Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 08, 1794, Image 3

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    ftrv >g fl»'S>'Jr (j iftriU—They (hew their
z for this country and tlteir abhor
rence offoreign influence—How? By
av-nvin jj thdr abomination of our own
fyllemsand laws, and a devotednels to
foreign—Thefe are flrange things for
the haters of European influence to al
leJge. Some Americans think we
(hnuld «urfelve». The fashion
cannot do that. They mly do alraolt
any thing, faring ahvays what such men
owe to their principles and their zeal
for the national union and conftutition.
They can however, no more refpeii
t!-jmf'lves than they can refped one a
"1 he detachment of Philadelphia light
harfe which arrived .ntown last week, with
from Bedford, confined of heut.
C' :!Kh*nJ, (commanding th.; efcoi-t, )
w.tli . Keif. CJruh, OTowti, Harris and
Mead<!, from Capt. M'Conn< il's troop —
M ,T. fat's, and King, fr- m Captain
Sanger's trooji- and Meil'. johniton, Mease
NicboU, W . ier, Borrowds and Clay
po ile, from Captain Dunlap's troop.
Ext-a£l of aletterfrom Citizen foci Bur-
h iv, at Hamburgh to his friend in this
City, dated Augufl 24.
" I HAVH in ft r"ceived a letter from
myiritnd m Amsterdam, who -informs that
the Republican army of France is moment
ly epe;ffe4 in thit City, 8c that two thirds
of the inhabitants thereof would be very
glad to f e th-m.
" Ihe sfFairs of France, since the fall
of iiubr/jtier-e, wear the most jileafiiig and
agr-eabfe appearance, and the Patriotic
Soldiers are thtmlrlv 's altonifhed at their
own fufceffcs in svtry quarter."
Ext rail of a Utter fr m a gentleman at
Marietta, dattd O-'ober 17.
" Last evening an account arrived here,
that Mr. Elliot, the Contri&er, -was kil
led by the Indians, about; 15 days jgo,
between I'oiH WnfliinM'-n inr*. Hamilton.
'1 his account may be depended on."
Extrafl nf a letter, from an officer in
the Quarter Majler General's depart
menu dated Bonnet's, near Cherry's,
NJV. 3.
" I have jufl received orders to pro
coed 13 miles, to Budd's, and the
Yough, to lay off a- t amp, to which the
army marches to-morrow. Gen. Lee
marches from Union Town to Peter
fun's, half way between Budd's and
Parkinfon's Ferry, and here, I have no
doubt, will bc> the ultimate point of
match for the main array.
" I hear of no body complaining in
" this camp, but am told they are rather
Cckly in the left Thnrl expe&,
will reach you before my letter by the
Governor's express j as he travels flow,
being heavy laden with returns, See.
We have lain here two days. To-mor
row there will be an inCpcftiuii of the
troops, who have hitherto been well
Gipplicd with provisions. I have a small
keg of brandy yet untouched, which is
valued here three to one above wine.
The weather for two or three days has
been fine, and we have no difficulty- to
encounter but extreme bad toads. Fo
rage has been rather scant, but at pre
sent we have a pietty good stock."
ExtraS of a letter from Mr. Benjamin
Elikott at Pitt/burgh, to his brother
in this ciiy, dated 3 th October, : 794.
" I arrived at this place from Fort
L.e Boeuf yesterday. The Six Nations
of Indians have declared for peace, and
have given Mr. Adlum leave to survey.
I attribute their pacific difprifition to
the good fticcefs of General V\" ayne.
" The army is about miles from
this place, and is expe&ed here in about
three days. Numbers of the insurgents
have gone down the river, and some of
them have been taken. The whiskey
poles.are all cut down, and there seems
to he a diff.olit.on to submit to the laws.
Not one of She ;o o insurgents that
marched into this place are to be found
that will take up arms against govern-
Foreign Intelligence,
LONDON September 2.
