Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 21, 1794, Image 3

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    •I. - with the uftial bnflcnefs, ow
i>i-» t«> the loss of the above ammunition,
which cannot be ithmediately replaced,
•n account of the remoteness of the
magazines. His Majesty has resolved
to suspend for the present the siege of
WarCsw, and to go with the army on
the 6th irift. a > tar as Raicczin, to ena
ble him by a:; advantageous position,
which will be chosen, to take all those
efficacious meaftires which are requiflte,
to quell" entirely, and all at onct, the
Lifutrefition in the interior of Smith
Prussia ; am) to piinifh {11 the fevt-rell
manner, the ring leader! and authors of
It. The Ruffian Corps, under Lieute
nant-General Baron Ferfen, eHcamped
•n the fame day, near Piafzeinas.
The Arch-Dukc Charles, who re
fined some days ago from the army, set
cfF again this day to the Rhine, whither
we are assured his bag-jage will follow
him. Considerable reinforcements ar
rive daily here for the army of the
M'acf.'. The French collect their prin
cipalforce near Tirlemont andTongres,
where their army is now fjid to confilt,
of Q3,0 -o m p n, finee the furrenikr of
Vilcncienncs andConde. They have a
intrenched camp before Z nithen.
After several movements in the envi
rons of Helderen, Rymps, and La
feld in which the out pods of both p».r
ties c-3m_ very elofetoone another, the
Ftench advanced to Tongres. Gen. Kray
en tire other fide of the iVlaefc, received,
u fcc 'ides some rein forcem. ts of Troops,
ly sixteen pounders, atid hasfince made
a iverfion through Bilzen. From the
Imperial camp at the Chartreuse near
.1 ;iege, a detachment of'Ti-oops has been
lent to H'ty.
September 14.
All the A iitnan Officers, who were
absent upon leave, have received orders
fpecdi'y to join the Army. The last
or krs fro® flie Court of Vienna are ex
pi'Cted, and General Mack will be the
bearer. The whole army is in motion.
1 >e head quarters will, it is thought,
be rcnoved to Maeftricht this day. The
array crofTet the Macfe fiom time to
time*. Every thing announces a deci
sive action. *
VENLO, Sept. 13.
On the roth inft. we received or
ders to remove the Imperial Magazines
to Maeftricht, which was immediately
done. They we\t paitly sent off by
water, and the re(l by land.
The day before-yefterday an An (Inan
General arrived here, to infpedt all our
works, as likewise tc t St. Michael.
The Regiments of Plettenberg and
my Calmctte, who composed part of the
Gariifon of Valenciennes, have been
here since ycftcrday. The former goes
to Utrecht, and the latter to Amster
dam. They were both disarmed. The
French supplied them with brt;ad and
pay as far as the Frontiers.
This day a itrong Patrole march
ed hence, to Eindhoven. We learn
that the Knemy aie in great force at
COBLENTZ, Sept. 9 .
Gen. Moreau commands the French
army, a: Treves, and lias Generals Re
nault and Vincent under him. The e
nemy's whole force in that city conJ.Rs
of 14,000 men.
On the 29th of August, 60 wag
gons were put in requifitiort liy the
French ; they all reached Treve»enthe
3 th, a id the plundering of that city
also took plate on the fame day. It whs
not general, but only confined to the
bottles of the Clergy and nobility, and
to the hcufes of the emigrants, in
which the Firtich left nothing" behind
them. On the ift inft. the booty was
convey'ed to Thionville and Metz,
which renders every thing extremely
dear. F;:mine actually prevails among
the inhabitants. Those among them
who have any money left, may get
bread of the Republican Soldiers who
fell it.
Both the merchants and inhabitants
have been deprired of all the iron, lea
ther and cloih in their poffeflion ; and
the whole has been sent off. They re
ceived acknowledgments, exprefTed thus,
" Go~d for 100 livres"—"Good for
600 livres," &c. and these acknow
ledgments are to be changed for As-
At the tiniverfity of Treves the Ja
cobin Club meets every evening, and
not only the French, but a great
number of the Inhabitants affifl at the
The French have thrown a bridge o
ver the Moselle at I gel, and another o
ver the Saar at Saarbruck, in order to
keep up the neceflary communication.
