. ' a 1 *■ £ L D tr.... j * . rirrht t think th t tis the fiine tnctivf i rut l • -, m J [■ , ' A Lecointre. a The proofs 'art the condemnation of Lava- LL> J / A L~ ' 7T ' r " ' J then to >up{o>t a cr-a-vant j ijlly fufpeSed in the fytM i, Bourdon, of Oifr. — u hth Jitti»z of the 9 th y one cf mc the crimej -which I imputed to wa* placed \\ Lavaletce in the national guarcof Vans. He, could mt de y c C the faff. It is atrocfaui, rii this day y after a condemned an pcrjof has avowed a f'&, to *'uft other citixehs, who hav: 'J ! led him on account-os it to thefcetjfold. The denunciation of it. Lecointrt is a mere rhapsody : ie is th< dupe of tie intriguer; mho havebut him forward. If ke had the JmalUjl p *r/,'cle of rig ?oodftnfe y he ivould have folitvul the achAce v4lich many oj, K' hit colleagues have gh ■>/ him. 11 ! by Lccointre-Puyi , aveaux.-^ tc wa< the creutwe in of RoUffierrey ,atni a 'j.tantff lien riot* . Who voe't ttye ra tfiat Robef pierre 11 ijked to ruin 7 BiUaud, C"jl'ot f ifcrzu ui cum they actufe thJfe men of the man who wjf/n itv an iJfnate themr y wl : Duhem.— 44 One p*aof that Lahelettc was the cr-'atu • ,j 1 Ro 1 - I pierre, u y that when v and tli [ in the day of the 9.'// Tl'trmtdo , anymc iff*- .1. ; /vf /• !'ic tranqttil'itVj andJ-> :u t the Utty °ft*> | o 1 I . f»dtnt/y er.danp red l*y the J perch of the pronounced by til - hfr'i on the 8///, at the tribune of the convtntion, and in the g< 1 evening at that of the Jacobins, «rt/Ao had profivftd n-rn fuc tl scour, force, and protection, Cambon.— 44 .The condltft of the committees of public and C< L' genial $afety on the 8. *, <$1, Thctyiidor y ■uiii'l ht tr ~ Jcf by pojierltyx For r/iyfelf I declare that theje two l onnnittexs saved their r our try, ' " Moneftier.-^"* 44 1 0 ;i* it to truth to fay that in the r/igkr cj - of thv. y.'hj the members of th< [■ rommit.'ccs tuere on the march, j ii \ from place to place, t'j gbui u* tte -watchword, and to make j t) , m cdopt the necefjti'y :. caft.'re,u" _ *' t Many "voices,' —' 4 // rwifihf national convention entire, Moneftier.— 44 / . fa rennet, Collet d"* Ifcrbois, a f h'arrdc, ¥.li* Laccjle, and others, came to give us a r particular account of what re as pafftng in Pans, and cf the - tticafurp they had taken to ths triumph of liberty. j Goupillcuu>n-n'.e ' who proposed to outlaw ike t ■ > .i.'vn 'ifsy is Jfoul&ud, organ of the committees of public and <\ not living arreted in the tn tkt p n 8/h auiytk, gcaei
  • at the Committee of General Safety, where I prefted , him to -cause Hcnriirf.-.thi; mayor, and rhe National Agent, to be si.-Wfted jst one o'clock in tht morn- , i nj;, I repeated tkt '.riieMfoneit to the Committee. I told them that m> brother, a notary. md capiainj , in the National G.'.aKis, had reec>vefth lus company: i dematider! that my brwher Piotild be sent for tu give an a&ouct of the fact t'jpe commit- , tee sent lor him ccoraiugly, and demanded if.Ke I liad received (he order frorti Htrni'iot: he said, he had j leteived it from the general of ilie quarter. rerea , } cai. attest this jach'" Frlkon.—" I preferred utyfelf to the Committee of Public Safety at half pafi one o'clock to demand the arrest of H nviot, but ! conid n>t get admiflipn. Meeting Cambon I communicated to him my alarms: he promiled to deli.er iny wiihea to the committee.' 1 Cambon confirmed t'nii fbCt, but fr.id lie was not j j able to a,i |uit himl'elf of hit tommiflion ; the com- { mittee being in dually*ra;toa s—l was wiuiefs to a j «'arm dispute betvyctu St. J-.ilt and Collo: d'Kerboi ii" . JiWaiiJr utrrr . — u There was no doubt, aftei | the lii- inijof the Jacc'oic ;, i'.val a counter-revolution was the order of the day. You mull learnafaft, whiclf you -jrill find in the ffeecli of St. J«U, thai the committer deiib-yated if they Ihould arfeft Hen liot) Ibe the national agent, and other eon fpiratrOi-3: the dllcjtflion v.as very warm between Collo, d'Hevbois and Sr. Jijft: ii was easy to lee that the c-:Bmu!.