Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 11, 1794, Image 3

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    A nidi proper people in the use tfctrc&f. public expeocn. The cpmmiuee of
Now thcnfcftier t*. brought so far, that public fafety "ftjJfffatttui the polices!
a proper fcoirefpondrnce with L/ifle can the RepobHciparttculiriv that of Paris ;
be carrtad 04; on various fubje&s, every they ilfoe decree ofarijritatirmagainft ci
thoig tsn-tbe ■ expMTeJ, even- proper tiaens, fend them to the Revolutionary
names, and an - obtained, and Tribunal, and set them at-.liberty agaitf.
this correspondence .may be repeated All decteea ofarfdlation or. liberation
more than once in one day. This ma- mull "be signed at ltaft by 9 mcrtl ers.
chine is the invention of citizen Chappe, In cafe the committee caufeto arrest aijy
»nd been conEruaed under public officer, they arc obliged, to give
hi» immediate direction. They have ! infoonation thereof to th* committfte to
that advantage-,;that they- jrithftandthe whofs department be 01* they may be-«
motion of the- atmosphere and the In- long. They iflay-call out the armed
clemenry of "the.feafiSn, and are not sub- force for the execution of-therr decrees,
jetl td anv iutei-ruptiou, uti'lefa the I-n the session of the 1 Stb, ,o»-motion
Weather (hould be so bid that objects ' ofßaurdorf de KOife, theCohventbtr de*
and fignab could-not be seen. By this |creed,<tl»*tw:vbeothers of tliat fa
in vent ion all dilbincea-as it werera.fift;) mous girl Reiewd, who, as it was «<l»
velocity of thought. The Operations whS.had be«B imprffoned "by hisorders,
of government may be thereby srrsttly ](hould be set at liberty again, The'bne
facilitated, and the unity of the Repub- wat Jan officer', the other a '(bldier in the
lie can be much consolidated by a prompt nattherp, army.. They are to return to
commutiicatirtn with the :h«# poJU and tji.ey receive ,theif
thereof: The threat aft advantage cort- frcray'fi-um the j}asj tfcpy were arrested.—
nedled with this kind «Vrrefpo<Kknce >Sbdw after this dctree 'had ■ been parted
is, that tf yonphafe, the the atthe bar
may be known. ouly-to th? iadiv'dual ps th? £< ••*e<Wbi£ and reguefted a re
perfons at the wo oj»pofite. diftarftofr so p*%'fs ofjltcir Mjefy Who
that the fcrtmrnftte! of pubfie, welfare bastion executtja!
mav correfpu-td'wiih the reptefentative fttJ *heir request ; " li'yoiwdo not p3fs
of the people at'LiJkf b&- to the order of, the ■ day, ,k> he, ym
dy elie kmWliiSg««^-ftlhje<jr , of «be* .ayer-run da»i f a h*pe .ions co
lefponence. .Hence- r I'-vvs tnafili cafe mingffttt* aiittocrafMj" aiid.the Con
9 f a siege we fhoiihi- 1 now nil 'that hap-"' tb'the oidei
pens inT isle, and that-v*' 1 .->uW tranf->| fcf i-the day." moved tha'
siit decrees of tlieiec<rrTO>t?dii,"without the-'nUnjbcr of tlie revolutionary com
•he enemy knowing any abeuvft',. mktees (hould be leflened in'fuuh'aman
yr benrp r ablc toprevent it. AH . the rfer, that, in every principal town of ;
•eward claimed by th* invevor for his <liftri&, and m.tnetj oowmttnity.of:t<
lifcovery, is I make there- or f2,000 persons, there- fliOtold be bu
3f heroin tribune. ere called one revolutionary committee, and i
hh nrfj»%>«Miow » Tebswphic-han-V? : s M. " v Suclv-a; number of-revoh
, he, w<;
pnefentad a ftttewetft of tbe eafti
which ha» fcjy ivftojJJ
«d countrie«, the ftat«toeot Is as Fallows,
»; z . *» Ks>'" -.&Wf
From the Palatiqate, <-•_ r >38350
From ttfc.NtthtftHna*!' '"' " ■ '
lit'iNratifpbrt ' ?u&97l
ad. do. ' - y
3d.'" 'da. \ f 2,004.716J
In tto Department" of de pard a
eonfpiraey was attempted kjgaiofr 'the
fovereig'fitY of 7 the nation. A tirtflfti
BotirAfi?rWmfccr' qf the'
ary TVibttaai at Ni&ws, *h« tetfttttw
with <rf- <»tber»* had Wen 4
£reat ftjend »f JtoWpierre* aociifcd tfie"
Convention/ tSiat ttarv s !}*! tawed- Rot
befpieritfohf? tfhli 3n inteat brtn£
about a 'counter ftevoltftio*! TJtft'Vfili
patriot!'ifl tte'JtfSji
«f theS**ss tftftfc.fitifie
Many tteStert wfcrt.