A large division of Pruflian9 has already at Merzig. The French are now
both at and about this litter place.
The inhabitants of the iJutchy of
Wirtemberg and of the country of Swa
bta hare declared, thr.t they will enn
ragrtjufly defend their f u,;ticrs, but
that they will npt fimufli any further
fupplicsof men.
The Duke Wirtemberg seems willing
upon the whole to accede to the propo
sals of the Emperor, but the ttates of
owabiaare wholly averse to taking any
aflive part in the war.
The Swiss Cantons will, it is said,
speedily fend an AmbalTador to Paris.
The dates of Berg and Jtiliers have
resolved to furnifh the Imperial army,
every month with 6000 bushels of
Wheat, i2,o:x» bushels of Oats, and
100,-0 rations Gf hay, for the army
of the Maefe.
The contributions on the part of the
Electorate of Cologne will it is expect
ed, be far more conlidcruble.
LONDON, Sept. 25.
Tile Grand Jury far the city of Lon
don have found true bills agairifl Dr.
Barlow, and a Mr. Watson, for a con
lpiraty agamll government ; they are
expected to take their trials ill the
course of the present sessions.
Advice is received from the Eaft-ln
dies of the death of Robert Morris, Esq.
late of Swansea. This gentleman was
the advocate of the late Lord Balti*
more, in the memorable trial of his
lordlhip for a rape on Miss Woodcqck,
which gained htm the confidence and
friendffiip of his Lordlhip, after whose
death he carried off his patron's daugh
ter, a Ward of Chancery, and, alt ho'
they were afterwards married in France
and Italy, yet on their return to Eng
land, after two years fojour;;ment a
broad, by the lady's desire, their unioi
was diflblved.
The siege of Maeftricht, where Jotir
don commands, w:ll in* all probability
co'.t the French dearly, as it is one of
the strongest barrier forces in the Ne
therlands. The redn£lion<of this place
would open a paflage to Wtjlphalia, and
furnifh a strong defence to the lately ac
quired pofiefiions in Handers. Maef
tricht u seated on the Miefe, which,
after a long course, becomes here a large
rivet. The defence will doubtless e.or
refpond with the strength and impor
tance of the pod, and therefore be un
commonly vigorous.
As a complete the Paiifian
papeistothe 7th inft. have reached
.London, without mentioning so impor
tant au event as the death of the Dau
phin, it maybe reasonably inferred that
the report had no foundation.
Yellerdaypnrfuanttocharter, a Quar
terly General C mrt of the Eall India
Company, was held at their House in
Lcadenhall ftreel; when, Mr. Lnfhiiig
ton prefaced the following motion with
a Ihort but spirited fjs« ech :
" That this Court be fummoncd for
the gth of Odtobei to conlider of an
address to his Majetty, declaratory of its
determination to support the Govern
ment of the country in the prosecution
of the present jtift and necessary war. "
Which being as warmly seconded by
Nr. Benfley. from behind the bar, was
carried with theutmoft. unanimity ; and
then the Court adjourned.
Advices are brought by the ex-no
bles, who have arrived within these two
days from La Vendee, that the Chouans
are strong, and had lately gain
ed feveial advantages, and taken leveral
places in Upper BieUgne.
On the 13th inltant the French ad •
vanced with about 100 1 huffnrs to with
in fight of the town of Bois-le-Duc,
and covered themselves with some wood
which was near—but after a fiiort can
nonade they were obliged to retreat.
A great number of fugitives from
Bois-le-Duc arrived at the Hague on the
18th inltant, and Itated thkt the French
had already approached the avenue cal
led Streumeg, which is quite close to
that fortrefs
The riciieft Portuguefc Eaft-ludia
man, whose cargo is eftimatcd at
4,o.xy}co of florins, has been taken by
the French, and carried into the Isle de
September 26.
We yeflerday flopped the press to an
lotince the arrival, in the fojencon, of
Vlr. Bafilico, one of his Majcfty's mef.