«, |he ni»nld»dcr of the national guard, and e en the were for the . on fpirators : tbotr.pUn to hinder the Conyention, from meeting the next day : it was neceflary, there fore, io take m.afnres ti? prevent this libertictde plot; we though it wile to tall before the commit-' tee of public Use the and the national ajent, as by holding them with us, we thought wc Ihould prevent tkeir eorrefpondence with the other chnfpirators: Jf' lice was any guilt in this, I con fefs that we are criminal. [Plaudits.] The com mittee fell, tjjflt Uje National Convention alone .ccnld stop ihe muvcmeiH that was prepai'injl!: they came into the ha'l, and proposed the arreit of the mayor, Dumas, and of fcveral other co ifpirators: Courtion. who knew that we were goiag to make this proposal, tried to Hop us by a tirefonle dilcuf fion, but we lci't him to the committee." Bar*ire.~~- il We ar4 accused of haviflg taken no meafurcs in- the night between the 9th and 10th, and yet all France is acquainted with those which we proposed to you : it is right to give an aCcbunt here -of all that i-aflei' ; « the committee. Sr. jnfr,. whojj liad proSTfed if SeuonnC' ns,sheld us bfmifantly in obfervailon lold us thr.t he .vs; 10 toaltt a report to the convent he would us : " he came to the c.-Thmiitee oji the Bth, :.f'the mo ment in whjcb Ivofcefpkrte triumphed in the Jaco bin club: ,ve were employed in objects of admini ftratton ! lie fat down, but took no part in the deli r berationi ,at ele'ven o'clock we said to him, ' A-s you do nothing, read to us your iepci-::\ be aiifwcred, t tliat he had sent iht rirft (heets to one of: his friendj : " in that cafe, read to us your conlplirfion:" he would not. During this converfatiou Collbt d'Her bois arrived : on entering he darted a look at St. Just. 1 St. Just aiked him, What had passed ar the Jacobin j? ' " What! you alk us," replied Collot d'H»rbois to' - him, " you alk us what has palled at the Jacobins ! • are you not ihe accomplices of Robespierre ? have you not combined your projects }■ I fee it : you have i organized an infamous triumvirate; your project is to assassinate us, and with us the Republic: but I c tell von, that even when you have succeeded in de - ftroying lis, you will uot long enjoy the fruit or your crimes; and the people, who wrill soon be ertlight— , ened, will cut you in pieces." St. Just grew pale;' / and was " You have in your pocket," v Collot d'Herbois, " notes againlt us; fitow us them!" St. Just emptied his pockets, and assured us he had none. At five oVlpck in the _ morning St. Just left us, and promised to return at eleven, 10 (haw us the report be in:eade>i to read ttl 1 the convention ; and we retired to digest the measure we bad agreed upop. At noon we received a letter , conceiTed in tbefr terms! " Yon have my heart; 1 go to lay tr open to the National 1 Convention. - (Signed) ' C Couthen got pnfleffion of this letter: we then > aid, that we were betraveJ;. we instantly fook out W departure for the convention: you know what parted in that raemo ablc litting and the measures that we ', proposed against ths raitors :—After the fufpewTon t,. of the fitting a; fivc'o'clock, they brought to us at _ ,the committer of public j'afrty, an order, signed 7 Henriot, enjoiuin? ihe feftjons to repair in arms to / the commune, lndantly we printed an order, which we sent to tire lections, forbidding thtm, under the ,oft rijormis penalties, tt> obey rhe traitor Henriot. Ve then came to the convention to prapole* civic own to hi*i who (hou)4 bring the head ct Hcnriot, , nd to outlaw Rt>befpierre and his act <>, vp.ices. Phis is what we have done :it is for.yon to ° t." r Warm applauses.l XXV r . Of cot tpfcing on the 9th, any mesfwe of nour for the execution M the decree for the arrest ot lobefpierre and hit accomplices ; ot having expoied, iy , his criminal negligence, the national repri -nta ivet tp bje murdered, as the satellites o. the cpn Ipi^ ators were able, on the fame day, to rei'cuc, e»fn mder the e»ei if thi convention and its committees, tad without the leait reliance, the traitor Hcnriot, ,ih«> had been detained in the committee of general Rifely. Voi. md.