Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 11, 1794, Image 4

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To thr Merchants of th United Stales
At the special tequell «>F the fccreta
iy of Hate, the committee appointee
by the merchant! of Philadelphia, havt
undertaken to obtain copies of the pro
cecdings of the courts in the Brittle
1 Hands, in the Weft-ladies: Bermuda ;
the Bahamas, and in their colonies, in
North" Am. >«, up«n the cases of A
in.ric: i and property tried in
tliicowti in any of the laid lflands, or
colonit s. .
V The Committee therefore give this
public notice, that all person* concerned
w'.vo have not already obtained authen
tic copies of the prececdings, in their
particular cases, may furnilh the Secre
tary of State with the names of the
vefTds, and malleis, the places where
such other circumlVances as the nature
of the cafe may require.
It is deemed important that thoie
particulars be furnilhed ai soon as polfi-
Nov. 8, 1794.
The publllhers of
throughout the United States are r<
ruefud to insert the above.
Fur the ,nfurjnat;on of the AtercbaOfs.
The com'-tittee having been notified by
the Secretary o? State, th..t the Agent of
claims and appeals appointed by the Prcfi
de«t of t ie United States is to embark
imfitdiau'U'fo 1 1 n. and that he isau
tboriz uto b u.l the United Slates under the
d.ailion of Mr. j.:y, tor the coils and da
in i. ~ attending \lk profecntion of the
claims of Am-rUan citizens, that the rucel
farv * ourtil 1 engaged on the part of
will obtain copies of the proceedings of the
Courts on their icfpcdlive cases, the ex
j. 'iice of the records will be reimburl'td by
the United Stats,
They are of opinion that measures
ought to be immediately iakenfor obtain
ing authenticated copies of such records and
proceedings in ail cafe where they have
not already been procured, and will under
take to obtain them for all such of their
fellow-citizcns as (hall within 20 days from
this date furnilh the names of the veflel*
and masters ; the ports or places where
tryed or condemned with such other infor
mation a* the circumftaiiees of the cafe
may require.
They recommend to those who have al
ready obtained the copies of the proceed
ings'of the Courts tq, have them examined
by Tome pt rion of legal knowledge —that if
t!j( y (hojl.lbe sou id ddetflive in any ref
pe£l the'deficiency may be /implied, at the
i'iine time t'.at the records are ap lied for
In behalf of the Committee.
November 6, 1694.
This day a few pipes of the JirJl quality
French Brandy,
. Fovrth Proof,
Efleemed any chat has been in this
■ eity.for a niuabar of years,
Forty H»gfl><aAt of jirjl quality of
Sr. Croix Sugar,
An(jl a few Tons of
jobd Black Pepper,
,■ .Mr sale by
jLevjnus Clark/on,
No. iiftf south Water ftreel
oa.« , a
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old Red Port Wine,
Tuii day ai rived, by the Snow Tiufty,
Captain Cook, from Op>rto,
Tor Sale h
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Buthcls
St. Übes Salt.
dlf \_
To-Morrow, will be
landed at —— tvbarffrom on board
cf the Jhip Eagle, David Wtlliamfon,
majier, from Oporto,
Oft. 29.
In Pipes, Hogflieadsard quarter Caiks,
For Sale by
Philips, Cramond & Co.
Who have also arrived for sale, about
4000 Bushels Coarse SALT, and 28
Firkins of BUTTER.
Oct. 29.
Lately Imported
111 ilie Brig Capuin Baker, from
B nn de-tux, and for Sale by
Joseph Anthony & 5o«,
Cwoice {Old Cl.iel, in Hoglheads and
Excellent White Wine, in JJuirter
Call; K»d Boxes
Florence Oil, in Calks andCafes.
7bey have also on band,
Choice Lisbon &Port Wine,
Soft Sl* I'd Almonds and Box-Rjtfint,
N. E. Rum, Beef of fupetior quality
Tow linen, and Tanners oil, Engliflv id
JUifTi., Canvas, Boston Dock, fine Co'ton
Card, 8 bv tz ? by 9 Window
Clal's, and
Spermaceti Candles.