A gentleman in the city offered, a
few days a;,'o for io 1. to pay a guinea
a day during the remainder of Barrere's
Capture of St. Selaftian and
On Saturday the Spanilh Miniller at
tended a meeting of the Spanish Mer
chants at Batfong Coffee House, Corn
hill. The purport of this meeting was
to consult on what flops were necessary
to be taken upon the alarming and
rapid progress made by the French in
the n\aritiine and plentiful province on
Bifiay, fmce the capture of the pass
arid the city of Fontarabia. By the
letters received the latter end of last
week it appears that the French are
pouring in-frefc troops every day, and
that fher carry every thing before thefc
the inhabitants bci'ig neither capable
or willing'to refill. Tiie cities of St
Sebastian and Tolofa wre entered '.li
on t firing a (hot ; at the latter, the peo
ple went in crowds to meet the French
and the very fame day, at a general
assembly, the whole of the inhabitants
solemnly accepted the French constitu
tion, and swore to maintain ii. The
Merchants, Ecclefialticks, and Nobles
had fled, but all their property and eff
ects were put into a (lite of requisiti
A body of ten thonfand French, with
a large train ofartitlccy and plenty of
necessaries, marched the next day to se
cure all the passes in the country tow
ards Bilboa, anw another body were to
fallow them in a few days, for the a
vowed puipofe of believing that impor
tant mercantile city—in fine the whole
province of Biscay, with its trading
ports as ftrft stated in our paper of the
26th ult. was in the irtoH imminent dan
ger of being surrendered to the Carmag
nolg unle r s font-' fpcedy and powerful
could be obtained, The result
of this meeting is to be laid before the
The very important part »f Spain which
is now in danger of being over-run by
the Fren :, contains more sea ports and
harbours than .'.'.l the remainder of the
Spanish territories in Europe, is in
deed, of very great importance to the
mercantile interefl of C»reat Britain and
Ireland. The imports into England art
very material to our maautadiures, parti
cularly in the articles of Spanish wool and
steel ; they likewise import hides, goats
(kins, honey, fruit, wine, and other na
tive productions They take in return
almost every article of Britiih manufac
ture, either for ease, convenience or lux
From Huning-en 'r> Dunkirk,
On the Sea Coast and in La Ven
On the iide of the Mediterranean, 50,000
The array of the Alps 80 000
Those of the JPvrennces and South 90,000
In the 26 districts which surround
Distributed io the different depart
20 Thermidor—Auguft 1
A Member aiked leave of absence to
go and look after his harreft.
Duhem. —" At the moment when
aristocracy and moderation are railing
their heads, no leave of absence ought
to be granted." (Murmurs.)
Thuriot.—l move that Duhem be
authorized to make a funeral oration
for Robespierre ; for if u be said that
we make ariftorracy triumph, becauie
we have laid conspirators low, we rauft
cease to exifl."
Duhetn,—lf to have been fifteen
ninths ill danger of my life be ta have
been.'the pil'lreSm of Robespierre,".—
He was interrupted i the member who
afkedleive of abfcnce withdrew his re
quest, pnd the Convention pafled to the
order of the day.,
Charlie " All thq Deputies ought
o be now at their polls ; they are en
rufted with the happincf* of the people,
o vanilh, 1 move that ftich of our
turn within ten clays."
Bernard of Saintes.—" Several ofonr
Colleagues, after obtaining leave of ab
sence from the Convention, have obtain
ed millions from the Committee of Pub
lic fafety. I move that such members
be ordered to return within ten days."
Dubouchet —" I move that the Con
vention recall all such of its members as
have been on millions for more than fix
months. Great ;>owers ought not to
be left long in the fame bands."
All theCe propositions were decreed
in the following teims:
1. The million of Representatives of
the People to the armies, (hall not con
tinue for more than fix months.
2. The millions «f Representatives
of the people to the departments, shall
not continue for more than three months.
>' :
3. Reprefentativcs of the People,
who have been on iHiffions beyond the
terms fpecified in the proceeding ai tides,
flial] be instantly recalled.
The Convention also decreed, that
all members absent on leave, even if
since charged with commissions in their
refpeftive departments, shall be bound
to return within ten days. .•
Several Members slated that attempts
were makiog to mislead the fecVions of
Paris on the fubjcCi of releasing prifoij
Vadier said he knew that such at
tempts were making, and that the Com
mittee of Public Safety, anxious to re
lieve the opprtffcd Patriot*, was fre
quently interrupted by the clamorous
applications of Aristocrats, for the re-
' \ _
Total 8^3,000
not to b? by our private pamcn». j tune we Lear, wa» ccc:,!:ojied by n -tn
• Lei u, &ew tbar we a-r font hither to in . a "TP?.
i. • v. • . lit. r-,K, „ ,o. .. t j be#-which fell, and caught a hunole of pa
-1 altend to , th P • communicated the flame, to
I to curfrrclaad dilpttte with one nndthtr. waillfcotf
Ccnai'.uaKrs. of ihifpcrte hop not ]■*>%
| ficctfs. The mas» ot the Convention
j is refftWed to p?ri(h on the spot, or an
nihilate all tyrants, whatever inalk they
may wear.—( l .oud ypplaufes.) At
tempts have been made to annihilate the
Convention ; to circulate that it is Hot#
for the Revolutionary Government, or
is for a iuft in the sense of
the Arjliocrata. No, the Convention
is not for a government ju(t in the sense
of the Aristocrats, n«r in the fewtc o:
the Fc.iiilii:)s, but for a government jult
in the fenfc of the people—-The Com
mittec of General Safety may have r.