— u It i* saul that the committee of ge iera\ fafety took no measure for putting into execu tion tiie -decree of arrest" 3 gain it: Robeipien-e, Du mas, and others. J beg leave to info m rhe convent jo u, that the.© is a proce s-verbal at St. Pelajrre, ftaiing, ihk Duma* was condti&~cl to that p.ifoji at lour ill Tht afternoon ; afterwards he wasretcued : the weakrtefs of the house alone, is the c.iiife that he got oui. As soon as Ave knfcw thb feft, rs. XXVI. Of havi g bnpr.yed mthkho-nn to the coun'C'- rrvcluiionijUy of ruined chae after debate he 1 t 1 .'heir cot ru.pt y and t.z-ia u -nlcr atú'>»y f:«:.h a* lieailJtiarchaiS, EfpagnaC, Haller, and and of haviag confided to them ;i treasure belonging to the Ripu!7.v, zctth whit h thev errdy' ~.\d. Many members— u -To the mad^houfe." C Arm r — u It is i "iport tint that the National Corrve'n— ii'jn'Jkw'-d knout the docuv.ents upon w> h Le> ' nl\ to u-. Th? rep -biic wanted. "mufketSy -zue thought if our duty j in orde, to , rocure theiii 9 to mat. ' use oj am • 'a -/ra>; •:/* wsJp but ivho made it imp'jjiblt for hm&if to de— . trve Uiy h\ putting all k:% fortune i'tfo the '.and:- of the nation di. frcui/ty. I/, of Heaumarckais. Jti to d 1 .''fa£gna y ,it n>*'.s th ancient tv.nafter ii)h r , employed him, and not tne ,m whew, n'hotit Lecointre ivouid criminate. I ought to fay on the third heady relative to that a* sften as Ihe com— fnittee (f finances denounced him f tht cotnrhittei 0/ public fafe— \ty interfereds it ions the reliefer tat toe ivith the at'tny . /«_ Italy iv '10 Supported ahdyou a'!know that this ivas Ro— btfp: £ , re the younger. i Merlin of Douai fated a fxft within his ozvn kno'udcdgeA {that tn 0 w.'jriths agOy I'oulandJheu'td hvn the " u 'lt oj HallchU 'but said he *vas pcote&cd by a 'nun 1 mow he could ).c? named but 10ho cv'dehily tyas Robefpd't Oranet of Mar failles said that fix moAths afro they had accitfed Ha'ler before the committeej and that Robespierre alone defended 'dm. Barrere»—=- u If this 1.1 ft head of acrftfation, had lien drawn up in Lor ion, I /hauld hate >a fdy known the authcrs y 'for the Knglif: r.re interefed to knaw ihe operations of the ctmaut'tces ■ivith B-eaumarchais. Already fever at fingl'jhm and other ftrangtr-y hate r.omt to' found the conmtitte on this Jnhjeft : for feme :tjOfftis ago the cotKtniTtce cf public fafety *ivi/hed to tukr a vigorous measure again ft Hallety who trarf ported the oils ot the republic io Gi Robefpicrrt- fy'd *'■ ongly i 4 favour of Mailer \ ithf anding ifjiich f n C ■ j.gn., : the arrest feat '• by Kobt rt.ldndct /he traitor } a' '4 who Jlopped his pr jects. As to Beaymarcludfcy I for— io fjptak of his c;,e c.tion , because :hry are relative to tr.:rfafti*n? with foreigners : it would jeive Pitt if we were longer to talk On thit; fubjrSl ?* Beffroy.— w / an: ajl'.nijhed that ive jJusu'd "prolong lh diftufjion of this article ; we are demanding a more dualled ac cHuiit from the refrefentative: of the people charge I with the adminift ration, than was ever called for front ancient mini- J HerJ t - ! Elie Lacofte.— t6 It is right that the c'jvOenthn fhou'td { know afaft : it /j } that Beaumar chats wus denounced in No— 1 1 vernier y 1792, apd in January 1793, the decree of accu- 1 fatioii it'at repealed on the ntutibn of Le/.ointre Jvnfelf, i Lecointre.