October 29. d2w,
r *
I insurance CO MP ant
r HEREAS by an act of the Legijature
of the State of Pennsylvania incorporat
ing the Insurance Company o A orth A
merica, the Prejident ami Directors arc
authorised to extend their assurance to
Goods, Wares and Merchandize, or o
ther perfonalproperty in Dwelling HouJ
es, Warehouses or Stores, or to Buildings
aga nfi the rtjk arising from Fire, and
having ascertained that it is a general
desire that Property of this description
should be assured from so Jatal a rijk,
the Preftdent and Directors of the Insu
rance Company of North America are
induced to offer the following
Of Rates and Terms.
Tables of Rates of Annua! Premiums to
be paid for JJvrance a«<iinjl Fire,
Nt-.I Upon common infoi antes, h»»ard s
~t .he fi'lt cl»fj, within thr ei-y of Phila.
delphia and Noithcrn and Southern Liiki
ties. ' .
B ick or Stone houses. or Sir,res.
Furniture ot M ichandizc nuthercafrrr Ipe
rified at extra hazardous, coma ned in Brick
■»r SSflone Houfrs
Fo. funis not exceeding 8000 dwilir? at and
after the rare of 30 ccnts for rvcry hundred ,
For funis not exceeding 16000 Dollars at
and after the rate of 45 cents lor every bun
dled dollars.
For sums not exreed-nj; 95000 dollars at
and after the rite of 60 cent* (or cvciy hun
dred dollars.
N. B. As the neighborhood ®f framed
buildings, oro'fi-r circumstances, may ren-
Hrr a nfk ineligible which is within ihe let
ter of ihcfepropofals, the company reserve a
right to rejea such an sflurance at pleafuti.
No. ll.—Upon hazards of the
Houses or Siores of which the walls are
not wholly of Brick or Stone.
Furniture, or merchandize, ex
tra hazardous Goods, a* Puch, Tar, Tur
pentine, Wax, Hemp, Oil, Tallow, Sptrit
ous Liquors contained in houies or Itores
of which »be walls are not wholly brick
or ftonr.
Thcle last recited extra hazardous articles
in any building whatsoever.
Ships whilst bulldioß ; tbe prem'fes and
property therein contained of Carpenter
Joiners, Coopers, Ta vr r«keepers or tnhol
ders, Stable keepers, Bikers, Ship Chandlers
and Boat Builders, Malt Drirrs, Brewers,
Tallow Chandlers, Sugar Bakers, Apothe
caries, Chemists, Diftdlers, P'inters, Oil
and Colotirmen, China, Glass and Earthen
waie Sclleis.
Mills and Machinery : Porcelain, GUIs
and Pottery Wates in Ttade.
For sums sot exceeding 8000 dollars at and
after tlte 1 ate of 75 cents for every hundred
For sums not exceeding t6ooo dollars at
and after the rate of 15a c-nlsfor eyery hun
dred dollars.
lft A written application must bel'ft at
the Company's Office stating ihe I'um desired
to be infurrd, by whom, and a description
ol the kind ot property, whether Buildings
or Goods ; what kind of goods, and how
much upon each building, or the goods in each,
where tht-rc areout hour's or stores« When
Household Goods are intended to br insured
the application ftiould fpecify follows.
On Household Furniture and
On Wearing Apparel
On China and Glass
On Piinted Books
On Liquors
2nd. The Premium muil be paid when
the order is given and accepted, the Insur
ance to commence the instant it is paid, and
continue in force to long a« the payment (hall
be annually made at the offir c before 5 o'clock
p. M. on the day when each revolution of the
term is complete ; or if th a t Hav (hall happen
on a Sunday or 4th July, ot any other Holi
day kept at the Office, then 011 the day pre
3d. if any other infurfcnee be extftingon
•he fame property noticc thereof mull be
given with the order ,otherwise the Policy will
be void.