-sgers, at the Horse Guards with dif
latchea from his Royal Highness the
eft on Monday lafl. The army undet
:he command of. his Royal Highness
-vas polled about fix miles from Nime
juen. No frefh information had beet
eceived refpe&ing the operations of tin
:nemy, but there is every reason to fnp
nto Holland by the way of Bois-le
Wf havi already dated, thM'thaf
place is rendered strong from tbe crvty
fiofebg of the Meufc; but a* tllhfei*
Ton,is to &r idranced, tbere is cause 16
apprehend thavtbe <netny taking advao*
tage gf, and relying upon the (upcriari
ty of their nimbers. may ravage the in
terior country without laying to
the frontier g.-rn'fon. Firtlier iu 'oi rn
ation is, however, m cef! irv to fir>p. irt
tais fuppofitiin, hs no intelligence to
that effect hasytt been received.
Wednesday upwards of a thousand
horse, conliHin-r of detachments from
the Oxford Blues, Queen's Light
horse, See. embarked at Black wall, in
| thirteen transports for the continent.
The Britilh guards are a] way the molt
dirtinguifhed in every post of honor and
danger. A detachment of them was
ordered, in conjunction with fomc other
troops, amounting in all to about 300%
to dislodge the enemy on the '4th from
Boxtel. i his gallant band was fnr
rounded by 25,0 o of the enemy, but
fuccefsfnlly cut their way thro, and re
joined the main army.
When it is considered that <>ur troops
may be obliged to ke»p the held the
greatelt part of the ensuing winter, we
doubt not but the ju(l!ce and liberality
of the nation will be as ready this year
to contribute to their comfott a 5 they
were the lalt.
Gen. Symes died of a locked jaw,
occaAoned by the wounds which hi re
ceive.' in the late unfortunate attack oh
the French at Guadaloupe.
On the 12 inIL an Fnglifh convoy of
33 merchant (hips, and eight (hips of
war, from Corsica, bound to Gibraltar,
and thence furthei to the northward pas
sed by Malaga- Among thcTe (bins
there was one Ship of the Line and
two Frigates undet French Royal Co
By the last Corunna Mail we have
advice, that the Manilla Flotilla is fafe
arrived at Cadiz, with Ten Millions and
an Half of specie, on the King's ac
count. The Flora from Buenos Ayres
is shortly expefled.
In the beginning of next month,
three Portuguese flrips of the line and
four frigates will fail from Li Toon upon
a fccret expedition.
CHARLESTON, October 27.
It is with great pleasure we anuouncc
to the public that a gentleman from the
northward has ptuchafed the mill feat
near Camden on which the late Col Iver-
(haw had his mills ; that he is now e
recting a large grift mill tlieie, which
will he as completely finifhed as any of
the flour mil! in the northern itates. All
tfie Iron work for it, bolting cloths
ftont-s, were brought in the Ship Can
ton, v.'h:ch arrived a tew days ago fron.
Philadelph This gentleman has
a doubt of liis being able to furni{h as Le Parlementaire pour France par
fine and as good fltiur in the course of tira pofitivement le 5=1111?. de ce moi
tbe next season for t'ae consumption. of , (25 Novembre, vieux ttile.)
this city, as we are now supplied with L?s Citoj-ens et Citoyennes Prison
from Philadelphia, New-Yoik and Bal- nicrs Refugic3, ou deportes uc: dej;'ete
timorc. prevenus que cr'etoit Je jdernicr, f E afiri
We are also informed, that the farm- qu'ils n'ayfnt pas lieu de ce plaindre,
erg in the upper part of Camden diftriiS, s'ilsreftent tci, de ne plus'recevoir apres
have sown conliderable fields with wheat son depart aucun fecours de la Reptib
this fall, as they have well founded ex- lique, puifquefes fon£tionnaii'<*s leur ont
peflations of meeting with a ready lale conltamment procure dtpuis xieuf mois
at this eftahlifhment. ' j les moyens er les occalirms de les rece-
Judge Wilson arrived in tliis city, by
land from the northward, on Friday
last, and on Saturday the circuit court
of the United States for this diltri<S,
was opened by him and Judge Bee ; we
are informed that a number of impor
tant trials will take place this feflion.
ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman in
Macpherfon's battalion, dated '4 Camp,
near IVaJbir.gton, Nov. nth, 1794.
