4 yimfii Court*. Mr. Jay contended ,m '.!ic prrfet-i botindaiirs of the Unifed ' St-4 *ivV.rii obtained them. Mr. Adams trriv thi« uegnciation, and hi* fi-m- Atfi and decision were united with tb'ife of Mr. Jay ; but the principal point were obtained foMy hy Mi'. Jay. to Mr. Jay'i patriotifro, ic il and ability, are the United States jnlebted for one thitd of their territo -I'ct and a (bare in the fisheries. I wish [r. Greenleaf, theie fa£ls to be pnb- KQn-d in your Journal. For the tiuth of them, you are referred to the official papers in the Seeretaiy's office. That the appointment of the chief jtifticr in this bnfmrfi v\a» contrary to the letter of the Conftiuition, is Dot true ; tfyat it was conlraiy to its' fpint, it a doubtful point with some people. With me theTe i 8 no doubt ; I believe it conllitutio.iaL Mr. Jay has no office by thi>r appointment : Hs is gi»ie as a mtdia/or frace. Jnlt so the chief of Pennfylvauia a/ld other judg es of Courts were designated and com ifllffioncd by the Executives of the Uni ted St.tit and of Pennsylvania, to ne gociate with the weflern infu-rgents. The/ went on a special crabafly, like Mr. Jay to the Brftifh Cotnt j and all Were mediator. Their appointments bear a great analogy to each other, a ■ * It becomes a measure of {elf defence ; j been led to such unmanly and ridiculous »«nd even jf no treaty exists between this ! measures as disgraced that capital in country and the Seven United Provin- '■ thelait spring. ees, policy tronld require us to come for- j Mr. Smith has pa {Ted the mod part ward and (land between them and dan- ' of the last recess in travelling through gtr—Let any man examine the position j the eaftfrn and northern Hates; acqui ef Holland, and fay, how long the a- ring tha{ general information of the mazing commerce of G. Britain would Hate of his country, which every legif fuivive the conquest of that country, lator {hould poflefs, who can spare the and whether the maritime trade of Eng- time, and is deiuous of contributing land would not be crippled, perhaps something more in the councils of his destroyed if the French in pofl'eflion of a country than mete declamation. range of coatt from the Western extremi • His arrival in Vermont was infulting ty of the British channel, from Brest ly announced by a Jacobin paper theie, to Oflend, should acquire Amsterdam, intimating, in a pitiful turn, that his fi at they have done Antwerp, and efta- • tuation in his own country at that sea-, blifh their power on what is calied the j son would have been too -warm for Cerman ocean ? I hefe are confiderati- him: while, at the very time, many f'tts which cannot be overlooked. They peifons here, and our correspondent a r.re offered to the cool reflection of men mong the number, knew that Mr. Smith of all parties and of all principles. They had every reason then to conlider his art not meant to libel faction, or to flat- re-election as a matter extremely pro t«r Miniflers, but to point out the ex- bable. This is not the only inttancc, treme danger which this country has to however, which has occurred, and will apprehend, if the French ftiould over- yet occur, wherein the pitiful oppofers run Holland, and add the Seven United of the steady and manly conduct of the Provinces to their dominion. To refctic majority of our legiflatori will be difap that oonntry from a yoke that would pointei curb it and cmfh it, and the British em pire from a calamity of such dirtfal extent, afe dutie* \vhi«:li w« owe no left to foujidpolicy than t> humanity. And the Dwch tailght l>y rrwi.tivcholv fate of their neighbour*, what they have to expett from French fraternity, will certainly, foi iheirxwn fakes, join their best efforts to those of a gerterou» and faithful ally—■the only faitnful ally they ever had to preserve thcmfelve* from beggary and (laughter. By this Day's Mail. AL&A-p,,N0v.3. The ninth of Deeen»V<-' r . thebienniil Election for choosing ReprrfcntattTet in Congress, will fct held throughout this We are entitled to ten members; our eleftiorf diitri£h are, the city and coun ty of New-York, the city and county of Albany, Long.lfland, Richmand and Weftchefter, Dutchefs, Orange and Ulitor, Columbia, Renfelaer and Clin ton, Saratoga Washington, Mont