Duhem aid CliMles fupportied this leafed forae mt£U>crttks» but lam ready
motion. The latter meisimed Iville- to own that I wjuld rather fee twenty
main as a p.-rfon released, although he ariltocrats at liberty, whom :f we please
had been the real cause of ■ evacuating me may take again tomorrow, than a
the Camp of Cstfar. single patriot to remain in prison.—
Several Members spoke to What! Shall the Republic, with her
good charafHSk and others againlt it. twelve hundred thouut;.d aimed citizens.
It was announced that lie was'till in be afraid of r. few ariltocrats ?If we can
cuitody and to be tried, and the Con- not restore union among ourselves, li
vention passed to the order of the day. berty is at an end.. But 1 fee a more
Gra-iet gave in a copy of his motion. fiaueiing pr(>fpe£t. Liberty will tn-
Merlin of Thionviil*.— '* If you a umph. The Convention will declare to
dopt the miafure proposed, you will all those who would imitate the tyrant
function the greatest injustice. We we have overthrown, that it is bee to
have jeleafcd citizens detained for fix, strike them ; that it i# for a!' evolution- _
eight, and ten months, without any ary Government, jult but Iji m, severe, For tlx information of tie
cntife a digued ; can you iujof but wliich shall not make citizens trem- The Committee having been notified by
tke throw them into prison again ? It ble ; for terror is the lnftrnment of ty- ; ) ie Secretary of State, that the Agent of
is time, citizens, it is moi'.* than time raiioy, feveie only to the enemies of li- claims and appeals appointed by the Prefi
tbat no faction (loud applaufcs from berty, giving confidence to faiheis of . dent of the United States is to erfsbarK
all parts of th? hall) rife on the steps of families and honest men ; a government, j immediately for London, and that he is au-
Robefpicrie's throne. There are per- which without granting impunity to the thorued to bind the United States undei the
fobs whose infignificauce when left to former, {hail feeure the latter from be- ire<: un c ' ■' a V ' rt (- CC <° 3 -t<
, " . " , . ' r ~ , , . , ~ , mages, attending tbe profectftion of tie.
thrmfe'lves is we!! known. There are mg torn from all they hold molt dear, Haims of American citizens, that the necJ
perfons, who have never done good, but which shall secure them from being im- f ary COUJl f e | w ;il be eiigag don the part .f
by force of evil, under the anfpices and prifotied, hdcatlfe they hapi en to ein the United States ; and that if the parties
protection of Robespierre and Couthon j the famehoufe <vitb a man who deserves will obtain, copies of the proceedings of the
'inre w: have been placed in the cotii- to be imprisoned. Courts bn their refpedtive cales, the ex—
■ nittee of general fafety, to (land m op- You are, perhaps, igcOratrt, that mny the records will be reimfcurfed by
„r>r,-fnn t,-, ivrMis wr will carrv our orders of arrest ran in these words : Citi- j tne e nttedStates,
f,. ®\> 'o vfn ;' Ito zen A. and the titer &r/oiu <w!h ibatl be j They are of opinio* that meafuw*
heads, but not a, Robespierre .id, t the fan? houf. DO vou wiih ■ ought to be immediately taken for oh'a'r
the lcaffoid, or we will take the need- a 0 f t hoi*<r v/ho have ken the vie- mg; authenticated copies of such records ar d
fary meafiiree to blall the success of ty. tirns of such IhoiL !be conjoujld- ! proceedings in all cases where they have
rants. Nothing ought to be done by e d with the lift of persons whom ; nof already been procured,land will under,
halves, and vve nuift admit that the con- there are just of faipkion ? I move j t0 obtain them for all fiich of their
vention has done many thing, by the repeal of the <Je:ree for printing lift, of feHnw«.t«en. as shall withm 2p «ay. f.-om
u the prisoners relealldbv the committees of j this date furmfh the names 01 the vefTels
rr - . f rt-li Public and General Safety, arid the Order 1 and mafiers ; the ports or places where
a. mere are tytants (till amon fe us ,j a on Q ra , let ' s iriotibti," j tryed or Condemned with such other mtor
tet them at lead be htent ; the com-t Bernard de Saiutes coninbined jttf the hiation as the circumstances of the cafe
! mittee of geueia'l faTety, in the multi- j harihnefs of Merlin aud.Tallien, whoaim- ' may require.