the peojife enVagedi^th'ft'tte
Co n fpiratfiplj Mthat It wai Iftxrff&ryjto
double "the Wards Which s 11ttfe to Ct>n
<lu& thita to ife jH-ifoq. ;'j '"
has •
In tßTnignt at the loih, «e had e
terrible fire beTr in„|^
teeincd pi «*»,*!*** J*
l»f, com^
*s f*v
member*. j| aad,!***
jupenqbats iwMSEtwj coamrtttrt;
if 6 meafcfer • ;-»*C *fc<y"a»d
Cdei&ft*?-*- #embett."
idfion rf tfc* "fcywMio M «wmhe«r
14. AfcflHMlK
tkm, , dlN* #**!
bsnv '(Miiiajar
»qd dtfp*«feft ♦? B&jXh, and t%pf
C °?Ki acid
fufficient to do gotjd, biit too small ti
•do'any mifdltier.*' 1 This motion wa
verv much apjjJatided} , 6'ut netferthelef
adjourned, * '
The Corfventirtn received' lately' 24:
narks of fil»er, which were found in the
Iwelling noufe of the late Count Mi
anda. • ' " ;jt ''
General Mtfller, hitherto commander
1 chief of the army of the Western Py
r'I*'1 *' ';:
'' foirinftandej- of
"ftSkltiiFaHfiy, being tiken
fckh arrflicurtWl? diforcfer-; tl>c i coim-'
crtaiid- of th*t "Srihy TiaraljeAh tor
General BtfaftetS- ' '
' .. ~tr .tn v., .• ■- f l , " *.
October 27.
Proceedings cf •he Ccnvcnliott be id at
Pprttanif) on tic fecmd Tuefda-y, be
big the \jtfb. day of Oilober. current.
k tat the Co mention that
iijc. Swo.plan tat ions -more are
rf pr«f«nt.s4. at this meeting-'thaiS.were at
the farmer* aodth;ft v rt6w twenty towns
:md,five,plantations have Appeared by
their delegates, exelutiyeof-thofe towns
■which have cheleiFdelegatw-'who have
not jcet seen cause to atteffii.
On mptiop. Refolded, *!- '.• ,
That tt\ii Coji*coti(>n willnoW'under
take the,bufinefscpromi««d to them by
their Conliit^tjter-And ,4-iWrrtim time
to time cpniidev the ijucftwnrofvSepa
ratjon 'frqjn Maflachufrtits, tijl 3>kc fame
on facta .aui principles can be
re/olrfd-rrajid in due t<jo.e, and at proper
fcaioi}, lay,a report, before-.tbe people.-
<-The. Convention <thffi proceeded W
copfider the faiVms pmntruf
view;till Jfriday, ,wheiy. having. on' the.,
preceding day chofc a Committee K>«
arrange the fifvesal niatfcrs,
ed tht report of their Committee by
way ,ps ■ R.eiohjiiop»; which, being reacj,
. Rtfilvftl,. n§ opjnjtMi of. this Con
ti That'll^4f,'ta<;hed and
tuatiopi ..rjffldm it
highly incoijv£tuent aod improper that
their prefeni-egnne&ion wit,h MaiTachu
fetts (Houl'd continue any longer. tban till
the fame can be conve«i£n{)y«ind confti
tutibnally dirfolved. , .
2. That tkeTe.coimticMn refpeato
territory (comprehending more-thap a
tra& 120 miles (quare ) and Jn refpek of
fouls) an adequate as a separate govern
ment ; and that in refpedt of wealth and
of thlTe counties into a (late, is i mea
sure both constitutional in principle, and
from feat
prttae Judicial Court in these counties,
are inefficient for the due adminiftra-
(houLdrefide among us; ind that the
hardftip* of being obliged to retort to
the Clerk'* office it?" Button for papers,
and of paying officer fees for the return
ofexe«utions to that oJfiue is intolera
ble. - ■ -
That the tM In
am being ohtigcd M the,
public officcsof gqlpniajgg in-the p*e
fcjit Birtropolk.