gomery, Otfegrt, Herkemer, Tioga and Ontario. This last diftrift is computed Jo contain eightr thaufand inhabitants, and will remain unrcprefented the pre fcnt Congrtfs ; their member (Colonel Talbot) having accepted an appoint ment in the American navy. Why writs fer a new election were not iffaed, we know not; but that there is a fault somewhere is moll apparent, and de mands of Congress immediate attention; for, not with (landing the conflitution and elcflion law are pointed and expli cit on tlits head, that the Executive SHALL i3ue writs for a new ele&ion in cafe of vacancy ; this diiliict, which comprehends a very ix ten five proportion of our western frontier, the number of vvhofe inhabitants entitles it nearly to three tflembeis, and whose patriot ism is not excteded by any other part of the Union, is, at this important crisis, with out a voice ia the National Councils 1 So late as the 17th ult. the Canan darqua Treaty had not commenced. Corriplanter came in the 6th. The number of Indians is between 15 and 6o ; they fare fumptuotifly on the heft beef, bread, and Wolt-India, to the tune of"from I ->0 to l so dollars per day. Fine time fiw Indiana—Congref* pay all « The recruits for the corps of artillery i.)d enginers, rat'ftd in tlii? city, by Lieut. J. M'Clalleft, failed yetterday fm- Governor's Island. This young of fice! merits mucli-liraifc for hi& attention to this duty, havbig in a (hort time lifted upwards of "20 as likely young nicn «s need ever to handle a mufquet, He (till continues th ■ recruiting fervici 111 this city. / A lettei of a recent date, has been eceived from Capt. Solomon Van Renf elaer, dated at Lexington, Kentucky, ivhich gives his friendsjind acquaintance the plealing advice of his having so far iccovered from his wounds as to be whully out of danger. Capt. Slough, also dangerously wounded at the fame time with Capt. V. has recovered. Capt. V. with a number of other wound ed officers having permiflion to visit their triends, is expected here in a few | days. - NEW-YORK, November 4. A cortefpondent congratulates us on the re-election of Mr. Smith, for Con gress, in the diflviCt of Charlellon, S. Carolina. The fail and candid state ment of his late political conduit, has had that effect upon the minds of his constituents, as reflects on them the i highest eiedit. Indeed, none but the weak and inconsiderate could ever have COMMUNICATION. PITTSBURGH, Noremlxr r. - We are informed that the federal troops are to rendezvous at P.iik.'nfqn's ferry, and that the greater part of thfcn have already arrived. At the General Ele£tioo heid on the I (tli inltaut, the following gentlemen were elected for Weftmoreland and Fay ette Counties. Congress—William Findley. Senators.—John Moore, WiHiam Todd. Weftmoreland Couotv. Alfembly.—-Benjamin Lodge, Mi chael Rugh, George Srtkitb. . Fayette County. Aflembiy.— Albert Odtetitt) Joint Cunningham. At a mewing - of the Members \>f the Comnnitiees of Townlhips of the four Wclfcrn Counties of Pennfyltania; and of sundry other Citizens, held at ferry the 24th of Qtlo birr, fjyu > . The following Resolutions were unaoi moufly adopted, viz. iiflt. ReTolved, That in our opinion, the civil authority is now fully compe tent to enforce the laws and to punilh both pall and future offences, in »9 much as the people at large are deter mined to support every defcriptiort of civil officers in the legal discharge of their duty. > 2d- Resolved, That ifl our opinion, all persons who may be charged or fuf pefked with having committed any of fence agairtft thi United States or the state, during the late dilturbances, (and who hare not etjtitled tbemfelves to the bencltt of aitc ul (>hWviot»J ouglTt' immediately to surrender thertifelves to the civil authdrity, in order to Hand their trial, that if there be any foch persons amonglt us they are ready to surrender themfelvcs accordingly, and that we will unite in giving our assistance to I bilng to justice such offenders as Hull not surrender. Resolved, That in our opinion, offices of infpe&ion may immediately be opened in the refpetlive counties of this survey, without any danger of vio lence being offered to any of the officers, and that the diitillers are willing and ready to enter their liills. MefTrß. WilliaW