[No. 153 of Vol. Vl.] FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jefle & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar - " hr caflfir * LISBON do.inirfpe': *n Friends that during his absence from Philadelphia (on the Western Expedition) his BulineTs will be carried on at his Office as usual, by Mr. Thomas Hale where Orders in his line will be thankfully received, apd ev'eiy Attention paid to them. Oft. 10 A FEW BALKS OF Brown Russia sheeting 1 Tiportcd in the William Penn, from London, FOR SALE BY Curtis Clay, Nu. 57, HTOH Stuiet. Nov.. 1 w&stf J. M. Bart, No. l "JO, North Second Street, Refpeftfully informs the Citizens, that he intends to open an Evening School, From SIX to NINE o'clock, beginnino; next Monday, 27th nft where lie will acb the French Sff Italian languages and Book-keeping. On the moji reafonablc Terms. A ftrift attendance may be depended upon by tho.'e who wilt favour him with employment Oft. 27 d Purluant to the dire&ions of the Law lor incorporating the Injiirance Gomp-my of North America, a JWecting w 1 be held at the Company's Office, on Thursday the 13 h day of November ensu ing, when Two Directors are to be chnfen for the -emainder of the present yet*r, to supply the places, of two Gentle men who have been clewed Dire&ors of a noth'er'lnTurance Company. The Votes may he given by-the Stock holders either in perfor, of by Proxy, but rone may vote u unless the (lock shall have flood in their names at least three inon'hs preceding the time of Eleflion." By order of the P.refident andDi ? e£tors Ebenezer Hazard, Seery. Oft- 24 to&fll3N To be Sold, The House, Stables & Lot of Ground., In Second street, between Spruce and Union streets, in ihe occupation of bis Britannic Majesty's Minister. ALSO The Adjoining Lot. 26 feet from, and 149 feet deep. For terms of sale, apply to Wm. Cramond. ivfastf . »4 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-Yor.k. THE Subferiber intending to conlmt him • tell entirely 10 the Pl T RCHA§£ and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,bob,Jin trade* For freight or pafltige, apply on board at Cutli bert's wharf, f-oCapt Geddec, or to HOLMES and RAIN F.Y, WILLI A?»l SMITH, jun, and Co. or li ' George Latimtf* Oft, gi For Hamburgh, "'PERSEVERANCE, James WHHam/on, Majhr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This ve(Tel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for paflengefs, to fail with all con venient speed. For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain* on board, or Ihos. & John Ketland, Odl. 11 d VANIAi David Harding, Msfter- BURTHEN about 3100 barrcli. For terms apply to Gurttey Is Smith. Oil. 49 d Liverpool, The SHIP * Manchcjler, John Cox, Master. For » 'HAS a confideraWe part of her ready to go on boa'd, and will fail so as to icturn to ;his port an early Spring (hip. F»r Freight or palfage, apply to tl e Captain on board ai Walnut street or Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut street. Nov. 3 Loft yesterday out of bis pocket, by a gent leman at Mr. Fran cis'i Hotel, foiirthftreet, a large Red Morocco Pocket Book, containii g fevera! Bonds and Pa pes, and about FORTY DOLLARS fix per cents : The owner thereof n.ay beeafi difcorer ed by the flighted view of t e pers. Whoever has found the fame, a d will de liver it to Mr- Fhancis, dial receive a handsome reward, and no queftians afced. Nov. 13. d.t.w. :s#%,: B,sm •'•.