7th. That the expenditure of monies
paid for the support ttf government
among ourselves would ft) i QOirfidera' le
degree alleviate that neee&ry burden :
whereas the fame expenditure abroad »
a confidersblc addition to it.
8. That the prefeut ftttt of. educa
tion isclifproportionea to tthr ability and
population ; and k to to die
want of an authority among ourselves
that could at understand and im
prove it. .■ . . ; v-.
9. That'lnnumerableadvantagca and
~accommo3Rt!<Jns »ofild arise froto-the
of a government in the
•hninds of the people."
10. That th« weight and cpnfequence
in the federal government, to be acquir
ed by ihc tight offending two Senators
to the Congress of the United States, is
an objeit of great importance to the peo
11. That agriculture and manufac
tures, and the arts and sciences in ge
neral, will be pncpuragcd, and would
probably be encouraged in a much
greater degree,-under a direst and im
r mediate patronage, composed of those
who could perceive their jjeceflities, feel
interested in them, and be fuffickntly
at leisure to do them justice.
12. That the obje&ions again ft a fe-
paration, so far as they have been made
kftowrt to u*, either hy.
tation of the people, of "by report of
opinions, arc unfounded; and only sup
ported by doubtful authority, and the
begledt of examination.
i 3. That the prosperity of which \fre
are capable, requires a total separation
r iom the parent ftate.—fdr separate le
pflative, judicial, and executive powers
ire alike eflential ; and any expedient
hort of these, would not be salutary,
tut dangerous : as it might amuse and
leceive the people for a white, but pro
ably would not lecure to them th<
enth part of the advantages to whicl
hey have now the clearest right.
Whereupon the Contention took th'
olio wing order. ■
The report of the committee, con
taining; thirteen refohitions, being 1 cad,
corifidered, amended, and accepted,
hereupon •
Voted, That a committee be appoint- ]
■d to prepafe _atf ad&ref* to the people j
jpbn the basis of this ceport and tTiecal
:ulatior.B as'amended (fee below) cx
ience upon which they are founded,
ind report thi. faine to the adjourn
ment ; to the intent that the resolution
before the people.
This committee was accordingly ap
pointed. ' t 2.
The Convention then prqcecd?d t.o a.
temporary decilianj.upon the report of
a fgrtner committee, Containing' a ftate
m?n£>af our present proportion of taxes,
apefi. calculation of the expence of a
new government—thereupon
.Fgitd—Thc excise laws having late
ventjon not being fatisficd refpefting
this part of the'report'at present, that
the ljatement so far as it refpetts the ex
•'ife hj: for..the present «mitt«d»4hat the
relidue of the ftatefc?rits bcacCepted as
Weft grounded; and thafTHe calcula
tion's, omitting the liieut; Governor's'
falaryj be also accepted as -fafe.. When
the llatement and calculations will itand |
as follow) : 1
Sum necefiary for the support as govern
ment m Massachusetts per Treasurers re
port jaft winter, £30,112,13 4
Proportion of Maine, 5,000
Proportion of the lower
counties to 'those—nearly as 16 to 140.
'■ Calculations.
■Governor's salary £'3 00
Secretary aad Treafiiry, 3"°
Clerks* , -*4P.
Judges of the Supreme Judicial
Court,' t , , **<0
Atio ney Gfebfcral, -iso'
Legiflatnre, 1 " '• 1500
Clerks of both houses, ° 60
MeifttfgeE, . :4- ■ 3°
Contingeacic*, 1 •. 1 tioo
•, a —
. , , ...... if 30
that the addref, made py the
Convention to the ftveiral towaMflri plan
ltill in force as a friendly invitatiaj to such
aa have not yet been reprefcntedito fend a
delegate or delegates at the adjournment.
Voted, that thir Con ventiori lie 'idjourn
td to' the' last Wednesday Of January,
next, at so o'clock, A. M. to meet at
Portland. ■ ■
Extra <51 fiqm the minutes, .
as follow):
i i "*' .• -
■t* ■ j.
