from Davw'iWbi" for Lon- I "J find by some- papers of the ' 'w days ago, pa(Ted Huntley . Ci'v, that the calumnies against Mr. ' u- ar Whitby = thc master r f P°''- 1 HirnUto-i, are continu-d in the A irora, : thai ther bad got fix large whale; !th ,ie that B'i p-.persCoitnh aie -ill that ion • finall ditto; thelattei was fuck- exist in this country—in the army he is 'ts dam under a bed of ice, near the highly eftectned, indefatigable in pro th Eav when the harTooner ftrurk mating the great designs »f the Prefi heoldfilh milled her,'but killed the dent and of Government, he loses no ,a one alter which the weather be opportunity, nor spares any exertion to &) ' k id forfkCY to forward them and secure the confidence clearing to thfi g' eat astonish of all parties—so that those scribblers the old whale pur- may bark at the wiud and (hut their - thtm fcvcral harpooners struck eyes again ft the fun, without dim-.nifh w\' i hou: c£fca,a"'i continued sol- ing the utility of either.—Thc Army A rtV them to the Orkneys, an im- are fenlible of the merits of the Secre life diit vice t':om the place they took Ury, and will at all times bear telhmo ,i ■ vociiir out after which Ihc dlfap- ny thereto.— I briefly recited to you, ''j • the hardships we experienced on our ' Wienthe debts oft he Prince of Wales march hither, in all probability this will -the ought be more than reiterated upon our re tlo beforj-ottcii.that upwards of 150, turn, the mountains are covered with a o! of those debts were ificiirred by deep snow, our teams worn down, being rru*ine money to discharge the debt loaded with an unusual weight of bag t adefmeii and artificers employed to gage. Our advance I learn, will let oit Bakrte ihe work* at Carlton-Honfe the day after to morrow. ica his royal high ness, as well as those .ho were employed in his service, con ceived would have fallen within the P.ftimate submitted to, and approved by cbe House of Commons. The famous Banker Haller,who efca petlfrom 'France to Switzerland, has ta ken irith him a filler of ohefpierre. The Biihop of J royes, one of thc inoft % r"; 'ile and learned of the French Errii g; >1.1, is at present partaking the hofpita of Sir Wilfiam J.-rnmgham's elegant ;ifion near Norwich. This estimable tn erudite eclefiafttc bears the reverse of llij fortune with a magnanimity worthy of sl'.mian.but without the usual ostentation of Homan fortitude. I he a new invented carcass - hich was communicated to the National Convention by an American Clergyman, for ;browing a '.wenty-four-pounder eight '.red paces, and wliofe fire was unex * t KfhaMjr l "" neen refTO'd'hy t'ne Afl'em b!y on very prudential principles—because 0 he ifiiftance of the Guillotine, they cm already make as many carcases as they th ; proper. B ' the death of Sir Robert Mackworth, who has left no ilfue, the title and estate nd to his next brother, a very refpec t:ihk charadler, whom their father always > Mended as heir to the paternal estate. Tie young widow Lady Mackworth eai<. sa settlement of uool. peranum, in 'lei :f the 30,000!. which Ihe brought her led husband. ' HILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 15. E- aB of a letter from Pitifburgh, da ted November 17. *" When I wrote you last it was from the main camp near Budd'u ferry, and vi r a conviction that w,e.jtere tbcii. -iv i ; ir greaCfrflT point &f"elongation, and fcclt was the determination ; but we . ■ row encamped near this place, and e*pe& to be joined by the legion fho:t ]y The Virginia and Maryland lines wi IHO be near, tho' probably not form ?. jmi&idn, on account of encieafin:; the •iiificulty of supplies ; what time we ; : 1 urderftand depends upon the tompleating a regiment of fix months !.