off!)e%MfcD^tatc i nAT L Y EVEN INC AD V E ZX ___ » _ t '■ ;fxo. ,5 o of Vol. Vl.] TvespaV, November it, '794- FOR SALE, At the STORES of jefle ißc Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, fchds. and r ter eaere Oiileis in his line wjjl he thankfully received, and every Atteution paid to fiicm. Oft. jo d A FEW BftLES OF Brown Ruflla {heeting I upurtrd in tke William from j Loudon, FOR HALE BY Curtis Clay, No. j7, High Strist. Nor. 1 J. M. Bart, No. 170, North SecondSStree t Refpc&ftully informs the Citizens, that h# intend? to open an Evening School, From SIX h> NINE o'clock, beginning next Momlajr, nft . where he will t<-*ch the French Italian languages Arithmetick and Book-keeping. On the mojl reafottablc Terms. A ftrift attendance may be depended npun by those who will favour him with employment OS. 27 d Pursuant to the directions of tlx Li* lor meo'porating the Infuranct Company of North America, a Meeting "w 1. be held at the Company'* Office, on Thursday th. 13 h day of November ensu ing, when Two DiricTors are to be chosen for the emaiiider of the present year, to fnppVy the places of two Gentle men who have been elcfted Diitftois of a nothei lnfurance Company. The Votes may be given by the Stock holders ei! her in person or by Proxy, but none may vote " unless the stock lhall hove flood in their names at least three nioOShs preceding the time of Election." By order of the President and Diieitors Ebenevzer Sec ry. n&. »4 e Sold, To The House, Stables & Loi of Ground. In Second street, between Sprue* and Union ftr«ets, in the occupation of his Britannic Majefty'i Minister. also The Adjoining Lot. feet front, and 149 feet deep. For terms of sale, apply to Wm. Cramoi#. Aim. 14 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-Areit, New-York. The Subscriber intending to confinehim felf entirely 10 the PURCHASE and SALE or STOCKS on COM MISSION,bra leave to oft. r hisfetrvices to his (riends and others, in the line ol a Stock Broker. Those who may please to-favor him with their bufi. ness, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the uimoß fidrlity and dispatch. Order* from Philadelphia, Boflon, or any part of the United Statei, will be (tri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. m&thtf TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION O F Pot and Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, of Pot and Pearl-Afhe« for tbc Commonwealth of Maflachufetts. Published according to Aft of Congress. These obfervationi relate to an extensive business ; and are designed, in the plainefl manner, to convey profitable information to those interested in it, who have not leif ur« or opportunity te search for the princi ple* therein obtained, in the writing* of profcfTional Chemifti. For u WILLIAM PENN, James Josiah, Mailer. To fail with all convenient fpewL tor freight or paflage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 __i For Dublin, Wajhington, Henry Gsdoes, TO fail ont'e 2J h November; a* good accommodations for pnlTenger,, hav ing been built lor the Dubijn trade. For freight or paiTage, apply on board at Cuth ber.t'i wharf, toCapt. Geddes, hi" to HOLMES and RAINEY, WILLIATVt SMITH, jun, and Co. or George Latimer. 0a.31 For Hamburgh, W&Jtf James Wllliamfon, Majitr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This vefTel i» completely foynd,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for paflengers, to fail with at) con venient fpced. For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain on board, or Thos. £3* John Ketland. oa. 11 d For Amsterdam, THE SHIP » HOLLAND, Cliriftopher Franklin, jun. Majler. HAS eXi-etl"" iccommod«tion« for paffen rers, will fdil wi'h a| l convenient speed, hav ing the greaitft part of her cargo ready to go on board. For freight or pafTage, apply to the matter on board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. An?. VANIA, David Harding, Master- BURTHEN about 3100 barrels For terms apply to Gurney Smith. tn<igN OS. »« For Liverpool, The SHI JT Manchejier, " John Cox, Mailer. HAS a considerable part of her cargo ready to go on boa'd, and ttiir fail so as to return to ihVs port an early Spring {hip. For Freight or paflfage, apply to the Captain on board at Walnut street whaif, or Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut ftieet. German Passengers. AFt W Healthy Trade/men, Are just arrived »n the (hip Peggy, from Amsterdam, whose time* are to be agreed for, by applying on board said (Hip, or to Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut Jireet LONDON, The SHIP For Charier, eodtf To Bt Sold ADDR ESS: Tfte Public ire rcfpqftfully infdrnKd ta»: the Subscriptions forthi* Gazette are daily increasing in the Chs.'