*ZA ■- I ' ' ' '£>
A wag observed the other day, that
the grand fun, which rises daijy in Mr.
Bache's new papfr for-the purpose ■
doing good, at is fituT, .it the offspring
of the late GeneralAd rotifer, lawfully
begotten by.ihe jjKobin Club; A ver
ba who' had been liftenirfg so this little
anecdote; Very drily replied—that if
yvung Btn's grand/on fliould do any
good, it would be more than e/er old
Ben'J grand/on had doue. - . ,
■ ~—
Captain Malm returns hia most-heart felt
thank* io the citizen# of PhiiJtWlphia,
whose friendly and prompt assistance atthe
fire on Saturday morning enabled him'to
lave chief of hit effeifts, and; prevented
hit house from falling entirely a' facrifice
to the devouring flames.
The citizens mult recoiled, that to the
exertions of 80 men from the Ville de L'
Orient,. they Wed the preicrvation of
much property, at the fire m Second ftrcdf
September 1793 ; it mult, therefore be
doubly grateful to their feelings to have
been inftrumenrll, in their turn, in laving
part of Capt. Malin's property.
Cap*. Bertrand now of the
commanded one of the veffifls sent by the
government of Frinci'to cruise for the
transport which wa« to bear Muir and
Palmer, Mirtyri in the cause of freedom,
to Botany Bay. They remained 60 days
on this Cruiie which terminated unfuccefj
tully. Gen. Adv. .
On Thnrfday evening was man ied by
the Rev. Dr. Magaw Mr. Thomas tVhip
po, merchant of N-.m'-York, to Miiii Ann
Robinfcn oif Philadelphia.
Extract of a letter from a gemlcfnan
with the arnjfy dated Beilin 25th O<S.
1 79-'".
T•' y ' •
" I can giveyouno intelligence wort!
attention, nor ha« out march product!
any thing mtertfting or amufitig, favt
that two Light horsemen having latelj
come across a very large Bear, they (hoi
him with their pistols, but this produ
ced Kttle except irritation. Qnc of therfi
fired his Pistol into the Bear's ear—
;hen mouotedun his back, rode hun.roo
rards, and with the assistance of his
:ompanion, killed this-ferocious monster
vith their (words, and brought hit Ikin
ind quarters, (which weighed 23.1b)
nto camp.
From tb* General Advertifcr of thi
'' The eleAion of members, of Con
gre'fs in MafTachufettir has tailed forth,
from thetr papers it appears, all the
heat of contending parties.' In Boflor
the electioneering campaign has bsen
particularly warm. This day, proba
bly, we ihall learn which of the .rival
candidates# Fisher Ames or Dr. Jarvifl
i? fuccefsfuL The dccifioti will in a
great measure decide the complexion
of the politics of that city/'
There is a gentleman in town who
was present at the ele£tion of a mecftber
he &ys the number of votes -were up
wards of 270b—--of which' number,
Mr Ames had upwards of ,j6oo
Di. Jarvis, 1 190
We further ley"" that in Roxbury
.here was a iftajoi ity in favour of Jai vis
of 60—but that in the other Country
towns in the diftrift the majority waj
generally in favor of Awes - y who, it was
universally believed, i.i chosen. - •
By this Day's Mail.
BALTIMORE, November 8.
On Thursday evening came to anchor
off the fort, the French (loop of War
L'Efpartiate, in 38 (Jays from Rech r ,
fort, with dispatches for the French,
As this, reflel left France thejafl of
. September or firft of October, papers
brought by her must contain very late
apd important intelligence. We are
sorry that such secrecy as to particulars,
(hould be observed ; and that no other
information could be obtained thaii what
has already been anticipated by
that is, that Victory is still the order of
the day; that'the triumphant Sans
Culottes are extending their ci>nque(t»
into the very heart of Spain and Hol
land ; and that the tyranny of Madrid
and aristocracy "of Amftercfcam must
quickly pay their last aft of homage
to the victorious standard of Gallic li
We are informed that the above ves
sel brings "news of an' army of 1 bo,ooo
French haying entered Spain; It is'i
litewife said, that a French squadron of]
nine frigates bat, for, some time pad,
'been cruising among dve Orkneys, and
captured and deftroyed-yo fail of veflels.'