j tude of affairs that press upon it, -may j all those who di 1 not etn- | f hey recommend to ihofe who have a.-
have, without intending it, released some I brace the fame opinion with themselves.— j ready obtained the copies of the
arillocr its. These may again be found. IHe supported the decree,-the report on «*»<* »he Courts to have them exam-ned
Itl , , . 7 rt ® . i whi# V» hp mrwfr 1 infi adrfed that such a hy fdme person of legal knowledge—that if
aA9 l ° c ' rors > T as i decree could only he formidable to traitors, ■; they (hould be found defective in any ref
| ytlterday resolved that whoever is itch at thfi feme tim 6 t^t -the fuppreOio* of it PW the deficiency may be supplied, at the
j enough to wait, although innocently de- t woulJ cl cpcrat Lns of the commit- ; fame time that the records are applied for*
| taiued, (hall not be released till the cases . u , Ci ° ' In hthalf of Committee.^
los the poor prisoners are exaifvineH. I Bentabote agreed thr.t the propoiltion ] IHO MAS 111
mov£ therefore the order of the flay ; ! for thepuMiihiin; of the lift was agree?.-' November 6, 1094.
and reqaeft that our colleagues, in (lead ! ble to every principle, but dreaded that it -
of putting themselves in a pafilon with j wotdd pave the way for preemptions. t
* . , *1 , ! miiiht btlides be proc.uiStiveor an infinite
us when they think we have done , nu^nberof arcufatlons 0 f ,le K .y against
wrong, will come ftahkly and candiu*y j deputy, and would certainly nourish fuf
to ihe committee, and tell us the error j pj c i o jisand miflruft, forming a dangerous
we have committed, with the means of division in the convention. He agreed that
repairing it. They ought not to give the committee of general fafety had been
loom to fear that the lifts they call for gudiyof error, ; these ought to be repair
may be one day made liils ol profcrip- ''''p Ol 11 ' ' ® j™" r
j r \ \r c r 1 . • Boui Oou or Uiie ipok.e i>> terms oi
tion —(Murmurs) —1 es, or proicnpti-. . F- . . . ,
r V 1 1M r a i.u /u cwnciiration, and propoled printing only
on, for on the last feftival, the shade that # but not
appeared on the usual gaiety of many wh j for t> , e! „ fe of
citizen*, was owing to the terror inipi.
red by the bare mention of these very n - h!olvville> £,; d> tllC rta .
' ~. . r .i ■ , . sous against printing one ii!t were eqnal-
Ih.s speech was frequently ?ft pn^ing , hc ather _ j f
e yapp au es. . either was print4d it would be made a
Legendre made a conciliating f|>eech. p ro f cr i p U«>n lift, oi tbe enrollme nt of a
He said he was convinced that they all j - a( c l ; on- ifft ra i g h t be kept by the
meant the fame thing, namely, the ct j m mittee of general fafety, for the
good of the republic, although they p fru f a j Q f members of the Convention.
differed in opinion as to the means of rj, (|e que ft: on was put an( i calT j e d i n
•obtaining it. Ihe committee of gene- f avor 0 f the motion made by Bourdon
ral falety had made some mistakes, as
when they released the ci-devant dukes —" Since you resolve to print
d'Aumont and Valentenois, but these a jj ft q( - the pri f o ,, e „ re |eafed, I move
two were again taken into cultody. If t ] lat y nll p r ; t ,t a \f o a lift; of those who
the lilt of prisoners enlarged were to be eaufcd thtm to bt , ; mpr if Ol , e d."
printed, the charges againlt tnem ought Th j s prop ofitio,i was instantly adopt
alio to oe printed, and tnen the niou . in a moment's recollection feve
frivolous and contemptible motives mcmbers O bfcrveo that it was little
would appear. than a lignal for a civil war.
Tureau was for printing the lift of Tallien.—" I had noobjeft inmafeing
those who applied for the iekaie of pri- my motion, but to convince the Con
foncrs. vention bow dangerous was the decree
Tallien. " I consider this as one of they had before paifed. lam leady to
the molt important fittings we have had agree to tbeiepeai of both."