—" ft ii true: t frfi merged rhe. aceufatiot; J againfi Bccutmarckais : he was, at that time aßftr.t: 91 his' ' return he printed fever/ or eight numbers in art finer to my charg- t e\. I thtn dcmAnded that the decree cf accusat ion fhoutd be t turned into a simple order cf putting him under arr 'efi ai his i own houfty and this was adopted " i Gcupilleau 'f Fontenay— u Citizenl never dejirea 1 leave t*< fp&ak in this place y either to acrvfe or defend, any of j my colleagues. At the time that the people called on to fill . the augvf fan ft ion of a legijjatory 1 said to myfelf- —nc man is j exempted from pajflon. Ide nu co,n> here y the-y to f pport'the passions oj thity or of that individual: f come to corffolidate the republica" government« Penetrated with thh truth } I have conftanily endeavoured to flifte that which cmtld serve the pafjtons by that which is ufeful public weal. lam con vinced y after what passed in th--fitting cf yeflerday y that the object of the denun latiofi which has been pre fen ted to you, mas ift Jbnrc forr to In rrg a p'orejs ngaiWjf the in jorfty n""?'it na tion : in 'the fame in the ofjmbfy, there was an attempt to begin n trial on thr 10th of Oftober 9 jujl as they are ro iv Jlrivmg 10 do oh the 20th Therrvidor. You ought to fee whether ihis denunciation --an bt ufeful t(, the pub- He cause. Putting inAi-Si duals a fide ylen tt eat try co lit agues to go back with me to the tpochy wlitk the committee of public fafety aJfUmeJ the ram of government. Four principal places it* the north were in the hands of our enemies* Toulon -was delivered to the Knglifh : La Vendee, the prey cf rufiarts and rebelsy caused u< the great eft alarms': we had neither pmvdir nor ammunitiony and famine was at 6w gutc*. Who At it that has delivered us from all these horrors? Your two committees of public and general fafety • and'furely when it is a queflion to judgfof the political life of individuals, you ought to put in to the balance the services they haie rendered y with the faults they mafy have committed Many voices.— u They have not committed faults ; Goupilleau.— (< I repeat it; youfiould put into the fame [ balance the Jervictt and faults of an individual: none of us are ■ exempt: I cany my eye to the past : Ife that faults and acts : of irtjufiice have ban committed: I seek to difco%-t> their ori • gin: I find it in the event s'infepar able from a'great rrvolu , //'*». In the twenty—fix head-, of accuf ati'jn which have been ' fref anted to ycu r.gaipjt fever al of our colleagues, I think I fer ; reive the prrfonal faults of Robespierre, as y. ell in rtfroach , tfg these members for having taken such aid fueh a meafurCy : as for the measures which they did take. IVhnt was 'the du t ty of the committee rf fublit- fafety ? Its duty w.s to attack 1 . in the ma.itur tnoji ufefu to iue public HTlferj ft 2 \was not so much Robefpietre that they had to overthrow, at r the tyranny which he had imposed upon the French people y and which might have continued After his death. It tuas said with r emphajis in this tribune y that nine indtvtd ah had firmed the • daring pnjeft to affajfmate the tyrant. Citir.+nsy three weeki after the death of Cofar, ten thou fa nd Rotrars might have • said that they had formed the proffft ivhich jirutus executed. 1 ft was said with reason that' Rob^f pier re intended the diffolu r tie* of the national conxtntion ; that he demanded thirty heads i rf the rrpref .fives of the people, Clouthon demanded fix' e to-day they demand fn-en : I infer fcm this that the hecdi n that were denumded then, are the fame heads that are demand— t ed to-day.—(Warm applaufe.f Some days ago they spoke i from this tribune ivith indignation of the faffcm of terror that 0 had been spread eneer you and the French people •' and yet tt>- h day they fir he to ejtablifh it anew' they fir in e/? excite divi e fnn t amongy.Uy by the unduft of the men waqhtve . ;»• ■ . organized the v Flnrfts of your armte-, and »ci/> m krit/tt). public caiefe. Citizen,, after t \:rg exemi'.d e 1 ke - ' accusation ftfuratdy, you ought to l, e anjff-d that i t not the trial of the .fcven members, but tha\ 'th rcm/uZr they tutjhei td mak . You ought ben,- 'c jt r tin, cujation was Mended at jo f. ft tv drvifion „ t h' memie', of tie convents. hrwe then, fa the i ./ ,4, a*d in the name of that anion which ou?h' to r ipn reprefentnthiethat tht national convention n»a- -- or' P tjfe lyefierjay.