• / &e Ship ; »p ---, & Co» TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, Alphabetical Lift OF THE DUtIE S Payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United Saates of A.nerica', after the last day 'if June 1794, diftinguilhingthe rates payable on those imported in Ihip's or vefle's of the United States—and the rates payablein fo reign (hips or vefTels, including the addi tional duties, towhicbthe refpcflive arti cles are liable. E N I NG A D V E R T I Friday, November 14, A D DR. ES S, Tie Public arert I OAY, tVom w bmut! flie ft ooTVt-vv, -d f'ti' very lie'niy bagfbra&i of Sugar*; BKslh'DT, W pipes, And very good Guadalcmpc MclafTes, FOR U Levinus Clarkfon, No. 216. fpfltfi Water Siicef. JLSO, A FEW HOSSHSADe or Prime Antigua Rum, 3'!• & 4th proof fine flavour* Sep -2 9 - ' y I' R E S H $ohea Tea, GIN in pipes, Nov,' Landing from on board the ship jchn Elliott matter, .from Amflerdarp; Also Imported by toe late Arrivals, Kuflia Hemp, firft qtialty Ditto ; i Duck Di to Rave.is Dock * ■ Brown Ruffo Sheeting Tickji nburgs Oznnbuij;s Biown Flanders Sheetings Hcfuar>> anjd.B own Rotfs Co'tron Stripes andCWfks Fhrde-s Redticks Holland Saii Duck •Seine Twine Dutch G eat Coats Gin in cases Madder Window Glass, Bby id ]e'irts Bark Opium, AfTafcetida German Steel Mill and Crok-cut Saw* Hoes ar.d ( ur in;'. Knives Syrhes a i*d Skates Coffee Mili" Black lisjd Crucibles Anchors trom 3 cw t, to i^cwt. ■And a General Ajfcrtmcht of 5-4 & 6-4 Bouiting Cloth, FOR SAI.E BY Pragers & Co, Nov. 11 ' oYTTe, . * T ,*Pf»v> h:t- ' ' .. New. Caftk Pier Ijottery Ex* .of.» oo»i«A-. «.. - «>«* • ?fe'Forty • xkHil^'nwjftd^7 , '•'<■'#K A sW.fTto la otaßo|.»r». ■ _ - ..»* 'VuAjs,ni4| $&, uni)kuit 2D 7CB -St •■-■ T! G K *ill cpflifMiir*- Ar»wia|ver* WW fWWw«, #ntl RcgHUreq, «iut tb* wTjKt!? { ths«n ; they wrt Wy , ,i •*** fctfW W. .Mm N. 6. ofrac'h cjjjtth £o»t »*d fiiflfejfnt kindj of Kceiy dV; 'i-V,-- ? . fitr. And t^rtot" Kc . '*«**■Pf fiKfeftrVaot*, and ytte&wptii tf>y forttitf MWRWftW'Hi H&lWfelii-1#« Uni»W j .. .. n 'lAi, ihsir^aft*r*««yget then ' •■•' :'.:sx*;.: Wl»»4 1 2A vtf ; named Gennte, bv Irs acqiiaiqtame called WhereaS ail attarh- Geore;e Evans, aVmt 25 years old, 5 feet .re 9or 10 inches high, fttaight.and well made ment at u " *" "' l ' adminiftratorsor all he has longbslhy black hair, which he com- an d,fi"£J|'a r the g°o<*s and chattels, ri hrt f mooly Wears qnfd, hij'cheek hones rather a " c ' crcc '' t S which were of William Rnr ; high, his laugh limple ; lie has always ferv ,ut •kcealed, at time of h's death, ed as a waiter, was a favorite rervant,a'tif cloth and fight sum that onlefs he appear a"d file I'pecial bat» mcr wear, it is provable he may chance his - *?"■ a(ftlon ' on " r before the third Tuef (lrefs.it is fuppn'ed fee has crossed over into J armarv . next , judgment wi'l be en- Vir s iivji. tt'red against hliiby dclaulr, Ai d the eooe":, *- Fu' gum Clntlre, Hunihnfru, ' Bo'ik Muslins, and Hh Barcelona Handkerchiefs, ' in l^xes, A" ftrw Cfifna Sillis, pamaflc atk Diaper Tahle Linen, Plack Pepper'of an excellent qualify^ Hoi'and Gin in care";, Kyfonj Soti< hong, & ? T p A common Green ) ' Roll Briinflon , New CaJlle Grindflones, &c. , No v 6 1 ofcw j m The Office of the Insurance Company, of the State of Pennfy v?nia, will be open for the Tranfaflon of ness on Wednesday ;he j;th Nov;p;lxr t inflant, at No, 1.57, SojH» fu nt-Street. Nov. 4. ri;t. ' , .. j Wanted, A man and woman kitchcn iServant. Acruftomer l to cookii.g, to wfiom gereroes wages will be Riven, Noi.e need appjy !'W Inch'ni ran be v el! recommended. En qnirrt); the Printer ■Oct. V> d •«l» * v S E R.. Ditto-.-Sheeting, Tickleiihurgh, Ofnal'.iirgh, White aruj Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Bedticks, liair KibLon, GreatCoats, boxes WindoW-Glals, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14. cwt. Frying Pans, Juiik, Oakum, &r.