(iucc the death of the tyrant. Yes, the Amar,, spoke for the re-
Convention mult be told the whole pen! of both decrees, and they were re
truth; attempts are making to lead it pealed aceorjin^.y.
to the brink of a precipice, and to an
nihilate' it. For several days we have
seen attempts making to set individuals
againlt each other, to revive tht quarreli
and the palTions which ought all to be
buried in the grave ot Robefpi«ire. As
I came into the Hall a note was put in
to my hand, informing me, that
members woidd be attacked this fitting.
Such rumois-are the fabucatiotis of ari-
Hoc-racy. It is not this or that man
that tney want to destroy, they wifti ta
dissolve the Convention. Let us not
assist ou enemies hi their attempts to
sow divifiou. among ng : Let i-urope
know that v. c sre cn our gHard, and are
leaf* of their own friends. So hefet,
the Committee coutj hardly fonvtim s
avoid falling into errors ; but tbefe er
rors *h<.y wi ukl fooh ctfti'efl.
Turcau piopofrd, that as the fe&tions
of Pai it had always sheWn themfelvet
ready to listen to reason, the Conven
tion (hould invite them to be on their
guard again (I the snares that were laid
for them.—Decreed.
Granet.—" Y.i'i have pasTed a wife
decree, which orders that the names of
priloners released, and of the persons
who have applie<l for their release, (hall
be printed. Of many of rhe latter you
will prohably hear iro more. I move
that in all tuch cases, the persons rclcaf
ed be apfiin taken into custody."—
3 J *oo°
Married on Thuvfday evening l last,
by the Rev. Dr. Ewing, Mr. John
Cook, to. Miss Rebecca Waliace,
both of City.
This morn'ng between I and i o'clock,
the Citv was sicirmed with the cry of fire,
which broke out in a bii.k. hoiife in
Spruce-flreet between 4th md jth ftreeti
—the upjer chambers a d roof of the
house were deflroyed before the fire could
be got under —Thro' the ti.ert.ons of tie
citizens the slime* were prevented ficm
making fun her d< v.»ltarto« —This mifor-
•* i—'' ''
To the Mcrthanls of th• Untie* St 'let.
At t'jc special requefl of the fecrcta
ry of Hate, the committee appointed,
by the merchants of Philadelphia, have
undertaken to obtain copies of the pro
ceedings of the courts in the Rritifh
iflc.nds, in the Weft-Indies : Bemiuda,
the Bahamas, and in their colo;,i?s, in
Horth America, npon the cases of A
rnericah vdltls, and property l in
the couas in any of the laid Islands, or
The Committee therefore give tin's
public notice, that *11 perior.t concerned
who have no! "already obtained authen
tic copies of the preceediugs, in their
particiriar tfgfes,* may furriifh the Secre
tary of Slate with the names ,<;f the
veflrls, and mafteis, the places wittie
the trial was had the time when, and
fu.-h other fcirclunftances as the nature
of the cafe, may require.
It is deemed important that thWfe
particulars be furnifhed as soon ss pobV
ble. Nov. 8, 1T94-
Cls" The publishers of newt papers
throughout the United States a;'e ri>
quelled to iufert the above.
| Old American Company,
For the Benefit of Mrs. Millsr
Mrs. Hamilton, and Mr.
Nov. jo.
WiUbe presented,
A Serious OPERA, never performed
here but cace, called
O R,
America Discovered.
With new Drefles, Music, Scenery, &c.
In lift id a Grand Indian DANCK con
duced by Monf. Qnenet, in the coiirff
of which will be introduced a Scalp
Dance by Meflrs. Miller and Durang
Between the Play and Farce, the favorite
«*'• i *
■. . C
Belles have at Ye All, ,
? ' _By Mrfc Meimoth. .
Afterward* Mr. Marriot, wiU<M» v «r&B
Description of an Englifti Spouting
To which will be added,
A COMEDY, intwp ails called
The True-born Irishman.
Mrs. Melmoth and Mrs.
Refpe<3fully infcrm their Friends ind the
Their BENEFIT is fixed Tor
Wednesday next, Nov. 12.
On which Evening -will be prefentcd
The Trngi ily as the
With i MufitilPieeey called Ae
W edanig-Ring.
Ai ptr'orrsed in Loi.don, flit* ttine f«C
cieding nightot irfch the toofi. mbMvtfed
•ptrbufe, .
ftr Aatnijfht only
recite Coi'Ws 0<& on lie P*flion»» m 4
deliver aa occtlienal Addrel# written by,
herfelf.' " V - ' •
.ir« '- _ - •
Qthtr particular* wftl 1(t •jtyreffed
t& BXi y