" By the time this reaches you, I
hope to be upon the march homeward,
as it is expected the business for which
we came heie will be complcattd in a
day or two. You know before this time
what hardships we have undergone, but
I now adore you tliat were 1 certain we
had yet twice as much, 1 (hotsld not re
pent of coming out.—The business has
been more serious than I, or, 1 believe,
any one else who was not in the plot,
had an idea of. From papers which
have been found in Bradford's house, it
appear* that it has been in agitation
these three years, and was no less than
to overthrow the whole government of
the Union, and put themselves under
I the protection of Great Eritain. For
tunately all the leaders are known, as
among the papers was found a lift of
their names, and, I expect, all or the
greater part of them will be secured, as
all the horse were immediately sent in
pursuit of them ; and some parties have
returned with several pufoiiers, and
others are hourly expected. It is said
that there were several hundred writs
iflued. As soon as the horse return,
which will be in a day or two, we expect
to begin our march home."
Sympttir; of InfiirreSiart itl Madrid.
Capt. F>»iiu nf the B.ig Sufann.h ar
rived ycfterlay b >r.* F'-rro-, after a paiUge
of 49 diys in orjDf, h<t f rr. V Vs. f '
he f»ilc3auaccotint wis received tVoin Mad
rid that the guard had been doubled iit
that Capital, and as he was on the point
of failir.j, an arrived \v::h infor
mation that the K'ng ha<] led from that
City. This last. intell ifence was not very
public but he had it from the American
Capt. Baird futher informs, that a
rr>'cnch fiipatc, which he fell in wii'i,
had captured 16 fail of Jamaica men, 5 of
which they funk the remainder the fen:
into port.
He also fays that two French veflels of
war had captuicd o3| Ferrol 12 out of 15
victualling v efle!? from Enjland. A Spa
nish ship of 74 and a frigate sent on*
of Feno! to £our the coait. Capl. Bairu
fell in with a French 64 and a frigate whp
upon his information fleered fiich a courfr
as to endeavor to fail in with them.
Rillioa was not taken, the people in Fer
rol rather wished than feared the com
ing of the French.
ARK ivkd
Ship Dominick Ttrrv, Dcbart Bristol 4z
Brig Susannah, Baird, . Ferol 49
Mary. Beaks> Cadiz 49
Sloop Ann, Cor bin Copes, Virginia 3
Industry, Whitney, Norfolk 4
Lively, Moore, St. Marc's 31
Union, Saundtrs, Virginia^
Two Brothers, Decator, do. £5
Sh.p, Blair,
Brig Columbia, Baker,
Sophia, KobertCoi'i,
Enterprize, Barnut,
Sch. Industry, Harback,
Sloop Swallow, Campbell,
To all who it may concern.
TAKE notice, that agreeable to an a<ft
of the late SelKou of Con 15reI to
appy atiiy Treasury of the Unic<rd Stares
for the re»»e\vul of the ft|lja\xing Ctfnii
tai Loan Office Certificate, dfft'oyed and
loft at my Lodgings in the city of Phila
delphia, in tlx* yea 179 1 -
No, 1607, datel April 13, 1779, for 400
I> ■) 1 i Lt. \
Tfliied in the* Dela\yaV* State to the Sub
fcriber »heli rcfiientat couu-
Samuel Paterfon, C. L- C). wjWft.
on wv udorfemcnts if* paid up
to the lait of December i/82, made by the
faiq Continent 'IJ.oa»v Officer.
George Read.
New-Caft!e, Nov*. 19. 1794 2*\v6v
Confulat de La Rtfiublique
voir dans le ieiii de kur patrij.
A' Philadelphia le premier Frimairc,
an jein? <^ e ] a Repukiiiqiie
une ct iiidivifible. (21 Nov. 1794 (v.s.)
P F. T R Y.
Gonfulfhip's Oirice of the
French Republic.
The ffopj of truce for France will fail
positively on the fifth inllant (25th
Nov. 1794. O. S.)
The Citizens priloners or Refugees
have been already informed that this
wasthelaft, inorderthattheydo not com
plain, if they chufe to ttay here, of re
ceiving no more fucc uraofthe Repub
lic after its failing, as her fun<ftipnaries
have procured*, the;n fuccefftvely, these
nine months pad, the means and the
opportunities to receive them in the
bosom of their own country.
Philadelphia, the ill Fnmaire the
3d year of the French Republic one
and indivisible.