^' Elie la Coftc.—" The intention vf Lerrwtre i„ mm y tki< rjiifrubus accusation, wai without do It y a f. f white fag fly over the pavilion of un:t\. f .fffffcy f^(rf fore, ,1 decree, of arrefi again/1 mi/ rs.J Many members.— c< The order of the day." Lcgendre. —" The com-er.ticn has pr v?d ti tl- FrtTl people, that it refpeels the liberty, of opinion. A* ogainft some tf thrir members Hal been gravely aid fr rr /y ,/;/■_ cuffed, and tkeir innocence ha\ been by 'want of }>r9of. You have heard Lecointre. J h'. Jme j fa speech even before he male it hut I declare, at thr fame > m .- I that Ido rot regard him a< a counte*-rnoh,ns of ['me of his _ .r. ( : f j-.me particular enmity ; '.r, p n hap as a man u-h h;t //? kit re a Jon, Citizens, I JkaU prtve u>hat I f.y. W * p 1 to- Lecorntre to prevent him, if pofftkk, fom, r Ai> K this fipeeci, and from throwing this appfe t>f diford into the convention. He asked me if the committee of public fafety mere mtt? I OJifwerec'. hitk, yes : cin that Cafe ffird he) with ■r.e, and I -wilt read ti them my work, with the documents ujh ok jAich it it founded, and incite them FJ prepare the*? de fence. , In fad yae went thither,hut the members were fe par at" ed. I then engaged hhn ftron«fy not to pro "fair* hix Jrfcovrfe ; he gone me hi* w*rd of honour that he. ww! 1 nol* r:a i it. / am ignorant of the fotives that has induce# him jo cknnpe his resolution. C.itizeni, they demon-1 a decree of 'H/ref rrr.fi Lecohitrc (No ' no ! was rtv /aimed fr >m nil fides J. A* it U not -irifijhd up cm , I confine myfeif to fty'nr rjssf we tot . Y _ W tu forget this fitting, which has so eJfen*itUy fe-ved tht republic. I move that tht decree of yefierday be confirmed" Many Members.—« Question ! question V y Coi.LOT d'Hr.RBOJS.—" C tizenj, every ferfon is amine. Ed of. the neccjjity of the discussion that has ti'kcn place. It ■a; fatd tbat the decree of ysflerday was the effedl of ftniiment: nn this ground tb:' dfiuffion was necessary, fnr it hat Jbewn that your fentimenti are conformable to jvfiice. with whatever promt- ' irtv.dt they may burJlfoVtb (Warm It iva: r■ :'f fary that the citnsns should be enlightened : fterjfciom 'ovrnc.h of wbichJbere are two many, ccrried apttatiotrinio the Depkstmentt, by fmply anour:bijr that you bad pajfed to the' Order of the Try upon 27 heads if (barge againjl seven Mevilcrt oj thc Conven tion. This manner of giving an aceonnt of fa&s might have given rife ti unpledfant refill'6ns. hx4 you have efabUJbcd a hta* Con ; yeu have planted tonvißlon in every cortfci ncr : not a jingle ft uni of his country but nviH thank xoufor hniig given fu rrr 'ch pt'blicHy ahd fol.maity to t%is dfcujjron ; the esiem-es nf ti c Kcvclufmn only will dfpair ; aud iol>en they the country nvill rejoice (The Hall rung with Applaufrs). After thti (lif iiff.on I believe every individual defence unncceffary; / boKeve th- re is not afingle fa& tbat is not perfeßU cle» -1 uh f but this ,~'ttixg will produce one great advantage, it will b'.r detvnc dttiarii from being renewed \ it is the denunciators tbat ue tr.ufi put in a fate (Applauses). This you hire done to-day ; henceforth every determination, fAricalei in fecntfor the purpose of favouring projeSls deflrufirve of liberty, * I willflop at this tribune :he wloprcf-nts it, whether imprjt'ent or deceived, wUI wait there a lon< r time before he makes htwf lf ' the echo sf the tnemiu of ibc Rcpnblic. Tbefe Citizens*ate tie happy effetis which- iwll result from this dny s bufmefs. I alft am persuaded, that f the accufathu you have heard bid fuceed;c t it mufi huve comprehends t wore individuals than were mentioned t a;:d therefore fa many'.of *oui 1 generous colleagues claimed their share in tbcfepretendeetoffences , therefore did the Convention tale ' so much intereji in its discussion : for cbferve, what would have been the trarf.tlon with rrlLh tht Arifocracy flatter :d if ft f if it had fucceede 'ir its firfl trnrth*: it weutd gnfckly have poured 'jpon the wbol: . Convention ihtfe reproaches which in the leg** ring it b&\. :rd\l Qgahfl some of the Members. ThisJlratagm was proper ti mifiead those whs do not LftrW a. ferioi' attention Upon objeSs. nor penetrr.tefor enough i >i* confluences■ tf* fhrtuldfon have ben all accufei: J ajk what J\ fe ,b r the Contention could have regained in tranquillity, if fuel l . < ~vwt of his cI l -er*Sions might be demanded of him f Who could ejfi\-Uluflrated and analyzed it ; you have beheld it in tbe micr of cope of human prudence : there is not one eit'%en who is wet equally convinced with yourselves : it is rig'.t to proc'aim thit • conviction Heretofore, Ar 'tftocraey ptyp' ir td itfelf a triumph : it believed it would make a breach in the body of tbe Convention through which' to attach the Pepuulic; but the Republic Jball ft -1 main entire, great a:tdfutlime. in the midfl of the commotions ' supper ted by Arifiocracy. All the attempt* of the fvellites of Rcbefpierre % which tend to destroy tbe confidence of thr citizen i* 1 the Convention,jhallbe without cjf.'fl: and when the citizens ■ repvfe tbemfelres on vou, the fafety of the Republic is certcia. * ( Loud plaudits) The fnlhieians of the day sis that tbe Rrveiut" on has run its circle. Let me for a moment borrow their image ! Tbe point from which it set out if Royalty. If it has nn through the circle, it has arrived at the oppnfite extremity and * r betivecn the two extremes, we mujt raise a brazen wall to I* ' rate them. (Loud Apalaufc)- This well it it yow lufrreft to cenflruSf. J ftiall not prolong the difcuff' m. Lit us give rt more place to rcfentrnent 7 I.ct our minds he open to fcr.t:mcnts of concord and union / Let us prove ti our eolleagvethat he has A* served himfelf by doing good, every day more and more, end s thereby increafizg in bis miud regret for having denounced us. c (The warmed applauses crowned this Speech). s A Member —4 It was easy to fee that this difcuffrn would s turn to the advantage of tbe devolution. It resembles tbat efibe d Riflbtines on the lOth of slugufi. But Lecoint/e is no counter r revolutienifi. Si traitor would not have been fiupid fuug" '• / undertake fitch n denunciation. s'U the world knows that there s are men who conceal thentj'elves behind tbe crrtain, and who pt n forward perfont of deranged heads as their avarsf -couriers I , "" 'femsrnd the close of tbe diruffion, and that the Decree of yf :r ' J day be confirmed. Cambon, —" None of the fitt ngs of the Convention eu%bt t9 be ufefef to Liberty. Yrflerday- you feje&ed w'rth indignation* e and without bearing our colleague , tbe "denunciation made again f r them ; an I !rflocracy, which fill concealed itff% firo'e U ft' r : s t.p the People againfi your Decree. To-day, when r try thins - is cleared up ; wit n 1:0 "document worthy of credit ha- hen pre' - fented to you : when you are con vinced of the Jnlfity of the accufa• " tion brought ag'unft fe- 1 eral of \our Members, you ought to ie* - clare it calumn rows by afi 'cwn Decree." Tbi propopti&fiei-g put to the vote, tva unanimovfiy (tecnr*, '> amidff the tnofi war n acclamation. The fitting closed at ~~ nine o*clock at night. I Wr The whnlr"of 'hi> bufineft rt without iotcrrnpiion, although va'' is attirlc< J of importance intcrvfnctj. "j At the commrncrmrnt of ft 1 ? fitting Csrnni reported, that f}?,c 26rh regitnent «f cavalry, < compnfrd chicfly of forrigners, hsd given proi'ft '• of inciviftn and want of discipline. 7 The Ccnrrntion decreed, that the regimrat ' should be d'fl>»rded ; tha' the repTffe'" , "' vf h the peoplf, flionld rr-in't ,o <'Y ~c^ - the men' as had well ; thst the foreif - ers, deftrfers. and r.rV-rs, co