HHODE-IVAND. DI3RICI\/r. At a uiJirlS Court held at PrtmitLnce, wi:b in etfiti for the dijlr'lß afore/aid, on the frjt Monday of Nov. A. D. 1794, b.'brt the. Hon. Henry Marcbant, EJq, judge of Jaid Court. Comes John Biptift- Bernarde, a citi zen of the French Republic, and on the libel of Thomas Jehnings, for himfelf & JchD Vnn r, both of the Britilh pro vince of New-Brunfwick, under which rerti-n monies, now remaining in the hands of William Peck, Esq. Marlhal ol Cud Diflricl, being ihe proceeds of the sales of th: brigantine Perseverance and J', a'cargo, have been arretted by order or ll,is court, and detained from the lawful owners thereof; prays judgment, whether i this honorable court will take any further cognizance of tin said libel, and that t: e.fame be difmiiTed. occiufe he fays, ill. That the legality of the capture of the said brigantine Perseverance, and her I cargo, has already been determined under the authority of the United States, aid a greeably to the praflice of nations, and in a mode required at the special instance of the libelants, by their public consul resi dent here. id. 3eoaufethe custody and pofieffion of said brigantine Perseverance, and car go, by the said W iltiam Peck, Marlhal as aforefaid, were had in due couffe of law, and not under the authority of this court, aud therefore the disposal thereof is not within they'urifdiiftion of this court. 3d. Because thelibellants have not com plained in their said libel of the illegality of thefale of said brigintine Perseverance, and cargo, by said Peck, nor of any 'un lawful interference on his part; and the said sale being made on the land, and with in the body of the county of Providence, in open market, the Admiralty can have no jurifdjetien. 4th. Because. if the libelants are entit led to receive the said monies, proceeding from the sales of said brigantine Perseve rance and cargo they have a clear remedy for the fame, at common law, in the Cir cuit Court of the United States, under an a lion of aflumpfit, for monies received tr> use. * ?th. Bccaufe the said brigantine Perfe t ante, and cargo, by the libellants own wing, at the time of the alledged cap -11 re thereof, were the property of fonle • • the fubjedls of the King of Great Bri a, and the fame were captured on the high feis, and not within any of the wa rs of the United States, and more than 11 marine league from any of the shores • i;reof, bv the crew of the armed lchoo ner Sans Pareille, belonging to citizens of the French Republic, commanded by a Vrench citizen, and manned with more than two thirds of her crew by French •amen and marines, and bearing a torn r i'ffiou of war under the French Repub the citizens of which weretl\en. and ; -\e United States are a neutral -r.atioa ii cue prejjjit war ; wherefore, by the law of natifr.s, the court* of the Unitcc States aanr.avi "o jurisdiction or aiithori tv IjO itwrri'iit 'r,e ou.-f'onof prize or no prize, between the citizens of the French Republic and their public enemies, or to" reftorf: to locn enemies what has been ta , ken {' them on the high seas- bydthe ci tizen . o ,'aid Republic. Wherefore, \ for >><■ rr-afons aforefaid, the said John 'Bap ; n e Bernarde prays this honorable court to iake no farther cognizance of the 1:1 i afarefiud. bu; tlikt the fame be difmif fc 1. PETREZ MORTON, Attor- Ei ; o yer.ii Bapti/Je Bernarde. UNITED STATES. -di lfland Di/lricl Co:irt, November Term, 1794. In cafe of Thomas Jennings &c. Qri tifh fubje£l«, libellants against the brig Perseverance, and her cargo, on the money arifine from the falea thereof, in the hands of William Peck, Jfq. Marshal of said diftridt; and upon which John Baptist* Bernarde, &c. citizens of the French Re public, are claimants and respondents : Upon mature confederation of the alle gations in the libel contained, and of the 1 j>lea of the claimants again/1 the jurifdie- , tion of this court thereon, and of the ar guments of the counsel of the refj>e ■*** W m Irvine, 470 ■ • - Gregg, _ 383 T Nov. 17. allowing gentlemen are chosen ■ of |Li« countiy, {o the 11 UNITED STATES. several offices annexed to therr names : J >hn Keen, and Gabriel licifter, Efq'rs. Senators in the Gcueral Affcni blv. Jacob VVeirich, Christian King, and Valentine Shouffler, Efq'rs. members of Assembly. In our next we (hall be enabled to inform the public the candidate elected for member of Congress. The number of votes for this county, ftandas follow : General John A. H.inna, had toil votes. John Carson, Esq. 438 do. Samuel M'Clay, Esq. 43 For Sheriff, John Eldei, Esq. had 888 votes, and Alexander Montgome ry, Esq. 723. Our last accounts from the army state, that it was daily expe&ed the main body would receive