(21ft Nov. 1794.)
To-Morrow will be Landed
at Cuthbert's wharf, from on board of
the Brig Lavinia, Samuel mat
Malaga Wine-,
In hhds. and quarter calks,
RAISINS in barrel*)
Ditto in boxes and jars
-Gramond & Co.
N«v. ao
Friday, November 21.
A bill introduced by Mr. W. Smith,
for granting to Mr. White, the delegate
to Congress, from the Territory South
of the Ohio, tiie privilege of Franking
Letters, also to provide for his compen
sation as members of the House of Re
prefcntatiifes are compenfatcd; was twice
read, and committed for to-morrow.
The reading of the papets received
from the President of the United States
yclicrdsy, was refumcd—during which,
the committee appointed to anlwer the
Prclider.t'i! address brought in a re
port —which was read and referred to a
committee of the whole house on Mon.
day next—inteiirh to be printed for tke
The reading of the papers received
from the President was Snifiied. Com
mittees were appointed on the feverat
fubjeftj submitted to the attention of
Congrds in the President's fpcech.
A resolution laid on the table yester
day, by Mr. Sedgwick, for railing and
Rationing a military force in the four
western counties of Pennsylvania, was
taken into consideration, in committee
of the whole—agreed to—reported to
the house, and a committee, confiding
of MelTrs. Murray, Hillhoufe and Giles
appointed to bring in a bilL
Tlie Address of the Senate to the Pre- ,
fident <if the United States, in ani'ww +«
h s Speech to bothHoufesof Congress is
to be presented to morrow at 12 o'clock.
C. N. Mole
New York
Snow Hili
ffeL For BOSTON,
To fail in a few davs,
The SHIP '
Ebenezer Higgins, Master.
A ftaunc'i good lying at Maf
fey's wharf.
Per freight or paflage, apply to
'Jofefb Anthony iff Son.
Nov. 21 djt
■ ■American Company.
For the Benefit of Mr.; A{h
ton and Madame Gardie.
The Public are relfetffully informed
that Mr. Afhton, who on a former night
was advertised for a benefit, with Mr.
Wools, did not, owing to very bad wea
ther, receive fucli emolument as could en
title it to the name of benefit: he has
therefore purchased a ftiare of Madame
Gardie's night, and solicits the patronage
of the citizens in general.
November 21.
The Play of the " Jealous Wife," for
the benefit of Mr. Afiitou and Madame
Cardie, is changed (by particular de
sire of several ladies and gentlemen) to
a COMEDY (never performed herts
but once) called
Love's Frailties;
O K,
■ Precept againfl Pra&ice.
Written by the Author of th« Road to
Ruin, and received with un
bounded applauie.
Between the 3d and 4th Ad, an Eulogium
011 the marriage ftateby Mr. Alhton.
After the Play a favorite Ballet Dance
The Bird, Catcher.
In the course of the Ballet, Monf. Quenet
will tlan e a Pas Seul and a Pas de Deux
with Madame Gardie.
Between the Ballet and Pantomi ne, (by •
particular desire) an Eulogium oti Free
Masonry, in the charaiUr of a Royal
Arch Mason, by Mr. Alhton.
To which will be added a New Panto
mime, as performed at the Theatre de
mes plaifirs at Paris with unbounded ap
plause, called
Harlequin Pajlry Cook.
In the course of the Pantomime, Madame
Gardie will sing a French song, called
Le Mot Vaut Mieux que la Chose, et la
Chose Vauxt Mieux que le Mot,
Places in the Boxes may be had at the
Box Office, from ten to one every day
(Sundays excepted) and on days of per
formance from three to five P. M. where
also tickets may be had, and at Mr. Brad
ford's book-store, No. 8, foulh Front
street, and at Mr. Carr's music-store.
The doors will be opened at half after
five, and the curtain drawn up precifelv at
half after fix o'clock.
. Jt.
BOX, one Dollar—PlTT, three quar
ters—GALLEßY, half a dollar.
yelpeifHully acquaint the Citizens in gene
ral, that every expcnce has been cheanul
ly lufta;ned. that mipht tend to make the
OIJ American Company, w'orthy a share of
their patronage, during the (hort ftav the
nature of their engagements will
them to make here.
Adjourned till Monday.