DAILY EVENING ADVE [No. 134 of Vol. Vl.] FOR SALE, .. Ax t ttr calju jjfct I.tSBON do.in 1 CongrtTCAS, in qoarteij A xnianrtt^-of-Ufbdh and CWinSALT | Soft fhrltat) ALMOMDSin-balc* Velvet CORKS, in do. Ttullia MATTS. June 9 Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-street, INFORMS hi* Friend", that during his Eb'ewe from Philadelphia (on the Western Exp»thers, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thof vho may please to favor him with their bus nets, may depend upon having it tranfa&cd Vnh the qtmoft fidelity and difpalch. Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any other part of the United States, will bt Ariftly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. m&thtf TO EE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION o F Pot and 'Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TCWNSEND, Infpedlor of Pbt and Pearl-Alhes for the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts. Published according to Aft of Congress. Tliefe obfcrvations relate to an extensive buQnefs ; and are designed, in the plainest manner, to convey profitable information to those interested in it, who have not leif ur* or opportunity to search for the princi ples therein contained, in the writings of profeffionjl Chcmifts. c£ file IfittiftJ) For Boston or Portfinouth, Apply to the Captain on board", or to -Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second street. Nov. 11 dtit For Sale or Charter, LYIN Gat Morton's -wharf. She is a good veflel, fails fact, ami will carry about 700 barrels. For terms, apply to the mas ter on board, or Wharton & G reeves. d6t d Nov. 11 For Dublin, T O Tail on t e 2yh y W['''. her; as good accommodation:, foi paflei»gcr , hav ing been built 'or tlie Dublin tiade. For Freight or palPigr, apff.lv on hoard at Cuth. liert's wharf, toCapt. Gedde?, Ortb w&sef Oft. 3. For Hamburgh, PERSEVERANCE, Jcimes William/on, Majlcr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This vefiel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for palfcuners, to fail with all con venient speed. For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain onboard, or Ihos. & 'John Keiland. oa. i j r r A.nerica, after the last day of Repairing rSUlineiS, June 1794, di(tini;uifliii>s; the rates payable A. P P L Y TO >n those imported in fuips or vcife sos the f~< fnnithpll L'nitfd State? —and the rates pavabiein so- *"'• *->""'}■ D °' l • r«ign(hipsor veflels, including tie addi- No. 3, foutli Fourth street, tivo doors tinnal duties, to w bicbthe refpcftivearti- from Market-street. c'es are liable. Sept ■f 4 Saturday, November 15, 1794. The SHIP fiotivres jnd R'AIN'EY, WILLIAM SMITH, jun, ard Co. or George Latimer. The SHIP Mancbefler, Johu Cox, Master. IE S ADDRESS. Tie Public are refpeflfully informed ■ 1J; the Sunt.-. fop tiiis GaztHr M ■duly im reafmg in the Cjty—that its cir culation is estenfive, being fei,t to e*erv 'rate in the l 25,000 40. cOO 1 ditto & c»fh 15,000 30,000 1 ditto iC»jCO,O 8c cash 10,000 20,000 , d. !<» 5.—- = _ iij'oco "1 ditto 5,000. & eath 5,000 iC^ooo j C. fh p: l.'C <)\ 2 diV'o s'boo eatfa, arc jo *1 ilro 1,000 2 o ditto 500 ioo ditto too 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 16,739 Prize* 33,201 Blanks 50,000 Ticket* at 8 d«llat» This Lottery will afford an e.egant fpeci meri of the private buildings to beereft d in the Guy of W.rftiington— Two beautiful do. flans are already fclc ded for tbeentirr fintn* on two ot ihe public lq.uare* ; from these drawings, it is yropofed to erect two cm< rc and four corner buildings, as soon as poUibk •itter thU Lottery is fold, and to convey rhem when complete, to the fortunate adventurer*, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett d< du&ion .0! fiw pet cent. will bo made to defray rhe necef fjry ex ponces of printing, See. and. li e (ui plus will b« j made a parr of the fund intended !or the National Univcrfity, to be etc&cd within the Ci'y of Washington. (£3"* The drawing will commence as fnon as the Tickets are iold, or ai all evems 011 Monday, t»e 22nd of DeccmUr next: The money will be payable in duv after it i/finifbed, and any prize* for wh»cii fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months aher the drawing isclofcd arc o be con fide led as given towards the fund for the Univrrftty, i« b ing determined 19 fcileihe whole business in a year fWvm the ending oT tl lr drawing and to take up thi. bonds, given as fecuiity. The fecuiities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by 'he President and two Direftdrs oT the Rank of Columbia, and ar* vaJutd at more than lialf thr anroUnt of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the niai»ag< rncnt of 24 gentlemen approved by the cpmmiflioners for the City of Wafb ii/gton, for the time being, and acting on oath. S. BLODGET. %* Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbra ; of James Weft Sc Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Dcnifon, of