orders for marching homeward ; a number, howe ver, were enliftinnr, it is supposed, for the purpose of remaining sue le camp, to er:dicate every propcnfity to oppofi lion and difobedienrce, which might per haps take place hereafter. The inha bitants ofthofe parts, we are happy to alTert, are now fenfrble, that the civil au thority is fully competent to enforce the laws, and to punish both past and future offences, inasmuch at the people at large are determined to support every descrip tion of civil officers in the legal discharge of their duty. The beginning of last week, a man in Lebanon, about 25 miles from this town, who has had, f*ir a while past, .fume disagreement with one of -his neighbours, and being led on by liquor, palfion and the devil, beat the obje£l of his revenge in such a manner, that put an end to hie life. The jury summon ed on the body of the deceased, brought in their verdiil, " Th&t hu was wilfully murdered." The criminal has since been committed tolhe jail in this town. PHILADELPHIA, Says A CorrcJ}>oi:dent, If 4 man tin France lay* a word a gamft the revolutionary government, he is taken up « an enemy to the peoj>se-— an ariftocrale—a iaunter-ne*olutioriift. Haw happens it that our mouthing 6e mojerjts in this country set up the fame ciyagainft any cme that fay* a wordier taTciii notions, the ccndr.dl that makes an ariftocrate in Fraricc, indicates a Jtii.'y. ui ; and th»f tip-top republican in America. The Conftitutum lias beefi the admi ration of the ptiiiofojihie vurM, Uu which will rnott rtin: their wonder, thai the people fhoilld at firll agree to adopi it, in fpiteof so many fi-parate interei'a • r lately to defend it in ipite of so many lies ? 3 f the former event fhonld be thought the better evidence of Ameri can the latter wiil to all na ti.-rjf. and to iJI future times equally il- Iv.'.lrate their iL-adip-eis and virtue. To disperse an aimy us whiflcey men, rtqui red only a stronger a.my. To difperTe the more numerous and formidable Is Ml of lie-, that set the whiskey-men in array, demanded a resource which 110 othei country than America could rely on— lound sense enough among th« body of the citizens to disarm that host. The monarchy-men. Much frnitleft. rency to this tei m. It would answer a From the times a Bcjlon Paper * thousand pretty purposes at an ele&ion Among the number of our fellow to get the name fixed on federal men. citizens who gave thrir fuffrage for a But it has been tried and will not go. Rcprefentative at the late election, was There is perhaps no bug-bear that will a person in the dress of a Jailor. On not feare fame children and some old entering the hall.he was accosted by one maids. McR grown people, hor-ever, of the party, distributing votes for' Mr. 1 fee whom this reproachful name will not Jarvis, with " here good\man, tale this and ; fit lit will uot suit those who on every votefor that friend to mankind, Dr. Jar occafon would have the laws reign.— via. " " 1 have my vote already," re- When Robespierre reigned, and like a lied the feafaring man. " Who do you bloody tyrant, his will being his law, votefor ? rcjoinedthe questioner—" For our pretended democrats admired his that iuialuabic flaplc commodity of cur \ principles and character. One party country. " replied he, folding his vote at advocates the reign of the laws, the o- the fame time, and (hewing him part of them approaches the nearest tQ monar- FISH ! chy principles ? A MAN who made his nose the re- fervior of many a bag of fnuffand whose How is a man to Ihew he is a patri- handkerchief bad become the receptacle ot ? The only answer to be extracted of the n etamorphofed matter which from our insurgent Gazettes is—Let iflued therefrom, and which if ever in him bestow all his approbation and his the walh-tub, never wanted to be there confidence on the othei fide of the At- more than at the present time, was antic. asked by a friend, " What he intended to do with it ?—! dt icith it /," rcplrVd the fnuffei —" Why roll It ard use it for fegars. ! " Dy this Day's Mail. BOSTON, Nov. i 5. FEDERALISM or VERMONT, A motion was lately made in the lc giflature of Vermont, cenfuriug the cx cHe law, approbating the opposition to David Kraufe, Esq. commiflioner. NOVEMBER 44. it by the IVhiJlt'r leys, ar.d charging the ! Prelident with a ftrctah of power in ctfll : ing out thethilitis to ftippi L■ he i.u'itr gents, and urging the C 'Vcrni.r'a rcpre fentation to Congrcfs of their sentiments. This motion was iarried. —The next day, a motion was made, fx prt ffiveof the danger of democratic so cieties ; that their existence threatened serious conferences to the exiftiug go vernment, and that good citizen and legislator, Ihould use