4th, Goods held in Truftorwn Commis
sion, mud be declared to be* so held, other,
wife the Policy will not cover such Property.
sth. This Company will not be accounta
ble so* any loss or damage caused by anv Fo
reign Invasion, or by any Military ot Ufurp
rd Force, or by reason of any civil Commo
6th. Bills o r Exchange, Bonds, Securities,
Tale Deeds, Ready Money, and Bank and
other Promissory Notes are not included un
der any infuranfc Paintings,MrdaU, J- weja
Gems, Antique Curiofines and Mirrors, a
bove 101, each, may be Infired bylfpecial A
-1 greement.
7th. No Infnrance will be made for a less
term than One Year.
Bth. Persons choosing to Infurc for Seven
years shall be allowed One year's Piemium
by wav of difcouxu ; alio one-third of a
vear's Premium upon a tribunal lnfuranee.
9th. When any loss by Fue i$ fuftainrd on
property insured at this Office, the fuflerer
ihall in thirty days furnifli the heft docu
ments he is able of the value of »lie Goods
damaged or destroyed ; this ascertained, the
loss within the (um insured OiaM be paid
without dedu&ion in thirty 4ays after proof
N. B. It is expected a lit tie experience
may authorize the Company to extend allur
ing from Fire to other Cities ; at present
rhey,confine this branch of their business to
Philadelphia and its Vicinity, In Pcnnfylva
nia. By Order*
Oft. 21 iawtf
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed bt JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Cheshvt Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Asjjwm
/Ibout Seventy Cafis
Claret Wine,
Fit for (hipping—and three hundred
Dutch Cheeses,
Deblois & Breck,
Between Walnut and Ghefuut Street
Nov. 6
White Wine,
Of avtvy Superrox Quality,
In Hogfliead* Mid B xes, and lor iaie at a
very reafonabl* Rateby-
David & Gurdon Mumford
Aby orders lent them, will b# duly at
tended to.
tfew-York, Od. 3 0
POUT. ' .
LISBON, „ °J' „
TENEIiIFFE & Fi*' t Quality.
Old Jamaica Spirits,
and Weft India Rum.
Co'iiac, French, aid Peach Brandies
Chfet and Port Wine of a Superior Qua
lity, in Cases.
Wine and Cycler Vinegar in Pipes and
Hhds. L .
Be ft W ; nc Bitte/s by the gallon or bottle.
Corks in Bales, -
Havanitah Sugjaf' in Boxeti
Ma nhufgh Demijohns.
Porter and Claret Bottles. t
MALT LIQUORS") Prepared foi
In calks and bottles > exportation or
CYDER, in d0.,d0. J immediate life.
And for Sale by
Benjamin W, Morris.
Philad, Nov. <5. eth£&tu4w
John Burge,
No. 7, North Fourth Street.
RETURNS his finc.r. thanks to his
Friffiuh and the public,"t'>r the very liber
al eiw mragement he has received in the
liru- 6t* his • •rofeflion, fiivcc his commc .ce
mfiit «>f buliti«<s in this city.
tit refpc&fully folicitsa continuance of
their favours, and assures them that no
thing (hall be wanting on his part to ren
der Oitisfaftion •
He has now on hard., and for Sale a
Aforiment of Confectionary %
Among, which are the following
Pin? Apples preserved, whole and il'C
eJ, Pears, Qu nces &c. preserved, Ral
h«nv and Blackberry jam, Ralberry
Blackberry, aid Current Jellies, Peach
Marm lirie, »nd a great variety of other
articles. A 1 u
Soft Shell'd Almonds,
By tive B4g or Smaller Quantity.
Nov. 4 ' iaw4w
Card &f Nail FaElory,
No. s9t north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have ctsnjlantly far sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brads, Sprigs and TacUi,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the firft and fc
cond parts, heiog the must apioved fyf
tcro of Rules and the best coiefbou of
Tunes now in use,
yllfo for Sale,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved Conftruttion,
Oft. 2
At a meeting of the citi
zens appointed to piocuie lubfcriptions for
the relief of thr families of persons who
have marched againit the Western Infur*
JOHN BARCLAY, E'q. was appointed
Tieafurer to the luod. and to whom Ihc
-monies coljefted will be paid.