Findley, David Re dick, Ephraina Douglafi, and Thomas Morton, were then appointed to wait on the President of the United State* with the foregoing resolutions. Signed, JAMES EDGAR, Chairman- Aucft. ' Albert Gallatin, fecrtftary. Citisens of the Army, advancing to the VTT It Wtftern Country. Serious intimations are given me that I ara confideied by you, as greatly cri minal in the late infurredtion in this country, and that though I may have shielded myfelf from the law by taking advantage of the terms 0/ the amnetty piopofed by the cummiffioners, and landtioned by the proclamation of the Pielident, yet that I shall not escape the refentmcnt of individuals. It would seem to me totally improbable that re publican soldiers would fully the gloiy of their voluntary riling by a single in temperate a&. Nevertheless, as it would wound me with exquilite sensibi lity, to be treated with indignity, by words, or looks, (hort of violence,, I beg leave to suggest to you, that it is a maxim of realori that a man " (hall be prefumcd innocent until the contrary is proved," and I give you a ilrong pre emption of my innoecace, viz. that though having the opportunity of re linquifhing the country, I Itand Ijim, and will furrendet myfelf to the clofelt examination ofthe judges, and put my felf entirely on the merit 01 demerit of my condutt, through the whole of the unfortunate crifo. • H. H. BRACKENRIDGE. Pittsburgh, O&ober 26, 1794. ELIZABETH-TOWN, November 5 From a Cor r^fpendent. On Satuiday last, Samuel Potter, Benjamin Bonhel, Nathaniel Little and others went to the dwelling house of the Rev. Mr. Elmer of Turkey, and after some conciliation am00 people. The late Sir Richard Arkwrijjht, from 8 to 9,300 in his cottod manufac tories. ■; • Mr. Wedge wood, in his potteries, about zcyxx? people, Meflrs. Davley and Co. in Shrop shire, about 1,000 people. . Meflrs. Bolton and Co. at Birming ham, about 400, Mr. Ptde, of ; Manchefter, was ori ginally.(and wv mention it with JJraife aijd admiration.) a porter, at is. • day. He gave a draft for 6j t oc<-\. when he bought the borough of Tamworth. from the preficnt Marquifi of Bath. Hispartner, and Mr. Phips, were com mon workmen alfu. v Sir R. Arkwright wis a barber at MancUefter, ia 1774. John Wilkinfvn, Esq. now by his fuccefsful (kill one of the firft iron mas ters and coal miners in the kingdom, was 20 years ago a clerk at Ruabou and Wrexham. EASTON, Maryland Oft. iB. If we cannot be governed by Ittio —by \vhat are we to be govcf ned ?—No I man but he who wi(hta to fee a govern- I ment of men and not of law will sup port the convei ie of thi« position—That in i free republic Jaw oujflit to be irre- Ji/iiLle —The converse of that leado to ptrfonalpower. One hundred and 34 1 o'clock to-morrcAv morning. The House of Representatives this day adjourned Until Monday. This morning left this City, and fell down the river, the Ship Adriana, for London, Capt. Fitzpatrick, Mailer.— We that Samuel Bayard, Esq. Ageit of Claims and Appeals foi the United States, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ketland, Mis. Edmonfton and daughter and others, go as paffengcrs. Tb« recent intelligence from the pa triotic army is of such a nature, as ex cites the mingled emotions of sympathy, admiration and pleasure in the mind of every man who feels himfclf an Aeme rican. What cannot the love of country do? What obstacles are insurmountable to men engaged in such a cause ? Monu ments mote durable than marble or brass ate erected to thrir honor—the love AND GRATITUDE OF THEIR COUNTRY. ExtraS of a It Her, dated Camp Bon nets, Nov. 3. ' 7,4. The right column of the army ar- |. . Clears.d rived here 3 days ago, the 6 last days ; ™'P Adnana,, F-.tzpatVick,Falmouth of our march, we encountered undef- ; Schooner Bet fey, White, York-Town ciibable difficulties, the weather poured • arr incessant storm of rain—the men from the impoflibility of the Tents com ing forward, were compelled to remain feverai nights exposed, without any kind of covering—the nrnintairis were steep, stony, and one continued slough from the croud of waggons, rendered nearly impaflible :—ln flioit no expedi tion during the last war, nor even that of Hannibal's paflage over the Alps, could equal the almost