their titraoft endeavors to destroy them. This was withdrawn to give place to a ,other, "Thitt the vote of the precedirtg day should be erased from the iccoicU;" which was tarried by a larrc majority. In cor.frqtienee, a mob ccJleft«d, and burnt Mi. Samuel Pa i.ve (who second ed the second motion) in effigy. The election far federal senator succeeded four days after, and Paine was chosen. CRIME oF FNATICISM. [From •' T(x Eaflcrn Star," a new pa p'itr primed at Haflovjell. •Hallowell, Oil. 29. In our lad wai mentioned the murder of the wife of Pslton Warren, by Henry M'CauJhng, Perhaps it may be well to itate feme of the circumftenc'es which led to the horrid murder. It appears that M'Claufling has lately become deluded in matters of religion. For feme timepaft he has principally alTociated himfel with a party of Baptists, living on a plantation back of Pitffcon, h;aded,bycne Stinfon, and two or three others. In one of his parox ifpis of religious insanity, he* burnt an ele gant church in the town of Pkfton. lie f fays that Stinfon told him that his br - tker .Edward Portis, wht) was lately executed for the murder of Pamela Tilton, was certainly gone to Heaven, and that the road (o raven was marked with btord.— M'Clau».ing thought as For:is had gone to heaven he fhouH go there too, provided he used the fime means. After he had rea soned hiihlelf into the propriety of going to heaven in bltod, who ihould fall by hi; hand was his next object of inquiry. He pitched on Mrs. Warren, went ;o hci houfc and enquired after her, and finding that (he had gone to visit a sick mother h< ptirfuedher,inadark night,through woods, & overriver whichwere alinofiimpallibk by day. Wht n he arrived at the fatal spot hefoimo'.her fitting'behind, ,iiid JioltJ ing-jp her sick mother's head. Waiting his opportunity, he fiupg her b?xk, wit! li;o left hand, and with his right drew ; kni e from his pocket, where he had con cealed it, snd instantly cnt her throat vi.hc-t her being able to fay more thai this—"M'CauJli>ig % areyoagoing- to mur dermef He immediately! il, where he rr i.it rcjnun i'or the i'um.nce tli»t a wait.s him ... T"mat'cifiri only, led this poor mortal aitray. Let ihofe who have been the me<.n«, fee wrtl to it that they fclear them felVe» of the blood which has been fivlt.— It feenii, by his own confeffion, tiiat he 1 1 , not or.ly marked the Rev. Mr. War rcrf.md others, as objects of deftru&ionj but his own family, he intended fliould fill by his own hands. SPRINGFIELD, Nov. 18, t EDKB.AI Register. We hear that the hon. Theodore Setigw'pk is je-ele&ed a Reprefehtative to Congrrf«, for the firlt western dif tiicl. In the {ecosd western diftrift, from wlrat v £ have been able to colfctt, the vi;ti.-i ppejir to be nearly divided between I*t firs. Shepard rnd Lyman. In the fourth western diffrift, it is fcid, Levi Lincoln, Esq. is tjefted. Samuel I.i man, Esq. is undoubtedly elect* d in thisdiftrift. The hon. fiftier Ames i 6 again chefen. ,• ***• . ' toar.ti ABEL Mil A ■ . Day: Ship Gov. Mifflin, Church, Havanna 21 Roebuck, Bliss, Brjfiol 56 Brig Yoridc, M'Allifter, ff. Mole 27 Two Sifters, Segowwyj Char- Arrived L-fton jo RaivJolJh, Parle, Rhode-Island 8 SfLcoJEf- h.'ofi'i Co.Tm, \ir,y.i.ia 11 Endtavur, tt iiit head, uo. io Sloop wOilr;Tl io .Saturday ever.ii;g arrjytd thefhip Roe t.uck., Capt. Bli, in 59 days from Driiio!. Or; ;lu h October. iu lat. 49, 55, long. IJ. "jo. fell in with the Jamaica Heel, of 80 or 90 lull, bound to England ; and fpok? tiieilvp Lady Ma:kvcrth —inform- out ten weeks. On the iid, in lat. 41, 30, fell iii with a fleet of French men of war, and at meridian was fpokeby theFidcle fri gate, Capt. Barnard. One of lie nlSrert eanit onboard andtookoutall thepallcngers with their baggag?, on board ihe Ro.buck, with the Captain and ihip's papers. Aftiy detention ot .three hours onboard the frigate, they fuffered Capt. Bliss to returrt, but detained tht paflengers and made fail lor the fleet, which Contifled of a 94, fou frigates, and two 1 armed brigs. They had taken a great number of prizes, one of which was taken in fight, a Scotch brig from the heights, laden with ftltfs, &c. and said they were ordered to remain in that latitude for some weeks. On the Bth of Nov'.inlat. 36,45* long ®7> JO, (poke the brig John. Capt. How land of Bolton, hab ta»>ts'of each, in each square miU—ard a brief State of* their relat'v»» p r »«p ess in Population ; to. getter with various oter Articles of In formation. an elegant Frcntif pltce. Ttile Pttge, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp- I fan's Seasons, engraved by the mast ingt I mcus Art-.jli in the City. | Nov. 11 . ' Wine, JUST PUBLISHED, PHILADELPHIA. • V ■■ ■ 3t\v4w