-.v-K-3 to be Rationed in tbi* country to f'i[ • rt the civil authority ; a measure fro all appearance indifpenfibly necef ' 011 r fucceit in raising them is at put mixed with doubt, tho' it is k;'4>t» 1 that a considerable portion of or. .nungent may be had, and all in fta: ,if the present militia pay could d»* po mifed them. I havemade a tour to Maryland and Virginia camps; th? rderly and soldier-like demeanor did ;m great honor in our opinion, th loir evident want of L.*Jth pve- C* a-—unfaiuiaMe circumltancfr j up he bed calculation we could make Uity ave 20 sick for one in our line. J do t find fufficient causes for such a oui defparity. " ir reception at the quarters of th» Commander in chief, was very flat t r h> to our party, and filled them vith 'he mod favouiable impreffiona of l-m nor Lee, his polite and pleasing a - , accompanied with a dignified anu Ir tentious familiarity, in our eiti ' i ioii, most conclusively juftifies the chci of the President ;—On this point I if fa id enough, and will therefore ''' ) the mortification of a com rar.i IV Insurgents of the deep • ci anality, to the number of 4or i'-o . e fled to the ludian Country \ ( " r '"rking'places ; ofthofethat ' ', near a i©o were apprehend -4 • !ie evening of Wednesday last, 'onj !■ whom are many attrocious of tU Tink ' 'erved as Prompter to the par . . r.ofc will be fccurc d and forward ,o P !r " s of fafety, the residue bail '> w be permitted to return to their > ; I believe this concludes the ( „ "''V "f the "Petition, and as 1 f Judiciary accomplishes their 1 the business, we may efleem com plea ;td. k By this Day's Mail. NEW-YOBK, Nov. 44- At a meeting of a refpe£table number of citizens at Hunter's Hotel, »n Friday evening th<; lift inft. for the purpOse of feleftinga proper candidate to represent this diftrltfl, in the next |Congref«. Comfort Sands ia the chair. Resolved, As the opinion of this meet ing, that the conduct of Mr. John Watts our present reprefenutive in Congress, has been such in the different public stations, he has filled, as justly to entitle him to the approbation and full confidence of his fel low citizens. Resolved, That the electors convened in this meeting will unanimouily support Mr- Watts at the enfuinj* election as a candi date, to rcprefent this diftrifl in Congress. Resolved, That a general meeting of the friends to this nomination be held at Hunter's Hotel on Friday evening next the *Bth inft. at 7 o'clock. By order of the Meeting. Comfort Sands Chairman. ARRIVED. Ship Adriana, Johnson, Brig Betfev, Rhoden, ' C L A R E D. Ship Farniy, Brain, Perleverance, Bright, Portland, KuflTcy, Rofanna, Nicholas, Active, Colden, ANNAPOLIS, Nov. 20. On Monday last the hon. John Hoikins Stone, was ele&ed Governor of this State. And the day following, the hon. William Pinkev. John J»m«» Brirc, Henry Ritfgely, and William Kilty, were chosen a council,to the governor; rORT OF PHILADFLPHIA CLEARED. Ship Five Friends, Williams, Nantz Alexander, Strong, Charleston Brig Mercury, King, Jeremie Hope, Watts, WiI.N.C. Sally Donaldfon, Montego Bay Eally Logan, Bordeaux Peggy Fisher, Peterfburgh Amiable Creole, M'Keever, Fort Dauphin Schr. Thomas, Howard, Do. Friendlhip, Cntter, Portsmouth Nancy, Elliot, C- N. Mole Betsey, Rockwell, Barbadoes A&ive, Weymouth, Norfolk Eliza, Parker, Do. Eliza, Smith, N. York Good Intent, Franklin, Virginia Sloop Sally, Baum, Deighton Gteyhound, Parfort, Edenton (N. C. ) azard Folgen, Nantucket Independence, Hipkins, Virginia Delaware, Bird, New-York Sally, Benner, Wil. N.C. Capt. hitehead, of the schooner En deavour, from