The following persons were appointed t<
diftribut'.- to the nrceflitous families ol
rl»eir refpe£tive WARDS, viz-
For New.Market Ward Daniel Smith,
Dock Ward 1 evi Ho'.lingfwortli
Walnut Ward James Cox,
Southward Nalbi u' Frailer,
Lower Delaware Andrew Bayard,
Clielnut Waid, John Stille,
Middle Waid Ifiael Whclen,
North Ward Jame. Afli,
High Itreet Ward Mahlon Hutchin'on
Upper Delaware Win. Montgomery
South Mulberry .Jimlt-ew Guyer,
North Mulberry Godfrey Haga.
Published by order of the Meeting,
'?/./r j V' ~* T i*
fftN be Landed at Simt's «n
board of the Brig Polly, Wdltam BreU-
Jhaiu, majler.
Malaga Wine,
Of a very superior quality, in butts and
Quarter Caflts,
Philips, Cramond & Co.
o«a. J9 **
Money to be Lent,
On Mortgage of
Within the City and Libertie* of f biUdel
phta. Appiyto
Nicholas Dkbl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
A T o. 19, forth Fourth Jlreet.
Aug. 4 mw&ftf
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner Irtduftry, Captain Hylanderj
from Havanna,
85 hhds. MolafleSj
Of fupertof full quality,
jO6 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides )
Just arrived m the liibernia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Sept. »3
Dancing School.
Wm. M'DOUG ALL prefentsliis com
pliments to the Public—Thanks them for
the great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty odd years. lie will
open hit) School tor this Season on Monday
the 13th October, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, in that large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth ftrecr, turning the corner of No.
70, SotithThird ilrect.
His Employers maybe allured, the flridl
orijlcr and decorum that has always been
observed in his School, lhall Hill be pur
sued—and that their children will be taught
in the molt' approved and modern stile
Note —An Evening School for young
Oift. 10
Fortv dollars reward
RAN AWAY from the Subfcribci on Sj
tuiday night the nth inft.
A Mulatto lad,
named B'll, generally called B/U Madden ,
about 170? i 8 yt u- sos age, 5 feet 7 or 8 in
ches high, of a Aim make, basftrait black
hair, which he sometimes we 3 tied, but
generally loose ; he has been accuflonnd to
wait altogether »'*• a houle, and having been
much indulged, has become too idle to vwo» k
for a fupporr. He took with him a brown
fuftian double breasted long coat, one drab
cothcoat, with red cuffs and cape, tf.e
pocket flaps and (kirt* ttimmed with
edge,a fuiiain w«oftcoat a pair df buckflcn.
bi ecches, a pair of rtd (hiped trow!err,
ard fv<ral other cloaihs, aHo a pair of
bool!s. halftvorn. It is probable be has a
forged pass, and will endeavour to pass a-,
a free man. From every circumstance , I
am led to b litve l>e we;:t ess with a white
woman, and '!i2t they had taken the r p«»l
---fage in a veffVl bou'd to Philadelphia.
The above reward will bepaid to v
pcifon delivering the said servant, and
leafooable charge- tor br nging him h< irie,
Daniel Carroll.
Of Duddington.
Ci'vof Wafi.ington, Oft. to
Oft. 7
Returns his grateful acknowledgements
to his friends and ch« Public for their lit e
ral F rcouiagoment, and leave vet
pe£lfully 10 lolicit a Continuance of their
At bis Shop Gentlemen can be furnllhed
with the belt materials, ard havr ibem
made op and' finiQjcil in the neattft ar.d
most manner.
He will thankfully rece've any o*ders&
pay a prompt and pr.n&nal atienl on to
oa. 25
Asflicton Humphreys,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
AT hi* Oflice N<>. 65, Walnut ftrcet
Cornet «»< DOCK Strert, cominrtta
to t.'anfall rn (he above hianchc,
as heretofore, ?nd draws at « modeiate
churf»e. Deeds, Bo id*., Mortgages, Powers
of At »otn*y, Hills «vi Sale, mui Bottomree
Charter Paiti. « % Memorial'., Petitions,
■aad other lrtlr intents in Writing. Heal
»so continues 10 tniy ar.d .'efl Real Efratcs,
upon Coinnriißnn ; a«*d hns at prefcut a
few valuable Farms, &c. for fa'e.