—tliat its cir cfiiflged with more Printer:, in the diffe cent States tha(t o,coo & cdfK 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & ca(h s,oae 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 i p ,iie °t a ditto 3-bco #ach, »re ,o ditto ifioo 20 ditto 560 ,oo ditto IQO 2 00 ditto 50 ditto 2 5 1,000 dittt* 20 15,000 ditto »• '6,739 Prlz ™ Blanki jo,ooo Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an elegant speci men of the private buildings to be erect d in the Cily of Walhington—Two beautiful de fii>ns arc already feie fled for the entire fronts a two of the public Iquares ; from the(e drawings, it is proposed to ercfl two centre and lour corner buildings, ;■» Toon as possible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nctt d. duftion five per cent, will be made to deftay rhe neces sary expences of printing, See. and the fut*- plus will be made a part of the fund intended lor the National Upiverfity, to be erefled within the City of Walhington. (jThe drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the JJnd of December next! The money will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any priies for which fortunate numbers arc not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed are to be conGdeied as given towards the fund for the University, " being determined to fettle the whole bufmefs in a year fiom the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given asfccurity. The teal securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the Prcfident and two DireSors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 approved by the comntiffioncrs toi tbe City of Walh ington, for the time being, i»d afttng on S. BLODGET. • • Tickets m»y be had at the Bauk of Columbia; of James Wrft & Co. Baltimore; of Gideon Denilon, Savannah; of Peter Oilman, Boston: ot J»h 9 mond ; and of Richiid Wells, Cooper sfer- ' V 'A» g . 3° - WANTED, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing Buiinefs, Apply TO C. Campbell. * No. 3, south Fourth ftrwt, two doors from Marke-ftreot, Sept^ ; A FEW PIPES Of Btft Qua fit] Holland: Gin, Will be !an 'ed THIS DAY, fioin on board - - ?lw Mn v,' A ftlL> very heavy hvg/braih of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRsIX T, in pipes, v And yery. good \ Guadaloupe MclafTes, i*OR SALE by, Levitiui Clark/on, No. 216, Couth Water Sti»et. ' ALSO, A frlW HOGSHEADS or Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. iy proof Jine flavour. Sept. 29 d nar -r eSi AT •»»« • NeW Oaftie Jfter Examining and Recife ring Office, At Mr. SAMUEL CK AW l OKIVs No 5» north From street, adpars Iroin Arcl ltreri, jTickets are examined, and Regifteretl by copett numerical and Re giftei Bt'oks, at the follow tig liiodeiate charges, ri** For examining a *iCket i-»6th of a Dollar. For a single ticket i-4tb of a Dollar. And notice will be f«iit by letter, (it or. Qotvrtunaitl w.auy. pc rt °f tlit Continent. TICKETS In the. City of Washington Lottery, No. it (Which will commence drawing very soon)' ftcgiflered, and the earli*ft account ftnt of their lliccefs. N. B. The Earlieil IftteJligettfe oC cfch Day's drawing »iU be recciV'l dat this Of fice. And tlie flips thereof will be figneit by the Managers to be fc«rirfl; tht:et«re to be depended on. Sept. 24 fyo Dollars Reward. RAN away vevy unexpeftec'ly from tlie Subfcribei, on Saiurday die nthO&ober, A Mulatto Man, named George, by his acquaintance called George Evao ~ about 2j years old, 5 feet 9 ar 10 inches highj ftraightand,wp)l made he has long bulhy black hair, which lie com monly wears qned, hii cheek bones rather high; his laugh firaple ; h«haJ always ferv ed as a waiter, was a favorite fervant,and spoiled by exceflive indulgence, undcr ftands dreffri; and (having, and plays well on the vulin : lie took with him a brown fuftian Coatee and jacket, bound with yel | low silk ferrett, apair ot light colour ed fa- I gathy breeches and half boots j a> he had many other deaths of cloth and light fuin