Alexandria, informs, thaj oil Wednesday la fl, off Chincoteagite, he lpoke a British frigate sf 36 guns, from the Capes of Virginia on a cruize. Capt. Hodgdon, of the brig Good Hope arrived here from Monteg. Bay, was board ed on the 25th OA. near Cape Antonia, by a French privateer brig of 16 guns, anda frout 80 men, (he was called the Liberty on a cauife ; they sent on board the Good Hope, the chief, second mate, and a boy, belonging to the British (hip Dorset, late Capt. Edmunds, which the French priva teer had captured 011 the 2jd do. close to Cape Antonia : the officers of the Dorset, who arrived here in the Good Hope, in form, that (he was from Jamaica bound to London, with a valuable cargo, efii mated at 45,000 J. Herling, that Ihe nount d ten guns, and had i7effe<£Uve men on board, they also inform that Capt. Edmunds was killed early in the a6iion, arid two men bad ly wounded ; they further fay, that the prize, the reft of the crew and fomc pas sengers were sent off for Charleston; they also speak highly of the polite treatment they received from the French officers. — On the iQth, the Go d Hope was boarded by another French privateer (chooser from Charleston on a cruize. The (hip Amiable, Capt. Thompson, from Philadelphia, htf fan and iißiubc* fiarr Lead, Lead in pigs Rutiia Sheetings Women's StuiJ,S'ioet by the quantity Cutt Najij Klio ie Cl«ef< And a a d it ass >rtm m nt of European and India GOOD S, : At tii« ni:i£k Bo*. 25 2iwtf Old American Company. THEATRE—CEDAR. STREET. For the Benefit of. Mr. Prig- more & Mr. Martin. TO-MORROW EVENING November zfi. Will be presented, A much admired COMEDY, (} . 'arm ed but once in this city,) ciulcii notoriety. After the Play, Mr. Martin will deliver a Diflertation upon Hobby Hurts, in the character of Squire Groom —the Statci man's hobby, the SoldL-r's h.ibby, the Lawyer's hobby, the Beau'* hobby, the Phytic ian's hobby, the Lady's h ,)by, the Patriot's hobby, the Fiddler's hob by, the Manager's hobby, and his own hobby. In the course of the evening, Jonathan's jourheyto Philadelphia, his visit to the Th»a.t',e, peep into the Museum, view of the Circus, his trip to the Camp at CariiHe, and del'ci iption thereof,by Mr. Prigmore. To which toil/be added, (by Particular Desire) A Musical Entertainment, never perform- "■Jim** St. Johns e>(' his wi!J be tti'nded or, en fa voring bim wirh their add'«fs. No. a 73, South Secoi.d S;r4et. Nov. 20. d To all who it may concern. TAKE notice, that agreeable to an aft of the late Sefliot'of Conjiefj I mean to apply at ihr Treafurv of the Uniir(J States lor the renewal of the following Oontinen i taJ Lnan Office Certificate, d'fhoyed and loft at my Lodging'; in the c:t-y of Phila delphia, in the yea' 1791. No, 1607, date! Apil 13, 1779, for 400 D ilia: s. IflWtl in t|w Delaware State tfi the Su > fenber then refi eut at New-C-.iUe, couu terfignerl Samuel Paterfo 1, C. L O. wher ■ on were udovfements (o iVeieft p»id.4|i to the bift of Dlci mho' 1 782, made hy thi faiij Continental Loan Oisce». George Read. ew Cafl/, Nov. 19, 179 \ Pet and PtaA-Alb It molt be 1 ta, f.: :i !•> e»(jrr li beral mind to be Informed of improve ments m:ide in any branch of bufinela that leTens cinc:l labour. The fub jetl matter of this communication to the public is refpeding pot and pearl- 1 aft. In my travels through the noriiiei n : kingdoms of Europe, during the lafl I seven years, 1 have vifned the different j manufa&ories of pot and pearl-ash, and J took particular notice of their method*, J viz. Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Ruffis, | and Norway. I Have used them in my i different manufactories many hundred j thousand pounds weight. To this I wiH add, I am acquainted with refining pearl-acts, used by our "glafsmakers in England for making the fineft double chrytlal glass. Lately I was reqiiefted by the Hon. Judge Wilson, Esq. to havj a vrork e rected agreeable to Mr Samuel Hop kins's plan, at this place. An article so sffential ;o the fail duck manufadtory claimed my particular attention. Sa muel Hopkins being infohned, attend j ed, and ex]>lained the principles of his improvement, v-hich (from my know, ledge ofChemiftry, and the experience 1 have had) appeared perfetfliy agreea ble to reason. I, however, forebore faying much on the fubjeft, until the works were completed, and some expe riments n*.ade f both on a final! and large scale. This being done to my full fa tisfacfion, I think it but jnftivC to the inventor :rt fay, his works are well cbn llrufted for the business, and, in the process of saving manual labour, liis method much exceeds any other I have seen j the moll cneap, expeditious, and simple. I am informed, the large Pot and Pearl Afli makers, in this country, pur chase their common black salts of the poor people, and those men may find thcmfelres hurt by this plan of Hop kins's —Be that as it may, they are ob liged to bring their black salts to Pearl Aih by extraordinaiy labour, which this method saves, and is simple and ea sy, so that any labouring man may make his goods himfelf, and fend them to market. I am apprehensive (and that from proof) that Hopkins has been injured through the careleffncfs or inattention of the workmen, viz. in not calcining the allies to that decree required, a thiug absolutely neccfiavy to be attend ed to. I have attended the experiment with attention at this place, and find that the alhes being, perfefllv calcined produced a pure and urtcowloured lixivi um, and from that a pure good Pearl A(h—whereas those not fufficiently cal cined produce a red-brown lixivium, and an impure alkali, not fit for any market. I am reac'y to meet any prrfcm, on this head, that may object to Hopkins's method cither in a chimerical or experi mental proof, il have heard it said, that before I saw this method that this new mode would answer well 011 a small scale, but not 0:1 a large one—This sup position is grotridlels. Mr. Hopkins has my leave to publilh thiis ifhethinks proper. JAMES DAVENPORT. Hopkins and Howell, t No. s 6Maiket street. C, W. PEALE. EVERAKcii intprMetMent*, ufnuiK., übietf *a{Oß»y-expf rinientl, £rojf&j t hinrt qw*f ics.ivt«ri»e tj» tfc« vu ases, a» *nf of hi» vifitcw;, 0,1 fmmtttoc tO»ifltei(>inniimni.B»«cariwn ai'flt j ay.tfiofcs, ffrai tlicvr' dtli're, C- Wi-Pel*- wjli ji»fcT(*h«;ii' nirawi; &■> t!wr ref(>od*^*tiWitb tkif pit&orft,'vi.t' mafr A tfti&iMiy&Wjf* P; »W 'ip^jjaiiiy twrnaf™--'?!;; tM'i worW-, '$ ?ud b? ' tl-p; »tte»ns7fr ff Bertji jgpianlti((la; t/p' r»t of ttujiifry ana, u>VM .IMf* Ail Perlons indebted to the Subscriber are lei eby dtfr ed '.0 ake IJII mediate pavmert; ■> he is indebted, will pi-wffc to rth, Second-fires November ai i t'jOMjT HI p ARIs Mositbur. - Aurora and General Ad»*rtifer. ANTWERP, Sept. 6. The Republican be lieges Sis de Gand ; a great nunrt. er of bombs have already been thiwn' into that place, and the pofleffion ps L'Eclufe ia cilitates in a high degree the c<»V%ueli -f Sr.sdcGand. This is a tor- Irefs in Dutch Flanders, anJ a tiarbi/tir, important by its Gtnation 011 t! ;o kft brahch of the western Scheldt. As soon as the place is taken, an invasion , into Zealar d, becomes mote than pro* bable, and that rich, but defene-elefs province, rmift submit at the lif ft iip pes-uice of the Republicans. 