiefecircumftsnces enhance its utility as an advertising Vehicle. The generous patronage which the pub lication has already received, demands the Editor's most grateful acknowledgments —He folic its a continuation of advertising favors. From thele principally arise the resources which enable the pubiifher of a 4aily paper to extend his plan of general entertainment and information. as an attach ment at thefuit of the adminiflratoisof a l and lingular the goods and chr.ttels, ri hts and credit':, which were of William Bur net deceaifed, at the time of his death, hath been iff'edout of the Inferrour Court of common pleas, in and for the Countyot Middlesex, against the Goods and Chatties Land* and Tenements of lirnius Martin, late of the county aforelaid, retnrnableto the tliirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE is hereby given to the laid Irenius Martin, t'lat unless he appear and file special bailte the fa'd aftioo, on or before the tlrirdTuef iay in January next, judgment will be en tered him by default, and the goods gnd chatties, laods and tenements so at tached. fold for ihe fatislaftion of such of ceditors as Ihall appear to be justly en titled to any demand thereon, and fhal lap pi* for that purpnfe, according to the form of the ftatutc in foch caie madc& provided By order of the Court, V >' DEARE, Clerk Aug. !•> ■»' * tfetftc of the Iptoi a n ; T f'" AIL Y E V E '•] David Harding, Master- BITRTHE'N about 3200 barrtU. For termj apply to Gurney S? Smith. Qfl. «9 d_ For CANTON direst, ! George Barclay, SHE W.ii fail in all Febru (unlete prevented by ice) foi freight out and home, apply to George Meade. For sale by the Subscriber, (Whose C«mptmg Hoiil'e «nd Store will (be removed in a few Day 7 to the South Side of Wilnut ftreei wliaif) *« Bill of Exchange Madeira, of the firft Quality, Six years Old by the Pipe, . Hogfliead or Quarter Calk, Excellent Old Sherry, by the Quarter Calk, Choice Li&on in Pipe' and % Chiarter Calks, A tow Calks Red Lifbom About 100 barrels Beef i(*o tieree* Rice Afcwboxr* Sperm*e«Vi Cand'ei L;{bon Corks of the si.st qu*lity in bales 200 lioglhrnds Molnffrs A few boxes Dowlaffes, Silefias, » ntl Sr '" ,s - A few Pigs Pewter and Bundles Steel Coffee g^ C ORGE MEADE. Nov. «7. Now landing at Chefnut street wharf, from the (hipi Rising Sun, Captain Olney, jufl arrived from St. Pe terfburgh. Russia Hemp, And Sail Duck of excellent quality, Ravens Duck and Ruflia Sheetings Cordage and Bar Iron, FOR SALE BY Joseph Anthony & Son, r-g-. WHO OFFER above Jlnp for Wajhington, 4 <5 (tif "bft t" • «Jih as gootf actO'cl"ck i» ihe Forenoon. Andpuifuant to the Eleventh Station of the Rye the Stockholders of the laid Bank are herrßy notified to afiVn:h.« 'in general meeting at the laid place, on Tue the sixth day of January n»*t at FIVE O'clock in the Erening. 13} Ord«r, John Kean, CaJhUr. d 2« SeeonH. Fundamental Article—Not more than three-fi.urths of the Di'eftors in Of fice, exclnfive of the Prefidenf, (hall be eligible for {lie next fucceedmc year : But the iMrefl-or, who (hall be Prcfident at the time of ane!eft:ou, may always b« rc-e ---lifted. Nov- 22 City of Waftiington SCHEME • OF THE LOTTERY No. 11. IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. diot i A magnificent ? 20,000 Dollars, and dwelling house, ) cash 30,000 are 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 | 10 000 10,000 10,000 JC.Or O 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,00 c 10,000 20,000 IfO,OGO i ditto 15'.000 & cacti 25,000 j ditto 15,000 & eafli 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cjlh 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,00® 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 i-Caft> P" ie 01 2 ditto 5,000 each, are ,o ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 100 ditto 100 a oo ditto 50 4 co ditto 25 1 ,oco ditto 20 15,000 ditto 10 >6,739 Pnz " 33,261 Blanki jg,pOo Tj«lu;W M 8 4»lfar« This Lottery will afford an e.egant speci men of the private buildings to beereft d 1 n the City of Wafhipgtou—Two beautiful de-- ligns are already felc fled for the entire fronlt on two of the public quJrr> ; from these drawings, it is proposed to erect two centre and lour corner buildings, as Toon as pofliblt after this Loticry is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the fchenie tor the Hotel Lottery. A nctl d< duflton o' five per cent, will be made to defigy rhe riecef fary c*pences of printing, See. and the fui plus will be made a part o! the- fund intended tor the National I'nivetfity, to be eiefted within the City of Washington. (J3" The drawing