October n, 1794
Peter Blight.
James M'Alpin,
No, 3, South Fourth Strut,
■*; ! ". y <
Madeira Wine.
A few pipes of very Extraordinary
good Quality London
Particular Bill Wine,
Will b; landed on Monday next, lu.m on
board the Ship Catha.ine, it Mtliij.
Sims'* wharf, and
John Craig,
Who has also fir Sale,
Sugar and Coffee,
In Barrels,
COT TO < in ba'es,
Hvfon and Souchong TEAS
WINDOW GLASS of diße.fnt S&*
N >v„ i
Iriih Linens,
Cork fail Cloth,
Imported and for Sale by
Rumford & Abijah Dawes,
At their Store, No. 7, south
Water Street.
10th Mo. 31 dt4t
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & Son.
I Oft. 31 d
John Miller, jun.
A'o. 8, CutsncT near Front Stmt,
Hath Imported in the late Veflelj
A L S Of
HATTSivrli ajforttd, ifbjs' clouted, dmJ
Mats' black
Mancbcfttrr Cotton Goods
Slippers and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
J/lack and White Lace
Fans. .
Brown and White, by the Box, laid in m
oa. 15
To be Sold
And immediate pojfejfun gtvr* f
A L*r}re three Story
Dwelling Hottfe,
and Lot,
lit Lodge A'ley, next to the BamV o*
r» ... " *
THE Houfc conjjiH of ten Lodging
rooms, one forty fi;et loi:g, the other about
(hirty (ob:,,eadi containing iwo fire placet
iwof arloq <?, a large kitchen, withextwi
(ive cellars under, and ganets ©ve» the
A pump and rain water cistern fa the
at d
With th' above may be had a
Lot of Ground,
Adjoining, ab..ut ninety-fix feet in front,
anri fovty-two-deep.
For further particulars, pkafe to En
quire on the Premises.
OA. 33 «« .
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
Theological Writings
* 3t.iw2iv
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
At Francis Bailey's Book Jlore, AO. J
Market Jlreet, Philadelphia,
WHfcN a ftifiicient fubfenprion take»
place, a meeting wijibc a{Jve»tili;-d to tcn
lidcr the m« ft «ligibie mode for eondufti'g
the pnntingof Aieh6f the Work" as
be t tk>uj;ht to be of the-gi'cateft utility ill
the fir ft
The folloruiuiß Trrat'tfes mny be nwui h*<lal
Mr. Bailey'i :
The Dnftriiie of Lite, or the Spiritual
sense of the Tin.Coitiniandmeiits.
The Univeilal Theotojy 11 ■ 1 ew
Church; which ».'/ • ireiold hy "»
Lord in Daniel, ihap< 7, v 5i '3>
and ill the Apoca yp'e, chap. 21. »• '•
2, L..
A *limin.ny View of the Heavenly Doc
trines of the New Jt 'ufaVm Church*
{f.'t' As various opinions havebcrn en
tertained re pefl ng rhefc■**>"*'
nn<T yetiiA'p» fn,fll> > i uti.-•w!»*lf«»• , ** i ** ,
been able to ■ efute thel-ut infUad t e
„(, invidious c-.hmrit'- ai d gioui d el| re
uort, liavc been ii dust' ioUIv prop.if- 111
to d'll'ci eiiil the ho. riii ahleandenlist"" a
Author, as well a* his W»'k', «* d, f l
not '.he cam id at'd fire, re inquirers a •<
Truths of the highest importance, *
1 rionflv examine those \V' rk'- /«' ' m J ! '*
which il is t ■ bt hope , tbet befog
ouifuit and love of the Trulh ,
of its native exrellei«' "<i L J'- ■ ,
rgard tbeniptthay juft l ) l dete 1 y*> " r
the end receive loth profit and
Oft. M '