Arrived off the fort yesterday I
ing, the brig Chance, Capt. Bowers, fj
days from St. Euflatia. dpi. Boweti
- bring*; ar po/iuVe confirmation of thf
compfete victory of Laveaux over the
' Bruifh, and of, tbe whole of Guada
toiipc in pofl'efilon of the French.
Off Anguilla, fpokc a (loop from New-
Haven, with cattle on beard, out jo
days. ■ 1 t * (
Op Tuesday a fufficieut _ number of
rnembe'n appearing,; the Houfc of Ue :
legates'-met, and mark' choice of the lion.
Matthew Tilghman, Eiquire, for their
We, hear f>reyiwu»fc« th* lW*ftyo|(> "
.^ithibor»'w^v^Hwr«l'w»r» , * naT«P*vlir -
efVup-d (King kiflrtlj jiiy, U» f*)fyng of *
Tr«e«n !tb?; f&fbit ag»Vift fre hud
*'h^h| l 'lKii'r.*J« - * •■*— " • - A -|-I>'| ilia 1*
cfived, as to be extremely active in the
tbe t
cO- The Letter B* g 0 f the
WIVMAM PtVN, for -will
be taken froth the Pact-Office on
' i ith Nov.' , • ;
' ~—r —'—r l —; —'• '' r .. .
Ticklenburgs, Oznabufgs, r
ancj Glass Ward,
Landing from on board the Jbip Feggy,
from An}ficrdam.
> , AtoO»
Cbffee of prime Quality *
. ; In hog&cad* a fid tierces,
, In>o|Jihe'ad»i '. '•
. German Steel; "
, In ftnall Bales, &£. for laic by
RundU MUrgatrojdy
No. it, VCilnut ftrett; wh«f.. r
Who want to pufchaf..- 300 °r 4<W -
Casks Gooit Ftdxfhd.
No*- , .. jtntfif
And to be Told by
Benjamin l)aviei y
No. 68, Market fyraeu
A Ground Plan
City, and Suburbs
Takin frcM iatt and atturatt fumty^
Tim Mas is a 6 inches square; and
will be delivered si's pity best suit the pur
ehatfrj, either in fheets'plain Or coloured,
•r ca'nVafled and affixed to rollers; or 10 fit
t&em for the pocket, tbey will be cut and
folded in cases.
With each plan \rill be given i Small
Pamphlet, containing a Lr(i of the SuU
fcri UtEtrs n#ftws, and
Its civil andreligiout inflitutions, popu
(ation, trade and government; interfpeiT
ed with occasional remarks.
• Subfc'rihprs are roqucftcd to c»ll or fend
for their plans.
At the Same Place niay be h ad,
American Repository.
Price 4 Doli. 33 tents per dux. and 44
cents Jingle,
Tlui neat Pockkt anacjc is tbefirft of
.the tcithat hath l>f iy) executed in Phila
delphia, of'pel-Map., in an/ of the United
States? and contains, .besides,
A Xlofnpleat Calendar >
ALJiANACKi" fe (he Vbar, 1795. r
, ' Lifts of the Ofßefs of the
vernfiient, Civil au<t Military.
The ferms of tke federal Cire*it ie Dif
tr'n"* Courts. J
t he Latitudes and Longitudes i *
.Meridian 6f flwWelphii, of all the Capu
tal Cities in the Unioiri
Tbe datp of tbe periods when etch of
She States"was firft fettled;
Their itories an* .num
bers of-peoolej *' f .
The number of Inhabitants of each, in
eath fcjuare mfle—and V brief State of
1 their relative progtefs in Population; to
gether vvjth .vaxious other Articles of In
•'ncrhafioff.' 1
Ornamented with ah elegant Frontis
piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG
NETTES, alluding to fcenet in Thomp
fm's t Sea/ohs, engraved by the moji itige
nioui Artijls m the City.
, Not. I 1 3ta\T4w
, Laji Day, b\it One.
G I R~C U S.
Master F. Rkketts's Night.
THIS aVENIJJp, Nov. 11,
Will be perfsrmcd {he Greatea Variety of
Eqtteftrian and other Feats,
*tM< fias yet been performed this Season.
particular! will be in the Hand-Billj
*.* M*. Ricrstts wttt dart through
The Blazing Sun
HIGH, arfd
frcsrerfciifituaiioii, lilt Horl« in full fp«t4.
1 $
< ■ t
3ta\T4« r