Peter Oilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer \y. Aug. 30 eodtf w ■' # * ngton. t E Anchors torn 3 cw•. to 15 csvt. jlrtd a General AJportmevt of 5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, 10»00C 10.0 o I Q,OOO lO,COo rt>',ooo 5° *5 20 i« 10.000 io,o«*o 20,00 C 150,000 I^Dd,ooo fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of t he Continent. ALSO TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will tomniei.eeoiawjng very loon)! Rcgiliwred, and the earliest atcountfent of their fiicce s. N. il. The EfarJie'ft Intelligence of each I Day's drawing will be receive! ar this Of-] lice. And the flips thereof will he finned : by the Managei s to be corretf; therefore! to be depended on. Ser>t. 24 d RAN away very unexpectedly from the Subscriber, on Saturday the 11 th October, A Mulatto Man, named George, by bit acquaintance railed George Evans, about 25 y< ars old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, (Haight ai d well marie he has longbulhy blacJc hair, which he com monly wears qned, h-s dieek bones rather high, lii the vjtlin : lie 'o>k him a prown fuftian coatee and jacket, bound with vel low si k fertett, a pair rf light coloiu ed la gathv bieeches a- d half bouts; ai he Inri many o>her cloarWsof cloth and light sum mrr wrat, it j« probable he may rhange his d>efs,it isfuppoled he has crolTed over into Virginia. E D, entice Whoav*r {cfurei fhc man 0] |) re _ ceiwe she above B&wslid,. and reaformble cliarff-sif hroneln bypv ' All.Matters of ap »n board at tftelrnHs',. Waring fiforge'rowiU lii Oiua.bia No*. 3 lawtf fata A I E W PII'ES QJ Urf. Holland Gin,; Whl be Jan e.f "I HrS DAY, flu'tp jrt boar.- *>>f fl op f en ' ,«ij heavy hogfheadi of Port-au-Piince Sugars, ■BRsfhDT, in pipes > And very pood GuadaJo'upe Mclafles, No. 216, ' JI.SO, ' * TfW HDOIHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, & yh proof jinc flavour. ■ S T- 29 d *' R E S H Bohea Tea, and GIN in pipes. Now Li (• > Jolin Jilhott muf.er, - from Awfterdam. Also Imported by Ibe late. Ruflia Hemp, fi»ft quality Dirto Siil Duck 1 - Ditto Ravcji.s Evck Brown Kuilia Mieetiug Tickhnburgs Oznabu'gs Brown Flanders Sheetihgs Hcflians and Brown Rolls Cotton Stripes $:>d Checks Flanders Bedricks Holland Sail Duck Seine Twine Dutch Great Coats Gin in cases Madder , Wnulow Glass, 8 by Q Jei'uits- Bark Opium, Aflaioetida Germ an Steel Mill ai'd Cro! .-cut Saws an,d ( lit i»ij> Knives Syrbes and Skates Coffee Mills hlack Lead Crucibles FOR SALE BY Pragers Co. a Nov. It n or i c E. AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Rtgiji'riiig Ojite, At Mr. SAMUEL CR;V\\ KOKU's No. 7it north From ftnect, 2tiaors friim Arch ftren, Tickets are examined and Regifietetl by ram It' nume'itc at and Re gifte» B oks; at the 164 low ng moderate charges, Yiz. For examining a sinqle ticket 1 -161h ' ot' a Dollar. For rendering a siKdLC Tli}fs|r I ol a Dollar. " Aird nb»4te will lip f«ht fey teitti 50 Dollars Re 's "/ill receive him S E R. T I [Who e No. 684.] LANDING, from the StSp Mriatia Kieran FitzpatrUk Mnjttr, from Amsterdam. Holland Sail Buck, Ditto—Sheeting, Tirfleimurgh, Ofnabi^rgli, White and Broun Linen, Diaper, fine Cheeks, Redticks, Hair Ribbon, GreatCoats, boxes Window-Glafe, Ditto, Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Miil Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cWt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. October 21. HEM?, ~~~ ' RUSSIA SHEETING, RUSSIA DUCK, HAVENS DUCK, v BARR IRON, OAKUM, MAT I S, Landing from on board the fh

: ies, Pui guir Cloths, Hmnhums, Eo .k Mudins, ard H»ndkerchipf?.fc«. i3arcelona Handkerchiefs, in Boxc r , A few Cfiina Silk Damask ai>d Diaper Table Lireu, Mack Prpper of an excellent quality, [Holland Gin in cases, Hyfou, Sou hong, & j T r A common Green > > Roll Brim ft on', New Cajile Grindjiones, &c, „ 3taw4iri The Office c >f the Infurana Company, of the State of Pennsylvania will be open for the Tranfadlion of Bufi ness on Wednesday the -th November instant, at No, 137, South Front-Street. "Nov A !. '' IV-- A -t- Nov. 4. Wanted, ■A man and "woman kitchen Servant. Accuftomec! to cookiijg, to whom generous wages will be given. Nojie need apply biu fudias can be v>e!l recommended. En- the Printtr Oct. 20 d BO A R D I N G FOR GENTLEMEN. At No. 30, Walmit -street, three o four Gentlemen may be accommodate with convenient lodgings for the wintc in a small family. Nov. 13. it Forty Dollars Reward awav from the lublcnbe.s ii WoniSuiiry, G oviccller County, New-Jer fey, on Sunday 11101 ring the i2lh ii,ftarV. Two young Negro Fellows, named jack art! l'oaii 9 each about 20 yen i < i ?gc ; Jack is of a ctork black colour and a four look ; Torn is of an. open Counte nance, of a ye Ik with colour, and much dilpufefi to laugh* Tl.vyare fyrightly alv for that purpol'e, according to the form f the (latute in such cafe mide& provided By order of the Com ', DEARE, Clerk. l awt£ Aug. i®, 44 W a> ' djt. u