mer wear, it is probable be may tUnnge hts drefs,it Is l'uppofed he has crofted aver, into Virgin»as Whoever secures the above man fh 11 te— ceive the above reward, and reasonable charts if brought home. A.» Mailers of Vrflels will receive him JfO,OCO 400,000 oardat their peril. Marfham Waring. George Tctfn, in Columbia Nov. 3 d^v Diftatit Subscribers For thi. Gazette, are hetehy t c-fpeta ful ly requested to pay up their Supfcriptions to ihe firft of January next. The Editor will be under the necessity of coi fi;l<*ring those who do not then renew their Su|v fcription by paying Six Month? in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. Aj there i« a considerable Sum due £:om remote SuWfcribers for thel.atehajf Week ly Paper publilhed by t!>e Editor, he mod earreftly requests those who may be delin quent, to take the earliell opportunity of lemittiog him 'he balance thqy ma? rf {- pe<3ively be indebted,—the Ajdis arc indi vidually trifling—t'..e want of the Aggre gate is severely felt. Forty Dollars Reward, RAN away from the fub:'cnbei'> in Woodbury, GJoucefter County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the 12th infiant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and Trnt, caqh afc goal in l£e United States, fnthat their matter* rnay gft them again ftiall receive the above rewa-d and leafonab'eexpnce*. John Sparks, 'Andrew Hunter. t*wtt oa. »4 0 TISER. S :1 ALSO. V—. atwtl* [Whole No. 6Pb.] LANDING, front lit Ship sldriatia Kierah Fttsfatr'u I Jfrom jiraJlerdam. Holland Sail Ducks Ditto-Sheeting, Titklenburglij Ofnaburghj Whits and Brotrft Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Beitieks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, bftxes Window-GUIS? Ditto TUmblers, Ginn in pipes, Gitih Cafe», Steel, Mill Si\»-s (: feet, Anchors, from ;,to 14 cwt. Frying Pkns, Juiik, Oakuih, &.(■ FOR SALE BY Thomas iff Join Kelland. Oflober 11. d* HEMP, Russia sheetings RUSSIA DUCK, ravens duck, BARR IRON, OAKU.V, MATTS, Lending from on board the Jhif Hcr.rab. Cafl. Lake, fnvt St. Peterjhurgh, A Lewis, AtHs STORE, No. 35, Great Dock Who leu fir Sale, a FEW BALES OF Baftas, Coflas, £n;erlies, Salampies, Puiigum Clotlis, Bnnjhiitr'!, Book Muflinj, and H*"'kerchi''fs,J:e. Barcelona Handkerchiefs, in Boxes, A few Chilis.Silks, Datnalk and Diaper Table Linen, Black Pepper »f an excellent quality, Holland Gin in cafe*, Hyj'on, Souvhmg, & > TEA, common Green ) Ro|! Brimftom, New Cajile Grindjlones, SsV. Nov. 6 The Office of the Infurancc Company, of the State of PcnnfyKv.nui, will be open for the Tranfaiftion of Hufi nefs on Wednesday the sth November, infltant, at No, 137, South Front-Street. Nov. 4. d^t. Wanted, A man and woman kitchen Servant. Accuftnmrd to cooking, to whom g»nero\is„ wages will be given. Noi.e nee/1 applj Hpi inch as can be well lccommenclid. £((•■ qnjrt Of the Prints* Oct. 20 d BOARDING FOR GENTLEMEN. At No. 30, Walnut-street, three of four Gentlemen may he accommodated with convenient lodgings for the winter in a small family. Nov. 7. 4t* N O T I C E, IS hereby given to all persons, iim ;i in the caf> • of British captures, tha 1 ; Mr. Samuel Bayard, of the City of l'hjia. delpliia, is.appointedto proceed to don, as agent of claims and appeal': tl.a( : the merchauts of Philadelphia, whole pro perty has been condemned, have appon t-, •ed a committee, coufiUing Thongs James Yard, Stephen Gi'S r", James Olden and J. Shoemaker, to corier oecafionally with the Secretary, of St?tc<& That copies of the letters, which have palled between the Committee and the Se er, tar), are tranTmitted to the fevera) £tll ftarsin the United States, for the in pe&ioit of allco/icemed; That the Cm nyttee will adopt meaTures for procuring the records, yet wanting ; And wllj enter into the propet correspondences in the U ■oitcd States, and in the Weft Indies. The appointment of a committee at the deii e of the Secretary of State, ft* the conveniency of persons at a diftai ce. But any letters upon this fubjeft are still to be arditfj d to Ujh. Nov. 7 TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, Alphabetical Lift OF THE DUTIES Payable by law o# all Goods, Wares, and Merchardizc imported into tl'e United Saates of A.neri<;a, alter t)»o last day of june 1794, di(lingui(hiog?he rates payable On thole imported in fhipser Yeflels of - -J * 3*l w*m " '* 1 •',i