1 lie siege 01 Sas de Gand is tone'lifted bv Gtuc.fll Morcau, thv- cqnqueior of L'Eelufe. njgrxat number of and boats.'.re armed with the gre;.}eit rxpedition at Oftend. There i» much reaiim to suppose, that this armament tviil serve at once to second the prujeiU :d attack of our troops on Zta!an ~: :iil :o bufflf the efforts of a small cfcadre mc'.er Admiral Harvy tritiv«.d a: Phifh- The combined powers intend to .ave VJaeftrieht at all hazards, ill order to :heekt!ie victorious career of the Re mblitan aimics. However be the buft'.e of the cor,fc lerate despots, it does not damp the f;.i it of our armies ; the Republicans nake immense preparations ; and it if :nown at every hand, that they neve hreaten in vain. CONGRESS HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES, Tuesday, November 15. Mr. Murray of the committee ap pointed for the ptirpofe, brought in a bill providing fov the organizing and Ha tioning a body of troops in the four Wellem Counties of Pennfyfvania— read twice ai'.d reported to the commit tee of the whole. Mi. Giles called up a motion laid on the table fume days ago, for the appoint ment of a committee to wait on the Pre sident of the United States, and en quire of him the cause* which have ob ffru&ed the organization of the militia —A committee was accordingly ap pointed. On motion of Mr. William Smith the hill for granting the privilege of franking, a'fo to provide for compenution to James White Delegate to Cougrifs from tlie Territory of rhe Unit-d States foutli weft of the River Ohio—was taken up in Commite? of the whole —Mr. Cobb 11 the Chair—The Committee went thro' the difcuffionof this bill—it was .reported to the House, and ordered to be engioflfed for a' third reading. A tneffage was received from the Pre sident of the United States, by Mr. Dandridge his Secretary, with a copy of a flatcnient from the Secretary of War of the Troops now in the fervicc of the United States. The House again went into Commit tee of the whole, on the report of the fele& committee in answer to the Pre (ident's Speech—Mr. Cobb in the chair. Mi. Fitzfimoiis's motion of amendment to the report, refpefting " felf-creatcd Societies"—was farther difcufled. Di ring the debate Mr. Fitzfiroons with drew his motion, and brought forward a substitute which was merely an echo of that part of the Preiident's Speech relating to these societies. A moti m w:is mnde to ftr ke out the words • 4 f;:!f created Societies' which was car ried in the afliimative, the amendment as thus amended was agreed to by the. committee ; they then rofc and report, cd, and tlii honfe adjourned. NEWBURYPORT, Nov. 14. Ex/raff of a letter from a getrilemun who took ptiffltge in the flip Mary, Edmund IVingaJt, miiflei, elated IVycotnic-:, sri jtr Patowmac) Ofloler 26, 1794. " We had ail agreeable paflage of £ days to this place. We took a pilot on board at Cape Henry, and about three hours after, the (hip (truck on the middle ground, wljeie (he continued a bout 3 hours. " We lighted her by throwing over board Hay and ttiftiher", but the (hip leaked so fact by being drained with a heavy fca, that both pnmps qould not keep her free. When we had got her off the shoal, (he had near 5 feet water in her hold, but by our ixertioji in making fail, and Handing up the bay, we were in hopes that two men at the pumps could free her. At 8 o'clock in the evening we diftover ed the IhTjrfo be oji fit e. which obliged us to take to the boat, without even taking one article of clothing. " The fur (ttig'nated in the hold, where was a quantity of unflacked lime, which eaii r ed the difafu-r, and the (hip and c*r -30 werr 'ntirely dtftrcycd." ' w ' v, • „ I r - *1