infuperablehard* (liips we have fufFeied ; yet to the im mortal honor of the army, they have foftained themselves under it, without !a serious murmur—-To-morrow we take up the line of march, the legion for j-Washington, und the main body for Budds Ferry on the Yougheageny, eur furtitell point of destination. Gen. Lee will probably join us at Builds, with the left column. For the information of the Mcrchantt. The committee hiving been notified by the Secretary of State, that the Agent of claims and appeal* appointed by the Presi dent of the United States i* to be embarked ' immediately Tor London, and tint he i« au thorized to hind the United States under the dire&inn of Mr. Jay, for the coiU and da mages, attending the pr«fecut:on of the claim* of American citizen*, that the necef &ry council wiil be engaged on the part of the United State* ; and that if the partie* will obtain topic* of the proceed fnj;* of the Courts on their refpe&ive cafe*, the e*. pence of the record* will he rcimbuifcd by she United States, They are of opinion that ffiesfufe* ought to be immediately taken for obtain-' ing authenticated copies of fw'h record* and proceeding* in all cases where they havt not already been procured, and will ttiiderf take to obtain ihem for all fiich of therf ftllow-citizen* ft* (hill within JO day* from thi* date furniih the name# of -the vessel* and mailers m the ports or place* where tryed or condemned with such other infor* mation as the ci/xumilance of the cafe may require. They rpcoitirtiend tb those who have al xeady obtained tbe copies of the. proceed* ing* of the Courts to have them examined by lorn; perloh of legal knowledge-—that if they fttouk! be found defe&ive in any r«rf pe« the deficiency may be &pi>lied at the lame tiifte-ihat the records arc applied for Iti behalf of the Committee. ~ ...THOMAS FITZSIMONS. Noveiltber 6» 1694. Married, Bordentown, on Tuesday evening lall, Mr. Isaac Smith, of " "—i, to Miss Maiy Hojikin- fatd From an Englijb Paper. , Whch the Duke of Alva saw the Dutch deputies drawing their knives out of their pockets, and dining upon coarse bread and salted herrings, he gave tip the cause of the Spanhh monarch Tor loft. A» little accom modated, and left disregarding all the accommodations of convenience and lux* uryj arc the p efent French. I o fay no* thing of the salted hotfe-ftefh, the follow* ing will fetve as a fpecimcn, being a return of the cook's and cabin store*, found 9a board Le Sfru CuLttei, cite, of their pri vateers, lately fold by au£Hon at Lloyd'* 1 axe—l copper boiler-—! ladle-—i fie£h fork— 7 earthen plates—l dish. .EPITAPH. OK MAXIMILIAN ROBESPIERRE. liejflortuij nil nisi bonum. INDULGENT Nature, pautiaj, 00 tbe J«ge, That mark'd the vice and madneft of the age i Denied the draught—distorted as it grew, Nor the fpoil'd touches of her peaeil knew ; 'Till fote'd at I*ll, Conviflion mark'd the deed, And thus in angei the her will decreed: " Since efforts honest, and afil&.ons kind, " No sway obtain upon the human mind ; " Since virtue moves nor emulating fame, "No longer holds on harden'd man a claim; " Let monstrous vice perfonifled appear, •* And that denied love, fliah lead to Fear." This said, ffie fuuimon'd from the realms below Eacfy Demon r»if'd as man's eternal foe; Who each into the mass his portion threw, Of vice and riiiqour of the bLckrft hue j 'Till fill'd at last, the cauldron hobbled o'er, And the vile effjjee, Gallia's tyrant bore. Lo 1 liohtfpierrv, who ft pansjb werf agreed With all the junt* had before decreed, That man in horror raif'd his eyts to Hea ven, Seeming to aflc why Aicb a I'couree wu given ! When Natore, wond'rhig by bis fubtlr art, ; Hov*- far this man could over-ail his part ; : Shock'd at her work, the ruthless monster crulh'd, And as (he gave theblow—retiring, blufh'd. RALPH JUVENAL. £ London Paper.} tOBTOf PHILAJLLtHU. BOARDING FOR GENTLEMEN. At No. 30, Walnut-street, three or four Gentlemen may be accommodated with convenient lodgings for the winter in a fmaH family. Nov. 7. 41* CIRCUS. To-Morrow, the Doon will open it 11 o'c'ock A. M Performance w : lf tbeti commence at half after la, sot the purpose of accommodat ing Gentlemen from the country, win) j e ncrally have to be in town on the market days.