will commence is soon as tht Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The money prtres will be payable ih thirty day-, after it is finifhei, and any prizes for whirh fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawiirg is ctofed arc :o be eonfidcied as g'ven towards the fund for the Uiiiverfity, it bring determined to fettle the whole buiinefs in a yefcr tioirf the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as security. I The teal 'fecuriitcs given for the payment of the Priies, are held by the PrefideM and two Dircftors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more th?»n hall the amount of the Lottery • The drawing will be under the management of n approved by the comroiflioners tor the City of Waftr ington, for the time being, and »aing on oath. edtltf ... s. BLODGET. • * TickelJ mey be hart ai ihc Bank of Columbia ;of James IVdl & Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Denifnn, Sjvatinah ; of Peu-r Gilmjo, Boftoti; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : tad of Richard W rflis, Coopet s Ici- Aug. 30 eodlf For tiithßii(6j. FOR THE 400 -000 FRESH Bohea Tea, /. N D GIN in pipes, Now Laiulh.v from on board the fiiip » JpW' .Ej' io y ru^% r - ti'otn Amntrdsiri. Alfi Imported by the !(tic Arriv«!i, Rufli.i Hemp, fird quality Dirto Sail Duck Ditto Ravens Duck Brown Rufli-i Sheeting Tick'enbuigs Oznaburgs Biowu Flanders Sheetings Hffiians and Brown Rolls Cotton Stripes ard Checks £lar«ier» Bediick.< Holland Sail Duck Seine iwiwe Dutch Great Coats Gin in cases Madder Window Glafj, Bby Oi Jel'uits, Bark Gpiuip, -aitiifietida -dMTuian Stetl and Crqfs-cut Saw.s Hoc» and Cut'ii'g Knives Sythes and Skates Coffee Mill 1 ; Black Le»d Ci'ucibleJ Anchofi frem 3 cwt. to 15 cwt. And Affortmtnt.of 5-4 & 6-$ Boufting Cloth, FOR SALE Pragers Co. rov. 11 A FEW PIPES Of Bijl Quality Holland Gin, Will be landed THIS DAY, from or board the floep Miry, few very heavy hogsheads of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, in f'pet, And very good Guadaloupe MelafTes, FOR SALE BY Levitms Clark/on, No. a 16, fnuth Water St'uet. ALSO, A FEW Hug/heads or Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. & 41k prtXjf Jine fevtar. t- 29 NOTICE. AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Regijlering Office, At Mr. SAMUEL IRAWtORD's No. 75, north From ftr»et, 2 doors from Arclr ftrert, Tickets arc examined and Registered by roireft numerical ard Re gifterßnoks, at the following moderate charges, viz. For examining a single TiCKIT j-i6th of a Dollar. For reg'Uering a SiKGLE ticest i-4ih of a Dollar. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN a vav from the ftibfcribeis ji £ r Woodbury, G'oncefter County, New- ! er ley, on Sunday morning the i 21V i. flart also Two young Negro Fellows, T p T" TT T* C ■ 1 1 L/ I\. H« 1 O named Jdtk ami l oin, each about 20 yea s In the City of wf age •, Jack is of a dark black colour and Wifliinerl-nn T ntferv No 2 a <° urlook J Tom 15 <* an °P en counte \v ainington nu. ot - a co i oU r, a „d much (Which will commence drawing very icon) . ifpofed to laugh. Registered, and theearlieft acconntfent They are Iprightly active fellows, and but little fcnn » Hunter. named George, by his acqnuinton-e called l 4 la-vtf George Evans, about 15 years old, 5 feet 9 er 10 inches high, straight and well made "Tiinrinfr hehaslongbufhy black hair, which he com- IVcUll-lirg C><-"UUi. liionly wears qned, h's check bones rather Win- M'DOUGALL presents his com' edas a waiter, w ; ,i a fav-vHe (ervant.and pjiments to the Ptrblic—Tliar.ks tlitm foi "polled by excHll ir.dulge.--ce, under- t ] ie „ ieat eiicouraetment he has experi ftandj dressing ai.d (having, a. d plays. stcll enced He will or>the Vtt 111 . teto viti .mi a qrowi. ( jj 8 3 c hool for this Seafon-c.il Monday fuftian coatee and i-icket, bounwith yrl- r . , , ,' A . ~7' low fi!k ferrett. -.pair of li s hf coVoui (fHa- thc I -' ,b C< * ob f e '> "J V. gathybreect.es....d Half hoot,; as lie h,rf monung, rn that large and elegant Saloon many other cbatt -.ot cioth and lit-htfnm » Harmony street, Lading from Third to iner wear, it is probable he may change bi«? Fourth street, turning corner of Np.., diefs,it is fupp6lcd be has crotfffd over into 70» 6outhl bird frtet. ' * *«- Virgin a. His Employers mav be affirred, the ftri, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. O<£lober 41. d. HEMP, RUSSIA SHEETING, Ht'SSJA DUCK, RAVENS DUCK, BARR IRON, OAKUM, MATTS, .anding from on board tbe Jhip Hannah* Capt. Lake, from St. Peterjburgb, - - AND TO BE SOLD BY Mordecai Lewis, Athii STORE, No. 25, Gr